The High Enrollment Online Course Development Program is open

High-Enrollment Online Course Development Program
Scope of the Program
IU East Online Programs is looking for faculty applicants to develop high-enrollment online courses
(100+ students). Based on marketing research, high-enrollment courses tend to be required and
elective courses that 1) apply across disciplines, 2) appeal to employment trends, and 3) embrace pop
Some examples of high-enrollment courses could include topics such as:
Forensic Psychology
Magic, Ritual, & Miracle
Hip Hop Music
Public Art
Human Sexuality
Ethics of Security
How to Reason and Argue
Social Entrepreneurship
Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures
Modern Disasters and Recovery
American Gothic
Introduction to Actuary Science
Accepted proposals will address best practices in online courses that facilitate student learning and fulfill
program requirements. Based on research, the most important factors in online course design are:
1) Course Organization (finding resources and instructions; all areas stating the same information)
2) Proper Use of Online / Oncourse Tools (using tools that complement the content)
3) Instructor Presence (instructor participation in class discussions, etc.)
4) Textbook & Materials (course materials that are relevant, accessible, and cost-conscious)
5) Sustainability (designing a course to be taught by others / additional sections)
IU East Center for Teaching & Learning
In addition, one of the key aspects of course quality and satisfaction is the amount and type of
interactivity. Recipients will want to address the following components of interactivity:
Interaction with content – innovative and engaging ways to present content – incorporating
audio and video, simulations, gaming, virtual reality, podcasts/vodcasts, for example.
Interaction among students – structuring group projects, discussions, wikis, online
sessions/presentations, and so forth.
Interaction with faculty – creating a social presence throughout the course; fostering good
communication and constant contact with IUE resources/services
Program Eligibility and Selection
The High Enrollment Online Course Development Program is open to any faculty applicant (full or part
time) with a Masters Degree or higher in a specialized field. Current Indiana University East faculty are
given first priority.
All program recipients must sign Indiana University’s Intellectual Property Policy.
Program Timeline & Requirements
Upon selection, applicants will begin work on March 17, 2014, and will have until July 31, 2014 to
complete the course design. Successful completion will be based on a completed, high-quality course
design, to be determined by a CTL Peer Review Team. Faculty who develop high-quality, highenrollment courses within the designated timeline will receive a $2500 stipend (based on a 3 credit, 15
week course).
IU East Center for Teaching & Learning
2014 High Enrollment Online Course Development Program Proposal Form
Thank you for your interest in the High Enrollment Online Course Development Program.
Please complete the proposal form below. Faculty proposals must be completed and submitted to the
Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of Teaching & Learning / Acting Dean of Distance Education no later
than Monday, March 3, 2014*. Applicants will be notified of award decisions by March 17, 2014.
*IUE Faculty must also submit their HEOCD Proposal to their School Dean.
IU East Center for Teaching & Learning
2014 High Enrollment Online Course Development Program Application
Section I. Cover Sheet
Faculty Member’s Name
Rank / Title
Campus Phone
Campus Address
Course Name
Does the course have a course number in the IU
catalog? If so, please list.
Explain how this course advances IU East’s online initiatives and serves its students.
I have read and understand the terms of the Indiana University Intellectual Property Policy.
Faculty Signature
IU East Center for Teaching & Learning
III. Proposal Section
A. Please describe the course you are proposing for the program.
B. Please explain how the course may be of significance to the department and/or the university.
IU East Center for Teaching & Learning
C. Please provide a brief description of the goals, activities and timeline associated with the course
D. Please provide evidence of how this course design will accommodate a large enrollment, including
how the individual instructor will spend their weekly time (and on what tasks).
IU East Center for Teaching & Learning