CuRRiculum Plan 2012

Schooling Strategy Goal
All students achieving their potential
Strategic Priorities:
All students experience effective teaching
Learning is nurtured by families and whenas
Practice is evidence based
The long view is taken: Each student’s ultimate learning success is more important than the covering of particular achievement
The vision, values and principles are embedded in the key competencies, the learning areas and the daily life of the school
This curriculum plan has been designed to give clear guidance on the learning outcomes to be achieved throughout Opus
School’s delivery programmes and to give specific targets for the basis of self review.
It is not intended, however, that the overviews should be viewed as being absolutely inflexible. Teachers may use their
professional judgement to determine the order of topics within any of the curriculum areas over the year, provided that the
expected coverage of the curriculum area is achieved.
A focus on outcomes provides clarity for curriculum design. Clearly identified and prioritised outcomes gives schools frames of
reference to view the many ways in which resources could be allocated.
Students are more motivated and task orientated when they understand the outcomes they are working towards and know why
these are important. Teachers, students and parents find it easier to recognise, measure and discuss progress when they gave a
shared understanding of the planned outcomes.
The curriculum assumes that all students can learn and success but not necessarily at the same time, on the same day or in the
same way. There are no limits on how many students can be successful, on how much they can learn or how rapidly they advance
All students are given appropriate and sufficient opportunities to learn. They are encouraged to build on their existing learning
and take it to a higher level.
In line with the New Zealand Curriculum Document the vision of Opua School wants to empower young
people to stand tall as New Zealanders, seize opportunities, overcome obstacles and make a difference.
Our Young People will be:
Positive in their own identity
Able to relate well to others
Effective users of communication tools
•Lifelong Learners
Literate and numerate
Critical and creative thinkers
Active seekers and creators of knowledge
Informed decision makers
•Actively Involved
Participants in a range of contexts
Contributors to the well-being of New Zealand’s social , economic and environmental lifestyles.
Learning outside of the classroom environment will be a feature of our school.
To provide and promote opportunities for the children to experience activities in the fields of the arts,
culture, sports and information technology.
To encourage community involvement based around the facilities of the school.
Strategic Plan 2012 - 2015
•All children to be at or above their Chronological Age in Reading age testing
•All children to be at or above their appropriate writing level according to ages.
•All children to be at or above their age-appropriate maths stage.
•All children from year 4 and up are reading music notation
•All year 7 & 8 students have access to some career guidance
•Meeting the needs of gifted and talented learners
•Physical activity everyday
•Assessment for Learning
•Understand it –untangle it--use it
•Do what you do do well
•Writing exemplars/indicators
•Student voice
•School targets
•Align literacy and numeracy assessments with the
national standards
P.E. Health and sports
•Class and school participation in many interschool
•Encouragement of afterschool and weekend sports
•Improve organisation and communication with
•Further develop swimming skill levels
•Maintain and extend our sustainability
practices(recycling, waste management etc.)
•Increase the fresh fruit and vegetable growing and
Outline 2012
Teaching and Learning
Identify and target groups
especially in the just below
cohorts in literacy and numeracy.
Set goals to move these students
to the At category or better.
Develop teaching skills through
co-coaching, professional
development, classroom visiting,
staff meetings and interschool
Baseline Data
Set at December 2011
Staff Development
Student Achievement
All students will be achieving at
or above the National
Standards by December 2012
(Reading, Writing and
Term 1
Asttle Numpa
Probe Benchmark
Terms 2/3/4
Probe / Benchmark
Curriculum Outline
The foliage represents the product or the output of the tree. This is the
Knowledge or the learning product.
Changing world
The trunk or bole of the tree supports and assists the tree. This represents
the skills, core competencies and attitudes which help learning to occur.
Key Competencies (The Tool Kit)
Using language, symbols and texts
Participating and contributing
Managing self
Relating to others
The roots are the foundation and source of much support. This represents the
values, beliefs and cultures, heart and spirit of the learner.
Manaakitanga me te Awhina
Caring and sharing
In order to grow, the tree needs a suitable soil and environment . The soil
represents the principles outlined in the NZC:
High Expectations
Community Engagement
Treaty of Waitangi
Cultural Diversity
Future Focus
Learning to Learn
None of these aspects can exist alone. It is
all interdependent. If one area is weak the
tree falls and dies.
Key competencies make up the tool box for an Opua student. These form
the basis of all learning skills.
A wide range of skills to
develop a creative and
innovative outlook
Use of language,
symbols and texts.
Skilled in literacy and
Managing Self.
Students will be
and have a ‘can
do’ attitude
Participating and contributing.
Students as group members will make a
connection with others and create
opportunities for others
Relating to Others.
Students can interact effectively with a
diverse range of people and in a variety of
Good Teachers have:
•Confidence in themselves
•Courage to make mistakes
•Compassion for children
•Character to do their best
•Competence in their subjects
•Clarity in their objectives
•Communication skills
•Collaboration with their colleagues
•Connections between learning and events
•Challenges for themselves and their students
•Critical thinking to evaluate lessons, programmes and reflections
•Creativity to construct new approaches and lessons
•Curiosity to want to know more and perform better
Good Teachers are Good Learners too!
All students to be at or above the National Standards by the end of the year.
• Focused budgeting giving priority to learning areas
• Professional development targeting learning areas
• An appointment process which appoints quality staff
• Utilising an Integrated curriculum approach around authentic and transdisciplinary inquiry
• School wide learning , planning and assessment
• School-wide expectations and recognition of success
• School wide commitment to formative assessment and evidence –based practices
• School support programmes for children with special needs/requirements including gifted and talented students
• School wide assessment will include AsTTle, National Exemplars, National Standards, PROBE, PM BENCHMARK and PAT.
All students to be AT or Above appropriate National Standard. Guideline: Comprehension Reading Age to be AT or ABOVE
chronological Age
All students to be at age Year Level Appropriate level according to National Standards Guidelines:
• Year 1\2 Level 1 A
• Year 3\4 Level 2A
• Year 5\6 Level 3A
• Year 7\8 Level 4A
All to students to be at or above the National Standards in relation to their year levels. Guidelines:
• Year 1\2 Stage 4
• Year 3\4 Stage 5
• Year 5\6 Stage 6
• Year 7\8 Stage 7
Reporting against the targets will be based on numbers of students who reach BELOW, AT or ABOVE the National Standards.
Curriculum Delivery
The main curriculum outcomes, consistent with Opua School’s Charter are:
• To foster children’s enthusiasm and desire to learn by providing balance programmes relevant to their needs
• To provide positive and supportive classroom environments where the children are encouraged to take risks
• To encourage the children to accept challenges and set realistic goals while striving for excellence
• To encourage tolerance and sensitivity towards others and to foster respect for the various cultures within
the school.
• To capitalise on the advantages of being near a port that is the base for overseas cruising yachts, where
children can mix with children from other countries.
• To recognise and appreciate teachers’ professionalism alongside parental input within as friendly
cooperative environment.
• To encourage teachers’ individual curriculum expertise and to utilise these strengths throughout the school.
“The test of a successful education is not the amount of knowledge that a pupil takes away from a school but
his appetite to know and his capacity to learn. If a school sends out children with a desire for knowledge and
some idea of how to acquire and use it, it will have done its job. Too many leave school with the appetite killed
and the mind loaded with undigested lumps of information” (cited in Abbot,1999)
• Information should gathered through a variety of methods. Coverage sheets for each
learning area will show the various formats being used in the teaching programmes
• Information can be gathered and recorded in a way that suits each individual
teacher. Sample folders will be used school –wide to show on-going school
• Information will be clear, concise And relevant to learning. All statements should be
able to be substantiated.
• Data on its own is of little use. It should be used to analyse the needs.
• Methods of assessment should be non-threatening and feedback should be given as
soon as possible to ensure that enhanced learning will be the outcome of the
• Children should be aware of the criteria used for assessment before completing the
tasks. These criteria should be reviewed with the children on a regular basis.
• Achievement is measured against clear objectives, identified at the start of the unit
of work.
• Records should be readily available for discussion with the child, other teachers, and
the parents as required.
Some characteristics of effective assessment
It benefits students. It clarifies for them what they know and can do and what they still need to learn. When
students see that they are making progress, their motivation is sustained and their confidence increases.
It involves students. They discuss clarify and reflect on their goals, strategies and progress with their teachers,
their parents and one another. This develops their capacities for self and peer assessment.
It supports teaching and learning goals. The students understand the desired outcomes and the criteria for
success. Important outcome are emphasised and the teacher give feedback that helps the students to reach
the goals.
It is planned and communicated. Outcomes , teaching strategies and assessment criteria are carefully
matched. Students know in advance how and why they are to be assessed. The teachers programme planning
is flexible so that they can make changes in response to new information, opportunities or insights.
It is suited to the purpose. Information is obtained by using a range of informal and formal assessment
approaches. These are chosen to suit the learning being assessed.
It is valid and fair. Teachers obtain and interpret information from a range of sources and then decide on how
to use the evidence it provides, based on their professional judgement. They can have most confidence in the
validity of the assessment analysis when it comes from more than one assessment.
Reporting on Achievement
To inform the parents and the children of progress. This is done four times per year. (At the end of each school term).
To form a partnership with parents for the benefit of the children’s learning
To help the children set goals
To provide motivation and encouragement for the children to be part of all aspects of school life.
Effective communication with parents will be established early in the year. Parents and teachers are encourage to make both formal
and informal contact in ways that are appropriate for the specific need.
There will be one formal parent/ teacher/student interview during the year and four written reports, and a final summary at the end
of the school year. Children’s sample folders will complement both of these and will form the basis for discussion with parents about
their children’s progress
Written reports will provide information on achievement (Reading, writing and mathematics). Comments will be positive and specific.
Interviews with parents will provide an opportunity for teachers to discuss the children’s achievement, behaviour and attitudes and
will provide a forum for offering suggestions for future learning. (Goal setting)
Regular newsletters will inform parents and the community about school organisation details, forthcoming events and achievements
School assemblies and school sharing will be used to inform the children about general achievement and school events. Parents are
encouraged to attend these assemblies.
Exercise books and record books are the recognised methods of recording children’s work.
Homework can give parents an indication of learning programmes and can give children an indication of strengths and weaknesses.
Teachers will use their professional judgement on deciding the need, style or content of homework activities
Curriculum Content
The teaching programme throughout the school will give a coverage of all eight learning
areas. English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Social Studies, Arts, Health and Phys
Ed and Languages. (Throughout these there is strong emphasis on literacy and
The key competencies will be developed as an integral part of the teaching programme
National Curriculum is the basis for the learning programmes.
Each learning area will identify focus objectives which will provide data on individual
children’s progress which could be used for school wide aggregation purposes.
The teachers in charge of specific learning areas will oversee the purchasing and
utilisation of resources for these areas.
A curriculum overview will be developed and will provide the basis for individual teacher
planning. Teachers will use a planning format that suits their individual teaching styles,
experience and professional judgement
Each year a strategic plan will be developed which highlights the curriculum priorities for
the year.
Success criteria
For some time many teachers have mainly focussed success criteria around end points and
products, by using words/phrases like ‘By the end of the unit you will have….’ The Gillingham
Study revealed that ‘product’ success criteria were relatively unhelpful to children compared with ‘
process’ success criteria.
Examples of product success criteria:
Learning Intention To be able to use papier mache effectively
Success criterion. Everyone will have made a bowl.
This success criteria is broadly what the teacher wants but it does not indicate for the children,
how the learning intention is to be fulfilled. Once the success criteria have been planned and
written in the short term plan, something magical follows. The activity agenda is now set, so less
time is spent on the planning of the activity. There is now no mystery when asking the children for
the success criteria. The lesson has been structured around those very things. The success
criteria amounts to no more than getting the children to summarise the teaching points so far.
Learning Intentions
We are learning to…
What I’m looking for….
Plan our lessons for, learning intentions and success criteria
Give effective feedback to children, recognising their success against the learning intention and
give suggestions for the ‘next steps’ in their learning
Learning Intentions
Make sure that the Learning Intention (Learning Objective) of the task is clear
Clarify Learning Intentions
It must be a whole school Approach. Children are to be told that ‘From now on you will not only be told what we want you to do for
every lesson but also what we hope you will be learning’
Make it an expectation for children
Teachers need to separate learning Intentions and success criteria from the task. The children need to know the difference
between what we want them to do and what we want them to learn.
Explain the Learning Intention in ‘Child Speak’ if necessary
Learning Intentions seem to be more effective if once stated clearly, it is then followed by an invitation to create the success
criteria or ‘How will we know that we have achieved this?’
Invite the children to state how we will know that this has been done.
Tell the children why they are learning this. How it fits into the bigger picture or how it is relevant to everyday life.
Say why this is an important thing to learn
The learning intention and success criteria need to be visually displayed. WALT and WILF
Write the Learning Intention and success criteria on the Board
Ask the children to read aloud the learning intention.
Read it out loud together
School Art Statement
Introduction and structure
The arts develop the artistic and aesthetic dimensions of human experience. They contribute towards our
intellectual ability and to our social, cultural and spiritual understandings. They are an essential element of daily
living and lifelong learning
The aims of the arts in the New Zealand Curriculum are:
•To enable the students to develop literacies in dance, drama, music and the visual arts
•To assist students to in and develop a lifelong interest in the arts
•To broaden understanding and involvement in the arts of New Zealand.
Literacy within the Arts
Literacies in the arts involve the ability to communicate and interpret meaning in the arts disciplines. Students
develop literacy in each discipline as they:
•Explore and use its elements, conventions, processes, techniques and technologies
•Investigate the discipline and artworks in relation to their social and cultural contexts.
•Draw on a variety of sources of motivation to develop ideas and make art works
•Present and respond to artworks, developing skills in conveying and interpreting meaning.
•Investigate the discipline and artworks in relation to their social and cultural contexts
The arts Curriculum has four disciplines.
Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts
These disciplines are approached through four interrelated strands:
Developing practical knowledge in the arts (PK)
Developing ideas in the arts (DI)
Communicating and interpreting the arts (CI)
Understanding the arts in context(UC)
Achievement objectives and levels
Achievement objectives are expressed at eight levels and consideration should be given to the fluidity of the levels and the students’
individual learning within these levels. Learning in each discipline is spiral in nature and at each level it includes and builds upon
learning from the previous levels
Progression in Music Education
The spiral curriculum emphasises a progression 0f music education from early childhood to year` 13 which will develop musical skills
to match the child’s physical and intellectual ability.
There is a recognised and effective order of learning in music starting from early childhood
Imitating, exploring and improvising with sound
Learning to sing in tune and to recognise a beat and pattern
Learning to do notation and group music-making with instrumental skills
Learning about a range of musical styles
Learning to compose, improvise and perform a ah high level of skill
School-wide Musical Activities
Opua School children perform regularly at such events as school parent evenings, prizegivings, fundraisers, church services, principals’
Conferences, market days , gala days. Regatta Days and Welcome The Cruisers at The Opua Cruising Club. Programmes for these events
are drawn from the year’s music programme.
Because there is so much public performing there is no annual musical show.
Once a week there is School Sharing. Singing and dancing are part of the weekly Sharing programme.
Opua School Music Overview
Years 1-3
The emphasis for these years should be on rhythm work and singing. If the groundwork in these areas is put in
at this level it shows through as the children advance through the school classes.
Developing practical knowledge (PK)
Listening and mood
The children will be encouraged to express mood, situation, occasion and culture through a variety of styles of
music. This will be done by:
Participation in kapa haka and school sharing
Participation in End of Year Concert
Participation in End of Term Talent Show
Listening for patterns
Listening for styles of accompaniment
Recognising the difference in sound between major and minor keys
Vocal and rhythmic imitation
Enjoying music for its own sake
Learning about programme music. i.e. Music written for specific occasions or purposes such as TV themes,
Olympic/Commonwealth Games etc.
Developing Ideas in Music
Dynamics and Timbre
The children will learn to recognise that the use of expression and different form s of accompaniment will enhance a piece of
music through:
The use of dynamics where appropriate
The use of staccato and legato
the use of body percussion, un-tuned percussion and found objects to accompany songs
Children will learn to recognise that a difference can be made to a piece of music by:
using un-tuned percussion and body percussion as an improvised or directed accompaniment
singing known songs with and without an accompaniment
Communicating and Interpreting in Music (CI)
A wide range of songs will be taught including those that involve echo-singing and improvisation. New songs will be drawn from
mainly ‘Love To…’ Songbooks and ABC Sing & Singalong 1990-2006
Children will be encouraged to express feelings through a variety of styles of music. This will be done by:
Undirected movement that is appropriate response to a variety of styles of music
Directed movement to known songs
Lines dances and dances from, folk dances, new wave folk dance, ballroom
Jump Jam Videos, CD’s , DVD’s and tapes
Once a week for one hour.
Understanding Music in Context (UC)
Music appreciation
This will happen incidentally within the lessons as many different styles of music will be used. Music from other countries will be
explored as it arises.
Year 4-8
For these children the emphasis should be on the continuation of note reading skills through recorder playing which can later be
readily translated to other instruments. Creating and appreciating music should be covered as well to provide a balanced
Developing practical knowledge
Listening and Mood
Children will be encouraged to express mod, situation, occasion and culture through a variety of styles of music. this will be done
Participation in Kapa Haka and School Sharing
Participation in End of Term Talent shows
Recognising melodic and rhythmic patterns involving repetition and contrast
recognise the difference in sound between major and minor keys
Enjoying music for its own sake
Learning about programme music
Developing Ideas in Music (DI)
Dynamics and Timbre
Pianissimo to fortissimo
Using body percussion and untuned percussion to accompany or enhance or as part of instrumental works
Harmony and Texture
Layers of instrumental and vocal sounds
Rounds, partner songs and descants
Harmonies and descants in instrumental work
Communicating and Interpreting Music (CI)
Conventional music notation Middle C to A’ including all chromatic notes G Maj, F Maj, Bb Maj D Maj Key signatures
Class music making using recorders
Simple duple, triple quadruple time signatures triplets, tied notes and rests
Repeat signs and Italian Terms for find way around music
Singing New songs drawn mainly from Sing And Sing Along Booklets
Directional movement through line dancing and folk dancing
Traditional dances from other countries. New wave Folk dance
Ballroom Dance
Jump Jam Videos and tapes
Improvised and self choreographed dances in groups or classes.
Many performance opportunities both for the children and by the children will be offered. All children from year 4 to 8 will be in the
orchestra and will be expected to perform in public. Violin and guitar lesson are offered to these children
Understanding Music in context (UC)
Music Appreciation
This will happen incidentally within the lessons as many different styles of music will be used. Music from other countries will be
explored as it arises.
Visual Art
The visual arts comprise a broad range of conceptual material and dimensional forms through which we communicate, learn about
ourselves and make meaning of the world.. They involve people making objects and images through which ideas, experiences and
feelings are made tangible. The visual arts link social, cultural and spiritual action and belief and reflect our relationships with other
people and the environment.
Visual Art Strands Achievement Objectives and Indicators
Learning the languages of the visual arts.
In this strand students learn and use the language of the visual arts in making objects and images. They learn to identify, select and
structure visual elements to communicate ideas in making two dimensional, three dimensional and time based works. They become
fluent in visual art processes through experiences in a variety of forms, such as painting, sculpture and video.
Students explore the relationships between elements and principles, and they use art making conventions and pictorial ands spatial
devices to organise their ideas. They investigate the properties of materials and media and use tools and technologies to develop skills
in a range of techniques.
Developing Ideas in the Visual Arts.
In this strand students initiate and develop ideas through observation, imagination and invention with materials. They also develop
ideas in response to experience and feelings and as they reflect on their own art making. They learn to source ideas and to develop
and organise them in ways that communicate their intentions.
Students use selected drawing methods to explore and develop their ideas. They learn ways to conceptualise their ideas and express
them through a range of media and materials. They reflection, test, clarify and regenerate ideas and they solve problems, individually
and collaboratively in making objects and images.
Communicating and Interpreting Meaning in the Visual Arts
In this strand students interpret and respond to meanings and intentions communicated through the various forms of the visual arts.
They investigate how meaning in their own and others’ works is mediated through technologies, the languages of the visual arts and
the context in which the visual arts are presented and viewed.
Students read a range of visual texts and develop skills in analysing, interpreting and evaluating meaning in objects and images
created by others. They interpret public and persona signs and symbols systems used to make meaning and to communicate ideas.
They articulate ideas about art making in order to engage with art works and to inform their own practice.
Understanding the Visual Arts in Context.
In this strand students identify the functions and contexts of the visual arts in society. They develop informed responses to the visual
arts in public and private settings and investigate objects and images from past and present cultures. Through the various media and
forms of the visual arts they examine their significance for individuals, for their communities and for societies.
Students identify contexts in which objects and images are made, viewed and valued. They investigate the role of the visual arts in
societies and cultures and explore the relationships between the production of art and its social context.. They understand the visual
culture reflects and is shaped by the beliefs, technologies, needs and values of society.
Curriculum Plan for the Visual Arts
The model will focus on media/processes covering a minimum of five units of work per year to a maximum of eight per year (two a
term) This will ensure that the children will have experiences in the eight processes of the visual arts over a two year period. Painting
and drawing are seen as core media/processes Included in the visual art programme will be:
At least one three Dimensional activity each year
The option of integrating with other curriculum areas
The option of following the same theme through a range of processes.
Units of work which reflect coverage of all four strands in any one year. Some strands might be address a number of times over4 the
year and others may be addressed only once in the year
Opportunities for collaborative art making
Opportunities for some to be involved in enrichment programmes
Planning and Organisation
Media/processes. Classes will select from the process/media listed in the two year overview giving consideration to the main topics
being studied throughout the year
Record the intended units of work on the visual arts year` planner and use the coverage sheets to monitor coverage of the four
Indicate of the year planner which strands will be assessed and highlight the units which might be used for portfolio work
Write appropriate Objectives/ Learning intentions that help inform the teaching of the units
Duration of the unit
Teachers can choose to work within a weekly Visual Arts programme or use the Visual arts intensive approach. Care must be taken
that programmes retain an in –depth approach covering at least two strands.
