Audio Visual Equipment and Installation

Exhibit A
PR 6749
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~ Audio Visual Equipment and Installation ~
PR Number:
PR No. 6749 Wednesday, September 5, 2013
Audio Visual Equipment and Installation for Storm & Nasatir Halls
Jeff Fratt, Buyer II
Phone: 619-594-3965 Fax: 619-594-5919 Email:
Thursday, September 19, 2013
12:00 p.m.
Contract and Procurement Management Office
Administration Bldg. Room 116
5500 Campanile Dr, San Diego, CA 92182-1616
(Visit website for mapped location:
(Trolley Green Line
NOTE: When returning your response clearly mark your envelope or package with the PR number and PR due
date. Responses must be received by the Contract and Procurement Management Office no later than the date, time
and location indicated above for PR Due date. Submittal of PR responses by fax or other electronic means are not
accepted. Failure to submit original, signed documents may be cause for rejection.
*Proposers must register with BidSync. Notifications will be transmitted from this source and forms must be uploaded
from this website.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit A-1:
Exhibit A-2
Exhibit B:
Exhibit C:
Exhibit D:
Exhibit X:
Price Request No. 6749: Product Specification/ Requirements
General Provisions for Acquisition of Goods
Small Business Certification
Voluntary Product Evaluation Template
DVBE Participation Incentive
Pages 1 - 24
Pages 1 - 3
Pages 1 - 18
Pages 1 - 6
Page 1 of 1
Page 1 - 15
Pages 1 -3
IMPORTANT: This Bid shall be in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law for the California State University.
Access policies and procedures for the CSU General Provisions for Information Technology Acquisitions on our web site: Your signature on Page 2 of this bid certifies acceptance.
NOTE: This bid does not constitute an order for the goods or services specified.
Exhibit A
PR No. 6749
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This is not an order.
Read the attached documents
thoroughly before bidding.
Responses will be opened publicly at:
Attn: Jeff Fratt, Buyer III
Contract and Procurement Management
SAN DIEGO CA 92182-1616
5500 Campanile Drive, MC 1616
San Diego, CA 92182-1616
*Responses shall be submitted in an
envelope(s) marked with:
Name of Bidder
PR No. 6749
PR due date: 9/19/13 @ 12:00 p.m.
PR DUE DATE: Thursday, September 19 at 12:00 PM
Cash discount ____% will be allowed for payment in
____ days or ____ prox. Cash discounts of less than
20 days will be considered net.
►IMPORTANT NOTE: When returning your response please clearly
Jeff Fratt, Buyer III
(619) 594-3965
mark your envelope or package with the PR number and PR due date.
December 10, 2013
NOTICE TO ALL BIDDERS: Section 14835 et seq. of the California Government Code requires that a 5% preference be given to bidders who qualify
as a small business. TO CLAIM SMALL BUSINESS PREFERENCE please see the section titled SMALL BUSINESS PREFERENCE in this bid.
The Small Business Preference is for California based small businesses only. Bidders desiring to claim small business must so indicated on each bid, as
1. Are you claiming preference as a small business:  YES  NO
The procedures for the Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Participation Incentive DVBE in Exhibit X supersedes Exhibit B Solicitation Provisions for
DVBE (paragraph 10).
If quoting other than the item(s) specified, descriptive literature and/or specifications must be enclosed.
San Diego State University is soliciting bids for a Contractor to provide audio visual equipment, installation and supplies
for Storm and Nasatir Halls. All items referenced on Exhibit A-1 Pricing are reference brands, only the brands equal to
or greater will be accepted. (Reference Product specifications and Exhibit A-2 for Installation Drawings and General
TOTAL BID PRICE: From Exhibit A-1
(For information only, the University may award to multiple bidders – see
Exhibit A, page 3, Award paragraph)
$ ________________________
- continued on next page -
Return “NO BIDS” with explanation to enable updating of San Diego State University’s active files.
The undersigned offers and agrees if this bid is accepted within 30 calendar days form the opening, to furnish all of the items upon which prices are quoted, at the prices set opposite each item,
delivered at the designated point(s) by the method of delivery and within the time specified above and subject to the attached General Provisions.
Name and Title: (Type or Print)
Number /
Street Address
Zip Code
Exhibit A
PR 6749
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This is not an order.
Bidder: _______________________________________
Specification Compliance: The bidder must indicate below if the product/service or products offered on this
bid comply in all respects with the technical requirements:
YES __________
NO __________
If the bidder has indicated that the product/service offered does not comply in all respects with the
attached specifications, list below (or on an attached page), in detail, any and all deviations.
LIST DEVIATIONS: Please explain difference from requested item(s).
Exhibit A
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A. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS When an item is specified, it is not the University’s intent to discriminate
against any equal product made by another manufacturer. It is rather to set a standard and style, which after much
consideration, has been selected by the University. Any item offered must substantially equal the appearance,
design, and approximate dimensions of the item specified, and must be of equivalent materials, function, and
sturdiness of construction.
Bidders (offering other than the referenced brands) MUST forward complete descriptive literature with the bid
and are to note their brand name and catalog or model number in the brand name column. Descriptive literature
shall be annotated to specify the applicable page, brand, model and items. Failure to comply with this
requirement may cause the bid to be non-responsive and not considered for award.
The low bidder may be notified to submit the offered model for demonstration and evaluation (if other than
referenced model is offered) prior to award of bid.
Awarded bidder shall provide a copy of necessary functional manuals, adjustment manuals, schematic diagrams
and parts catalogs. Parts for equipment are to be available for purchase by the State at no greater cost than
published list prices.
Unless exceptions are noted by bidder, the equipment offered will be assumed to be in accordance with bid
specifications. All exceptions to specifications must be noted or referenced and submitted with this bid.
To ensure reliability, serviceability, and quality, entire product lines of like items offered by a bidder must
be provided by one manufacturer. Bids must clearly specify the manufacturer(s) of equipment and
materials which will be furnished for all line items (e.g., Exhibit A-1, Pricing; all items).
Where any article or component is specified by proprietary name, trade name, name of manufacturer, or
catalog number, with or without the addition of such expressions as “or equal” or “approved equal” it is to
be understood that the article named is the approved equal thereof, and it is distinctly understood (1) that
SDSU shall determine whether or not any article or component proposed to be substituted is the equal of
any article or component so specified; (2) that the decision of SDSU on all such questions of equality shall
be final; and (3) in the event of any adverse decision by SDSU no claim of any sort shall be made or
allowed against SDSU.
San Diego State University is soliciting bids for a Contractor to provide audio visual equipment and
supplies for the Storm and Nasatir Hall project.
Purchase order may be issued to multiple bidders based upon lowest responsive, responsible bid upon each
product line item listed on Exhibit A-1, items 1 -16.
