A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Incentive scheme rewarding quality shipping A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect What first comes to your mind... INCENTIVE SCHEME QUALTY SHIPPING CSR ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION / AUDITTING PROTECTION A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect Objective of an incentive scheme Taking responsibility Showing responsibility Paying back (re-contributing) Benefit society => general public A tool to reward beyond regulations All stakeholders Public statutory bodies Private sectors A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect Broader picture Air emissions (initiatives, examples) CO2 / carbon footprint Is it enough? Quality (e.g. hardware) => ship yards, manufacturers, class soc. Safety Regulators (IMO / regional / local) Industry takes time + effort => not many (due to short-term goals) A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect Frontrunners in “Quality + Safety” Quality (hardware) Maintenance Efficiency (ecological footprint) Compliance Safety (human) Competence Procedures Operations Compliance Navigation Cargo handling Safe operations ILO / MLC / STCW Fatigue Ship recycling / reception facility etc. A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect Objective of Environmental Protection? Air/exhaust emissions Ballast water management Garbage management Bilge water + sludge handling Noise Env friendly substances (oil, lubrication etc.) etc. A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect Green Award programme A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Who is Green Award? Founders: • Rotterdam Port Authority • Dutch Ministry of Transport and Waterworks • BUT since 2000 Independent & built by industry stakeholders Foundation is: • Non-profit Organisation (NPO) but Self-supporting • Independent but governed by major industry representatives • Voluntary programme A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect Idea Voluntary “Quality Shipping” Sharing of Idea Green Award (1994) Audit Certification Fee Incentive € Ports Service Providers Banks, Insurers, P&I, Private Terminals etc. Non-profit Independent Certificate Owner Use service Present certificate Ship Audit Inspection A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION How (Core entity activities)? Core activities: Certify extra clean and extra safe ships Create a Network of partners that reward certified ships/companies Daily operations (How): In-house developed requirements Audit of ship managers + ships Seeking Partners who share the same philosophy + synergies Creating market recognition for frontrunners taking initiative A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect CERTIFICATION SCHEME A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION 3 main pillars as the base Quality Safety Environment A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Green Award certification programme SHIPS 10,000 dwt) Chemical tankers (≥ 20,000 dwt) • Oil tankers (≥ • • LNG tankers (no threshold) • Bulk Carriers (≥ • 20,000 dwt) Container ships (≥ 5,000 dwt) (from Sept 2014) • Inland shipping (EU) FUTURE • LPG tankers + possibly MORE A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Audit intervals All Certificates are valid for 3 years SEA • Office audit: every 3 years • Ship survey: annually* INLAND Ship inspection: every 3 years * An internal “incentive” for oil tankers can be granted (to replace 2 annual surveys with 1 Intermediate survey) A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Green Award surveyors/auditors: Employed by Green Award In house modular training Supported by IMO Emphasis on: On-The-Job (OJT) training In-depth interview skill Crew self-realisation (motivation) + cont. improvement A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Audit requirements (Outline) 2 MAIN SCOPES • Regulations + Legislation with LOW & SLOW compliance => aim to maintain, increase and speed-up • BEYOND + AHEAD Regulations + Legislations => selected best practices (remain frontrunners) A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Audit requirements (Rating system with scores) General Navigation / Bridge Operations Machinery / Engine Operations • 8 categories • 50+ elements Cargoes / Cargo Operations Rating system (Ranking requirements) Prevention of Pollution Maintenance / Surveys • Each element = minimum required score • Some elements 100% score required Crew ISO 9000 series • Total overall minimum score for certification Contingency Ballast Navigation CO2 ILO Safety IMO Management Design ESI Crew Technical Green Award Recycling Noise A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect Green Award PORTS A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Members (Certificate Holders)* - (SEA) Oil/Gas/Bulk majors Large shipping companies Others from • Shell • Wallem • Canada • Singapore • Chevron • Teekay • Cyprus • Russia • QatarGas • Egypt • UAE • • Maersk Tankers GDF Suez • • Finland • UK BP • Iino Marine • KOTC • Greece • K Line SM • Japan • MOL LNG • Malaysia • NYK LNG • Norway • AMPTC • Portugal • MISC (Malaysia) * Full updated list available on Green Award website URL: http://www.greenaward.org/21-all-certificate-holders-(list) A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect INCENTIVE SCHEME A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Types of Incentives Current Future Possibilities • PORTS • P&I • Banks • Port State Controls • Pilot associations • Terminal operators • Training centres • Classification Societies • Consulting agencies • Vetting organisations • Weather ship routing services • Hardware manufacturers / providers A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Total: 32 Pacticipating Ports (SEA) Port of Ghent Port of Amsterdam Port of Sohar Port Metro Vancouver Port of Rotterdam Port of Sines Port of Montreal Port of Dordrecht Port of Setubal Port Sept-Iles Port of Moerdijk Port of Lisboa Prince Rupert Port Authorities Zeeland Seaports x 2 Port of Leixoes Hamburg Port Authorities Port Taranaki Gibraltar Port Authorities CentrePort Wellington National Ports Authority South Africa x 8 Port of Kitakyushu Port Nelson Freeport of Riga Klaipeda State port * Yellow = newest IP’s * Full updated list available on Green Award website URL: http://www.greenaward.org/22-all-incentive-providers-(list) A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Total: 14 Pacticipating Ports (INLAND) Port of Ghent Port of Rotterdam Eemshaven Seaports (Groningen) Port of Utrecht Delfzijl Seaports (Groningen) Port of Wanssum Moerdijk Port Authority Port of Zevenellen Port of Amsterdam Vlissingen Seaports (Zeeland) Port of Bergen of Zoom Terneuzen Seaports (Zeeland) Port of Meppel Port of Dordrecht Papendrecht + Zwijndrecht * Yellow = newest IP’s * Full updated list available on Green Award website URL: http://www.greenaward.org/22-all-incentive-providers-(list) A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Total: 23 Other incentive providers (SEA + INLAND) ABN-AMRO bank Rabobank x 4 (inland only) EcoScrub Solutions B.V. Nature Group Euroshore International MeteoGroup (SPOS) JLMD Ecologic Group Regs4Ships SQE Marine Group KARCO Dirkzwager Deep Sea Pilots Zicht (inland only) Hammond Deep Sea Pilots VSTEP Pro Sea Foundation Van Heck Engineering BV (also for IP) International Slop Disposal Nature Group GAC Netherlands & GAC Belgium Ship Spares Logistics Orlaco Products * Yellow = newest IP’s A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Incentive providers (examples) Hamburg Port Authority SEA: 3% on all liquid cargo (crude oil, product oil, chemical, LNG) Port of Rotterdam SEA: 6% on LNG carriers & Crude oil/product tankers above 20,000dwt INLAND: 15% on certified inland barges Port of Sines SEA: 5% for Crude oil/Product Tankers Gibraltar (British Gibraltar Territorial Waters) SEA: 5% on all Green Award certified ships A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Incentive providers (examples) Port Metro Vancouver (Canada) SEA: 23.4% for all certified ships Port of Kitakyushu (Japan) SEA: 10% for ceritified LNG carriers Sohar Industrial Port Company (Oman) SEA: 5% for all oil tankers National Port Authority of South Africa (8 ports) SEA: 10% for all Crude oil/Product tankers A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Non-Port Incentive providers (examples) MeteoGroup (NL) 50% discount on the initial software licence fee of the SPOS 5% discount on the published full price list of the annual weather subscription fee for the SPOS ABN AMRO Bank (NL) 25% of the annual Green Award fees for the vessels 25% of the Green Award office audit fees for the (shipping) companies 50% of certification costs to the inland shipping Van Heck Engineering BV (NL) Green Award certified companies, inland navigation ships and Green Award Incentive Providers will receive a 5% discount on the sales price of the Sea Trophy system (pump and accessories) A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GOVERNING BODIES A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Committee, Board of Experts (BoE) and Board of Appeal (BoA) represent: Committee Board of Appeal Industry representative Port Authorities Board of Experts Ship building industry Ship owners Insurance companies Bureau Environmental organisations Survey/audit (Sea & Inland) Certification /Quality & Research Finance & Secretariat Classification societies Science / Academia A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Governing Bodies Committee Board of Experts (Technical) Board of Appeal (Legal) • IACS • The Nautical Institute (Chairman) • Mr van Zelm van Eldik LL.M. • INTERTANKO • Classification Societies (Current: ClassNK) • Mr Bik LL.M. • OCIMF • INTERCARGO / INTERTANKO • Mr G.J.W. Smalle LL.M. • SIGTTO • SIGTTO • Ports Authorities • Chemical Distribution Institute (CDI) • Peter Swift • P&I Clubs (UK & NL) • North Sea Foundation • Deltalinqs • HELMEPA • Maritime authorities (IL&T (NL), USCG (USA)) • Port authorities (Amsterdam) • Ship owners + association (Inland + Sea) (BLN, ThyssenKrupp Veerhaven, QatarGas, CBRB) A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Joint programme Certificate Holders (shipping companies + crew) + Incentive Providers (ports + maritime service providers) + Governing bodies (industry representatives) JOINT MARITIME CSR (with Green Award as a platform) A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect Tool for CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Continuous Improvement True sustainability Together Not only your own (at sea + other side of the world) People Planet Profit A tool to reward beyond regulations A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Benefits for ship owners & managers Incentives from ports Incentives from maritime service providers Quality branding + marketing tool Tool for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Internal benchmarking and continuous improvement Preparation for other 3rd party inspections Higher motivation of crew and office personnel Extra recognition by Equasis database (by EMSA) Additional Vetting and Environmental Rating in the Rightship Database (Australia) A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The more ports joining, the better the effect www.greenaward.org