Entanglement Disentangled by Spacetime Vortices An exploration by John Carroll, Cambridge University Engineering Department, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK © jec2001 Motivation Engineering of quantum computers needs an understanding of how entanglement can give instantaneous communication between photons about their state of polarisation. Could there be a circulation of fields in time ?? © jec2001 Heuristics of space-time vortices t = 0; z = 0 q Now Future t = T/3; z = L/3 Past Now Future t = T; z = L t = 2T/3; z =2L/3 Past Now Past q Now ‘now’ fields add; ‘future’/ ‘past’ fields cancel Polarisation ‘q’ known right around vortices Circulation in time implies vorticity in time. Vorticity requires 3 dimensions [curl (fields)] Hence need to explore 3d time. Geometric (David Hestenes) Algebra for 1d-time+3d-space gives classic Maxwell; similar algebra with 3d-time + 3d space gives Modified Maxwell E= E1x E2x E3x E1y E2y E3y E1z E2z E3z Spatial vectors attached to each temporal direction E1x E1y E1z Etr= E2x E2y E2z E3x E3y E3z Temporal vectors attached to each spatial direction Modified Maxwell for 3d time + 3d space curlspace E = [curltime Btr ]tr curlspace B = [curltime Etr ]tr B is ‘3t+3s’ pseudo-‘vector’ counterpart of E. curltime counterpart of curlspace © jec2001 ‘Modified Maxwell’ Any single field component F: (t12 + t22 + t32 ) F = (x2 + y2 + x2 )F Set Ot3 = Ot ; (t12 + t22) = mo2 obtain Klein Gordon Equation w2 = mo 2 + k.k : E2 = mo2 + p2 classic relativity! (c=1 = units) Recovered ‘Maxwell’ rest mass = 0: t1 = t2 = 0:E3=0=B3. Real spatial vectors E1 and E2 associated transverse times Ot1/Ot2. Form complex vectors: Eclassic= E1+i E2; Bclassic= – i B1 + B2 curl(Eclassic) = – t(Bclassic); curl(Bclassic) = t(Eclassic ). 2. No direct experimental evidence. Objections to 3d time Proposal : No classical 1. Temporal rotations could violate measurements can distinguish energy conservation: such rotations orientation in transverse time: inhibited: need excess energy. Hence can only measure terms like (Eric Cole – Leeds University) (Eclassiceiq) * . (Eclassiceiq) = Proposal : preferred collective Eclassic* .Eclassic temporal axis: Ot3 Ot q : rotation in transverse time. © jec2001 Normal Modes of ‘Recovered Maxwell’ Follow Cohen-Tannoudji et al “Photons and Atoms” CNRS ’87 /Wiley ’89 single k-vector, forward normal modes: a(k,t) = a(k) exp[i(k.r – kt)] ; b(-k,t) = b(k) exp[i(- k.r + kt)] k > 0 ; t = t3 ; i rotation through 90o in transverse time; Eclassic , Bclassic now in general complex so that a(k,t), b(-k,t) are now independent analytic complex vector fields. Poynting’s Theorem & Modes Energy density U averaging over volume V denoted by < > U(k) = < a(k, t)*. a(k, t) + b(–k, t)*. b(–k, t) > Average energy transfer P (Poynting vector in k direction) P(k) = < a(k, t)*. a(k, t) – b(–k, t)*. b(–k, t) > (classically zero) U and P invariant to orientiation of a and b in transverse time Symmetry requires U(-k)=U(k) : +/- k solutions inseparable Causality appears to be violated! © jec2001 Mode Promotion/Demotion/Annihilation Select a vector k : define a† = A exp[i(k.r – kt)] ; a = B exp[– i(k.r – kt)] a† a(k0) = a(k0+k) k0||k : promotes k-vector & frequency) by k & k a a(k0) = a(k0 – k) demotes k-vector & frequency) by k & k provided that always (k0+k) > 0 and (k0 – k) > 0 If (k0 – k) < 0: analytic complex function theory forces aa = 0 