Smart Grid Case Study: Increasing the Thermal Rating of Overhead 230-kV Transmission Lines from Niagara Falls, Canada William A. Chisholm, Ph.D., P. Eng, FIEEE Universidade de São Paulo 6 Oct 2015 Abstract • A “Smart Grid” case study allowed a significant increase in transmission line thermal rating while ensuring safe electrical clearances below the line. • Showed operational use of sonar clearance measurements from the ground below the lines. • Demonstrated use of the operating transmission line itself as a very long (30-km) hot-wire anemometer, compared to conductor diameter (28 to 34 mm). Abstract • The nature of the project involved several disciplines, including meteorology, thermodynamics, multi-span mechanical coupling, data acquisition and human factors. • The seminar will be presented at an accessible, tutorial level with strong support from field results. • The foundation of the seminar was invited for the first SENEV conference, sponsored by CEMIG in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Motivation • In Ontario, Canada, there have been ongoing restrictions in ability to transfer power from the Niagara Falls stations to load centers 100 km away. • Capacity of a five-circuit 230-kV transmission interface to load centers is reduced when wind speed drops below 2 m/s. • Plans to supplement existing lines with two new circuits have been frustrated. Motivation • In the meantime, Hydro One initiated advanced studies of overhead line clearance using: – Helicopters to perform laser surveys of the conductor position at a known temperature – Sonar to measure the conductor heights continuously – New algorithms to invert a traditional (IEEE Standard 738) overhead line thermal rating calculation. Motivation • The process establishes spatially averaged wind speed along entire line sections, rather than relying on spot readings with differing exposure height and sheltering, measured at remote sites. • This presentation will compare different methods to measure low wind speeds for line rating. • This presentation will also cover the important mechanical response of the coupled spans. Organization of Seminar (1), 60 minutes • Heat Balance of Overhead Conductors • Field Observations of Temperature, Solar Flux, Wind Speed, Direction and their Standard Deviations • Change of Tension, Sag and Clearance with Conductor Temperature – In single span – In multiple spans with freely swinging insulators • Field Observations of Clearance and its Predictors Organization of Seminar (2), 30 minutes • Ampacity Inversion – Long-Axis Hot-Wire Method – Inputs: Clearance, Line Current, Ambient Temperature, Solar Radiation – Outputs: Spatially Averaged Conductor Temperature and Wind Speed • Implementation by Utility and Results • Conclusions and Discussion Heat Balance for Outdoor Conductor • Heat Inputs – PJ , Joule Heating, I2R where R is the ac resistance at the temperature of operation – PM , Magnetic Heating from ac currents induced in the steel core from unbalanced stranding – PS , Solar Heating, up to 1000 W/m2 and affected by conductor absorptivity Heat Balance for Outdoor Conductor • Heat Outputs – Pc , Convective cooling • Wind speed v > 0.4 m/s, conductor diameter D =20 mm • Reynolds number Re =vD/ (mf/rf )about 1000 • Nusselt number Nu is a function of Re and wind angle – Pr , Radiative cooling, varies as fourth power of difference in absolute temperature (K) – Pw, Evaporative cooling if the conductor is wet or sublimation cooling if it is loaded with ice Heat Balance Model: Solar, Radiation Pr: Radiation Heat Loss • Varies as (Tc4 –TA4) times • Conductor Emissivity PS: Solar Input • Intensity • Azimuth • Elevation •(time of day) • Conductor Absorptivity Heat Balance Model: Joule, Convection PC : Convection Heat Loss varies as (TC-TA )(Effective Wind Speed) 0.5 Line Current • PJ varies as I2R • PM varies nonlinearly Wind speed, angle to conductor Overall Heat Balance Radiation Heat Loss (Tc4 –TA4 ) (T in Kelvin…) Convection Heat Loss Varies as (TC-TA ) (Wind Speed) 0.5 Solar Input Line Current Wind speed, angle to conductor Heat Balance for Outdoor Conductor • Steady State, Dry Conditions PJ PM PS Pc Pr • Unsteady State dTav mc PJ PM PS Pc Pr dt – m is mass per unit length of conductor – c is the overall heat capacity of the steel/aluminum Transient Thermal Response (IEEE 738-2012) Step Change in Current, 800 to 1200 A Rise in Conductor Temperature from 80 to 128°C Transient Thermal Response (IEEE 738-2012) Step Change