It is the University’s intention to award to low bidder on basis of individual components unless bidder
clearly states “ALL OR NONE”. Award, if any, will be to the bidder whose response meets all of the
requirements of this IFB and is the lowest priced, most responsible bidder.
Bidder to specify as part of their bid the number of days that the bidder agrees to accept return of
product/materials even if opened and used. The bidder will provide the department with a return
authorization number and promptly credit SDSU account upon return of goods. The bidder will arrange
Exhibit A
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pick up of returned material and return it to the bidder’s facility. No service restocking charges for returned
items are to be invoiced to SDSU, except under the following conditions:
The bidder furnishes proof of re-stocking or service charges from the manufacturer. No mark-up
will be allowed.
If goods are returned after time limit specified for returns and accepted by the bidder.
Product samples may be required for bid evaluation purposes. Bidders shall agree to provide
samples within 48 hours upon request, at no cost to SDSU. Product samples will be returned to
bidders, with proper call tags for return shipment.
Bid prices shall include state and local taxes.
Bidder warrants that all products furnished under this Agreement shall meet or exceed manufacturer's
published specifications and performance standards. Bidder agrees to pass all manufacturer warranties
onto SDSU.
Prior to commencement of services, Contractor shall provide a Certificate of Insurance to the Contract and
Procurement Management Office in accordance with Exhibit B, section 41. It is the Contractors
responsibility to provide a current and valid insurance certificate during the term of this agreement.
Performance implies acceptance of the following:
Contractor warrants that it complies with California and federal disabilities laws and regulations.
Contractor hereby warrants that the products or services to be provided under this contract comply with the
accessibility requirements of section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794d),
and its implementing regulations set forth at Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1194. Contractor
agrees to promptly respond to and resolve any complaint regarding accessibility of its products or services.
Contractor further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the CSU using the contractor's products or
services from any claims arising out of its failure to comply with the aforesaid requirements. Failure to
comply with these requirements shall constitute a breach and be grounds for termination of this Contract.
(Exhibit B, section 28)
A. AV Drawings
A. National Fire Protection Association (N.F.P.A.).
B. National Electrical Code (N.E.C.).
C. American National Safety Institute (A.N.S.I.).
D. Electronics Industries Association (E.I.A).
E. Sound System Engineering (2nd Edition), Davis and Davis, Howard W. Sams, 1987.
F. Audio System - Design and Installation, Giddings, Howard W. Sams, 1990.
Exhibit A
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A. The written specification and drawings AV0.00 through AV7.04 shall be collectively referred to herein as the
Contract Documents.
B. Contractor shall provide, based on the Contract Documents, a complete, turnkey system, tested and ready for
acceptance testing. The Contract Documents are developed to the extent required to properly convey design
intent, signal flow, and system infrastructure. It is understood by the contractor that they are to supply
additional equipment, as required, in order to provide a complete and working system.
C. System features or devices which are mentioned in one part of the Contract Documents may not be shown in
the other. In case of conflict between the written specifications and the drawings, Contractor must seek
clarification from the University. In the event that the Contractor fails to obtain such clarification, the
interpretation of the University will prevail.
D. Contractor shall obtain all licenses and permits necessary for the execution of any work pertaining to the
installation within this scope of work.
E. Refer to AV0.00 for division of responsibilities related to the AV system.
A. Provide: to supply and install.
B. Furnish: to supply to another contractor for installation.
C. Supply: to supply but not install.
D. Install: to install but not supply.
E. OFE: Owner furnished (supplied) equipment. Equipment will be provided to contractor for installation.
F. NIC: Not In Contract. Refers to items that are not included in the scope of work outlined in this section but
may be shown for coordination purposes or reference.
G. Future: Equipment that will be provided by owner at a later date. Accommodations shall be provided for
future equipment as shown on the drawings.
A. AV Systems.
1. The classrooms, labs and conference rooms systems will have inputs for owner furnished computers.
They will be connected to a switching device that sends an audio and video signal to a projector or
display for viewing and listening within the room. Some rooms will have owner furnished
2. Systems to be installed during break between fall 2013 and spring 2014 semesters.
A. Contractor Qualifications. The following contractors are pre-qualified for this project. Additional
Contractors will be considered by the University upon receipt of qualifications as outlined below.
1. CCS Presentation Systems
2. AMT Systems
3. Spinitar
B. Installer shall have previously installed at least three jobs of similar magnitude, completed within the last
five years. Provide at least one such completed job for inspection by the University. This information will be
submitted at the presentation of bid proposal.
C. Installer shall have five years’ experience with equipment and systems of the types specified, shall maintain
a fully staffed and equipped service facility, and shall be a franchised dealer and authorized service facility
for the major brands specified, and shall be properly licensed to work in San Diego, CA
D. The Contractor shall provide resumes of lead engineer and lead installer planned to be used for this project.
This shall be presented at the presentation of bid proposal.
E. Bid Clarifications. Contractor is responsible for reading and understanding all information presented in these
specifications and related documents outlined in Section 1.1. Discrepancies between drawings and
specifications or other errors or omissions should be brought to the University’s attention a minimum of 5
Exhibit A
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days prior to bid date. Failure to do so does not relieve the contractor from the requirement to provide a fully
operational and turnkey system as outlined in Section 1.3 above. In this event, the Contractor agrees to abide
by the decision of the University for resolution.
A. Bidders that have not been pre-qualified shall submit the following information:
1. Company profile including history, number of employees, facilities size and completed projects.
2. Project resume of 3 similarly completed projects including project name, scope of services, year
completed, and contact information for a reference.
3. Resume of key personnel to be used on this project, including but not limited to: Project Manager;
Lead Engineer; Job-Site Superintendent.
4. A sample set of shop drawings or as-built documents that confirm the Contractor’s capabilities to
provide engineering and documentation for the project.
5. A line sheet listing all manufacturers the Contractor is a dealer and/or authorized service center for.
6. A description of the Contractors abilities for in-shop assembly, fabrication and testing.
B. The Bidder shall disclose in the bid whether any portions of the project work will be subcontracted out. All
terms of this contract, including bidding and qualification statements, shall apply to the subcontractor.
Provide the following information for each subcontractor to be used:
1. Name of the proposed subcontractor.
2. A statement of qualifications for each subcontractor.
3. A scope of work outlining what portions of the project the subcontractor will be responsible for.
C. Include the following information with the bid submittal:
1. The total contract price.
2. The total price for any add or deduct alternates.
3. The price for contractor tests and adjustments as outlined in Section 3.2.
4. An itemized equipment list.
5. Unit pricing for all equipment listed above.
6. A breakdown of the number of labor hours for each of the following:
a. Engineering and documentation.
b. On site coordination meetings and supervision.
c. In shop fabrication and assembly.
d. On site fabrication, assembly, and installation.
e. On site verification and testing.