annihilation discovered ‘Normalise’ arbit. const. A and B STVs promoted from a ground state have frequencies +/– kN = +/– (k0 + Nk) > 0 (integer N). Quantisation and Causality Classic localisation with adjacent frequencies kN and kN +1 Rewrite ‘forward’ waves as a(k) a(kN+1) and b (–k) b(–kN)]; Rewrite ‘reverse’ waves as a(–k) a (–kN–1) and b (k) b(kN)]; Envelope travels at group velocity © jec2001 Set one unit of averaged ‘forward’ energy transfer for P < a (kN+1) * a(kN+1) - b (-kN) * b (-kN) > = 1 Quantisation and Causality continued =1 Insist P zero for averaged energy transfer in ‘reverse’ direction: <a (-k-N+1) * a(-k - N+1) - b (kN) * b (kN)> =0 =0 Eliminate b modes in favour of positive frequency a modes Average energy UN = < a(kN+1)*.a(kN+1) + b(–kN)*.b(–kN) > = < a(kN)*[a a† + a† a ]a(kN) > Average energy transfer PN = U0 = < a(kN)*[a a† – a† a ]a(kN) > Postulate Uo = 1 unit : UN =(N+½)U0 ; k0 = ½ k : like Quantum Theory! © jec2001 Uni-directional energy flow forces standard formalisms of quantum theory Energy transfer requires vortex interference:(kN, kN+1) Interference travels at group velocity restores causality. Chirality Solutions to modified Maxwell permit two independent chiralities ±. Analysis to-date applies to both. Chirality in space and time tied together. Both ± exist side by side. Hence now must write a* . a = (a + + a–)*.(a + + a–) = a + * . a + + a - * . a– + mixed terms Invariance to rotation in transverse time requires mixed terms a +*.a- = 0 This correlates Stokes parameters. (S +1 + S +2 + S +3 ) = - (S –1 + S –2 + S – 3) E– = E'1 – i E'2 tprincipal E+ = E1 + i E2 tprincipal t2 time kz z t1 ‘positive’ chirality t2 t1 ‘negative’ chirality kz By+ y x E x+ space y By- Exx Stokes parameters determine polarisation in a way that is invariant to rotation in transverse time. (See appendix) Hence spatial polarisation of +/- chiralities is correlated Relevant polarisations for net zero spin © jec2001 Entanglement & Spacetime Vortices space incoherent ground state: spacetime vortices ~ (k0)–1 dimensions) for correlated pair: polarisations not set : freedom of 3d time STVs: + & – chiralities: extends over coherence lengths +/- chiralities carry correlated polarisations: net 0 spin energy exchange requires interference of kN kN+1 etc STVs interference propagates at group velocity: ensures causality ‘R’ detected – energy in one chirality removed ‘L’ detected: energy in remaining chirality: polarisation correlated with ‘R’ ; net 0 spin. t time NB schematic! © jec2001 Conclusions Geometric Algebra +3d time: balances temporal/spatial vorticity. Concept of spacetime vortex (STV): spacetime energy circulation Modified ‘Maxwell’ equations permit massive particles (not explored) Massless system recovers almost classical Maxwell Poynting vector now has coupled energy flowing in +/- time Unidirectional energy flow at a measurement forces quantization & causality. Quantum rules discovered not postulated. Transverse time allows two independent chiralities: extra freedom. Entangled photons do not have both polarizations determined until measured but chiralities are correlated. Measurement of one photon (‘R’) removes one temporal chirality of STVs leaving energy in correlated temporal chirality: gives ‘communication’ between ‘L’& ‘R’ Acknowledgements John Baldwin, Cavendish Laboratory Eric Cole, University of Leeds Shaun Ffowcs-Williams Engineering