in Current, 800 to 1200 A Rise in Conductor Temperature from 80 to 128°C Conductor reaches 110°C (63% of difference) in 13 minutes Effect of Wind Speed on Conductor Temperature (CIGRE B2 Tutorial) (m/s) Effect of Wind Speed on Conductor Temperature (CIGRE B2 Tutorial) (m/s) Critical Wind Speed Range: 0-2 m/s (0-7.2 km/h) Effect of Wind Speed on Thermal Transfer: CIGRE Technical Brochure 207 Conductor Temperature (°C) (CIGRE Technical Brochure 207 Presentation) Extra 150 MVA of Power Transfer at 2 m/s (7.2 km/h) compared to 1 m/s (3.6 km/h) Power Transfer (MVA) Effect of Wind Angle on Nusselt Number governing Heat Transfer • CIGRE TB 207 Model for Wind at angle d: 0 d 24 : Nu90 0.42 0.68 sin( d 1.08 Nud 0.90 24 d 90 : Nu90 0.42 0.58 sin( d • Stranding, catenary give minimum value of 0.42 Nu90 for axial flow along line (d=0°). • Older model mixes forced, natural convection based on V.T. Morgan concept. Effect of Wind Angle on Nusselt Number governing Heat Transfer Standard Deviation of Wind Direction also affects Nusselt Number Nueff Nu90 1 2d e d 2 2 d2 0.05 0.95 sin d 2 0.25 dd Standard Deviation of Wind Direction also affects Nusselt Number Wind angle standard deviation d tends to increase as wind speed drops. Standard Deviation of Wind Direction also affects Nusselt Number Wind angle standard deviation d tends to increase as wind speed drops. At low wind speed, CIGRE TB207 suggests yaw angle of 45°. Organization of Seminar (1) • Heat Balance of Overhead Conductors • Field Observations of Temperature, Solar Flux, Wind Speed, Direction and their Standard Deviations • Change of Tension, Sag and Clearance with Conductor Temperature – In single span – In multiple spans with freely swinging insulators • Field Observations of Clearance and its Predictors Field Observations of Weather Parameters Used in Transmission Line Thermal Rating • Historical data –hourly or daily maximum basis. • Direct observations – utility weather stations. • Predictions – numerical models based on recent observations and/or historical trends. • CIGRE Technical Brochure 299 provides guidance on how each dataset can be used. Historical Weather Data: Annual Variation of Ambient Temperature Historical Weather Data: Annual, Daily Variation of Ambient Temperature Historical Weather Data: Annual, Daily Variation of Ambient Temperature 𝑇𝐴 = 18.0 − 2.6 sin 2𝜋𝐷𝑜𝑌 2𝜋𝐷𝑜𝑌 2𝜋𝐻𝑜𝐷 2𝜋𝐻𝑜𝐷 − 10.2 cos −3.6 sin + 2.6 cos 365 365 24 24 Historical Weather Data: Relation of Wind Speed to Ambient Temperature Direct Observations: Utility Weather Stations • Use specialized, ultrasonic or lightweight anemometers to measure low wind speeds. • Data sampled over 10-minute periods, recording average and standard deviation (CIGRE TB 299). Direct Observations: Wind Parameters with Sonic Anemometer and Conductor Replica Sonic Anemometer (Vaisala) Direct Observations : “Wind Rose” measured with Sonic Anemometer Direct Observations : Wind Speed, Direction Standard Deviations with Sonic Anemometer Direct Observations : Wind Speed, Direction Standard Deviations with Sonic Anemometer Direct Observations : Standard Deviations at Low Wind Speed using Sonic Anemometer Reminder: Standard Deviation of Wind Direction affects Nusselt Number Wind angle standard deviation d of 45° at 1 km/h suggests effective wind yaw angle of: 48° for cross flow (Nueff -13% ) 30° for axial flow (Nueff +55 %) Direct Observations: Heated / Unheated Aluminum Conductor Replicas • Shaw ThermalRate (formerly Pike) • Heated, unheated portions of stranded aluminum oriented along the line direction. Direct Observations: Shaw Sensor Rating versus Ambient Temperature Direct Observations: Shaw Sensor Rating versus Wind Speed (Ignoring Wind Angle) Direct Observations: Shaw Sensor Rating versus Wind Speed (Including Wind Angle) Direct Observations: Shaw Sensor Rating versus Wind Speed (Including Wind Angle) Remaining Scatter: • High Ampacity when Wet • Solar Input • Wind Direction Standard Deviation Weather Data “Nowcasting” and Predictions: Ambient Temperature, Humidity NOAA, Weather Data “Nowcasting” and Predictions: Solar Radiation NOAA, Weather Data “Nowcasting” and Predictions: Wind at 10 m and 80 m 1 kt (knot) = 0.51 m/s NOAA, Best Weather-Based Line Rating Practices: Boundary Layer Modeling of Terrain Effects Best Weather-Based Line Rating Practices: Boundary Layer Modeling of Terrain Effects Example of down-sampling of GFS and WRF Wind Speed Models Organization of Seminar (1) • Heat Balance of Overhead Conductors • Field Observations of Temperature, Solar Flux, Wind Speed, Direction and their Standard Deviations • Change of Tension, Sag and Clearance with Conductor Temperature – In single span – In multiple spans with freely swinging insulators • Field Observations of Clearance and its Predictors Changes in Sag of Single Span Conductor Elongation Factors Length As Manufactured Conductor Elongation Factors Length As Manufactured Increase in Length from Creep after 1 hour Changes in Sag of Single Span Conductor Elongation Factors Length As Manufactured Increase in Length from Creep after 1 hour Increase in Length from Creep after ……… 20 years Changes in Sag of Single Span Conductor Elongation Factors Length As Manufactured Increase in Length from Creep after 1 hour Increase in Length from Creep after ……… 20 years Reversible Elastic Strain from change in Wind/Ice Loads Reversible Change: Elastic Strain Conductor Elongation Factors Length As Manufactured Increase in Length from Creep after 1 hour Increase in Length from Creep after ……… 20 years Reversible Elastic Strain from change in Wind/Ice Loads Reversible Thermal Strain from change in Temperature Reversible Change: Thermal Strain Effect of Heat • Extreme electrical power system load peaks in summer, thanks to air conditioning • Temperature rise above ambient powered by square of current (I2R) • Aluminum and steel expand when they get hot, reducing clearances. • Excessive temperature rise anneals aluminum, damages splices Tension Change versus Temperature for Different Span Lengths (CIGRE TB324) Organization of Seminar (1) • Heat Balance of Overhead Conductors • Field Observations of Temperature, Solar Flux, Wind Speed, Direction and their Standard Deviations • Change of Tension, Sag and Clearance with Conductor Temperature – In single span – In multiple spans with freely swinging insulators • Field Observations of Clearance and its Predictors Multiple Spans – “Ruling Span” Theory • Calculate behavior of “Ruling Span” End RS (span) 3 Start End (span) Start • Transform result to other spans 2 Sag SpanN SpanN Sag RS RS Multiple Spans with Real Insulators • Perfect tension equalization (infinitely long insulator strings) is basis of ruling span theory. • Horizontal component of tension up the insulator string is small but important. • The tensions each side of an insulator are different. Winkleman AIEE 1959; Chisholm and Barrett PWRD April 1989; CIGRE TB 324 p. 23-25. Insulator Displacements for IEEE Ten-Span Test Case (Motlis et al. 1999) The predicted swing with infinite insulator length is 22° in the 750’ span. An insulator with 1.52-m length restrains swing to 8°. Insulator Displacements for IEEE Ten-Span Test Case (Motlis et al. 1999) Exercise: Where should the insulator swing be measured to have the best response? Insulator Displacements for IEEE Ten-Span Test Case (Motlis et al. 1999) Span, m Insulator Displacement, RS Model (°) 1.52 m Insulator Displacement, SWING (°) 229 22 8 290 23 10 457 -12 -11 According to ruling span method, spans 6 or 7. According to correct calculations, spans 7 or 8. Multiple Spans – Sag/Temperature Slope Multiple Spans – Sag/Temperature Slope More Sag Change with Temperature for Short Spans: 15 mm/C° versus 11 mm/C° Multiple Spans – Sag/Temperature Slope Less Sag Change with Temperature for Long Spans: 42 mm/C° versus 47 mm/C° Multiple Spans – Sag/Temperature Slope Different Sag Changes with Temperature for Spans of Same Length in Different Positions Influence of Correct Tension Balance Model: – Estimated using 100°C with Ruling Span Organization of Seminar (1) • Heat Balance of Overhead Conductors • Field Observations of Temperature, Solar Flux, Wind Speed, Direction and their Standard Deviations • Change of Tension, Sag and Clearance with Conductor Temperature – In single span – In multiple spans with freely swinging insulators • Field Observations of Clearance and its Predictors Typical Clearance Limits for Overhead Lines • Legal Vehicle Height 4.3 m. • Added Electrical Buffer set to withstand Switching Surge Flashover Voltage. • Examples of Total Clearance Requirement: – 5.5 m for 115 kV – 6.1 m for 230 kV Options for Thermal Rating: Automobile Dashboard Analogy Clearance Measurement Analogy Clearance-Based Thermal Observations • • • • • • Measure Weather Parameters Measure Line Current Perform Heat Balance Calculation Estimate the Conductor Temperature Calculate Thermal Expansion of Conductor Measure the Tension Change from Known State (recent manual survey) • Measure Catenary of Reference Span • Estimate Catenaries of Other Spans Echo Level (dB) Clearance Monitoring with Sonar Distance (m) Clearance Monitoring with Sonar Echo Level (dB) Phase Conductors Phase Conductor Echo Distance (m) Clearance Monitoring with Sonar Echo Level (dB) Overhead Groundwire Overhead Groundwire Echo Distance (m) Sonar Equipment to measure Clearance is Easily Calibrated from the Ground. Layout, Ontario Hydro Monitoring Program 2002 2003 2003/4 Permanent Temporary Sites for Clearance and Weather Looking East Looking West Temporary Sites for Clearance and Weather Temporary Sites for Clearance and Weather Permanent Installations to monitor Clearance and Weather Weather Sensors: Sonic Anemometer, Temperature, RH Shaw Sensor (Conductor Replica) Sonar Clearance Sensors on Wood Crossarms Permanent Installations to monitor Clearance and Weather Standalone System on 4” ABS Pipes with Solar Panels Sonar Clearance Sensors on 4” ABS Plastic Pipes and Line Power Permanent Installations to monitor Clearance and Weather Empty (new) Distribution Transformer Case Typical Measured Weather Data Typical Measured Clearance Data, 2002 Clearance Measurement Analogy: Four Parallel Circuits You Typical Measured Clearance Data, 4 Circuits Excellent Correlation: Other Lines on Same Right-of-Way Very Good Correlation : Clearance in Parallel Line, 3-15 km South Clearance Measurement Analogy: Along Right-of-Way You 2 cars ahead ……… Clearance Measurement Analogy: Along Right-of-Way You 2 cars ahead 8 or 98 cars ahead ……… Good to Excellent Correlation: Clearances Along One Line, Especially Within Section Tension Measurement Analogy Tension-Based Thermal Observation • • • • • • Measure Weather Parameters Measure Line Current Perform Heat Balance Calculation Estimate the Conductor Temperature Calculate Thermal Expansion of Conductor Measure the Tension Change from Known State (recent manual survey) • Calculate Catenary of “Local Ruling” Span • Estimate Catenaries of Other Spans Tension-Based Thermal Observations (CEMIG) Tension (kg) Clearance (m) (Nascimento et al) Ambient Adjusted Rating Analogy Estimate Speed Based on Fuel Consumption, 7 liters/100 km (equivalent: Line Current) … adjusted for Temperature Weather-Based Thermal Rating • • • • • • Measure Weather Parameters Measure Line Current Perform Heat Balance Calculation Estimate the Conductor Temperature Calculate Thermal Expansion of Conductor Calculate the Tension Change from Known State (stringing, 30-60 years ago) • Calculate Catenary of “Ruling” Span • Estimate Catenaries of Other Spans Ambient Temperature Alone: Mediocre IEEE 738 Thermal Model: Good Conductor Temperature: Good Predictor Static Rating Analogy: Line Current Estimate Speed Based on Fuel Consumption, 7 liters/100 km (equivalent: Line Current) Square of Line Current: Mediocre Predictor Regression Coefficient as “Grade” • Ranked nine predictors of clearance in a span: – Other clearances in same line section – Tension – Other clearances on adjacent lines within right-of-way – Other clearances on parallel lines, 3 -15 km away – Conductor surface temperature, 3 spans away – Clearance, 32 km away – IEEE 738 (Ambient, Wind, Solar, Current) – Ambient – Line Current Ranking Using Linear Regression Coefficient Predictor of Clearance Pearson R2 Square of Load Current Ambient Temperature IEEE 738 (Ambient, Load Current, Wind Speed, Solar) Clearance in Another Stringing Section (98 spans away, different line direction) Conductor Temperature 3 spans away 0.38-0.53 0.53-0.69 0.65-0.78 Clearance in Parallel Right-of-Way, 3-15 km Away 0.85 Clearance in Adjacent Line on Same Right-of-Way 0.94 Tension in Same Stringing Section 0.94 Clearance in the Same Stringing Section >0.99 0.69 0.77 Organization of Seminar (2) • Ampacity Inversion – Long-Axis Hot-Wire Method – Inputs: Clearance, Line Current, Ambient Temperature, Solar Radiation – Outputs: Spatially Averaged Conductor Temperature and Wind Speed • Implementation by Utility and Results • Conclusions and Discussion Clearance-Based Thermal Rating • Measure Clearance in Reference Span • Estimate Clearances of Other Spans • Estimate Tension Change from Known State (recent LIDAR survey of line at known temperature) • Calculate Thermal Expansion of Conductor • Estimate Conductor Temperature • Measure Ambient Temperature and Current • Perform Heat Balance Calculation • Estimate Average Wind Speed • Calculate Limited-Time Rating Input Data Quality: Measurement Error < 6 cm Input Data Quality: Standard Deviation of Clearance versus Wind Speed Input Data Quality: Agreement of Clearance Among Three Phases Clearance-Based Thermal Rating • Measure Clearance in Reference Span • Estimate Clearances of Other Spans • Estimate Tension Change from Known State (recent LIDAR survey of line at known temperature) • Calculate Thermal Expansion of Conductor • Estimate Conductor Temperature • Measure Ambient Temperature and Current • Perform Heat Balance Calculation • Estimate Average Wind Speed • Calculate Limited-Time Rating 5 Years, All Seasons: Stable Ta to Clr1 Relation 5 Years, All Seasons: Stable Ta to Clr2 Relation 5 Years, All Seasons: Stable Ta to Clr3 Relation Conductor Temperature from Clearance Four Conductor Temperature Estimates from Individual Clearance Readings Tconductor > Tambient Non-Physical Standard Deviation of Four Temperatures (obtained from Clearances) versus Ambient Standard Deviation of Four Temperatures (obtained from Clearances) versus Currents Standard Deviation of Three Temperatures (obtained from Clearances) versus dT/dt Organization of Seminar (2) • Ampacity Inversion – Long-Axis Hot-Wire Method – Inputs: Clearance, Line Current, Ambient Temperature, Solar Radiation – Outputs: Spatially Averaged Conductor Temperature and Wind Speed • Implementation by Utility and Results • Conclusions and Discussion Running in Reverse, Item 3: Wind Speed from Clearance • With known line currents and conductor temperatures estimated from clearances, iterate wind speed until heat balance converges. Wind Speed from Clearance, 2002 Trial Wind Speed from Clearance, 2003 Trial Organization of Seminar (2) • Ampacity Inversion – Long-Axis Hot-Wire Method – Inputs: Clearance, Line Current, Ambient Temperature, Solar Radiation – Outputs: Spatially Averaged Conductor Temperature and Wind Speed • Implementation by Utility and Results • Conclusions and Discussion Background: Power and Weather Addition to Base Load (MW), Ontario 2004 The black line shows the expected effect when the weather is normal for that time of year. Blue lines indicate days when the weather effect was less than normal. • Warmer than normal days during the winter months • Cooler than normal days during the summer The weather effect takes into account temperature, wind, lighting, and humidity. The normal effect is determined by analyzing thirty years of records. Source: IESO Red lines indicate days when the weather effect was greater than normal. • Below-normal temperatures in winter • Above-normal temperatures in summer Background: Why Summer? Addition to Base Load (MW), Ontario, 2005 Power Transmission System in Ontario Queenston (Sir Adam Beck) Generators Power Transmission System in Ontario Queenston Flow West (QFW) Interface Background: Why Niagara? Two new 230-kV circuits were constructed to supplement five existing parallel 230-kV lines. These would have increased limits by 800 MW and enable Sir Adam Beck plants to deliver an additional 1.6 TWh/year. However, a land dispute delays the inservice date. In the meantime, a significant generation upgrade was carried out that made the line thermal rating issues even worse. Background: Why Niagara? The largest hard rock Tunnel Boring Machine in the world finished drilling a massive tunnel deep beneath the City of Niagara Falls in May 2011. Background: Why Niagara? The new tunnel is 12.7 meters (41 feet) wide and 10.2 kilometers (6.3 miles) long. Background: Why Niagara? In March 2013, the tunnel was filled with water and now provides additional 500 m3 / s to generate clean, renewable hydroelectricity at the existing Sir Adam Beck stations. The increased output is still carried along the same, five 230-kV circuits forming the QFW interface, that have been thermally limited since 2002. The sonar clearance-based dynamic line rating system is used to manage and maximize the energy transfer, at times allowing 2400 MW to flow safely rather than the static 1800 MW rating. Organization of Seminar (2) • Ampacity Inversion – Long-Axis Hot-Wire Method – Inputs: Clearance, Line Current, Ambient Temperature, Solar Radiation – Outputs: Spatially Averaged Conductor Temperature and Wind Speed • Implementation by Utility and Results • Conclusions and Discussion Conclusions: Heat Balance of Overhead Conductors • Thermal Models (IEEE 738, CIGRE Brochure 207) balance I2R (Joule) and sunshine heat inputs with losses from convection and radiation. • Convection depends on wind