26 th ALNAP Meeting The role of national governments in

26th ALNAP Meeting
The role of national governments in
international humanitarian response to disasters
Meeting Booklet
16-17th November 2010
Putra World Trade Centre
Kuala Lumpur
Hosted by the Red Cross/ Red Crescent Movement
and supported by Mercy Malaysia
AGENDA ......................................................... 2
WORKSHOP DETAILS………………………............... 5
SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES................................... 7
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS..................................... 9
Day one
Ivan Scott- Oxfam GB, and Chair of ALNAP
Aik Cheng Heng- Mercy Malaysia
09:30 – 11:00 Strategic Perspectives on Role of National Governments
Welcome and Meeting Opening:
Dato Misran Karmain - Deputy Secretary-General, ASEAN
Keynote Addresses:
Dr.Bhichit Rattakul - Executive Director, ADPC
“Preparing for Response”
Fernanda Teixeira - former Secretary General, Mozambique Red Cross
“Effective coordination for continuous improvement of disaster management - the case of
Plenary Discussion
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00 Presenting the Evidence
Leading humanitarian analysts and experts will present the findings of their latest research on the
role of national governments in international humanitarian action.
“Domestic humanitarian response: the scale of the government response”
Jane Keylock - Development Initiatives
Betty Kasiko - Development Research and Training (DRT) Uganda
“The Affected State: Accepting responsibility?”
Paul Harvey - Humanitarian Outcomes
Table Discussion: “Ideas Emerging, Issues Arising”
13:00 - 14:00
Day One continued
14:00 – 15:30 Good Practices from Around the World
Five parallel workshops will focus on examples of collaboration between national governments and
the international system, and provide opportunities for participants to learn more about how
collaboration can work in practice
1) Emergency Capacity Building Programme & the Government of Bangladesh
Mohammed Harun or-Rashid - ECB / Save the Children US
Kaiser Rejve - Oxfam
2) Supporting National Health Systems in Responding to Emergencies – Merlin Nepal
Dr Mukesh Prajapati- Merlin Nepal
3) ASEAN Partnerships Group
Ms. Lan Mercado - Advisor to the ASEAN for AADMER / Oxfam
4) Government of Brazil and The World Food Programme/ UN Food and Agriculture Organization
Chrisitani Buani - Ministry of Education, Brazil
5) IFRC’s International Disaster Response Law (IDRL) Programme
Olav Ofstad - International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC)
Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:15 Multi-Stakeholder Discussions: Setting a Shared Agenda
This session will divide into six breakout groups to discuss setting a shared agenda, including:
 What is current state of working together? What is ideal state?
 How can we move from the current state to the ideal?
 Developing a future agenda for collaboration between national government and
international actors
ALNAP Dinner
18:00 onwards
Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
(Details will be announced during the afternoon session)
Day two
Ivan Scott- Oxfam GB, and Chair of ALNAP
Aik Cheng Heng- Mercy Malaysia
09:30 - 11:00 Panel Session: Views from the Frontline
Perspectives from National Governments on the limits and possibilities of improved
A range of speakers representing National Governments will share their experiences
Plenary Discussion
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:45 Learning Across Boundaries: Challenges and Ideas from the Wider World
Lessons from beyond the Humanitarian Sector- Corporate, Military and Beyond,
Dato Johan Raslan - Chairman, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Malaysia
Randolph Kent - Director, Humanitarian Futures Programme
Aik Cheng Heng- Executive Committee Member, Mercy Malaysia
12:45 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30 Stakeholder-Specific Discussions: Recommendations for National Governments;
Donors; NGOs; Red Cross; UN and Academics / Researchers
Stakeholder-specific breakout groups will consider what can be done differently to achieve greater
humanitarian cooperation
Each group to present three tangible recommendations of what their stakeholder group could
be doing differently, which will inform the ‘Report from the 26th ALNAP Meeting’
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:00 Final Panel Discussion: Moving Forward, Next Steps - Ivan Scott, ALNAP Chair
An opportunity to reflect on the previous two days’ discussions and consider how to move forward
collectively, what resources are needed and what opportunities exist in the months ahead
Mia Beers, Humanitarian Advisor, USAID
John Mitchell, Director, ALNAP
Dr Faizal Perdaus, Director, Mercy Malaysia
Christiani Buani, International Advisory of the Brazilian National School Feeding Prog.
