Patient Participation Group Meeting – 29 July 2015 AGM Minutes Present: Linda Bennett, Practice Manager. Sandra Smith, Assistant Practice Manager. Sue Dorrington, Secretary. Cath Stapley, Senior Patient Services Receptionist. Greg Yates – Chairperson. Joy Verrier – Vice Chairperson. David Morris, June Byrne, Rob Beacham, Marian Fellows, Ian Gould, Valmai Griffiths, Alison Lee Apologies: Karen Partington, Nicola Wild Greg informed the group that John Caley has tendered his resignation. Greg thanked John for his very valuable contribution to the group. Re-election Linda took the Chair and proposed Greg to stand again as Chairperson. Seconded. Greg thanked the Group and members of Heath Lane staff for their support over the past year. Greg proposed Joy to stand again as Vice Chairperson. Seconded. Greg proposed Ian to stand as Group Secretary. Seconded. 1. Minutes The minutes from the meeting of 29 April 2015 were approved. 2. Matters Arising One question was put to the Group from a patient regarding the Electronic Prescribing Service (EPS). This was noted to have been dealt with by the Practice. A question was raised about notices regarding the surgery being placed on patient prescriptions asking for patients to contact the surgery via email. Not all patients have access to the internet. Sandra will investigate whether we can amend the notices. 3. Parish Council Update by David. Carol Clark, clerk to the Parish Council informed David that the problems with the IT system are still ongoing. They will hopefully be sorted by Autumn time. David had an example of the “Vicars Cross Voice”, where the Parish Council have a regular “slot”. This was handed to the surgery as a possible future place to consider putting communication. 4. Business Plan All areas are progressing. Our new ANP (Advanced Nurse Practitioner) is working well and we have plenty of capacity on a Friday and looking at how we can best utilise some spare capacity that we now have (pre-bookable ANP appointments and opening up some routine bookable appointments in the duty doctor appointment screen). HCAs (Health Care Assistants) also have some spare capacity so Kitty is working with them and training them to undertake some further nursing tasks. They will work to a nursing protocol. We have very well qualified and experienced HCAs who are able to increase their nursing skills. We are planning an ‘away morning’ in October for the GPs – with locum cover that morning – to look at communication and organisation in the GP team and how this can be improved and work more efficiently and effectively in managing the increasing demand on the service. 5. Clinical Indicators LB mentioned at the last meeting that we did very well on recently published clinical indicators and that she will give further information on these towards the end of the year when we will have a full years data (eg at the October meeting). 6. Opportunity for further Premises Improvement Funding There is further funding from NHS England available for practices to apply for, and receive, 66% of the cost of making improvements to the surgery premises. There is a list of criteria that has to be met regarding the work that we can apply for. The Surgery are looking at further improvements to the reception area and back office environment/ flooring in some of the clinical rooms/refurbishing the meeting room/some car park improvements/refurbishing the other patient toilet with the babychanging facilities. The practice have welcomed the fact that Ian Gould is lending his vast experience and knowledge in this field and is helping by drafting the application. The biggest challenge is the timescale. It has all to be submitted by the 17 August, including three quotes for each project. 7. Improved lighting in waiting room and consulting corridor LB hoped everyone had noticed this. The surgery are very pleased and think that it makes the waiting room look new, fresh and modern. It is a bit like have a giant skylight overhead. This type of lighting improves any room as it is like sitting outdoors so you have a more natural feel and a calming effect, plus the running costs are minimal as they have a five year guarantee and cost one tenth to run compared with the old lights. 8. Complaints LB will collate the complaints at the end of the year so will summarise them and circulate prior to the January 2016 meeting. 9. New Wellness Co-ordinator The CCG were successful in gaining funds from the Prime Ministers Challenge Fund (PMCF) – to set up pilot innovative GP projects that would enhance patient care, particularly focussing on care of vulnerable elderly patients. One of the projects is to introduce care co-ordinators into the clusters of GP practices. Ours is starting on Tuesday 4 August. The wellness coordinator, via Age UK, will be recruiting a team of volunteers to support her in her role and delivery of the service. The PPG may wish to volunteer themselves or encourage patients to volunteer. 10. In-house direct patient access physio service – starting in October Again this is a PMCF funded initiative. The PPG noted their concern regarding continued/long-term funding of these new schemes. 