Denying the perfection of the Holy Bible is not new. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (vol. 8, p. 106) records one burned at the stake in 1556. Fox recorded: “John Cavel…answered, that the cause why he did forbear the coming to church, was, that the parson there had preached two contrary doctrines.→ “For first, in a sermon that he made…he did exhort the people to believe the gospel; for it was the truth, and if they did not believe it, they should be damned. But in a second sermon, he preached that the Testament was false in forty places, which contrariety in him was a cause amongst other of his absenting from church.” Recently someone said that there were problems in some forty places also. Men in 1556 were martyred before they would agree with such comments. WHY are some now denying the absolute perfection and inspiration of the King James Bible ? WHAT brought this about ? THE REASON why some today deny the absolute perfection and inspiration of the KJB is their use of Dictionaries and Greek-English & HebrewEnglish Lexicons, which incorrectly allege that the KJB is wrong in various places or could read differently. Some act as if they have holy and inspired lexicons, instead of an inspired Holy Bible. Beware of Bibliographies or Commentaries citing the following KJV-correcting corrupt lexicons. Strong’s Concordance Vine’s Expository Dictionary Moulton’s Analytical Lexicon Wuest’s Word Studies The definitions in these ‘Bible’ dictionaries and the words in new versions are identical. They came from the same poisoned well, Greek and Hebrew study tools, all by the same menacing men. 1 Tim. 5:22 says, “Lay hands suddenly on no man” 1 Thes. 5:21 says, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” Many have laid hands on Greek and Hebrew study tools by Strong, Vine, Moulton, Wuest and others, without a thorough examination of the beliefs of these men. This presentation and the book Hazardous Materials demonstrate that the men who first promoted the English definitions of Greek Bible words were evil men “crept in unawares…ungodly men,” as Jude 5 warns us. More documentation is in the 1,200 page book: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Greek and Hebrew Study Dangers The Voice of Strangers Burning Bibles Word by Word Beware of the back pages of Strong’s Concordance* Greek-English Lexicon Hebrew-English Lexicon Strong was a member of the Revised Standard Version (1881) committee of Westcott, Hort, and Vaughan. On this committee he joined one Unitarian (Smith), two sympathizers of Luciferians (Ginsburg, Stanley), one child molester (C.J. Vaughan), and a hoard of Bible critics. Strong was also a member of the American Standard Version Committee of 1901. Strong joined two Unitarians (Abbott and Thayer), one followers of Luciferians (Schaff), and a horde of bible critics, such as S.R. Driver, who together changed nearly 10,000 words of the Bible. ASV ASV committee chairman, Philip Schaff called ‘inspiration,’ “the moonshine theory of the inerrant apostolic autographs.” He would not chose committee members who did not agree that the originals were not even inspired. Therefore Strong and Thayer did not even believe in the inspiration of the originals. Strong does not always follow the Textus Receptus to define words. Strong used the Koran to define words, being influenced by the linguistic theories of the higher critics who believed that the Hebrews got their culture, vocabulary, and scriptures from their pagan neighbors. Strong’s definitions are often nothing more that the words in his American Standard Version. In Strong’s lexicons, –Devils become deity; –Lucifer becomes Jesus Christ. KJB has: devils Strong’s definition Demonic demons being, deity Demons are gods in Greek mythology Lucifer morningstar Rev. 22:16 Jesus The morning star and day star are Jesus Christ Godhead divinity Strong’s Problem ASV day star 2 Pet. 1:19 Jesus divinity deity = divinity devils = Godhead Strong’s definitions express, not always a literal meaning of a Greek or Hebrew word, but his liberal philosophy. Strong’s ASV Problem too very supersti religious -tious very religious Not translated (from deisidaimone steros, ‘fear of devils’ heresy party party Neutral word bottom- abyss less pit abyss More difficult KJB (selfdefining) Strong’s definition KJB Strong’s definition follow imitate hell hades Strong’s ASV Problem imitate A counterfeit imitates hades Not translated KJB Strong’s definition Strong’s ASV Problem temper SelfSelfWorks ance control control (self, not spirit) charity love love Charity is Christ’s love shown from one Christian to another Christian. Verse Acts 8:37 Col. 1:14 1 John 5:13 1 John 4:3 Col. 1:2 KJB Strong and Thayer ASV omit I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God through his blood omit that believe on omit the name of the Son of God Christ is come in the flesh omit And the Lord Jesus Christ omit Will Strong, a Methodist, give us the Historic Baptist Position?????????? The Strong-McClintock Cyclopedia, by James Strong, charges the “Anabaptists” with “fanaticism.” It charges that one of these Baptists “persuaded the people to devote their gold, and silver, and movable property to the common use, and to burn all their books but the Bible (Haz. p. 191). Therefore, the historic Baptist position is not to bring the Holy Bible under the scrutiny of man-made books, especially those written by non-Baptists. Harold K. Moulton’s* The Analytical Greek Lexicon Moulton’s Analytical Greek Lexicon is the Greek textbook often used at fundamental colleges which deny inspiration of the KJB. Hmmm. It is an update of his father’s Moulton & Milligan Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament. That original Moulton and Milligan Lexicon was written by Harold K. Moulton’s father, James Moulton to defend the words in the Revised Version, of which his father, William Moulton was a translator, along with Westcott and Hort. Consequently Moulton’s definitions match the grandfather’s Revised Version. Moulton’s vocabulary is secular, not spiritual. It is based upon secular materials, found in the “RubbishHeaps” of “Greek-speaking Egyptians” James Moulton says that there is no such thing as “Biblical Greek” or the “language of the Holy Ghost.” The Cambridge History of the Bible show that: 1.) The Bible brings literacy to a country, 2.) The Bible codifies the language. 3.) The Bible serves as a written repository of word meanings. The ensuing dark, secular contexts in which these words find themselves cannot shed light on the ‘true’ meaning of these words, nor usurp the Holy Ghost’s original meaning. They may reveal how a word was adapted or distorted in secular usage. But to determine how the Bible uses the word, one must study the context of the Bible alone. Moulton claims, for example, that the KJB’s rendering of Hebrews 11:1, “faith is the substance” if wrong. Based on secular “Egyptian rubbish” he says it should be “faith is the title deed.” A ‘title deed’ is not the actual “substance” of which it writes, but only a piece of paper. With the KJB, one gets the solid substance, the real thing, not just a promissory note. James Moulton published four books sympathetic to Zoroastrianism, a religion from Iran which worships a god named Mazda. Following in his grandfather’s footsteps, Harold K. Moulton was on the recent corrupt Greek text committee of the United Bible Society with Aland and Metzger. Harold K. Moulton also helped with the DICTIONARY in the back of the corrupt United Bible Society’s Greek text 4th edition, which underlies the new versions!! The Dictionary’s preface thanks Moulton and admits, “the meanings are given in present-day English, rather than in accord with traditional ecclesiastical terminology.” James Moulton’s textbook says, “Correct the following mistranslations of the A.V.” With such a history, is it any wonder that some schools that use Harold K. Moulton’s lexicon to teach Greek think that the KJB is wrong??! Vine’s* Expository Dictionary Vine Lists his sources as: The corrupt Greek text of Westcott and Hort’ The Revised Version of Westcott and Hort of 1881 Lexicons by members of this RV committee: Thayer, Strong, Trench, and Lightfoot Lexicon by son of RV member, Moulton and Milligan Following the Revised Version sometimes corrupts Vine’s theology. Like John MacArthur, Vine denies that it is the blood that saves. The Old Testament section of Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary is not Vine’s, but Nelson’s Expository Dictionary, by NIV and NKJV editors, with NIV and NKJV definitions, following the corrupt Old Testament text! Vine’s biographer says, “Among English versions he gave his exclusive preference to the Revised Version…” Vine’s definitions are from the Revised Version of Westcott, Hort, and Vaughan. Vine’s definitions are the very words used in new versions, as new versions often copy the RV and ASV. KJB RV etc. Vine’s add again supply a second time counsel supply a second time will now able already sufficient counsel already sufficient 7 syllables 14 syllables 14 syllables Vine says, “Correct your rendering from the R.V.” “The R.V. rendering is preferable to the A.V.” Vine often defines the word in the corrupt Westcott and Hort text, not the Textus Receptus. The following use words from the Revised Version of 1881 for definitions: Strong’s Concordance Thayer’s Lexicon Moulton’s Lexicon Vine’s Dictionary Berry’s Interlinear Why were the men on the RV committee feverishly filing off the sharp edges of the Holy Bible? Westcott and Hort started the Ghostly Guild to study necromancy, that is, contacting the dead. RV host, A.P. Stanley (aka Nancy) was a sympathetic friend of Luciferian Anne Besant. When the hatchers of the Revised Version were looking for proven God-hating heretics to join them in over-ruling the Holy Bible, they asked C.J. Vaughan to come out of ten years of hiding and join them as a member of the translation committee. Ten years earlier, headmaster Vaughan had been forced to resign his position at Harrow School for boys due to the scandal involving homosexual child molesting charges involving a student under B.F. Westcott’s care. Westcott opened the door for his old homosexual and pedophile compatriot C.J. Vaughan, brother in law of A.P Stanley (known as Nancy), to work closely with him on his RV Committee. The Journal of Theological Studies from Oxford University has recently printed the newly discovered translation notebook of Westcott’s. It cites “notepaper, on which is recorded in Westcott’s hand, a number of humorous exchanges mainly involving Vaughan.” Vine says, “the student should obtain Nestle’s Greek New Testament…” a near copy of Westcott and Hort’s text. Textus Receptus Matches KJB zelos Vine defines Corrupt Greek zeal toil hagion ponos saints aion Sarkikoi carnal anthropoi men Eleemosune alms ages Dikaiosune righteousness Vine thinks words are almost always “mistranslated in the Authorized Version;” He thinks it “misses the meaning,” tends to mar the translation,” “gives the wrong impression,” and “is inconsistent with the facts.” Now we know WHY formerly good fundamental colleges have gone sour on KJB inspiration, as their bibliographies cite Vine’s Expository Dictionary. Some think that reading the English words of the RV in Vine’s is ‘studying Greek.’ How can a Brethren, like Vine, give the ‘Historic Baptist Position’? Vine does not believe in the office of the pastor or deacon!! How much discernment can Vine have about other things?? Wuest’s* Word Studies in the New Testament In violation of Rev. 22 which forbids adding anything to the Bible, Kenneth Wuest created an “expanded translation” which he admits adds “more English words that the standard translations do…”. Wuest admits he copies: Thayer (the Unitarian), Moulton and Milligan (who was supportive of Zoroastrianism), Trench (who wrote an entire book against the KJB, which has his publisher’s occult serpent logo on the title page) Liddell (Alice’s in Wonderland’s winebibbing father). For example, Wuest says, “the foregoing estimate of hagios [holy] is taken from Greek-English Lexicon by Liddell and Scott.” Imagine taking a definition of ‘holy’ from Liddell, one of the most unholy lexicographers in history! Wuest continually repeats that “The A.V. has gone wrong…” He gives a constant “denunciation of the translation offered here by the A.V.” Wuest’s translation omits “through his blood” from Col. 1:14. He drops the Godhead. He says hades is not hell, but merely the “Unseen.” That could be anything from ‘heaven’ to a blind date. Wuest uses the through the 24th editions of the corrupt Nestle Greek text. st 1 th When the 25 edition of Nestle’s came out, it fixed 470 places to match the KJB. The KJB was correct and Wuest wrong. For example, Wuest recommends rantizo (sprinkle) instead of baptizo (baptize). Those who use Wuest are getting the definition of the wrong Greek word. Wuest calls Phoebe a “deaconess,” not a “servant,” not discerning that one Greek word can have different meanings, based upon context. Without an inspired Holy Bible, where English distinctions such as this are made, all kinds of liberalism, such as women deacons, will creep in. The way things are now going someone will unearth a deaconess who is the husband of one wife. Where did these lexicographers get their English definitions? John Chadwick of Cambridge University reveals how Bible Dictionaries are made. He says, “ The first, the traditional, and almost universal method is take another man’s dictionary and use it as the basis for one’s own…Raids on other dictionaries will usually go undetected…” (Lexicographica Graeca) The words in the currently popular dictionaries, such as those listed in many ‘Bibliographies’ were taken from earlier lexicons. th 19 century Each word in current lexicons and new versions was traced to determine which early lexicon author first widely promoted these corrupt English definition. The errors in Strong (1890), Vine (1940), Wuest (1940), and Moulton (1914) came from: Liddell-Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon of 1843 Trench’s Synonyms of the New Testament of 1854 Thayer’s Greek-Lexicon of 1887 Also, all new versions and lexicons took ‘definitions’ from the words in: The American Standard Version of 1901 and The Revised Version of 1881 (Westcott, Hort (Spiritualists), Schaff, Stanley, and Ginsburg (followers of Luciferians), and Vaughan (a child molester) Let’s look at the problems of each of the early lexicographers. Liddell & Scott’s Greek-English Dictionary is a corrupt fountainhead. Lexicographer John Lee says of the Liddell and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon, “…this is the work on which we not only still rely heavily, but which has been, for generations, the resource from which everyone, including the authors of other lexicons, has derived information. (Hazardous Materials. p. 83). Scholars now describe the Liddell-Scott lexicon as: “amateurish… incompetent… inaccurate or misleading …worthless…questionable… unreliable” (Haz. p. 87) Liddell was the head ‘priest’ of a church of England church called ‘Christ’s Church.’ He said that he wanted to make it “broader and more liberal” (Haz. p. 207). He thought the church was leaning “too much to pure Theology,” so he began a lexicon at the age of 23 to redirect definitions back to the pagan Greeks. (Haz. p. 209). Henry Liddell’s best friend was Lewis Carroll, who wrote the book, Alice in Wonderland, about Liddell’s young daughter, Alice and her father the lexicographer Henry Liddell. Henry Liddell was the man that Humpty Dumpty was named after. Alice in Wonderland exposed the plot behind the lexicon. It said, “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master – that’s all.” “…adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs – however, I can manage the whole lot!” The Victorians, a book by A.N. Wilson, says of lexicon author Henry Liddell, “Alice Liddell, whose father was Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, befriended a don called Rev. Charles Dodgson [aka Lewis Carroll]. The results were some photographs in questionable taste and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Haz. p. 206). Cambridge University Press’s book on Lewis Carroll by Donald Thomas said, “If Charles Lutwidge Dodgson [Lewis Carroll] had behaved in the second half of the twentieth century as he behaved in the second half of the nineteenth, his rooms at Christ Church [under Liddell] would surely have been turned over by the Obscene Publications Squad.” (Haz. p. 28). Liddell and Scott worked on their lexicon after “wine and talk” sessions. Dodgson became Liddell’s “Curator of Wine” at Liddell’s Christ Church, where “there was a great deal too much cardplaying, drinking, and rowdiness….there were wine parties almost every night.” (Clarendon Presses book on Christ Church and Reform. Robert Scott, who co-authored the Liddell-Scott lexicon, was on the 1881 Revised Version Committee with Westcott, Hort and Vaughan. Liddell and Scott took their definitions from a German lexicon about the pagan Greeks, but they really were not proficient in German! R.C. Trench’s Synonyms of the New Testament Trench is the originator of many of the corrupt words in the NIV, HCSB, ESV, NKJB etc. Those dictionaries which admit copying Trench’s definitions include: Vine’s Expository Dictionary* Wuest’s Word Studies* Vincent’s Word Studies George Ricker Berry’s GreekEnglish Interlinear* * Asterisk indicates its inclusion in ‘Bibliographies’ cited by those who deny inspiration. Trench says of the Godhead in Romans 1:20 that it is, “never absolute essential Deity.” Trench is read today via Vine’s Dictionary and Berry’s Interlinear. Trench was one of the first to write a book against the King James Bible. Trench’s interest in “symbolism and occult significance” caused him to choose a publisher that put a serpent on the title page of this book. Trench also wrote The Unconscious Prophecies of Heathendom to promote the evolution of religion. Trench suggested that Acts 17:22 should say that the heathen were “very religious” instead of “too superstitious,” the reading now in the NKJV and all new versions. (from deisidaimonesteros is literally, fear of devils). Practically every page of Trench’s Synonyms references the homosexual Plato as his source for defining Bible words. Trench was a member of the secret pro-homosexual group called the ‘Apostles.’ In his drive to remove the KJB as the authority for word meanings, Trench originates the Oxford English Dictionary and its secularization of word meanings. WARNING: Use the OED carefully. One cannot take a secular definition and apply it to a Bible word. Is there nothing good in lexicons? The definition for concrete words, such as ‘dog’ may be good. Their definition for ‘soul,’ spirit,’ ‘heaven,’ and ‘hell’ will be evil. Only those who think they are “gods, knowing good and evil” dare try to discern which is good and which is evil. (See Gen. 3) Abiding with the questioning serpent under the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, where God’s words are tested and re-defined, as Eve did, casts a questioning shadow, not a light over what “God said…” J.H. Thayer Greek-English Lexicon (used by Vine*) Thayer was a Unitarian who denied the Trinity, the deity of Christ, and the blood atonement. Thayer was a committee member of the corrupt ASV, which said that Christ was a creature, not the Creator. He was also a member of the RV committee of 1881. He used its corrupt Greek text to define words. The preface of Thayer’s Lexicon even begins with a warning by the publisher (Baker Book House) of Thayer’s heresy. Thayer’s definitions may at some points underlie The Defined King James Bible by Donald Waite, Jr., Vine’s Expository Dictionary*, and other commentaries. Beware of Thayer’s definitions in Commentaries. Thayer used the Liddell-Scott Lexicon. Thayer’s list of sources for his definitions includes well over 300 pagan Greek authors, whose vile writings include murder, adultery, occultism, and homosexuality. The secular history book, The Growth of American Thought, says Thayer (and Hebrew lexicographers Brown, Driver, and Briggs) were among those who shook “The foundations of orthodox belief in supernatural powers…” The Dictionary of Heresy Trials in American History cites the negative influence of Thayer who “introduced students to recent critical methods of studying the scriptures…” Thayer spoke on the errors in the Bible at the YMCA, saying people should not be “rigid and unprogressive and imprisoned forever in a book.” He said, “no one of them [scriptures] has his [God’s] personal endorsement or authentication” He denied that “the Bible is absolutely free from every error.” The new book, Hazardous Materials, discusses many other lexicons used to create new versions. The NIV editors admit that they used: Greek lexicons by Liddell and Scott Nazi Gerhard Kittel (See New Age Bible Version) Nazi Bauer and Danker (See Hazardous Materials) The NIV used the: Hebrew Lexicon by Brown, Driver, and Briggs, who was tried and convicted of heresy and discharged from his position as professor (See Hazardous Materials). NKJV editor cites the: Greek Lexicon by Frederick Danker, who was also tried and convicted of heresy and discharged by his seminary (See Hazardous Materials). Hebrew Lexicon by Brown, Driver, Briggs (See Haz.) The following is a refutation of errors put forth to destroy confidence in our Holy Bible. The context of 2 Tim. 3:16 says: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be …boasters, proud…false accusers…Traitors, heady, highminded…from such turn away… Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth… “…But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men…But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of… 2 Tim. 3:1-14 The “folly” of KJB critics is “manifest” by their feeble attempts at “deceiving” good men. “Folly” Number 1 “manifest” Beware of anyone who says that “perfect” does not mean “perfect.” since none of you are perfect, therefore the word must not mean ‘perfect.’ In fact, our imperfection does not change the Bible’s definition of perfect, which is “as your Father…is.” “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Mat. 5:48 Beware of statements which imply that the Greek word there does not imply flawlessness. The origin of distrust in the flawlessness of the KJB can be traced to corrupt Greek lexicons, by men who appear to hate God’s call to perfection. Bibliographies, citing the use of such works critiqued in Hazardous Materials, evidence the use of these corrupt tools by those who deny our KJB’s inspiration. The Webster’s dictionary says perfect does mean “flawless.” Beware of statements such as ‘perfect’ means ‘not without error,’ Beware of a Bible or Glossary, which defines “perfect” as “complete,” just like the NIV and new versions. New versions KJB complete 2 Cor. 13:11 perfect complete Rev. 3:2 perfect complete 1 Thes. 5:23 perfect complete Matt. 19: 21 perfect Perfect is qualitative Complete is quantitative A product made in China may be complete, having all its parts, but it will not be perfect. College students may complete their education at a school that does not believe the Bible is inspired, but it will not be a perfect education. The liberal shift from ‘perfect’ to ‘complete’ comes from corrupt lexicons by Wuest, Moulton and other corrupt lexicographers, cited in many bibliographies. Wuest cites the Unitarian J.H. Thayer as saying that the word ‘perfect’ means “completeness.” He adds, “The word “completeness” speaks of a well-rounded Christian character…proper balance…” A balance of hot and cold is lukewarm. “Folly” Number 2 “manifest” Watch bibliographies which cite Berry’s Interlinear and Machen’s Greek Grammar. Machen’s* New Testament Greek for Beginners. Its Greek text is from Westcott and Hort, who were Spiritualists. The English is from Thayer, a Unitarian. The grammar is from Moulton, who was sympathetic to Zoroastrianism. Berry’s Greek-English Interlinear Omits an entire verse. Infers that Jesus is a sinner. Changes the Greek text underlying the KJB in 80 places. Gives the Unitarian, J.H. Thayer’s lexicon definitions in the back. Uses the corrupt English Interlinear of Newberry, who calls God Allah. “Folly” Number 3 Some Disguise Presbyterians as Baptists. Beware of ‘Baptist’ Confessions of Faith which claim to express the ‘historic Baptist’ view of inspiration, stating that only the originals were inspired. These confessions were not by born again Baptists but by what appear to be unregenerate five point Calvinists. The London Baptist Confession and its clone, the Philadelphia Baptist Confession, were written by five point Calvinists and were taken from “the Confession of the Westminster Assembly – the creed of all British and American Presbyterians.” These Confessions do not represent the historic Baptist position, as they also teach a mix of Calvinism and Charismatic theology. These confessions require: 1.) “two ceremonial prerequisites to the Lord’s Supper – baptism and the laying on of hands,” which are both required in the Philadelphia Confession “for a farther reception of the Holy Spirit” (Philadelphia, Article XXXI). According to these ‘confessions of faith,’ salvation is for the “elect only” and “elect infants,” since according to them, only “some men and angels are predestined or foreordained to eternal life.” The New Hampshire Baptist Confession said, “We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired…it has God for its author…” There is no mention of ‘originals’ “Folly” Number 4 “manifest” Beware if someone says that the KJB 1611 was “very random with their spelling,” when in fact they used spelling to right justify the line length to create even lines. They would spell it ‘Son’ or ‘Sonne’ to make the line longer or shorter. They did not have computer line justification. There was nothing ‘random’ about their spelling. Some disguise spelling standardization and insignificant typos by various printers throughout the 400 year history of the KJB as ‘editions’ or lack of inspiration of the text. Beware of writers, speakers, or bibliographies which cite Scrivener’s and Norton’s erring books as resources for KJB spelling errors! Following books such as these, it is no wonder some do not believe the KJB is inspired. In an effort to discredit the Holy Bible, Scrivener and Norton have collected the typos of various printers. They then list these, in an effort to give the impression that a standard Bible does not exist. They do not tell you that while one printer is producing an edition with a typo, many other printers are printing Bibles without such a typo. Frederick Scrivener, in 1873, created a ‘new’ KJB, called the Cambridge Paragraph Bible (now published by Hendrickson). Scrivener made many wrong changes to the KJB. To promote his new KJB, Scrivener had to discredit the real KJB. So he wrote a book, The Authorized Edition of the English Bible, Its Subsequent Reprints and Modern Representatives, showing typos which had occurred over the years by various printers of the KJB. To make the current KJB look bad, Scrivener used the wrong 1611 as the standard, based on bad advise from B.F. Westcott!!! All scholars know that Scrivener used the wrong issue of the KJB as his standard. Even W.F. Moulton in his The History of the English Bible said, “Scrivener confused the two issues of 1611. His first edition was the second and his second was the first.” A.W. Pollard, a leading 19th century expert on the early editions said, “A still more serious error was committed by the distinguished scholar F.H.A. Scrivener, who in 1884, in his book…argued strenuously, but in entire ignorance…that copies of the (second) edition…dated 1611 preceded the (first) edition…the true sequence is obvious. This is now generally recognized.” (Pollard, Records of the English Bible) Scrivener copied the error of the first 1611, saying “he went” in Ruth 3:15 instead of the correct “she went.” He changed the correct “its” to “it” in Lev. 25:5. He put all of 1 John 5:7 in italics because he did not like it!! Scrivener wrongly undid some of the typographical repairs made by the original KJB translators Ward and Boise in 1629 and 1638. He completely re-did the KJB’s paragraphing and italics. David Norton, now in the century, made his own ‘new’ KJB, laden with changes. To promote it, he did exactly what Scrivener did. He not only wrote a book, A Textual History of the King James Bible, listing typos, he did it using Scrivener’s mistakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! st 21 Norton’s A Textual History of the King James Bible has the incorrect “shewed,” instead of “hewed” in Hosea 6:5, following a typo in the first 1611 issue, among other errors. None of the spelling variants or typos which have been reproduced have any doctrinal implications or create untrue statements (I am not referring to one time typos). In Nahum 3:16 we have ‘fleeth’ and ‘’flieth’. If you flieth, you fleeth. In Jeremiah 34:16 we have ‘he’ (God) or ‘ye’ (the Hebrews). Both of them “set at liberty.” Some editions of Cambridge vs. Oxford have a few tiny differences: In Joshua 19:2 we see “Beersheba, or Sheba” or Beersheba, and Sheba. Either is correct, since “Sheba” is given as a spelling variant of “Beersheba,” therefore no one is excluded. 2 Chron. 33:19 says “all his sin and his trespass.” Others say “all his sins and his trespass” Either is correct since both are plural since the words “all” and “and” indicate more that one sin. “Folly” Number 5 “manifest” Beware of any notion that the typos in the 1611 KJB were correct and Bibles we have today are therefore wrong. There were some typos in the first printing of the KJB, since the typesetters were working in a very poor optical environment. 1.) They worked with a few candles for light, nowhere near the 32 candles needed to equal the light from only one 40-watt bulb. 2.) They set each letter by hand. 2.) Windows apertures were quite small in the 1600s and embrasures, allowing for a little more natural light, were not standard. 3.) This is all compounded by the fact that until the 1700s, the science of grinding lenses for glasses, based on the principles of light refraction, had not yet developed; there were no prescription glasses!! The following verses have been wrongly cited as correct in the 1611, but wrong in currently printed KJBs. In truth, the currently printed KJBs match the Greek and Hebrew texts and all pure vernacular Bibles, worldwide. The typos were soon fixed and all editions after 1638 exhibit the reading in today’s KJBs. Genesis 39:16: The 1611 typo “her lord” was corrected by 1638 and still stands correct in all KJB’s today as “his lord” (Scrivener, p. 148). Lev. 20:11: The 1611 printers accidentally omitted “surely.” It was returned by original KJB translators, Ward and Bois, in the 1629 printing. It still stands correct in all KJB’s today (Scrivener, p. 148). Jer. 4:6: The 1611 introduced a typo, adding an ‘s’ to “standards”; it was corrected by original translators by 1629 to “standard” and stands correct in all KJBs today. (Scrivener, p. 168). Ezek. 24:7: The 1611 had the typo “poured it”; it was fixed by original translators to “poured it not” by the 1613 printing and still stands correct in all KJB’s today (Scrivener, p. 170). Hebrews 3:10: The 1611 had the typo “hearts” ; it was corrected by original KJB translators to “heart” by 1638 and still stands correct in all KJB’s today. (Scrivener, p. 193). Matt. 12:23: The 1611 accidentally omitted the word “not”; it was returned by original KJB translators by 1638. Daniel 3:15: The 1611 accidentally omitted the word “burning”; it was returned to the text by 1638 by original KJB translators and still stands correct in all KJB’s today. 1 Tim. 1:4: The 1611 had accidentally omitted the word “godly”; it was fixed by original KJB translators by 1638 (Scrivener, p. 192). If anyone has believed that the 1611 was without typos, they went out and purchased the 1611 printed by the NKJVs publisher, Thomas Nelson. This will only compound the confusion as Thomas Nelson, in what appears to me to be an effort to discredit the KJB, printed the INCORRECT 1611 issue (1st, not 2nd). Nelson actually printed the 1833 Oxford reprint of the first 1611, not the correct second issue of 1611, which corrected many of the typos of the first run. Around 100 typos were corrected immediately, including, Ruth 3:15 which at first said, “he went,” instead of the correct “she went.” A microscopic handful of current typographical or spelling variants have been scrapped together and marshaled as weapons to try to prove our Holy Bible is uninspired. Words are spelled differently in each language. Implying that the varieties in spelling disannuls inspiration, would be to infer that the Greek Bible was not inspired because it spells words differently than the Hebrew Bible or because the Italian Bible spells words differently than the Spanish Bible. Beware when someone says of the 1611, the Nelson 1611, the Scofield, and the Cambridge editions “They’re all different.” They won’t tell you where or the ‘effect’ would be diminished to no effect at all. They are few and MEANINGLESS differences. Such variances include things like: Mispar vs Mizpar men children vs menchildren housetops vs house tops further vs farther Nicolaitans vs Nicolaitanes Minute typos of Scofield or Oxford Rev. 18:14 “lusteth” vs “lusted.” 1 Sam. 17:48 “hastened” vs “hasted” Deut. 22:3 “lost things” vs. “lost thing” Deut. 24:10 And when thou dost” vs. “When thou dost” 2 Sam. 16:15 “people of the men” vs “people the men” Rom. 8:33 “anything” vs. “any thing” Lev. 14:36 “and all that vs. “that all that” The only KJBs to avoid, if possible, are those published by Zondervan and the American Bible Society. They are beginning to use American, not International British spelling, which is recognized worldwide because Britain colonized Africa, the Far East, and the Middle East. A great deal has been made of some variants between capital ‘S’ and lower case ‘s.’ Some have incorrectly said that the small ‘s’ was man and upper case was the Holy Spirit. This is entirely wrong. Early alphabets (such as Greek, Hebrew, and others) did not distinguish between upper and lower case. All letters were capital letters. Therefore very early Bible cannot be used for a measuring stick for this development in orthography. English is of Germanic origins. Even German today capitalizes all substantives (that is, nouns and pronouns, such as dog, cat, etc.) The capitalization of the word ‘spirit’ has changed over the years in Germanic-based Bibles. Often the Old Testament uses the lower case ‘s’ for the Spirit of God, indicating that the capital and lower case ‘s’ are interchangeable, as seen in the following: 1 Cor. 2 11-12 says, “But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit …even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God.” Beware when someone says, “you couldn’t understand” the 1611. Actually, all one needs to know to read it easily is to know that the font for ‘s’ is elongated ∫, looking a bit like our current ‘f,’ without the cross-bar. “Folly” Number 6 “manifest” Beware when someone cites Jerry Falwell and other ‘good’ men, who corrected the KJB, as an excuse to do it yourself. To point to men, instead of the Bible, one must forget that: Many of the kings in the Old Testament, which God described as ‘good,’ were also described as failing to take down the high places. The great man if faith, Joshua, was deceived by the moldy bread of the Gibeonites. Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Moses murdered a man, etc. Great men’s shortcomings do not disannul the good they did, but their shortcomings need not be an excuse to do likewise. Multiple “Follies” About Historical Facts Made “manifest” Beware of the old liberal’s ‘concept inspiration,’ when someone says that the Greek and Hebrew are the contents and vernacular Bibles are only the ‘container’ which carries or conveys the ‘message.’ Beware when Jerome’s vile corruption of the pure Old Latin Bible is described as a “good” translation from “the” Greek. In fact, Jerome used the corrupt Vaticanus and Sinaiticus type Greek, not the pure text. Beware when the Septuagint is extolled as a good Greek Old Testament, written before the time of Christ. In fact it is actually Origin’s fifth column, written in the third century after Christ. All currently printed editions (e.g. Breton’s) admit they follow A.D. documents, such as Vaticanus and Alexandrinus. Beware when someone says that the KJB had the Apocrypha until 1880 (except 1629). In fact King James himself said in his book Basilikon Doron, “As to the Apocryphal books, I omit them because I am no papist.” In fact as early as 1612 Barker of London printed it without the apocrypha. I noted the following editions, without the Apocrapha, available from an antiquarian bookseller. 1.) quarto edition of the Great Bible of 1549, 2.) many copies of the 1599 Geneva, 3.) a quarto edition of the Bishops’ of 1577 4.) KJBs from 1637, 1653, 1662, 1682 etc. It had never been a part of the signatures in many other editions between 1611 and 1880: (Go through the catalogues of Peter Cresswell, Antiquarian Bibles, South Humberside, England: Humber Books, Catalogue 23 et al; TBS, No. 31, et al.) Beware when someone says that Wycliffe used the corrupt Latin Vulgate when: 1.) In 1378 Wycliffe said in his book On the Truth of Holy Scripture that the corrupt Latin was corrected by “Hebrew manuscripts” and “corrected according to the Greek exemplar” (pp. 143, 157). 2.) Wycliffe’s bones were dug up by the Catholics for writing an English Bible that did not match the Latin Vulgate. 3.) The myth began because the 1850 Madden and Forshall, edition edited by Purvey, is misnamed ‘Wycliffe’. It contains Purvey’s corrupt Vulgate readings. Beware of anyone who says that Erasmus’s text was seriously flawed and only followed 6 manuscripts, backtranslating some of Revelation from Latin. The Cambridge History of the Bible says, “It is an exaggeration to maintain, as some do, that Erasmus only used the Greek manuscripts that he had found in the library of the Basle Dominicans for his edition.” (vol. 2, p. 498). The book In Awe of Thy Word has an entire chapter disproving the myth that Erasmus relied on few Greek copies to create his Greek text. Beware of those who have not studied history and merely copy errors from other books (e.g. that Henry the VIII was followed on the British throne by Queen Mary). In fact Henry was actually followed by King Edward, the greatest royal promoter of the pure Bible, outside of King James. Beware of those who say that the KJB translators met at Hampton Court. In fact, Hampton Court is where James was asked to produce the new translation. The translators were not there; they did their translation work at their respective universities, not at Hampton Court. Beware of those who give a long list of early English Bibles (Tyndale, Coverdale, Tavener, Great, Bishops) subtly giving the impression that the Bible can change all the time. In fact the words in these Bibles were generally identical, except for spelling. Beware of those who say that Wycliffe and Tyndale gave us the first English Bibles. There was a readable English Bible before Wycliffe. This was a portion from John 1:12-15 in 1350 before Wycliffe “his name/which not of blod. Nether of the will of fleish. Nether of the will of man but be born of God/ and the word (this is God’s Son) was mead fleisth (or man) and hath dwellid…us/and we han seyn the glorie of him the glorie as of the oon bigetn of the fadir the sone ful of grace and of treuthe/ John bear witnessig of him and cryeth seyige/ This… See p. 743-744 of In Awe of Thy Word for an actual facsimile of this Bible. Beware of those who give the KJB translator’s preface more authority than the Holy Bible. They act as if it should be followed jot and tittle, but the Holy Bible is not flawless. In fact, when the translators spoke, outside of the Bible, such as their preface, their words bear no more weight than those of any Christian. Beware of those who misunderstand the word “meanest,” as used by the KJB translators, pretending that it means “low” and “vulgar.” Any dictionary says it means – “common” “average,” like an arithmetic mean. Beware of anyone who gives the impression that the few marginal notes of the translators prove that they were not sure what rendering to put. God has not preserved their notes for all; but he has preserved his word for all. Beware of those who imply that the KJB translators were talking about the KJB, when they were talking about other versions, when they said “imperfections and blemisher may be noted in the setting forth of it” That sentence about “imperfections and blemishes” is in the midst of the translator’s history of the Bible. The next translation they mention is the corrupt Septuagint, of which they say, “it dissenteth form the Original in many places.” They proceed to mention faulty translations by Origin, Symmachus, Theodotian and Aquila. When the translators history of the Bible is ended several pages later (in my printing), they say, “But it is high time to leave THEM, and to shew in brief what WE proposed to ourselves [emphasis mine].” Of their translation they said their intent was to translate ― “…one principle good one, not justly to be excepted against, that hath been our endeavor, that our mark.” In plainer words, they wanted to make a translation that was flawless, of which no one could say it was good, ‘except’ this and that blemish. Beware of books and articles which repeat the lie of KJB enemies that King James killed Baptists. Bartholomew Legate and Edward Wightman, the men James is charged with sentencing to capital punishment, were not Christians, let alone Baptists. The Commission and Warrant for Legate’s execution said he said, among other blasphemous things that “Christ is not God…” This is not a Baptist. The Commission and Warrant for Wightman said he said, “Christ is only a man and a mere creature, and not both God and man in one person…that the person of the Holy Ghost is not God coequal… “…and that he the said Wightman is that person of the Holy Ghost spoken of in the scriptures; and the Comforter spoken of in the 16th of St. John’s Gospel. And that those words of our Saviour Christ of the Sin of Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, are meant of his person.” Wightman said he was the Holy Ghost! This is not a Baptist. 30 pieces of silver Why are Greek professors reluctant to admit the errors in current printed Greek editions and lexicons? Some say, Greek is ‘bread and butter to me.’ ‘I’m just trying to justify my job here,’ at the college, seems to be their thought. Jesus said, “ye cannot serve God and mammon. How do apostates deal with words, such as inspiration, word of God etc.? They use neologisms: “A new, meaning for an already established word.” They say that the “Bible is the inspired word of God” They do not mean the Holy Bible (KJB), but the originals They do not really mean that it is God’s words, but the words of the KJB translators to express God’s thoughts. “Open your Bible to…” Bible: “The sacred book of Christianity.” Book: a set of written or printed pages fastened on an end and enclosed between protective covers.” (It is not lost animal skin originals or rolled scrolls in museums.) Oxford English Dictionary Bible: “The scriptures of the Old and New Testament.” In normal usage, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” means that the Bible “is given by inspiration of God.” Normal usage Neologism Bible: Holy Bible in Lost originals; your lap Greek or Hebrew manuscripts Word God’s words God’s of thoughts in God man’s words B.B. Warfield and Carl Barth were two liberal ‘theologians’ who were among the first to invent imaginary castles outside of the tangible ‘Holy Bible’ to house the word of God. Barth said that the word of God was really Jesus, not the Bible, so he capitalized W. Warfield (and his teacher Hodge) moved the locus of inspiration from the Bible to the originals. Warfield studied under German rationalists who had been influenced by the ‘enlightenment’ philosophers who exalt human reason and rule out revelation as a source of knowledge. “Spoil you through philosophy” Col. 2:8 They were influenced by philosophers Schleiermacher, Hume, and Kant, who denied any miraculous intervention by God. Warfield said the originals were lost and could be reconstructed by Westcott and Hort who Warfield said, “furnish us for the first time with a really scientific method” which “will meet with speedy universal acceptance.” Naturalistic empiricism The natural sciences, falsely so called, demands evidence of linear causation. To get from point ‘A’ to point ‘Z,’ they demand physical evidence. The theory of evolution is just one example. Theology Departments Their counterparts in the ‘religion’ department at seminaries, now demand physical proof, like doubting Thomas, of the mileposts marking God’s intervention in the history of the Holy Bible But without faith it is impossible to please God. Eccl 11:5“As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit.” “[B]lessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed” John 20:29 God said he would “do wonders” to carry his word forward in Josh. 3:4-7. There is no physical proof that the waters of the Jordan opened to allow the passage of the ark, containing the word of God, yet we have those words today. Warfield should have listened to his elders Thirty years earlier, Warfield’s grandfather had single handedly stopped the wavering American Bible Society from redoing the KJB. “With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding” Job 12:12 These naturalistic philosophers all moved their ‘faith’ from the Holy Bible to faith in men. Translators & Textual critics Warfield invented a plan whereby he could still say ‘The Bible is the inspired word of God.’ He used Semler’s theory of accomodation, using the familiar word ‘Bible,’ but ascribing to it a different meaning. We have ‘theologians’ and fundamental pastors who are now following this non-soulwinning Presbyterian Calvinist saying, ‘The Bible is the inspired word of God,’ when they mean only Greek and Hebrew originals, not real ‘Bibles.’ They use these words to deceptively ‘accommodate’ to what they believe are the naïve views of their members. These men have become rationalists, naturalists, and modernists in practice by exalting man’s role in the transmission of the Bible and denying the miraculous intervention of Go “Thou shalt preserve them.” It is his work. “What shall he preserve? “The words of the Lord,” not the words of men. What does ‘word of God’ mean? 1 Thes. 2:13 says, “…when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God…” One cannot call the King James Bible the word of God unless he believes that it is God’s unchangeable words, not the words of the KJB translators. 1 Cor. 2:13 says, “Not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth, comparing spiritual things with spiritual” Word of God Those who say that their non-inspired Bible is the ‘word of God’ are changing the meaning of those word from their usual usage. The words of John are John’s words, not Tom’s words. The words of God, are God’s words, not those of the KJB translators. The Bible’s built-in dictionary defines the word of God as the scriptures. John 10:35 says, “the word of God came, and the scriptures cannot be broken.” John 5:38, 39, “And ye have not his word abiding in the scriptures” Acts 17:11 says, “they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures…” God’s, not translators words “when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truly, the word of God…” 1 Thes. 2:13