YEAR 6 ENGLISH (PofR) Way Home Autumn Term 2014 : War Horse Spring Term Kensukes Kingdom Skellig Street Child Summer Term SATs The London Eye Mystery MATHS Ordering numbers and place value Measures:(area and perimeter) Geometry: 2-D shapes and 3-D solids, angles Mental multiplication and division Written methods for multiplication and division Fractions, percentages, ratio and proportion Reasoning and explaining Statistics: frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts and line graphs Mental and written addition and subtraction Using a calculator Problem solving Place Value Ordering numbers Measures Statistics( Mode, range, median & mean) Mental multiplication and division Written methods for multiplication Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion and division Geometry: Coordinates, translation, rotation and transformation of shapes on grids Reasoning and explaining Statistics: Probability Mental and written addition and subtraction Using a calculator Measures (Time: 24hour clock, calculating time intervals) Problem solving Revision Ordering and comparing numbers Place value Multiples and factors Measures(Reading and comparing times & timetables) Addition and subtraction Geometry Data-handling Multiplication and division SCIENCE Living things and their habitats Evolution Light Electricity Animals including humans HISTORY British History (Victorians) Addition and subtraction Reasoning and explaining Place value, squares and factors Multiplication and division Using a calculator Problem solving Measuring ourselves and what’s around us Ancient Civilisations (Egypt?) (2014: WW1 – Significant event/Edwardians?) Coasts (Sch J) GEOGRAPHY Natural resources DT Cooking Land yachts (sch J) Fairground (London eye)* ART Sense of place Landscapes – 3D (after SJ) David Hockney – Landscapes on Ipads (Sketchbook express) ICT RE MUSIC We are app planners We are project We are market We are interface We are app We are marketers Programming, Coding managers researchers designers designers and Control Using Technology Effectively Using Technology Effectively Using Technology Effectively/How Computers Work The end of life’s journey Programming, Coding and Control/How Computers Work Judaism (4) Creativity Using Technology Effectively Buddhism (3) Buddhism (4) Combining instruments playing current / Chart music. Use Garageband to cut and restructure songs Christianity (9) Combining instrument sounds on Garageband Music from different countries/traditions Understanding Faith in Greenwich Combining instruments in Year 6 production Range of sung material throughout the year with focus on developing two and three part harmony with Year 6 PSHCE PE New Beginnings Getting on and falling out/Saying No to Bullying Going for Goals Good to be me Relationships Changes NET/ WALL GAMES VOLLEYBALL DANCE GYMNASTICS GYMNASTICS ATHLETICS NET/WALL TENNIS INVASION GAMES HI 5 NETBALL/ BASKETBALL INVASION GAMES FOOTBALL INVASION GAMES RUGBY INVASION GAMES HOCKEY STRIKING/ FIELDING CRICKET STRIKING/ FIELDING ROUNDERS Unit 18 – Les planets Rigolo 2 – Units 6, 8 & 11 Unit 19 – Notre école Rigolo 2 – Units 2 & 9 London Eye? Unit 20 – Notre monde Rigolo 2 – Units 5 & 7 French Unit 15 – en route pour l’école Rigolo 2 – Unit 4 Unit 16 – scène de Plage Rigolo 2 – Units 6 & 7 Suggestions Trips Other activities Victorian school School journey Unit 17 – le Retour du printemps Rigolo 2 – Unit 10 YEAR 5 ENGLISH (PofR) Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Goodnight Mr Tom Rose Blanche Journey to the River Sea Where the Forest Meets the sea. Tales of Odysseus Greek Myths The Boy in the Girls bathroom MATHS Number (place value in whole numbers) Written Addition Number (place value in decimals) Written Addition of money Written and Mental subtraction Geometry (3Dshapes) Mental multiplication and division and Fractions Number, place value