Good Practices from around the world
Workshop Details
This session on the afternoon of Day One, 16th November, will run as five parallel workshops,
showcasing examples of collaboration between national governments and the international system.
Please select which group you may wish to attend from the following Workshop Details.
WORKSHOP 1) Emergency Capacity Building Programme & the Government of Bangladesh
The Emergency Capacity Building (ECB) Project is an inter-agency partnership between six international
NGOs working in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Indonesia, Niger and the Horn of Africa. The project aims to
improve the speed, quality and effectiveness of emergency response programs through piloting and
developing a number of training programs, practical tools, and field-based activities including
Emergency Simulations, Joint Evaluations, and Joint Needs Assessments approaches. Bangladesh is one
of ECB’s leading consortia countries committed to improving humanitarian coordination.
This workshop will present their work together with a short video from Mr Qayyum, a senior director
from Bangladesh’s Comprehensive Disaster Management Program (CDMP). This pioneering
collaboration is centred on developing and coordinating disaster management training programs, and
influencing and supporting the enactment of Bangladesh’s draft Disaster Management Act.
Presenters: Mohammed Harun or-Rashid, Manager - ECB project/ Save the Children & Kaiser Rejve,
Humanitarian Programme Coordinator, Oxfam
WORKSHOP 2) Supporting National Health Systems in Responding to Emergencies – Merlin Nepal
Merlin’s engagement in the health sector response to emergencies is based on the principle that the
ultimate responsibility for the performance of the health system lies with the national government.
However where the institutions of government are unable to function effectively, then international
actors such as Merlin have a legitimate role to play in supporting an effective and timely response.
Merlin’s approach is to do this in a way that does not undermine the existing institutions within the
health sector and supports the strengthening of the system in the longer term.
The presentation will outline Merlin’s experience to date of working with ministries of health in
responding to emergencies in different settings, focusing on a number of examples to illustrate some of
the challenges as well as opportunities of this approach for the organization and wider sector. Merlin
will share its experiences from Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Philippines, Haiti, Liberia,
Zimbabwe, CAR, and Sudan.
Presenter: Dr Mukesh Prajapati, Country Health Director, Merlin Nepal
Good Practices from around the world
Workshop Details
WORKSHOP 3) ASEAN Partnerships
The case study focuses on the collaboration between the ASEAN and a consortium of NGOs currently
made up of Child Fund International, Save the Children, Plan International, Help Age International,
World Vision, Mercy Malaysia and Oxfam GB. The collaboration focuses on building the institutional
capacity of the ASEAN Secretariat to facilitate and support the people-centred implementation of
AADMER (ASEAN Agreement in Disaster Management and Emergency Response).
The ASEAN is often criticised for not being responsive to civil society. But the ASEAN Partnership Group
has discovered that there are ways to influence the ASEAN by working from the inside. The case study
will look at the opportunities and challenges in working with an intergovernmental organisation in a
region that is highly prone to various disaster hazards.
Presenter: Ms. Lan Mercado, Advisor to the ASEAN on Partnership and Resource Mobilisation for
AADMER / Oxfam
WORKSHOP 4) Government of Brazil and WFP/ FAO – School Feeding Programmes
Since 2005, the Brazilian National Fund for Educational Development (FNDE) has worked in
cooperation with the United Nations World Food Program and the UN Food and Agriculture
Organization to promote and reinforce home grown school feeding programs and improve food and
nutritional security in other countries. This workshop will explore this partnership which promotes the
exchange of experiences and contributes to sustainable solutions.
WFP and FAO, in partnership with the Brazilian Government, have demonstrated an increased capacity
for action in countries in need, always encouraging the local development of countries and social
inclusion of the less fortunate. Each of the organizations involved understand the complexity of the
implementing such programs, and the type of cooperation which is required in order to achieve their
objectives for food and nutrition security.
