Team B Contract_Final

BUSN460 Team Contract
Successful teams begin with guidelines that help to manage their work. For this class you and
your teammates will need to create a set of rules called a Team Contract. As a team, complete
all the sections listed below to build your Team Contract.
Section I: Team Member Skill Inventory
Each team member must complete this section.
Shirmel Dore
Gary Eldridge
Raymond Hermann
Organized and detailed
Powerpoint presentation,
detail oriented,
Organized, committed, team
Program management,
research, writing
Not so strong areas
Perform well under pressure, very
focused, detail oriented, organized,
great at analyzing
Might make rash decisions
Sentitive person, not so good
at powerpoint
Proofing, powerpoint,
SectionII: Work Plan
This section should include a plan for communication and written work.
How will the team members share their work?
- Work will be shared among team members before final submission every Friday.
When will all members need to have their part of the project done so that it can be
turned in on time? What will you do if members turn in work after the deadline?
Each team member is expected to submit their work by Friday morning (latest 11:00
Eastern time). Failure to do so will be reported to the instructor.
How will you manage team members who do not participate?
Team members are expected to participate in all class assignments, discussion,
meetings on the dates and times organized. Members who are unable to attend any
session or is unable to submit their assignment the date indicated will have to give
prior notice so that other arrangements can be made in advance.
How will you choose your team leader? What will be the responsibilities of the team
The team leader has to be someone who will be responsible, has the ability to
delegate and to coordinate group assignments, should be able to represent the group
at all times, is willing and committed to see that work is done in a prompt, efficient
and timely manner at all times.
Section III: Conflict Management
This section should include your plan for conflict management.
What are potential conflicts that might arise among or between team members during
this course?
- Lack of communication
- Member not fully committed to the assigned task
- Members not submitting assignments on time
- Members not engaging in meeting
How do team members agree together that they will deal with these and other
- Team leader will call a meeting to deal with these matters at a time that is
convenience to all members
- If the conflict is unable to be resolve by team members, we would have to involve
the instructor for further guidance.
Section IV: Team Goals
This section should include your team goals.
What are your team goals
o Produce high quality work,
o Everyone attend our weekly meetings, and
o Every member of the group contribute to the overall production of the Team
resulting in all team members achieving an “A”
Potential barriers to the achievement of these goals are:
o Time zones presenting obstacles in timely meetings.
o Individual parts not completed on schedule, jeopardizing overall weekly
How will you overcome these potential barriers?
o The Team will communicate regularly and deadlines are set with sufficient lag
time so that if another member is short or needs help, there is enough time to
compensate for the shortage.
The team contract must be signed by every member of the team before submitting it
individually to yourdropbox.
Gary W. Eldridge
Raymond Hermann
Joefred B Devicais
Sonita Crockrell
Shirmel Dore
Signature to agree
Gary W. Eldridge
Raymond Hermann
Joefred B Devicais
Sonita Crockrell