Dennis P. Rosenbaum, Director Center for Research in Law and Justice University of Illinois at Chicago National Institute of Justice April 21, 2014 Portions of the research described here were supported by grant No. 2008-DN-BX-0005 awarded by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of Justice. Big picture view of legitimacy in policing from leadership perspective External legitimacy issues Internal legitimacy issues National Police Research Platform as a tool for understanding and reforming Inside: Budget cuts, changing workforce, new crime threats, new technologies Outside: Negative encounters, image management with stakeholders Pressure to innovate, pressure to reform, pressure to be transparent/accountable Need better “knowledge management” and “information management” Science, Information, Knowledge Policing Policies, Practices What type of knowledge is needed, but sorely lacking? Wake up call: Policing is no longer just about crime control Policing in 21st century multi-ethnic society is largely about legitimacy and fairness in service delivery and leadership Effective crime fighting requires a healthy organization 5 Beyond numeric outcomes to policing processes: External processes – Officer decisions and interactions with community members (Procedural Justice) Internal processes – Management decisions and interactions with employees (Organizational Justice) Provide standardized diagnostic tools and benchmarks for evidence-based decision making and self-assessment Advance knowledge of organizational behavior via cross-agency comparisons Encourage a paradigm shift: from bean counting to evidence-based management/organizational health Measuring what matters to the employees and the public – and what affects organizational legitimacy Internal Quality of Policing: How are employees treated? (Organizational justice) External Quality of Policing: How is the public treated? (Procedural justice and more) “A psychological property of an authority, institution, or social arrangement that leads those connected to it to believe that it is appropriate, proper, and just.” (Tyler, 2006, p. 375). Police authority is not defined entirely by the badge, gun, and arrest powers Police action must be authorized by the consent of the governed Legitimacy is not an immutable characteristic of the police --It can be conferred and removed over time It is defined in the hearts and minds of those being asked to follow Corruption, scandals, and reform attempts Causing/mishandling civil disorder Excessive force Race discrimination and profiling History of poor relations with various communities (minorities, youth, mentally ill, LGBT) Less willing to cooperate (e.g. "no snitch culture”) Less willing to comply with requests Less willing to obey the law More likely to file complaints, lawsuits, and generate negative media coverage Respect: Treat people with respect/dignity Neutrality: Treat people objectively, based on the facts, not personal characteristics Voice: Listen to people - pay attention Concern: Show concern for their welfare.... 13 Victimization can be traumatic: Show sensitivity to victim’s experience – empathy, compassion, emotional support Show competence – answering questions, explaining actions, following procedures, making decisions Officer’s Actions Follows Procedural Justice Principles Citizen’s Perceptions Officer is Respectful I’m Satisfied with Encounter Officer is Fair Addresses the Needs of Victims Officer Listene d to me Officer cares about my Wellbeing I trust this Officer Expected Outcomes Increase Officer Safety Increase Compliance with Requests Increase Investigative Information Reduce Citizen Complaints I trust the Dept. Increase Job Satisfaction Measure what is important to the community – the quality of service If you measure something, it begins to matter. Otherwise, who cares? Use the National Police Research Platform as a starting point and paradigm shift… Police management has weak data to judge the quality police-citizen contacts (citizen complaints? Police surveys?) Community surveys don’t tell us about recent police services Contact surveys (Bureau of Justice Statistics) provide only national estimates Provides local, jurisdictional data for police management purposes (Advancing practice with feedback and “reactive measurement”) Provides local, regional and national standardized data for research purposes (Advancing science by providing contextual data for explanation) Added benefit: Democratizes policing by giving the public a voice in evaluating police services Measures the desired