ENMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes Associate Degree of Applied Engineering (Renewable Energy Technologies) Lecture 2 – Material Properties www.highered.tafensw.edu.au TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Properties of Materials Reference Text Section Higgins RA & Bolton, 2010. Materials for Engineers and Technicians Ch 2 Additional Readings Section Sheedy, P. A, 1994. Materials : their properties, testing and selection Ch 3, Ch5 Callister, W. Jr., 2010, Materials Science and Engineering Ch7 EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Properties A property is characteristic of a material. It should be about the same for any piece of the material. PROPERTY NOT A PROPERTY Density Mass Stiffness Length Hardness Wear Strength Force Some properties can be measured easily, others may require breaking a specimen. EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Example Properties • Hardness: Diamond, Hardened Steel • Density: Plutonium, Lead • Toughness: Mild Steel, Kevlar • Elasticity: Rubber, steel, glass(!) • Ductility: Plastics, Nickel, Copper, • Conductivity: Silver, Copper, Aluminum • Resistivity: Plastics, Glass, Ceramics • Linear Expansion Coeff: Polyethylene • Corrosion Resistance: Ceramics, titanium, polymers HARDNESS Ball Bearing SKF EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Classes of Properties • Mechanical properties: most are related to forces applied to the material, e.g. strength, stiffness, hardness, toughness… • Electrical properties: resistivity, conductivity • Magnetic properties: • Thermal properties: expansion, heat capacity. • Optical properties: transparency, refractive index. • Aesthetic properties: appearance, texture. • Chemical properties: reactivity, corrosion resistance, chemical compatibility, degradation. EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Basic Formulas 1 Density (kg/m3) = Mass (kg) / Volume (m3) r=m/V Varies with temperature; • Slightly for solids. • About x10 for liquids. • By gas law for gases. Material ρ (kg/m3) Air 1.2 Styrofoam 75 Cork 240 Ice 916.7 Water (fresh) 1,000 Aluminium 2,700 Titanium 4,540 Iron 7,870 Lead 11,340 Tungsten 19,300 EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Basic Formulas 1 Density (kg/m3) = Mass (kg) / Volume (m3) r=m/V Varies with temperature; • Slightly for solids. • About x10 for liquids. • By gas law for gases. DENSITY INCREASES AS VOLUME DECREASES Tim Lovett EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Basic Formulas 2 Stress (MPa) = Force (N) / Area (mm2) s=F/A Tensile Stress: Pulling Compressive Stress: Squashing Shear Stress: Sliding Tensile Stress Tim Lovett EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Basic Formulas 3 Strain () = Elongation (mm) / Original Length (mm) e = e / Lo Strain has no units. Low elastic strain in metals. Elongation Tim Lovett Elongation EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Basic Formulas 4 Stiffness (Mpa) : Stress (Mpa) / Strain () E=s / e Many names; • Young’s Modulus • Modulus of Elasticity • Stiffness Modulus • Modulus ! •Usually a BIG number (GPa) Higgins 2.2.1 Table 2.1 EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Mechanical Properties Strength: Ability to endure stress – the intensity of force. Stress (Pa) = Force (N) / Area (m2) s =F/A • Ultimate Strength: Highest stress without breakage. • Yield Strength: Highest stress without deformation. TENSILE STRESS TL EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Mechanical test of the strength of mild steel. Stress / Strain Curve for Mild Steel www.nmu.edu Tim Lovett EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Mechanical test of the strength of mild steel. Ultimate Tensile Strength UTS Yield Strength YS Stress / Strain Curve for Mild Steel Tim Lovett EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Alternative to Yield Point Yield point. A levelling off on the stressstrain curve as plastic deformation begins. 1.True elastic limit: The first hint of atomic slip. Hard to measure because some atoms move easily. 2. Proportionality limit: End of straight line (Hooke's law). 3. Elastic limit (yield strength) Where permanent deformation will occur. The lowest stress at which permanent deformation can be measured. This requires a manual load-unload procedure, and the accuracy is critically dependent on equipment and operator skill. 