Presenter: Christiani Amaral Buani, International Advisory of the Brazilian National School Feeding
Program, Brazilian Ministry of Education
WORKSHOP 5) IFRC’s International Disaster Response Law (IDRL) Programme
This workshop will begin with a short video titled ‘Disasters in Asia, the Case for Legal preparedness’
which complements a newly launched report with the same title. The video includes case studies from
Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Philippines exploring different aspects of International Disaster Response
Law (IDRL). We will focus mainly upon the challenges that were handled in Indonesia, particularly on the
role of international and national organisations, but also the response from the Government, leading to
comprehensive legislative/regulatory efforts.
This case study is about advocacy of organisations but also practical cooperation between organisations
and the government. In Indonesia the National Red Cross Society, Palang Merah Indonesia, was
particularly active, cooperating with IFRC and OCHA in its support to the Government.
Presenter: Olav Ofstad, Coordinator, Asia Pacific IFRC, International Disaster Response Laws
Speaker Biographies
H.E. Dato’ Misran Karmain was appointed Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for ASEAN Socio-Cultural
Community in September 2009. Dato' Misran oversees the implementation of ASEAN projects that
focuses on building a people oriented society where the well-being, livelihood and welfare of the
region's peoples are enhanced. Dato' Misran was previously the Senior Undersecretary of the Political,
Security and Disarmament Directorate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia and he has
represented the government of Malaysia in a number of posts around the world, including Yemen, USA,
Senegal and France.
Dr. Bhichit Rattakul is the Executive Director of Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC). He has over
20 years experience in Science and Technology Research in policy and management and has been a key
supporter of multi-cultural Natural Resources and Disaster Management programs. Dr Bhichit was
elected three times as a Member of Parliament and served as Science and Technology Portfolio Cabinet
member of Royal Thai Government. In 2000 he was elected as Governor of Bangkok and in 2005 was
elected as senator from Bangkok. With a doctorate in Microbiology from USA, he taught at Faculty of
Science at Chulalongkorn University during the 1980s.
Fernanda La-Salette de Vasconcelos Teixeira, served as the Secretary General of Mozambique Red
Cross between 1998-2010. During this period the Mozambique Red Cross responded to several natural
disasters, including four major floods between 2000 and 2008; cyclones Elina (2000), Japhet (2003),
Fávio (2007), and Jókwè (2008); Cholera outbreak (2005-2006); drought (2004-2006). In 2001 Fernanda
was recognised by the UN (ISDR) with the Sasakawa Award, Certificate of Distinction for Disaster Risk
Jane Keylock is part of the Global Humanitarian Assistance (GHA) programme (led by Development
Initiatives (DI)) managing the workstream on domestic response. This looks at how individuals,
communities, organisations, companies and governments from countries affected by disaster respond
to the crisis. Before joining DI in 2009, Jane worked for 7 years on emergency nutrition programmes,
initially implementing such programmes in Burundi and Sudan and then later supporting the Ethiopian
government as well as various Ministries of Health in South Asia, and their UNICEF counterparts, to
address acute malnutrition.
Ikanza Betty Kasiko is a development specialist focusing on research, policy analysis and policy
engagement. She has worked with Development Research and Training (DRT), Uganda for 4 years and
currently leads DRT’s work on economic policy. Amongst others, her research has included Domestic
Humanitarian Response in Uganda, Conflict and Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty in Northern
and North Eastern Uganda, Understanding Chronic Poverty in Karamoja and Alcohol and Chronic
poverty in Uganda. Betty holds a Master of Arts in Ethics and Development Studies from Uganda
Martyrs’ University Nkozi.
Paul Harvey is a Partner with Humanitarian Outcomes, an independent team of professionals providing
evidence-based analysis and policy consultations to governments and international organisations on
their humanitarian response efforts. He was previously a Research Fellow with the Humanitarian Policy
Group in the Overseas Development Institute. Recent work has included reports on cash based
responses, HIV/AIDS, analysing impact, remittances and dependency in humanitarian aid. Prior to
joining ODI he worked for various NGOs as an emergency manager, including longer postings in Somalia,
Sierra Leone and Kosovo.
