Presidents & People Review - New Hartford Central Schools

George Washington
 Unwritten Constitution
 Chose not to be king
 No alliances (isolationist)
John Adams (1797-1801)
 Alien & Sedition Acts
Thomas Jefferson
 Louisiana Purchase
 Loose interpretation of the
James Monroe (1817-1825)
 Monroe Doctrine
Andrew Jackson (18291837)
 Forced Bank of US to close
 Indian Removal Act
 Defied Supreme Court
 Spoils System
Abraham Lincoln (18611865)
 Civil War
 Emancipation Proclamation
 Gettysburg Address
 10% Plan for Reconstruction
 Assassinated
Andrew Johnson (18651869)
 Presidential Reconstruction
 Impeached but not convicted
 Why?
 Violated Tenure of Office Act
(passed by Congress to trap Johnson)
Rutherford B. Hayes
 1876 Election
 Significance:
 Like 2000 election, winner did not win the popular vote
 Hayes won in exchange for ending Reconstruction
Teddy Roosevelt (19011909)
Big Stick Policy
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe
Panama Canal
Workers’ rights & safety
Bull Moose Party - helped Wilson win in
William Howard Taft
 Continued Progressive Reforms
 Dollar Diplomacy
 16th Amendment (Income Tax)
Woodrow Wilson (19131921)
 Fourteen Points
 League of Nations (US did not
 Federal Reserve
 New Freedom
 “Right is more important than
Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)
 Stock Market Crash
 Hoovervilles
 Great Depression
FDR (1933-1945)
 Great Depression
 New Deal
 3 Rs (Relief, Recovery, Reform)
 Government should help to solve
social & economic problems
 Social Security and other assistance
 Neutrality Acts
 Lend-Lease
 Pearl Harbor
Harry S. Truman (19451953)
 Manhattan Project - Atomic bombing of Japan - ended
 Truman Doctrine - containment (Greece & Turkey)
 Marshall Plan
 Berlin Airlift
 United Nations
 Korean War
 Fair Deal
Dwight D. Eisenhower
 Eisenhower Doctrine - US would use force to
resist communism
 Civil Rights
 Little Rock Nine
 Interstate Highway System
JFK (1961-1963)
 New Frontier
 Space Program
 Peace Corps
 Bay of Pigs
 Cuban Missile Crisis
 Assassinated
Lyndon Johnson (19631969)
 Great Society
 Space Program
 Civil Rights Act
 Vietnam
Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
 Moon Landing
 Détente
 Improved relationship with China
 Ended Vietnam
 Watergate
 Resigned
Gerald Ford (1974-1977)
 Pardoned Nixon
Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
 Idealistic
 Weak economy
 Gas Shortages
 Iran Hostage Crisis
Ronald Reagan (1981 – 1989)
 Reaganomics
 Conservative on social
 Arms control agreements
with USSR (‘85, ’86, & ’87)
 FP – keep communism out
of Latin America
 Iran-Contra Scandal
George H.W. Bush (1989 – 1993)
 Inherited budget deficit
 Cold War ended
 Persian Gulf War
Bill Clinton (1993 – 2001)
 Health care
 Social security reform
 Reduced nation deficit
 Approval of NAFTA
 Impeached in 1998
George W. Bush (2001 – 2009)
 Bush v. Gore
 No Child Left Behind
 Dept. of Homeland Security
 9/11
 Iraq War
 Treatment of prisoners
 Recession
Barack H. Obama (2009 -)
 First African American
 Took office facing
economic crisis, high
unemployment, poor
housing market, rising
health care costs, etc.
Samuel Adams
Jane Addams
 American Revolutionary War leader from Boston
 Political organizer, journalist, signer of the Declaration
of Independence
 Boston Massacre
 Boston Tea Party
John Brown
 Radical abolitionist
 Raid at Harper’s Ferry
William Jennings Bryan
 Populist who supported farmers and free silver
 Unsuccessful presidential candidate in 1896 and 1900
John C. Calhoun
 Southern leader
 Advocated states’ rights
 VP under Adams and Jackson
 Resigned over nullification issue
Andrew Carnegie
 Industrialist and philanthropist
 Carnegie Steel Company (US Steel)
 Social Darwinism
Cesar Chavez
 Organized the United Farm Workers
Eugene V. Debs
 Union organizer
 Socialist presidential candidate in every election from
1890 to WWI
Dorothea Dix
 Social reformer
 Revolutionized mental health care
Stephen Douglas
 Illinois Senator
 Kansas Nebraska Act (increased sectional differences)
 Lincoln-Douglas debates
Frederick Douglas
 Former slave
 Abolitionist
 Supported women’s suffrage
 Attended Seneca Falls Convention
W.E.B. DuBois
 African American Civil Rights leader
 Influenced Harlem Renaissance, published The Crisis
 Wanted civil and political equality, not just economic
Benjamin Franklin
 Statesmen, diplomat, and scientist
 Albany Plan of Union
 Negotiated Treaty of Paris 1783 (ending Am. Rev.)