Length of time spent on any one unit will vary dependent on the processes used. However the intention is to ensure that the children
are not having one-off learning experiences.
More than one unit of work may be completed within a term or one unit may extend into the following term
Exhibitions and displays
The annual PTA art exhibition. These must include a wide range of media/processes and include a
Foyer and hall displays. Classes are asked to contribute work for these displays on a rotating basis.
Class displays It is expected that every child’s completed work will be exhibited in the classroom, mounted and labelled appropriately.
Class displays can include evidence of developing ideas, communicating and interpreting and context strands as well as the final
Art work from every child.. These are all to be mounted and clearly labelled. This is often planned to coincide with the Regatta early in
the year and need artworks from the previous year’s work.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Term 1
Painting crayon
Pen and In
Pen and ink
Pen and Ink
Term 2
Papier Mache
Rubbings scratching
Papier Mache
Term 3
Clay pots
3D sculpture
Rotation Symmetry
Rotation Symmetry
Ethnic patterns
3D Sculpture
Term 4
Wrapping paper
Boxes, toys stamps
Floral art
Screen prints
Floral art
PVA, cardboard
Screen prints
Floral art
PVA, lino
Screen prints
Using a range of:
Coloured pencil
tempera, acrylic, water, dye
Painting tools
Brushes card, sponges, rollers etc
Painting surfaces
Paper, card, Hessian, canvas etc
Pointalism, cubist etc.
Still life, , portrait , landscape,
seascape etc
Blending underpainting. Dry brush,
overpainting, detailing limited palette
Torn paper
Cut paper
Magazine pages
Made papers
Commercial paper
Other materials
Natural material
Different techniques
Flat collage
Dough / Clay
Relief tiles
Models /sculptures
Pinch pots
Coiled slabs
Finishing techniques
Papier Mache
Paper strips
Paper pulp
Over 3D
Card frame looms
Range of fibre
Sewn collage
Painting and drawing
Soft sculpture
Wearable arts
Paper making
Design /graphic processes
Crayon pastel & dye
Crayon & pastel
Crayon/dye & ink
Crayon batik
Limited colour range
Blending /layering
Stamp/leaf prints
PVA / String
Card /collage relief
Screen prints
Lino wood cuts
Singe/multi colour
Repeated patterns
Rolled paper
Natural materials
Design and make toys, tools,
Furniture, books, jewellery
Signs, symbols, emblems
Flags, banners
Pin hole camera
Slide show
Computer art
Drawing to develop ideas and gather information
To develop the skills needed to maintain a Healthy lifestyle
To become aware of the effects of influences and to make informed personal decisions
To participate fully in the physical Education programme to the best of their ability
To develop the skills required to become a team leader
Philosophical Statement
Through learning in this curriculum students will gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes and values to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and to contribute actively to the
well-being of other people and to the well-being of their community. Students will take an increasing responsibility for their own health and will learn movement
skills in a wide range of contexts. They will develop the skills that will enable them to enhance their relationships with other people and they will participate in
creating healthy communities by taking responsible and critical action.
Planning the Health/Physical Education Unit
Consult the curriculum and identify concepts that will be covered during the unit
Refer to local needs and identify any areas related to your theme. You will need to write success criteria for learning intentions These will need to be
measurable. Select appropriate resources for the unit. Use a format for planning that us easy to follow. E.g. Etap Planning matrix. Include in it the learning
intentions and success criteria , resources and activities including assessment activities. Unit assessment will be best carried out by measuring pupils
performance against the learning intentions.
Selecting Resources
These questions will help you assess the suitability of the resources
Is the resource suitable for the students’ age, sex, ability and culture?
Does it cater for the health/PE needs you have identified?
Does it relate clearly to the curriculum?
Is the material concise, precise and clearly presented?
Will the children find it stimulating, relevant and challenging?
Will it help the children to become more actively involved in health issues in the community?
Are audio-visual aids supplied to back up the activities?
Can teachers preview all the material?
Will it be available when and where it is required?
Will it be acceptable to parents and members of the community?
Is it a suitable size and durability?
Allocation of time
Time is allocated for Health and PE as follows
Fitness 10 minutes daily
PE Skills 2 X 30 minutes per week
50 minutes sports time per week
During February, March ,November and December most PE time is taken with swimming
Room 4
11:30 – 12:00
Room 3
12:00 - 12:30
Room 2
12:30 – 1:00
Room 1
2:00 – 2:30
Room R
2:30 - 3:00
Organisation of the daily Fitness programme
Any well organised fitness programme requires:
• Regularity
• Variety
• Enjoyment
• Vigorous activity
• Suitable clothing
• Time for activities, changing, drinks
• A quality programme can have a positive impact on;
cardio-vascular efficiency
• Health and fitness
• Cardio-vascular efficiency
• Muscular endurance
• Flexibility
Essential criteria
• Motivation initially and on-going
• Teachers set a positive role model
in participation
• Routine so that children know
where they are each day
• Whatever theme is used there is a
warm-up, warm -down and
Body composition
Skill related fitness
Reaction times
Reducing risks
Heart disease
Lower back injury
Odd Year
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Skills for growing
U.1 Building a school
U.2 Growing as a group
Mental Health
L2/3 Body Care
L4 Puberty
Personal identity
Keeping ourselves safe
Body care and safety
D1 Find out how societal attitudes,
values , beliefs, and practices affect wellbeing
A1 Gain understandings and skills to
manage and adjust to the process of
growth and maturation
C2 Increase their understanding of
personal identity and develop sensitivity
to other people
Mental Health
Body care and safety
A4 analyse attitudes and
values and take actions
that contribute in their
personal identity and selfworth
C1 Come to understand the
nature of relationships
A3 Meet and manage
challenges and risks in
positive health enhancing
D3 Understand the rights
and responsibilities, laws
and practices that relate
top peoples’ well-being
Winter sports rotation
Rugby, netball, soccer, hockey
Winter rotation
Rugby, netball, soccer,
Cross country
Summer skills
Minor games
Swimming and safety
Key areas of
A4 analyse attitudes and values
and take actions that contribute
in their personal identity and
C1 Come to understand the
nature of relationships
Physical Education
Wk 1 Small group games
Wk 2 Swimming
/aquatics/water safety
Wk 3 College pool groups
Wk 4 Swimming races
Russell Sports
SBIPA Sports
Physical Education
B1 Develop and apply in context a range of movement skills and facilitate
B4 Develop and apply knowledge and understanding of
the development of physical competence.
the social and cultural factors that influence people’s
B2 develop a positive attitude towards physical activity by accepting
involvement in physical activity
challenges and extending personal capabilities.
Regatta Camps, swimming
Public Health Nurse
Cross country
Camps, trips, sunsmart.
sports. Top School, sea week.
Rugby netball Day
Water safety
Life Ed
Interpersonal skills, caring and sharing, making and maintaining friendships, relating to and respecting other people and their ideas etc.
Even Year
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Creating a positive classroom
L2 Nutrition
L3 Body image
Skills for living
U3 making positive decisions
U 5 Celebrating you and me
Physical safety
Road, bike, sun. home , water
Key areas of learning
Mental Health
Health Assessment
A4 analyse attitudes and values and
take actions that contribute in their
personal identity and self-worth
C1 Come to understand the nature
of relationships
Body care and safety
Food and nutrition
D1 Find out how societal attitudes, values ,
beliefs, and practices affect well-being
A1 Gain understandings and skills to manage
and adjust to the process of growth and
C1 Come to understand the nature of
Mental Health
Sexuality education
A4 analyse attitudes and values
and take actions that contribute
in their personal identity and
C1 Come to understand the
nature of relationships
Body care and safety
Outdoor education
A3 Meet and manage
challenges and risks in positive
health enhancing ways
D3 Understand the rights and
responsibilities, laws and
practices that relate top
peoples’ well-being
Physical Education
Wk 1 Small group games
Wk 2 Swimming /aquatics/water
Wk 3 College pool groups
Wk 4 Swimming races
Russell Sports
SBIPA Sports
Winter sports rotation
Rugby, netball, soccer, hockey
Winter rotation
Rugby, netball, soccer, hockey
Cross country
Summer skills
Minor games
Swimming and safety
Physical Education
B1 Develop and apply in context a range of movement skills and facilitate the
development of physical competence.
B2 develop a positive attitude towards physical activity by accepting challenges and
extending personal capabilities.
Regatta Camps, swimming sports.
Public Health Nurse
Top School, sea week. Life Ed
Rugby netball Day
B4 Develop and apply knowledge and understanding of the social
and cultural factors that influence people’s involvement in
physical activity
Cross country
Camps, trips, sunsmart. Water
Interpersonal skills, caring and sharing, making and maintaining friendships, relating to and respecting other people and the ir ideas etc.
Slide entry and exit
Exhalation test.
Blowing bubbles.
controlled breath.
Submerge and exhale.
Pick up objects.
Retain contact with point of entry and exit. Place hands firmly. Slide until the
shoulders are under. Climb out. Repeat
Blow a hole in the water. Face above the surface. Note depth of depression and
length of exhalation.
To teach that each time the head is submerged there is exhalation. Normal
Increasing confidence. Be aware that exhaling reduces buoyancy of the body.
Increasing confidence and practising exhalation. Head first for learners may be
difficult. Bounce down bottom first
Feet of the bottom.
Using bottles for stability. “Sit in a bucket” Upright squat position. Arms out straight
chin on the surface.
Back layout.
Horizontal body position. Bottles level with waist. legs together. No movement body at
balance. Return to “sit in a bucket” position.
Front layout
basic glide position. Bottles forward of shoulders. Head down – exhale. Check weight
distribution. After exhalation return to squat position.
Repeat front and back lay Add leg action Long loose flippy-floppy feet. Eliminate the word kick from your vocabulary.
Movement through the water
Teaching the LA on front and back retaining the horizontal position. Learner pushes
off pool side in a front layout. After exhalation “Sit in a bucket” then back layout and
leg action. Return to wall.
Leg action back
Initially with bottles then board tummy in between arms. Then no support. Points of
balance retained. No bendy knees. No splashing feet just under the surface.
Leg action Back no support
Look at the sky LLL and FFF Relaxed arm training along side of body. Watch straight
lines on ceiling
Horizontal rotation
Freestyle arm action
Water orientation skill
Roll from front layout to back layout, keep spinal alignment
Standing describe ‘over t6he rainbow’ movement with Arms, elbows bent as the arch over a rainbow shape
NOTE: On no account should the hands meet at the front of the swimmer nor should they be diametrically opposed
Freestyle swim
Start with glide add LA Swim four armstrokes exhaling Head remains down during armstrokes Hands flat and firm. Finger tips
Stop return to poolside on back with LA
enter the water first extend fully underwater sweep under the body and out
to thigh
Find breathing side
One arm stretched forward at surface head down on Change sides to find the more comfortable. This chosen side is the
this arm with EAR IN FRONT of arm other arm at side breathing side only during LTS
Breathing and leg action
Hold end of kickboard in outstretched hand. Add LA
maintain position on side to lane rope and back
Leg action is sideways if ear stays in front of arm mouth and nose are out
of the water
Roll and breathe out
As above to start. Take a breath and roll to front and
exhale. Roll back for another breath roll to front and
exhale (4 sec exh)
LA is sideways then up and down when learner rolls onto front to exhale.
The body rolls not the head.
Freestyle swim.
Glide LA Arm action. On the 4th cycle roll to breathing Points of balance maintained slow strong arms effective leg action
side inhale, roll back- continue cycle
From turtle float and exhaling through nose use hands
to flip the body over
Body is upright. ‘Sit in a bucket’ position –Squat. Bent
elbows forward of the shoulders. Hands sweep in and
out at 40 angle in an elongated figure 8
Freestyle arm action Board
Body remains in tuck position. No leg action
No floppy movements. Elbows are the pivot point and remain fixed. Elbow
to fingertips form An efficient survival technique will support the head
above water level
Breathing side only. Leading arm hold board with
On no account alternate arms Changing hand leads to tapping out in front
breathing side hand under Exhale pull through roll and of swimmer. Stroking hand remains 10-12 cm under board while exhaling
inhale. Recovering hand slides under board repeat
Slide entry and exit
Retain contact with point of entry
Place hands firmly. Slide in until shoulders under. Climb out repeat.
Blowing bubbles mouth and To teach that each time head is submerged there is exhalation Normal sized breath. Controlled exhalation
Submerge and exhale
Pick up objects
Increasing confidence
Increasing confidence practising exhalation
Be aware that exhaling reduces body buoyancy
Head first for learners might be difficult. Bounce down bottom first.
Feet off the bottom
Using bottles for stability. ‘sit in a bucket’
Upright squat position. Arms out straight.. Chin on the surface
Back layout
Horizontal body position. Bottles level with waist. Legs
No movement. Body on balance. Return to ‘sit in a bucket’ position
Front layout
Basic glide position. Bottles forward of shoulders. Head down
Check weight distribution. After exhalation return to squat position
Repeat front and back layouts - add leg action – long loose flippy-floppy feet. Eliminate the word kick from vocabulary
Movement through the
Use the bottles for balance. Teach the LA on front and back
using the horizontal position
Learner pushes off from poolside in a front layout with LA After
exhalation ‘sit in a bucket’ position then back layout with LA to
The learner should now3 be able to glide out change direction by leaning back on to the back layout and return to start
Glide no leg action
Arms behind ears. Chin on skin. Push off the wall and slide
therou8gh the water. Return on back with LA
Check glide position. When exhalation is completed lean back –
arms sweep to sides . LA on back to wall
Glide with leg action
Dolphin activities
Glide with leg action
Deep glide through hoop – under kick board. Body undulation
eels/worms etc. Legs flu8ed together. Head and shoulders
initiate movements
As above
Check head position during dives. Chin on skin. Arms by sides for
body undulations
Tuck position. Head down on knees. Buoyancy test position
Knees are tucked under body.. Head on knees under water. Hold
position for 6 seconds
Breast stroke kick progressions
Sit on pool edge.
Arms behind to adopt a lean back position. Legs underwater stretched and together.
Simulate a back glide.
Breast stroke feet
feet dorsi-flex (hook)
Glide feet.
Feet plantar-flex (drop to glide position) swimmer s to repeat this until they feel calf
muscles stretching as dorsi-flex the feet (toes to knees – Impossible but makes then
flex the ankles fully)
BR/ST Kick
bend knees to bring the back of the heels to that wall. Breast stroke feet (feet hook)
describe a circle back to glide position. Feet must be driving through the circle heels
leading until legs come together in glide position. Then feet drop (plantar flex)
If knees spread wide the feet are unable to make an effective drive outside the line of the knees
BS/Str kick at the wall swimmer holds body in upright position against the wall arms folded on deck. Feet
pointing to the pool floor knees bend to bring heels to buttocks (kick But) feet hook then circle and drive down
to the pool floor. Heels lead the way
Check that knees remain shoulder width apart
Breast stroke scull Is performed in front of the shoulder line. From glide hands scull outwards then sweep
inwards under the nose/chin sweeping forward to return to glide with no pause. The elbows remain high
throughout the scull. Coaching rule BR/S arm action. The wrist never goes beyond the elbow. The elbow
never goes beyond the shoulder.
Leg action on the back
Initially with bottles then board –tummy ion
between arms. Then no support.
Points of balance retained. No bendy
knees no splashing. Feet just under the
Leg action on back no
Looking at the sky. LLL FFF. Relaxed arms
trailing alongside body
Watch the straight lines in the sky.
Backstroke arm action
Hand is a paddle flat and firm. Arm brushes
past the ears. Little finger leads the way hand
scoops down side to thigh.
Recovery arm is straight. As arm sinks
behind head elbow bends (Give the
water a hug) and scoops to thigh
Be aware that a learner is still acquiring balance. When the arm lifts out of the water the hips may sink. (buoyancy vs
gravity) the learner must learn the fat tummy technique to counter this. The under water action is not a straight arm pull
Backstroke body roll
Waltz down the pool. Arms trailing at sides
Body roll takes the hand to dense water
for effective propulsion
Backstroke arm action
Arms brush past the ear. Head remains still .
Body roll and steady leg action
Horizontal body position. Effective arm
action. Leg action continuous
Combine these progressions (front and back activities repetitions begin with the basics. Leading up the learners
capabilities and repeating. Check that there is exhalation when the face is under water. Check that horizontal position is
maintained front and back. In aquatics there are three forces to consider BUOYANCY RESISTANCE PROPULSION
Unassisted entry into the pool
Move in the water
Safe exits
Face and hair wet
Submerge and blow bubbles
Open eyes under water
Pick up objects from the pool floor
Sit and ¼ turn entry
Float on front and regain feet
Float on back and regain feet
Glide on front
Glide on back
Freestyle arm action
Horizontal rotation
Rigid aid assistance
Crouch and ¼ turn entry
Float with improvised aid
15m freestyle
15m backstroke
Breaststroke leg action
Breaststroke arm action
15m scull
Non-rigid aid assistance
Safe dives
Dolphin body action
Individual survival initiatives and assistance signal
25m freestyle
25m backstroke
25m Breaststroke
15m survival backstroke
25m sidestroke
Clothed survival
Group safety initiatives
50m freestyle
50m backstroke
50m Breaststroke
Unassisted entries for deep water
Instructor activity Sheet
Unassisted entry/exit. Move freely in the water. Face and hair wet.
Blowing bubbles mouth and nose
To teach that each time the head is submerged there is exhalation
Front float
Back Float
Pick up objects
Using bottles for stability get the feet off the bottom and into a horizontal position
Movement through the water
Teaching the leg action on the front and back retaining horizontal position. Initially with
bottles, then board, then no support
Bend forward push off the wall and slide through the water. No leg movement
Glide with leg action
Dolphin activities
Long legs and floppy feet boiling the water. No splashing
Deep glide through hoops. Dive under a board/rope. Check head position
Freestyle arm action standing
Standing up straight. Describe big slow circles. Hands go ‘over the rainbow’. If the
movement are small and cramped, ‘Tough the ceiling with your fingers’
Finding the breathing side
Bending over, one arm stretched forward on the surface. Head down on this arm with
the ear in front of arm. Other arm at side. Mouth and nose out of the water.
Walk practising breathing
Start in the above position. Inhale, roll head and shoulders into the water, blow bubbles
without lifting the . Roll head and shoulders onto the side and inhale, roll back and
Breathing position with leg action
Hold end of board in outstretched hand. Add leg action and maintain this position on
the side to the end of the pool
Breathing with leg action
As per walking and breathing. Check that the ear remains in front of the leading arm.
Check the body roll and exhalation
Freestyle swim
Glide – leg action – arm action 4 cycles. Stop and stand. Start again repeat to end of
pool. Check that the head remains in the low position
Teaching how to completely submerge and to find objects underwater
Freestyle swim
Freestyle swim and
Leg action on the
Backstroke arm
Backstroke drill
Glide- leg action – arm action 4 cycles. Roll onto
back. As the body rolls over the arms sweep to the
sides. Continue on back to end of pool
Glide- leg action – arm action 4 cycles. Roll onto
breathing side. INHALE. Roll back onto front and
Ears back in the water. Eyes looking straight up. Fat
tummy, long legs, feet boiling the water. No bendy
knees. Eyes wide open breathing normally. Relaxed
arms trailing alongside the body
Standing up straight. Arm swings up directly in front
of the body. Arm brushes passed the ear. Flat hand
with little finger leading the way into the water. Hand
then scoops down the side to the thigh. Practise one
arm then the other slowly.
Hold board at the end with both hands. Fingers on
top. Begin the leg action. Pupil counts 1-2-3.One
arms lifts brushing the ear. Little finger enters the
water first Flat hand scoops the water down the side
to grasp the end of the board. Count to 3. This allows
time to readjust the body position. Repeat using the
same arm and then alternate arms
Repeat without the board. Watch the horizontal
position being maintained. Slow arms – fast feet.
hand should be flat and firm.
By the end of Year 1
Focus Objectives.
•To listen and interact appropriately in a variety of situations
•To interpret , analyse, identify and discuss qualities relating to personal experiences and other texts
•To speak confidently about experiences, ideas and opinions and in responding to others.
The reading standards
After one year at school, students will read, respond to, and think critically about fiction and non-fiction texts at the
Green level of Ready to Read (the core instructional series that supports reading in the New Zealand Curriculum)
Key characteristics of texts at Green level
Texts at Green level have been designed with characteristics that include:
generally familiar contexts and settings
one text form, and one main storyline or topic, for each text
most content explicitly stated but also some implicit content that provides opportunities for students to make
simple inferences
illustrations that support and extend the meaning but may not exactly match the words
many high-frequency words
topic words and interest words (including a wide range of regular and irregular verbs and some adjectives and
adverbs) that are likely to be in a reader's oral vocabulary and that are strongly supported by the context or
some visual language features such as diagrams or speech bubbles
sentences that run over more than one line but do not split phrases
dialogue between easily identified speakers
a range of punctuation, including speech marks and commas, to support phrasing and meaning.
Year 2
After two years at school, students will read, respond to, and think critically about fiction and nonfiction texts at the Turquoise level of Ready to Read (the core instructional series that supports
reading in the New Zealand Curriculum).
Key characteristics of texts at Turquoise level
Texts at Turquoise level have been designed with characteristics that include:
some settings and contexts that may be outside the students’ prior knowledge but can easily
be related to it
a mix of explicit and implicit content that provides opportunities for students to make simple
illustrations that support the meaning and may suggest new ideas or viewpoints
mostly familiar words, but some new topic words and descriptive language that are supported
by the context (for example, the text may include synonyms, definitions, or explanations)
and/or by illustrations
some visual language features such as labelled diagrams, inset photographs, and bold text for
topic words that are linked to a glossary
a variety of sentence structures, including compound sentences and a few complex
sentences, so that students are required to notice and use punctuation as a guide to phrasing
and meaning
frequent use of dialogue and more than one character speaking on a page.