and Written multiplication Mental multiplication and division Written Division Number, place value Written subtraction Measures (g/kg; m/km; time) Fractions Mental and written addition and subtraction Written multiplication Place value and negative numbers Written Addition Mental addition and subtraction including money Place value and Addition of decimals Geometry (Coordinates) Statistics (line graphs) Mental multiplication and division; written multiplication Fractions, decimals and word problems Written division; multiplying fractions Number (place value, addition of decimals Measures (Perimeter, area and volume) Number, place value and written subtraction Mental & written addition & subtraction; Written x and ÷ Number and place value Multiplication, division and percentages Geometry (Angles and polygons) Fractions and subtraction Multiplication and division Written multiplication Measures (time) Statistics (line graphs) Place value and subtraction Written multiplication and multiplication of fractions SCIENCE Animals including humans Forces Properties and changes of materials Living things & their habitats Earth and Space HISTORY Local History (WW2) Ancient Greece Rainforests and Rivers GEOGRAPHY DT Cooking – bread (wartime recipes) Bridges Make an orrery (solar system) ART Drawing/painting/pastels– symbolism and composition Paul Nash (WWII art) We are web We are Painting & Pastels Textiles Henri Rousseau – Rainforests We are game We are bloggers Containers – Greek Pots developers cryptographers developers E-Safety/How Programming, Coding Programming, Coding Computers Work and Control and Control ICT E-Safety/ Using Technology Effectively We are architects We are artists Programming, Coding and Control/Using Technology Effectively Using Technology Effectively RE Christianity (7) Christianity (8) Sikhism (Part 2) Islam (4) Buddhism (2) Peace MUSIC Drums focus Drums focus Drums focus Note and melody Note and melody Learn simple hand drum patterns and Music from different countries/traditions Play, perform, improvise and compose Drum th techniques to accompany latter 20 Century Afican / Indian (Bhangra) pieces for percussion. Music such as Follow simple staff rhythm notation Write using simple staff rhythm notation Heavy Rock – Alright Now Follow simple staff rhythm notation Range of sung material throughout the year with focus on developing two and three part harmony with Year 6 PSHCE New Beginnings Getting on and falling out/Saying No to Bullying Going for Goals SWIMMING SWIMMING SWIMMING INVASION GAMES HI 5 NETBALL/ BASKETBALL INVASION GAMES FOOTBALL GYMNASTICS/ DANCE (Halls:1up, 1 low) French Unit 13 –bon appétit et bonne santé Rigolo 2 – Units 3 & 8 Unit 14 – je suis le musician Rigolo 2 – Units 2 & 11 Suggestions Trips Other activities Hall Place (evacuation & code breaking station) PE Unit 15 – en route pour l’école Rigolo 2 – Unit 4 Thames Boat trip Good to be me GYMNASTICS/ DANCE (Halls:1up, 1 low) INVASION GAMES HOCKEY Unit 16 – scène de Plage Rigolo 2 – Units 6 & 7 Relationships Changes ATHLETICS NET/WALL TENNIS STRIKING/ FIELDING CRICKET STRIKING/ FIELDING ROUNDERS Unit 17 – le Retour du printemps Rigolo 2 – Unit 10 Greek soldier visit Unit 18 – Les planets Rigolo 2 – Units 6, 8 & 11 YEAR 4 ENGLISH (PofR) Autumn Term Tales told in Tents Belonging (extra to support geography) Spring Term Floodland (adapt to fit Yr 4 – focus of effects of flooding – water cycle from science. NB yr 5/6 text) Macbeth (link with Ice Palace Number, place value and money Mental addition and subtraction Written addition or subtraction Measures/statistics (time, bar charts, pictograms) Mental multiplication and division (inc fractions) Number, place value and money Written addition and subtraction Written addition and mental subtraction Measures/statistics (length, weight, bar charts) Fractions Number, place value and money Written