Brooks Sourcing Location

Supplier Initiated Action Request (SIAR)
Supplier to Submit Copy of Approved SIAR with Each Applicable Shipment
Supplier Completes the Upper Section
< ------------------------- >
Brooks Sourcing /
Supplier Name
Select Location from menu
Supplier ID#
Supplier Contact
Supplier Phone
Supplier FAX (opt)
Brooks Buyer
Date SIAR Initiated
Rev Part # Description (If CE! Applies, Please Note in Description Below)
SIAR Part #
Part # on Purchase Order (PO) or
Upper Level Assembly Number
or Brooks Product Line (if Known)
Description (If CE! Applies, Please Note in Description Below)
Issue or Improvement Description
(Include Affected / Replacement Part Numbers, Planned Change Date, Cost Impact if
Select from Menu
If this is a request for documentation
If yes, for how long has the part been
correction, does this correction reflect the
made this way (provide date)
As-Shipped part?
Waiver Description
(Explain Deviation from Specifications and expected duration)
Waiver Requested
(if Yes, Provide additional Info)
Purchase Order/RFQ#
PO Qty
Bottom Section
Completed by Brooks
Additional Attachments
# Files
Provide Additional Comments / Photo’s Below
Start Date
Waiver Qty
Changes Affect Fit, Form, Function
Electronic Collaboration ECR Submitted
(if enabled)
BROOKS SIAR DISPOSITION DECISION - CE! Impact Analysis Required Prior to Approval
SIAR Request Type
Issue or Improvement Request Response
Select from Menu
Click to Select
In Process EC# / Release #
Required for codes (C-E)
Waiver Requested
/Cut-in date
Lots Only?
Waiver Request Response
Click to Select
Approved Waiver Duration
Impact Analysis Attached
PCN Required
Additional Supplier Instructions Below
Brooks Attachments
# Files
SIAR Approvals
Self-Assigns SIAR ID # = Supplier ID# - Date as YYMMDD- 01 for first that day, 02 for the second, 03 etc...
For assistance on entering any field, TAB to field and click F1 Key for instructions or see last page
SCM100109 Rev D
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Supplier Initiated Action Request (SIAR) Form
General Notes
1) Contact your Buyer Directly (No SIAR) to request missing information, documents, or general information.
2) Contact your Buyer for SIAR Issues, status, or escalations.
3) SUBMIT SIAR’s electronically (WORD doc) to
4) Use a unique SIAR for each Part/Assembly affected, except for single component/issue on Multiple Assemblies, add list
5) Your Buyer is your Contact for SIAR submittal issues/status/escalations.
6) You can hit the F1 (Help) key on any entry field to get instructional information
7) You must choose a SIAR Type, and request a Waiver anytime you plan to ship any product that deviates from specification. You must
receive approval prior to shipping non-conforming materials to Brooks Automation.
Fields (in order)
Brooks Sourcing Location
(self entry)
Supplier Name & ID
Supplier Contact Name, Phone, Email, Fax
Brooks Buyer
Select the Brooks Division from Pull-Down list that matches your Purchase Order.
Required to quickly route the SIAR Internally to the proper Brooks Engineering Group
Follow instructions on at the bottom of page 1. Only one Assembly / Part Number per SIAR
Exception, Single part End of Life substitution for multiple assemblies
Provide ID (if unknown, contact Brooks Buyer with Supplier Name/Location)
Single contact person @ supplier to receive SIAR response and
answer any questions that may arise
Enter the Buyer’s name associated with the affected Purchase Order (PO)
SIAR Part Number
Specific Part affected by SIAR, reporting to PO/Upper Level Part # Only one part number per SIAR (except Request for
Information) unless for the same problem on multiple components/assemblies. Add a list of parts affected within the
attachments section. Brooks reserves the right to split SIARs as determined by the responsible Engineering group.
Purchase Order Part # / Upper Level
Assembly Part # or
Product Line (if Known)
Part Number or higher level assembly number listed on the Purchase Order or
the Product Line (if known).
