Edutainment Local Link --- ../../000aaa/thetools.htm#Edutainment Bob Jensen Emeritus Professor of Accounting Trinity University in San Antonio 190 Sunset Hill Road Sugar Hill, NH 03586 603-823-8482 “Therein lies the real trouble. Learning is labor. We're selling the fantasy that technology can change that. It can’t. No technology ever has. Gutenberg’s press only made it easier to print books, not easier to read and understand them.” Peter Berger, "The Land of iPods and Honey," The Irascible Professor, February 26, 2007 --- at 1-0 David Fordham’s Jeopardy Games One of the simplest, yet most unusual, applications I use for PowerPoint is my own parody of the Jeopardy game. If you download it and try it, I think you'll have to agree it is ultrasimple, downright embarrassingly so, yet the students get a kick out of it, since it is so unlike any PowerPoint session they've ever seen. Class participation a la mode! Not a lot of new learning takes place on the day I play the game, but the students have a good time! I use Snickers bars for the winners, and a homework review sheet for the losers! There’s also a Double Jeopardy Version! 1-1 David Fordham’s Jeopardy Games Basic Accounting 1 --JeopardyGames\AccountingJeopardy.ppt Basic Accounting 2 --JeopardyGames\DoubleJeopardy.ppt AIS --JeopardyGames\JeopardySystems.ppt 1-2 Study Stack Find data to study or add your own data. Study and play with data online as flashcards, hangman game, crossword puzzle, matching, word search, or word scramble. Study anytime/anywhere by printing data or exporting flashcards to your cell phone, PDA, or iPod. 1-3 Monopoly is Widely Used in Economics, Accounting, and Elsewhere Monopoly from Parker Bros. has been used across the years by various accounting, finance, economics, and sociology instructors to interest students in accounting, finance, and social studies. Years ago I lived next door to an economics instructor who extended the game to "Corporate Monopoly." Dissertations have even been written based up this board game, e.g., Models of Risk and Strategies in Gameplay -- History of the Monopoly Game -- 1-4 Play Monopoly Online Examples of Online Monopoly -- Local Link --- ..\Miscellaneous\MonopolyOnline.htm Links to Online Monopoly --- Click Here Monopoly Live (real London properties) -- 1-5 New Versions of Monopoly Electronic Banking Version With Debit Cards -- Expanded Versions -- Local Link --- ..\Miscellaneous\MonopolyVersions.htm USAopoly Themed Versions --- 1-6 Monopoly is Widely Used in Economics, Accounting, and Elsewhere David Albrecht at Bowling Green State University took it to a new level for basic accounting. Terms and conditions for students (Real Money, 2003 Edition©, by W. David Albrecht, is a financial accounting and investment simulation game for use in accounting classes) are given at Albrecht's book is summarized at 1-7 Monopoly is Widely Used in Economics, Accounting, and Elsewhere Computerized versions of the board game -- Also see Linux versions -- Also see 1-8 Accounting Puzzles and Games Accounting Crossword Puzzles --- Local Link --- ..\Miscellaneous\CrosswordAccounting.htm Accountancy Forum -- Payroll Acct. Crossword Puzzles -- 1-9 Accounting Puzzles and Games Accounting Puzzles -- Richard Campbell’s Accounting Learning Games --Accounting Learning Games -- Flash Cards Pick a Letter Fill In The Blank Matching Crosswords 1-10 Glossary Accounting Puzzles and Games Catch Me If You Can! -- Other Accounting Fraud Games -- Make Your Own Games -- 1-11 Mathematics Examples Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles -- Bob Jensen's threads on mathematics and statistics tutorials are at 1-12 Wharton Learning Lab The products developed by the Learning Lab engage students in realworld exercises that challenge them to apply principles they've learned across multiple disciplines. Not Much Use for Accounting Classes 1-13 How can you make your own video game, possibly an educational game that you put online? People who love to create their own blogs, podcasts, and movies have a new outlet for self-expression: home-made video games. Erica Naone, "Playing Their Own Way," MIT's Technology Review, August 2, 2007 -- MyGame Scratch Reflexive Entertainment, 1-14 Video Game Hype Make Your Own Video Games People who love to create their own blogs, podcasts, and