PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON POLICE 20TH APRIL 2012 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT FORPOLICE POLICE SECRETARIAT OF 1 INTRODUCTION • A departmental Strategic planning session for the Secretariat was held on 5th to 6th December 2011. This was followed by another session with sms members on 19th January 2012 • The 2011/12 APP and Strategic Plan was developed & submitted to parliament last year, prior to the enactment of the Civilian Secretariat Act for Police of 2011. • The current 2012/13 APP & three year Strategic Plan was therefore adjusted to be in line with the new Act. 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 2 IMPLEMENTATION OF ACT •The Civilian Secretariat for Police Act of 2011 was legislated and ascended to by the President in 2011. • The process of the implementation of the Act will be: Organizational structure approved by Minister and the Minister of Public Services & Administration will be implemented Processes, capacity and procedures for designated department to be in place by December 2012 Civilian Secretariat for Police to become a designated department on 1 April 2013 Provincial secretariats to be established July 2013 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 3 SUB-PROGRAMME: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY FOR POLICE Purpose: PROVIDE EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT TO SUPPORT AND ENHANCE THE ROLE OF THE MINISTER. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Outputs An effective and efficient Secretariat able to fulfill its mandate All systems and planning processes developed and effectively implemented: • Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan developed and implemented • Budget Aligned with APP and Strategic Plan • Full implementation of Civilian Secretariat for Police Act • Effective implementation of new organizational structure for the Secretariat • Compliance with all prescripts reporting processes within Secretariat • Performance management system in placed and effectively utilized • Effective communication and alignment with Provinces • Plans developed and implementation regarding special projects as determined by Minister of Police • Strategic & technical advise provided to the Minister of Police • Effective implementation of communication strategy • Timeous and accurate reports submitted to Minister of Police on areas of oversight and policy • Other government departments engaged through the JCPS cluster processes 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 4 CHIEF DIRECTORATE: PARTNERSHIPS Purpose: MANAGE AND ENCOURAGE NATIONAL DIALOGUE ON COMMUNITY SAFETY AND CRIME PREVENTION. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Outputs Effective collaborative effort between government and civil society organizations on crime prevention •Working agreements with civics & police unions •Established working groups arising from agreements Facilitate the participation of communities in crime prevention initiatives •Effective implementation of Minister’s public participation programmes (including working relationships with communities on crime prevention initiatives) Facilitate roll- out of CSF’s •Working agreements in place with NWG, DevCom, Prov Secretariats, SALGA regarding roll out of CSF’s •Facilitation forums established in provinces for role out CSF’s •Roll out of CSF’s monitored •Launch joint anti-crime campaign •Effective implementation of CPF policy guidelines in provinces 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 5 CHIEF DIRECTORATE: PARTNERSHIPS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Outputs Ensure a collaborative effort between government and private & academic sector on crime prevention •Anti-crime small business robberies strategy implemented in provinces Implement special projects as directed by Secretary •Special Partnerships Projects implemented •Agreements in place with regard to anti-crime initiatives •Rural Safety strategy implementation 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 6 MONITORING & EVALUATION Purpose: To provide efficient and effective oversight over the SAPS through monitoring and evaluation Strategic Objective Outputs To monitor and evaluate the performance and efficiency of the South African Police Service. Police performance assessed through oversight visits and performance management system: •Consolidated monitoring reports •Performance trends analysis •SAPS Performance Management System review SAPS budget utilization and resource allocation reviewed: •Budget and expenditure review •Effective utilization of resources allocated monitored (eg fleet management) To monitor conduct, integrity and transformation of the South African Police Service. Police conduct and integrity assessed: •SAPS Complaints Management Systems review •Implementation of recommendations monitored (ICD, AG, SCOPA and Parliament) •SAPS training, recruitment & discipline management systems review •SAPS Litigation management system review 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 7 MONITORING & EVALUATION Strategic Objective Outputs To monitor compliance to policing policy and legislative mandates Implementation of the Domestic Violence Act (DVA) monitored: •DVA audits conducted •DVA compliance reports to Parliament compiled Implementation of the Firearms Control Act (FCA) monitored: •Implementation of Firearms Management Systems assessed (internal & external •Reporting on policy directives Implementation of policy directive by Minister •Implementation of policy directive by SAPS, monitored To evaluate the effectiveness and impact of programmes implemented by the South African Police Service. Programme evaluations completed: •Ensure alignment & implementation of station review in all provinces & to be able to prepare national reports on service delivery •Evaluation on identified areas of HRD within SAPS (discipline, training & recruitment) •Evaluation of the National Inspectorate 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 8 MONITORING & EVALUATION Strategic Objective Outputs To strengthen M&E capacity M&E partnerships established and strengthened: • Effective functioning of: •Reference Group •DVA compliance forum •M&E Forum • Effective M&E Technical teams established Knowledge of oversight monitoring and evaluation increased: •Training completed To provide reliable, accurate and timely information that will inform organizational decisionmaking processes. Integrated Information Systems developed and implemented: •Data warehouse developed •Databases for all M&E projects developed •End-user training provided •Data/Information backup administered 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 9 MONITORING & EVALUATION Strategic Objective Outputs Implement special projects as directed by Secretary •Special Partnerships Projects implemented 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 10 CHIEF DIRECTORATE: POLICY Purpose: PROVIDE POLICY ADVICE AND RESEARCH SERVICES TO THE SECRETARY OF POLICE. