Abortion - WordPress.com

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Shelby Sparer
Mr. Martinez
Honors Civics
21 November 2010
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Intro: Making abortion legal makes it able to choose to have the option to keep the child or terminate it
through an abortion. This does not mean that people have to have an abortion, but to have the choice is
more of a freedom then knowing that they are forced to carry out the pregnancy. This is a controversial
issue with supporters from both sides, but the pros outweigh the cons.
1) Choice
a) Broke away
American are hypocrites
b) Rape and insist
No way to prevent this
c) Is unfair and wrong
Creates future problems
2) Change of mind
a) All people change it, and if no option the child may suffer the consequences
b) Environment
ii) Stealing/mugging
c) Lowers Crime
50% of the drop in murder, property crime, and violent crime between 1973 and 2001
ii) are teenage girls, unmarried women, and poor women
iii) abused increasing their chances of leading criminal and abusive lives as an adult
iv) Worries the public
d) Interview
What is right and wrong?
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ii) The government
3) Disease
a) May care on a disease from parents
May not succeed
ii) May die
iii) Choice
(1) Declaration of Independence
(2) Statistics
4) Procedures
a) Statistics
Same fertility
Conclusion: The debate over if abortion should be legal or not is tearing American apart, but the
decision should be up to the parents raising the child because it will affect how the Childs life will be and
might cause population controversy.
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Shelby Sparer
Mr. Martinez
Honors Civics
21 November 2010
Making abortion legal makes it able to choose to have the option to keep the child or terminate
it through an abortion. This does not mean that people have to have an abortion, but to have the choice
is more of a freedom then knowing that they are forced to carry out the pregnancy. This is a
controversial issue with supporters from both sides, but the pros outweigh the cons.
When the first Americans arrived in America, they broke away from England for freedom which
is why abortion should be a choice because it is the woman’s choice whether they are in the right
position to have the child or not. Taking away that choice, shows that Americans are hypocrites for
taking away their choice to choose, what they feel is the best dissection for their forming child. If a
woman was a victim of rape or insist, they would have had no way to prevent the child which is unfair
and wrong to make abortion illegal because having the child might cause future problems on the world.
If in the case scenario, a woman got pregnant and chose to keep the baby but like any human
being changed her mind about the forming baby because she faced the facts and found the child would
be suffering due to the environment it was going to grow up in. The child would either end up in an
orphanage, which backs them up even more than they are or out on the streets learning to fend for
themselves by stealing or mugging people. Making abortion legal lowers crime and is as much as 50% of
the drop in murder, property crime, and violent crime between 1973 and 2001.(procon.org) The most
likely categories to have unplanned pregnancies are teenage girls, unmarried women, and poor women.
When women have unwanted babies they are often raised poor, and maybe abused increasing their
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chances of leading criminal and abusive lives as an adult and these traits will be passed on. This causes
many people in the United States everyday to be worried about their safety inside and outside their
house because the victims might get mugged or raped all due to their mothers not being able to have an
abortion. Statistics always say the environment the child grows up is one of the most important
elements in their life because their attitude and mind grab onto what is right and wrong. (Interview) But,
when there is no one to tell them whether something is right or wrong then how will the children know
how to decide what is when the government had to decide for their parents?
If the child is going to turn out to have mental problems or suffer a disease, because their
parents carry it, why force them to live if the parents do not want to see their child not succeed in life or
die a slow and painful death due to disease? Having the choice of abortion gives couples the option of
choice where to keep the child or not to due to severe and life-threatening medical conditions and
makes subjects like this be avoided because most school will not take them or they will be treated
differently when the Declaration of Independence states “all men are created equal.” (ushistory.org)This
just shows that the world has some prejudice again people with a physical or mental problem. The most
common genetic form of medical retardation is Fragile X syndrome. Statistic shows that this affects
about 1 in 4,000 males and 1 in 8,000 females. Sadly, one in 800 babies has Down syndrome, and it is
not fair to make a child trapped with an acute handicap. (procon.org)
Legalizing modern abortion procedures are safe because statistics show the risk of a woman’s
death from abortion is less than one in 100,000, while the risk of a woman dying from giving birth is 13.3
deaths per 100,000 pregnancies. Also, a 1993 fertility investigation of 10,767 women showed by the
Joint Royal College of General Practitioners and Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists found
that women who had at least two abortions experienced the same future fertility as those who had at
least two natural pregnancies. (procon.org)
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The discussion of abortion will continue to be a controversial issue because there will always be
those for and those against. However, the pros for this issue outweigh the cons because it gives
individuals the option, provides medical standards for the procedure, prevents medically disabled
children, and keeps unwanted children out of a poor environment. Abortion is one of two options and is
there as an alternative, not an answer.
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Works Cited
"The Declaration of Independence." IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776. Independence Hall
Association, 1999. Web. 8 Nov. 2010. <http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/>.
Should abortion be legal?, 4 Nov. 2010. Web. 8 Nov. 2010. <http://abortion.procon.org/>.
Sparer, Andria M. Personal interview. 17 Nov. 210.
Ross, Kelley L. "Aboriton." Abortion: the Choice that Kills . Billboard on I-90, South Dakota,
1996. Web. 8 Nov. 2010. <http://www.friesian.com/abortion.htm>.