Betty Friedan
 Women’s rights activist
 The Feminine Mystique
William Lloyd Garrison
 Abolitionist
 The Liberator
Marcus Garvey
 African American separatist leader
 Ideas influenced Black Power Movement (1960s)
Samuel Gompers
 Organizer and president of American Federation of
 Craft union for skilled workers
Alexander Hamilton
 Strong central government
 Wrote 51 of The Federalist Papers
 First secretary of the treasury
William Randolph Hearst
 Newspaper publisher
 Yellow journalism (SpAM)
Langston Hughes
 Poet, playwright, and novelist
 Harlem Renaissance
Robert Kennedy
 Attorney general (1961 – 1963)
 Assassinated in June 1968
Martin Luther King, Jr.
 Civil rights leader
 Civil disobedience
 Southern Christian Leadership Conference
 Bus boycott
 I Have A Dream
 Nobel Peace Prize
 Assassinated in 1968
Lewis & Clark
 Expedition to Louisiana Purchase
 maps
John Locke
 Enlightenment writer
 Influenced Declaration of Independence
 Life, liberty, & property
Henry Cabot Lodge
 US Senator from MA
 In favor of imperialism (strongly influenced TR)
 Led fight against Treaty of Versailles and League of
Nations membership
Douglas MacArthur
 Led US troops in the Pacific in WWII
 Commander of US occupation forces in Japan after
 Relieved of command by Truman after he disagreed
with the conduct of the Korean War
Malcolm X
 Leader of 1960s Black Power movement
 Assassinated in 1965
George C. Marshall
 Army chief of staff during WWII
 Secretary of State under Truman
 Marshall Plan ($$$ recovery of Europe after WWII)
John Marshall
 Chief Justice (1801 – 1835)
 Marbury v. Madison (1803)
 McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
 Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
Thurgood Marshall
 African American attorney
 Argued Brown v. Board of Education
 Appointed to Supreme Court (first African American
to serve)
Joseph R. McCarthy
 Senator
 Led campaign to root out suspected Communists in
the US
 McCarthyism (investigations of people involved in
public service and entertainment)
Baron de Montesquieu
 French Enlightenment philosopher
 Admired British system of government
 Separation of powers
 Checks and balances
Thomas Paine
 Writer
 Political philosopher
 Common Sense (pressed for independence from Britain)
Rosa Parks
 African American civil rights activist
 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott
 Civil Rights Movement
Francis Perkins
 Social reformer
 Political leader
 First woman cabinet member (FDR – secretary of
Matthew Perry
 Led 1853 – 1854 naval mission to open Japan to world
 Negotiated US trading rights with Japan
 Treaty of Kanagawa
Joseph Pulitzer
 Published New York Journal
 Yellow journalism (helped provoke Spanish American
Jacob Riis
 Journalist, photographer, and social reformer
 Progressive Era
 Need for better housing for the poor
 How the Other Half Lives (1890)
John D. Rockefeller
 Industrialist
 Philanthropist
 Standard Oil Company
Eleanor Roosevelt
 Political activist (rights for African Americans and
women during the New Deal)
 First Lady
 Played a key role in the UN Commission on Human
Rights (1961)
 Couple convicted and executed for treason in 1953
 McCarthyism
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
 French Enlightenment philosopher
 Influenced Declaration of Independence (consent of
the governed)
Sacco & Vanzetti
 Italian immigrants and anarchists
 Executed for armed robbery and murder
 Anti-radical and anti-immigrant era of the 1920s
 Cleared by MA governor in 1977 (50+ years later)
Margaret Sanger
 Advocate of birth control
 Founder of a birth-control lobbying group (later
became Planned Parenthood)
Upton Sinclair
 Muckraking journalist
 Progressive Era
 The Jungle (exploitation of the poor and the factory
conditions that led to contaminated meat)
 Influenced 1906 Meat Inspection Act
Adam Smith
 The Wealth of Nation (1776)
 Political economist
 Rejected mercantilism
 Free enterprise system (basis of modern capitalism)
 Argued for free trade, division of labor, competition,
supply and demand, and laissez-faire
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
 Advocated for women’s rights, abolition, and
 Began women’s rights movement
 Seneca Falls Convention
 Wrote Declaration of Sentiments (1848)
Lincoln Steffans
 Muckraking journalist
 Progressive Era
 The Shame of the Cities (1906)
 Wrote about corruption in government and business
Harriet Beecher Stowe
 Writer
 Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Focused on slavery and contributed
to the start of the Civil War)
Ida Tarbell
 Muckraking journalist
 History of Standard Oil
 Exposed Rockefeller’s unfair and ruthless business
 French Enlightenment philosopher
 Praised British institutions
 Influenced framers of the Constitution (against
religious intolerance and persecution)
Earl Warren
 Chief Justice (1953 – 1969)
 Brown v. Board of Education
 Miranda v. Arizona
Booker T. Washington
 African American educator, author, and leader
 Founded Tuskegee Institute (1881)
 Up from Slavery (1901)
 Urged vocational education and self-improvement to
gain racial equality
Ida Wells
 African American journalist, suffragist, and reformer
 Launched a national crusade against lynching in the
 Cofounder of the NAACP
John Peter Zenger
 German immigrant, printer, and journalist
 Tried for libel for criticized New York governor in his
paper (found not guilty – he printed the truth)
 Freedom of the press