11. Electronic Prescribing Service (EPS) This is working well with most chemists - overall patients are positive about the service. There have been some issues raised with the practice and the PPG re the EPS system and Young’s chemist. The practice has discussed these with the chemist and Bill Young has also had a meeting with his staff to try to resolve. Michelle, Medicines Manager (MM), is monitoring the situation. We have had no reports of problems for the last two weeks. However, two members of the PPG pointed out that they were still getting a seemingly inefficient service and Sandra has noted their experiences for the next meeting with the pharmacy. There is also slow uptake on patient access to medical records (medication and allergies). Online booking of appointments is going well. 12. IPSOS Patient Satisfaction Survey (PSS) and other surveys Greg had previously circulated the latest summary of the IPSOS Mori PSS by email to the members. We have generally improved our score except disappointingly in the reception service. Greg has also circulated some analysis undertaken by the PPG chair from Boughton Medical Centre and we came out as one of the top practices in that. The latest IPSOS results were disappointing and this had been discussed with the team at that afternoon’s admin meeting and their feedback was obtained. There were further plans for ways to improve, and hopefully the results of the next survey will reflect these. It was also noted that there was a time lag in the MORI survey, which predated the changes to the Patient Service team and reception area. The Surgery had undertaken our own satisfaction survey in the surgery over a four week period and overall the survey proved that: 84% of patients surveyed rated top marks for the service they received 84% of patients surveyed rated top marks that their request was met 92% of patients surveyed rated top marks for the service being welcoming and friendly 60% of patients surveyed rated top marks for the confidentiality of the desk area The Friends & Family survey undertaken has proved that: 54% of patients surveyed would be extremely likely to recommend the practice to their Friends & Family. 32% of patients surveyed would be likely to recommend the practice to their Friends & Family Remaining 14% of patients didn’t know whether they would be likely or unlikely to recommend the practice to their Friends & Family PPG members noted that the Patient Services Team were doing an excellent job and wanted their support and praise to be passed to the team. 13. Early Visiting Service Early intervention for elderly people in particular. If the North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) is called out in the morning to a patient, they can call the surgery and can speak to a GP for further instruction and advice. This is a costly service, although seemingly very popular and effective with patients. The Eastern Chester Cluster (Heath Lane, Boughton, Upton and Park surgeries) have not initiated this service at present. 14. Extended Hours Patient Services Team actively promote this jointly Cheshire West funded service. The scheme is going well and is due to receive more medical resources through the Prime Ministers Challenge fund. The surgery also actively promote Pharmacy First, including distributing the special leaflet. However, the PPG chairs group have noted that there are inconsistencies in the message between different parts of the NHS and this topic will be discussed at the next PPG members training day in October. 15. Carers Ian met with Jolene, GP Carer Link Development Worker (Cheshire West), regarding the Carers Service. This is an ongoing service within which Jolene is funded until March 2016. He explained that Jolene faces many barriers of people not accepting that they are carers. Anyone who cares for someone is eligible for help. There are leaflets available at the Patient Services reception desk. Ian would be circulating the notes of his meeting along with the minutes of this meeting. This was an example of the PPG looking at how the needs of particular groups of patients were being helped by the surgery, as part of their efforts to be as representative as possible. The chairman asked if any member wished to do the same sort of review of any other area they had interest in – patients with dementia was suggested. 16. AOB The Website is continually being revamped by the Practice. Also, the website provider does some updating. The Chairman and other members expressed much satisfaction with the new, more modern format. However there are a number of information sections which are out of date or incomplete, including the section on the PPG. Joy Verrier, Alison Lee and Rob Beacham would form a task group to review the items that needed attention and advise the Practice accordingly. PPG Members’ Training Day – Cheshire View: Friday 16 October 2015, probably 2.00pm – 4.00pm – Details to follow nearer the time from the West Cheshire PPG support team Date of next Heath Lane PPG meeting: Wednesday 28 October 2015 5:00 – 6:30pm Heath Lane Medical Centre Meeting Room Possible pre-meeting at 4:00pm – To be confirmed