Lesson Plan – ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? Standards

Lesson Plan – ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?
Standards-based Objective: Students will correctly use present perfect to explain
(verbally and written) their hobbies, passions, and personal interests and the
hobbies of others as well.
Assessment Task: Correctly use the present perfect to talk about personal interests
and hobbies. I will go around the room and check on their work (observe what they
are writing and listen to what they are saying) to assess how well they are learning
the present perfect.
Context for the Lesson:
Social Issue – Students will talk about personal interests of not only themselves, but
of others too. This helps them to learn about others and the social aspects of others’
Culturally Authentic Materials – Culturally authentic pictures will be shown during
class of various people/places/things from Spanish-speaking countries when the
students participate in an activity where they use the present perfect to describe
what people “have done” in the pictures.
Content from Other Disciplines – Social relationships, sports, art, other cultures
Targeted Grammatical Structure: 1) el ocio 2) animado 3) relajarse 4) disfrutar 5)
divertido 6) celebrar 7) el pasatiempo
Lesson Plan:
1. Calentamiento (7 min): Review what we learned last class with present
perfect and have the students complete five sentences using the present
perfect. Go over warm-up with them:
Calentamiento: Usa el presente perfecto para completar las frases. Necesitas hacerlo
en tu papel con los cuatro cuadros.
yo / cantar / en mi casa
tú / bailar / en el concierto
Maddy / trabajar / en un restaurante
nosotros / hablar / con la familia
ellos / viajar (travel) / a París
2. Writing Activity (12 min): Students will fill in the blanks in the story with
the correct form of the verb using the present perfect. We will go over the
answers together.
La directora del laboratorio está enojada porque el asistente ha llegado tarde.
Completa la conversación con las formas del PRESENT PERFECT.
Directora: ¿Dónde (1) ___________ (estar) tú toda la mañana y qué (2) ________ (hacer)
con mi computadora portátil?
Asistente: Ay, yo (3) __________ (tener) la peor mañana de mi vida...Resulta que ayer
llevé su computadora conmigo para seguir con el análisis del experimento y…
D: ¿Pero por qué no usaste la tuya?
A: Porque usted todavía no (4) ____________ (descargar) todos los programas que
necesito. Pues, hacía unas compras en la tarde, y la dejé en alguna parte.
D: Me estás mintiendo, en realidad la (5) ____________ (romper), ¿no?
A: No, no la (6) _________ (romper); la (7) ___________ (perder). Por eso esta mañana (8)
____________ (volver) a todas las tiendas y les (9) _____________ (preguntar) a todos si la
(10) ___________ (ver).
3. Speaking Activity (12 min): Students will each get a chart with different
verbs in each box explaining various activities (ex: viajar a Europa). They will
then need to go around the class and use the present perfect to ask different
students what they have or have not done. Students will initial each other’s
boxes until their charts are filled as they complete the speaking activity.
4. Vocabulary (15 min): I will give the students the list of vocabulary words
for today. They will define the words and make flashcards so they can
practice memorizing them. Vocab words:
1. el ocio
2. animado
3. relajarse
4. disfrutar
5. divertido
6. celebrar
7. el pasatiempo
5. Describing Activity (12 min): I will show students culturally authentic
pictures of adolescents in Spanish-speaking countries and we will create
sentences using the present perfect to describe the various pictures and what
hobbies these people like to do based on the pictures. We will talk about
these as a class after the students talk in groups and decide what sentence to
6. Back-up/Sponge Activity: Play Kahoot to practice the present perfect.
-Native Speakers: When defining the vocabulary in English, it will give native
speakers more knowledge about how the words translate. They will also practice
specifically using the present perfect, helping them to understand some grammar
they may have been confused about in the past.
-IEP students: I will monitor these students to make sure they are on task, as well as
give them individual written instructions instead of on the projector.