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Outputs Develop and implement a research programme on policing, crime, safety and security issues Conducted research into specific areas of policing: • National Police Inspectorate, •Specialized policing areas such as stock theft & gangsterism •Use of technology in SAPS •Implementation of SAPS Communication strategies (Nat Instructions & Standing Orders & Regulations) •SAPS Training & recruitment (picking issues that need further research for reports completed 2011/12) •Research to compliment the M&E (RAG findings) •Conduct research to compliment M&E monitoring of detectives •Conduct research in areas id by M&E &Partnership •Provide Secretary with 2 reports a year on crime & policing trends •Provide research into areas that need to be addressed in SAPS Act 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 11 CHIEF DIRECTORATE: POLICY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Outputs Provide policy •Ensure a finalized and approved White Paper advise on policing issues to •Work with M&E unit in dev of litigation policies the Secretary •Develop policy on any other areas identified by Secretary •Work with M&E on key issues based on recommendations •Identify and develop policy on specific areas refer to in White Paper (Transformation agenda) Engage stakeholders with view of improving research capacity within the secretariat •Continuously engage reference group established by the Secretary •Set up forum where provinces are able to feed into research and policy being undertaken •Set up forum with SAPS to feed into ongoing research and policy issues 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 12 CHIEF DIRECTORATE: POLICY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Outputs Position the Secretariat as a information hub on issues of policing to enable Secretariat to improve quality of research and policy Expand work of resource centre to include: •collating all information relating to policing that is dealt with in parliament • become repository of all research being conducted into policing in SA •access historical research that is being done by SAPS or external role player •access information on best practices into policing internationally •act repository for all reports prepared by Secretariat • provide the Chief Director, Secretary with current and historic info on specific areas of policing as requested • create platform for information sharing amongst different units of secretariat • keep data base of all legislation, instructions and standing order with regard to policing Provide strategic research support to the Secretariat •Conduct research into specific areas identified by Secretary 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 13 CHIEF DIRECTORATE: LEGISLATION Purpose: PROVIDE LEGISLATION SUPPORT SERVICES TO THE SECRETARY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Outputs To provide effective legislative support to the Secretary of Police •Establishment and implementation of Legislative Directorate within the Secretariat •Legislation on the Review of the SAPS Act tabled in Parliament •Regulations for the Civilian Secretariat for Police approved and implemented •Shared service agreement with SAPS approved and implemented •Approved and enacted South African Police Service Amendment Act 2012 (DPCI) •Approval and enactment of Dangerous weapons Act of 2012 •Legislation on the Firearms Amendment Act placed before Parliament 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 14 SUB-PROGRAMME: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT Purpose: TO MANAGE THE PROVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Outputs Secretariat has an effective Human Resource Management and Services in place The following areas will be a priority: • Implementation of the new organizational structure •Effective HRM Plan implemented, including effective skills placement & development •All HR policies developed, implemented & adhered to by staff •HRM unit capacitated & ready to perform functions required by designated department by Jan 2013 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 15 SUB-PROGRAMME SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Purpose: TO PROVIDE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SERVICES. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Outputs Sound corporate governance and robust supply chain services and asset management in place within Secretariat. •Ensure all services are procured & implemented in accordance with government prescripts •Ensure Risk Management Plan & Processes in place •Ensure Secretariat has the necessary procedures, processes, policies & systems in place to be in full compliance with designated department by January 2013 •Review & sanitize supplier process & database for procurement •Finalized Shared service Agreement with SAPS in place 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 16 SUB-PROGRAMME FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Purpose: TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING SERVICES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Outputs An efficient and effective budget and financial budget management in line with all financial policies, prescripts and legislation •Upgraded Financial Management Systems in place •Ensure Secretariat has the necessary procedures, processes, policies & systems in place to be in full compliance with designated department by January 2013 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 17 SUB-PROGRAMME AUXILIARY SERVICES Purpose: MANAGE THE PROVISION OF AUXILIARY SERVICES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Outputs An effective Ensure Auxiliary Services function effectively by : auxiliary services •An approved policy and file plan which enable the Secretariat •An Updated registry and archive system to meet its mandate •All Standards compliant with health and safety standards 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 18 Thank You ENKOSI DANKIE 3/14/2016 SECRETARIAT OF POLICE 19