WC communication blok 3 week 1

WC communication blok 4 week 1
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
 Blok 4 overview
 Blok assignment teams
 Research teams
 Blok assignment briefing
 Blok assignment de-briefing
 Homework
 All
 RT1
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
Blok 4 overview
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
Create pairs and research teams
1. Pair up with some one who you will work with for
the rest of this blok (in this course)
2. As a pair, get together with 1 other team to create a
research team
3. Write the names of all members of the research
team on a piece of paper
Indicate the pairs on this sheet too
4. Hand this into to your tutor
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
Research team assignment
 Each week, a team of 4 (or 6) students will do some
research on an “newer” media channel not covered
in hoorcolleges
Viral marketing
In / thru -game advertising
E-mail marketing
Mobile if we have 5 teams
 The idea is that you will give a presentation to the
whole class on the results of your research
 These new channels will come up in the exam!
 So your colleagues will have to rely on you
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
 All carry-out research
 At least 1 slide per team member
 1 (or 2) presentation per week (week 2 t/m week 6)
 Presentation in PowerPoint (it will be put online)
 MUST be ready BEFORE the lesson
 Max 10 minutes per presentation
 All sources must be referenced (bronmelding)
 Wikipedia is only an acceptable source as a starting point
 Always try to confirm your findings via other sources
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
Outline presentation format
 Define newer channel
 What is it good for?
 What can go wrong?
 How do you avoid this?
 Current developments in the channel
 Examples (1 per team member)
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
Blok assignment:
eBay cross media pitch
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
 The client is eBay who are looking for a new lead
cross media agency for eBay.nl
 You and partner are a creative team for a cross
media agency that has decided to pitch for this
 You have been asked by your creative director to develop a
creative concept and pitch it to eBay
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
Exercise: Actively read the briefing
(20 minutes)
 Read the briefing
 One person focus on the assignment
 One person focus on the target group
 Make a note of any questions that you have
 Explain the part you have focused on to you partner
and then listen to them explain the part they focused
 Underline the things you think are important
 Try to work together to find answers to the questions
you have noted
 Make a list of questions
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
Exercise: Q&A with the client
(15 minutes)
 Ask the client (your tutor playing the role) any
questions you have about the briefing
 Make notes of the answers
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
Exercise: Preparing a debriefing
(40 minutes)
 Answer the following questions in your pairs:
What are the main tasks?
What are the client’s goals?
What are your deadlines?
What do you have to deliver?
What restrictions are there?
What are the opportunities?
 Get together with the other members of your research team
 Discuss your answers to the questions with them
 Do you disagree on anything, try to reach an agreement
 Write your debriefing as a research team on a flip-over
 Present it to the class
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
Exercise: Market orientation
(20 minutes)
 Work with your research team
 Brainstorm things that you will need to know / understand
before you can begin developing your pitch
 Screen your brainstorm (get rid of things not needed or not
 For each item left on your list discuss HOW you will find out
what you need to know
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
Homework: All
 Work in your pairs to research the following:
 The target group
 eBay
 Competition (direct & indirect)
 Prepare:
 A target group mood board with at least 1 insight into their
problems / needs / wants
 A comparison of eBay with their competitors
 How are they better than the competition (for the target
 What are their weaknesses against the competition?
 How do they position themselves now?
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media
Homework: RT 1
Narrowcasting presentation
 RT 1 should prepare a presentation of no more than
10 minutes to answer the following questions:
 What is narrowcasting (a definition)?
 What are the advantages of narrowcasting in
 How & where can narrowcasting be used how can it be
 What are the potential problems with narrowcasting in
 What are the latest developments in narrowcasting?
 1 example of narrowcasting per team member
 This should be ready to present next week at the
beginning of the werkcollege
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Interactieve Media