University of Asia Pacific Department of Law and Human Rights Lesson Plan Course Code & Title: Semester: Teacher: Office/Room: Law 227 : Special Penal Laws 2nd Year 1st Semester Sumaya Kowser Bikolpo Tower (5th floor), House No. , Road no 5/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. Consultation/Contact Day 1(Sun day) 11.00 A. M to 1.00 P.M. Time: Day 2( Mon day) 11.0 P.M. to 1.00 P.M. Day 3( Tues day) 10.0 P.M to 12.00 P.M. Day 4( Wednesday) 2.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. Day 5(Thurs day) 2.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. Email: 01712634767 Mobile: Special Penal Laws give the ideas of different offences and its punishment. Course Overview: The Acts are- Course Outline: 1. The Arms Act, 1878 2. The Explosive Substances Act, 1908 3. The Special Powers Act, 1974 4. The Narcotics Control Act, 1990 5. Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain,2000( as amended in 2003) 6. Acid Aparadh Daman Ain, 2002 7. Paribarik Sohingsota(Prodirodh o Surakkha)Ain,2010 8. Manav Pachar Protirodh O Damon Ain, 2012 The Arms Act, 1878: Definition; Prohibition of unlicensed manufacture, conversion and sale; Import, export and transport; Going armed and possessing arms, etc; Provisions relating to licenses, its cancellation and suspension; Penalties; Search and seizure; Power to exempt; Information of offences; Conducting searches in the case of offences against section 19, clause (f); Opinion of arms and ammunition expert; Investigation; Operation of other laws; Power to take census of fire-arms; Notice and limitation of proceedings. The Explosive Substances Act, 1908: Definition; Punishment for causing explosion likely to endanger life, person and property; Punishment for abettors; Investigation; etc. The Special Powers Act,1974: Definitions, prejudicial act; Detention; Constitution of Advisory Board, its procedure; Curfew; Sabotage, Offences and penalties for various offences under this Act; Special Tribunals, its powers and procedure; Cognizable and non-bailable offence; etc. The Narcotics Control Act,1990: Definitions; Establishment of National Narcotics Control Board; Provisions regarding alcohol; Provisions of licenses; Narcotics Cure Center and cure of addicted persons; Offences and punishment; Confiscation; Investigation; Provisions of cognizance and bail; Procedures of search and seizure; Delegation of powers; Repeals and savings provisions. Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain,2000:Definition; Offences and punishment for offences relating to women and children; Rape under Penal Code and Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain; Investigation of the offences; Cognizance and bail ;Procedure of trial; Trial in absentia; Composition and jurisdiction of the tribunal; Appeal; Sentence; etc. Acid Aparadh Daman Ain, 2002: Definition; Punishment; Investigation process; Trial procedure; Acid violence tribunal. Paribarik Sohingsota(Prodirodh o Surakkha)Ain,2010: Definitions; Domestic violence; Duties and responsibilities of police officer, enforcement officer and others serving agent; Rights and relief of the aggrieved person; Disposal of application, trial and appeal; Offence and punishment. Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: Definitions; extraterritorial enforcement of this act; Human trafficking and related offence ; punishment; Institution of complaint; investigation; Establishment of human trafficking prevention tribunal and trial of offences; Assistance, protection and rehabilitation of victims and witness; Legal aid and co-operation to protect and prevent offences relating to human trafficking. Course objectives: Teaching Method: Prerequisites: Week 1 Class Date 04-11-13 05-11-13 06-11-13 07-11-13 2 11-11-13 12-11-13 13-11-13 3 14-11-13 18-11-13 19-11-13 20-11-13 4 21-11-13 25-11-13 Special Penal Laws provides all sorts of offences and their punishment which is special in nature and isn’t covered the offences prescribed in penal code. So, the main objective of the laws are to give knowledge to the students about the different types of offences and their punishment as a student of law. Lectures, assignments, interactive sessions, field trips etc. N/A Course schedule/ Class schedule Topic Reading assignment Work assignment Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain,2000: Nari O Shishu N/A Definition; Offences and punishment for Nirjaton Daman offences relating to women and children; Ain,2000: Definition; Offences and Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain,2000: punishment for Rape under Penal Code and Nari O Shishu offences relating to Nirjaton Daman Ain; women and children; Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain,2000: Rape under Penal Code Rape under Penal Code and Nari O Shishu and Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain;Dowry. Nirjaton Daman Ain; Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain,2000: Investigation of the offences; Cognizance and bail ; Procedure of trial; Trial in absentia; Composition and jurisdiction of the tribunal; Appeal; Sentence; etc. Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain,2000: The Narcotics Control Investigation of the offences; Cognizance Act,1990: Definitions; and bail ; Procedure of trial; Trial in Establishment of absentia; Composition and jurisdiction of National Narcotics the tribunal; Appeal; Sentence; etc. Control Board; The Narcotics Control Act,1990: Narcotics Cure Center and cure of addicted Definitions; Establishment of National persons. Narcotics Control Board; The Narcotics Control Act,1990: Provisions regarding alcohol; Provisions of licenses; Narcotics Cure Center and cure of addicted persons; Holiday (Ashura) Tutorial No. 1 N/A. The Narcotics Control Act,1990: Offences and punishment; Confiscation; Investigation; Provisions of cognizance and bail; Procedures of search and seizure The Narcotics Control Act,1990: Provisions regarding alcohol; Provisions of licenses; Narcotics Cure Center and cure of addicted persons; What are the loopholes of Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain,2000?Do you feel the necessity of amendment of the Ain? Presentation & Viva The Explosive Substances Act, 1908: The N/A Explosive N/A 26-11-13 27-11-13 5 28-11-13 Presentation & Viva. 02-12-13 03-12-13 Tutorial No.2 Paribarik Sohingsota(Prodirodh o Surakkha)Ain,2010: enforcement officer and others serving agent; Rights and relief of the aggrieved person; Paribarik Sohingsota(Prodirodh o Surakkha)Ain,2010: Disposal of application, trial and appeal; Offence and punishment. 04-12-13 6 05-12-13 Acid Aparadh Daman Ain, 2002: Definition; Punishment; Investigation process; Trial procedure; Acid violence tribunal. 09-12-13 Presentation & Viva. 10-12-13 The Arms Act, 1878: Definition; Prohibition of unlicensed manufacture, conversion and sale; Import, export and transport; The Arms Act, 1878: Going armed and possessing arms, etc; Provisions relating to licenses, its cancellation and suspension; The Arms Act, 1878: Penalties; Search and seizure; Power to exempt; Information of offences; 11-12-13 12-12-13 7 Definition; Punishment for causing explosion likely to endanger life, person and property; . The Explosive Substances Act, 1908: Punishment for abettors; Investigation; etc Paribarik Sohingsota(Prodirodh o Surakkha)Ain,2010: Definitions; Domestic violence; Duties and responsibilities of police officer, 16-12-13 Holiday( Victory Day) Substances Act, 1908: Definition; Punishment for causing explosion likely to endanger life, person and property; Paribarik Sohingsota(Prodirodh o Surakkha)Ain,2010: Definitions; Domestic violence; Duties and responsibilities of police officer The Arms Act, 1878: Definition; Prohibition of unlicensed manufacture, conversion and sale; Import, export and transport; Provisions relating to licenses, its cancellation and suspension; N/A N/A N/A Do you think that any other types of concept of abuse is needed in the Paribarik Sohingsota(Pr odirodh o Surakkha)Ain, 2010? 8 17-12-13 The Arms Act, 1878: Conducting searches in the case of offences against section 19, clause (f); Opinion of arms and ammunition expert; 18-12-13 19-12-13 Presentation & VIVA Review Class-1 MID TERM EXAM 30-12-13 The Arms Act, 1878: Investigation; Operation of other laws; Power to take census of fire-arms; The Special Powers Act,1974: Definitions, prejudicial act; N/A 31-12-13 The Arms Act, 1878: Notice and limitation of proceedings. 