2015 Blog Nov 16_ week 15

Week of November 16th – 20th _ week 15
Standards to Address in Unit: S6E5 (d, f, h, and i)
d. Describe processes that change rocks and the surface of the Earth
f. Explain the effects of physical processes on geologic features. (erosion, weathering & deposition)
h. Describe soil as consisting of weathered rocks and decomposed materials
i. Explain the effects of human activity on the erosion of the Earth’s surface
j. Describe methods of conserving natural resources such as water, air and soil. (Focus on soil)
Essential Questions:
What Processes change the surface of the Earth?
What are the best methods to prevent soil erosion?
Monday, November 16th
CW: Weathering & Erosion Walk (weather permitting)
Kahoot Review
HW: Study for unit test
Tuesday, November 17th
CW: Soil and Erosion review
HW: Study for unit test
Wednesday, November 18th
7:45 Study Session
CW: Administer Soil and Erosion Unit Test
Thursday, November 19th
CW: Complete test Corrections
Bill Nye Erosion
Friday, November 20th
CW: Computer Lab Gizmo
1st period lab_ 102
2nd period lab_ 102
4th period lab_ TBD
6th period lab_ 160