2-5 ch3


 Warm-up: (9-22-15)

*Ch.3-1 video notes/rubric out for stamp!

• 1. Give 2 pros and 2 cons for using synthetic fertilizer and organic fertilizer.

• 2. Contrast crop rotation and strip cropping.

• 3. Contrast terracing with contour farming.

• *copy hw from the board.

 Q/A

 What is interdependence?

 Which of the 4 spheres of Earth makes up the crust and upper mantle?

 Which sphere is the gas layer?

 Which sphere is made up of water?

 Which sphere is made up of all of the ecosystems and living things?

 A greater variety of species describes the _____ of the area.

 T/F. Biodiversity tends to be greater in ecotones.

 Give one example of an abiotic factor.

 In a pond, the interactions between the plants, fish, bacteria, turtles, algae, would describe which level of ecology?

 If you were researching the density or distribution of a specific species of turtle, which level of ecology would you be describing?

 What is the difference between an ecosystem and a community?

 Ch.3-3

 Mrs. Boyd

 “auto” means …

 “troph” means…

 Autotroph means…

 Producers

Producers: Autotrophs. Organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.

 Photosynthesis: use sun’s energy to make food.

 Chemosynthesis: use energy stored in chemical to make food.

 Name the plant organelle involved in photosynthesis.

 Do animal cells have this organelle?

 Fungi?

 Consumers

Consumers: heterotrophs. Organisms that can’t make their own food so they have to consume organic molecules made by other organisms.

 Include:

 Herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, detrivores

 How do autotrophs and heterotrophs differ?

Herbivores: eat producers.

Primary consumers

 Teeth designed for grinding

 Ex. Rabbits, cows

Carnivores: eat consumers.

Secondary consumers

Feed on primary consumers (herbivores)

 Teeth designed for tearing (large canines and sharp molars) cats for example

 Ex. Lions eats a zebra that eats grass

Omnivores: eat both producers and consumers.

 Ex. Grizzly bear: eats both salmon and berries.

Tertiary consumer

 Ex. Shark eats a fish that ate another fish that ate plankton.

 Give one example of an herbivore.

 Give one example of a carnivore.

 Give one example of an omnivore.

Detrivores: feed on parts of dead organisms in an ecosystem.

 Recently dead organisms

Scavengers – feed on dead organism they did not kill, but found dead

 Ex. Vultures, hyenas

Decomposers: bacteria and fungi that break down dead tissue or waste into simpler molecules.

Biodegradable means can be broken down by decomposers

 Why are detrivores and decomposers important to any ecosystem?

 Food chains to food webs

Food chain: single pathway of feeding relationships (energy transfers) among organisms in an ecosystem.

 Ex. Grass mouse eats grass seeds



Food web: interrelated food chains in an ecosystem. (arrow points in the direction that energy is transferred)

 Check for Understanding:

 1. Contrast population and community.

 2. Give an example of a detrivore and an example of a decomposer.

 3. What does the ringed seal eat?