addition and mental subtraction Measures/geometry (time, position and direction) Mental multiplication and division Written multiplication and division Ice Trap! Shackletons’s Incredible Expedition (5/6) Number and place value Mental and written subtraction Addition and subtraction Geometry (coordinates) Measures(area & perimeter) Fractions and decimals States of Matter Electricity history end of Anglo Saxons – real king Macbeth based upon) MATHS Number, place value and money Mental addition & subtraction Written addition & subtraction Geometry(2D shape drawing, 2Dshapes 3D shape properties) Mental multiplication and division SCIENCE Animals including humans HISTORY Britain’s settlement by Anglo Saxons & Scots to Viking & Anglo Saxon struggle Settlements GEOGRAPHY DT Viking boats (movable oars) or a shelter for Viking warriors ART Textile art based on POR book (Talking textiles) Summer Term Krindlekrax (link to science animals – research crocdiles) Living things and their habitats Multiplication & division Measures (converting cm to m) Geometry(symmetry, angles) Measures and statistics (time) Fractions and division Multiplication/division Addition/subtraction Sound Climate zones Lighting it up/Design & make an energy game using circuits, batteries , buzzers, switches Pattern (link with Islam)Painting/clay Zarah Hussain (Artist) Hot like Fire (poetry) Caribbean cooking (V.Bloom poetry – cakes) Drawing focus Pastels (link with POR e.g. wolves, icy landscapes) ICT We are HTML We are co-authors We are software We are toy We are We are musicians editors E-Safety/ Using Technology Effectively developers designers meteorologists Using Technology Programming, Coding Programming, Coding Using Technology Effectively and Control and Control Effectively How Computers Work RE Buddhism (1) Christianity (6) Islam (3) Weddings Hinduism (3) Hinduism (4) MUSIC Keyboard focus Keyboard focus Note and melody learning / Correct Note and melody fingering Simple chords, drones, ostinato History of Music Music from different countries/traditions Learn simple accompaniments and riffs to Follow letter notation famous mid-20th Century music such as Jazz – Take 5 Rock ‘n’ Roll – Rock Around the Clock Range of sung material with focus on appropriate dynamics and harmonies in rounds Keyboard focus Note and melody Play, perform, improvise and compose melodies on the keyboard Write using letter notation Use Garageband on ipad PSHCE New Beginnings Relationships PE NET/ WALL GAMES TENNIS/ BADMINTON INVASION GAMES HI 5 NETBAL/ BASKETBALLL French Suggestions Trips Other activities Unit 7 - on y va Rigolo 1 – Units 3 & 10 Getting on and falling out/Saying No to Bullying Going for Goals Good to be me Changes GYMNASTICS DANCE SWIMMING SWIMMING SWIMMING INVASION GAMES FOOTBALL INVASION GAMES RUGBY INVASION GAMES HOCKEY STRIKING/ FIELDING CRICKET STRIKING/ FIELDING ROUNDERS Unit 8 – L’argent de poche Rigolo 1 – Unit 11 Unit 9 – Raconte – moi une histoire ! Rigolo 1 – Units 2, 7, & 12 Unit 11 – Le Carnaval des animaux Rigolo 1 – Units 4 & 8 Unit 12 – Quel temps fait-il ? Rigolo 1 – Unit 10 Unit 10 – viv le sport ! Rigolo 1 – Unit 11 YEAR 3 Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term ENGLISH (PofR) A Pebble in my Pocket Iron Man Tom’s Sausage Lion Ug Boy Genius of the Stone Age Stig of the Dump Varjak Paw Sun is laughing (poetry) MATHS Number, place value and money Mental addition and subtraction Geometry (2D,3D shapes, symmetry) Mental multiplication and division Number, place value and money Mental addition and subtraction Geometry or measures (time) Statistics (bar charts/pictograms) Mental multiplication and division Fractions Number, place value and money Mental addition and subtraction Written addition and mental subtraction Measures/statistics (length, weight, bar charts ) Fractions Number, place value and money Mental addition and mental subtraction Written addition and mental subtraction Measures/geometry time, position and direction Mental multiplication and division (2,3,4,5,8,10xtables) Place value and number Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Measures(capacity, length, time) Addition and subtraction Place value Multiplication and division Geometry(angles. 