4. Proof Stress (Offset yield point). When a yield point is not easily defined. Alternative Yield definitions for materials that do not exhibit a well-defined yield point. Wikipedia EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Proof Stress (Offset yield point) Some materials do not show an obvious yield point. E.g. high strength steels and aluminium. In this case, an offset yield point is used, with an offset of 0.1 or 0.2% of the strain. The real elastic limit… You have an unknown material and a tensile tester. How do you find the yield point. Proof Stress as alternative to Yield Stress Tim Lovett EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Stress grade 8.8 embossed on bolt head. Hydraulic tensioning of foundation bolts of wind turbine tower. Nut torquing www.torcup.com Grade 8.8 Bolt Hebei Saite Fastener Co., Ltd. EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Stress grade 8.8 embossed on bolt head. 4.6 = 400 Mpa and 60% YS 8.8 = 800 Mpa and 80% YS 10.9 = 1000 Mpa and 90% YS 12.9 = 1200 Mpa and 90% YS Grade 8.8 Bolt Hebei Saite Fastener Co., Ltd. EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Stress grades of bolts. 4.6 = 400 Mpa and 60% YS 8.8 = 800 Mpa and 80% YS 10.9 = 1000 Mpa and 90% YS 12.9 = 1200 Mpa and 90% YS Higher grade bolts have lower ductility. Grade 8.8 Bolt Hebei Saite Fastener Co., Ltd. Tim Lovett EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Tensile Strength (UTS) values for different materials. Higgins 2.2.1 Table 2.1 Tensile Test on Plastic Intertek Plastics: http://www.ptli.com EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Tensile tests are usually done on prepared specimens. A narrowed section is where the stress is calculated, otherwise the specimen will break where it is gripped. “Necking” occurs on ductile materials after reaching the UTS. “Cup and cone” fracture indicates ductility Tensile Test specimens metassoc.com EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Comparison of Tensile Strength of Steels (UTS) As steels get stronger they get more brittle. American Iron and Steel Institute: AISI EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Typical materials diagram by Ashby. (c) Copyright Granta Design Ltd, Cambridge, England www.grantadesign.c om. Reproduction Permission? EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Stress/Strain curve showing elastic and plastic regions. Typical curve for mild steel. This curve shows engineering stress – based on original cross-sectional area. Stress / Strain Curve for Mild Steel showing elastic/plastic regions. EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission True stress (B) is higher than engineering stress (A). Due to decreasing area. True Stress = Force / Actual area Engineering usually based on original area because this will determine strength in service. 1 = UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength 2 = YS Yield Strength 3 = Engineering fracture Stress 4 = Work Hardening 5 = Necking Wikipedia. EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Factor of Safety How many times you could multiply the working stress before it breaks. FS = ultimate strength / working stress Use High FS when: Dangerous, unknown loads. E.g. Lifting gear. Low FS: Very accurate knowledge of problem, optimum weight / cost / size. E.g. Bridge. TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission 28kN carabiner designed to hold a human (100kg). FS = 24 ! Extremely high FS accounts for shock loading. Force ratings engraved on Aluminium karabiner. 28kN closed, 10kN open, 8kN sideways Wind Turbine Repair wwww.ropepartner.com Karabiner Edelrid.de EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission A European standard shows minimum force. 20kN closed, 7kN open, 7kN sideways. (UIAA 121) Edelrid: 28kN closed, 10kN open, 8kN sideways Karabiner Edelrid.de UIAA standards for the minimum strength of a carabiner http://www.crabdev.co.uk/comp%20introduction.htm EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Force increased beyond ultimate stress of turbine blades, causing catastrophic failure. Turbine Collapse Wind Turbine Collapse www.spiegel.de EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Bolted joints in critical applications in a wind turbine. Bolts are designed for a certain stress. Torque rating (Nm) used to convert to pulling force (clamping force) of bolt. Torqup.com EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Stiffness Stiffness (Mpa) = Stress (Mpa) / Strain () E=s / e Many names; • Young’s Modulus • Modulus of Elasticity • Stiffness Modulus • Modulus ! Carbon fibre is very light and stiff. This bike fork uses carbon and magnesium. A carbon crown and steerer with a carbon fibre wrapped magnesium lower. www.bikerumor.com EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Stiffness E Stiffness: The stress that will stretch a material by a certain amount. Stiffness is defined in the elastic region (before the yield point), as the slope of the stress/strain curve. Since strain has no units, stiffness is same as stress (MPa) Engineering materials frequently have a modulus of the order of 1000 000 000 Pa, i.e. 109 Pa. This is generally expressed as GPa, with 1 GPa = 109 Pa. Higgins 2.2.1 Table 2.1 EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Stiffness is the slope of the Stress/Strain curve – up to the yield point. Stiffness = Stress / Strain = 500 / 0.25% = 200000 Mpa = 200 GPa Stiffness is a reliable