D. Substitutions. Contractor shall note all substitutions at the time of bid. Any proposed substitutions must meet
all specifications of the specified equipment. No product substitution will be accepted without the written
approval of the University. University retains the right to reject any proposed substitution.
A. Make each specified submittal as a coordinated package complete with all information. Uncoordinated sets
will be returned without review.
B. Product Data: Submit within 30 days of contract award. Submit manufacturer's product data sheets for each
item of equipment that will be provided as part of this contract. Submit electronically as a single PDF. All
equipment cut sheets will be arranged per specification section number. Provide a table of contents and a
bookmark at the start of every product sheet.
C. Cable and Connector Submittal. Submit sample cables with connections and wire labels. Cable samples
should be no greater than 24” in length. Submit 2 cable/connector assemblies for each type of cable used on
the project. Cable jacket ID lettering must be included on sample cable.
D. Submit heat load calculations showing how numbers were derived.
E. Speaker and Speaker Mount Colors.
Exhibit A
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F. Millwork Colors and Samples.
G. Shop Drawings. Submit within 30 days of contract award. Failure to submit shop drawings with ample time
for evaluation shall not entitle the contractor to an extension of contract time. There will be no work
authorized on site without the prior submittal (and subsequent approval) of a complete set of shop drawings.
Any exceptions to this must be in writing and approved by the University. Shop drawings shall indicate
complete details and dimensions of work to be performed. Shop drawings shall be formatted as outlined
below, and should contain, but not be limited to, the following details:
1. Submitted as a multi-sheet PDF document with:
a. 42" X 30" sheets
b. Table of Contents.
c. Bookmarks for every sheet with Sheet Name and Number
2. Wiring schematic. Complete, detailed wiring schematic for all systems, based on the contract documents
but including cable types, identification by number and color codes, and detailed wiring of connections,
both at equipment and between equipment racks and wiring in conduit.
3. Wiring Spreadsheet. Submit all wiring pull lengths from source to destination. Include wire numbers.
4. Equipment. Location of all equipment in racks, consoles, millwork, enclosures or on general contractor
provided counter top / tables with dimensions; wire routing and cabling within housings; AC power outlets,
terminal strip and UPS locations.
5. Conduit riser diagrams for all systems.
6. Schematic drawings of any custom circuitry or equipment modifications, including connector pin-outs and
component lists.
7. Rack Layout and Location Diagrams with overall dimensions.
8. Schedule of terminations for all systems.
9. Coordinate rack AC Power Schedule and circuiting information with Division 26. Provide circuiting detail
for power distribution within the rack(s) both in the equipment rooms as well as at the control positions.
10. Equipment Room Layouts. Layout shall be coordinated with current architectural drawings and with site
11. Audio Control Booth Layout. Layout shall be coordinated with current architectural drawings and with
site conditions.
12. Terminal strip layouts for all proposed terminal strips to be used in junction boxes or in the equipment
13. Panel Fabrication Details including a panel engraving schedule.
14. Patchbay layouts.
15. Details and dimensions of any custom fabricated devices. Include materials, finishes, and labeling.
16. Provide color information for all speakers, brackets, and panels on drawings.
H. Review of shop drawings is for general conformance with the design intent and general compliance with the
contract documents of the project. Corrections, comments or markings made do not relieve the Contractor
from compliance with the Contract Documents nor allow departure there from. Contractor remains
responsible for detailing and accuracy, confirming and correlating quantities and dimensions, selecting
fabrication processing and techniques of construction, coordinating work with that of other trades, and
performing work in a safe a satisfactory manner.
I. Custom Software Programming including Graphical Interface. Provide for approval at least 6 weeks prior to
system commissioning electronic copies of all custom software. It is the Contractor’s responsibility for all
custom software programming for the audio systems. Coordination with the University is required for the
development of this software.
J. Wireless frequency analysis. It is the responsibility of the contractor to coordinate all wireless frequencies.
The contractor shall perform a spectral sweep from 140 MHz through 3 GHz in the facility and then present a
written report of proposed new frequencies. The Sound Contractor must arrange and perform this sweep at a
time of day that reflects the time of performance/service. The contractor should also include in the report
Exhibit A
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additional frequencies for future expansion. The Contractor will incorporate any existing and other new
frequencies in the determination of the new frequencies to be used, including but not limited to wireless
intercom, wireless cameras and wireless radios.
K. Final Inspection Notification Report- Two copies of a typed, neatly prepared checkout report for the entire
system will be prepared and submitted 2 weeks prior to system commissioning. It will include:
1. A complete listing of every piece of equipment including serial number, the date it was tested and by
whom, the results and (if failure occurred during any previous tests) the date retested
2. The final report will indicate that every device tested successfully.
3. A performance test report indicating that the system meets all of the Contractor testing requirements in
Section 3.2
A. Submit all contract closeout documentation within 30 days after substantial completion, unless otherwise
B. Contractor shall work off of approved shop drawings only. Note changes made during installation on a single
set of drawings. This set of marked up drawings will not leave the jobsite until after the final system
commissioning. Submit 4 corrected sets of reproducible drawings showing work as installed. All “as-built”
drawings to be provided both in electronic form (ACAD 2007 or later) and in hard copy (same size as
architectural drawings).
C. Contractor to provide a Project Manual prior to acceptance testing. Provide a minimum of 1 hard copy and
one electronic copy. This manual shall contain the following information:
1. Table of Contents.
2. Contractor’s contact information for warranty and or service.
3. A complete list of equipment, both installed and loose gear. Include manufacturer, model number, and
serial number for all devices. Include settings (software or hardware settings) for any devices that required
modification or adjustment during the acceptance testing.
4. Operating manuals for each device.
5. Service manuals for each device.
6. Documentation of all testing results as outlined in Section 3.2.
7. Wireless microphone frequency coordination report
8. A USB Drive containing all As-Built drawings in PDF & DWG format.
9. Replacement parts lists of major items of equipment.
10. Provide a suggested schedule of routine maintenance. Schedule should include dates of replacement of all
batteries, cleaning of air filters and procedures for checking speaker components.
11. Create a quick start guide to provide information specific to the system, such as procedures for system
power on/off, patching, different modes of operation etc.
a. The guide should convey information specific to the installed system. It is not intended to be a guide
on generic sound system operation.
b. Anticipated length of the guide is less than 2 pages front and back.
D. Software Licensing and Manuals. Provide backup computer discs, all software manuals and license
certificates for all software loaded on all PC’s. Include a USB Drive with all original software installed, or
downloaded, to devices in the system.
E. Produce compact system flow diagrams showing all components, cables, and wire numbers that will be
mounted on the wall of each equipment rooms(s). A maximum of 2 flow diagrams will be mounted on any
equipment room wall. Provide photographically reproducible as-built wiring diagrams at a reduced scale that
are easy to handle and fully legible. Blueline (or similar diazo process) prints are not acceptable. After
approval, drawings will be mounted behind clear acetate and located with the equipment racks.