Speaker Biographies
Johan Raslan is the Executive Chairman of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Malaysia and has experience
in business advisory services both in Malaysia and the United Kingdom. Johan currently chairs the
Institute of Corporate Responsibility Malaysia (ICRM), a network of companies committed to advancing
responsible business practices in Malaysia. An Eisenhower Fellow, Johan is Adjunct Professor of
University Malaya, Vice-President of Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Council
Member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants.
Dr. Randolph Kent directs the Humanitarian Futures programme at Kings College, London. He accepted
his present post after completing his assignment as UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for
Somalia in April 2002. Prior to his assignment in Somalia, he served as UN Humanitarian Coordinator in
Kosovo [1999], UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Rwanda [1994-1995], Chief of the UN Emergency Unit
in Sudan [1989-1991] and Chief of Emergency Prevention and Preparedness in Ethiopia [1987-1989].
In November 2004, Dr. Kent completed a UN-funded project dealing with the UN system’s disaster risk
reduction capacity, ‘Looking to the future: Practical steps to strengthen the United Nations relevance
and value-added in disaster risk management.’
Dr. Aik Cheng Heng is a member of Mercy Malaysia’s Executive Committee. He has worked in areas of
complex emergencies in Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq and Gaza as well as natural disasters in Pakistan,
North Korea, Indonesia and Myanmar. Dr Heng also sits in the Board of ADRRN (Asian Disaster Relief
and Response Network), the Board of APG-AADMER (Associated Professional Group-ASEAN Agreement
on Disaster Management and Emergency Response) and has been in the drafting committee of APCMADRO ( Asia Pacific Conference on Military Assistance on Disaster Related Operations). He also works
as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.
Mia Beers currently serves as Senior Humanitarian Policy Advisor in the Office of the Director at
USAID/OFDA, heading a global policy and multilateral affairs team in Geneva, Rome, Brussels, New York,
and Washington. From 1998 – 2008, Ms. Beers was posted overseas for USAID in various positions. She
has led multi-agency disaster assistance response teams and assessment teams for the U.S. government
in Africa, the Middle East and Asia over the last decade and deployed to Haiti, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Sudan
and Indonesia during the last several years. From 1994-1998, she worked with a non-governmental
organization coordinating field teams and multi-sectoral programs in Somalia.
Christiani Buani is an International Advisor for the Brazilian National School Feeding Program at the
National Fund for Educational Development/Ministry of Education. Christiani holds two Master degrees
in international law, from the University of Paris II and UniCEUB and she is currently a doctoral
candidate in international law at UniCEUB in Brasilia.
John Mitchell has been Director of ALNAP since 2002. He has a background in anthropology and
nutrition and began his career with the UK Department for International Development and the UN
World Food Programme in Ethiopia 1984-86. John went on to take up the position of Senior
Humanitarian Advisor at the British Red Cross, which included supporting the IFRC with their work on
disaster preparedness. John has been involved in many humanitarian initiatives including the
development of therapeutic foods for Oxfam and the design of food security monitoring systems for
ActionAid. He is a long standing member of the Humanitarian Policy Advisory Group.
