An Introduction to Altruism

An Introduction to
Watch, listen and follow the lyrics…
Quick-Write #1
1) Discuss how the message of this song relates
to this class and this unit?
2) Discuss how the message of this song relates to
you and your life.
~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
ALTRUISM by definition is the principle
or practice of unselfish concern for or
devotion to the welfare of others.
Quick Write #2
Based on the definition alone,
brainstorm several people who
demonstrate this word. These people
can be famous or individuals in your
life. What do they do to show
Opposite of Individualism:
Sadly, some foreigners view The United
States of America as extremely
individualistic. In other words, they
believe that we are all selfish, only want to
better ourselves and our own life, and
simply don’t care enough about others.
Other antonyms: selfish, egotistical,
arrogant, narcissistic
Quick-Write #3
Do you agree or disagree with this
stereotype? Why or why not?
History of Altruism
- The French philosopher named August Comte coined
the word altruism in 1851 and it was added to the
English dictionary two years later.
- However, all human kind has been demonstrating
altruism since the world’s beginning.
- Altruism is studied today by psychologists, biologists,
theologians, anthropologists, political scientists,
economists, sociologists, mathematicians and more.
Yesterday and Today
- Most societies acknowledge the
importance of altruism in that it benefits a
community as a whole.
- Societies also understand that it is
imperative to cooperate with one another
rather than strive on conflict. Thus, it
helps avoid war and instead, instills peace.
- Some
believe that altruism is human
nature, while others disagree.
- Some believe that altruism is
hereditary, while others disagree.
- Some believe that even animals
purposely show altruism in their
Arguments Continued…
- Many believe that all human beings
are 100% self-interested. In other
words, even if someone helps
another, they are doing it for their
own interest and essentially for the
wrong reasons.
Quick-Write #4
Do you believe that altruistic behavior
is hereditary? Why or why not?
Do you agree or disagree that all
human beings are 100% selfinterested? Why or why not?
Good Citizenship
- As we get older, we will become more a
part of our community. We should take
part in actions that make up our civil duty.
These types of things include: voting, jury
duty, being aware of politics around you,
and demonstrating altruistic behavior.
Where do we see altruism?
- All of the different kinds of
organizations that you researched.
- Within communities at the city (and
within cities, like neighborhoods),
state, national or global level
- In schools, shelters, hospitals,
governments, homes,
Who demonstrates altruistic
- Immediately, when thinking about
altruism, we think of famous people such
as Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa,
Oprah and even celebrities who are doing
good around the world.
- Fact of the matter is however, that you do
not need money to be altruistic. You
simply need to sacrifice your time.
-As we have learned by studying many
genocides, we now understand that hatred often
stems from intolerance, and oftentimes, this
includes religion.
-However, most, if not all WORLD religions
have this one thing in common, and that is that
they all believe in altruistic behavior.
All of the below religions
revolve around altruism:
Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism,
Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism,
Taoism, and many more…
Three Characteristics of
Altruistic Behavior:
1) Perceiving the need of another
2) Being motivated by empathy to help
the other person
3) Addressing the need by taking action
without expecting a reward or
recognition in return
In short, individuals who are
sincerely concerned for the wellbeing of others are content with an
internal, gratifying reward, other
than a material reward or even
verbal recognition.
Quick-Write #5
Discuss a time when you or someone
else has demonstrated an altruistic
behavior, and HAS NOT expected
anything in return (material or verbal).
Altruism as a Unit
- Obviously we will be serving and trying to
better the community and world.
- We will also be working on ourselves and
how we can better this world that we live
Connecting Resistance
and Altruism
- Resistance and altruism are
intertwined when it comes to doing
- Thus, in this unit we will demonstrate
both by focusing on the current
genocide in Darfur.
What exactly will we be doing?
- Perfecting
our letters to Barack Obama and sending
them (awareness and trying to make a change)
- Learn even more about the genocide in Darfur.
- Fundraising $$ for The Education Project in Darfur so
that children can go to school (individual and as a
- During the fundraising event we will be spreading
awareness so that students of I.H.S. become familiar
with the atrocities in Darfur.
- And more…
How will we be graded?
- Weekly and Nightly Logs
- Letter(s)
- Daily effort
- Weekly journals
- End of the unit portfolio and presentation
- Fundraiser
-Darfur assignments
- Other…
All of this combined…
- All of this combined is a service learning project.
- Service-learning is a method of teaching,
learning and reflecting that combines academic
classroom curriculum with meaningful service,
frequently youth service, throughout the
- Thus, we will be using our Darfur curriculum
and knowledge and using it to raise money and
spread awareness!
Service Learning in
Creative World
- In service learning projects, students will have a
lot of say in what goes on. There will be a lot of
compromise, voting and cooperation that goes
into our project (s). I will simply serve as the
facilitator. In other words, I will not say, “this is
the event and this is how it will be organized.”
- HOWEVER, I encourage you to work hard
because this unit can be very beneficial to you.
On the other hand, it can do the opposite.
- You and your class will be a team! Yes
you are working together, but this is also a
- You will be competing against the other
Creative World class. The class that raises
the most money, will earn a pizza party.
There will also be a prize given to the
individual who raises the most money.
Quick Write #6
What are some types of things that
you would like to do during this
unit? What ideas do you have?
Getting Started…
Plan of Action
• Learn more about the genocide in
Darfur and The Education Project,
which is the organization which we will
be fundraising for. This is so we will be
able to spread awareness to the best of
our ability.
• Be placed in a group to brainstorm ideas
to fundraise money AND spread
Plan of Action cont.
• Vote on one community fundraiser and/or one
school fundraiser (or two school)
• Also decide on little fundraisers.
- can drives, penny wars, donation jars, etc.
• Get to work!
• Vote on one or two class representatives
• Write letters to other organizations, parent’s
place of employment, churches, family, etc;
asking for monetary donations. You will do
this individually.
Plan of Action cont.
• Prepare for our event (s)!
• Sell Save Darfur t-shirts at lunch
(possibly order more)
• Set a monetary goal of $_______
• Watch the money roll in and inspire
others within our Ionia Community and
• Send money to our organization and feel
great about doing it!
Group Work:
Groups of 3-4 students will come up
with fundraising ideas for 1 of the
1) Think of a way to fundraise money
from other students and staff at IHS
2) Think of a way to fundraise money
from an event that will take place in our
These are simply ideas to get your
minds working:
• At IHS: Make some sort of food and
sell it, have a dance, sell a product,
gatorball tournament
• Within community: spaghetti dinner (or
other food), cook-off, car wash, snow
shoveling, eating contest, bowling event,
fun fair
Your Ideas:
• Once you brainstorm several ideas, take a
vote within your group to see which ideas is
• Then come up with specific ways as to how
you are going to execute this fundraiser.
Where will you get the supplies, money, word
of mouth and advertising? You must think of
all of this and more so that we can make an
educated decision when we all vote.
• Present your fundraiser!
• Make your idea the one that we use!
“Be the change that you want
to see in the world.”
Get fired up and creative!