F. Provide a complete list of spares inventory to include quantity, manufacturer, model number, and serial
Exhibit A
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A. Installer shall warrant equipment to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for not less than one
year after date of Substantial Completion. Defects occurring in labor or materials within one-year warranty
shall be rectified by replacement or repair. University furnished equipment is excluded from the warranty,
but terminations and wire leading to or from owner furnished equipment is included. Within the warranty
period, provide answer to service calls and requests for information within a 48-hour period, and repair or
replace any faulty item within a 72-hour period without charge, including parts and labor.
B. This warranty shall not void specific warranties issued by manufacturers for greater periods of time. Nor
shall it void any rights guaranteed to the University by law.
C. Contractor to provide University with exact beginning and ending dates of the warranty period. Include the
name of the person to call for service and telephone number. This information to be part of Project Record
D. Contractor to provide a final site visit and verification that the system is operational and all items are
functioning correctly at the end of the warranty period. The contractor shall not be responsible for correcting
items that have obviously been changed by the University or end user.
A. Materials and products required for work of this section shall not contain asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCB) or other hazardous materials identified by the University.
A. Model numbers and manufacturers included in this specification are listed as a standard of quality.
B. Other qualified manufacturers will be considered subject to review by the University. The Contractor will
supply complete technical data specifications at the time of proposed substitution. The Contractor will
arrange for product demo at the request of the University and will pay ground freight shipping to and from
site, or to and from the University. The University reserves the right to accept or refuse any substitution
without condition.
C. Substitutions: Any proposed substitutions must meet all specifications of the specified equipment. No
product substitution will be accepted without the written approval of the University.
A. Equipment and materials shall be new, and conform to applicable UL, CSA, or ANSI provisions. Take
care during installation to prevent scratches, dents, chips, etc.
B. Install rack mounted equipment with black 10-32 button head machine screws with Allen drive.
C. Provide security covers on non-user operated equipment having front panel controls. Install covers at the
conclusion of Acceptance Testing.
D. Provide engraved lamicoid labels at the front and rear of signal processing equipment mounted in racks.
Mount labels on the equipment and attach in a neat, plumb, and permanent manner. Embossed labels will not
be accepted. Only provide engraved labels at the rear of equipment mounted in furniture consoles.
A. AV Equipment Rack:
1. Provide AV Equipment Rack in millwork at location indicated in drawings.
2. Verify that enclosure will provide proper cooling for rack-mounted equipment.
a. Middle Atlantic SRSR-2-12
b. Middle Atlantic UD2, UD3, or UD4 (as indicated) with KYLK
Exhibit A
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c. Middle Atlantic PD-915RV-RN
B. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
2. Provide AAP pass through connector plates in conference table.
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty: 1)
b. Vaddio Wallview HD-USB SR PTZ Camera (Qty:1)
c. Vaddio Easy USB mic pod (Qty: 2)
d. Vaddio Easy USB Mixer/Amp (Qty:1)
e. Crestron DM-TX-200 (Qty:1)
1) Secure to underside of table
f. Crestron DM-RX1-1G (Qty:1)
g. Extron MLA VC10+ (Qty:1)
h. Extron XPA 2001 (Qty:1)
i. JBL Control 26CT(Qty:3)
C. Video Display
1. Provide wall mount.
2. Coordinate backing for wall mount with GC.
a. Sharp LC-90LE745U (Qty:1)
A. AV Equipment Rack:
1. Provide AV Equipment Rack in millwork at location indicated in drawings.
2. Verify that enclosure will provide proper cooling for rack-mounted equipment.
a. Middle Atlantic SRSR-2-12
b. Middle Atlantic UD2, UD3, or UD4 (as indicated) with KYLK
c. Middle Atlantic PD-915RV-RN
B. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
2. Provide AAP pass through connector plates in conference table.
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Vaddio Wallview HD-USB SR PTZ Camera (Qty:1)
c. Vaddio Easy USB mic pod (Qty: 2)
d. Vaddio Easy USB Mixer/Amp (Qty:1)
e. Crestron DM-TX-200 (Qty:1)
1) Secure to underside of table
f. Crestron DM-RX1-1G (Qty:1)
g. Extron MLA VC10+ (Qty:1)
h. Extron XPA 2001 (Qty:1)
i. JBL Control 26CT(Qty:3)
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
c. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
Exhibit A
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d. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
e. Extron WD 140 A (Qty:1)
B. Video Display
1. Provide wall mount.
2. Coordinate backing for wall mount with GC.
a. Sharp LC70C7500U (Qty:1)
2.7 STORM HALL 124
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
c. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
d. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
e. Extron MLA VC10+(Qty: 1)
f. Extron XPA 2001 (Qty:1)
g. JBL Control 26CT 70V Speaker (Qty: 6)
B. Video Projector
1. Use existing projector mounting pipe.
2. Provide mount on projector if OFE mount is not available.
3. Projector to be controlled by Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller. Screen to be controlled by wall mounted
a. NEC NP-PA500U (Qty:1)
2.8 STORM HALL 126
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
c. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
d. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
e. Extron MLA VC10+(Qty: 1)
f. Extron XPA 2001 (Qty:1)
g. JBL Control 26CT 70V Speaker (Qty: 6)
B. Video Projector
1. Use existing projector mounting pipe.
2. Provide mount on projector if OFE mount is not available.
3. Projector to be controlled by Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller. Screen to be controlled by wall mounted
a. NEC NP-PA500U (Qty:1)
2.9 STORM HALL 231
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
2. Provide rack and desktop accessories to integrate into owner furnished lectern per San Diego State
University Smart Classroom typical installation.
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3. Provide mounting hardware as needed.
4. Provide locks and security devices per San Diego State University Smart Classroom typical installation.
a. Comprotec 100-CP Sonic Shock 5 alarm kit, keyed alike to 505 and accessories
b. Targus DEFCON CL PA410U cable lock (for display)
c. Ergotron LX 45-241-026 desk mount LCD arm
d. GCX FLP-0002-32 handle for flat panel display
e. GCX FLP-0002-17C mounting adapter
f. Extron Cable Cubby 300S (Qty:1)
g. Extron AAP-301 (Qty:1)
h. Extron UCM RAAP (Qty:1)
i. Wolfvision Eye 12 (Qty:1)
j. Extron IR CM-DV+ Control Panel (Qty:1)
k. Extron MLC 226 IP L Control Panel (Qty:1)
l. Extron IN1608 Switcher (Qty:1)
m. Asus MX239H - LED monitor (Qty:1)
n. Extron XPA 2001 (Qty:1)
o. JBL Control 26CT 70V Speaker (Qty: 6)
p. MASTER LOCK Padlock, Alike Key (3767) #3KA and 78DPF cable (Qty:1)
q. MASTER LOCK Padlock, Alike Key (10L1001) #101KA and 78DPF cable (Qty:1)
B. Wireless Microphones
a. Shure SLX124/85/SM58-L4 (Qty:1)
C. Content Computers
1. Contractor shall assure that all internal system components and software are installed and/or configured by
the contractor, manufacturer, or manufacturer’s representative.