behaviors that matter Overall satisfaction with the encounter Procedural justice – Quality of treatment and decision making Victim-focused measures: Empathy and emotional support, concern, explain, provide information Agency legitimacy – trust and confidence Agency performance overall – effective and responsive to problems, concerns Intentions to cooperate, comply, obey the law Letter from Chief/Sheriff mailed to citizens with police contact in the past 10 days Letter Invites Citizens to Complete Satisfaction Survey by: Web-based survey or 1-800 automated telephone survey University collects data independently and provides feedback to the participating departments 100% 90% 80% 70% 83.2% 69% 60% 50% 40% 30% 14% 20% 10% 4% 6% 7% Neutral Somewhat Completely 0% Very Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Predictable differences in satisfaction by: Racial/ethnic group Age Type of incident (police-initiated or not) Agency Response Rate Letter ATelephone Interview 34.41% Letter B- PCI Electronic Surveys 11.10% Satisfaction Mean Scores by Mode Electr Telephone onic Interview Overall Gender (female) Race (minority) Age (over 40) 2.72 2.63 2.71 2.73 2.67 Significance t(373) = .66, p = .51 2.63 Interaction B = .052, p =.534 2.57 Interaction B = 0.97, p = .163 2.75 Interaction B = .058, p = .371 Feasible – It can be done Cost effective - $5 vs. $82 per survey Acceptable validity of responses Attractive to local agencies -feedback Provides external indicators of organizational and officer performance Provides database for advancing knowledge about factors that contribute to procedural justice in diverse settings Roll out with national sample of agencies in Phase 2 of the Platform Explore differences between agencies Test the potential utility for police management (% Very Satisfied and Somewhat Satisfied) Agency “Respectstat” Comparisons by District or Area Mapping “Hot spots” District trends over Time Hourly Trends Institutionalization Percent "Somewhat" or "Very" Satisfied 90% with Police Encounter 85% 80% 75% 70% 61 65% 60% 55% 52 65 66 65 64 64 64 68 69 77 77 78 78 76 75 74 72 72 72 80 55 50% 45% 40% 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Police Districts (De-identified) 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 100% Nights Days Evenings 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 23 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Survey is in the field – ongoing data collection Expect between 50 and 75 agencies to participate (out of 83) 100 to 500 surveys per agency Today – Quick peak at data from 43 agencies All #Agencies #Resp. Small Medium Large (100 to (200 to (600 to 199) 599) 999) Very Large (over 1,000) 43 19 11 6 7 10,821 1,541 1,832 3,323 4,125 Females 46% White 63% Age Mean 49% Resident 72% Traffic Stops 41% Traffic Accidents 22% Crime Incidents 35% Overall Satisfaction (%) by Agency Size 90 80 79.3 83.3 74.5 68.6 70 60 50 Small Medium Large Very Large Total Procedural Justice Index 3.50 3.35 3.26 3.31 3.13 3.20 3.05 3.02 2.90 2.75 2.60 Small Medium Large Very Large Respectful Index 3.50 3.39 3.45 3.35 3.27 3.16 3.20 3.05 2.90 2.75 2.60 Small Medium Large Very Large Unbiased Index 3.50 3.35 3.34 3.37 3.22 3.20 3.10 3.05 2.90 2.75 2.60 Small Medium Large Very Large Trustworthy Index 3.50 3.35 3.30 3.35 3.15 3.20 3.03 3.05 2.90 2.75 2.60 Small Medium Large Very Large “During the encounter, the officer…” listened to what I had to say. seemed concerned about my feelings. seemed to believe what I was saying. comforted and reassured me. Empathy Index 3.50 3.35 3.20 3.10 3.15 3.05 2.93 2.90 2.84 2.75 2.60 Small Medium Large Very Large "Did the officer greet you by saying hello and stating his/her name?" 80 73 72.7 70 66.8 60 60.5 50 40 Small Medium Large Very Large "Did the officer threaten to use physical force against you?" (% yes) 5 4.9 4 3 2.8 2.6 1.8 2 1 Small Medium Large Very Large 100% 89.7% 91.4% 88.8% 80% 82.2% 60% 40% 20% 0% 25.9% 27.9% 21.3% Small Medium 12.3% Large Very Large Respectful No Yes Step 1 2 3 Variable Beta1 Beta2 Beta3 Percent minority -.123 -.106 -.020 Percent poverty .329 -.030 .032 Rate of violence -.335 -.128 -.029 Agency size xxx -.949 -.024 % Contacts with citations xxx Procedural justice xxx R-squared .290 7.30*** xxx .833 .035 .980*** .964 Procedural justice is a strong predictor of citizen satisfaction with police contacts, controlling for agency size, community characteristics and decision making outcomes (traffic citations). For the PCI Survey, more work is needed to reduce costs, improve response rates, and test alternative