Syllabus – Antonella Buttazzoni Class level Classroom Lower Intermediate Student’s house Progress expectation The student (Melisa) wants to resume with her English classes, even though it’s been a while since she has studied it. She expects to learn new vocabulary and grammar by the end of 10 classes, she will decide after that if she wants to continue or not. Studying English for practical uses, such as using the Internet, making and speaking to friends from other countries, she want to be able to understand some English songs she likes. “Improving our English” The main aim is to improve her English so that Melissa will be able to use English every day, understanding what she reads or listens to. She believes that nowadays knowing how to speak English is an important skill needed to be able to communicate with almost 40% of the world population who speaks it. Subject Topic Aim Lesson date Lesson duration 10 hours – 10 lesson, 1 hour Melissa has studied English in high school, but since then she has not taken any class, hence she does not remember most things. Present simple and future simple don’t represent any problems, but past simple and present perfect shows some flaws. Objective Knowledge assumed Material & equipment Learning assessment Melissa wants to work on her writing and reading skills. Even though her speaking and listening are pretty good she wants to improve them. Lesson 1: Cooking and restaurants Grammar: Quantifiers + countable and uncountable nouns Vocabulary: Lesson 2: Love and Friends Grammar: Past simple Vocabulary: Relationships, Family tree, Lesson 3: At work Grammar: Present simple and present continuous Vocabulary : Jobs, types of work Lesson 4: Traveling Grammar: future simple, going to Vocabulary: transport, travel items Lesson 5: Review of lesson 1, 2, 3 and 4 Lesson 6: At the hotel Grammar: Present Perfect Continuous Vocabulary: Hotel related vocabulary Lesson 7: Conditional sentences Grammar: 1st, 2nd conditional Lesson 8:Adverbs Grammar: Adverbs of time, manner, frequency Vocabulary: Sports and everyday actions Lesson 9:The sentence Grammar: The basic word order of an English sentence Lesson 10: Review or lessons 6, 7, 8 and 9. She studied English when she was in High School, she has basic knowledge, she understands when someone speaks but she is a little shy when it is her turn to speak. She knows present simple, past simple (some problems with irregular verbs, and doesn’t remember some verbs) Flashcards of different topics, worksheets, whiteboard, printed test. The student will have to solve several exercise during the 10 lesson plan and also will have 2 tests in order to review the learnt knowledge, she expressed during the one to one interview, she likes tests and that’s the reason why they are included. Tasks Phase Duration 1. 10 Topic Warmer 2 10 Cooking and restaurants 3 10 Countable and uncountable nouns 4 10 Quantifiers 5 10 Countable and uncountable nouns Teacher activity Being the first class the teacher must break the ice and make the student feel comfortable, for this is good to get to know the student, prepare some questions. Teacher must introduce the topic, show some colored pictures of a restaurant and kitchen, teach new vocabulary Explain how countable and uncountable nouns works, show some pictures of sugar, coffee, apples and different types of nouns, ask the student what type areThe teacher must hand out the printed worksheets and explain the activity. Student activity Resources The student must Printed personal answer the questions. questions asked by the teacher. The student must Colored pay attention to flashcards. the new vocabulary. The student must Colored answer if the flashcards. nouns in the picture are countable or uncountable. The student must fill in the sentences with the correct quantifier. When finished the student must read the answers out loud. The teacher must With the show the vocabulary flashcards again learned before, and ask the and knowing how student to to use quantifiers, express with the the student must vocabulary learnt express what she before to say Printed worksheet with sentences to fill in. Colored flashcards what she sees in the flashcards. Hand out the text to the student. see in the flashcards. The student must Printed text to fill read and then fill in with quantifiers. in the text using, many, no, some, very little, plenty, few. 6 10 Quantifiers 1 10 Warmer 2 10 4 20 5 20 The student must answer if she knows how certain member of a family Is called, take notes and pay attention The student must pay attention to the teacher and repeat the paradigm. What did Anna do Hand out a text The student must last summer? where a girl read the text out narrates how loud and then many members explain how many her family has members Anna’s and what they did family has and during last also what she did summer last summer vacations. vacations. 