Property Rights Carmel Secondary School Carmen & Kyle Scarcity Competition Discrimination Property rights are a set of rules which serves to allocate scarce goods among the competitors. No scarcity Property Rights need not exist. Price ($) D S Quantity 0 As property rights should only be applied on scarce goods, free goods like air, seawater, in general cases, are not considered with property rights. Two kinds of Property Rights Private Property Rights 1) the exclusive right to use; 2) the exclusive right to income; 3) the right to transfer. Common Property Rights A good is a common property if there is no delimitation or delineation of its use rights to any party. Private Property Rights Houses Example 1~ Private property The owner can - exclude others from using it or getting into the house. - capture income from renting it out - freely transfer it to others by selling it. Common Property Rights Beaches~ No one has the right to exclude others from using it and everyone is free to compete for its use. Dissipation of rent An economic proposition which asserts that the potential rent is not captured in which private property rights are absent or attenuated. Case 1 Drinking machine - Everyone has the right to use it. - Consumers make wasteful use of the filted water ~ e.g. washing hands. thus Although Sometimes for the theindividuals, itcost is convenient of filted thewater convenience to wash is more hands expensive with than outweighs the infilted filted water thewater, loss which of theinefficient loss come is out shared use from of bythe thedrinking filted wholewater. society, machine. >> >> The use value of the filted water decline. Case 2 Public Basketball court Transaction cost is increased No one has the right to exclude others from using it. Everyone is free to compete for its use. People form groups and take turns to have it used, thus sometimes queues are formed and time cost is increased for the consumers. Case 3 Basketball court in a gymnasium Consumer who has booked it has the exclusive right to use it over a period of time, queues are not formed and the time for waiting can be used to do something more meaningful. Case 4 Public toilets over-exploitation lowering its value - Everyone is free to use it. They are always dirtier than private toilets and the tissue paper and water are used inefficiently. $ MUV Deadweight loss MC to the public 0 Tissue Assuming that the marginal cost of tissue paper & water are constant, As the charge for additional use of them are zero, everyone will there will beuse wastage. As thepeople toiletsuse are the nottoilet, ownedthe bydirtier any party, the Everyone can it, the more it consume the tissue paper and water until his marginal use value loss be from wastage be & shared of them and the loss will andthe more tissuewill paper waterbyareallused. diminishes to zero. become deadweight loss of the whole society. Intellectual Property Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. Intellectual property is divided into two categories Industrial property nventions (patents), trademarks, industrial esigns, and geographic indications of source Copyright literary and artistic works such as novels, poems and plays, films, musical works, artistic works Someone said “If private intellectual property rights are enforced badly, creation will no longer exist.” example FilmFor making industry P($) With existence of substitutes (pirated CD), demand for official CDs decreases D decreases to D’, MR decreases according to MR’ MC AC Q decreases and TR decreases to the designer P P’ 0 MR’ MR Q’ Q D’ If the demand decreases to a level that AC lies beyond D so the designer would not produce the industry will disappear D Quantity (units) o拿…咁common property咁多唔好處, 點解佢仲可以生存先?唔…好似公 o下?有咩Transaction cost 呀? 園咁~ 但係咁喎…要維持Private Property Rights 好似介定同埋維持呢o的產 都要付出Transaction cost!如果Transaction cost係 權時所須o既成本都可算係. 大過個capturable rent,o的人咪寧願採用 Common Property Rights囉! Someone said “Under private property right, some animals are protected and prevented from extinction.” When Obviously, the private despite property the huge rightsnumber are adopted, of poultry owners have are the killed right everyday, to exclude its number other from is increasing hunting their animals, day day.they In contrast, will waititrights until is easy the poultry the wild become When thebythus common property arefor adopted, people animals, over which people do not mature or hunt. even reproduce little for sakeother of compete to As they have to poultry hunt asadopt fastthe asprivate the property rights,So to we extinct. maximizing wealth. seldom seeto thegrow poultry extinct. hunters, they don’t let the animals bigger. >> >> 但係我地個個都有權用學校o既野喎。 Carmen 呀,我地學校算唔算係一種 好似圖書館,籃球場同埋洗手間咁。 common property呀? 其實呢d設施對於學校 o黎講 可以話係…但又可以話唔係 係private property,因為學校有權 喎~ 阻止其他人用。而我地身為呢間學 校o既學生,所以對我地o黎講學 校就係common property喇! THE END Thank You