Year 3
After three years at school, students will read, respond to, and think critically about fiction and nonfiction texts at the Gold level of Ready to Read (the core instructional series that supports reading
in the New Zealand Curriculum).
Key characteristics of texts at gold level
Texts at Gold level have been designed with characteristics that include:
some unfamiliar contexts and settings
shifts in time and/or place
(in narrative texts) many characters and events and more than one storyline
a mix of explicit and implicit content within text and illustrations that requires students to make
connections between ideas in the text and their prior knowledge in order to make simple
some pages with no illustrations
some unfamiliar words and phrases, the meaning of which is supported by the context or
illustrations, including descriptive vocabulary, subject-specific vocabulary, and commonly used
words that have multiple meanings
visual language features such as subheadings, text boxes, footnotes, glossaries, indexes, and
diagrams and maps that are clearly explained and linked to the body text
ideas and information organised in paragraphs
a variety of sentence structures, including complex sentences
frequent use of dialogue, some of which is not explicitly attributed, and more than one
character speaking on a page.
Year 4
By the end of year 4, students will read, respond to, and think critically about texts in order to meet the reading
demands of the New Zealand Curriculum at level 2. Students will locate and evaluate information and ideas within
texts appropriate to this level as they generate and answer questions to meet specific learning purposes across the
Key characteristics of texts that students read at this level
The texts that students use to meet the reading demands of the curriculum at this level will often include:
some abstract ideas that are clearly supported by concrete examples in the text or easily linked to the students’
prior knowledge
some places where information and ideas are implicit and where students need to make inferences based on
information that is easy to find because it is nearby in the text and there is little or no competing information
a straightforward text structure, such as a structure that follows a recognisable and clear text form
some compound and complex sentences, which may consist of two or three clauses
some words and phrases that are ambiguous or unfamiliar to the students, the meaning of which is supported
by the context or clarified by photographs, illustrations, diagrams, and/or written explanations
other visual language features that support the ideas and information, for example, text boxes or maps
figurative language, such as metaphors, similes, or personification.
Such texts will include both fiction and non-fiction in electronic and print media. They may be published individually,
for example, as picture books, junior novels, multimedia resources, or junior reference materials, or they may appear
in collections (for example, the School Journal often includes poems, plays, procedural texts, and information texts
designed for this age group).
Year 5
By the end of year 5, students will read, respond to, and think critically about texts in order to meet the reading demands of the New
Zealand Curriculum as they work towards level 3. Students will locate, evaluate, and integrate information and ideas within and across
a small range of texts appropriate to this level as they generate and answer questions to meet specific learning purposes across the
curriculum. The text and task demands of the curriculum are similar for students in year 5 and year 6. The difference in the standard for
year 6 is the students’ increased accuracy and speed in reading a variety of texts from across the curriculum, their level of control and
independence in selecting strategies for using texts to support their learning, and the range of texts they engage with. In particular, by
the end of year 6, students will be required to read longer texts more quickly than students in year 5 and to be more effective in
selecting different strategies for different reading purposes.
Key characteristics of texts that students read at this level
The texts that students use to meet the reading demands of the curriculum at this level will
often include:
abstract ideas, in greater numbers than in texts at earlier levels, accompanied by concrete examples in the text that help support
the students’ understanding
some ideas and information that are conveyed indirectly and require students to infer by drawing on several related pieces of
information in the text
some information that is irrelevant to the identified purpose for reading (that is, some competing information), which students
need to identify and reject as they integrate pieces of information in order to answer questions
mixed text types (for example, a complex explanation may be included as part of a report)
sentences that vary in length and in structure (for example, sentences that begin in different ways and different kinds of complex
sentences with a number of subordinate clauses)
a significant amount of vocabulary that is unfamiliar to the students (including academic and content-specific words and
phrases), which is generally explained in the text by words or illustrations
figurative and/or ambiguous language that the context helps students to understand
illustrations, photographs, text boxes, diagrams, maps, charts, and graphs that clarify or extend the text and may require some
Such texts will include both fiction and non-fiction in electronic and print media. They may be published individually, for example, as
junior novels or information texts, or they may appear in collections, such as the School Journal or other journals and magazines for this
age group. Such collections often include poems, plays, stories, and procedural texts.
Year 6
By the end of year 6, students will read, respond to, and think critically about texts in order to meet the reading demands of the New
Zealand Curriculum at level 3. Students will locate, evaluate, and integrate information and ideas within and across a small range of texts
appropriate to this level as they generate and answer questions to meet specific learning purposes across the curriculum. The text and
task demands of the curriculum are similar for students in year 5 and year 6. The difference in the standard for year 6 is the students’
increased accuracy and speed in reading a variety of texts from across the curriculum, their level of control and independence in selecting
strategies for using texts to support their learning, and the range of texts they engage with. In particular, by the end of year 6, students will
be required to read longer texts more quickly than students in year 5 and to be more effective in selecting different strategies for different
reading purposes.
Key characteristics of texts that students read at this level
The texts that students use to meet the reading demands of the curriculum at this level will often include:
abstract ideas, in greater numbers than in texts at earlier levels, accompanied by concrete examples in the text that help support
the students’ understanding
some ideas and information that are conveyed indirectly and require students to infer by drawing on several related pieces of
information in the text
some information that is irrelevant to the identified purpose for reading (that is, some competing information), which students need
to identify and reject as they integrate pieces of information in order to answer questions
mixed text types (for example, a complex explanation may be included as part of a report)
sentences that vary in length and in structure (for example, sentences that begin in different ways and different kinds of complex
sentences with a number of subordinate clauses)
a significant amount of vocabulary that is unfamiliar to the students (including academic and content-specific words and phrases),
which is generally explained in the text by words or illustrations
figurative and/or ambiguous language that the context helps students to understand
illustrations, photographs, text boxes, diagrams, maps, charts, and graphs that clarify or extend the text and may require some
Such texts will include both fiction and non-fiction in electronic and print media. They may be published individually, for example, as junior
novels or information texts, or they may appear in collections, such as the School Journal or other journals and magazines for this age
group. Such collections often include poems, plays, stories, and procedural texts.
Year 7
By the end of year 7, students will read, respond to, and think critically about texts in order to meet the reading demands of the New
Zealand Curriculum as they work towards level 4. Students will locate, evaluate, and synthesise information and ideas within and across
a range of texts appropriate to this level as they generate and answer questions to meet specific learning purposes across the
curriculum. The text and task demands of the curriculum are similar for students in year 7 and year 8. The difference in the standard for
year 8 is the students’ increased accuracy and speed in reading a variety of texts from across the curriculum, their level of control and
independence in selecting strategies for using texts to support their learning, and the range of texts they engage with. In particular, by
the end of year 8, students need to be confidently and deliberately choosing the most appropriate strategies for reading in different
learning areas.
Key characteristics of texts that students read at this level
The texts that students use to meet the reading demands of the curriculum at this level will often include:
elements that require interpretation, such as complex plots, sophisticated themes, and abstract ideas
complex layers of meaning, and/or information that is irrelevant to the identified purpose for reading (that is, competing
information), requiring students to infer meanings or make judgments
non-continuous text structures and mixed text types
sentences that vary in length, including long, complex sentences that contain a lot of information
adverbial clauses or connectives that require students to make links across the whole text
academic and content-specific vocabulary
words and phrases with multiple meanings that require students to know and use effective word-solving strategies to retain their
focus on meaning
metaphor, analogy, and connotative language that is open to interpretation
illustrations, photographs, text boxes, diagrams, maps, charts, and graphs, containing main ideas that relate to the text’s content.
Such texts will include both fiction and non-fiction in electronic and print media. They may be published individually (for example, as
novels, reference materials, textbooks, or modified scientific and historical texts) or in collections (for example, age-appropriate
newspapers, magazines, and journals, including the School Journal). Poetry, plays, procedural texts, and extended instructions (for
example, in science and mathematics) often appear in collections
Year 8
By the end of year 8, students will read, respond to, and think critically about texts in order to meet the reading demands of the
New Zealand Curriculum at level 4. Students will locate, evaluate, and synthesise information and ideas within and across a
range of texts appropriate to this level as they generate and answer questions to meet specific learning purposes across the
curriculum. The text and task demands of the curriculum are similar for students in year 7 and year 8. The difference in the
standard for year 8 is the students’ increased accuracy and speed in reading a variety of texts from across the curriculum, their
level of control and independence in selecting strategies for using texts to support their learning, and the range of texts they
engage with. In particular, by the end of year 8, students need to be confidently and deliberately choosing the most appropriate
strategies for reading in different learning areas.
Key characteristics of texts that students read at this level
The texts that students use to meet the reading demands of the curriculum at this level will often include:
elements that require interpretation, such as complex plots, sophisticated themes,and abstract ideas
complex layers of meaning, and/or information that is irrelevant to the identified purpose for reading (that is, competing
information), requiring students to infer meanings or make judgments
non-continuous text structures and mixed text types
sentences that vary in length, including long, complex sentences that contain a lot of information
adverbial clauses or connectives that require students to make links across the whole text
academic and content-specific vocabulary
words and phrases with multiple meanings that require students to know and use effective word-solving strategies to retain
their focus on meaning
metaphor, analogy, and connotative language that is open to interpretation
illustrations, photographs, text boxes, diagrams, maps, charts, and graphs, containing main ideas that relate to the text’s
Such texts will include both fiction and non-fiction in electronic and print media. They may be published individually (for example,
as novels, reference materials, textbooks, or modified scientific and historical texts) or in collections (for example, ageappropriate newspapers, magazines, and journals, including the School Journal). Poetry, plays, procedural texts, and extended
instructions (for example, in science and mathematics) often appear in collections or textbooks
English Achievement Objectives Level 1
Oral Language
Listen and respond top others
Listen and respond to text
Identify and describe verbal and non-verbal features and text
Identify, clarify and question meaning I spoken texts
Ask questions
Teacher observes students
Ability to recall
Ability to listen and respond
Teacher questions students
Tell a story
Identify, describe and use verbal and non-verbal features
Question meanings
Ask questions
Teacher observes students
Ability to recall
Ability to listen and respond
Self assessment
Student assess quality of own rehearsal and make agreed changes
Written Language
Select and read for enjoyment from a range of texts
Respond to language and meanings in text
Explore the choices made by the writer
Identify and express meanings of text
Identify, retrieve , record and present information
Running records
6 Year net
Reading logs
Ability to share what they have learned
Write spontaneously to record personal; experiences
Write ion a variety of topics
Write instructions and recount events
Explore choices made by the writer
Identify and express meanings of text
Identify, retrieve , record and present information
6 Year net
Individual conferences
Visual Language
Respond to meanings and ideas
Understand that communication involves verbal and visual features Awareness of how words and images combine to make
View and use visual; text to gain information
Teacher observes students
Ability to show connections verbal/visual
Ability to understand signs/symbols
Present ideas using simple layouts and drama
Understand that communication involves verbal and visual features
Awareness of how words and images combine to make meaning
View and use visual; text to gain information
Teacher observes students
Ability to retell a story using visual images
English Achievement Objectives Level 2
Oral Language
Listen and respond top others in group/class
Listen and respond to text. Recall main ideas
Identify and describe verbal and non-verbal features and text
Identify, clarify and question meaning in spoken texts
Ask questions
Teacher observes students
Ability to recall
Ability to listen and respond
Teacher questions students
Converse ask questions and talk about text
Tell a story recite, read aloud to audience
Identify, describe and use verbal and non-verbal features
Question meanings
Ask questions
Teacher observes students
Ability to recall
Ability to listen and respond
Self assessment
Student discuss each others performances
Written Language
Select and read for enjoyment from a range of texts using cues, predicting and self-correcting
Respond to language and meanings in text
Explore the choices made by the writer
Identify and express meanings of text
Identify, retrieve , record and present information
Running records
Reading logs
Ability to share what they have learned
Write spontaneously and regularly to record personal experiences and observations
Write on a variety of topics and using a number of genre
Write instructions and recount events stating fact/opinion
Explore choices made by the writer
Identify and express meanings of text
Identify, retrieve , record and present information
Individual conferences
Visual Language
Respond to meanings and ideas. Identify and describe verbal and visual features
Understand that communication involves verbal and visual features Awareness of how words and images combine to make
View and use visual text to gain information
Teacher observes students
Use verbal and visual features to communicate ideas and stories
Present ideas using simple layouts and drama
Understand that communication involves verbal and visual features
Awareness of how words and images combine to make meaning
View and use visual; text to gain information
Teacher observes students
Ability to show connections verbal/visual
Ability to understand signs/symbols
Ability to retell a story using visual images
English Achievement Objectives Level 3
Oral Language
Listen to and interact with others
Listen and respond to text Respond to main ideas in organised way
Identify and describe verbal and non-verbal features and text
Identify, clarify and question meaning I spoken texts
Ask questions
PAT Listening
Teacher observes students
Converse in small and larger groups
Tell a story using texts from different genre
Read aloud and/or perform
Identify, describe and use verbal and non-verbal features
Question meanings
Ask questions
Teacher observes students
Ability to recall
Ability to listen and respond
Self assessment
Student assess quality of own rehearsal and make agreed changes
Written Language
Select and read for enjoyment from a range of texts
Respond to language and meanings in text
Explore the choices made by the writer
Identify, discuss and express meanings of text
Identify, gather, select, retrieve , interpret, record and present information
Running records
PAT Comprehension and vocabulary
Reading logs
Ability to share what they have learned
Write regularly and with ease to express personal experiences
Write on a variety of topics using appropriate genre
Write instructions, explanations and recount events
Explore choices made by the writer
Identify and express meanings of text
Identify, gather, select, retrieve , record and present information
Individual conferences
Dancing with the pen- characteristics of learner writers
Against set criteria
Visual Language
Respond to meanings and ideas
Understand that communication involves verbal and visual features Awareness of how words and images combine to make
View and use visual; text to gain information
Teacher observes students
Use verbal and visual features to communicate information
Identify important features of verbal and visual language
Discuss how they combine for a particular purpose
View and use visual texts to retrieve , interpret, organise and present information
Ability to recall
Ability to listen and respond as they work in groups
Ability to adhere to the storyline
Ability to show connections verbal/visual
Ability to understand signs/symbols
Teacher observes/listens to discussion to assess understanding of verbal and non-verbal visual features
Ability to retell a story using visual images
English Achievement Objectives Level 4
Oral Language
Listen to and interact with others. Understanding of narrative, info, ideas and opinions
Listen and respond to text & respond in structured imaginative way
Identify and describe verbal and non-verbal features and text
Identify, clarify and question meaning I spoken texts
Select, assemble and interpret information
PAT Listening
Teacher observes students
Ability to listen as they work in groups
Accuracy in recognising and comparing language features
Ability to adhere to the story line
Converse coherently in small and large groups
Using texts from several genre make meaning clear by using appropriate speech and delivery
Identify, describe and use verbal and non-verbal features
Discuss and identify spoken text
Select, assemble and interpret information
Teacher records observations of individual contributions
Self assessment
Student assess quality of own rehearsal and make agreed changes
Written Language
Select and read for enjoyment from a range of contemporary and historical texts
Relate a range of texts to experiences, purposes , audience and other texts
Identify language features and discuss how they relate to the topic.
Explore the choices made by the writer
Identify and express meanings of text
Identify, gather, select ,retrieve , record and present information
Running records
PAT Vocabulary and comprehension
Reading logs
Ability to share what they have learned
Write regularly and with ease to express a range of experiences Write on a variety of topics using appropriate genre, spelling and sentence structure
Write instructions, explanations and factual accounts and express and explain a point of view
Explore choices made by the writer
Identify and express meanings of text
Identify, gather, select, retrieve , record and present information
Individual conferences
Dancing with the Pen-characteristics of learner writers
Against set criteria
Visual Language
Respond discuss and identify purpose of verbal and visual features
Teacher observes students
Ability to show connections verbal/visual
Ability to understand signs/symbols
View and use visual; text to retrieve , interpret, organise and present information
Identify important features of verbal and visual language and discuss how they can be combined for a particular purpose
Understand that communication involves verbal and visual features Awareness of how words and images combine to make meaning
View and use visual; text to gain information
Combine verbal and visual features to communicate information
Identify important features of verbal and visual language
Identify and discuss ways in which verbal and visual features can be combined for a particular purpose
View and use visual texts to retrieve, interprêt, organise and present information
Teacher observes students
Ability to retell a story using visual images
Students present their work and assess against set criteria
Presentation of visual language
Teaching and Learning Emphasis
Teacher modelling and guidance of all the following
Daily writing in a variety of styles and contexts
Exploring language, thinking critically and processing information using shared texts, the children’s, the teachers and other authors’ writings as cameos of language
Exploring language (grammar, punctuation, patterning of text, rhyme, rhythm, vocabulary, forms of differing genre, openings, endings etc.)
Maintaining and mastering the habitual use of applicable grammar and appropriate terminology. Teach/model/guide habitual use at an appropriate level (in Context)
Level One (awareness)
Level Two (use)
Verb and object
Comparative adjectives
Compound words
Enhance and extend vocab
Irregular verbs
Enhance and extend vocab
Maintaining and mastering the habitual use of applicable punctuation and appropriate terminology.
Teach/model/guide habitual use at the appropriate level
Level One
Level Two
Full stop
Hypen –syllabification (high-er) or extra part to
Capital letters
Exclamation marks
Punctuation within speech (eg, place of comma in
Speech marks
Question marks
Emphasis marks”
Italics, for emphasis
Italics, bold
Level Three (habitual use)
Active and passive verbs
Modal auxiliaries
Verb agreement (tenses)
Adjective and adverbial phrases
Level Three
Colon, semi-colon Asterisks quotes – brackets
or parentheses (workshop on where they go
followed by practice)
Children to identify own criteria for different
writing genres of writing – forming writer’s
check-list and teachers’ check-lists
Thinking Critically
Maintaining and mastering the habitual use of applicable punctuation and appropriate terminology.
Teach/model/guide habitual use at the appropriate level
Level One (awareness)
Level Two (use)
Level Three (habitual use)
Interesting words
Simple sentence structure
Extension of sentences
Varying of sentences
Variety of sentences beginnings
Beginnings of imagery to match description
Comparison of styles (reports/poems)
Mature choice of vocabulary
Looking at layout (newspaper)
Structure of more extensive genre
Identify the purpose and context of text
Identify the target audience
Comparison of styles
Mature choice of vocabulary
More extensive genre
Identifying the purpose of the text
Identify the target audience
Thinking Critically – Skills
Teachers will provide students with opportunities to develop skills to be able to:
Level One (awareness)
Level Two (use)
Level Three (habitual use)
Processing Information
Learning Outcomes may include:
Level One (awareness)
Brain storming
Story maps (captions, diagrams)
Time lines
Flow chart
Listing and labelling
Research skills (computer/library)
Retrieval chart
Innovating on texts
Simple structured overviews
Sketch the image from text
Judge the value of
Level Two (use)
Level Three (habitual use)
Story maps
Flow chart
Picture diagrams
Structured overviews
Character maps
Retrieval charts
Pyramid learning
Skeleton outlines
Story maps
Flow chart
Structured overviews
Retrieval charts
Pyramid learning
Concept maps
Venn diagrams
Data base and spreadsheets
Advertising charts
Etc (relating to all curricular areas)
By the end of Year 1
The writing standards
After one year at school, students will create texts as they learn in a range of contexts across the New Zealand
Curriculum within level 1. Students will use their writing to think about, record, and communicate experiences,
ideas, and information to meet specific learning purposes across the curriculum.
Key characteristics of students' writing at this level
Students will plan for writing, using talk or pictures. They will independently write simple texts, drawing on the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help them achieve their purpose. The knowledge, skills, and attitudes
expected at this level, including those needed for spelling and punctuation, are described in the Literacy Learning
The texts that students write will include, when appropriate:
an idea, response, opinion, or question
several sentences (including some compound sentences with simple conjunctions such as 'and')
some key personal vocabulary and high-frequency words
attempts at transferring words encountered in the writer's oral language or reading to their writing.
sentences that run over more than one line but do not split phrases
dialogue between easily identified speakers
a range of punctuation, including speech marks and commas, to support phrasing and meaning.
Year 2
After two years at school, students will create texts in order to meet the writing demands of the New
Zealand Curriculum at level 1. Students will use their writing to think about, record, and
communicate experiences, ideas, and information to meet specific learning purposes across the
Key characteristics of students' writing at this level
Students will understand their purpose for writing and will write using a process and drawing on the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help them achieve their purpose. The knowledge, skills,
and attitudes expected at this level, including those needed for spelling and punctuation, are
described in the Literacy Learning Progressions.
Students will independently write simple texts. These texts will include, when appropriate:
experiences, information, and/or ideas that relate to a curriculum topic, supported by some
(mostly relevant) detail and/or personal comment
mainly simple and compound sentences that have some variation in their beginnings
simple conjunctions correctly used
mainly personal content vocabulary, as well as words and phrases that are drawn from the
student’s oral vocabulary and from the book language that they know
some attempts at variety and precision in the use of adjectives, nouns, and verbs.
Year 3
After three years at school, students will create texts in order to meet the writing demands of the
New Zealand Curriculum as they work towards level 2. Students will use their writing to think about,
record, and communicate experiences, ideas, and information to meet specific learning purposes
across the curriculum.
Key characteristics of students' writing at this level
Students will write for a range of different purposes linked to the curriculum, using a process and
drawing on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help them achieve their purpose. The
knowledge, skills, and attitudes expected at this level, including those needed for spelling and
punctuation, are described in the Literacy Learning Progressions.
Students will independently write texts that are clearly directed to a particular audience. They will
organise their texts according to a basic structure that meets their purpose for writing (for example,
a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end). These texts will include, when appropriate:
content, mostly relevant, that conveys several experiences, items of information, and/or ideas
relating to a curriculum topic and that sometimes includes detail and/or comment
mainly simple and compound sentences that vary in their beginnings and lengths and in the
simple conjunctions used
attempts at some complex sentences
some specific vocabulary that is appropriate to the content of the text.
