Saint George’s C of E School Year 11 into Year 12 Milestone Card – summer 2015 DEADLINE – 8.40AM, Monday 7 September 2015 Completed forms to Miss E Francis (RSL Office, U8) – as soon as you have all milestones signed off Student Signature Subject Art & Design Miss L McConville – Biology Mr A Arbiter Business Miss E Francis Chemistry Mrs G Mullen – Computing Mr A Finch – Miss Francis’ Signature Graduation Date Summer Milestone Teacher Signature Distortion project: 1. Produce a mind-Map on the theme ‘Distortion’. 2. Research one artist that is relevant to the theme ‘Distortion’. 3. Produce a creative response of the artist’s work using appropriate materials and be prepared to explain to the class how the artist has helped to inspire your ideas. 4. Produce one good sized observational drawing based on your chosen starting points and in response to your selected artist. Research and respond to tasks on Cell Membranes, Cell Ultrastructure and Prokaryotic Cells. Print out your completed work. You will be assessed on your knowledge at the start of September in class. Research and write a report on the nature and purpose of business. You must not use Wikipedia. You should include why businesses exist, the relationship between a mission statement and objectives, what are the common business objectives, why do they set objectives and the importance of profit and how it is measured? Min. 500 words. 1. Carryout research on physical properties and the uses of halogens. Min 500 words plus extra for equations. 2. Research the test for halide ions and explain how you would use the test to determine nature of an unknown halide solution X. 3. Also research and explain the reactions, including ionic equations where appropriate, for identifying: i. carbonate ions, ii. sulfate ions and iii. ammonium ions. 4. Research metallic radii of metallic elements and compare to melting point. Use metallic bonding model to explain any trends. 5. Produce a PowerPoint presentation on uses of alkanes as fuels, the possible environmental effects and the role of chemists in reducing the environmental impact. (Refer to taster session guidance for further details on each task). 1. Investigate and document the differences between a programming language that you currently know e.g. Java and compare this to Microsoft Visual C#. Select a program you have worked on before and try to adapt the code to work in C# by using this online complier (Note: you will need to use the Alt-Up Arrow key to restore your code after running the program). 2. Research and produce a report on a computer problem known as ‘The Travelling Salesman Problem’. You will need to describe the problem in detail and explore Address: Saint George's C of E School, Meadow Road, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 7LS Tel: 01474 533082 E-mail: Saint George’s C of E School the surrounding issues. Investigate ways we can ‘solve’ and work around the problem. Finally, describe what benefits a full solution to this problem could yield to businesses and the economy. Dance Mrs F Steed – Drama Mr D Higson – English Language Miss F Holmes – English Literature Miss L Steeples – Film Studies Mrs A Betts – Research each practical exam question, collate your findings. Decide one exam question to base a solo choreography on, this will be produced during term 1. Visit the theatre and see a play then write a review on the production. It should include: What the play was about Details on the set, lighting, costume, make up and any technical effects (Diagrams should be included) Details on the acting with reference to your favourite moments What was good about the production and how it made you respond? This should be connected to specific moments. The review should be written formally and should be at least 500 words in length. 1. Research and work out the definitions of the words/phrases given to you. 2. Create a folder/collection of 10 different texts. These can be newspaper clippings, adverts, cereal or crisp packets, leaflets, magazine articles… anything that has text on it. Think outside the box! Bring this folder to your first lesson. 3. You will be studying ‘Child Language Acquisition’ and ‘Language Diversity’ this year. Make some brief notes on what you expect to learn about these units. 1. Buy and read ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ by Tennessee Williams. Without using Wikipedia, what elements of social/historical context play a part in both the construction of the text and the presentation of characters? 2. Buy and read ‘The War of the Worlds’ by H G Wells. Without using Wikipedia, what elements of social/historical context play a part on both the construction of the text and the themes it represents? ‘Watch a prepared selection of films and be ready to write a response.’ Geography Ms C Leeke – History Mrs M Vinall – Research and prepare a presentation on: 1. Location of cold environments – include a map, general description of location i.e. latitude, altitude and named countries and areas. 2. Climatic characteristics of cold environments – temperature range, precipitation, seasons. 3. The adaptations of one animal and one plant to the climatic conditions – description of the characteristics, explanation of how the adaptation helps them in the cold environment climate. 4. Description of the threats to cold environments such as Antarctica – minimum of three threats, include specific facts. 1. Research and write a report outlining the history of the Holy Roman Empire from its beginning until the start of the 16th century. You must not use Wikipedia. You should include who was a part of it, who ruled it, how did it begin, how was it governed? This should be between 750 and 1000 words. 