College of Fine Arts & Communication Assessment Council Jeffrey Ward, chair/SOM Lisa Beth Robinson, SOAD Jin-Ae Kang, SOC Patch Clark, SOTD Natalie Stewart, SOTD Patti Weeks, SOTD Assessing the subjective: Meaningful evaluation of subjective disciplines using rubrics. Theater Voice Pretest-Posttest Vocal Solo Music Performance Dance Duet Broadcast Journalism Outcome: Improve the students' in the elimination of vocal fry, nasality, and glottal attacks. Outcome: Students demonstrate independent musicianship through performance and analysis. Outcome: Students will execute proper technical skills in performance through physical aptitude and an engaging performance quality. COMM 4293 – Editing and Producing the News Means of Assessment: Recording students' voices at the beginning and the end of the semester, and listening to and assessing the improvement in the elimination of vocal fry, nasality, and glottal attacks. Listen to the before and after and complete the rubric below: Vocal Quality Severe Moderate None Means of Assessment: All students who are assessed in the end-of-semester performance juries are evaluated by an applied music faculty panel, using a discipline-based, School of Music approved, jury sheet. Means of Assessment: Students' dancing will be assessed throughout the performance by demonstration of body alignment and control with energy, projection, spatial awareness, musicality and expression. Watch this performance and complete the rubric below: Watch this performance and complete the rubric below: Category Technique Area Vocal Fry Nasality Glottal Attack Musical Theater Audition “Demo Reel” THEA 4095 – Musical Theatre Performance Techniques 4 Tone Quality Outcome: Students will select appropriate audition materials to build a professional auditions book, audition packages, professional head shot/resume and video demo reel. Means of Assessment: Students will be evaluated via the selection and adaptation of appropriate materials through numerous “simulated” auditions before an audience of theatre faculty, BFA program peers and guests; and on the effectiveness of the digital video demo reel. Pitch Watch this demo reel and complete the rubric below: Category Research of specific and effective audition materials (songs, song cuts and monologue cuts). Development of live audition materials: song cuts of various timed lengths and two strong monologues Below Proficient Proficient 0-1 1-2 Above Proficient 9 - 10 Did not Completed the Completed effectively minimum beyond the complete required amount of minimum research necessary research required research requirement Did not develop live audition materials effectively Demonstrated effective Did not live audition demonstrate performance skills effective live audition performance skills Prepared a digital media performance demo reel Developed live audition materials for basic effective impact Demonstrated live audition performance skills at minimum proficiency expectation Did not Completed a successfully digital media complete a digital performance media demo reel with performance minimum demo reel effectiveness Developed live audition materials with superior impact and effectiveness Demonstrated live audition performance skills at above proficient level Virtually no errors. Pitch is very accurate. The beat is secure and the rhythms are accurate. Rhythm Phrasing is always consistent Phrasing and sensitive to the style of music being sung. Diction Completed a digital media performance demo reel with outstanding effectiveness 4 3 Tone is Tone is focused, consistently clear and centered focused, throughout the clear, and normal singing centered range. Extremes in throughout range sometimes the range of cause tone to be the voice. less controlled. Tone quality typically does not detract from the performance. 2 1 Tone is often The tone is focused, clear and often not centered, but focused, clear sometimes the tone or centered is uncontrolled in regardless of the the normal singing range, range. Extremes in significantly range are usually detracting from uncontrolled. the overall Occasionally the performance. tone quality detracts from overall performance. An occasional Some accurate Very few isolated error, but pitches, but there accurate or most of the time are frequent and/or secure pitches. pitch is accurate repeated errors. and secure. The beat is secure The beat is The beat is and the rhythms somewhat erratic. usually erratic are mostly accurate. Some rhythms are and rhythms There are a few accurate. Frequent are seldom duration errors, but or repeated duration accurate these do not detract errors. Rhythm detracting from the overall problems significantly performance. occasionally detract from the from the overall overall performance. performance. Phrasing is usually Phrasing is usually Phrasing is consistent and consistent and rarely sensitive to the occasionally consistent style of music sensitive to the and/or rarely being sung. style of music sensitive to being sung. musical style. Student Student articulates Student is articulates the words sometimes clearly and somewhat clearly articulating the the text of and the text can be words but the text the music is understood most of is often not understandthe time. discernible. able. Student rarely articulates the words and the text is not discernible. Good Adequate Needs Improvement The dancers demonstrate a clear sense of alignment, center control, flexibility and strength. They have a strong sense of musicality. The dancers demonstrate awareness of alignment, center control, flexibility, strength and musicality. The dancers demonstrate an adequate understanding of alignment, center control, but lack flexibility, strength and/or musicality. The dancers are underdeveloped in alignment, center control, flexibility, strength and/or musicality. Further work is needed. The dancers demonstrate a high level of concentratio n, energy, confidence Presentation and ensemble awareness. The dancers demonstrate a good level of concentratio n, energy, confidence and ensemble awareness. Skill Excellent Means of Assessment: Students’ broadcast journalism shows are evaluated by School of Communications faculty, using a faculty-designed rubric. Watch this show and complete the rubric below: Excellent Skill Outcome: Students produce broadcast journalism shows. Weak The dancers lack an understanding of alignment and center control. They lack flexibility, strength and/or musicality. The dancers The dancers The demonstrate demonstrate a dancers an adequate low level of demonlevel of concentration, strate a concentratio energy poor level n, energy, confidence, of confidence and ensemble concenand awareness. tration, ensemble energy, awareness. confidence and ensemble awareness. Needs Improvement Lead choice, build-up to lead (10pts) Pacing of show, variety of story formats (10ts) Content (40pts) Story choices, clustering of stories, transitions between stories (10pts) Timing of show (10ts) Active writing in all scripts (20ts) Or, Some passive writing (15pts) Or, Mostly passive writing, improvement needed for Writing (30pts) knowledge of broadcast style writing format (10pts) Effective use of graphics to enhance stories (5pts) Scripts were completed in a timely manner including all director cues (5pts) Format of show allowed for smooth transitions by the director between stories (10pts) Videos were loaded onto tri-caster in a timely manner Production (30pts) (5pt) Videos were free of audio, video and graphic problems (10pts) Anchor dressed appropriately for broadcast (5pts) Drawing ART 1020 – Drawing Outcome: Candidates will demonstrate their understanding of basic elements and principles in art and design before advancing to survey-level studio courses. Means of Assessment: Drawing I, ART 1020, students will be administered a pre and post drawing to evaluate their observation skill, composition, quality of mark and spatial understanding. Evaluate the two drawings with the rubric below: 4 Alignment 5 Center Strength & 5 Control Strength 5 Flexibility 5 Musicality, 5 Rhythmic Accuracy Presentation Excellent 4 3 2 1 Observation Skill (Accuracy) 4 3 2 1 Composition 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 Quality of Mark 4 3 2 1 Concentration Energy Confidence Movement Quality 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 Needs Improvement Spatial Understanding 4 = High Level of Understanding and Competence 3 = Good Level of Understanding and Competence 2 = Fair Level of Understanding and Competence 2 = Poor Level of Understanding and Competence 3 2 1