3d shapes) measures(time) Fractions Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division SCIENCE Rocks Forces and Magnets Animals including humans Plants Light Stone Age to Romans HISTORY GEOGRAPHY Natural Disasters (Focus volcanoes) DT Pneumatics –moving parts on junk models ART Leo Sewell – junk models (Iron man, dinosaurs) Cave drawings (charcoal & clay pigments) C: Healthy pizzas (Pitta bread) (modern Roman feast) Roman mosaics (collage) ICT We are network We are presenters We are programmers We are bug fixers We are We are opinion engineers Using Technology Effectively Programming, Coding Programming, Coding communicators pollsters and Control and Control Using Technology Effectively/E-Safety Using Technology Effectively How Computers Work RE Islam (1) Islam (2) Judaism (3) Christianity(5) Sikhism (3) Where did the world begin? MUSIC Recorder focus Recorder focus Simple note and melody learning Playing melodies and chords of music from Learn simple accompaniments to famous different countries/traditions (World) th pre-20 Century melodies Follow letter notation such as Greensleeves and Ode to Joy Range of sung material with focus on appropriate dynamics and harmonies in rounds Recorder focus Play and Perform Improvise and Compose melodies on the recorder Record own playing on ipad PSHCE New Beginnings Relationships PE NET/ WALL GAMES TENNIS/BADMINTO N INVASION GAMES HI 5 NETBALL/ BASKETBALL French Suggestions Trips Other activities Unit 1 – Moi Rigolo 1 – Units 1&2 Getting on and falling out/Saying No to Bullying Going for Goals Good to be me Changes GYMNASTICS DANCE DANCE ATHLETICS NET/ WALL TENNIS INVASION GAMES FOOTBALL INVASION GAMES RUGBY INVASION GAMES HOCKEY STRIKING/ FIELDING CRICKET STRIKING/ FIELDING ROUNDERS Unit 5 – Les quatre amis Rigolo 1 – Units 5,7 & 9 Unit 6 – ça pousse Rigolo 1 – Units 6 & 11 Unit 2 – Jeux et chansons Rigolo 1 – units 2,4,& 5 Unit 3 – On fait la fête Rigolo 1 – Units 8&9 Unit 4 – Portraits Rigolo 1 – Units 2&3 YEAR 2 ENGLISH (PofR) Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Frog Prince Where the wild things are Gorilla Little Beauty Katie Morag Gregory Cool Seahorse Owl & the pussycat Extended story MATHS Number and place value Addition and subtraction Money and Measures (time) Measures (length) and Geometry (directions) Addition and subtraction Money Number and Fractions Doubling and halving Mental addition and subtraction Geometry (2D shapes) and Statistics (diagrams) Addition and subtraction Mental addition Number and place value Addition and subtraction Measures(weight & time) Multiplication and division Number and Fractions Addition and subtraction Measures (capacity)and Statistics(block graphs) Multiplication and division Addition and subtraction Mental addition and subtraction Money Numbers and Fractions Addition and subtraction Geometry (3Dshapes) Measures (time) Multiplication and division Number and place value Addition and subtraction Measures(time) Multiplication and division Addition and subtraction Fractions Multiplication and division SCIENCE Animals including humans Living things and their habitats Plants HISTORY Significant People (Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole) Uses of everyday materials Significant Places (Buildings) GEOGRAPHY UK Study (Islands) – IOW/Tobago Seaside DT Puppets (wild things) Moving vehicles – build a boat. Healthy sandwiches – what would we take on our seaside picnic? ART ‘Picture this’ – animals prints (viewfinder) William Morris (Printing) Can Buildings