Main presentation title - Police and Crime Commissioner for

Appendix A
Subject Area
Reporting date
HMIC Inspection
DCC Heather Roach
Overall status
Overall Summary:
HMIC are increasing the inspection regime to feed the PEEL Programme and widening the scope of inspection, which means an increased burden in staff
resources across the force to facilitate field work
HMIC PEEL inspection scheduling is to become less flexible ,with visit timetables being rigidly structured, to accommodate the more complex nature and
broader scope of future fieldwork visits.
HMIC are increasing scrutiny on previous recommendations
It is recommended that the Force consider the changing HMIC Inspection regime and the potential strategy required by the changes.
Completed Inspection Activity: (Since JIAC report – 27 November 2014)
Longer Term View:
Interim PEEL assessment – national narrative report on Lincolnshire police with graded
element - published on 27 November 2014. Included reports on; Integrity & corruption; Crime
/ effectiveness inspections, action plans based on recommendations in place.
Undercover policing national report published 4 October 2014 – action plan being managed
at regional level – collaborative service.
Crime data Integrity Inspection completed and reports published 18 November 2014,,action
plan in place.
Firearms Licencing inspection completed on 24 and 25 February 2015. interim action plan in
Honour Based Violence self assessment , document request and data request were submitted
to HMIC on 6 March 2015.
PEEL Efficiency data collection template completed, and submitted on 11 March 2015.
Vulnerability inspection ,crime file review on 31March and 1 April 2015.
Inaugural ‘Insight’ visit on 30 March and 2 April 2015. To check implementation of all
inspection recommendations made by HMIC and CJJI since March 2014 , with a specific focus
on Domestic Abuse, and Crime Data Integrity inspections.
Investigation and prosecution of fatal road traffic incidents report published. 27 February
2015, recommendations matrix forwarded for action to force/regional lead.
The welfare of vulnerable people in custody report, was published. 10 March 2015 action plan
forwarded to force lead.
Stop Search 2, national report published , action plan forwarded to force lead for action.
Future Focus
Preparations for next HMIC Insight visit, to include showcase of vPCSO programme and
further reality testing, due in late April early May 2015.
Preparations for PEEL Efficiency, Legitimacy & Leadership inspection with strategic round
table meeting and fieldwork visit scheduled for the first week in June 2015.
Awaiting publication of national inspection reports for ; Disability Hate Crime ; Information
Management; Firearms Licensing.
Awaiting feedback from HMIC Insight visit ,regarding our implementation of inspection
report recommendations.
Current 2015/16 HMIC inspection programme published late March 2015.
PEEL 2015/16 Effectiveness (Crime) inspection fieldwork will be conducted in July and
August 2015
Missing and absent children inspection fieldwork proposed for late Summer 2015.
Await decision in May, on whether force is selected for an inspection visit for Honour based
violence (HBV) . This is dependent on analysis by HMIC off our self-assessment submission.
PEEL force assessment scheduled for publication in February 2016.
Risks: Arising from Inspection activity
There are no risks currently recorded on
Force risk register relating to inspection
Force Risk Register - Score & Reference