01-01-14 The Special Powers Act,1974: Definitions, prejudicial act; Detention; Constitution of Advisory Board. The Special Powers Act,1974:Constitution of Advisory Board, its procedure; Curfew; The Special Powers Act,1974:Sabotage, Offences and penalties for various offences under this Act; The Special Powers Act,1974:Offences and penalties for various offences under this Act; The Special Powers Act,1974:Special Tribunals, its powers and procedure; The Special Powers Act,1974: Cognizable and non-bailable offence; etc. 02-01-14 9 06-01-14 07-01-14 08-01-14 09-01-14 10 13-01-14 14-01-14 15-01-14 16-01-14 11 20-01-14 21-01-14 22-01-14 23-01-14 12 27-01-14 28-01-14 13 29-01-14 30-01-14 03-02-14 04-02-14 05-02-14 14 06-02-14 10-02-14 Tutorial No. 3 Presentation & VIVA Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: Definitions; extraterritorial enforcement of this act; Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: Human trafficking and related offence ; punishment; Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: Human trafficking and related offence ; punishment; Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: Human trafficking and related offence ; punishment; Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: Human trafficking and related offence ; punishment; Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: Establishment of human trafficking prevention tribunal and trial of offences; Assistance, Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: Establishment of human trafficking prevention tribunal and trial of offences; Assistance, Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: Legal aid and co-operation to protect and prevent offences relating to human trafficking. Detention; Constitution of Advisory Board. The Special Powers Act,1974: Sabotage, Offences and penalties for various offences under this Act. N/A Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: Definitions; extraterritorial enforcement of this act; Human trafficking and related offence ; punishment; N/A N/A Topics will be selected in the class on the present situation of the country on The Special Powers Act, 1974. N/A N/A Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: protection and rehabilitation of victims and witness; N/A N/A Do you think Presentation & Viva Presentation & Viva Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: Institution of complaint; investigation; Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: protection and rehabilitation of victims and witness; Manav Pachar Protirodh O’ Damon Ain,2012: protection and rehabilitation of victims and witness; Presentation & Viva Tutorial No-4 11-02-14 12-02-14 Presentation & Viva Review class-2 13-02-14 Review class-3 that protection and rehabilitation of victims and witness procedure should be changed? What types of recommendatio n do you suggest? FINAL EXAM 1. The Arms Act, 1878 2. The Explosive Substances Act, 1908 3. The Special Powers Act, 1974 4. The Narcotics Control Act, 1990 5. Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain,2000( as amended in 2003) 6. Acid Aparadh Daman Ain, 2002 7. Paribarik Sohingsota(Prodirodh o Surakkha)Ain,2010 8. Manav Pachar Protirodh O Damon Ain, 2012 1.Dr.Habibur Rahman, Md.Ibrahim Sarkar : Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain, 20002. Basic text(s): Reference text(s): Additional reading material: Assessment / Assignment Methods: Leading cases. Marks for assessment will be given by the course teacher through class tests, quizzes, assignments, presentation, class performance, class attendance etc. There should be at least (n+1) where ‘n’ is the number of class tests for a course. The course teacher must submit a copy of marks of Assessment (mentioning the fractions in class tests, quizzes etc.) of his course to the Head of the respective departments. Quiz Test: Description of components of assessment (Class test, class participation, midterm, final exams etc) 100% Assessment Marks 30 includes: Class test/ Assignment 10+ Class attendance 10 + Class performance & Viva voce 10. Total Marks 100 includes : Assessment 30+ Midterm examination 20+ Final Examination 50 Grading systems to be followed for the course Grading Systems: Each course has a letter grade equivalent to a certain number of grade points. Letter grades and their corresponding grade points are as follows: Numerical Grade 80% and above 75% to less than 80% 70% to less than 75% 65% to less than 70% 60% to less than 65% 55% to less than 60% 50% to less than 55% 45% to less than 50% 40% to less than 45% Less than 40% Exemption Incomplete Satisfactory Letter Grade A+ A A+ AB BC+ C D F E I S Grade Point 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.00 0.00 ---- Students’ responsibilities: Sumaya Kowser Lecturer Department of Law and Human Rights, UAP The students should attain the classes regularly and fulfill their work and reading assignments according to the instructions to extract the most out of the course.