Links to Free Response Questions and Rubrics 2011 FRQ / Rubric 2011B FRQ / Rubric 2010 FRQ / Rubric Question 1 Monopoly Profit maximizing elasticity economic vs accounting profit price ceiling price discrimination Perfect competition (increasing cost industry) Side by side graphs Change in demand New long run equilibrium New profit maximizing price Perfect competition Side by side graphs elasticity impact of inputs 2010B FRQ / Rubric Marginal social benefit Bridge: private vs public Allocative efficiency Accounting profit elasticity 2009 FRQ / Rubric Monopoly Profit maximizing, socially optimal, lump sum subsidy Accounting profit External benefits Monopolistic competition Profit maximizing Area of Loss Allocative efficiency Economies of scale 2009B FRQ / Rubric Question 2 Question 3 Perfect competition Wage increase on marginal cost graph Negative externality MPC-MSC Allocative efficient quantity Deadweight loss Lump sum tax Positive externality Socially optimal Deadweight loss Price ceiling subsidy Monopsony Profit maximizing Minimum wage Perfect competition Product and resource markets Marginal product/revenue product curves Cost minimizing combination Marginal revenue product of labor (perfectly competitive firm) Diminishing marginal returns Wages/demand for labor Tax Producer surplus Elasticity Allocative efficiency MPC-MSB Consumer/producer surplus Negative externality Per unit tax Deadweight loss Utility Maximization Cross elasticity Game theory Duopoly Elasticity Tax burden Game theory Duopoly 2008 FRQ / Rubric Product market: Constant cost perfectly competitive firm and market Long run equilibrium and short run with impact from a lumpsum subsidy Product market: Utility maximization for a consumer Elasticity of demand incidence of a tax 2008B/ Rubric Product market: Imperfectly competitive revenue maximizing profit maximizing regulating for social efficiency or for fair return Product market: Monopoly imposition of lump sum tax imposition of per unitsubsidy Comparison to perfect competition Product market: Monopolistic competition: short run and long run Externalities: Socially efficient positive 2007 FRQ / Rubric 2007 B FRQ / Rubric 2006 FRQ / Rubric Product Market: Monopoly model given profit maximization elasticity and demand allocative efficiency break even output profits Product market: Impact of a price ceiling in a competitive market socially efficient quantity Natural monopoly with profit maximizing quantity and socially optimal quantity Factor market: MRP analysis Factor market: Perfectly competitive Firms supply in this market Impact of change in technology Product market: Game theory duopoly payoff matrix Equilibrium with one dominant strategy and one non-dominant strategy Product market: Game theory duopoly payoff matrix Equilibrium with one dominant strategy and one non-dominant strategy Product market: Short run costs for a perfectly competitive firm profit maximization movement to long run impact of per unit tax Product market: Cost structure for firms Factor market: Perfectly competitive non- price determinants of supply and demand externalities 2006 B FRQ / Rubric Product market: Monopoly operating at a loss total revenue profit maximization Product market: Perfect competition consumer and producer surplus imposition of a price ceiling Product market: Impact of tax on market changes in market welfare price incidence of tax Factor market: MRP analysis Perfect competition 2005 FRQ / Rubric Product market: Perfect competition firm and market in long run change in consumer income impact on firm and market conditions to operate at a loss in short run adjustment process to long run 2005 B FRQ / Rubric Product market: Monopoly Factor market: perfect competition Externalities: Negative production externality in a monopoly, negative production externality in a perfectly competitive market Product market: Cost structure for a firm Product markets: Complementary goods Subsidy elasticity Product market: Monopolistic competition long run analysis changes in fixed costs 2004 B FRQ / Rubric Product market: Monopoly: profit maximization, revenue maximizing, efficiency Product market: Impact of taxes on markets 2003 FRQ / Rubric Product markets: perfect competition (firm and industry) externalities short run to long run Product market: Monopoly consumer surplus, deadweight loss Demand/Marginal revenue 2004 FRQ / Rubric International Trade: Consumer surplus, producer surplus, and total surplus before and after trade in a market impacted by imports Factor market: MRP analysis Perfect competition International Trade: Consumer and producer surplus in a market that imports imposition of tariff Factor market: Perfect competition (firm and industry) MRP analysis Labor productivity Product market: Comparison of perfect competition and monopolies Long run Deadweight loss Product market: monopoly (before and after patent) Factor markets: perfect competition (firm and market) International Trade: Consumer and producer surplus in a market that imports imposition of tariff Factor market: MRP analysis Perfect competition Externalities: MSB and MSC analysis Efficiency Market failure Utility Maximization Product market: Comparison of perfect competition and monopolistic competition Product markets: perfect competition (firm and industry) adjustment to long run price ceiling Externalities: Negative production Factor market: Perfectly competitive labor markets minimum wage Externalities: MSB and MSC analysis Perfect competition Factor market: MRP analysis Perfect competition Minimum wage 2000 FRQ / Rubric Product market: monopoly perfect competition consumer surplus allocative efficiency impact of tax or subsidy Product market: perfect competition tariffs Factor market: MRP analysis International Trade: Tariffs elasticity 1999 FRQ / Rubric Product market: perfect competition Resource market: perfect competition Comparative advantage Perfect competition, monopoly: demand and marginal revenue 2003 B FRQ / Rubric 2002 FRQ / Rubric 2002 B FRQ / Rubric 2001 FRQ / Rubric International Trade