speed at 1-2 m/s. • Convection depends on wind yaw angle to line. • Wind direction standard deviation increases remarkably as wind speed decreases below 2 m/s. This usually increases the convective cooling. Conclusions: Change of Tension, Sag and Clearance with Conductor Temperature • A line between strain towers functions as a single unit, averaging the effects of wind, solar and temperature over distances of 5-50 km. • Calculating tension from clearance requires the same care as calculating clearance from tension. – No ruling span approximation allowed! Conclusions: Field Results, Predictors of Clearance • It was practical, inexpensive and reliable to measure clearance with ±6cm accuracy from ground level with standard industrial sonar outdoors over a wide temperature and humidity range. • It was better to: – predict clearance using another clearance measurement, taken 98 spans away on the same circuit, • than to: – use the IEEE Standard 738 thermal model with load current and weather data directly under the conductor. Conclusions: Wind Speed Observations • Agreement between heated conductor heat balance (Shaw Sensor) and effective wind speed from nearby sonic anemometer was rather good. • Neither measurement of wind was a good predictor of line clearance with present methods. Conclusions: Reverse Rating Process to obtain Distributed Wind Speed • Calculating conductor temperature from clearance is robust and has standard deviation less than 3C°. • It is possible to invert the ampacity calculation process to establish the cross-wind speed V90 averaged over an entire 5-50 km stringing section. • The process gives noisy results that differ from the measured wind speed under the line. Conclusions: Utility Implementation • Clearance-based thermal rating offers strong advantages, especially when multiple lines present a combined limitation to power transfer. – Inexpensive and autonomous installation – Practical in-service calibration – Multiple vendors, standard industrial technology – Directly useful for estimating clearance of other spans • Distributed wind speed provides a sound basis for thermal rating when line current exceeds 200 A. Open Questions for Further Study 1. Measure component state (line, cable, transformer etc) in two or more ways. • They will disagree. 2. What are good measures of agreement? • • Static case – X tracks Y with scatter Dynamic case – X lags Y with delay 3. What is the composite effect of: – – thermal time constant of conductor (10 minutes) mechanical time constant of coupled spans in series (1 minute travel time end to end, poorly damped) Open Questions for Further Study 4. Rank of Other Predictors – – – – Ultrasonic wind speed / direction Shaw (Hot wire) sensor Sag at 150’ from insulator (Video Sagometer) Insulator tilt angles (Sagometer, others) 5. Rank of Same Predictors, Other Sites – Limited comparisons with tension – Limited comparisons on lines with poorly correlated load currents – No comparisons in sheltered terrain CIGRE and IEEE References for Thermal Rating of Lines • CIGRE Technical Brochure 207 (Thermal behavior of overhead conductors) • IEEE Standard 738 (Standard for calculating the current temperature of bare overhead conductors) • CIGRE Technical Brochure 299 (Guide for selection of weather parameters for bare overhead conductor ratings) • CIGRE Technical Brochure 324 (Sag-Tension calculation methods for overhead lines) • CIGRE Technical Brochure 601 (Guide for thermal rating calculations of overhead lines) About the Author William A. (Bill) Chisholm, F (IEEE), Ph.D., P.Eng, managed the Hydro-One Niagara to Hamilton Real-Time Thermal Rating project, starting in 2001 and ending in 2006 with commissioning of permanent clearance observation sites. • • • • • • BASc in Engineering Science, University of Toronto, 1977 M.Eng (part time), University of Toronto, 1979 Ph.D. (part time) in Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 1983. 38 years of research background in power system lightning protection, icing and thermal rating Retired as Principal Engineer at Kinectrics, 2007 Professor, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2007-8 – – • • • Wrote book, Insulators for Icing and Polluted Environments Taught graduate course, Protection contre la foudre Panelist, Conductors sessions at IEEE-PES meetings Member, joint IEEE/CIGRE Task Force B2.12, Weather Parameters for Bare Overhead Conductor Ratings Bronze medal, 200m fly, 2010 World Masters Championships