and predictable property. Steels are all about 200GPa regardless of strength or hardness. Stress / Strain Curve for Mild Steel Tim Lovett EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Stiffness vs Density. Stiff materials tend to be heavy. Composites have fairly high stiffness but almost as light as polymers. Stress / Strain Curve for Mild Steel Tim Lovett http://wwwmaterials.eng.cam.ac.uk/mpsite/int eractive_charts/stiffnessdensity/basic.html EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Ductility Ductility: this is the ability of a material to deform without breaking. The opposite to ductile is Brittle. (Like glass) Ductility allows forming processes (like pressing, wire drawing) Measured as percent elongation: How far it has stretched compared to the original length. % elongation = L x 100 / Lo Tim Lovett EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Ceramics are brittle – zero elongation, which means they have no plastic deformation. Plasticity: permanent deformation Ductility: tensile plasticity Malleability: compressive plasticity Some plastics have % elongation of 500% or more. Higgins Table 2.3 EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Toughness Energy to break. (Joules) Charpy Impact Test measures energy absorbed by impact and breaking of specimen. A brittle material will hardly slow down the hammer, a tough material will almost halt it. Toughness usually decreases at lower temperatures. Toughness usually decreases with higher impact speed. CHARPY IMPACT TEST: Tim Lovett EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Toughness Type Aluminum alloy (7075) Energy to break. (Joules) A tough material: • resists a crack running through the material (fracture toughness). • absorbs more energy as crack runs through it. • will have ductility KIc (MPa · m1/2) Material Metals Ceramic Polymer Composite Steel alloy (4340) 50 Titanium alloy 44–66 Aluminum 14–28 Aluminium oxide 3–5 Silicon carbide 3–5 Soda-lime glass 0.7–0.8 Concrete 0.2–1.4 Polymethyl methacrylate 0.7–1.6 Polystyrene 0.7–1.1 Mullite-fibre composite 1.8–3.3 Silica aerogels 0.0008–0.0048 Fracture Toughness: Wikipedia EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Toughness/Strength For the engineering materials, increasing the strength tends to DECREASE toughness. The ultimate engineering material has both strength and toughness. This is why composites appear in the high performance areas: Tough, Strong and Light. http://www-materials.eng.cam.ac.uk EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Composites used for toughness, strength and light weight. Record 75m long turbine blade: Siemens press picture. EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Hardness Resistance to indentation or abrasion. (no units) There are several types of hardness tests: • Brinell (Ball indentor. Measure diameter of dent) • Vickers (Pyramid diamond indentor. Measure dent) • Rockwell… VICKERS: www.twi.co.uk BRINELL: www.twi.co.uk EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Rockwell Hardness Test • Fast and simple test. • Various scales for hard/soft materials ROCKWELL HARDNESS TEST: Tim Lovett ROCKWELL HARDNESS TEST: Tim Lovett EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Mechanical Properties Summary Strength (Mpa) : Ability to endure stress – the intensity of force. Strain () Elastic = Elongation (mm) / Original Length (mm) Elongation (%) Plastic = Elongation (mm) / Original Length (mm) Stiffness (Mpa) : Stress to cause strain = Stress (Mpa) / Strain () Toughness (J) : Energy to break Hardness () : Resistance to indentation / abrasion. EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Mechanical Properties Definitions • Ductility: The ability of a material to deform plastically before fracture. • % Elongation: Plastic deformation determined after fracture by realigning and fitting together the broken ends of the specimen. • Engineering strain: Change in length / original length • Strength: Ability to endure stress – the intensity of force. • UTS Ultimate tensile strength or tensile strength: The maximum tensile stress that a material is capable of sustaining. (original area) • Yield strength: The engineering stress at which, by convention, it is considered that plastic elongation of the material has commenced. • Stiffness: Stress required to give a certain strain. • Toughness (J) : Energy to break • Hardness () : Resistance to indentation / abrasion. EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Information that can be determined from the Stress/Strain curve… 1. Ductility 2. Elongation 3. Engineering strain 4. Strength 5. UTS 6. YS 7. Stiffness Toughness 8. Hardness? Not directly, but correlates with strength. E.g. High strength steels are harder. Stress / Strain Curve for Mild Steel showing elastic/plastic regions. EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Electrical Properties Resistivity (ohm.m): r is an