speak? Sculpture ICT We are explorers We are zoologists (Red House visit?) We are researchers We are games We are We are detectives (astronauts) Programming, Coding testers photographers Programming, Coding and Control Using Technology Effectively Using Technology Effectively E-Safety/ Using Technology Effectively and Control Using Technology Effectively RE MUSIC Sikhism (2) Celebrations Combine sounds with untuned percussion independently controlling dynamics Judaism (1) Judaism (2) Combine tuned and unturned percussion independently controlling tempo Christianity(3) Christianity(4) Combine different sounds selected on keyboards and ipad apps in own compositions controlling both dynamics and tempo when performing Sing a range of material including simple pentatonic and partner songs PSHCE PE French Suggestions Trips Other activities New Beginnings Getting on and falling out/ Going for Goals Good to be me GYMNASTICS GYMNASTICS DANCE DANCE INVASION GAMES HI 5 NETBALL/ BASKETBALL INVASION GAMES FOOTBALL INVASION GAMES RUGBY INVASION GAMES HOCKEY Relationships Changes STRIKING/ FIELDING CRICKET STRIKING/ FIELDING ROUNDERS NET/ WALL TENNIS STRIKING TRIGOLF YEAR 1 ENGLISH (PofR) Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term 10 things to Help the World Traditional Tales – Red Riding Hood Number and place value Addition Money and Measures (time) Measures(length) Geometry (symmetry) Addition and subtraction Beegu The Emperors Egg Hurricane Lila and the Rain Necklace of Raindrops Traditional Tales – Jack and the Beanstalk Emily Brown and the Thing Number and place value(inc halves) Doubling and halving Measures (time) Geometry (2D shapes) Addition and subtraction Number and place value (Counting and sequences) Addition and subtraction Measures (weight & time) Doubles, halves and sequences Number and place value (sequencing) Measures (length) subtraction Measures (Capacity) Addition and subtraction Money Number and Fractions Addition and subtraction Geometry (3D) and measures (time) Multiplication and division (5s & 10s) Money Addition and subtraction Measures (time) Geometry (3D shapes & turns) Multiplication and division Addition and subtraction Measures (time) SCIENCE Everyday Materials Animals including humans Season Changes HISTORY Things in Living Memory (Toys) MATHS DT Mechanisms – creating a moving toy with levers ART Self portraits – drawing/painting Andy Goldsworthy – sculpture from natural materials (Forest school) We are treasure We are collectorsUsing Technology hunters –Beebots Programming, Coding and Control RE Events Beyond Living Memory (Great Fire of London) Weather and Climate GEOGRAPHY ICT Plants Who am I? / Belonging Effectively Hinduism (1) Cooking: Fruit Salad/Bean salad African Art Jan Pienkowski (Illustrator) Investigating materials - sculpture We are painters – We are TV chefs – filming Using Technology Effectively Hinduism (2) We are celebrating – Using Technology Effectively Christianity (1) Using Technology Effectively Christianity (2) We are storytellersUsing Technology Effectively Sikhism (1) MUSIC Untuned percussion focus Tuned percussion focus. Keyboard focus Accompany songs with untuned percussion controlling dynamics as directed Play and copy simple melodies on tuned percussion changing tempo as directed Play, copy and compose simple melodies on a keyboard and on ipad apps controlling both tempo and dynamics when directed Sing a range of material including simple pentatonic and partner songs PSHCE PE French Suggestions Trips Other activities New Beginnings – Getting on and falling out/saying No to Bullying Going for Goals Good to be me DANCE DANCE GYMNASTICS GYMNASTICS INVASION GAMES HI 5 NETBALL/ BASKETBALL INVASION GAMES HI 5 NETBALL/ BASKETBALL INVASION GAMES FOOTBALL INVASION GAMES FOOTBALL Relationships STRIKING TRI GOLF NET/ WALL TENNIS Changes STRIKING/ FIELDING ROUNDERS ATHLETICS