Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Reading Q’s : Solid and Hazardous Waste
Miller: Living in the Environment
The Ecocity Concept in Curitiba, Brazil
a. Describe how Curitiba was designed? What type of transportation do most people use?
Urbanization and Urban Growth
a. Factors Effecting Urban Growth
i. What are the 2 ways that urban areas grow?
b. Global Patterns of Urban Growth
i. List and describe the 5 trends that are important in understanding the problems and challenges
facing urban growth.
c. Case Study: Urbanization in the US
i. What are the 4 phases of migration to cities that occurred in the US?
ii. List 3 benefits of cities.
iii. List 3 problems occurring in aging cities.
d. Case Study: Urban Sprawl in the US
i. What are the 6 major factors that promoted Urban sprawl in the US?
ii. What is a megalopolis?
iii. Using figure 23-6, list 10 ways that urban sprawl degrades natural capital.
Urban Resources and Environmental Problems
a. Advantages of Urbanization
i. List 3 advantages of urbanization.
b. Disadvantages of Urbanization
i. List and describe 7 disadvantages of urbanization.
c. The Urban Poor in Developing Countries
i. What are slums, squatter settlements and shantytowns?
d. Case Study: Mexico City
i. List 3 environmental problems in mexico city.
Transportation and Urban Development
a. Land Availability and Transportation Systems
i. How do Americans travel to work?
b. Trade Offs: Advantages and Disadvantages of Motor Vehicles
i. List 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of personal motor vehicles.
c. Solutions: Reduce Automobile Use
i. List 3 ways to encourage or force people to drive less.
d. Solutions: Redesigning Urban Transport
i. List and describe 4 ways other than cars that can be used for urban transport.
e. Case Study: Destroying a Great Mass Transit system in the US
i. What did Los Angeles have by the beginning of the 20th century?
ii. What was the company national city lines doing?
Urban Land-Use Planning
a. Conventional Land Use Planning
i. What is zoning? What are 2 drawbacks with zoning?
b. Solutions: Smart Growth
i. List 20 principles of Smart Growth.
c. Case Study: Land Use Planning In Oregon
i. What are the 3 decisions that Oregon uses to zone land.
d. Preserving and Using Open Space
i. What is a greenbelt?
Making Urban Areas More Sustainable and Desirable Places to Live
a. New Urbanism
i. What are 5 principles of new urbanism.
b. The Ecocity Concept
i. What are 11 goals of an ecocity?