Department Jeremy Carroll , Hewlett Packard for listening and helpful comments. Anthony Lasenby, Cavendish Laboratory Chris Doran, DAMPT http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/~clifford/ptIIIcourse/ Joan Lasenby, Engineering Department for notes on Geometric Algebra © jec2001 Appendix: Stokes parameters Stokes parameters determine polarisation a x * a x + a x * a x = S 0 a x * a x - a x * a x = S3 ia x * a y - ia y * a x = S 2 a x * a y + a y * a x = S 1 Invariant to rotation in transverse time. True for +/- chirality * a+/-x a+/-y a+/-x = 1+s1S1+/- +s2S2+/- +s3S3+/- = ½ (1 + S+/- .s) a+/-y s are Pauli S = * * a a +/+x -x a+x a+y a-x a-y matrices a+y a-y = 1 + S+.S- + (S++S-).s + i(S+x S-) .s * a+† a-= a+x a-x a-y =0 a+y implies S+ and S- are anti-parallel (correlated). In interpreting this, remember that chirality has changed in space as well as in time. S1+/S2+/S3+/- © jec2001 Appendix:Two Slit Interference ‘Poynting’ vector now has two real components E1 x B2 – E2x B1 If {E1 B2} symmetric {E2 B1} asymmetric screen (a {-E2L),-B1L} forward + reverse fields {E1R ; B2R} {E2R ; B1R} {E2R, B1R} cancel on right. {E1L ; B2L} {E2L ; B1L} add on left. {E1L, B2L} {E1R, B2R} source ‘minimum unit’ of E1x B2 forward energy detected on screen Interference patterns as normal provided that the fields from each slit reach the screen. screen (b ) energy transfer could pass entirely through left hand slit. {E1L, B2L} {E1R, B2R} source © jec2001 Selected References Truesdell C ‘The Kinematics of Vorticity’ Indiana Press, Bloomington 1954 p58 Weinberg, N.N. ‘On some generalisations of the Lorentz Transformations’ Phys.Lett. 80A 102-104 Strnad, J., ‘Experimental-Evidence Against A 3-Dimensional Time’ Physics Letters A, 1983, Vol.96, No.5, Pp.231-232 Cole E.A.B., Buchanan, S.A Space-Time Transformations In 6-Dimensional Special Relativity Jnl Of Phys A- Mathematical And General 15: (6) L255-L257 1982 Cole E.A.B. ‘Generation of New Electromagnetic Fields in Six Dimensional special relativity’ Il Nuovo Cimento vol 95 1985 p105–117 Cole E.A.B. 1980 ‘New Electromagnetic Fields in Six–dimensional Special Relativity’ Il Nuovo Cimento 60 1–12 Boyling J.B, Cole E.A.B ‘6-Dimensional Dirac-Equation’ International Journal Of Theoretical Physics 32: (5) 801-812 May 1993 Patty C.E., Smalley L.L., ‘Dirac-Equation In A 6-Dimensional Spacetime - Temporal Polarization For Subluminal Interactions Phys Review D 32: (4) 891-897 1985 Einstein A Podolsky B and Rosen W. ‘Can Quantum mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete’ Phys Rev 47 777-780 Clauser_J.F , Horne M.A. ‘Experimental consequences of objective local theories’. 1974 Vol.10 P.526-535, Physical Rev D Aspect, A., Dalibard, J., Roger, G., ‘Experimental Test Of Bell Inequalities Using Time-Varying Analyzers’ Physical Review Letters, 1982, Vol.49, No.25, pp.1804-1807 Greenberger_DM, Horne_M, Zeilinger_A, ‘Similarities and differences between two-particle and three- particle interference’ : Fortschritte Der Physik-Progress Of Physics, 2000, 48, pp.243-252 Wheeler J.A and Feynman R.P. 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Lasenby A.N Doran C.J lecture notes 2000-2001 http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/~clifford/ptIIIcourse/ Carroll Spacetime vortices: see http://www2.eng.cam.ac.uk/~jec/spacetimevortices.pdf http://www2.eng.cam.ac.uk/~jec/spacetimevortices2.pdf © jec2001