electrical property defined by the equation; where R = resistance (ohms), L = length (m), A = sectional area (m2) • An electrical insulator, (e.g. ceramic) has high resistivity. (1010 Wm) • An electrical conductor, (e.g. copper), has low resistivity, (10"8 Wm). • Conductivity is the reciprocal of resistivity. EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Resistivity (ohm.m): Ceramics and polymers are insulators. Metals are conductors Higgins EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Thermal Property a The coefficient of linear expansion (a): The proportion a material expands with temperature. (mm/mmK) e = a DT DT = change in temperature e = strain (thermal) a = coefficient of thermal expansion Bridges expand with temperature, so an expansion joint is needed on one end. Sydney Harbour Bridge EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Thermal Property c • Specific Heat Capacity (c): The amount of heat needed to heat 1 kg of the material by 1 K. (J/kgK) c = H / (m DT) DT = change in temperature (K) m = mass (kg) H = heat (Joules) Radiator: Water has a high Specific Heat which is why it is used as the basis of cooling fluid. hgvdirect.co.uk EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission The term Thermal Mass can also mean heat capacity. Reverse Brick Veneer: A traditional brick veneer building has a brick wall on the outside and a stud wall inside. The insulation is inside the wall lining (plasterboard). With reverse brick veneer, the thermal mass (heat capacity) of the brickwork moderates the internal temperature without the impacts of the external weather conditions. ruralbuilding.com.au EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Hydrogen has a very high c = 14.8. It is used as the working fluid in this Stirling engine generator. These generators achieved 31% solar-to-grid efficiency. However, there are more working parts than a photovoltaic system. sandia.gov EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Demonstration: Low temperature Stirling engine. Working fluid = air. Friction is very low, so it can run on small temperature difference. For higher power (to run something useful) needs a higher temperature difference such as solar concentrator (below). solarthermalmagazine.com Low Temp Stirling Engine: ministeam.com EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Thermal Property l Thermal conductivity l : the ability to conduct heat. Defined as Heat flowrate / temp gradient. W / (mK): Watts per metre-Kelvin Aluminium Heat sink: High thermal conductivity. Wikipedia Insulation: Glass has a low thermal conductivity. roofperf.com.au EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Thermal Properties Summary Summary of thermal properties. For metals, good thermal conductors tend to be good electrical conductors. (E.g. copper) Higgins EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission Ashby Charts • • • • • • • • • • • • Select chart: Young's modulus - Density Young's Modulus - Cost Strength - Density Strength - Toughness Strength - Elongation Strength - Cost Strength - Max service temperature Specific stiffness - Specific strength Electrical resistivity - Cost Recycle Fraction - Cost Energy content - Cost TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission http://www-materials.eng.cam.ac.uk Online Properties Resources. Searchable listing of material properties. Graphical comparison of materials properties. Testlopedia: Testing of plastics Wikipedia: Materials properties • Composite carabiner study: http://www.crabdev.co.uk/comp%20introduction.htm EMMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission GLOSSARY Strength Stiffness Toughness Elongation Strain Malleability Ductility Resilience Yield Strength Ultimate Tensile Strength Factor of Safety Hardness Coeff of thermal expansion Specific Heat Capacity Thermal Conductivity TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission QUESTIONS 1. Discuss the variables that control the heat transfer through a solid material. 2. Why are long steam supply lines built with a loop at regular intervals along their length? What other methods could be used? 3. Explain what is meant by high thermal mass. 4. What is a refractory material? Give examples. 5. What is the effect of temperature on the resistivity of a conductor? 6. What are wind turbine blades made of? Explain why this material is used. List some alternatives. 7. Explain the concept of reverse brick veneer. List advantages/disadvantages. What alternatives could achieve a similar outcome? 8. Give examples of components of a wind turbine that require properties of: strength, toughness, hardness, stiffness. 9. Give examples of components of a solar Stirling engine generator that require properties of: strength, toughness, hardness, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, electrical conductivity. TAFE NSW -Technical and Further Education Commission