971969-Penn State Collatoral

The Trueblood Audit
Case Study Seminar
Bring it on
Objectives of the competition
The Penn State accounting department and Deloitte are sponsoring the Deloitte Trueblood audit
case study competition. Each year, the Deloitte Foundation sponsors a national student case study
seminar. The seminar offers students the opportunity to discuss relevant, practical issues in
accounting and experience aspects of the professional working environment, including analysis and
research of technical issues, problem solving, group dynamics, presentation skills, interpersonal
skills, and client-auditor interactions. Student teams will analyze a case that requires some
integration of financial accounting, managerial accounting, and general business issues.
Competition details
Approximately 30 Penn State students will be selected to participate in this year’s Trueblood audit
case study competition. The selected students/teams will work with a Deloitte professional and a
Penn State faculty member on a Deloitte Trueblood case. Each team will work to identify issues and
to develop a plan to research them, develop a solution, and prepare a
presentation regarding their case.
Monday, January 14
Application deadline
Thursday, January 24
Trueblood case study kickoff
Thursday, February 21
Trueblood case competition
Friday, April 5 and Saturday,
April 6
National student case study seminar @ Deloitte University
Participant criteria:
 Sophomore and junior accounting majors
 3.2 minimum grade point average required
The winning team from Penn State will have the opportunity to compete with the first place teams
from five other selected universities at the national student case study seminar at Deloitte University
in Westlake, Texas. This will be an all-expense-paid trip! The national seminar is planned for Friday,
April 5 and Saturday, April 6. At this seminar, you will be given the opportunity to both earn awards
for yourself and Penn State.
Local competition awards
 1st place — $100 (per student)
National competition awards
University awards
 1st place — $10,000
 2nd place — $5,000
 Remaining universities — $2,500
Individual awards
 1st place — $2,000 (per student)
 2nd place — $1,000 (per student)
 Remaining participants — $500 (per student)
Application instructions
To be considered for this opportunity, please follow the directions below. This is a two-step
application process, and the deadline is January 14.
 Send your resume to Lara Jackson at ljw21@psu.edu
 Then, apply via our website to complete an online profile:
– Please visit http://careers.deloitte.com, and click on “Student.”
– You will then perform a search in order to see a listing of jobs and submit your job-specific
– In the keyword field, type S13PHLAI13FEB-CC and submit your job specific profile.
**Profile submission will take approximately 30 minutes**
For more information, please contact Amy Holmes at amholmes@deloitte.com
As used in this document, “Deloitte” means Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Please see www.deloitte.com/us/about for a detailed description of
the legal structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of
public accounting.
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