Year 4
By the end of year 4, students will create texts in order to meet the writing demands of the New Zealand Curriculum
at level 2. Students will use their writing to think about, record, and communicate experiences, ideas, and information
to meet specific learning purposes across the curriculum.
Key characteristics of students' writing at this level
Students will write for a range of different purposes to meet the specific demands of the curriculum at this level,
using a process appropriate to the task and drawing on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help them
achieve their purpose. The knowledge, skills, and attitudes expected at this level, including those needed for spelling
and punctuation, are described in the Literacy Learning Progressions.
Students will independently write texts, using language and a simple text structure that suit their audience and
purpose (for example, when recounting, describing, narrating, reporting, or explaining). These texts will include, when
content that is mostly relevant to the curriculum task, covers a range of ideas, experiences, or items of
information, and often includes detail and/or comment supporting the main points
mainly simple and compound sentences that vary in their beginnings,structures, and lengths and are mostly
correct grammatically
attempts at complex sentences
words and phrases, in particular, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, that clearly convey ideas, experiences,
or information.
Year 5
By the end of year 5, students will create texts in order to meet the writing demands of the New Zealand Curriculum as they w ork towards
level 3. Students will use their writing to think about, record, and communicate experiences, ideas, and information to meet specific learning
purposes across the curriculum. The text and task demands of the curriculum are similar for students in year 5 and year 6. Th e difference in
the standard for year 6 is the students’ increased accuracy and fluency in writing a variety of texts across the curriculum, their level of control
and independence in selecting writing processes and strategies, and the range of texts they write. In particular, by the end of year 6, students
will be required to write more complex texts than students in year 5 and to be more effective in selecting different strategies for different
writing purposes.
Key characteristics of students' writing at this level
Students will write for a range of different purposes on topics and themes across the curriculum at this level, applying a process appropriate
to the task and drawing on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help them achieve their purpose. The knowledge, skills, and attitudes
expected at this level, including those needed for spelling and punctuation, are described in the Literacy Learning Progressions.
Students will independently write texts, choosing language and overall text structures that are appropriate for their audience and purpose (for
example, when recounting, describing, narrating, reporting, arguing, or explaining).
These texts will include, when appropriate:
content that is usually relevant to the curriculum task and includes detail and/or comment supporting the main points;
paragraphs that group ideas;
simple and compound sentences that are correct grammatically and some complex sentences that are mostly correct grammatically;
words and phrases that are appropriate to the topic, register, and purpose, including subject-specific vocabulary.
Year 6
By the end of year 6, students will create texts in order to meet the writing demands of the New Zealand Curriculum at level 3. Students will use
their writing to think about, record, and communicate experiences, ideas, and information to meet specific learning purposes across the
curriculum. The text and task demands of the curriculum are similar for students in year 5 and year 6. The difference in the standard for year 6
is the students’ increased accuracy and fluency in writing a variety of texts across the curriculum, their level of control and independence in
selecting writing processes and strategies, and the range of texts they write. In particular, by the end of year 6, students will be required to
write more complex texts than students in year 5 and to be more effective in selecting different strategies for different wri ting purposes.
Key characteristics of students' writing at this level
Students will write for a range of different purposes on topics and themes across the curriculum at this level, applying a process appropriate to
the task
and drawing on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help them achieve their purpose. The knowledge, skills, and att itudes expected at
this level,
including those needed for spelling and punctuation, are described in the Literacy Learning Progressions.
Students will independently write texts, choosing language and overall text structures that are appropriate for their audience and purpose (for
when recounting, describing, narrating, reporting, arguing, or explaining). These texts will include, when appropriate:
content that is usually relevant to the curriculum task and includes detail and/or comment supporting the main points
paragraphs that group ideas
simple and compound sentences that are correct grammatically and some complex sentences that are mostly correct grammatically
words and phrases that are appropriate to the topic, register, and purpose,including subject-specific vocabulary.
Year 7
By the end of year 7, students will create texts in order to meet the writing demands of the New Zealand Curriculum as they work
towards level 4. Students will use their writing to think about, record, and communicate experiences, ideas, and information to meet
specific learning purposes across the curriculum. The text and task demands of the curriculum are similar for students in year 7 and
year 8. The difference in the standard for year 8 is the students’ increased accuracy and fluency in writing a variety of texts across the
curriculum, their level of control and independence in selecting writing processes and strategies, and the range of texts they write. In
particular, by the end of year 8, students need to be confidently and deliberately choosing the most appropriate processes and
strategies for writing in different learning areas.
Key characteristics of students' writing at this level
Students will write for a range of different purposes on topics and themes across the curriculum at this level, selecting and applying a
process appropriate to the task and drawing on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help them achieve their purpose. The
knowledge, skills, and attitudes expected at this level, including those needed for spelling and punctuation, are described in the
Literacy Learning Progressions. Students will independently write texts, choosing language and a clear and logical text structure to
meet the requirements of the curriculum task (for example, when writing personal narratives, poems, arguments, feature articles,
character profiles, research reports, essays, responses to literature, and short answers). These texts will include, when appropriate:
content that is concise and relevant to the curriculum task and that often includes detail and/or comment supporting or
elaborating on the main points
paragraphs within which the ideas are clearly related and links within and between paragraphs
grammatically correct sentences
words and phrases that are appropriate to the topic, register, and purpose, including expressive, academic, and subject-specific
Year 8
By the end of year 8, students will create texts in order to meet the writing demands of the New Zealand Curriculum at level 4. Students will use their writing
to think about, record, and communicate experiences, ideas, and information to meet specific learning purposes across the cur riculum. The text and task
demands of the curriculum are similar for students in year 7 and year 8. The difference in the standard for year 8 is the stu dents’ increased accuracy and
fluency in writing a variety of texts across the curriculum, their level of control and independence in selecting writing processes and strategies, and the range
of texts they write. In particular, by the end of year 8, students need to be confidently and deliberately choosing the most appropriate processes and
strategies for writing in different learning areas.
Key characteristics of students' writing at this level
Students will write for a range of different purposes on topics and themes across the curriculum at this level, selecting and applying a process appropriate to
the task and drawing on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help them achieve their purpose. The knowledge, skills, and attitudes expected at this
level, including those needed for spelling and punctuation, are described in the Literacy
Learning Progressions. Students will independently write texts, choosing language and a clear and logical text structure that they have deliberately chosen for
their specific audience and purpose, drawing on their knowledge of the conventions for particular text forms (for example, wh en writing personal narratives,
poems, arguments, feature articles, character profiles, research reports, essays, responses to literature, and short answers).
These texts will include, when appropriate:
content that is concise and relevant to the curriculum task and that often includes detail and/or comment supporting or elaborating on the main
paragraphs within which the ideas are clearly related and links within and between paragraphs
grammatically correct sentences
words and phrases that are appropriate to the topic, register, and purpose, including expressive, academic, and subject-specific vocabulary.
Aim: To ensure that all students are able to write legibly, fluently, without strain and with sufficient speed.
Handwriting is a valuable skill and with the development of an efficient, individual style depends on the mastery of basic
skills. This can only be achieved through careful teaching and regular practice. Each teacher must understand the style used
in New Zealand school
Focus Objectives
•To listen and interact appropriately in a variety of situations
Te Reo Maori is unique to New Zealand and is a source of our nation’s self – knowledge and identity
The Achievement objectives together with other elements of the curriculum guidelines, provide a flexible basis that allows
teachers to use a wide range of different approaches to programme planning.
Te Reo Maori and Tikanga Maori define Maori identity and are critical aspects of this country’s heritage. Learning Te Reo
Maori in a New Zealand context has a very special significance for New Zealanders.
Level 1: Achievement Objectives, Suggested Language Learning Contexts, and Language Modes
Suggested Language Learning Contexts
Level 1
Language Modes
text types
Students should be able to:
– Listening
Ngà mihi
Te akomanga
(the classroom)
Te kura
(the school)
Te whànau
(extended family)
Te kàinga
Whànau, hapù, iwi
My home
My classroom
My school
Origin, identity,
(iwi-specific sayings)
Waiata Màori
(Màori songs)
Captions for pictures
and photographs
Simple, short
Greeting and leavetaking
Class timetables
1.1 greet, farewell, and thank
people and respond to
greetings and thanks;
1.2 introduce themselves and
others and respond to
1.3_communicate about number,
using days of the week,
months, and dates;
1.4 communicate about personal
information, such as name,
age, nationality, and home;
1.5 communicate about location;
1.6 understand and use simple
politeness conventions (for
example, ways of thanking
people, apologising,
excusing themselves, and
complimenting people);
1.7 use and respond to simple
classroom language
(including asking for the
word to express something
in te reo Màori).
By the end of level
1, learners can:
• identify the
sounds of
letters of the
Màori alphabet
(arapù), letter
intonation, and
stress patterns;
• recognise and
simple, familiar
spoken words,
phrases, and
By the end of
1, learners can:
• identify letters
of the Màori
(arapù), letter
basic written
and simple
• recognise and
simple, familiar
written words,
phrases, and
– Viewing
By the end of level
1, learners can:
• recognise the
significance of
particular facial
and other body
• interpret
meanings that
are conveyed in
of words and
images or
– Speaking
– Speaking
– Presenting
By the end of level
1, learners can:
• imitate the
stress, and
rhythm of te reo
Màori words,
phrases, and
• respond
appropriately to
simple, familiar
and simple
• ask simple
• initiate spoken
encounters in
te reo Màori,
using simple
questions, and
By the end of level
1, learners can:
• write letters and
• write vowels
with macrons;
• reproduce letter
and punctuation
for te reo Màori
words, phrases,
and sentences
in familiar
• write simple,
familiar words,
phrases, and
sentences using
the conventions
of written
language, such
as appropriate
spelling and
By the end of level
1, learners can:
• use appropriate
body language,
and images
to convey
messages (with
and without
• use selected
features of
visual language
to add meaning
to simple written
or oral text.
Level 2: Achievement Objectives, Suggested Language Learning Contexts, and Language Modes
Suggested Language Learning Contexts
Level 1
Language Modes
text types
Students should be able
– Listening
Marae me hui marae
(marae and marae
Te kura
(the school)
Te whànau
(the extended
Te wharekai
(the dining hall)
The marae: its
and places
(my family)
My school
Weather and
Food preferences
Waiata Màori
(Màori songs)
(simple family
Simple written
Informal personal
with captions
Simple email
Simple, short
Simple weather
2.1 communicate about
relationships between
2.2 communicate about
2.3_communicate about
dislikes, giving reasons
2.4 communicate about
weather, and seasons;
2.5 communicate about
and feelings.
By the end of
2, learners can:
• identify
of letters of
the Màori
alphabet, letter
intonation, and
stress patterns;
• recognise and
familiar spoken
words even in
some unfamiliar
• understand a
range of short
oral texts
familiar phrases
and sentences;
• get the gist of
slightly more
complex or less
familiar te reo
Màori phrases
and sentences.
– Reading
By the end of level
2, learners can:
• identify letters
of the Màori
alphabet, letter
and simple
• recognise and
simple, familiar
written words,
phrases, and
• understand
short written
texts consisting
of familiar
te reo Màori
words, phrases,
and sentences;
• get the gist of
slightly more
complex or less
familiar te reo
Màori phrases
and sentences.
– Viewing
By the end of
2, learners
• respond
to meanings
visual texts;
• understand
and respond to
visual and
language in
selected texts.
– Speaking
– Speaking
By the end of level
2, learners can:
• begin to use
intonation, stress,
and rhythm for
emphasis and
to distinguish
• respond
appropriately to
simple, familiar
instructions and
simple questions;
• ask simple
questions and
give simple
• initiate simple
conversations in
te reo Màori.
By the end of level
2, learners can:
• write simple,
familiar words,
phrases, and
sentences using
spelling and
• convey simple
te reo Màori
messages in
written form;
• write a series
of sentences in
te reo Màori
describing the
appearance or
characteristics of
– Presenting
By the end of level
2, learners can:
• produce visual
texts to present
and/or ideas;
• combine visual
and verbal
to present
and/or ideas.
Appendix 1: Suggested learning
and assessment activities
The following learning and assessment activities are listed under relevant
achievement objectives.
The end of this appendix lists suggestions for:
• how teachers can monitor learners’ progress (on pages 63–65);
• how learners can monitor their own progress (on pages 65–66).
Level 1
1.1 Greet, farewell, and thank people and respond to greetings and thanks
1.2 Introduce themselves and others and respond to introductions
Students could be learning through:
• observing greetings, introductions, and leave-taking (for example, on video)
in different contexts and taking turns to role-play;
• filling in gaps in a familiar oral or written dialogue to complete the message;
• cutting up a dialogue into two segments (one for the first speaker and one
for the second speaker) and, in pairs, each saying their part of the dialogue
so that it is reconstructed;
• cutting up a dialogue into individual utterances, jumbling them up,
and reconstructing the dialogue from the pieces;
• singing waiata about greetings and responses to greetings;
• filling in labels on pictures to indicate appropriate greetings, for example,
tènà kòrua;
• playing a pronunciation-based board game involving picking up cards
on which sentences are written and then saying these sentences as naturally
as possible;
• reciting pepeha and identifying the iwi and/or hapù they are associated with.
1.3_Communicate about number, using days of the week,
months, and dates
Students could be learning through:
• playing number games involving adding, subtracting, and/or number
• singing simple number songs and songs about days and months;
• playing lotto or bingo;
• making calendars.
1.4 Communicate about personal information, such as name,
age, nationality, and home
Students could be learning through:
• simple role playing;
• conducting surveys, for example, asking one another about their age
and other personal details and then filling these details in on computergenerated
forms, or asking and answering questions using completed forms
(one student role-playing the person named on the form);
• creating a form (for example, an ID card) with spaces for personal
information details.
1.5 Communicate about location
Students could be learning through:
• locating things according to the teacher’s directions;
• playing location games, such as identifying the location
of assorted
classroom objects located in various places around the
• ticking vocabulary items on a list or holding up word
cards to show that
they recognise Màori vocabulary spoken by the teacher;
• filling in the words on picture-based crossword puzzles;
• designing a code.
1.6 Understand and use simple politeness conventions
(for example, ways of thanking people, apologising,
themselves, and complimenting people)
Students could be learning through:
• listening to informal dialogues and identifying when
participants are
thanking someone, apologising, excusing themselves, or
• filling in gaps in a familiar dialogue by providing
appropriate expressions;
• wishing someone a safe journey, a happy Matariki, and
so on, and making
greetings cards for special occasions;
• learning and using appropriate kìwaha to praise others.
1.7 Use and respond to simple classroom language
(including asking
for the word to express something in te reo Màori)
Students could be learning through:
• responding physically to classroom instructions
(for example, “Haere mai”).
Why study a language?
Languages link people locally and globally. They are spoken in the community, used internationally, and play a role
in shaping the world. Oral, written, and visual forms of language link us to the past and give us access to new and
different streams of thought and to beliefs and cultural practices.
Te reo Māori and New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) are official languages of New Zealand. Because of New
Zealand’s close relationships with the peoples of the Pacific, Pasifika languages also have a special place.
By learning an additional language and its related culture(s), students come to appreciate that languages and
cultures are systems that are organised and used in particular ways to achieve meaning. Learning a new language
extends students’ linguistic and cultural understanding and their ability to interact appropriately with other
speakers. Interaction in a new language, whether face to face or technologically facilitated, introduces them to
new ways of thinking about, questioning, and interpreting the world and their place in it. Through such interaction,
students acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes that equip them for living in a world of diverse peoples,
languages, and cultures. As they move between, and respond to, different languages and different cultural
practices, they are challenged to consider their own identities and assumptions.
As they learn a language, students develop their understanding of the power of language. They discover new ways
of learning, new ways of knowing, and more about their own capabilities. Learning a language provides students
with the cognitive tools and strategies to learn further languages and to increase their understanding of their own
language(s) and culture(s).
The achievement objectives in the Communication strand provide the basis for assessment. The two supporting
strands, Language knowledge and Cultural knowledge, are only assessed indirectly through their contribution to
the Communication strand.
Learning-how-to-learn Partnership
A learner’s language competence increases as responsibility for learning is
transferred progressively from the teacher to the learner. To facilitate the
development of language-learning skills, teachers need to:
• consistently build up students’ self-esteem in the context of learning
Focus positively on achievements, acknowledging that students progress at
rates and that recognising their successes leads to further success and
greater efforts
in the future.
• continuously monitor students’ progress and respond positively to their
individual and group needs;
Be prepared to adapt plans and goals and to revisit material in different
recognising that the students are unlikely to make significant progress
without a solid
• recognise that both accuracy and fluency are important;
Create opportunities for uninterrupted fluency practice and find nonthreatening
ways to help the students correct errors when appropriate.
• understand that second languages are learned by different students in
different ways;
Provide a range of different kinds of activities, acknowledging that students
learn in a
variety of ways.
• accept that language acquisition is a continuous but uneven process;
Remember that it is natural for students to appear from time to time to
have lost
ground as they go through the process of assimilating new knowledge and
understanding in preparation for another period of growth and
• set clear, achievable goals with students and ensure that all the students
understand their goals;
Explain to the students the purposes of the different types of activities.
• create an effective, co-operative learning environment;
Encourage the students to interact positively with one another as well as with the
teacher and to actively show that they value one another’s contributions.
• plan activities where students work together in pairs and groups as well as
individual and class activities;
Provide many opportunities for the students to communicate with one another,
ensure that all students ask questions and make comments as well as
responding to
questions and providing information.
• encourage students to express their interests and preferences;
Give the students opportunities to make informed decisions about their own
and to engage with topics that they find interesting.
• use French for classroom management wherever possible;
Encourage the students to use French to ask and respond to questions, to seek
clarification, and to offer information and suggestions.
• recognise that not everything can be taught and that students may learn
aspects of French language and culture that have not been explicitly introduced.
Progressively nurture independent, self-motivated language learning.
To succeed as learners of a second language, students need to:
• understand what they are trying to achieve in language learning;
• monitor their own progress towards their language-learning goals;
• be positive, active, and willing learners of language and culture;
• become aware of, and progressively build on, the language and
skills that they already have;
• discover and develop language skills and language-learning skills that are
useful beyond the classroom;
• develop a range of skills to help them negotiate meaning;
• learn to use appropriate reference materials;
• feel confident in experimenting and taking risks with French as part of the
language-learning process.
An Approach to Programme Planning
To create successful language programmes, teachers should use a planning cycle
made up of a series of logical steps. (At all stages, assessment is an integral part
of planning and teaching.) In planning their programmes, teachers will:
• identify the goals for the teaching and learning programme, including the
philosophy and aims for teaching and learning French described in these
• identify the needs, interests, and prior language-learning experiences of their
• identify, for each part of the programme, the achievement objectives and
specific learning outcomes appropriate to the students’ needs;
• identify any special requirements or school policies relating to language
• look at programme plans designed to realise shorter-term objectives (such as
plans for units of work) in relation to longer-term programme-planning
issues (such as school-wide timetables, levels sequencing, preparation for
national awards, and possible links with programmes in other schools);
• look for ways of connecting language learning with other curriculum areas or
specific subjects (for example, music, geography, history, or food
• identify suitable themes, topics, text types, structures, and vocabulary for
each section of the programme;
• identify appropriate learning and assessment activities;
• decide how revision and extension activities will be integrated;
• select, gather, create, and adapt (where necessary) suitable resources;
• develop an assessment plan and a homework plan;
• carry through the activities;
• assess the students’ work against the planned outcomes;
• evaluate the learning programmes in terms of the planned goals;
• record assessment and report on results, giving clear and constructive
• make any necessary adjustments to the programme;
• revisit the philosophy and aims of the programme in the context of the
adjustments made and continue on through the cycle.
Level 1: Achievement Objectives with Examples,
Suggested Language Focus, and Suggested Vocabulary
1.7 use and respond to simple classroom
language (including asking for the
word to express something in French).
1.2 introduce themselves and others and
respond to introductions;
1.3 communicate using days of the week,
months, and dates;
1.4 communicate about personal
information, such as name, age,
nationality, and home;
1.5 communicate about location;
1.6 understand and use a range of
politeness conventions (e.g., ways of
thanking people, apologising, excusing
themselves, complimenting people);
Ça va ?
Ça va bien, merci. Et toi?
Au revoir, Claudine.
A bientôt.
Merci, Jean.
De rien.
Bonjour. Je m’appelle Sylvie. Et voici
Qui est-ce? C’est François.
Aujourd’hui, nous sommes le jeudi cinq
Je m’appelle Sylvie. J’ai douze ans.
Je suis néo-zélandaise. J’habite `a Gore
Je viens de Tonga.
O`u est le livre?
Sur la table.
Merci beaucoup, Théo.
Excusez-moi, madame, je suis en
C’est génial.
S’il vous plaît, monsieur. Comment diton
<<computer>> en français?
Ecoutez! Regardez! Répétez!
Achievement Objectives Examples
Students should be able to:
1.1 greet, farewell, and thank people
and respond to greetings and thanks;
French in the New Zealand Curriculum: Level 1
un livre français
néo-zélandais(e), français(e), chinois(e),
maori(e), tahitien(ne), belge
l`a, ici
tr`es, beaucoup
le, l’, la, les
un, une, des
et, mais, o`u
Aujourd’hui nous sommes le jeudi cinq avril.
Bon anniversaire! Joyeux Noël! Bonne année!
Il y a (cinq livres sur la table).
ne … pas
le livre, le stylo, la table …
lundi, mardi, mercredi …
mars, avril, septembre …
Pâques, Noël, l’anniversaire …
la France, la Nouvelle-Zélande, l’Australie, la
Nouvelle-Calédonie, le Canada, l’Espagne
sur, sous, devant, derri`ere, dans, entre
`a (Wellington), en (Nouvelle-Zélande)
je, tu, il, elle
moi, toi, vous
O`u est …?