If a component SIAR affects multiple assemblies, pick one PO & attach assy list
(Select one the following SIAR types)
A) Request for Information
B) Waiver
Resolve Supplier difficulties understanding drawings, specifications, standards,
or Bills of Materials. No approvals needed beyond SIAR Responder.
Brooks approval of a Suppliers temporary deviation vs. specified requirements for materials, processes, testing, or
sourcing (Brokers, Gray Market, Non-Approved Distributors) for a specific Purchase Order or length of time. The supplier
shall return to the Engineering/Process Standard.
C) Existing Engineering
Document Change:
Request Existing Engineering Document, Material (BOM) or Specification correction to missing, unclear, or incorrect
D) Engineering Document
Change: Suggested
Propose Engineering Document, material (BOM) or Spec change to improve the cost, yield or manufacturability of the
part (request > 270 day pre-notification)
Specify if Yield, Manufacturability, Cost, Availability or Lead/cycle Time improvement.
E) End of Life (EOL)
Notify Brooks that a component will no longer be available. Request > 270 days notice and propose a replacement. Use
Suggested improvement for all other substitution requests
F) POR* –Supplier ASL
Sub-Supplier Change,
Manufacturing test, process
or Location change
Change of Sub-Tier Supplier to make Part/Assembly. Provide reason for change. Required Brooks Approval for parts
identified as Critical or Supplier Lock
(due to potential re-qualification). Notification to allow for re-qualification activities and planning for inventory / shipment
levels. Request approval for documented Process Control Plan changes per Brooks Copy Exact CE! Expectations.
Critical Parts. Request > 270 days notice. Must include cost impact as part of justification if applicable.
Notify Brooks that a component will no longer be available. Request > 270 days notice and propose a replacement. Use
Suggested improvement for all other substitution requests
Request Existing Engineering Document, Material (BOM) or Specification correction to missing, unclear, or incorrect
G) PCBA Part Substitution
H) PCBA BOM Correction
Issue / Improvement Description
Waiver Description
Purchase Order # / RFQ #
PO Quantity (Qty) Ordered
Waiver Quantity
Waiver Start Date
Changes affect fit, form, function
Parallel Electronic Collaboration
ECR submit
Additional Comments
Describe the SIAR change request, including current vs. proposed part, method, or spec. Provide change
data/photo/spec/Bill of Materials/etc. as attachment.
Provide requested change date, if applicable. Provide Improvement cost/benefit data. - CE! Impact Analysis Required
Use to request approval to ship non-conforming materials or manufacturing/test methods,
including those implementing requested or pending changes
Describe actual deviation & any temporary pass/fail/maximum deviation criteria.
Provide Data/Photo’s/Spec sheets etc… as attachment
Shipments/Quotations affected by SIAR (RFQ = request for quote)
Total Shipment Quantity on Open Purchase Order / Blanket Order
Total Parts affected by Waiver
Date when Waiver change starts (if not associated with a PO)
THIS IS OPTIONAL. Supplier advice only…Brooks review is responsible for this analysis.
THIS IS OPTIONAL Limited numbers of suppliers have direct access to Brooks Engineering system for EC drawing
change requests. Check if applicable
THIS IS OPTIONAL Area for additional comments or Photo Attachments.Larger files should be submitted as a separate
document in the e-mail submittal
*POR = Process of Record
SIAR Approval Codes
In-Process EC/Release #
Effectivity / Cut-in Date
Qualification Lots Only?
Waiver Start / Duration
Waiver Request Response
SCM100109 Rev C
Information Only, Approved, Rejected. Appr-Delayed (Approved-Delay) Appr w/var (approved with variation) identifies
changes that require later Brooks/Customer testing/approvals before EC release.
Documents planned EC change#
Planned Date for EC Implementation
Qualification Lots only with Yes response. Advises if permanent EC change is dependent on testing and/or customer
approval (yes-customer).
Advises if non-conforming material can be sent to pending change requirements
Additional response information and/or SIAR implementation instructions
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