International Baccalaureate Biology Course Description The Biology course of the IB Diploma at DYCA is designed to extend the existing skills The course is designed to meet the development needs of learners as expressed in the IB objectives. The objectives for all group 4 subjects reflect those parts of the aims that will be assessed. Wherever appropriate, the assessment will draw upon environmental and technological contexts and identify the social, moral and economic effects of Biological science. Course Content It is the intention of all the Diploma Programme Biology courses that students achieve the following objectives. 1. Demonstrate an understanding of: scientific facts and concepts scientific methods and techniques scientific terminology Methods of presenting scientific information. 2. Apply and use: scientific facts and concepts scientific methods and techniques scientific terminology to communicate effectively Appropriate methods to present scientific information. 3. Construct, analyse and evaluate: hypotheses, research questions and predictions scientific methods and techniques Scientific explanations. 4. Demonstrate the personal skills of cooperation, perseverance and responsibility appropriate for effective scientific investigation and problem solving. 5. Demonstrate the manipulative skills necessary to carry out scientific investigations with precision and safety. Assessment structure. Internal assessment The internal assessment aspect of the course is based on the best marks achieved in 5 skills, eventually making up 24% of the Biology marks. The process is formative and the skills assessed during portfolio development are; 1) Design (D) – three aspects, two marks available for each aspect, assessed twice during the course, a total of 12 marks. 2) Data collection and processing (DCP) – three aspects, two marks available for each aspect, assessed twice during the course, a total of 12 marks. 3) Conclusion and evaluation (CE) – three aspects, two marks available for each aspect, assessed twice during the course, a total of 12 marks. 4) Manipulative skills (MS) – three aspects, two marks available for each aspect, assessed summatively over the two years of the course, a total of six marks. 5) Personal skills (PS) - three aspects, two marks available for each aspect, assessed during the group 4 project, a total of six marks. External assessment Assessment through formal examination is aimed at evaluating a learners’ progress against three of the IB objectives for group 4 subjects: demonstrate and evaluate (1); apply and use (2); construct, analyse and evaluate (3): Paper 1 - evaluating objectives 1 and 2 - overall weighting 20% (SL and HL) SL: 30 multiple choice questions from the core. HL: 40 multiple choice questions from the core and HL). Paper 2 - evaluating objectives 1, 2 and 3 - overall weighting 32% (HL: 36%) Section A: SL - one data-based question and several short answer questions from the core; HL - one data-based question and several short answer questions from the core and AHL. Section B: SL - one extended-response question from the core, from a choice of three; HL two extended-response questions from the core and AHL, from a choice of four. Paper 3 - evaluating objectives 1, 2 and 3 - overall weighting 24% (HL: 20%) SL: several short-answer questions from each of the two options studied. HL: several short-answer questions from each of the two options studied plus one extendedresponse questions from each of the options. Entry Requirements Successful candidates must have previous experience of science/biology at GCSE level, preferably having achieved a grade B or above. Future Opportunities Jobs directly related to your course/further biology education can include: Clinical molecular geneticist Higher education lecturer Nature conservation officer Pharmacologist Research scientist (life sciences) Research scientist (medical) Secondary school teacher Soil scientist Jobs where your course/further biology would be useful include: Dentist General practice doctor Science writer Training and development officer Useful Links Description Website iBiology IB Biology Channel on YouTube (by IB Biology teacher Stephanie Castle) Hart Online IB Biology (you will need to enter password carrefour) It is made by an IB Biology teacher for use for his students and other IB Biology teachers. It is organized by topic and includes AHL topics and all of the options. Each section contains a very thorough powerpoint, links to animations and videos and review worksheets. This site has videos made by an IB BIology teacher that are indexed by topic. It is worth checking out! This website is made by an IB teacher and is organized by IB topic assessment statement. Includes all core topics, all AHL and some of the options. Animations, videos, powerpoints, activities are all organized under the specific assessment statement that they address. Bozeman Science This website has content specific videos. Videos are made specifically for AP Biology, but most of it is applicable to content in IB Biology. IB Biology flashcards on quizlet Online flashcards for most topics of IB Biology. Click4Biology Notes and diagrams organized by topic. Includes the core, topics, AHL and some options. Khan Academy - Biology Great videos from Sal Khan on many topics in biology. IB Bio Ninja Website Clear drawings and explanations. The website that the awesome IB Biology Ninja App is based on. Recommended reading list Allott A. (2012). Biology: Study Guide for the IB Diploma. 2nd Edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. [ISBN-13: 978-0198389941] Clegg C.J., (2007). Biology for the IB Diploma. Hodder education, [ISBN-13: 9780340926529] Damon, A., McGonegal, R., Tosto, P. & Ward, W. (2008). Pearson Baccalaureate: Standard Level Biology for the IB Diploma. Pearson International. [ISBN-13: 978-0435994396] Further Information For any further information please contact.