FLUID MECHANICS IMPORTANT TOPICS MECHANICAL 4TH SEM. Section-A (Fluid Properties and Fluid Statics), unit-1 Theory:I. Types of fluid II. Concept of continuum III. Density, viscosity, surface tension, cohesion force, adhesion force, capillarity and Meta Centre, (imp) IV. Newton’s law of viscosity V. Effect of temperature on viscosity (imp) VI. Conditions of equilibrium of floating and submerged (IMP) VII. compressibility Derivations:I. Pascal’s law II. Relationship between bulk modulus & pressure (P) for the gas.(IMP) III. Hydrostatics law IV. Total pressure & centre of pressure for vertical and inclined surface. Numerical:1.1 to 1.6, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6 by R.K Bansal (imp) Section-A Fluid Kinematics (unit-2) i. Eulerian and Lagrangian description of fluid flow (imp) ii. stream, streak and path lines iii. types of flows iv. stream and potential functions (imp) v. flow net and its methods of drawing (imp) Derivation:i. differential equation of continuity in Cartesian coordinates, (IMP) ii. differential equation of continuity in polar coordinates. (IMP) Numerical:5.1 to 5.5, 5.7, 5.11, 5.12 by R.K Bansal Section-B (Fluid Dynamics) (unit-3) Theory:i. kinetic and momentum correction factors, Derivation:i. Euler’s equation (imp) ii. Bernoulli’s equation (imp) iii. Venturimeter iv. Orificemeter v. Pitot tube vi. Force exerted by a flowing fluid on a pipe bend Numerical:6.1 to 6.7, 6.9 to 6.14, 6.16, 6.22, 6.23, 6.27 to 6.30 (imp) Section-B Compressible Fluid Flow (unit-4) Theory:i. Mach number and types of according to Mach number and Stagnation properties ii. Constant volume and constant pressure process, (imp) iii. Isothermal and adiabatic process (imp) Derivation:i. Bernoulli’s equation or energy equation for compressible flow ii. Continuity equation and equation of state for compressible flow iii. Propagation of elastic waves due to compression of fluid iv. Propagation of elastic waves due to disturbance in fluid (imp) Numerical:- 15.1 to 15.5, 15.7, 15.11 Also Avail. on sumitmech.wordpress.com FLUID MECHANICS IMPORTANT TOPICS MECHANICAL 4TH SEM. Section-C-Viscous Flow(unit-5) Theory:Flow regimes and Reynolds’s number, Derivations:i. Flow of viscous fluid through circular pipes (Hagen Poiseuille Law) ii. Flow of viscous fluid between two parallel plates a. Both plates are stationary(imp) b. One plate is moving iii. Movement of piston in dash pot iv. Expression for relationship between shear stress and pressure gradient for viscous flow (imp) v. Show that momentum correction factor and energy correction factor for laminar flow through a circular pipe are 4/3 and 2.0 respectively. (imp) Numerical:9.1 to 9.3, 9.7 to 9.9, 9.15, 9.16, 9.20 Flow Through Pipes(unit-6) Theory:Types of losses in pipe flow (imp) Hydraulic gradient and total energy lines (imp) Derivations:Branched pipes; Equivalent pipe Power transmission through pipes and conditions of maximum power transmission. (imp) Numerical:11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.9, 11.10, 11.11, 11.14, 11.17, 11.18, 11.35, 11.40, 11.42 (imp) Section-D- Boundary Layer Flow(unit-7) Theory:i. Development of boundary layer (imp) ii. Boundary layer separation & its control iii. Stream lined & bluff bodies iv. Lift and drag on a cylinder Derivations:i. displacement, momentum and energy thickness, (imp) ii. von-karman momentum integral equation or drag on a flat plate (imp) Numerical:13.1, 13.2, & 13.5 Turbulent Flow (unit-8) Theory:i. Shear stress in turbulent flow ii. Prandtl mixing length theory iii. hydraulically smooth and rough pipes or boundaries (imp) Derivations:i. velocity distribution for turbulent flow (imp) a. for smooth pipe b. for rough pipe ii. derivation for friction losses in pipe iii. friction coefficient of rough and smooth pipe (imp) Numerical:10.1, 102, 10.3, 10.6, 10.9(imp), 10.10, 10.13, 10.15, Also Avail. on sumitmech.wordpress.com