1 10 Warmer 2 15 Working LESSON 2 The teacher must find a way to introduce the new topic to the student, this can be done asking who she lives with or how many siblings does she have, in this way we will introduce the topic. Family members The teacher must draw a family tree on the whiteboard, parents, siblings, aunt, uncle, grandparents. Family memories The teacher must introduce a paradigm using past simple. LESSON 3 Explain a game where the student must in 2 minutes write down all words she knows of a certain category, animals, vegetables, at the restaurant/kitchen , and jobs, in this way we introduce the topic for the day With different flashcards including jobs and The student must Whiteboard answer the teacher’s questions about her family. Whiteboard and colored flashcards Printed paradigm and also a whiteboard. Printed text. The student must fully participate in the activity The student must Flashcards with take notes and different jobs and according to what actions. actions, the teacher must explain how present continues works, after a short review of present simple. 3 15 4 20 1 10 2 10 3 15 the teacher asks, she must answer. Combining different flashcards make sentences using present continuous. What are they The teacher must The student must Colored doing right now? have a colored observe the flashcard. Office picture of an picture and situation office day, with explain what the people doing people are doing. simple task such as writing, reading, siting, talking, listening to music, drinking, eating, with this ask the student what they are doing right now. Correct use of Hand out the The student must Printed worksheet present printed worksheet fil in correctly the continuous. with sentences to sentences using fill in using present present continuous and continuous, 15 then the student sentences in total must read out loud and in case of not understanding ask the teacher. LESSON 4 Warmer The class before the teacher asked the student to bring an object that has personal value to her. Ask the student to explain why it has such a value. Brainstorm, travel The teacher asks related the student what comes to her mind when we say travel, write all the words on the whiteboard. Find someone in Hand out a your family who… printed chart where the student can read several travel related action and ask the student to read them and find a family member/friend of The student must Object brought by explain why that the student. object is special for her, describing as accurate as she can the details. The student must Whiteboard, say any travel marker. word related so that the teacher can write it on the whiteboard. The student must read the actions in the chart and find someone she knows who likes or does that thing. Then tell briefly who that person is and how often he/she does it. 4 20 What are you going to do in Europe? 5 5 Homework 1 10 2 20 Review of past lessons 3 30 Test 1 10 Warmer 2 10 Test feedback her who does or likes this thing Hand out a text about a teenager’s plan for his next trip to Europe, in the text there are plenty sentences with “will” and “going to” Hand out and explain homework for next class. LESSON 5 Homework review The teacher must correct the homework and ask if the student had any problem solving it. The student must Printed text. read with detail the text and identify the sentences where there is a reference to future plans or activities. After reading the student must explain what the text is about. Printed homework/book. The student must show the homework to the teacher and in case she had problems with it, ask the teacher for help The teacher must The student must sum up the past 4 say if she has lessons, problems with a reviewing the particular vocabulary and grammar tense or grammar learnt. vocabulary in specific so the teacher can explain It again. Hand out a brief The student must, and simple test, using her where the student previous learnt can prove she knowledge solve understood all the test correctly. that was taught during the previous lessons. LESSON 6 The teacher must The student must introduce the express her topic explaining opinion about that next month certain hotel she is planning to facilities and go on a short features. vacation but she is still not sure to which hotel, ask the student how important certain hotel facilities and features are. The teacher must give back the Homework done, pen. Whiteboard, marker Printed test, relaxing music to play. Whiteboard. Corrected test. 3 15 4 20 5 5 1 10 2 20 3 10 corrected test from the lesson before, and go through it with the student, explaining what mistakes she made. At the hotel The teacher must play 4 listening of different situation at the hotel. These listening include vocabulary related to the topic. Present perfect The teacher must continuous explain the grammar structure of present perfect continuous, and ask the student to make some sentences with it Homework Hand out the homework, text filled with “At the hotel” vocabulary, and sentences to complete using present perfect continuous. LESSON 7 Warmer To introduce the topic the teacher can tell the student that that morning she broke a mirror and she is afraid about having 7 years of bad luck, ask the student if she believes in this and why. Ask for another examples. Superstitions – 1st Showing some conditional. pictures about worldwide superstitions, ask the student what happens in those different scenarios. Introduce 1st conditional. 