CHAPTER IV AUDIT INVENTORY AND PURCHASES Hypothetical Case in XYZ Company A. TYPICAL ERRORS OR IRREGULARITIES (FRAUD) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inventory may have been shipped but not recorded. Inventory usage may have not been accurately recorded. Purchase may have been recorded but the merchandise not received. Merchandise may have been received but not recorded in purchases. Purchases may have been recorded erroneously. Unauthorized purchases may have been made. Inventory may have been stolen. Inventory may have been improperly counted. Inventory may have been improperly valued. Do in your F4 Size Notebook 4.1. Write down audit programs to audit the potential errors and irregularities of inventory as stated above, and indicate the type of assertion that relate to your audit program (existence or occurence, completeness, right and obligation, valuation or allocation, or presentation and disclosure). Another consideration in audit the inventory are finding answer to these questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Are inventories physically exists? Are inventories owned by the company? Are inventories costing includes freight, discounts, taxes etc.? Are obsolete and unsalable inventories have been written off or written down? Are inventories valuations correct? Are inventories out on consignment properly recorded? Are inventories properly classified as current asset? Are inventories pledged as loan collateral properly disclosed? Do in your F4 Size Notebook 4.2. Write down audit programs to answer the questions related to the assertion of inventories as stated above, and indicate the type of assertion that relate to your audit program (existence or occurence, completeness, right and obligation, valuation or allocation, or presentation and disclosure). B. INFORMATION FOR SUBSTANTIVE TEST OF INVENTORY The schedule of inventory valuation has been prepared by client and documented as W/P C-1. The copy of the schedule is as follows: Audit Practice Ch. 1 Page |1 W/P : C-1 Prepared by client Apple Blossom Company Inventory 12-31-2014 Items Oils #A601 Lemon #A603 Lemon #A608 Lemon #R315 Apple #R320 Apple #Q291 Magnolia Total Oils Cremes #H84 Hand Cremes #F60 Face Cremes Total Cremes Lotions #L612 Moisturizing #L940 Skin Tone #L818 Smoothing Total Lotions Colognes #E801 Pomme #E802 Abricot #E803 Teint #E804 Chevre #E805 Jasmin #E806 Citron #E807 Rose Total Colognes Size Ounces No. of Cases No. of Bottles (24/Case) Total Ounces Cost/ Unit Amount Inventory 2 4 6 4 6 8 321 156 138 102 20 21.5 7.704 3.744 3.312 2.448 480 516 15.408 14.976 19.872 9.792 2.880 4.128 2.6/oz 2.6/oz 2.6/oz 2.3/oz 2.35/oz 2.20/oz 40.061 38.938 51.667 22.522 6.768 9.082 169.037 4 4 590 540.5 14.160 12.972 56.640 51.888 4.17/btl 4.30/btl 59.047 55.780 114.827 8 8 8 820 615 105 19.680 14.760 2.520 157.440 118.080 20.160 3.60/btl 3.60/btl 3.20/btl 70.848 53.136 8.064 132.048 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 120 54 110 58 45 60 98.5 2.880 1.296 2.640 1.392 1.080 1.440 2.364 23.040 10.368 21.120 11.136 8.640 11.520 18.912 2.90/oz 2.90/oz 2.90/oz 2.90/oz 2.90/oz 2.90/oz 2.90/oz 3,974.5 95.388 66.816 30.067 61.248 32.294 25.056 33.408 54.845 303.734 719.646 The following is the document of inventory observation and test counts Audit Practice Ch. 1 Page |2 W/P : C-2 Apple Blossom Company Inventory Observation and Test Counts 12-31-2014 Stock Items No. STORE ROOM L940 Skin Tone L612 Moisturizing L818 Smoothing E806 Citron E807 Rose E801 Pomme E803 Teint E802 Abricot F60 Face Cremes H84 Hand Cremes A608 Lemon A603 Lemon A601 Lemon