
Name ___________________________________
English 10
1) Usage of a comma to separate items in a list of three or more
I need to buy eggs, milk, lettuce, and bread.
My favorite colors are blue, red, and pink.
2) Use a comma to separate independent clauses when joined by conjunctions (comma comes before the
Common conjunctions: and/ or/ for/ nor/ so/ but/ yet
I want to buy the jacket, but it is too expensive
Directions: Add commas to the sentences where needed.
1. We can go to the zoo or we can go to the movie theater.
2. They like chocolate but they like vanilla better.
3) Use a comma to separate a dependent clause from an independent clause.
When I get older, I will be able to drive
If you are good, I will buy you a toy.
Directions: Add commas to the sentences where needed AND underline the dependent clause.
1. In five minutes the building will close
2. When I get home I’m going to make a snack
3. To become an astronaut it takes hard work and determination.
4) Use a comma to separate any word or phrase from the rest of the sentence that is not essential to the sentence’s
My brother, a 26 year old male, is watching television.
Amanda Freeman, my best friend, is going to the library today.
Directions: Add commas to the sentences where needed.
1. Dan Smith a farmer wakes up very early
2. Mrs. Jones my teacher is wearing a grey shirt.
5) Use a comma to separate a quotation from the rest of a sentence.
“We need to buy more sugar,” she said, “before it runs out!”
Directions: Add commas to the sentences where needed.
“I am tired” he muttered.
He said “We need to lower taxes!”
“Okay” spoke the teacher excitedly “Time’s up!”
6) Use a comma to introduce an introductory element from the rest of the sentence.
Hi, how are you?
Directions: Add commas to the sentences where needed.
1. Yes I would like more juice with breakfast.
2. Sorry we do not have enough room for you in the car.
3. Mike can I borrow your phone?
7) Use a comma to separate the name of a city from a country or state.
I live in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
We are moving to Florence, Italy.
8) Use a comma to separate the day of the week, the day of the month, and the year.
Today is Tuesday, September 9, 2014
I will be 21 on Monday, December 15, 2014
Two primary functions:
1) to show possession of a noun
2) to form contractions
1)-Add “s to the singular form of the word (even if it ends in –s);
I drive near the president’s house every day
I like James’s car
-Add ‘ to the end of plural nouns that end in –s:
These are my sisters’ dresses
These are my friends’ pencils
-Add ‘s to the last noun to show joint possession of an object:
We are at Todd and Anne’s apartment.
Directions: Change the phrases to become possessive phrases
Example: That is the house of David= That is David’s house.
1) That is the show of Cinderella. __________________________________________
2) He is the son of Marcus. _______________________________________________
3) This is the house of Julie and Jen. ________________________________________
2) Apostrophes are also used to form contractions.
I am ------ I’m
There is ---------- there’s
Would not--------- wouldn’t