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
C’est quoi ça?/C’est quoi?
Comment tu t’appelles?
Quel âge as-tu?
O`u habites-tu?
Quelle est la date, aujourd’hui?
Tu es de quelle nationalité?
Qui …?
Comment dit-on …?
avoir, être, s’appeler, habiter
Ecoutez! Regardez! Répétez!
Suggested Language Focus Suggested Vocabulary
singular – agreement, position
Formulaic expressions
wishes for special occasions
classroom objects
days of the week
festivals and other celebrations
Pronouns – subject
singular, (first, second, and third person)
plural (second person)
Question forms
singular, plural (in formulaic
imperative (for classroom instructions)
letters of the alphabet
French in the New Zealand Curriculum: Level 1
Level 1: Suggested Learning and Assessment Activities
Students could be learning through:
•observing greetings, introductions, and leave-taking in different
contexts (e.g., on videotape) and taking turns to role-play (C);
•filling in labels on pictures to indicate greetings for the time of
day pictured (e.g., bonsoir) (G, I).
1.3 communicate
using days of the
week, months,
and dates
Students could be learning through:
•solving number puzzles involving adding, subtracting, and/or
number patterning (C, G);
•singing simple number songs (C);
•playing Bingo (C);
•creating a simple school timetable (C, P, I);
•ticking dates in a calendar as they listen to the names of those
dates or stating the dates shown on specified calendar entries
(G, P).
1.4 communicate
about personal
information, such
as name, age,
nationality, and
Students could be learning through:
•simple role-playing activities (C, G);
•contacting native speakers of French in schools and colleges
overseas, communicating information (including personal
information) to them, and asking them suitable questions (I);
•creating a form (e.g., an identity card) with spaces for personal
information details (G, P, I);
•carrying out surveying activities. For example, the students
could ask each other about their age and other personal details
and fill these details in on prepared forms. They could ask and
answer questions using completed forms, with one student
role-playing the person named on the form (G, P).
Suggested Learning and Assessment Activities
The following code indicates the context in which each activity is
likely to be most useful: (C) = class activity; (G) = group activity;
(P) = pair work; (I) = individuals work independently.
1.1 greet, farewell,
and thank people
and respond to
greetings and
1.5 communicate
about location
Students could be learning through:
•placing things according to the teachers’ instructions (C);
•picking up objects and putting them in a specific relation to the
teacher, responding correctly to the teacher’s instructions, while
being monitored by the class (C, I);
•ticking vocabulary items on a list or holding up word cards to
show that they recognise French vocabulary spoken by the
teacher (C, G, P);
1.2 introduce
themselves and
others and
respond to
Students could be learning through:
•filling in gaps in a familiar oral or written dialogue to complete
the message (C, I);
•carrying out listening activities. For example, the students
listen to a short dialogue in which people are introduced to one
another. They then compete in groups to reassemble the
dialogue from a transcript cut into individual sentences. Each
student could have just one sentence (G).
French in the New Zealand Curriculum: Level 1
Teachers can monitor students’ progress when they are:
• identifying pictures to indicate the meaning of written or spoken words;
• solving number puzzles;
• locating things in response to phrases containing expressions of place;
• responding to oral or written questions about personal details.
Students can monitor their own progress by:
• keeping portfolios (including audiotapes) of their work and comparing later
entries with earlier ones;
• matching words like un stylo or une table with pictures of objects grouped in
certain ways and using an answer key;
• using a checklist with items such as “I can introduce people.”
1.6 understand and
use a range of
conventions (e.g.,
ways of thanking
Students could be learning through:
•listening to informal dialogues and identifying when participants
are thanking someone, apologising, excusing themselves, or
complimenting someone (C);
•filling in gaps in a familiar dialogue by providing appropriate
expressions (P, I);
•wishing someone a happy birthday or anniversary in response to
cue cards (I);
•creating an appropriate greetings card for a birthday or festival (I).
1.7 use and respond
to simple
(including asking
for the word to
something in
Students could be learning through:
•carrying out listening activities, such as Jacques a dit, following
instructions spoken in French (C, G);
•responding physically to classroom instructions (e.g., by coming
to the teacher when the teacher says Viens ici!) (C, G);
•responding to spoken descriptions of actions by selecting the
picture (from a set of pictures) that shows the actions described (C);
•carrying out physical movement activities. For example, working
in pairs, each student could select five picture cards from a series
of ten that show actions that the teacher might ask them to do
(e.g., open their books). One student could mime an instruction
represented on one of their picture cards and the other student
could perform the action they think is required. Then together,
from a list of written requests, they could choose the sentence that
best represents that request (P).
Some of the activities listed, at all levels, could be carried out using simple
computer-based word-processing packages and clip art and thus help to
students’ computer skills.
Focus Objectives.
To recognise patterns and the general rule for any given pattern
To explain the meaning of any given number
To develop a sound knowledge of the metric system and to be able to apply this knowledge in practical situations.
Numeracy arises out of effective mathematics teaching. All the strands ion the mathematics curriculum are important in the pathway to
numeracy. Number is central to this pathway although the relative emphasis on this strand changes with the stages of schooling.
In the first four years of schooling the main emphasis should be on the number strand.
In the middle and upper primary years of schooling the emphasis is spread across the strands of the curriculum
Towards the end of schooling number sense becomes a tool for use across the other strands
At all stages students should:
Develop an understanding of numbers, the ways they are represented and the quantities for which they stand
Develop accuracy, efficiency and confidence in calculating mentally, on paper and with calculators
Develop the ability to estimate and to make approximations and to be alert to the reasonableness of results and measurements
These achievement aims enable students to develop the ability and inclination to use mathematics to solve problems in a range of contexts.
Strategy Stages
Stage zero
Stage One
Stage Two
Stage Three
Stage Four
Stage Five
Stage Six
Stage seven
Stage eight
One to one counting
Counting on materials
Counting by Imaging
Advanced Counting (counting on)
Early Additive Part-whole
Advanced additive part-whole
Advanced multiplicative Part-whole
Advance proportional Part-whole
Mathematics Standards
After one year at school, students will be achieving at early level 1 in the mathematics and statistics learning
area of The New Zealand Curriculum.
Number and algebra | Geometry and measurement | Statistics
The following problems and descriptions of student thinking exemplify what is required to meet this standard.
Number and algebra
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
apply counting-all strategies
continue sequential patterns and number patterns based on ones.
During this school year, 'number' should be the focus of 60–80 percent of mathematics teaching time.
Example 1
Imagine you have 4 teddies. You get 5 more teddies.
How many teddies do you have now?
The student gets the correct answer of 9 teddies by counting all of the objects: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. They
may do so by imaging the teddies, preferably, or by using substituted materials (e.g., fingers or counters). If
they successfully use a more sophisticated strategy, such as counting on or doubling, they exceed the
Example 2
Imagine you have 8 strawberries.
You eat 3. How many strawberries do you have left?
The student gets the correct answer of 5 strawberries by counting all the objects (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) and
then counting back (7, 6, 5). They may do so by imaging the strawberries, preferably, or by using substituted
materials (e.g., fingers or counters). If they successfully use a more sophisticated strategy, such as
immediately counting back from 8 or using known facts, they exceed the expectation.
Example 3
Here are 3 kete. There are 3 kūmara in each kete.
How many kūmara are there altogether?
The student gets the correct answer of 9 kūmara by counting all of the objects: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
They may do so by imaging the kūmara, preferably, or by using substituted materials (e.g., fingers or
counters). If they successfully use a more sophisticated strategy, such as skip-counting (3, 6, 9), they
exceed the expectation.
Example 4
Build up the pattern below with your animal cards, one animal at a time, in front of the student.
Which animal comes next in the pattern? How do you know?
The student identifies which animal comes next (the pig) by attending to its relative position in the
repeating sequence: cow, pig, sheep.
Geometry and measurement
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
compare the lengths, areas, volumes or capacities, and weights of objects directly
sort objects and shapes by a single feature and describe the feature, using everyday language
represent reflections and translations by creating patterns
describe personal locations and give directions, using everyday language.
Example 5
Provide water in an ungraduated jug or bottle and 3 containers that are similar in capacity.
Use water to find out which container holds the most.
The student pours water directly from one container to another to find out which holds the most.
Example 6
Provide the student with a set of attribute blocks.
Sort the blocks into families.
What is the same about the blocks in each family?
The student sorts the blocks by a feature of their choice and explains their sorting. The feature may be colour,
size, shape, thickness, or some other characteristic, such as number of sides, symmetry, 'pointiness', or
Example 7
Sit with the student at their desk in the classroom.
Imagine I am standing at the door. I need to get to where Rawiri sits. Tell me how to get to his seat.
The student gives clear directions that lead you to Rawiri’s seat. They may tell you to move backwards or forwards
and to turn right or left. If the student specifies distances in steps or metres or uses half- or quarter-turns, they
exceed the expectation.
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to: investigate questions
by using the statistical enquiry cycle (with support), gathering, displaying, and/or counting category data.
Example 8
Provide the student with the animal
cards shown, randomly arranged.
Arrange the cards so that someone
else can see how many of each
animal there are at the zoo. How
many zebras are there? Which
animal is there most of?
The student sorts the animals into
categories and displays the number
of animals in each category, using a
set grouping or pictograph as above.
They correctly answer that there are
4 zebras and more monkeys than
any other animal.
After two years at school, students will be achieving at level 1 in the mathematics and statistics
learning area of The New Zealand Curriculum.
Number and algebra | Geometry and measurement | Statistics
The following problems and descriptions of student thinking exemplify what is required to meet this
Number and algebra
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to: apply
counting-on, counting-back, skip-counting, and simple grouping strategies to combine or partition
whole numbers use equal sharing and symmetry to find fractions of sets, shapes, and quantities
create and continue sequential patterns by identifying the unit of repeat continue number patterns
based on ones, twos, fives, and tens.
During this school year, 'number' should be the focus of 60–80 percent of mathematics teaching
Example 1
Imagine you have 9 stamps and 12 letters. How many more stamps would you need to post all the
The student gets the correct answer of 3 stamps by counting on 10, 11, 12 and tracking the count
of 3. Alternatively, they may count back 11, 10, 9, tracking the count of 3.
If the student successfully uses a part–whole strategy, they exceed the expectation (e.g., '9 stamps
and 1 more is 10, and that leaves 2 more stamps, which is 12', or '12 is 4 threes, and 9 is only 3
threes, so I need 3 more stamps').
Example 2
Imagine there are 49 birds sitting in the tree. Another 4 birds come along. How many birds are in the tree
The student gets the correct answer of 53 birds by counting on 50, 51, 52, 53 and tracking the count of 4.
They may track the count by imaging or using substitute materials, including fingers.
If the student successfully uses a part–whole strategy (e.g., '49 and 1 is 50; that leaves 3 more birds, so there
are 53 birds in the tree'), they exceed the expectation.
Example 3
Here is a string of 12 sausages to feed 2 hungry dogs.
Each dog should get the same number of sausages. How many will each dog get?
The student uses equal sharing to distribute the sausages between the dogs. This might involve skip-counting
('2 sausages makes 1 each, 4 sausages makes 2 each ... 12 sausages makes 6 each') while tracking the
count mentally or with fingers, or it might involve halving, that is, dividing 12 into 6 and 6. (Note that 6 and 6
is a symmetrical partitioning of 12.)
Example 4
Show the student a number strip with coloured cubes lined up along it, as in the diagram below. Provide extra
coloured cubes.
What colour cube goes on the number 13 in this pattern?
Geometry and measurement
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
compare the lengths, areas, volumes or capacities, and weights of objects and the durations of events, using
self-chosen units of measurement
sort objects and shapes by different features and describe the features, using mathematical language
represent reflections and translations by creating and describing patterns
describe personal locations and give directions, using steps and half- or quarter-turns.
Example 5
Place 3 pencils of different lengths end-on-end with gaps between them, as shown. Give the student a
collection of white, red, and light green Cuisenaire™ rods.
Place rods underneath each pencil to show how long it is.
Without moving the pencils, can you tell me how much longer the orange pencil is than the blue pencil?
The student places the same-coloured rods, with no gaps or overlaps, from one end to the other of each
Example 6
The students work in pairs.
One student has a picture of a group of attribute blocks laid out in a certain way. The other student
has a set of actual attribute blocks.
Without showing their partner the picture or pointing to the blocks, the first student describes to the
second how to arrange the group of blocks so that it matches the picture, and the second student
follows their instructions.
The student giving the instructions uses the appropriate positional language and geometric terms for
shapes, and they accurately describe colours and turns (half and quarter). The other student is able
to assemble the figure correctly with no errors in position or orientation of shapes.
Return to top
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
investigate questions by using the statistical enquiry cycle (with support), gathering, displaying,
and/or identifying similarities and differences in category data
describe the likelihoods of outcomes for a simple situation involving chance, using everyday
Example 7
Provide the student with the graph.
It’s readathon week. Five students make this graph to show how many books each of them reads
the first day. Each time they finish reading a book, they add a book to the graph.
How many books does each student read in the first day?
How many more books does Aroha read than Leilani?
Do the girls read more books than the boys?
The student is able to say how many books individual students read (e.g., 'Kate reads 6 books. Sione reads 7.').
The student finds the difference between the number of books read by Aroha and Leilani by counting on or back
(e.g., 'Aroha reads 6 more books than Leilani. I just counted the extra ones.').
To compare the total books read by girls and boys, the student needs to recognise which names are girls’ names
and which are boys’. (You may need to help.) They count up the total for both and compare them. If the student
uses additive thinking rather than counting, they exceed the expectation (e.g., 'The boys read 8 books and 7
books. 8 + 7 = 15 because 7 + 7 = 14'). If the student realises that the comparison is not representative (or fair)
because there are 3 girls and only 2 boys, they exceed the expectation.
The student should be able to ask their own comparison questions about the data, for example, 'How many more
books does Oliver read than Kate?'
Example 8
Let the student watch as you put 4 blue cubes and 1 yellow cube into a paper bag.
Put your hand in the bag and take out a cube, but don’t look at it.
What colour will it be?
The student identifies the two possible outcomes. If they omit one of them (e.g., 'It will be blue because there are
more of them') or identify an outcome that is not possible (e.g., 'It will be green because that is my favourite
colour'), they do not meet the expectation.
If the student states that getting a blue cube is more likely than a yellow cube because there are more blue
cubes than yellow cubes in the bag, they exceed the expectation.
After three years at school, students will be achieving at early level 2 in the mathematics and statistics learning
area of The New Zealand Curriculum.
Number and algebra | Geometry and measurement | Statistics
The following problems and descriptions of student thinking exemplify what is required to meet this standard.
Number and algebra
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
apply basic addition facts and knowledge of place value and symmetry to:
- combine or partition whole numbers
- find fractions of sets, shapes, and quantities
create and continue sequential patterns with one or two variables by identifying the unit of repeat
continue spatial patterns and number patterns based on simple addition or subtraction.
During this school year, 'number' should be the focus of 60–80 percent of mathematics teaching time.
Example 1
You have 18 turtles, and you buy another 8 turtles from the pet shop.
How many turtles do you have now?
The student could use 'making tens' (e.g., '18 + 2 = 20; that leaves 6 remaining from the 8; 20 + 6 = 26') or
apply their knowledge of doubles and place value (e.g., '18 = 10 + 8; first add the 8, then the 10; 8 + 8 = 16, 16
+ 10 = 26').
If the student responds very quickly because they know the fact 18 + 8 = 26, this also meets the expectation. If
the student counts on, they do not meet the expectation.
Example 2
87 people are at the pōwhiri (welcome). 30 of the people are tangata whenua (locals). The rest of the people
are manuhiri (visitors).
How many manuhiri are there?
The student uses place value knowledge, combined with either addition or subtraction, to solve the problem.
They may add on (30 + 50 = 80, 80 + 7 = 87) or subtract (80 – 30 = 50, so 87 – 30 = 57). If they use
counting up or back in tens (e.g., 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 87), they do not meet the expectation.
If they use a pencil and paper method to subtract 0 from 7 and 3 from 8, this doesn’t necessarily
demonstrate enough understanding of place value to meet the expectation. If they use this method, they
must show that they understand the place value of the digits and that they are not treating them all as ones.
Example 3
Here is a string of 12 sausages to feed 3 hungry dogs.
Each dog should get the same number of sausages. How many will each dog get?
The student applies basic addition facts to share out the sausages equally between the dogs. Their thinking
could be based on doubles or equal dealing – for example, 5 + 5 + 2 = 12, so 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 (redistributing
1 from each 5), or 6 + 6 = 12, so 4 + 4 + 4 = 12, or 2 + 2 + 2 = 6, so 4 + 4 + 4 = 12.
If the student solves the problem by one-to-one equal sharing, they do not meet the expectation. If they solve
the problem using multiplication facts (3 x 4 = 12 or 12 ÷ 3 = 4), they exceed the expectation.
Example 4
Show the student the illustration below. What shape goes on the number 14 in this pattern? What colour will it
The student identifies the two variables (shape and colour) in the pattern. They might look at the variables
separately and identify the unit of repeat for each ('Yellow, blue, red' and 'Triangle, circle'). Or they might look at
the variables together to identify the complete unit of repeat ('Yellow triangle, blue circle, red triangle, yellow
circle, blue triangle, red circle').
They continue the pattern until they identify that the shape on number 14 is a blue circle. If the student
recognises that multiples of 2 in the pattern are circles and multiples of 3 are red and uses this information to
solve the problem, they exceed the expectation.
Geometry and measurement
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
measure the lengths, areas, volumes or capacities, and weights of objects and the duration of events, using
linear whole-number scales and applying basic addition facts to standard units
sort objects and two- and three-dimensional shapes by their features, identifying categories within categories
represent reflections, translations, and rotations by creating and describing patterns
describe personal locations and give directions, using whole-number measures and half- or quarter-turns.
Example 5
Give the student 3 pencils of different lengths and a ruler.
Use the ruler to find the length of each pencil.
How much longer is the green pencil than the red pencil?
The student correctly measures the length of each pencil to the nearest centimetre: they align the end of the
pencil with zero on the scale and read off the measure correctly.
They apply basic addition facts to find the difference in length between the green and red pencils (e.g., for 12
centimetres and 9 centimetres: '3 centimetres, because 10 + 2 = 12, so 9 + 3 = 12'; or '3 centimetres, because I
know 9 + 3 = 12').
Example 6
Give the student a circle of paper. Fold this circle into 8 equal-sized pieces.
The student uses reflective symmetry through repeated halving to partition the circle into eighths.
Example 7
Give the student a metre ruler or tape measure and show them the illustrations below.
Write a set of instructions to explain to a visitor how to get from the library door to our classroom door. Make sure
you include any right or left turns and distances in metres. You can use pictures to give the instructions, like this:
You can also use pictures or descriptions of objects such as buildings or trees.
The student provides a set of instructions that are accurate enough for a visitor to find their way to the classroom
door from the library. If the student specifies compass directions or clockwise or anti-clockwise turns, they
exceed the expectation.
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
investigate questions by using the statistical enquiry cycle (with support):
- gather and display category and simple whole-number data
- interpret displays in context
compare and explain the likelihoods of outcomes for a simple situation involving chance.
Example 8
Each student writes the number of people that usually live in their house on a square of paper or a sticker.
How many people live in the houses of students in our class?
Arrange the squares to find out.
What can you say about your arrangement?
The student sorts the whole-number data into groups. They may display the data in enclosed groupings or in a
more organised display, such as a bar graph.
The student makes a statement about the number of people living in students’ houses, based on their sorting of
the data, for example, 'There are lots of different numbers of people living in houses, from 2 to 9' or '5 is the most
common number of people'.
Example 9
Let the student watch as you put 3 blue cubes, 2 yellow cubes, and a red cube into a paper bag.
Put your hand in the bag and take out a cube, but don’t look at it.
What colour is the cube most likely to be? What colour is it least likely to be?
Explain why.
The student classifies the probability of getting each colour ('Blue is most likely, and red
is least likely'). They discuss the numbers and colours of cubes to explain their answer
(e.g., 'There are 3 blue cubes and only 1 red cube').
If the student gives the probabilities as fractions (e.g., 'There is a one-half chance of
blue'), they exceed the expectation. If they explain the likelihoods without reference to
the number of cubes (e.g., 'Yellow is my lucky colour' or 'I always get red'), they do not
meet the expectation.
By the end of year 4, students will be achieving at level 2 in the mathematics and statistics learning area of The New Zealand
Number and algebra | Geometry and measurement | Statistics
The following problems and descriptions of student thinking exemplify what is required to meet this standard.
Number and algebra
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
apply basic addition and subtraction facts, simple multiplication facts, and knowledge of place value and symmetry to:
- combine or partition whole numbers
- find fractions of sets, shapes, and quantities
create, continue, and give the rule for sequential patterns with two variables
create and continue spatial patterns and number patterns based on repeated addition or subtraction.
During this school year, 'number' should be the focus of 60–80 percent of mathematics teaching time.
Example 1
Imagine you have 37 lollies and you eat 9 of them.
How many lollies would you have left?
The student gets to the answer 28 by mentally partitioning numbers (e.g., 9 = 7 + 2 in the first calculation) and by using tidy
numbers (e.g., 10 in the second calculation).
Source: Numeracy Development Projects. (2008). Book 2: The diagnostic interview, p. 8.
Example 2
If there are 24 marbles in the bag, how many should each student get?
The student applies their knowledge of symmetry or number facts to partition the set of
24 – for example, by using repeated halving or by using trial and improvement with
addition facts.
If the student knows or derives the fact 4 x 6 = 24, they exceed the expectation.
Example 3
Here is a 3-section matchstick fence.
How many matchsticks would it take to make an 8-section fence?
The student continues the number pattern by using repeated addition, possibly in
conjunction with written recording.