E804 Chevre E805 Jasmin Q291 Magnolia R315 Apple R320 Apple Storeroom Total SHIPPING DOC F60 Face Cremes E803 Teint H84 Hand Cremes Shipping doc total Total inventory No. of No. of Cases Bottles 24/Case Size of Bottle Total Ounces 615 820 105 60 98,5 120 90 54 430,5 510 138 156 321 58 45 21,5 102 20 3764,5 14.760 19.680 2.520 1.440 2.364 2.880 2.160 1.296 10.332 12.240 3.312 3.744 7.704 1.392 1.080 516 2.448 480 90.348 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 6 4 2 8 8 8 4 6 118.080 157.440 20.160 11.520 18.912 23.040 17.280 10.368 41.328 48.960 19.872 14.976 15.408 11.136 8.640 4.128 9.792 2.880 553.920 110 20 80 210 2.640 480 1.920 5.040 95.388 4 8 4 10.560 3.840 7.680 22.080 576.000 Notes: 1. Number of cases has been tested during observation and no errors observed 2. The number of bottle in cases has been tested to 30 unopened case, and no exception. 3. No obsolete or damaged inventory was observed 4. For cut off, last receiving report #12-12 was used on 12/31/14. 150 cases of #F60 Face Cremes were received from Fruit Juicy Perfume Co. That shipment included in the above inventory. Audit Practice Ch. 1 Page |3 Apple Blossom Cologne Company Cash Voucher (The Company Located in Chicago) 2014 Vo No Vendor Item 1-24 Fruit Scents, Inc Hope, Michigan #A601-LO #A603-LO #A608-LO #L818-SL 600 400 400 1200 1-29 Flash Freight Co Freight for Vo #1-24 2600 Cash 3-09 Fruit Juice Missouri #L940-STL #L612-ML #L818-SL 500 Net 30 200 Net 30 200 Net 30 5-21 Fruit Juice Per. Missouri #H84-4oz HC #F60-4oz FC 6-34 Fruit Scents Hope, Michigan #E807-LDR #R315-4oz AO #R320-6oz AO #Q291-8oz MO Audit Practice Ch. 1 Quant Discount Freigt (Cases) Cost Per Case Vendor Invoice Date Receiving Re. Date 120.8 245.9 370.4 72.8 1-23-14 1-23-14 1-23-14 1-23-14 1-24-14 1-24-14 1-24-14 1-24-14 4 1-28-14 FOBC FOBC FOBC 86.4 86.4 76.8 3-4-14 3-4-14 3-4-14 580 Net 30 600 Net 30 FOBC FOBC 100 103.2 200 400 200 100 FOBH FOBH FOBH FOBH 552.8 216.8 334.4 418.4 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 FOBH FOBH FOBH FOBH Date Amount Paid Paid 2-11-14 2-11-14 2-11-14 2-11-14 72,480 98,360 148,160 87,360 406,360 2-17-14 10,400 3-10-14 3-10-14 3-10-14 2-26-14 2-26-14 2-26-14 43,200 17,280 15,360 75,840 5-6-14 5-6-14 5-9-14 5-9-14 5-14-14 5-14-14 58,000 61,920 119,920 6-25-14 6-25-14 6-25-14 6-25-14 6-26-14 6-26-14 6-26-14 6-26-14 7-1-14 7-1-14 7-1-14 7-1-14 110,560 86,720 66,880 41,840 306,000 Page |4 7-11 Flash Freight Freight on Vo. 6-34 (4/C) 900 Cash 9-14 Fruit Scents Hope, Michigan #E801 - LDP #E802 – LDA #E803 – LDT #E806 – LDC #E804 – LDCh #E805 – LDJ 200 100 100 160 100 80 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 9-20 Fruit Scents Hope, Michigan #E803 – LDT #E806 – LDC 120 Net 30 120 Net 30 9-25 Flash Freight Freight on Vo #9-14 and #9-25 (4/C) 980 Cash 12-21 Fruit Juice Per. Missouri #L940 – STL #H84 -4oz HC 800 Net 30 400 Net 30 FOBC FOBC 86.4 12-24-14 100 12-24-14 12-35 Fruit Scents Hope, Michigan #A601 – LO 100 Net 30 FOBH 110.8 12-29-14 12-42 Flash Freight Freight on Vo. #12-35 (4/C) 100 Cash 4 7-11-14 FOBH FOBH FOBH FOBH FOBH FOBH 552.8 552.8 552.8 552.8 552.8 552.8 9-4-14 9-4-14 9-4-14 9-4-14 9-4-14 9-4-14 FOBH FOBH 552.8 552.8 9-5-14 9-5-14 4 9-15-14 4 12-29-14 7-21-14 3,600 9-11-14 9-11-14 9-11-14 9-11-14 9-11-14 9-11-14 9-17-14 9-17-14 9-17-14 9-17-14 9-17-14 9-17-14 110,560 55,280 55,280 88,448 55,280 44,224 409,072 9-12-14 9-12-14 9-22-14 9-22-14 66,336 66,336 132,672 9-22-14 3,920 12-29-14 12-29-14 1-8-15 1-8-15 69,120 40,000 109,120 12-30-14 1-9-15 11,080 1-9-15 400 ****** Audit Practice Ch. 1 Page |5 Audit Practice Ch. 1 Page |6