Faculty Center for Instructors and Roster Contacts • • • • • • Accessing Faculty Center Class Roster Grade Roster Request Grade Changes Grade Approval Process Next Steps 1 Faculty Center • The self-service Faculty Center is for Instructors and Roster Contacts to: • View and download class rosters • Notify students in a class via email • Enter final grades • Change grades 2 Access the Faculty Center as an Instructor http://www.asu.edu/interactive Select the Faculty Center option to Log In to the Faculty Center or avail yourself of Grading Information and resources for Faculty and Staff 3 Access the Faculty Center as a Roster Contact • Log into the system (The PIA) – https://hrsa.oasis.asu.edu – Log in with your ASURITE ID and Password • Navigate – ASU Customizations>ASU Student Records>Roster Contacts>Faculty Center 4 Access the Faculty Center as a Roster Contact • Search for classes within your designated Academic Org. • A list of Academic Orgs can be found at the Registrar’s website 5 Accessing the Faculty center as a Roster Contact You will see a list of classes and instructor. When you click on a row – you enter that class with the same software access as that instructor. 6 Class List Once classes are displayed for a faculty member or a Roster Contact, the operation of the faculty center is the same for all users. Select Term Download list of classes Academic Status Report Class Detail Class Roster 7 Grade Roster Class Roster Select the Class Roster icon to display a class roster. This class roster displays all students in the class as defined by the selected enrollment status (default is enrolled). • • • • Download (class roster) Posting ID Notify Students Function Printer Friendly Version Download Posting IDs Notify Students 8 Printer Friendly Class Roster – Notify Students Send emails to all enrolled or selected students. The email will be sent to you for your records (these emails will not appear in your ‘sent’ mailbox), with a Blind Copy sent to each student (this prevents students from seeing other student names in the email they receive). 9 Download Class List, Class Roster, Grade Roster Use the download icon to save your class list, class roster or grade roster as a separate file that you can use off line. NOTE 1: When you download, PeopleSoft will save the file as an .html file that LOOKS like an excel spreadsheet. Use the “Save As” feature to save the file in the format you wish. NOTE 2: In order for the download to work, you must set your browser to work with PeopleSoft. Instructions are available at http://www.asu.edu/courses/oasis/_JobAids/SetYourBrowserforPeopleSoft.pdf 10 Grade Roster • The Grade Roster icon will appear beside a class when grade rosters have been generated for a class. • Grade Rosters are generated nightly by a batch process controlled by the Office of the Registrar. 11 Grade Roster Grade roster type: Final Grade Approval Status: -Not Reviewed -Post Tonight -Complete Add this grade to all students Unassigned grades only Find Function EN Grades 12 Downloading and Importing Grades It is possible to download the grade roster, type in your grades and import the grades back into the class. 1. Download Grade Roster 2. “Save As…” an Excel or text file 3. Enter your grades into the file 4. Import the grades via the “Import Grades” button. Note: this is optional! 13 Requesting Grade Changes Two ways to ask for Grade Changes (for Roster Contacts) • Grade change button – (appears when all grades are posted) • Grade Change menu (for Roster contacts only) 14 Checking the Status of a Grade Change • Check status of Grade changes from the request grade change page – – Requested – L1 Approve – Successfully Changed 15 Grade Change Process • What happens after you submit the grade change – – L1 Approver (Department) – L2 Approver (College) – Changes are immediately posted to the student’s record 16 Grade Change for Past Classes • Instructor or Roster contact can request changes to classes of Fall of 06 and later • Only Roster contacts can request changes for classes prior to Fall 06 – but they must use the grade change component – (not faculty center) 17 Next Steps Be sure to verify the Final Grades due date! Instructors – Access the Faculty Center and verify all your classes are there and that you can see the grade rosters. If not, check with your class scheduler to ensure you are listed as an instructor with POST access. Roster Contacts – • Access the Faculty Center and verify all your classes are there and that you can see the grade rosters. • Encourage your Grade Approvers to acknowledge their access requests that have been started for them. 18 Helpful Links How to set your browsers for downloads (For Everyone) http://www.asu.edu/courses/oasis/_JobAids/SetYourBrowserforPeopleSoft.pdf How to view rosters via standard student pages view (Roster Contacts) http://www.asu.edu/courses/oasis/_JobAids/SummaryOfEnrollment.pdf How to check what roles you have in PS (Roster Contacts) http://www.asu.edu/courses/oasis/_JobAids/ViewYourRoles.pdf Instructions for applying for access link (Roster Contacts) http://www.asu.edu/oasis/support/documents/RequestAccessForYourself.pdf Link for applying for access (Roster Contacts) http://www.asu.edu/interactive/oasis/AddSecurityRequest 19 Ongoing Communication For suggestions for improvements: Email AskOasisTraining@asu.edu – put “Faculty Center Suggestion” in the subject line. For immediate help, submit a help ticket http://www.asu.edu/support Select University Technology Office for the organization, Select PeopleSoft for the category Type in a summary and description of your problem. How do you want to be communicated with? 20 Questions? Comments? 21 Faculty center for Instructors and Roster Contacts Requesting Access Faculty/ Instructor You will be able to access all classes for which you are an instructor-of-record automatically. If you don’t see a class that you are teaching in the faculty center – contact your dept’s class scheduler to check if you are listed as an instructor for that class. 22 Faculty center for Instructors and Roster Contacts Requesting Access Instructor Delegates A delegate may be a student (TA), a staff member, or another faculty member. TA’s are generally set up to enter grades, but not submit grade changes or assign delegates to a class. TA’s should be set-up with an Instructor Role of TA with POST access. If a TA is to be the primary instructor, and will both enter and change grades, they should be set up as a primary or secondary instructor with POST access. Your department class scheduler can add Instructor Delegates by using the pages under Curriculum Management at: Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes In the future, Instructors will be able to add instructor delegates to a class via the faculty center using the Delegate icon on the front page. (coming soon) 23 Faculty center for Instructors and Roster Contacts Requesting Access Roster Contacts To use the faculty center, Roster Contacts must: • Complete this training or the online class • Request access for the SR Roster Contacts role •Access can be requested from the oasis home page at http://www.asu.edu/oasis • Submit written approval of their Chair/Director 24 Faculty center for Instructors and Roster Contacts Requesting Access Level 1 and Level 2 Approvers To use the faculty center, Level 1 and 2 Approvers must: - Complete online training available in blackboard - Request access for the TBD role - Submit written approval of their Chair/Director More info on this role will be coming soon. 25