If the student draws an 8-section fence and then counts the matchsticks, they do not meet the expectation. Using a multiplicative
strategy (e.g., (7 x 3) + 4 = 25 or (8 x 3) + 1 = 25) exceeds the expectation.
Geometry and measurement
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
measure the lengths, areas, volumes or capacities, weights, and temperatures of objects and the duration of events, reading
scales to the nearest whole number and applying addition, subtraction, and simple multiplication to standard units
sort objects and two- and three-dimensional shapes by two features simultaneously
represent and describe the symmetries of a shape
create nets for cubes
describe personal locations and give directions, using simple maps
Example 4
Give the student the 3 items shown and the torn measuring tape.
Measure the lengths of the bookmark, snake, and ribbon, using the tape measure.
Example 5
Give the student the diagram and attribute blocks as per the illustration.
Put all the yellow blocks on Yellow Street.
Put all the big blocks on Big Lane
Which blocks should go in the intersection?
The student simultaneously sorts the blocks by 2 features, size and colour, in order to place the blocks that are both big and
yellow in the intersection.
Example 6
Give the student cards with the letters shown below on them.
The letter C has one line of reflective symmetry.
The letter S has half-turn symmetry.
What reflective and turn symmetry do these letters have?
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
investigate questions by using the statistical enquiry cycle independently:
- gather and display category and simple whole-number data
- interpret displays in context
compare and explain the likelihoods of outcomes for a simple situation involving chance, acknowledging uncertainty.
Example 7
Here are 2 graphs showing information on a group of children’s favourite junk foods.
What percentage of children said biscuits were their favourite junk food? Which graph did you use to work this out? Why did you use
that graph?
Which junk food did half the children say was their favourite junk food? Which graph did you use to work this out? Why did you use
that graph?
The student answers questions 1 and 2 correctly by reading from one of the graphs. They justify their choice of graph by explaining
how it provides the required information.
For question 1, they will use the bar graph, which gives number information. The pie chart shows proportions and is therefore the
easier display to use in answering question 2. However, the student may also use the bar graph, noting that 50 percent is the same
as a half.
Example 8
Ask the student to play the game ‘Will your parents let you?’ Give them 3 different-coloured dice with different mixes of yes and
no faces. The red dice has 5 yes faces and 1 no face, blue has 3 yes faces and 3 no faces, and green has 1 yes face and 5 no
Show the student a number of coloured cards with illustrated scenarios, as in the following examples.
The red cards show scenarios that parents are likely to say yes to; blue cards show scenarios that parents may or may not agree
to; and green cards show scenarios that are unlikely to be allowed.
The student chooses one card at a time. They roll a red dice if they have chosen a red card, a blue dice if they chose a blue card,
and a green dice after choosing a green card. Once the dice gives them an answer, they put that card in a yes pile or a no pile.
What do you notice about the colours of the cards in the yes pile and in the no pile? Can you explain this by looking at the 3
Imagine there’s something you really want to do. Which dice would you use to find out whether you can do it or not? Will you get
a yes when you roll that dice?
The student should notice that the yes pile contains lots of red cards and the no pile contains lots of green cards. They should
be able to explain that this is because the red dice has more yes faces than the green one.
In answer to question 2, the student should reply that the red dice would be best because it gives the best chance of getting a
yes. They should acknowledge that a no answer is still possible with the red dice, even though a yes answer is more likely.
By the end of year 5, students will be achieving at level 3 in the mathematics and statistics learning area of The New Zealand
Number and algebra | Geometry and measurement | Statistics
The following problems and descriptions of student thinking exemplify what is required to meet this standard.
Number and algebra
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
apply additive and simple multiplicative strategies and knowledge of symmetry to:
- combine or partition whole numbers
- find fractions of sets, shapes, and quantities
create, continue, and predict further members of sequential patterns with two variables
describe spatial and number patterns, using rules that involve spatial features, repeated addition or subtraction, and simple
During this school year, 'number' should be the focus of 50–70 percent of mathematics teaching time.
Example 1
There are 53 people on the bus.
26 people get off.
How many people are left on the bus?
The student uses an efficient part–whole strategy for subtraction, such as subtracting in parts (e.g., 53 – 6 = 47, 47 – 20 = 27; or 53
– 20 = 33, 33 – 6 = 27) or subtracting a tidy number (e.g., 53 – 30 = 23, 23 + 4 = 27).
If they count back or use repeated subtraction (e.g., 53 – 10 = 43, 43 – 10 = 33 …), they do not meet the expectation. If they use
inverse relationships between subtraction and addition, such as adding on (e.g., 26 + 4 = 30, 30 + 23 = 53, 4 + 23 = 27, so 26 + 27 =
53) or doubling (e.g., 26 + 26 = 52, so 26 + 27 = 53), they exceed the expectation. If the student uses a written algorithm to solve the
problem, they must explain the place value partitioning involved.
Source: NumPA, Numeracy Development Projects, Book 2: The diagnostic interview, p. 8.
Example 2
How much does it cost to buy 4 pairs of socks and 8 hankies?
The student will generally use some form of written recording when working through this problem. Solving the problem using
only mental calculations is also acceptable.
The student uses multiplication facts and addition to correctly solve the problem. They may do so in any order and may work
out the multiplication facts if they do not know them (e.g., by calculating 4 x 6 as double 2 x 6 or 8 x 3 as 10 x 3 – 6). The
addition should make use of part–whole strategies (e.g., 24 + 24 = 40 + 8 = 48).
Vertical algorithms should not be needed for this problem. If the student uses repeated addition (e.g., 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 3 + 3
…), they do not meet the expectation. If they use only multiplication (e.g., ‘4 x 6 = 8 x 3, so the total cost is 8 x 6 = 48’), they
exceed the expectation.
Example 3
Show the student the following illustration.
Scooters need 2 wheels.
Tricycles need 3 wheels.
Pushchairs need 4 wheels.
Cars with trailers need 6 wheels.
Trucks need 8 wheels.
The factory orders 48 wheels.
How many of each toy can they make with the 48 wheels?
The student uses known multiplication facts or builds up answers with addition and multiplication. For example, to find how
many twos are in 48 (for scooters), they may use doubles knowledge (24 + 24 = 48). To find how many threes are in 48 (for
tricycles), they may use addition and multiplication (e.g., 12 x 3 = 36, so 13 x 3 = 36 + 3 = 39, 14 x 3 = …).
If they use properties of multiplication efficiently, they exceed the expectation (e.g., 48 ÷ 3 is the same as 30 ÷ 3 = 10 plus 18 ÷
3 = 6, so 48 ÷ 3 = 16; or 48 ÷ 6 = 8 (known fact), so 48 ÷ 3 = 16).
Example 4
Show the student the following patterns.
How many tiles will be in pattern 4? How do you know?
How many tiles will be in pattern 6? Explain how you know.
The student identifies the rule for the pattern – that it is growing by four tiles each time because one tile is added to each arm.
They use either addition (e.g., 5 + 4 = 9, 9 + 4 = 13) or multiplication (e.g., 4 x 3 = 12, 12 + 1 = 13) to find the number of tiles in
pattern 4.
To find the number of tiles in pattern 6, they may use repeated addition (e.g., 13 + 4 = 17, 17 + 4 = 21) or multiplication (e.g., 4
x 5 = 20, 20 + 1 = 21). If they use counting on combined with drawing, they do not meet the expectation.
Geometry and measurement
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
measure time and the attributes of objects, choosing appropriate standard units and working with them to the nearest tenth
sort two- and three-dimensional shapes, considering the presence and/or absence of features simultaneously and justifying the
decisions made
represent and describe the results of reflection, rotation, and translation on shapes
create nets for rectangular prisms
draw plan, front, and side views of objects
Example 5
Give the student access to water, a capacity measure (e.g., a marked jug), a funnel, a 3 litre bottle, an unmarked 250 milli-litre
plastic cup, and kitchen scales.
Find out how much water the plastic cup holds.
Without using the bottle, estimate how many cups you could pour from a:
a) 1 litre bottle b) 3 litre bottle c) 1.5 litre bottle.
Use the scales to find out the weight of the 3 litre bottle when it is full of water.
How much would a full 1.5 litre bottle weigh? Use the scales to check your answer.
The student correctly reads the scales on the capacity measure and the kitchen scales to the nearest whole number (e.g., 'The
full 3 litre bottle weighs 3 kilograms') or the nearest tenth (e.g., when weighing a half-full 3 litre bottle). They use their knowledge
of place value and multiplication to connect results (e.g., 'A 1 litre bottle holds 4 cups because 4 x 250 = 1000 mL' and 'A 3 litre
bottle holds 12 cups because 3 x 4 = 12').
If the student uses their knowledge of conversions between units (e.g., '1 litre of water weighs 1 kilogram, so 1.5 litres weighs
1.5 kilograms'), they exceed the expectation.
Source: adapted from Figure it out – Measurement, levels 2–3, p. 6.
Example 6
Show the student the following illustration.
Will the drawing look like A, B, C, D, or E when it is reflected in the mirror? Why?
The student correctly identifies D as the answer. They explain their choice by referring to features that
change or do not change, for example, ‘The dog has to be upside down’, ‘It has to be facing the same way’, ‘It must still have
straight legs and a bent tail’.
Example 7
Show the student the following illustration.
What things are at B4 and C2 on the map?
What is the location of the treasure?
The pirate wants to use his compass to get back to his ship. In what direction should he go?
The student correctly names the objects at B4 (a hut) and C2 (a tree) and gives the location of the treasure as G5. They state that
the pirate must travel south-east to get to his ship, and they can trace his path.
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
investigate summary and comparison questions by using the statistical enquiry cycle:
- gather, display, and identify patterns in category and whole-number data
- interpret results in context
order the likelihoods of outcomes for simple situations involving chance, experimenting or listing all possible outcomes.
Example 8
Ask each student in the class to measure their height to the nearest centimetre and to record it on a sticker.
Put the stickers onto a board or photocopy them as data cards.
Sort and display the heights of the students in our class. What patterns can you find in the data?
The student sorts the heights from shortest to tallest. They are able to group the measurements into intervals and use displays for
comparison, with or without the use of computer technology. For example:
The student makes statements about the data based on the ideas of middle, spread, and
clustering, for example, ‘The middle height is about 133 centimetres’, ‘We are between 105
and 155 centimetres tall’, ‘Most people are between 130 and 150 centimetres tall’.
Example 9
Students play the following game with a pack containing 10 digit cards (0, 1, 2 ... 9)
Give the student these four scenarios and ask them to compare the
chances of winning.
The student compares the probabilities of winning in the various scenarios
by assessing the likelihood of getting a number between the two that are
They may list the possibilities: the number 5 for between 4 and 6; 3, 4, 5, 6
for between 2 and 7; and so on. To meet the expectation, the student orders
the probabilities correctly, noting that 2–7 and 3–8 have equal likelihood.
4–6 is the least likely to win and 1–9 the most likely.
If the student uses fractions to order the probabilities, they exceed the
expectation (e.g., 'There is a one-half (4 out of 8) chance of getting a card
between 2 and 7').
By the end of year 6, students will be achieving at level 3 in the mathematics and statistics learning
area of The New Zealand Curriculum.
Number and algebra | Geometry and measurement | Statistics
The following problems and descriptions of student thinking exemplify what is required to meet this standard.
Number and algebra
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
apply additive and simple multiplicative strategies flexibly to:
- combine or partition whole numbers, including performing mixed operations and using addition and subtraction as inverse
- find fractions of sets, shapes, and quantities
determine members of sequential patterns, given their ordinal positions
describe spatial and number patterns, using:
- tables and graphs
- rules that involve spatial features, repeated addition or subtraction, and simple multiplication.
During this school year, ‘number’ should be the focus of 50–70 percent of mathematics teaching time.
Example 1
Mitchell had 231 toy sports cars. He sold 78 of them.
How many cars did he have left?
The student solves the problem by using an efficient strategy that involves mental calculation and place value understanding. They
may draw on the inverse relationship of addition and subtraction, as illustrated in the speech bubble below. Use of recording is
acceptable. If the student uses a vertical algorithm to solve the problem, they must explain the place value partitioning involved.
Example 2
What fractions of the whole birthday cake are pieces A and B? Explain your answer.
You have 60 jelly beans to decorate the top of the cake. If the jelly beans are spread evenly, how many of them will be on 4−10 of the
The student uses either rotational symmetry, mapping how many of A or B will fit into a full turn, or multiplication to correctly name
the fractions (e.g., 'B is 1−5 of 1−2 , so it is −10'). They use division and multiplication to find the number of jelly beans on fourtenths of the cake (e.g., '60 ÷ 10 = 6 jelly beans on 1−10 , 4 x 6 = 24 jelly beans').
Example 3
This is how the tapatoru pattern grows.
How many crosses will be in the 20th tapatoru pattern? Show how you worked out your answer.
The student uses repeated addition or a multiplication rule in conjunction with a recording strategy. Alternatively, they might use
spatial features of the pattern to solve the problem (e.g., by noting there’s an extra cross on each side as the pattern grows).
Geometry and measurement
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
measure time and the attributes of objects, choosing appropriate standard units
use arrays to find the areas of rectangles and the volumes of cuboids, given whole-number dimensions
sort two- and three-dimensional shapes (including prisms), considering given properties simultaneously and justifying the decisions
represent and describe the results of reflection, rotation, and translation on shapes or patterns
identify nets for rectangular prisms
draw or make objects, given their plan, front, and side views
Example 4
When you put a jar over a burning candle, the flame will soon go out. This is because the flame uses up the oxygen in the jar. Do
this activity with a classmate. Before you start, draw up a table like this:
Get five jars of different sizes. Using a stopwatch, time how long the candle flame takes to go out after you put each jar over it. Do
this 3 times for each jar and then record the middle time on your table. Measure each jar’s capacity by filling it with water and
pouring the water into a measuring jug. Record the measurements in your table.
Can you predict how long the flame will take to go out if you know the capacity of the jar.
Stick the candle in the base of an ice cream container. Put about 2 centimetres of water in the container. Put the jar over the
lighted candle. Water rises up into the jar as the oxygen is used up. Estimate what fraction of the air in the jar was oxygen.
The student carries out the investigation in an organized manner. They accurately measure both time and capacity, using
appropriate units and devices. They use their measurement data to ‘generalise’ the time required for a candle flame to go out
(about 3 seconds per 100mL of air). They estimate the fraction of the air in the jar that was oxygen as approximately one-fifth or
20 percent. (Note that the rise in water is due to a change in pressure, but it gives a reasonable estimate for the fraction of the air
that was oxygen.)
Example 5
Show the student the following illustration. Explain that they have to answer the question without physically cutting or folding the
How many of these nets will fold up to make the box? Which ones are they?
The student correctly identifies that three nets – B, D, and E – will fold to make the cuboid model (a rectangular prism). They
understand that the model must have four rectangular faces and two square faces, and they can visualise whether the faces
overlap when folded and how the connected faces form parts of the model.
Example 6
Provide the student with interlocking
cubes and the following illustration.
Here are drawings for 3 buildings. The
projections (plan, front, and side views)
and isometric views have been mixed
up, and one of the isometric drawings
is missing.
Match the projections with the
isometric views for 2 of the buildings.
Then use the projections of the third
building to assemble it, using
interlocking cubes. If you can, draw an
isometric view of this building.
The student correctly matches the
projections and isometric views for two
buildings (building B with isometric
view 2; building C with isometric view
1). They then accurately assemble a
model of a building that agrees with
the projections for building A. If they
draw an accurate isometric view of
their building, they exceed the
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
investigate summary and comparison questions by using the statistical enquiry cycle:
- gather or access multivariate category and whole-number data
- sort data into categories or intervals, display it in different ways, and identify patterns
- interpret results in context, accepting that samples vary;
order the likelihoods of outcomes for situations involving chance, considering experimental results and models of all possible
Example 7
Have each student in the class create a data card with answers to the following questions:
Are you a boy or a girl?
Can you whistle?
Are you the oldest, the youngest, the only, or a middle child in your family?
Which hand do you usually write with?
Photocopy all the data cards onto A4 paper. Organise the students into pairs, hand out a set of data cards to each pair, and have
them cut out all the data cards.
Suggest some different types of questions that could be answered from the data – for example, summary questions like 'Can more
people whistle than can’t whistle?' or comparison questions like 'Are more boys or girls left-handed?'
Sort the class data to find the answers to your questions and display the results using graphs so that your classmates can clearly
see the answers.
The student asks summary and comparison questions that can be answered using the information provided by the data cards.
They sort and present the data in ways that clearly answer their questions and communicate their findings. To highlight differences,
they use pictographs or bar graphs (made from the data cards). To highlight proportions, they might use strip graphs or pie charts.
Source: NZ maths
Example 8
When you toss two coins together, you could get these results:
Toss two coins 24 times.
Each time you toss, put a new counter on a graph to show what you got, like this:
What does the graph show?
Draw a diagram to explain why this happens.
The student’s results will almost certainly suggest that the likelihood of heads-heads or tails-tails is less than that of one head and
one tail. To explain their results, they should develop a model of all possible outcomes. Suitable models include:
By the end of year 7, students will be achieving at level 4 in the mathematics and statistics learning area of The New Zealand
Number and algebra | Geometry and measurement | Statistics
The following problems and descriptions of student thinking exemplify what is required to meet this standard.
Number and algebra
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
apply additive and multiplicative strategies flexibly to whole numbers, ratios, and equivalent fractions (including percentages)
apply additive strategies to decimals
balance positive and negative amounts
find and represent relationships in spatial and number patterns, using:
- tables and graphs
- general rules for linear relationships.
During this school year, 'number' should be the focus of 40–60 percent of mathematics teaching time.
Example 1
There are 6 baskets and 24 muffins in each basket.
How many muffins are there altogether?
The student uses an efficient multiplicative strategy to solve the problem mentally. This might involve drawing on their knowledge of
place value (e.g., 6 x 20 + 6 x 4), working
Example 2
Tama has 4.95 litres of petrol in one can and 7.5 litres in the other can.
How much petrol does he have altogether?
The student demonstrates their understanding of decimal place value when combining the amounts.
Appropriate strategies include using compensation (e.g., 4.95 + 7.5 = 4.45 + 8 = 12.45), working with tidy numbers (e.g., 5 +
7.5 = 12.5, so 4.95 + 7.5 = 12.45), or drawing on knowledge of place value (e.g., 4 + 7 = 11 and 0.9 + 0.5 = 1.4, so 4.95 + 7.5
= 12.45).
If the student combines place values inappropriately (e.g., 4.95 + 7.5 = 11.100 or 4.95 + 7.5 = 11.145), they do not meet the
expectation. If they use a vertical algorithm to solve the problem, they must explain the place value partitioning involved.
Example 3
Show the student the following illustration.
The Smith family and the Hohepa family are both driving home from their holidays.
Which family has travelled the greatest distance?
The student shows that they understand that the value of a fraction of an amount depends on both the fraction and the
amount. They do so by calculating the distance each family has travelled, using multiplication and division (e.g., 1−3 of 180 =
180 ÷ 3 = 60). If the student recognises that 4−6 is equivalent to 2−3 , the second calculation is considerably simplified ( 2−3
of 90 = 90 ÷ 3 x 2 = 60).
If the student bases their answer on just the amounts (e.g., 'The Smiths because 180 is greater than 90') or just the fractions
(e.g., 'The Hohepas because 4−6 is greater than 1−3'), they do not meet the expectation. If they notice and use the doubling
and halving relationship ( 1−3 of 180 = 4−6 of 90 because 4−6 = 2 x 1−3 ), they exceed the expectation.
Example 4
Show students the following illustration.
Funky Furniture sells tables that can be joined together for large meetings. Tables and chairs are set up this way.
If a line of 24 tables is set out like this, how many chairs will be needed? Can you give a rule for the number of chairs needed for
any given number of tables?
The student recognises that 3 extra chairs are needed for each extra table. They apply multiplicative thinking to calculate the
number of chairs needed for 24 tables (e.g., '21 more tables x 3 = 63 extra chairs, 11 + 63 = 74 chairs altogether' or '5 chairs for
table one + 23 tables x 3 = 74 chairs altogether').
The student devises a general rule for any number of tables (e.g., 'Multiply the number of tables by 3 and add 2'). If they give an
algebraic equation (e.g., 'If x = tables and y = chairs, then y = 3x + 2'), they exceed the expectation.
Geometry and measurement
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
measure time and the attributes of objects, using metric and other standard measures
make simple conversions between units, using whole numbers
use side or edge lengths to find the perimeters and areas of rectangles and parallelograms and the volumes of cuboids, given
whole-number dimensions
sort two- and three-dimensional shapes into classes, defining properties and justifying the decisions made
identify and describe the transformations that have produced given shapes or patterns
create or identify nets for rectangular prisms and other simple solids
draw plan, front, side, and perspective views of objects
describe locations and give directions, using grid references, simple scales, turns, and points of the compass.
Example 5
Provide the students with coins and kitchen scales, as required for 1. below.
The students at Springfield School made a coin trail using 20-cent coins to raise money for Daffodil Day.
The length of the coin trail was 21 000 millimetres. What was its length in centimetres? What was it in metres?
Here are 100 twenty-cent coins. Use the kitchen scales to find their combined weight. Using your answer, what would 1000
twenty-cent coins weigh? What would 10 twenty-cent coins weigh?
For 1., the student reads the scales accurately to give the combined weight as 400 grams. They use their knowledge of place
value, metric measures, and multiplicative strategies to correctly answer all other questions – for example, for 1., 'There are 10
millimetres in a centimetre, so 21 000 mm = 2100 cm; there are 1000 millimetres in a metre, so 21 000 mm = 21 m'; for 2.,
'1000 coins must weigh 10 times 400 grams, which is 4000 grams or 4 kilograms; 10 coins must weigh one-tenth of 400 grams,
which is 40 grams.'
Source: adapted from 'Coin trail' (MS2161) in the Assessment resource banks
Example 6
Give the student the following collection of shapes.
What is a common property of all these shapes?