2. Contractor shall assure provision of manufacturer recommended WIRED Keyboard and Mouse.
3. Provide mounting hardware as needed.
4. Computer System per maximum specification of software manufacturer.
a. Apple Mac Mini (Qty:2)
b. Apple USB SuperDrive (Qty:2)
c. Cisco Switch Sg 200-08 SLM2008T-NA Gigabit Smart Switch
D. Video Projector
1. Use existing projector mounting pipe.
2. Provide mount on projector if OFE mount is not available.
3. Projector to be controlled by Extron HDMI 230 D RX. Screen to be controlled by wall mounted switch.
a. NEC NP-PA500U (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 230 D RX (Qty:1)
2.10 STORM HALL 222D
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
c. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
d. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
e. Extron WD 140 A (Qty:1)
B. Video Display
1. Provide wall mount.
2. Coordinate backing for wall mount with GC.
Exhibit A
PR 6749
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a. Sharp LC70C7500U (Qty:1)
2.11 STORM HALL 204
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
2. Provide rack and desktop accessories to integrate into owner furnished lectern.
3. Provide mounting hardware as needed.
4. Provide locks and security devices per San Diego State University Smart Classroom typical installation.
a. Crestron QM-MD7X2 Switcher (Qty:1)
b. Crestron QM-FTCC (Qty:1)
1) Coordinate Cutout in Lectern
c. Extron AAP-301 (Qty:1)
d. Extron UCM RAAP (Qty:1)
e. Extron IR CM-DV+ Control Panel (Qty:1)
f. Wolfvision Eye 12 (Qty:1)
g. QSC CS302V Amplifier (Qty:1)
h. JBL Control 26CT 70V Speaker (Qty: 8)
i. Crestron QM-RX Receiver (Qty:1) ADD ALTERNATE
j. SMARTBoard Model: SBX885 (Qty:1) ADD ALTERNATE
B. Network Switch
a. Cisco Switch Sg 200-08 SLM2008T-NA Gigabit Smart Switch
C. Wireless Microphones
a. Shure SLX124/85/SM58-L4 (Qty:1)
D. Video Projector
1. Use existing projector mounting pipe.
2. Provide mount on projector if OFE mount is not available.
3. Projector to be controlled by Crestron QM-FTCC. Screen control by wall mounted switch.
a. NEC NP-PA500U (Qty:1)
b. Crestron QM-RMCRX-BA (Qty:1)
2.12 STORM HALL 208
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
c. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
d. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
e. Extron WD 140 A (Qty:1)
B. Video Display
1. Provide wall mount.
2. Coordinate backing for wall mount with GC.
a. Sharp LC70C7500U (Qty:1)
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
Exhibit A
PR 6749
Page 15 of 24
2. Provide rack and desktop accessories to integrate into owner furnished lectern.
3. Provide mounting hardware as needed.
4. Provide locks and security devices per San Diego State University Smart Classroom typical installation.
a. Crestron QM-MD7X2 Switcher (Qty:1)
b. Crestron QM-FTCC (Qty:1)
1) Coordinate Cutout in Lectern
c. Extron AAP-301 (Qty:1)
d. Extron UCM RAAP (Qty:1)
e. QSC CS302V Amplifier (Qty:1)
f. JBL Control 26CT 70V Speaker (Qty: 10)
g. Crestron QM-RX Receiver (Qty:1)
B. Network Switch
a. Cisco Switch Sg 200-08 SLM2008T-NA Gigabit Smart Switch
C. Wireless Microphones
a. Shure SLX124/85/SM58-L4 (Qty:1)
D. Video Projector
1. Use existing projector mounting pipe.
2. Provide mount on projector if OFE mount is not available.
3. Projector to be controlled by Crestron QM-FTCC. Screen control by wall mounted switch.
a. NEC NP-PA500U (Qty:1)
b. Crestron QM-RMCRX-BA (Qty:1)
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
c. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
d. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
e. Extron WD 140 A (Qty:1)
B. Video Display
1. Provide wall mount.
2. Coordinate backing for wall mount with GC.
a. Sharp LC70C7500U (Qty:1)
2.15 STORM HALL 214
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
c. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
d. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
e. Extron WD 140 A (Qty:1)
B. Video Display
1. Provide wall mount.
2. Coordinate backing for wall mount with GC.
a. Sharp LC70C7500U (Qty:1)
Exhibit A
PR 6749
Page 16 of 24
2.16 STORM HALL 324
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
2. Provide rack and desktop accessories to integrate into owner furnished lectern per San Diego State
University Smart Classroom typical installation.
3. Provide mounting hardware as needed.
4. Provide locks and security devices per San Diego State University Smart Classroom typical installation.
a. Comprotec 100-CP Sonic Shock 5 alarm kit, keyed alike to 505 and accessories
b. Targus DEFCON CL PA410U cable lock (for display)
c. Ergotron LX 45-241-026 desk mount LCD arm
d. GCX FLP-0002-32 handle for flat panel display
e. GCX FLP-0002-17C mounting adapter
f. Extron Cable Cubby 300S (Qty:1)
g. Extron AAP-301 (Qty:1)
h. Extron UCM RAAP (Qty:1)
i. Wolfvision Eye 12 (Qty:1)
j. Extron IR CM-DV+ Control Panel (Qty:1)
k. Extron MLC 226 IP L Control Panel (Qty:1)
l. Extron IN1608 Switcher (Qty:1)
m. Asus MX239H - LED monitor (Qty:1)
n. Extron XPA 2001 (Qty:1)
o. JBL Control 26CT 70V Speaker (Qty: 6)
p. MASTER LOCK Padlock, Alike Key (3767) #3KA and 78DPF cable (Qty:1)
q. MASTER LOCK Padlock, Alike Key (10L1001) #101KA and 78DPF cable (Qty:1)
B. Wireless Microphones
a. Shure SLX124/85/SM58-L4 (Qty:1)
C. Content Computers
1. Contractor shall assure that all internal system components and software are installed and/or configured by
the contractor, manufacturer, or manufacturer’s representative.