1st conditional Hand out some exercises so that The student must Printed dialogues, listen to the listening. listening and complete de dialogues printed. The student must Paper, pen, pay attention to whiteboard, the explanation marker. and then make some sentences using present perfect continuous. The student, in case of not understanding, must ask for another more detailed explanation. Homework. The student must give her point of view about superstitions and numerate those she knows about. The student must Colored pay attention to flashcards, the grammar whiteboard. explanation and give examples with the colored flashcards shown. Fill in the sentences with Printed worksheet 4 20 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 20 5 10 1 10 the student practices 1st conditional. 2nd conditional, I Hand out a text have some where a girl problems with…. explains some problems she has. Explain the grammar part of 2nd conditional and how it works. LESSON 8 Warmer Ask the student what she did during the weekend and what plans she has for the week, reviewing past simple and future simple. Adverbs Explain what adverbs are, the types and how we use them correctly. Adverbs. Pass out pieces of paper with key words on it, and ask her to write a sentence that contains an adverb describing how that stated on the paper is done. These paper contain also some sports and everyday actions. Adverbs Hand out a text where many adverbs can be found, ask the student to identify them and say what type they are. Homework Hand out the homework for next class and explain what needs to be done. LESSON 9 Warmer Show a student words cut out from a sentence and ask her to put them in order. the correct use of the 1st conditional. Read the text out Printed loud. Pay worksheets. attention to the grammar explanation. Answer the questions done by the teacher and provide examples using past simple and future simple. The student must Whiteboard pay attention and take notes. The student must Pieces of paper. follow the activity writing sentences about how something is done. Read the text and Printed text, identify correctly notebook, and all the adverbs. pen. Then write them down and classify them. Printed homework. Put the words in order to make a sentences that makes sense. Cut sentences. 2 10 3 10 4 20 5 10 Parts of speech 1 10 Warmer, what would you do if…? 2 20 Review of past lessons 3 30 Test Kind of sentence Explain the different kinds of sentences Kind of sentence Ask the student to identify what kind of sentences are the one given. Then ask the student to explain why she thinks it is that type Parts of speech Explain the and sentence grammar part of formulation parts of speech and ways to identify each of them, provide several examples and work together with the student to practice identifying| them. Hand out a printed text where the student needs to identify parts of speech in several sentences. LESSON 10 Ask the student what she would do in different occasion, fun way to review conditionals, provide fun examples. The teacher must sum up the past 4 lessons, reviewing the vocabulary and grammar learnt. Age Level Write down the type of each sentence. She then needs to explain why she choose that answer. Notes Printed worksheet The student must Whiteboard. pay attention to the grammar lesson and take some notes about it. Then work together with the teacher and identify parts of the speech. In case of not understanding, ask about another explanation The student will Printed text identify basic parts of speech in a reading passage. The student must say what would she do in a certain situation provided by the teacher. The student must say if she has problems with a particular grammar tense or vocabulary in specific so the teacher can explain It again. Hand out a brief The student must, and simple test, using her where the student previous learnt can prove she knowledge solve understood all the test correctly. that was taught during the previous lessons. Students who attended Name . Whiteboard, marker Printed test, relaxing music to play. Melisa Miranda 23 Lower Intermediate She is dedicated, intelligent, wants to learn English for herself. She uses the internet every day and that’s the main reason she wants to learn English. She studies to be a dentist, but is not interested in learning specific vocabulary for her future job.