List of Participants
Shalimar Abdullah, Executive Council Member; Mercy
Malaysia, kelapa44@yahoo.com
Sarah Chynoweth, Programme Manager; SPRINT Initiative,
Michael Annear, IFRC, michael.annear@ifrc.org
Rosalinda Crescini-Tablang, Council for People's
Development and Governance, rosalindatablang@gmail.com
Rahel Asfaw, Senior Resource Mobilisation Expert;
Government of Ethiopia, asfaw_rahel@yahoo.com
Annie Devonport, Humanitarian Programme Advisor; DEC,
Matt Bannerman, Director; ECB Project,
Shahridan Fathil, Society Member; Mercy Malaysia,
Mia Beers, Humanitarian Policy Advisor; USAID,
Regina Feindt, Country Director, Myanmar; Deutsche
Welthungerhilfe, welthungerhilfe.cdmmr@googlemail.com
Valerie Bemo, Senior Program Officer; Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, valerie.bemo@gatesfoundation.org
Wendy Fenton, HPN Coordinator; ODI, w.fenton@odi.org
Massimiliano Benevelli, Head of Emergency Operations,
Kyrgyzstan; Danish Refugee Council, max@drc.dk
Tony L. Fernandez, Consultant; Church World Service,
Almir Beridan, Legal Adviser; Civil Protection Sector, Bosnia,
Nicolas Finney, Save the Children,
Mihir Bhatt, Honorary Director; AIDMI, mihir@aidmi.org
Dr. Bhichit Rattakul, Executive Director; Asian Disaster
Preparedness (ADPC), bhichit@adpc.net
Mona Girgis, Assistant Country Director for CARE Laos; CARE
Laos, mona@carelaos.org
Louisa Brewin, UK Humanitarian Emergency Response
Review; DFID, l-brewin@dfid.gov.uk
François Grünewald, Directeur general; Groupe URD,
Christiani Buani, International Advisory of the Brazilian
National School Feeding Program; Brazil,
Scott Green, Chief, Policy Development & Studies Branch;
OCHA, green10@un.org
Zuo Guizhou, Deputy Director of the Disaster Donation
Division, Department of Disaster Relief; Ministry of Civil
Affairs, China, zuoguizhou@cndr.gov.cn
Dagmar Buck, Consultant; Banyaneer,
Jon Burrough, Director, Emergency Response; AusAID,
Manu Gupta, Director; SEEDS, manu@seedsindia.org
Josh Harris, Communications & Network Officer; ALNAP
Secretariat, j.harris@alnap.org
Jess Camburn, Director; ELRHA,
Mohammed Harun-or-Rashid, Manager - ECB project; Save
the Children, mrashid@savechildren.org
Scott Chapelowe, M&E Senior Officer; IFRC,
Paul Harvey, Partner; Humanitarian Outcomes,
Aik Cheng Heng, Executive Committee Member; Mercy
Malaysia, mercyheng@gmail.com
Yuka Hasegawa, Senior Research Officer, Evaluation &
Accountability; ALNAP Secretariat, y.hasegawa@alnap.org
Ian Christoplos, Glemminge Development Research AB,
List of Participants
Anette Haug, Senior Advisor, Evaluation; Norad,
Murray Millar, World Vision Int., Murray_Millar@wvi.org
John Mitchell, Director; ALNAP Secretariat,
Caroline Heider, Director, Office of Evaluation; WFP,
Monzu Morshed, Shouhardo II Deputy Chief of Party; CARE
Bangladesh, Morshed@bd.care.org
Alistair Henley, Director, Asia Pacific Zone; IFRC,
Dennis Müller, "Task Force Humanitarian Aid”, Federal
Foreign Office; MFA Germany, vn05-3@auswaertigesamt.de
Chum Hre, Government of Myanmar
Takako Izumi, General Manager, Operations; Mercy
Malaysia, takako@mercy.org.my
Dokurugu Naambuyi, Government of Ghana,
Dato Misran Karmain, Deputy Secretary-General; ASEAN,
Tsutomu Nagae, Chief Representative, Malaysia Office; JICA,
Betty Kasiko, Development Research and Training (DRT)
Uganda, bkasiko@drt-ug.org
Yasuhide Nakamura, Professor of International
Collaboration; Osaka University, Yastisch@aol.com
Jane Keylock, Policy Advisor; Development Initiatives,
Mamadou Ndiaye, Directeur Général; OFADEC,
Randolph Kent, Director; Humanitarian Futures Programme,
Dr. Georg Nothelle, Consultant,
Deng Lan, Program Officer; National Disaster Reduction
Center, China, denglan69@sohu.com
Abundio Nuñez, Head of Planning and Operations Division;
Albay Public Safety and Emergency Management Office,