survey modalities Relative to the history of the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), we are living in 1929. National and local politics and competing research agendas stand in the way, but can be overcome! Strategies for Change – What works? Employee commitment to organizational goals is essential Where employees are satisfied with work, they are more committed to the organization’s goals… Cynical about the administration, about the public, and resistant to change Similar to the community, we argue that officers are concerned with justice, especially inside the agency where they work: Want to be treated fairly and respectfully Want input into decision making Want to trust that management will make good decisions that are fair and equitable… 50 40 30 20 10 31.6 36.5 49.8 15.6 0 Agency Size (Sworn) 48.7 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 26 39.3 43 58.1 Agency Size (Sworn) 58.5 “The perception held by employees that they are being treated fairly, respectfully, and compassionately by those in authority positions; that they have some input and control over decision making in their work environment; that they are kept informed of, and given explanations for, the decisions that affect their lives; and that they have opportunities for professional growth and job enrichment.” Dimensions of Organizational Justice 1 Overall Q12_3R Q12_2R Q12_1R Q13_8R Q16_6R Q15_13R .761 .736 .717 .641 .640 Q16_15R .594 Q15_14R .566 Q12_4R Q10_9R Q10_10R Q10_8R Q9_4R Q5_2R Q5_1R Q5_3R Q6_2R Q14_11R Q14_10R .518 Rotated Component Matrix 2 3 Superv. Leader 4 Race/ Gender .610 .889 .847 .846 .823 .836 .827 .820 .682 .867 .856 Just Organization (9 items, alpha=.869) =Fair discipline, fair assignments, fair opportunities, fair accountability for actions, and respectful treatment Just Leadership (4 items, alpha=.902) =Head of agency sets clear expectations, encourages input, sets a good example, and inspires employees Just Supervision (4 items, alpha=.895) =Supervisor sets clear expectations, encourages input, is fair and consistent in decisions, and stands up for employees Just Treatment of Women/Minorities (2 items, alpha=.866) = Employees are treated the same regardless of gender [regardless of race] Just organization .45* Just leader .46* Just supervisor .24* Just environment for women and minorities .38* * p < .05 Model R-squared = .294 F (12, 11685) = 405.67 p < .0001 Unstd. Coeff b Std. Error (Constant) Just Leader Just Organization Just Supervisor Just for Women and Minorities 2.171 .136 .178 .025 .108 .037 .006 .011 .005 .006 Supervisor Age Gender College Graduate Some Graduate Classes Black; African American Latino/Hispanic .106 -.002 .032 -.023 .044 .088 .094 .011 .001 .013 .010 .014 .017 .017 Std. Coeff t Sig. Beta .251 .183 .041 .168 58.675 23.768 15.927 4.780 17.964 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .086 -.036 .019 -.019 .027 .042 .043 10.134 -4.322 2.433 -2.293 3.181 5.252 5.527 .000 .000 .015 .022 .001 .000 .000 Concentrated disadvantage in community Rate of index crime in community (avg. of 2011 & 2012) Agency type (Sheriffs vs. PDs) Total number of sworn officers in agency Unstd. Coeff b t Sig. Std. Error Level-1 (individual) Just Leader Just Organization Just Supervisor Just for Women and Minorities Supervisor Age Gender Some Graduate Classes Black; African American Latino/Hispanic .135 .179 .025 .113 .100 -.002 .028 .062 .057 .086 .007 .014 .007 .008 .011 .001 .012 .018 .016 .018 18.191 12.131 3.807 13.532 8.782 -3.823 2.284 3.374 3.617 4.871 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .022 .000 .000 .000 Level-2 (Organization) Concentrated Disadvantage Index Crime (2011 & 2012) Agency Type (Sheriffs Office) Total Sworn Officers Constant .012 <-.001 .060 <-.001 3.38 .006 <.001 .023 <.001 .015 2.135 -0.408 2.554 -0.444 217.136 .036 .684 .012 .659 .000 Legitimacy inside the organization is driven by organizational justice considerations Employees feel obligated to obey and support administrators whom they view as legitimate authorities Managers can achieve legitimacy by interacting in just ways: engaging employees, valuing their ideas, protecting them, treating them fairly and respectfully, and giving them opportunities for advancement “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” “Treat people the way you want to be treated” Work with law enforcement community to address new information needs Continue panel of agencies – periodic data collection Expand nonrandom sample of agencies Develop translational interventions and randomized trials THANK YOU