movies have a new outlet for self-expression: home-made video games. Erica Naone, "Playing Their Own Way," MIT's Technology Review, August 2, 2007 -- 1-15 Video Game Worries AMA Considers a New Addiction: Video Games --- While noting the risks, it makes sense to also note the rewards," by Erica Naone, MIT's Technology Review, June 25, 2007 -- "Catching Cheaters with Their Own Computers: Anti-cheating hardware could keep online game players honest," MIT's Technology Review, July 3, 2007 -- . Researchers at Intel are working on a system that could make it much harder to cheat at online games. Unlike current softwarebased anti-cheating technology, Intel's Fair Online Gaming System would be built into a player's computer, in a combination 1-16 of hardware, firmware, and software. Video Game Worries Boys who play video games on school days spend 30 percent less time reading and girls spend 34 percent less time doing homework than those who do not play such games, U.S. researchers said on Monday. Julie Steenhuysen, "Video games rob reading, homework time: U.S. study," Reuters, July 2, 2007 -- Also see 1-17 Virtual Tours Bradley University provides a rather long listing of virtual plant tours --- For example, the BMW plant tour in South Carolina features the components of BMW models and discusses manufacturing framing and assembly --- A Smarter Car: IBM wants to improve communication between cars, roads, and drivers," by Clark Boyd, MIT's Technology Review, July 6, 2007 -- 1-18 Simulations "Simulations, Games, and Learning" By Diana Oblinger EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, May 2006 Digital Game-Based Learning: It's Not Just the Digital Natives Who Are Restless" By Richard Van Eck EDUCAUSE REVIEW, vol. 41, no. 2, March/April 2006, pp. 16–30. Mikes Bikes --- Click Here Also see 1-19 Future Lab in the U.K. Media Lab at MIT --- Future Lab (in the U.K.): Developing innovative learning resources and practices that support new approaches to education for the 21st century. By bringing together the creative, technical and educational communities, Futurelab is pioneering ways of using new technologies to transform the learning experience. 1-20 Accounting Second Life 3-D Model Steven Hornik at the U. of Central Florida Since there has been some interest regarding Second Life on this list from time to time, I wanted to share a demo of a model I created in Second Life that I will be using with my class this coming Fall. It's a 3-D interactive accounting model (A=L+E). If you are in Second Life and want to play with it let me know. It's currently on my Parcel in Sweetbay, but will be moving to Teaching 4, part of the New Media Consortium's archipelago, where University of Central Florida's accounting department has just leased a plot! Link to blog post about the model: Link to YouTube video (no reading required): 1-21 Adding Video Camtasia is a great ALN asynchronous learning tool. Videos can be made of lecture materials, Web materials, Blackboard files, etc. They can be served up on CDs, Web wervers, WebCT servers, Blackboard servers, etc. Users can replay videos over and over and over. Latest versions of Camtasia allow for interactsions between the student and the Camtasia video. 1-22 Educational Videos Video Professor (Finance & Accountning) -- Understanding Accounting (Gregory M. Doublas )-- Most textbook publishing firms have some really boring accounting videos 1-23 Artificial Intelligence Edutainment What are some computer science courses doing to slow the decline in enrollments? Could robots play Monopoly in basic accounting and economics courses?"U.S. Colleges Retool Programming Classes," by Greg Bluestein, PhysOrg, May 26, 2007 -- The lesson plan was called "Artificial Unintelligence," but it was written more like a comic book than a syllabus for a serious computer science class. "Singing, dancing and drawing polygons may be nifty, but any self-respecting evil roboticist needs a few more tricks in the repertoire if they are going to take over the world," read the day's instructions to a dozen or so Georgia Tech robotics students. 1-24 References "Scavenger Hunt Enhances Students' Utilization of Blackboard" By Dianne C. Jones JOURNAL OF ONLINE LEARNING AND TEACHING, vol. 2, no. 2, June 2006 Chad Kimball’s Chess Videos --- 1-25 The End 1-26