2. Research and then answer this question in an essay of around 1000 words: Was Henry VIII’s lack of a male heir the main reason for reforms to the English Church in the years 1529-40? (20 marks) Address: Saint George's C of E School, Meadow Road, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 7LS Tel: 01474 533082 E-mail: Saint George’s C of E School 1. milestones? Gather the complete specification of your desktop or laptop computer; What happens if I meet my including all the hardware components, along with the operating system You demonstrate that you are committed to Sixth Form study installed. You will need to carefully research and install appropriate 1st and 3rd You will be prepared for the one week of consolidation before you are assessed for suitability party tools to gather the detailed information required for the task. IT Completing the summer milestones allows you to start developing the skills needed for Year 12 2. Research 6 employee attributes that you feel would be valued by an employer. Mr A Finch – This forms part of your suitability assessment from GCSE to A-Level. You need to include two attributes from each of the following categories: ‘jobrelated’, ‘general’ and ‘attitudes’. Produce a leaflet which explains each of your What happens if I do not meet my milestones? chosen attributes in detail, explaining it is important You will be behind everyone else in your subjects when you startwhy on September 7th and valued by a prospective employer. Sixth Form meeting about your missing summer work You and your parents will have an immediate It is unlikely that you will be able to demonstrate your suitability for your chosen course/s as you will be assessed Mathematics Work through the examples in the AS Maths Induction Booklet and complete your using your milestones work. Mrs N Shibli – answers to the exercises on A4 lined paper – make your methods clear. If you are struggling with the milestones, please seek guidance and support from the named teacher. Use their given email address to make contact. Be they willexploring only be available untilofFRIDAY 17th JULY to answer any questions. 1. aware Create that a mind map the purposes music videos. 2. Produce a case study identifying one iconic music video (from any period or genre) Media Studies and analyse the features that has made it iconic. Mr J Webber – 3. Write a 200 word reflection or your relationship with music videos. Do you watch many of them? Do they influence you in any way? Do they encourage you to buy music? "Complete research report on Acoustic Theory & Synthesis. Your report should include images, video links where appropriate and your own explanation into sound Music Technology waves, frequency, amplitude and the different sections of a synthesiser and how Mr S Mallard – they control the above acoustic elements. See e-mailed PowerPoint to guide you with your research." Visit your nearest bank and local supermarket. Collect materials and ask the staff Personal and Business about the range of services they provide. Using your research, produce a news Finance article explaining the different services offered by the two providers and how these Miss E Francis – services meet their customer needs. This should be approx. 2 A4 pages. Philosophy and Ethics Mrs S Neighbour – Photography Mr J Webber – Physics Mr M Mullins – Collect examples of what you consider to be moral/ethical issues from the news. You will need at least 5 examples each and be able to say why you think they are moral/ethical issues. 1. Produce a mind-Map on the theme ‘Nature’. 2. Research one Artist/Photographer you think is relevant to the theme ‘Nature’. 3. Produce a series (minimum 6) images/photographs in response to the theme: ‘Nature’ 4. Write 200 word reflection explaining your work and images. 1. Learn times tables up to 12 plus 2. Learn sevens (mechanics 1-4). Psychology Miss C Lucas – Summarise each research method and experimental design, including what is involved in each. Write at least 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses for each research method and experimental design. Methods: Laboratory Experiment, Field Experiment, Natural Experiment, Observation, Survey/Questionnaire, Correlation, Case Study. Designs: Repeated measures design, Independent groups design, Matched pairs design. Address: Saint George's C of E School, Meadow Road, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 7LS Tel: 01474 533082 E-mail: Saint George’s C of E School Sociology Mrs S Lane – Spanish Mrs M Smith – Sport Mr A Reeves – 1. Read the hand out entitled ‘nature/nurture debate’. 2. Learn the highlighted words for a key term test in your first lesson: Values, Norms, social control, subculture, socialisation, feral child. 3. Complete activity box Q1-3 and for Q3 – write a report arguing both sides of the nature and nature debate. Use examples and evidence from the source in box 2. 1 side of A4 max. Complete your Spanish pack. It covers tenses and vocabulary. You will need to be competent in using the present, preterite, and imperfect, near future, simple future and conditional tenses. Please also complete the reading comprehension activity. Take part in a sport competitively, inside or outside and record yourself playing. You will need a member of your family, or friends to record you. Take about 10–15mins of footage then review and write a report on your performance commenting on the following: What did you do well? What didn’t you do so well? How could you improve your performance next time? Address: Saint George's C of E School, Meadow Road, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 7LS Tel: 01474 533082 E-mail: