
We would like to know…
Berkeley College
Presented by: Andrea John
Berkeley College is a co-educational private college specializing in business
Seven locations in New York and New Jersey and an online campus
Total Enrollment - 6035 FTE
6384 headcount
Academic Programs
9 BBA programs
12 BS programs
13 AAS programs
1 AS program
3 certificate programs
Why a Survey…?
 Valuable
 Confirmation
 Gather
informative data
The Surveys
We currently use four surveys
Exit Interview survey
RSVP survey
Pending Application survey
Opt Out survey
Exit Interview Email
Link to Interview
Link to Opt-Out Survey
Exit Interview Survey Via Pathfinder
Link on VIP (Pathfinder) page
Exit Interview Survey
Why The Exit Interview Survey?
Exit Interview Survey
Sent within 24 hours of visiting a campus
Gives us feedback
Répondez S’il Vous Plaît (RSVP Survey)
Répondez S’il Vous Plaît (RSVP Survey)
Used for:
 Open
 Major
 Reminders
Can add an
setting option
Répondez S’il Vous Plaît (RSVP Survey)
Why The RSVP Survey?
RSVP Survey
Allows us to keep track of more specific information
Bringing friend
How many seats to reserve
Reschedule appt if not attending
Pending Application Email
Link to “what
happened” survey
Pending Application Email
Why The Pending Application Survey?
Pending Application Survey
 Surveys can be used as gentle but urgent reminders
 Gives us feedback
 More accurate follow up
Opt-Out Survey
Link to Opt-Out Survey
Opt-Out Survey
Why the Opt-Out Survey
Opt-Out Survey
More Information
Clean up
123 responses to an Open House survey
46 responses to a Parent Day Open House survey
(0.16%) – 12,895 prospects received this email
357 responses to the Exit Interview survey
(0.55%) – 6,660 parents received this email
28 responses to a Fashion Workshop survey
(0.34%) - 61,544 prospects received this email
(9.1%) – 3,310 prospects received this email
67 applicants filled out the Pending Application survey
(4.1%) - 1,603 applicants received this email
Andrea John
Contact information:
Berkeley College
99 Church Street
White Plains, NY 10601
914-694-1122 X 3305 ~