2. Contractor shall assure provision of manufacturer recommended WIRED Keyboard and Mouse.
3. Provide mounting hardware as needed.
4. Computer System per maximum specification of software manufacturer.
a. Apple Mac Mini (Qty:2)
b. Apple USB SuperDrive (Qty:2)
c. Cisco Switch Sg 200-08 SLM2008T-NA Gigabit Smart Switch
D. Video Projector
1. Use existing projector mounting pipe.
2. Provide mount on projector if OFE mount is not available.
3. Projector to be controlled by Extron HDMI 230 D RX. Screen to be controlled by wall mounted switch.
a. NEC NP-PA500U (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 230 D RX (Qty:1)
2.17 STORM HALL 328
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
Exhibit A
PR 6749
Page 17 of 24
c. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
d. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
B. Video Projector
1. Use existing projector mounting pipe.
2. Provide mount on projector if OFE mount is not available.
3. Projector to be controlled by Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller. Screen to be controlled by wall mounted
a. NEC NP-PA500U (Qty:1)
2.18 STORM HALL 325
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Vaddio Wallview HD-USB SR PTZ Camera (Qty:1)
c. Vaddio Easy USB mic pod (Qty: 2)
d. Vaddio Easy USB Mixer/Amp (Qty:1)
e. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
f. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
g. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
h. Extron WPD 140 A (Qty:1)
i. Extron MLA VC10+ (Qty:1)
j. Extron XPA 2001 (Qty:1)
k. JBL Control 26CT(Qty:4)
B. Video Display
1. Provide wall mount.
2. Coordinate backing for wall mount with GC.
a. Sharp LC-90LE745U (Qty:1)
2.19 STORM HALL 331
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
c. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
d. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
B. Video Projector
1. Use existing projector mounting pipe.
2. Provide mount on projector if OFE mount is not available.
3. Projector to be controlled by Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller. Screen to be controlled by wall mounted
a. NEC NP-PA500U (Qty:1)
2.20 STORM HALL 337
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
Exhibit A
PR 6749
Page 18 of 24
b. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:2)
c. Crestron DM-TX-200 (Qty:1)
d. Crestron DM-RX1-1G (Qty:1)
e. Extron MLA VC10+ (Qty:1)
f. Extron XPA 2001 (Qty:1)
g. JBL Control 26CT 70V Speaker (Qty:3)
B. Video Projector
1. Use existing projector mounting pipe.
2. Provide mount on projector if OFE mount is not available.
3. Projector to be controlled by Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller. Screen to be controlled by
wall mounted switch.
a. NEC NP-PA500U (Qty:1)
2.21 STORM HALL 339
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows
Surface and Tablet devices.
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
c. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
d. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
e. Extron MLA VC10+(Qty: 1)
f. Extron XPA 2001 (Qty:1)
g. JBL Control 26CT 70V Speaker (Qty: 4)
B. Video Projector
1. Use existing projector mounting pipe.
2. Provide mount on projector if OFE mount is not available.
3. Projector to be controlled by Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller. Screen to be controlled by wall mounted
a. NEC NP-PA500U (Qty:1)
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
c. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
d. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
e. Extron WD 140 A (Qty:1)
B. Video Display
1. Provide wall mount.
2. Coordinate backing for wall mount with GC.
a. Sharp LC70C7500U (Qty:1)
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
Exhibit A
PR 6749
Page 19 of 24
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
c. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
d. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
e. Extron WD 140 A (Qty:1)
B. Video Display
1. Provide wall mount.
2. Coordinate backing for wall mount with GC.
a. Sharp LC70C7500U (Qty:1)
A. AV Distribution Equipment:
1. Provide adapters and cables to integrate owner furnished MacBooks, iPads, Windows Surface and Tablet
a. Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller (Qty:1)
b. Extron HDMI 201 A D TX (Qty:1)
c. Extron HDMI 201 A D RX (Qty:1)
d. Extron Extender Plus (Qty:1)
e. Extron MLA VC10+(Qty: 1)
f. Extron XPA 2001 (Qty:1)
g. JBL Control 26CT 70V Speaker (Qty: 4)
B. Video Projector
1. Use existing projector mounting pipe.
2. Provide mount on projector if OFE mount is not available.
3. Projector to be controlled by Extron MLC 62 RS D Controller. Screen to be controlled by wall mounted
a. NEC NP-PA500U (Qty:1)
A. Panel to be fabricated by Sound Contractor, engraved and loaded with connectors as shown on Drawings.
B. Unless otherwise specified, panels shall be 1/8 inch thick, black anodized aluminum. (Brush in direction of
aluminum grain only.) Engraving shall be 1/8 inch block sans serif characters. On dark panels or
pushbuttons, letters shall be white; on stainless steel or brushed natural aluminum plates, or light-colored
pushbuttons, letters shall be black.
1. Coordinate all panel finishes with University.
2. Connector color should match that of the panel
3. Plastic plates will not be accepted.
C. Rack panels shall be standard EIA sizes.
D. Wall panels sizes to be coordinated with J-boxes dimensions.
1. Panels mounted on surface mount boxes shall not protrude beyond the edge of the box thereby creating a
sharp edge condition.
2. Panels mounted on flush mount boxes shall extend beyond the edge of the J-box by 1/4” on all sides.
E. Floor Boxes shall be flush mounted.
F. Panels in outdoor or harsh environmental conditions shall be stainless steel and contain connectors fit for
their environment.
G. Panel Connectors.
1. Panels to contain components listed below:
a. Female XLR: Neutrik NC3FD-L-B-1.
b. Male XLR: Neutrik NC3MD-L-B-1.
Exhibit A
PR 6749
Page 20 of 24
c. Locking 1/4": Neutrik NJ3FP6C-B.
d. Female XLR-1/4” TRS Combo: Neutrik NCJ6FI-S
e. Rugged RJ45: Neutrik NE8FDP-B
f. BNC (75 Ohm): Neutrik NBB75DFIB-P
g. BNC (50 Ohm): Kings KC-99-40
h. 4-Pole Speaker: Neutrik NL4MP
i. 8-Pole Speaker: Neutrik NL8MPR-BAG
j. Mass Connectors: Whirlwind W-series
A. Electrical conductors installed under this contract, except where otherwise specified, shall be soft drawn
annealed stranded copper having a conductivity of not less than 98% of pure copper.