Identify a property that some of the shapes have and sort all the shapes into groups by that property.
For 1., the student identifies at least one property that is common to all the shapes – for example, they all have 4 sides, 4 corners
(vertices), or straight sides (that is, they are all polygons).
For 2., the student identifies an appropriate property and sorts the shapes into classes by that property – for example, whether
each shape has:
Example 6
Give the student the following collection of shapes.
What is a common property of all these shapes?
Identify a property that some of the shapes have and sort all the shapes into groups by that property.
For 1., the student identifies at least one property that is common to all the shapes – for example, they all have 4 sides, 4 corners
(vertices), or straight sides (that is, they are all polygons).
For 2., the student identifies an appropriate property and sorts the shapes into classes by that property – for example, whether
each shape has:
Example 7
Provide square grid paper, a ruler, and a protractor. Show the student the following illustration.
Draw a net for each of these solids. You may try each net by cutting it out and folding it to make the solid. It may take several
attempts to get it right.
The student creates nets for the four solids by visualising the shape and size of each face and how the faces fit together. They
describe the similarities and differences between the solids (e.g., rectangular faces, triangular versus square ends) and use this
information to help construct the nets.
The student must precisely measure the dimensions of the faces and orient them so that, when brought together, they form an
accurate model of the original solid. It is acceptable to support the student by suggesting that, when drawing a net, they orient the
solid’s faces on horizontal and vertical axes.
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
investigate summary, comparison, and relationship questions by using the statistical enquiry cycle:
- gather or access multivariate category and measurement data
- sort data and display it in multiple ways, identifying patterns and variations
- interpret results in context, accepting that samples vary and have no effect on one another
order the likelihoods of outcomes for situations involving chance, checking for consistency between experimental results and
models of all possible outcomes.
Example 8
Show the student the illustrations below.
Here are the results from a class opinion poll, recorded on a tally chart and displayed in three different graphs.
Look at the data gathered in the poll. Suggest some different types of questions that could be answered from the data, for
example, summary questions like 'How many girls disagree that keeping animals in zoos is wrong?' or comparison questions like
'Do more boys or girls agree that keeping animals in zoos is wrong?'
Now write down some 'I wonder' questions about people’s opinions on topics of interest to you, your friends, or your family. Work
with one or two other students to use the statistical enquiry cycle to investigate one or more of your questions.
Make sure your records of your investigation clearly show how you gathered, sorted, and displayed your data and what you interpreted
from it.
The student should move through all stages of the enquiry cycle. (Note that at times their findings may require them to go back to
previous stages.) They may phrase the problem as a summary question (e.g., 'What do people feel about banning fireworks?'), a
comparison question (e.g., 'Do boys and girls feel differently about banning fireworks?'), or a relationship question (e.g., 'Is there a link
between people’s ages and how they feel about banning fireworks?').
In planning the investigation, the student should consider what data they need to answer the question and how they will collect and
manage this data. This may involve finding a way of 'measuring' aspects such as people’s feelings or attitudes.
Having collected the data, the student should consider how they will sort and display it to provide answers to their question. They
should use tables and graphs and may access a computer program to create their displays. Their displays should be appropriate for
the type of data, for example, bar or pie charts for category data, stem-and-leaf plots or dot plots for whole-number data, histograms
for measurement data, and line graphs for time-series data. The student may use multiple displays to identify patterns and variations
in the data.
The student should interpret and report their results in context, using features of their displays to support The student should
interpret and report their results in context, using features of their displays to support their findings and acknowledging that different
samples might give different results
Example 9
Show the student a bucket containing 2 red balls and 2 blue balls.
What are all the possible outcomes when you randomly draw 2 balls from the bucket?
What is the probability of getting 2 red balls?
How many times would you expect to get 2 red balls in 60 draws?
Now trial the situation by drawing 2 balls 60 times and recording your results on a tally chart. Then summarise your results on a
frequency table, like this:
How do your results compare with your prediction of how often you’d draw 2 red balls? Do the results make you change your
If you repeated the trial with 60 draws, how many times would you get 2 red balls?
The student creates a model of all the possible outcomes when 2 balls are removed from the bucket. From this, they identify that 2
red balls is one of 6 possible outcomes, and they predict that this outcome should occur about 10 times in 60 draws.
By the end of year 8, students will be achieving at level 4 in the mathematics and statistics learning area of The New Zealand
Number and algebra | Geometry and measurement | Statistics
The following problems and descriptions of student thinking exemplify what is required to meet this standard.
Number and algebra
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
apply multiplicative strategies flexibly to whole numbers, ratios, and equivalent fractions (including decimals and percentages)
use multiplication and division as inverse operations on whole numbers
apply additive strategies flexibly to decimals and integers
find and represent relationships in spatial and number patterns, using:
- tables and graphs
- equations for linear relationships
- recursive rules for non-linear relationships
apply inverse operations to simple linear relationships.
During this school year, 'number' should be the focus of 40–60 percent of mathematics teaching timeBy the end of year 8, students
will be achieving at level 4 in the mathematics and statistics learning area of The New Zealand Curriculum.
Number and algebra | Geometry and measurement | Statistics
The following problems and descriptions of student thinking exemplify what is required to meet this standard.
Number and algebra
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
apply multiplicative strategies flexibly to whole numbers, ratios, and equivalent fractions (including decimals and percentages)
use multiplication and division as inverse operations on whole numbers
apply additive strategies flexibly to decimals and integers
find and represent relationships in spatial and number patterns, using:
- tables and graphs
- equations for linear relationships
- recursive rules for non-linear relationships
apply inverse operations to simple linear relationships.
During this school year, 'number' should be the focus of 40–60 percent of mathematics teaching time
Example 1
Mani competed in the hop, step, and jump at the athletics sports.
Her jump was 2.65 metres, and her step was 1.96 metres.
The total of her triple jump was 5.5 metres.
How long was her hop?
The student applies their knowledge of decimal place value to correctly calculate the answer. They use a combination of mental
and written strategies, which may include equations, vertical algorithms, or empty number lines.
Example 2
Andre has ordered 201 tennis balls. They are sold in cans of 3 balls.
How many cans should he receive?
The student gets the correct answer of 67 and, when explaining their strategy, demonstrates understanding of division and place
value. Their strategy might involve partitioning numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones, using tidy numbers (e.g., 210) and
compensating, or using divisibility rules
Example 3
With 26 matchsticks, you can make 4 fish in this pattern.
How many fish can you make with 140 matchsticks?
Write an equation that gives the rule for the number of matchsticks you need for a given number of fish.
The student finds a linear relationship between the number of fish and the number of matchsticks, and they write an equation
that expresses that relationship (e.g., y = 6x + 2). To solve the problem, they use a graph or apply inverse operations to their rule or
equation, for example, 'undoing' or 'reversing' the 'six times the number of fish plus two' rule (140 – 2 = 138, 138 ÷ 6 = 23). If they
simply continue a table to solve the problem (1 fish, 8 matches; 2 fish, 14 matches; 3 fish, 20 matches ...), they do not meet the
Geometry and measurement
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
use metric and other standard measures
make simple conversions between units, using decimals
Geometry and measurement
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
use metric and other standard measures
make simple conversions between units, using decimals
use side or edge lengths to find the perimeters and areas of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles and the volumes of cuboids
sort two- and three-dimensional shapes into classes, considering the relationships between the classes and justifying the decisions
identify and describe the features of shapes or patterns that change or do not change under transformation
create or identify nets for rectangular prisms and other simple solids, given particular requirements
draw or make objects, given their plan, front, and side views or their perspective views
describe locations and give directions, using scales, bearings, and co-ordinates.
Example 4
Give the student a ruler, a toy car to measure, and the illustration of boxes shown above.
Use the ruler to measure as accurately as possible how long, how wide, and how high this car is. Give your answer firstly in
millimetres and then in centimetres.
Using the ruler, the student accurately measures the length, width, and height of the toy car to the nearest millimetre, and they are
able to convert between millimetres and centimetres. They choose the most suitable box – that is, the one with dimensions that
exceed the dimensions of the car by the least possible amount.
Example 5
Is there a family that all 3 of these solid shapes belong to? Why?
Is there another family of solid shapes that the Rolo packet could belong to?
The student states that all three solids are prisms. They explain that a prism has a uniform cross-section and that this gives the prism
its name (e.g., a 'triangular prism').
There is debate about the definition of a prism and whether a cylinder is a prism. If the student rejects the cylinder as a prism,
explaining that it does not have rectangular faces like other prisms, they still meet the expectation.
In answer to the second question, the student could place the cylinder in the family of curved solids that includes spheres and cones.
Any other plausible possibility for an alternative family of solids is also acceptable (e.g., solids with circular faces).
Example 6
Provide the student with a selection of shapes including squares, rectangles, diamonds, regular hexagons, regular octagons, circles,
and equilateral, right-angled, and scalene triangles.
Which of these shapes will tessellate? Why?
The student explains that shapes that tessellate must fit together around a point and that therefore, for a regular shape, its interior
angle must divide evenly into 360. For each shape, they refer to an angular measure to justify their conclusion as to whether it will
tessellate or not (e.g., 'An equilateral triangle tessellates because 6 x 60° = 360°, so 6 triangles will surround a point').
In contexts that require them to solve problems or model situations, students will be able to:
investigate summary, comparison, and relationship questions by using the statistical enquiry cycle:
- gather or access multivariate category, measurement, and time-series data
- sort data and display it in multiple ways, identifying patterns, variations, relationships, and trends and using ideas about middle
and spread where appropriate
- interpret results in context, identifying factors that produce uncertainty
express as fractions the likelihoods of outcomes for situations involving chance, checking for consistency between experimental
results and models of all possible outcomes.
Example 7
Jane’s class was doing a unit on healthy eating. Jane wanted to see if the unit would make any difference to her classmates’ eating
habits, so she developed a scale to measure the healthiness of the lunches they were eating.
She applied the scale before and after the unit and created two dot plots to display the results.
Jane concluded that because of the unit, her classmates were now eating healthily. Do you agree? Why or why not?
The student uses data from the graphs to support and/or argue against Jane’s conclusion. For example, they should identify that
more students are now eating healthier lunches and that all students are now bringing or buying a lunch. With prompting, they
should be able to identify that although the spread of unhealthy to healthy lunches has not changed, the clustering of lunch scores
has shifted to more above zero than below, and therefore the 'middle healthiness' has increased.
The student should point out that Jane’s conclusion that 'her classmates were now eating healthily' is not supported by the data,
which shows that a small group of students continue to eat unhealthy lunches. They should also recognise that without additional
data (such as a larger sample across different days or information from interviews), the improvement in lunch healthiness is not
necessarily due to the class unit. For example, the tuck shop may have changed its menu while the class was doing the unit.
Example 8
This is a game you might use at the school gala.
Put 2 red balls and 2 blue balls in a bucket. Without looking, a player takes out 2 balls. If the balls are the same colour, they win. If
the balls are different, they lose.
Carry out an experiment by playing 30 games and recording how often the player wins and loses. Draw a diagram to show all the
possible outcomes when you draw 2 balls from the bucket. Does this help explain your results? How?
If you played 30 more games, would the results be the same as or different from your first experiment? If they would be different,
The student plays 30 games and organises their results systematically, for example, by using a table or tally chart. They notice that
there are more losses than wins. (The results will generally be around 10 wins and 20 losses.)
The student creates a model of all possible outcomes, for example, a network or tree diagram. From the model, the student
concludes that the chances of winning and losing are one-third and two-thirds respectively. They accept that their results may not
exactly reflect these likelihoods (e.g., 12 wins from 30 games is slightly more than one-third). The student understands that the first
experiment does not influence the second. They explain that the results are likely to be around 10 wins and 20 losses but unlikely to
be identical to the results from the first experiment – that is, they accept the variability and independence of samples. (In this case,
the sample consists of 30 games.)
Implementation Plan
The Ministry of education Numeracy Project documents will be the basis of all classroom planning and teaching programmes. Numeracy will be the focus of all classroom work and the other strands will be
used as a context for numeracy study.
The overview for study will be based ion the Number Framework especially pages 10 – 16. planning will be based on the Getting Started booklets especially from pages 14 – 29.
Content booklets will be used by the teachers to deliver the project strategies especially:
Teaching Number knowledge
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division
Fractions Decimals and Percentages
As a general indication 70% of the project delivery will be on knowledge and 30% on strategy teaching. For an example of a typical teaching session refer to ‘Getting Started” pages 4 & 5. There should
usually be three groups operating within a class and cross grouping is an option.
Each classroom has been supplied with resources to support the implementation of the Numeracy Project. The equipment must be used to support the teaching sessions at all levels.
Assessment and Evaluation
Formative assessment of the children’s progress through stages will be recorded on the planners from Getting Started or similar tracking sheets. Summative assessment can be made using the I Can
Sheets and or a selection of Snapshots or observations. The stages reached are recorded twice yearly on the school records.
Term 1
Week 1-3 Myself – measurement. Problem solving, statistics
Testing. Maths assessment of all students
Weeks 4 – 11 Addition and Subtraction
Term 2 Multiplication and Division
Term 3 Fractions and Decimals. Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division
Term 4 Work on other strands with a number component included daily
School wide data collection
Two weeks of each term will be supplemented with other strand teaching.
Term 1
Weeks 1-3 Myself – measurement, problem solving, statistics.
School wide assessment of all students.
Weeks 4-11 Addition and Subtraction. Doublers to 10 , skip counting 0-20 (2’s and 5’s)
Term 2
Addition and Subtraction. Doublers to 10 , skip counting 0-20 (2’s and 5’s)
Term 3
Addition and Subtraction. Doublers to 10 , skip counting 0-20 (2’s and 5’s) Multiplication using materials.
Term 4
Addition and Subtraction. Doublers to 10 , skip counting 0-20 (2’s and 5’s) Multiplication using materials. Fractions halves and quarters with equal sharing of sets. Work on other
strands with a number component daily.
School wide data collection.
Two weeks of each term will be supplemented with other strand teaching.
Stage Indicators
Level 1 Beginning
The child is unable to count a collection of items.
One to one Counting
Level 1 Progressing
The child is able to count a collection of objects but unable to solve addition and subtraction problems.
Counting from One On Materials
Level 1 Progressing
The child is able to solve addition and subtraction problems by counting from 1 using materials or fingers
Counting from One by Imaging
Level 1 Achieved
The child counts from 1 to solve addition or subtraction problems by visualising/imaging rather than using objects or fingers
Advance Counting
Level 2 Progressing
The child thinks about the biggest number and counts on or counts back to solve the addition or subtraction problems.
Early Part/Whole Thinking
Level 2 Achieved
The child can pull apart numbers to solve problems. The child may use knowledge of their facts to 10 and doubles to solve
addition/Subtraction problems.
Advanced Part/Whole Thinking
Level 3 Progressing
The child is able to use a range of strategies to solve 2 and 3 digit problems
One to
Lev Stage
Our goal is for all children to have achieved all the learning outcomes and become a part-whole thinker by
the end of Year 3
Learning Outcomes
Early Partwhole
Child can skip count in 2’s , 3’s, 4’s, 5’s & 10’s from 0-100
Child identifies numerals 0-1000 range
Child can say a forward and backward number sequences by ones , tens and hundreds
Child gives number one more or one less, 10 more or 10 less, 100 more or 100 less: range 1-1000
Child orders the numbers in range 1-1000 and fractions with the same denominators e.g. ¼ and 2/4
Child knows the numbers that add up to 100 particularly multiples of 5
Child knows the numbers that add up top 100 particularly centuries e.g.400+600
Child automatically recalls multiplication facts for 2,3,5,10 times tables and matching divisions
Child can say the forward and backward number word sequences from 0-100
Child can recognise the numerals 1-100
Child can recognise the fractions ½, ¼, 1/3, 1/5
Child knows the number before and after a given number in the range 1-100
Child can order numbers in the range 1-100
Child can skip count backwards and forwards 0-100 in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s
Child can rapidly recall doubles to 20 and corresponding halves
Child knows the names for 10 and the ‘teen’ numbers as 10 and
Child can recall groups within 20 e.g. 14+ 6, 20-5
Child knows the numbers of tens in decades e.g. how many tens in sixty?
Child can identify all the numerals in range 1-20
Child can say forward and backward number word sequence in range 1-20
Child can say the number before and after in the range 1-20
Child can order the numbers in the range 1-20
Children know groups within 5 e.g. 3+2
Children know groups with 5 e.g. 5+2
Children know groups within 10
Children know how to recognise patterns to 10 including finger patterns
Children can recall addition and subtraction facts to 5
Child can recall doubles to 10
Counting on
Children can skip count forwards and backwards in 2’s , 5’s and in the range 1-20
Children can identify all the numerals in the range 1-10
Children can identify symbols for unit fractions ½, ¼
One to One
Children can say forward and backward number word sequences in the range 1-10
Children can order numbers in the range 1-10
Children can recognise patterns to 5 including finger patterns
Children can say the before and after numbers in the range 1-10
Children are able to count a collection of items in the range 1-10
Mathematics Achievement Statement: Statistics
Year 1
Can sort for colour, shape, size.
Can sort to a given attribute.
Predict what is certain.
Collect and sort everyday objects and state why.
Make a statement about a graph.
Year 2
Gather information using a variety of recording items. E.g. tally marks.
Classify or group.
Interpret a simple graph.
Year 3
Construct a bar graph. Collect data and read information.
Recognise other graphs – pie, dot, plot, strip etc.
Year 4
Collect and sort objects into categories
Count objects in each category, display and discuss results
Classify events from their experiences in chart form and graphs
Year 5
Collect and display category and whole number data in line graphs, pictographs, tally charts and bar graphs as appropriate
Talk about features of their own data displays and others
Compare events and order them on a scale from least likely to most likely
Year 6
Plan a statistical investigation
Make sensible statements on the evidence of statistical plan
Use a schematic approach to count a set of possible outcomes
Predict the likelihood of outcomes on the basis of a set of observations
Year 7
Able to plan statistical investigations
Able to construct frequency tables and bar graphs
Able to compare findings
Abler to construct frequency tables, bar graphs and histograms
Able to construct and use tree diagrams
Year 8
Able to evaluate data gathered
Able to construct and interpret graphs involving time series data
Able to list all possible outcomes
Mathematics Achievement Statement: Algebra
Year 1
Copy a colour patter ( 1 to 1)
Copy a shape pattern ( 1 to 1 )
Copy a position patter ( half turn )
Show a relationship ( 1 to 1)
Copy a repeating pattern ( 3 elements)
Copy a sequential pattern ( 2 elements)
Use = in number sentences to 10
Year 2
Continue a pattern ( shapes )
Describe a pattern
Able to use more, less, big, small etc when looking at sets etc.
