EEE324 Digital Electronics Lecture 6: VHDL for simple Digital Logic Ian McCrum Room 5B18, 02890366364 VHDL: A text based hardware description language. • Developed by DARPA to provide vendor independent design specifications for Very high speed Ics. (under their VHSIC program) • Hence the name, the V stands for VHSIC • There are other HDLs (Hardware Description Languages) of which Verilog is the most common. Based on C. • VHDL is based on the ADA programming language – designed to support concurrency. • Started in the early 80’s, standardised by IEEE in ’87 updated ’92. minor differences for most people, be careful if getting code from net… Uses; many and varied, it has evolved • • • • Documentation and Specification Modeling a system at differing levels Circuit simulation Developing different versions; increasing in implementation detail (each can be simulated) • Circuit synthesis • Algorithm experimentation • Creating simulation models for libraries (e.g Viewlogic used it internally in its schematic capture and simulation system – its model for a gate was a few lines of VHDL, with detailed timing data etc., Is it like ‘C’ • Yes – There are statements, block structure, variables, constants, operators, loops and conditionals, even uses ; as statement terminator • No – C is a sequential Computation model; line 1, line 2, line 3 etc • No – HDL statements translate to gates not instructions • No HW is always “on” everything operates concurrently. AND gates do their thing at the same time as the OR gates do their thing… Can use VHDL in many ways Three ways to describe a circuit • Structural – Instantiate specific library components and “wire” them together. – the concept or a netlist helps to understand this. • Dataflow (RTL) use VHDL equations to specify how combinational logic works, design system to flow data from one combinational block to another. (can use simple storage registers if needed) • Behavioural - code the entire algorithm let the VHDL compiler infer what to do. Think of a MP3 compression design; algorithm, then block diagram, function of each block well described. Then finally a netlist and parts list. Basic VHDL – a block in a block diagram • 2 parts; ENTITY and ARCHITECTURE • (also can have PACKAGE and CONFIGURATION sections but you can ignore these if you just want a mini-introduction to VHDL.) • Entity – what you need to use a VHDL model; it simply lists inputs and outputs and tells you their type, size and name. • (can also pass generic information like your desired propagation delay then each instantiation of the model can be different) Basic Logic Gate library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; x y F architecture behav1 of AND_ent is begin process(x, y) entity AND_ent is begin port( x: in std_logic; -- compare to truth table y: in std_logic; if ((x='1') and (y='1')) then Comment F: out std_logic F <= '1'; ); else end AND_ent; F <= '0'; end if; architecture behav2 of AND_ent is end process; begin end behav1; F <= x and y; end behav2; Operation Signal defined on assignment std_logic (a “wire”) 7 Ports carry signals from the outside world. • We sometimes need intermediate signals TEMP A B C F VHDL – you can declare signals library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity simp is port(a,b,c : in std_logic; f : out std_logic); end simp; architecture first of simp is Signal temp : std_logic ; -- no need to state in/out begin -- Note all concurrent statements between begin -- and end execute simultaneously temp <= a and b; -- note we use <= for signal assignment f <= c or temp; -- i.e “will become equal to” -- or “a change to this signal is scheduled” end first; -- usually called “scheduling a transaction” -- signal transactions can specify time delays VHDL – you can also declare variables, these use the equal sign for variable assignment and have no time dependencies – the change happens immediately. VHDL is known as a strongly “typed” language • You cannot compare two values if they are of different types. A 4 bit number 1001 is not the same as an integer of 9. • There are a number of conversion functions available and you have to use these (or write your own). • The reason is to make the synthesis tools job easier (and to make you think more – error checking) The different types • • • • VHDL has bits, booleans, integers and more. Bits can have one of two values Ok for “theoretical” logic Real systems need more values – uninitialised, unknown, high – impedance (both transistors off – known as tristate) and zero,one and unknown can be strong or weak. Finally we need a don’t care/never happen value. Std_logic and Std_logic_vector • Used for real world signals. • 9 values U X 0 1 Z W L H - Uninitialized Unknown Zero One High Impedance (tristate not driving output) Weak Unknown Weak Zero (low) Weak One (high) Don’t Care Data in VHDL • You can prefix Binary with a B if you surround the bits with double quotes, likewise for hex e.g • B”101” • X”5” • Bits use single quotes ‘1’ or ‘0’ • Groups of bits are of type std_logic_vector we give the start position and usually the phrase DOWNTO. We can change that… • E,g • PORT( DIN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- can use with signals as well Summary of what we have covered • VHDL needs an entity and an architecture • Has keywords begin and end • Uses ; to terminate statements and -- for comments • Ports need a “mode” of in or out • Ports and signals need their type specified • Can use B”101” or X”5” • We can use functions and, or etc., Truth tables in VHDL We have to make a 3 bit vector out of 3 separate inputs This is an exampe of the WITH…. WHEN statement, used like CASE statements Most sequential programming constructs have concurrent versions, with different names. Entity t is Port(a,b,c : in std_logic; y : out std_logic); End entity t; Architecture truth of t is Signal inputs : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); Begin Inputs <= a & b & c; -- concatenate (join) bits to become a vector With inputs select Y <= ‘0’ when “000”, ‘1’ when “001”, ‘0’ when “010”, ‘1’ when “011”, ‘1’ when “100”, ‘0’ when “101”, ‘0’ when “110”, ‘0’ when “111”, ‘-’ when others; End truth; Concurrent statements Put in the body of an architecture – between begin and end • Signal assignment S <= a and not (b or c); • Selected signal assignment With s select f <= ‘1’ when ‘0’, ‘0’ when “1” • Conditional signal assignment f <= ‘1’ when s = ‘0’ else ‘0’ when s = ‘1’ else ‘Z’; • Process statement (the entire process is treated as a single concurrent statement – the process itself is comprised of sequential statements) Sequential statements Found inside processes, bit like C, signals however still have a time behavious – the updates take place at the very end of the process If (f = s ) then x <= ‘1’; else x <= ‘0’; end if; case f is when ‘0’ => x <= ‘1’; when ‘1’ => x <= ‘0’; when others => x <= ‘z’; end case; There are also while loops and for loops Using VHDL • In Altera you can begin with a VHDL top level, but at the beginning avoid this • You can write a VHDL program, in altera (use the file>new command) • Compile it and select “Create default symbol for the current file” option in the file menu. • If you start a new file, make it the top level entity by rightclicking it in the file navigator. • You can now instantiate your vhdl program as a symbol. You can repeat this so your top level is actually a block diagram of your system and the lower levels are just (each) simple VHDL progams. A powerful way of designing – quick! VHDL Tutorials • Implement Q1-Q4 of tutorial 4 as VHDL programs – for Q1 and Q2 use the answers and VHDL and,or,not functions. – For Q3 and 4 use the truth table method • Create a symbol and then create a toplevel that will contain the symbol (and pins) • Simulate and demonstrate it works as expected. • Compare simulation results to a pure schematic solution. • For Q5 in Tutorial 4, can you express an equation to implement it