B. Refer to drawing AV0.00 for scope of work related to supply, installation, and termination of cable.
C. Refer to drawing AV0.00 for cables to be used.
1. Use plenum and underground cables as required by code.
D. Refer to drawing AV0.00 for minimum cable lengths required outside of boxes.
E. Cable Mount Connectors.
1. Cables to use components listed below, unless otherwise noted:
a. Female XLR: Whirlwind WI3F-BK
b. Male XLR: Whirlwind WI3M-BK
c. Male XLR Numbered: Whirlwind WI3M -BK-#
1) To be used on all console and stage box inputs.
d. 1/4" TS: Switchcraft 280
e. 1/4” TRS: Switchcraft 297
f. Rugged CAT6 RJ45: Neutrik NE8MC6-MO
g. BNC (75 Ohm): Canare 75 Ohm
h. BNC (50 Ohm) Type F Cables: Amphenol Connex 112563
i. BNC (50 Ohm) Type G Cables: Amphenol Connex 112120
j. 4-Pole Speaker smaller than 12AWG: Neutrik NL4FC
k. 4-Pole Speaker greater than 12AWG: Neutrik NLT4FX-BAG
l. 8-Pole Speaker smaller than 12AWG: Neutrik NL8FC
m. 8-Pole Speaker greater than 12AWG: Neutrik NLT8FX-BAG
n. Mass Connectors: Whirlwind W-series
F. Speaker Junction Box located at cluster position and Equipment Room(s) for termination of speaker cable.
Connections on inside of box to be screw terminals or barrier strip as specified. Speaker Junction Box to
1. Barrier Strip: Wago 10 gauge compatible din rail mounted screw terminals, Use ferrules and proper
crimping tool for all terminations. Positive Terminal (+) to be Orange Part #2006-1302. Negative
Terminal (-) to be Gray Part #2006-1301 Terminals to be mounted on non-corrosive DIN rail, Wago 210112.
2. Use insulated Ferrules on all terminations, Wago 216-208 (10 AWG), Wago 216-267 (12 AWG), Wago
216-266 (14 Awg). Crimp with Wago 206-216 tool for 10 AWG and Wago 2006-204 for 12 AWG and
3. Use end and intermediate plates Wago 2006-1392(Orange) and Wago 2006-1391(Gray).
4. Use push-in jumpers Wago 2006-4xx as required.
5. Use Wago 2009-1x0 center marking strips.
G. Mic & Line Level Junction Box located in Equipment Room(s) for termination of speaker cable.
Connections on inside of box to be screw terminals or barrier strip as specified. Speaker Junction
Box to contain:
Exhibit A
PR 6749
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1. Barrier Strip: Wago 20-24 gauge compatible din rail mounted screw terminals, Use ferrules and proper
crimping tool for all terminations. Use Wago spring 280-550 Series Triple Decker.
2. Adjacent Terminals of Like Tie-Lines and Intercom Lines jumpered together with adjacent jumper blocks.
Tie Line and Intercom channel divisions demarked with spacer plates.
3. Use insulated Ferrules on all terminations. Crimp with Wago crimp tool.
4. Use Wago center marking strips.
1. Provide 8 hours of custom DSP programming. 8 of this will be onsite programming during the audio
systems commissioning. Programmer shall contact the consultant and receive guidance on the processing
signal flow and layout.
a. The software shall be provided for approval by consultant at least 6 weeks prior to system
commissioning. Failure to do so may cause delays in the commissioning process and create the
necessity for additional programming hours.
2. Contractor to provide custom control screens designed per owner’s and consultant’s instruction. The
programming and GUI design shall allow for basic operations of each component in the system including
monitoring, muting, and level adjustment.
3. Control System and DSP programs are the ownership of the client and it shall be given to the client via
flash drive at the end of the system warranty period.
a. Any passwords for the processor or its software shall be provided to the University.
B. Coordinate work with other trades to avoid causing delays in construction schedule.
C. Mount equipment and enclosures plumb and square. Permanently installed equipment to be firmly and safely
held in place.
D. Cover edges of cable pass-through holes in chassis, racks, boxes, etc., with rubber grommets or Brady
GRNY nylon grommet material.
E. AC Power and Grounding
1. Coordinate final connection of power and ground wiring to racks. Provide j-box inside top or bottom of
rack, as applicable, to make final connection between internal rack wiring by the AV Contractor and
external power wiring by the Electrical Contractor.
2. Install 3-conductor, isolated ground, 120 VAC outlets in each rack. Provide a minimum of two spare
outlets in each rack. Label each outlet as to which AC circuit is feeding it and provide the same
information in the circuit breaker panel.
3. Refer to drawing AV6.00 for technical grounding detail.
F. Equipment Racks
1. Mount equipment in racks and consoles and fully wire and test before delivery to job site. If field
conditions prevent prior assembly of racks, notify University in writing that racks will be fabricated on
site and the reasons for the change. Racks located on concrete floors in equipment rooms or non-finished
spaces to mount on a 4 inch wood or concrete riser.
2. Install rack mounted equipment with black 10-32 button head machine screws with Allen drive.
3. Provide security covers on non-user operated equipment having front panel controls. Install covers at the
conclusion of Acceptance Testing.
4. Provide ventilation adequate to keep temperature within the rack below 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Provide
whisper type ventilation fan in each rack if temperature in rack rises above 100 degrees with power on for
five continuous hours. This ventilation system must be temperature actuated.
5. Looking at the rack from the rear, locate AC power, digital control, DC control, and speaker wiring on the
left; microphone, line level audio, and video wiring on the right. Panels or equipment mounted on the rear
rack rails shall not block access to any front mounted components.
Exhibit A
PR 6749
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G. System Wiring
1. Take precautions to prevent and guard against electromagnetic and electrostatic hum. For line level audio
signals, float cable shields at the output of source device. Shields not connected to be folded back over
cable jacket and covered with heat-shrink tubing. Do not cut off unused shields.
2. Exercise care in wiring; damaged cables or equipment will not be accepted. Isolate cables of different
signals or different levels; and separate, organize, and route to restrict channel crosstalk or feedback
oscillation in any amplifier section. Keep wiring separated into groups for microphone level circuits, line
level circuits, loudspeaker circuits, and power circuits.
3. Make joints and connections with rosin-core solder or with mechanical connectors approved by the
University; where spade lugs are used, crimp properly with ratchet type tool. Spade lugs mounted on 22
gauge or smaller cable to be soldered after crimping.
4. Route unbroken microphone, audio line, and control wiring from receptacle plate/chassis to patch
panel/rack. Remove spliced cables and replace without additional charge to the University.
5. Connect cable to active components through screw terminal connections and spade lugs whenever
available. Make connections to speaker transformers with properly sized closed end connectors crimped
with factory approved ratchet type tool. Wire nut or "Scotchlock" connectors are not acceptable. Do not
wrap audio cable splices or connections with adhesive backed tape.
6. Execute wiring in strict adherence to "standard broadcast practices," as excerpted from:
a. "Recommended Wiring Practices," Broadcast Audio Equipment for AM, FM, Television (5th Edition),
Radio Corporation of America (RCA), Camden, N.J. 1962
b. Appendix II, "Recommended Wiring Practices", Sound System Engineering, (2nd Edition), D. Davis.
7. Run vertical wiring inside rack in properly sized plastic raceway with snap on covers (Panduit Type E
series). Mount raceways on full length 3/4 inch plywood backboards attached to rack sides. Horizontal
wiring in rack to be neatly tied in manageable bundles with cable lengths cut to minimize excess cable
slack but still allow for service and testing. Provide horizontal support bars if cable bundles sag. Neatly
bundle excess AC power cable from rack mounted equipment with plastic cable ties. Rack wiring to be
bundled with plastic cable ties or lacing twine. Electrical tape and adhesive backed cable tie anchors are
not acceptable.