Recognise calculators – know functions on/off basic use of
number keys
Year 3
Continue a repeating pattern
Count in number patterns to 100 ( 2, 5, 10 etc)
Use signs +, -, <, >, =
Year 5
Use mathematical symbols to show relationships
Continue a sequential pattern and describe the rule
Use graphs to illustrate relationships
Year 6
Make up a rule to create a sequential pattern
Use a rule
State a general rule for similar problems
Use graphs to represent a number or relations
Solve problems of the type --- + 15 = 39
Year 7
Able to continue number sequences
Able to describe rule for number sequence
Able to use graphs to show relationships
Able to graph familiar situations
Year 8
Able to discuss strategies for finding rules
Able to interpret relationships illustrated on graphs
Year 4
Continue a repeating pattern
Write number sentences from story contexts
Describe repeating patterns
Mathematics Achievement Statement: Geometry
Year 1
Use positional language (above, below, around, beside)
Identify circle, triangle, square, oblong
Recognise 3D shape. Ball/box
Able to create a geometrical pattern
Able to follow a simple direction
Year 2
Able to identify 2D basic shapes
Identify and describe as seen in real life
Year 3
Recognise 2D shapes in everyday life situations
Recognise lines of symmetry
Rotation of shapes, clockwise, anticlockwise, half and quarter
Year 4
Can recognise 2 and 3 Dimensional shapes and distinguish
between them
Square rectangle, oblong, triangle , parallelogram, circle,
hexagon, octagon
Cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder
Know what symmetry is and give examples
Know what repeating patterns are and construct
Make clockwise and anticlockwise turns
Year 5
Can design containers and 3D shapes from net
Can describe and interpret position using language of direction
and distance
Able to identify a draw acute angles, obtuse and right angles
Able to draw / sketch 3D shapes such as pyramid and cube
Year 6
Can enlarge shapes using grids
Translate shapes using grids
Know about 3 basic triangles: Equilateral, isosceles and right
Make 3D shapes from own nets
Specify location using grid references
Year 7
Can draw simple shapes using instruments
Can design and construct 3D model to specifications
Can recognise symbols and grid references
Year 8
Can create shapes and designs
Can construct net for own shapes
Can design and construct a variety of polyhedra
Can draw and use coordinates for location
Mathematics Achievement Statement: Measurement
Year 1
Can compare 2 objects using maths terminology ( length, mass,
Use unconventional measures
Use language of time (faster, yesterday, tomorrow)
Time (O’clock analogue)
Recognise coins
Year 2
Recognise coins and notes
Use unconventional measures (String, feet, cup etc)
Recognise small and large ruler, (cm, m )
State the days of the week and months of the year
Read clock face. (O’clock and half past)
Quarter turn and half turn
Year 3
Recognise how far a kilometre is
Use a ruler starting from 0
Estimate before measuring
Read prices and give change to $1.00
Time analogue and digital ( o’clock, half past, quarter past and
quarter to)
Year 4
Compare the value of notes and coins
Read prices
Read digital time
Recognise standard measures ( cm, l, kg, km )
Year 5
Carry out practical measure tasks using metric units for length mass
and capacity
Give change for sums of money
Represent sums of money by different combinations of notes and
Read time and know units of time (minute, hour, week, month, year)
Estimate measurements
Year 6
Estimate and measure length, mass, area, volume and temperature
Show analogue time as digital and vice versa
Read and interpret everyday statements about time
Year 7
Demonstrate ability to estimate cm, m and km accurately
Measure length in everyday situations
Convert analogue to digital and 24 hour time
Read and use a timetable or chart
Calculate perimeter of triangle
Calculate area of square
Use simple scales
Year 8
Demonstrate ability to estimate cm, m and km accurately
Measure length in everyday situations
Convert analogue to digital and 24 hour time
Read and use a timetable or chart
Calculate perimeter of triangle
Calculate area of square and rectangle
Explore measuring of qualitative data
Measure circumference of circle
Opua School Expectations for Numeracy
Year 1
Year 2
Reading and writing
and ordering numbers
Addition subtraction
multiplication division
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
0 -10
Shoe sets and
digits. Number
Read, write and
order. Place value
tens and ones
Read, write and
order. Place value
tens and ones
Read, write and
order. Place
hundreds, tens and
Read, write and
order. Place value
hundreds, tens and
Place value to
Explain and use
positive and n.egative
numbers. Integers
Rote count to 100
Rote count to
Rote count from
any number to
Understand 1
decimal place
Understand 2
decimal places
Explain and use
powers of numbers in
everyday use
+ & - to 10
+ & - to 20
= & - to 100
+ & - 1000
+ & - to 10,000
including 1 decimal
= & - to millions
+, -, x, / in everyday
situations. Divide any
number by single digit
Verbalise and use
Verbal, written
and with
X2, x5, x10
X3, x4
All times tables
with division
All basic facts
immediate response
Basic addition
subtraction facts
to 20
Counting by 2’s,
Suggested Content Overview Level 1
4 weeks Term 1
Exploring Number
Can order sets of objects
Can use 1 to 1 matching
Can find place of a number in
Can rote count to 10. Maori 10
Can state 1 more/1 less
Can use ordinals
Term 2
Estimation and computation
Can write numerals to 10
Can recognize number patterns to
Can state match and record
number of objects in a set
Can read and write numbers to 20
Can solve addition problems to 20
Can use <, >, and =
Term 3
Exploring Number
Can count to 20 using 1 or 2
Can count back from 20 using 1
Can recognize , say and write
number to 20
Can recognize and use 0
Can show < , >
Can do above to 50
Term 4
Estimation and computation
Can add to 10
Can show <, >, to 10
Can record equations to 20 using
+ and –
Can show place value to 20
Can show half and quarter in
3 Weeks Term 1
Can use longer than, shorter than
Can use unconventional unites to
measure length
Can use unconventional units to
measure area
Can associate metre and Km with
length and metre and cm with
Term 2
Can match, copy and make simple
An use language more, less, same
Can recognize and describe
relationships in a pattern
Can copy and complete sequential
Term 3
Can recognize coins and notes
Can order coins in value
Can give simple change
Can read prices to $20.00
Term 4
Can use unconventional units to
measure volume and capacity
Can use appropriate language
heavy, light, more, less, same
Can compare 2 or more with mass
volume capacity
3 Weeks Term 1
Geometry/ Shape
Can recognise and name triangle,
square, circle, rectangle, hexagon
Can recognise and name side,
corner, straight, face, edge
Can follow instructions
Can identify by shape, colour, size
Can give instructions to move or
Term 2
Can sort and describe objects to
colour, shape, size and texture
Can sort and explain why
Can explain picture graphs
Can use picture, bar or tally marks
and explain
Term 3
Can find reflective symmetry in
shapes and objects
Can cover with shapes that
Can do half and quarter turns
Can show reflection and rotation
in objects and shapes
Term 4
Can classify events as yes, no, and
Can classify and certain, possible
or impossible.
Suggested Content Overview Level 2-4
Term 1
Statistical investigations
Gathering data
Interpret data
Graphing, bar, picot, stem, tally
Discuss features of display
Make statements about data
Term 2
Exploring probability
Classify events as certain possible or impossible,
least likely , most likely
Predict likelihood of outcomes
List possible outcomes
Computation and estimation
Make sensible estimates and check
reasonableness of answers
Addition and subtraction to 30,000
Multiplication to 3 decimal places
Fractions decimals and percentages
Developing concepts of time, rate
change and money
Read aspects of time days of the week,
clocks to hour and half hour.
Read prices ,give change
Read time analogue and digital.
Read 24 hour clock
Read timetable, charts and scale
Exploring number
Number stories to 90
Sets to 20
Rote count to 50
Read and write whole number decimals powers
Explore meaning of digits
Order numbers
Estimating and measuring
Length and area
Order and compare lengths
Informal measures using non-standard lengths
Measure using m, cm, mm
Measure to the nearest graduation
Measure and calculate area
Exploring equations and expressions
Write number sentences using =
Use <, >, =
Solve problems e.g.
? + 15= 39
Solve word formula for given situation
Solve simple linear equations
Exploring patterns and relationships
Make and describe repeating and sequential
patterns, continue
Illustrate and talk about relationships
Use graphs to illustrate relationships
Use rule to describe pattern
Use rule to make prediction
Use d graphs to interpret everyday situations
Exploring shape and space
Exploring symmetry and transformation
Identify own language and language of Talk about symmetrical and repeating patterns
geometry Triangle , square, oblong,
Quarter and fifth turns clockwise and
rectangle, circle, oval, pentagon,
Create patterns which repeat and have rotational
Classify by shape everyday objects
Follow and give sequence of
instructions direction and movement
Term 3
Statistical Investigations
Plan a statistical investigation
Collect and display data, strip, dot, plot,
Use own language to talk about
Construct quality data displays
Collect and display time series data
Make statements about implications
Continue from term 1
Term 4
Exploring probability
Continue from term 2 and build up
experiences with probability and
Estimating and measuring mass
Order and compare mass Informal
measure using non-standard mass
Measure using kg and g
Read scales to nearest graduation
Measure and calculate mass
Estimate and measure
Order and compare capacity
Measure using litre. Ml, cubic metre
Read scales to nearest graduation
Measure volume of cube
Read temperature
Exploring equations and expressions
Continue from term 1
Exploring patterns and relationships
Continue from term 1
Exploring shape and space
Describe features of 2D and 3 D
Make containers to specific requirements
Model and describe 3D objects
Draw 3D objects front, back, sides
Construct circles and triangles using
Exploring symmetry and rotation
Describe patterns in terms of
reflection, symmetry and translation
Describe rotational and reflective
Enlarge and reduce shapes.
Continue from term 2
Focus Objectives.
To design, implement and carry out fair tests
To be able to investigate changes to properties and apply this knowledge to other situations
The achievement objectives are presented in five strands
The Nature of science. The students learn what science is and develop the skills attitudes and values that provide the foundation for further study.
The Living World. Biology exploring living things and how they interact with each other and the environment. The emphasis is on the biology of New Zealand
Planet Earth and Beyond. The cyclic process that occur on Earth and in space and the interactions between them.
The Physical World. Physics is the study of matter and the interactions between the basic components of the universe. Physics covers a wide range of
phenomena including light, sound, heat, electricity, magnetism, forces and motion.
The Material World. Chemistry is the study of properties and reactions of materials in terms of the particles that make up matter.
Level One
Nature of Science
Understanding about Science
Students will appreciate that scientists ask questions about our world that lead to investigations and that open-mindedness is important because there may
be more than one explanation
Investigating in Science
Students will extend their experiences and personal explanations of the natural world through exploration play and asking questions.
Communicating in science
Students will build their language and develop their understandings of the many ways that the natural world can be represented
Participating and contributing
Students will explore and act on an issue that links their science learning to their daily living
Living World
Life processes
To recognise that all living things have certain requirements so that they can stay alive
To recognise that living things are suited to their particular habitat
Recognise that there are lots of different living things in the world and that they can be grouped in different ways
Explain how we know that some living things from the past are now extinct
Planet Earth and Beyond
Earth Cycles
Observe and describe local natural features and how they can change
Astronomical Cycles
Share ideas and observations about the sun and the moon and their physical effects on the earth
Interacting cycles
Describe how natural events and human actions can affect the local environment
Physical World
Physical Inquiry
Extend their experience of physical phenomena, such as movement, forces, electricity and magnetism, light and sound and heat
Seek and represent patterns in physical phenomena
Material World
Properties of materials
Observe and describe properties of familiar materials and group materials in different ways based on their properties
Chemical reactions
Observe and describe temporary and permanent changes to familiar materials
Level Two
Nature of Science
Understanding about Science
Students will appreciate that scientists ask questions about our world that lead to investigations and that open-mindedness is important because there may be more than one explanation
Investigating in Science
Students will extend their experiences and personal explanations of the natural world through exploration play and asking questions.
Communicating in science
Students will build their language and develop their understandings of the many ways that the natural world can be represented
Participating and contributing
Students will explore and act on an issue that links their science learning to their daily living
Living World
Life processes
To recognise that all living things have certain requirements so that they can stay alive
To recognise that living things are suited to their particular habitat
Recognise that there are lots of different living things in the world and that they can be grouped in different ways
Explain how we know that some living things from the past are now extinct
Planet Earth and Beyond
Earth Cycles
Observe and describe local natural features and how they can change
Astronomical Cycles
Share ideas and observations about the sun and the moon and their physical effects on the earth
Interacting cycles
Describe how natural events and human actions can affect the local environment
Physical World
Physical Inquiry
Extend their experience of physical phenomena, such as movement, forces, electricity and magnetism, light and sound and heat
Seek and represent patterns in physical phenomena
Material World
Properties of materials
Observe and describe properties of familiar materials and group materials in different ways based on their properties
Chemical reactions
Observe and describe temporary and permanent changes to familiar materials
Level Three
Nature of Science
Understanding about Science
Students will appreciate that science is a way of explaining the world and that science knowledge changes over time
They will identify ways scientists work together and provide evidence to support their ideas.
Investigating in Science
Students will build on prior experiences, working together to share and examine their own and others’ knowledge
They will ask questions, and carry out appropriate investigations to develop simple explanations
Communicating in science
Students will begin to use a range of scientific symbols, conventions and vocabulary.
They will engage with a range of text types and begin top question the purposes for which the texts are constructed.
Participating and contributing
Students will use their growing science knowledge when considering issues of concern to them.
They will explore various aspects of the issue as they make decisions about possible actions.
Living World
Life processes
To recognise that there are li9fe processes that are common to all living things and that these occur in different ways.
Explain how living things are suited to their particular habitat and how they respond to environmental changes
Begin to group plants, animals and other living things into science –based classifications
Explore how the groups of living things we have in the world have changed over long periods of time. Some living things in New Zealand are quite different from living things in other areas of the
Planet Earth and Beyond
Earth Cycles
Investigate the cause, rate and signs of change of natural features.
Astronomical Cycles
Make observations of the moon, sun and other planets starting to develop a sense of the vastness of the solar system Share
Interacting cycles
Identify the conditions that allow life to exist on Earth at this moment in time
Physical World
Physical Inquiry
Use some scientific ideas to explain physical phenomena such as movement, forces, electricity, light , waves, sound and heat.
Consider describe and represent patterns and trends in physical phenomena and use simple scientific models.
Material World
Properties of materials
Group materials in different ways based on their physical and chemical properties. Relate properties to their uses. Distinguish between pure substances and compounds
Chemical reactions
Identify the different ways in which chemicals can undergo permanent or temporary changes in everyday situations
Begin to develop and understanding of the interaction of particles in phase changes and chemical reactions.
Level Four
Nature of Science
Understanding about Science
Students will appreciate that science is a way of explaining the world and that science knowledge changes over time
They will identify ways scientists work together and provide evidence to support their ideas.
Investigating in Science
Students will build on prior experiences, working together to share and examine their own and others’ knowledge
They will ask questions, and carry out appropriate investigations to develop simple explanations
Communicating in science
Students will begin to use a range of scientific symbols, conventions and vocabulary.
They will engage with a range of text types and begin top question the purposes for which the texts are constructed.
Participating and contributing
Students will use their growing science knowledge when considering issues of concern to them.
They will explore various aspects of the issue as they make decisions about possible actions.
Living World
Life processes
To recognise that there are li9fe processes that are common to all living things and that these occur in different ways.
Explain how living things are suited to their particular habitat and how they respond to environmental changes
Begin to group plants, animals and other living things into science –based classifications
Explore how the groups of living things we have in the world have changed over long periods of time. Some living things in New Zealand are quite different
from living things in other areas of the world.
Planet Earth and Beyond
Earth Cycles
Investigate the cause, rate and signs of change of natural features.
Astronomical Cycles
Make observations of the moon, sun and other planets starting to develop a sense of the vastness of the solar system Share
Interacting cycles
Identify the conditions that allow life to exist on Earth at this moment in time
Physical World
Physical Inquiry
Use some scientific ideas to explain physical phenomena such as movement, forces, electricity, light , waves, sound and heat.
Consider describe and represent patterns and trends in physical phenomena and use simple scientific models.
Material World
Properties of materials
Group materials in different ways based on their physical and chemical properties. Relate properties to their uses. Distinguish between pure substances
and compounds
Chemical reactions
Identify the different ways in which chemicals can undergo permanent or temporary changes in everyday situations
Begin to develop and understanding of the interaction of particles in phase changes and chemical reactions.
Overview of Science Odd Years
Rooms 1 & 2
Room 3
Room 4
Key Resources
Term One
Term Two
Term Three
Term Four
Defying Gravity
Green Earth
Dinosaurs (LW< PEB)
Structure and function
Geological change & history
Compare to mammals
Floating and Sinking
Standing Up Structures
Electricity and light
Simple circuits and safety
Sources reflection, shadows
Growing plants
Structure and function
4, 5, 39, 52, 55
37, 51, 30
The Changing landscape
Local geology
Volcanoes, earthquakes
Soil composition
Types of particles
Falling and Flying
The air around us
The Push of air. Gliders and Planes
1, 2, 6, 12, 40, 41, Pic pack– Fossils, 52
30, 34, 38, 50, 17
Earth’s formation
Structure of the earth
Tectonic plates
Volcanic rock
Local landscape
Sedimentary rock, soil studies, water/soil
1, 2, 6, 12, 40, 41, 52
Ready to read Undersea Gardens
9, 10
Exploring sound
Producing sound/vibrations
25, 35, 63
Temperature changes
Sources, temperature, conduction
Cooking, sand
32, 33
14, 19, 36, 46, 47
Our Bush
Structure and function
Life processes
Protection mechanisms
Endangered species
Kiwi, Kauri
Air Force
The Push of air
Density and sinking/Upthrust
Gases and Movement and Pressure
Gravity, air resistance, friction
Streamlining, parachutes, flight, buoyancy
30, 34, 38, 42, 50, 17
Seeing is Believing
Properties of light
Reflection, lenses, magnification,
The human eye
Lenses, colours
Protecting our environment
Requirements of organisms
Food chains/webs
Interdependence, sustainability
Plant/animal studies
4, 7, 26, 39, 45, 52, 62
10, 11
3, 7, 25, 35, 39, 45, 52
EE resources
Overview of Science Even Years
Rooms 1 & 2
Term One
Term Two
Term Three
Term Four
The Beach
Home Chemistry
The Rocky Shore
Structure and function
Protection mechanisms
The Rock Pool
Simple machines/toys
Forces and motion Levers, ramps and
Solids and Liquids
Changes in state
Rates of change
Water, drinks, milk
Our Place
Recognising patterns in our environment
Tracking change
Day and night, Sun and moon, Seasons,
15, 16, 58 , 57
9, 20, 43, 46
Changing substances
Physical change
Chemical change
Rates of reaction
Milk, clay, concrete, slime ,Dyes,
breadmaking, recycling
Our weather
The atmosphere
Light angles, uneven heating, conduction
of heat
Seasonal changes, Major weather
5, 21, 39
Room 3
Ocean Life
The Breath of Life
structure and function:
Food Chains
Fish , whales, dolphins
Getting things going
Forces and motion
Levers, mechanical and
electrical/electronic systems
20, 29, Weather pic pack, 31, 43, 44, 50
4, 21, 22, 39, 55
Room 4
The Rocky Shore
Structure and function
The ecosystem
The Rock Pool
21, 22
15, 16, 56, 60, 61
Getting things going
Forces and motion
Gearing , motors, electro-magnets
Permanent changes
Physical change
Chemical change
Variables effecting rates of change
Fizzing and foaming, corrosion, Food
49, 54, 59
Our solar system
Earth’s relationship with sun and moon
Other planets
Other bodies
Day and night, Moon phases, Tides,
Seasons, orbits, Our Galaxy, Life
15, 23, 24, 53, 64
8, 20, 27, 28, 29, 44
Key Resources
Simple machines - Sunshine
Focus Objectives.
•To gain knowledge of people and their interaction with each other
•To identify, discuss and respect other views, values and cultures.
Through social studies programmes students at Opua School will develop knowledge and understandings of the people in their community, New
Zealand and the world. Opua School will empower students to participate as confident , informed and responsible citizens in a changing society.
Overview Odd Years
Students will develop a knowledge and understandings of:
Term 1
Suggested topics
Term 2
Suggested topics
Level One
People belong to particular groups
for reasons
Level Two
People have different roles rights and
Level Three
Formal and informal groups make
decisions that impact on their
Level Four
Leadership of groups is acquired and
exercised in ways that have
consequences for communities
Starting school
Moving house
My life
Our class
Special occasions
Family events
Students learn about the past
events, experiences and actions
and their changing interpretation
over time. To understand about
past, present and future
The past is important to people
Medieval life
Our school/Area
Voluntary groups
Helping organizations
Natural disasters
Samoan Matai System
General elections
Royal Families
Treaty of Waitangi
Bay of Islands
A\Whalers and sealers
Historical/ sacred sites
Gold mining
Students learn about the past events,
experiences and actions and their
changing interpretation over time. To
understand about past, present and
Time and change affect people’s lives
Students learn about the past events,
experiences and actions and their
changing interpretation over time. To
understand about past, present and
Events have causes and effects
Students learn about the past events,
experiences and actions and their
changing interpretation over time. To
understand about past, present and
People pass on and sustain culture
and heritage for different reasons
National Parks
Our district
Aborigines/Rock art
Maori carvings
Place names
My Place BOI
Marae/ Pa sites
Pacific Islands
Local community
Voyages of discovery
Pioneer family
Civil defence
Air/sea rescue
Whale rescue
Helping agencies e.g. UN
Focus Objectives.
To investigate and explain in some detail technological processes and their uses.
To be able to evaluate and modify designs and outcomes to meet set criteria
Statement : The programme
In every unit all strands will be covered where possible
There will be a minimum of two units taught each year.
The choice of unit may be based on an area, or a real; identified need or opportunity which could be based on a school event or requirement.
Technology units may be planned separately from other curriculum areas.
Units are generally taught in four to five week blocks with links to other curriculum areas within this time frame.
Year 7 & 8 will be involved with the technology curriculum at Moerewa School.
Major resourcing will be allocated to designated technology areas throughout the year depending on needs.
The annual technology budget will include consumables. This needs to be spent prudently as the overall budget is limited. Thought should be given to alternative
sources of materials or by encouraging students to adapt or change designs to fit available resources.
Materials and structures and mechanisms have been linked together for planning and use of equipment
Five Year Overview
production and Process
Food technology
Information and communication
structures and Mechanisms/materials
Staff Development
Each year, based on staff interest, resources all teachers will have the opportunity for teacher development. This may include; Staff meetings, staff visits, Advisory
support, staff strengths, workshops.
The two syndicates, (Junior/ Senior) will plan units based on the one compulsory area. The choice of the other area will either be syndicate based or individual
teacher based.
Points to remember when planning:
Incorporate an authentic need or opportunity
Students must produce something that is tangible, a product, system or environment.
All units must include design and graphics
Teachers should consider their own knowledge base a and decide whether the chose topic is appropriate for then to enhance the children’s learning.
Assessment must be a part of the process of learning and should build on the assessment from the students previous learning in
Technological skills and conceptual gateways should be identified at the beginning of the unit./ These will drive the assessment
Negotiated or unplanned or unexpected gateways should be allowed for.
Teachers along with students in the classes must complete a risks analysis management matrix. This should be displayed on the
wall and added to as the unit progresses. Refer to the Safety in Technology handbook.
A safe and hygienic environment must be provided
School Overview 2012
Northland is unique. We have the responsibility to look after it. Places Change. People make choices. Our history and heritage are important. Northland is an important part of New Zealand History. The
sea is important to Northland
Term 1
Our Sea - The Living World Treaty and
Term 2
Our Past Our History - Earth and Beyond
Term 3
Our Culture recreation – Sport The Physical
Term 4
Ourselves - The Material World - Grandpa’s
Rocky shore
Local history
Hobbies /pastimes
Growing food
Homes/ Habitats
Healthy Living
Picture frames
Bread making
Different Lands
Laws/Rules/ Cultures
Wildlife conservation
Reduce Reuse Recycle
Description- Rocky Shore
My trip to the shore
Research- Fact finding
Description Dinosaur
factual reports
Sports recounts
Factual reports
Geometry / Shapes
Tables Graphs
Statistical Investigations
Health and fitness
Water safety
Healthy eating
Home safety
Road safety
Water safety
Bike safety
Caring for ourselves - Personal safety
Small ball
Large ball
Winter sports
Cross country
Winter sports
Small ball
Arts Drama
Visual Paint/ Crayon
Crayon/ Pastel
Murals/ mosaics
Collection of data
Target groups
Meet the teachers night
Comparative data
Samples/ sample folders
Parent teacher student interviews
Comparative data
Clubs night
Sample folders
Summative data
Annual reports
Class lists / sample folders
Kapa Haka
Visual Arts
After 1 Year
Strategic Plan
Health and Physical Education
After 2 Year
After 3 years
After 4 years
Key competencies
Reading Year 1
After 5 years
Good Teachers
Year 2
After 6 years
Year 3
After 7 years
Year 4
After 8 years
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Success Criteria
Writing Year 1
Learning Intentions
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Social Studies
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8