Philippines, jukes102@hotmail.com
Jess Letch, Training Consultant; ICRC, jeletch@icrc.org
Vincent Matioli, Acting Director Disaster Risk Reduction and
Preparedness; Ministry of State for Special Programmes,
Kenya, matioliv66@yahoo.com
Olav Ofstad, IDRC Co-ordinator; IFRC, olav.ofstad@ifrc.org
Carlos Padolina, Deputy Executive Director; CDRC,
Yves Mauron, Programme Officer, Quality Assurance; SDC,
Maria Palacios, DG ECHO Evaluation Sector; ECHO,
Robert McCouch, Senior Evaluation Specialist –
Humanitarian; UNICEF, rmccouch@unicef.org
Faizal Perdaus, President; Mercy Malaysia,
Lilian Mercado, Advisor to ASEAN on Partnership and
Resource Mobilisation; AADMER / Oxfam,
Jean-Michel Piedagnel, CEO; Woodseer Management
Consulting, jm@woodseer.com
Amy Merritt, Interim Programme Officer; ALNAP Secretariat,
Riccardo Polastro, Head of Evaluation; DARA,
Paul Mettler, Planning and Development; Mercy Malaysia,
Mukesh Prajapati, Country Health Director; Merlin Nepal,
List of Participants
Gamini Rajakaruna, Additional Secretary; Ministry of
Disaster Management, Sri Lanka, mcdaddsgr@gmail.com
Kim Scriven, Research & Innovations Officer; ALNAP
Secretariat, k.scriven@alnap.org
Ben Ramalingam, Head of Research & Development; ALNAP
Secretariat, b.ramalingam@alnap.org
Salim Shaabani, Drought Management Officer Arid Lands
Resource Management Project; Kenya,
Johan Raslan, Chair; Price Waterhouse Cooper Malaysia,
Ross Sovann, Deputy Secretary General for Emergency
Management; National Committee for Disaster
Management, Cambodia, ross.sovann@ncdm.gov.kh
Suzanne Raswant, Senior Humanitarian Policy Officer,
Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division; FAO,
Craig Strathern, Diplomatic Advisor; ICRC,
Kaiser Rejve, Humanitarian Programme Coordinator; Oxfam,
Salim Sumar, Director; Focus Humanitarian Assistance
Europe Foundation, salim.sumar@focushumanitarian.org
Marc Reza, Consultant; Aster Communications,
Fernanda Teixeira, Independent, Former Mozambique Red
Cross, fernanda_lvt@hotmail.com
Bilosthytskyi Ruslan, Head of Humanitarian Assistance
Section – Logistics; Government of Ukraine,
Misikir Tilahun, Head of Programmes; Africa Humanitarian
Action, programmes@africahumanitarian.org
Thomas Russell, ICRC, trussell@icrc.org
Nisha Sabanayagam, Senior Officer, Monitoring and
Evaluation; Mercy Malaysia, nisha@mercy.org.my
Nigel Timmins, Humanitarian Programmes Unit Manager;
Christian Aid, ntimmins@christian-aid.org
Marco Vinicio Saborío Mesén, Jefe; Relaciones
Internacionales y Cooperación, Costa Rica
Chris Toews, Director of Development – Emergency
Foundations Unit; CARE USA, ctoews@care.org
Mike Tozer, Manager - Standards and Research; Global
Hand, enquiries@globalhand.org
Mohammed Safeer, Field Coordinator; Japanese NGOs in Sri
Lanka, safeeracm@gmail.com
Tendik Tynystanov, Corporate PMER Officer; British Red
Cross, TTynystanov@redcross.org.uk
Linda Salleh, Executive Assistant to Director; IFRC, Asia
Pacific Zone, linda.lai@ifrc.org
Percy Vadillo, Director of International Cooperation; Civil
National Defence Institute, Peru, palvarado@indeci.gob.pe
Monica Sandri, Emergency Response and Protection Advisor;
Social Protection Department, Afghanistan,
Krishna Vatsa, Regional Disaster Reduction Advisor; UNDP,
Percinita J. Sanchez, Vice Chair of CDRN; CDRC, info@cdrcphil.com
Amy Watts, Programme Coordinator; SPRINT Initiative,
Kevin Savage, Associate Director for Strategy and
Organisational Change, Humanitarian Learning, Evaluation,
Analysis, & Review network; World Vision International,
Dedy Wiredja, Disaster Management and Humanitarian
Assistance Division; ASEAN Secretariat, wiredja@asean.org
Bakheit Yagoub Ahmed, Deputy Commissioner; Government
of Sudan, bakheityagoub@hotmail.com
Ivan Scott, Head of Programme Performance &
Accountability; Oxfam, IScott@oxfam.org.uk