8. Connect loudspeakers electrically in phase, using the same wire color code for speaker wiring throughout
the project.
9. Wiring and connections shall be completely visible and labeled in rack.
H. Equipment and Cable Labeling
1. Provide engraved lamicoid labels on the front and rear of active equipment mounted in racks. Mount labels
in a neat, plumb and permanent manner. Embossed labels are not acceptable. Equipment labels to have at
least two lines of engraving with the first to include the schematic reference of the device, i.e., PA-29A or
EQ-3. The bottom line to indicate what other devices or areas this equipment controls, i.e., FEEDS HF3&4 or FEEDS XOVER-3.
2. Engraved labels to have 1/8 inch high characters minimum. Labels to be black with white characters
except where indicated.
3. All cables within the system shall be labeled with a unique identifying number at each end of the cable.
Use only pre-printed labels. Cover labels with clear heat shrink tubing. Self-adhesive labels will not be
allowed without prior approval of the University.
4. Label each terminal strip with a unique identification code in addition to a numerical label (Cinch MS
series) for each terminal. Show terminal strip codes on system schematic drawings included with Project
Record Drawings.
Exhibit A
PR 6749
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A. Final Inspection Notification Report. Contractor to prepare a final checkout report submitted two weeks prior
to system commissioning that the system is ready for acceptance testing. This report should include
verification that all tests outlined below have been performed, and include the results of those tests.
B. Contractor to verify the following prior to acceptance testing by the University. Provide written notification
that all tests have been performed, and documentation showing: how the tests were performed, who
performed each tests, and the results of each test.
1. General
a. Clean all control spaces, equipment rooms, productions rooms and equipment racks so they are free
from dust, debris, solder, boxes, etc.
b. Clean air filters for all devices with operable fans (amplifiers, power supplies, etc.).
2. Electrical.
a. Verify that all circuits feeding the audio system are derived from a technical power panel.
b. Verify that isolated ground receptacles are used for the technical power systems at all locations as
outlined in the grounding details of the AV drawings. Notify the University of any deviation of this
immediately. Check all outlets for proper termination of the hot, neutral, and ground conductors.
3. Loudspeaker System Tests. Perform the following tests and adjustments. Make corrections necessary to
bring system(s) into compliance with the specifications.
a. Measure and record the impedance of each loudspeaker at the equipment rack with the amplifier
disconnected. Measurements shall be documented in a table that lists the impedance for each 1/3 octave
band over the loudspeakers operating frequency. Measurements shall be accurate to within one-tenth of
an ohm. As an alternative, contractor may perform and document full impedance sweeps over each
individual device. Sweep to be performed over loudspeakers specified operating range.
b. Check polarity of loudspeakers with an electronic polarity checker and by applying music program or
constant power per octave (pink noise) signal to system while walking through the transition areas of
coverage from one loudspeaker to the next. Transition should be smooth with no apparent shift in
source from one speaker to the next.
c. Apply sine wave sweep signal to each loudspeaker system, sweeping from 50 Hz to 5k Hz and at a level
10 dB below full amplifier output, and listen for rattles or noise. Correct if apparent.
4. Microphone, line level, and Tie Lines Systems. Confirm the following. Make corrections necessary to
bring system(s) into compliance with the specifications.
a. Proper circuits appearing at each termination location.
b. Continuity of all conductors.
c. Proper polarity is maintained.
d. Absence of shorts between conductors
e. Absence of shorts between conductors and conduit.
A. Provide the following equipment on site for final acceptance testing. Test equipment to be available for the
entire period through final system acceptance. Prior to start of testing, provide a list to the University of test
equipment make and model numbers that will be used.
a. Dual-trace oscilloscope - 20 MHz bandwidth, 1 mV/cm sensitivity.
b. Digital Multimeter capable of 1% accuracy.
c. Impedance Meter - Capable of testing audio lines at individual frequencies, between 250 Hz and 4k Hz.
Measurement Range: 1 ohm to 100k ohms.
d. Audio Oscillator: bandwidth 20 Hz to 20k Hz +1 dB at 0 dBm output. Output to be balanced. Oscillator
to include adjustable output level.
e. Polarity checker for mic and line level signals.
f. Polarity checker for loudspeakers.
g. (2) full height mic stands.
Exhibit A
PR 6749
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A. The process of acceptance testing is estimated to take a minimum of 8 hours. During this time the Contractor
shall have 2 technicians available to assist the University and make adjustments or corrections to the system
as required. Contractor shall be responsible for providing test equipment as outlined in Section 3.3 above for
the duration of the acceptance testing.
B. The following procedures will be performed by the University on each System:
1. The audio fidelity test shall consist of driving the system with pink noise and measuring the response from
40 Hz to 16k Hz. Digital Signal Processing will be used to adjust the response of the system (s) to fit the
requirements of the space.
2. Control functions shall be checked for proper operation, from controlling devices to controlled devices.
3. Adjust, balance, and align equipment for optimum quality and to meet the manufacturer's published
specifications. Establish and mark normal settings for each level control, and record these settings, in the
"System Operation and Maintenance Manual".
4. Installed and loose equipment will be inventoried for correct quantity.
5. Any other test on any piece of equipment or system deemed appropriate.
C. The process of acceptance testing the System may necessitate moving and adjusting loudspeaker aiming.
Contractor to make adjustments to loudspeaker aiming within parameters set in Part 2. Contractor to make
changes without claim for additional payment, this includes the use of lifts, scaffold, etc. If the construction
timeline or architecture interferes with the ability to make changes during acceptance testing, notify
University in writing prior to loudspeakers becoming inaccessible so that final on-site aiming may be
D. In the event the need for further adjustment or work becomes evident during equalization or acceptance
testing, the Contractor will continue his work until the system is acceptable at no addition to the contract
price. If approval is delayed because of defective equipment, or failure of equipment or installation to meet
the requirements of these specifications, the Contractor will pay for additional time and expenses of the
University's Consultant at the Consultant's standard rate in effect at that time, during any extension of the
acceptance testing period.
A. Provide 4 hours instruction to University designated personnel on the use and operation of the System,
scheduled as one session, by an instructor fully knowledgeable and qualified in system operation. The
System Reference Manuals should be complete and on site at the time of this instruction. This training
session shall be videotaped by the Contractor and two sets of DVD copies shall be provided to the
B. A technician knowledgeable in mixing and operation of the mixing console and familiar with the system
installation shall be present at the first formal music rehearsal and for the first weekend of services. The
technician’s role will be to support the churches staff during the rehearsal and weekend services as well as
troubleshoot any system issues that may arise.