Why Rotate?

Mandatory Auditor Rotation
Hasan Kılıç
26 April 2007
Why Discussing Rotation?
New Regulations and Mandatory Auditor Rotation
Auditor Rotation in the World
Auditor Rotation in Turkey
Why Rotate?
Rotation is not the Solution
Alternatives to Rotation
Responsibilities of Companies
Results of Certain Studies
Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç
©2007 Deloitte Türkiye
Why Discussing Rotation?
Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç
©2007 Deloitte Türkiye
New Regulations and Mandatory Auditor Rotation
Sarbanes – Oxley Act (US)
8th Directive (EU)
CMB, Capital Markets Board Auditing Standards (Communique X/22)
BRSA, Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency Auditing Standards
Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç
©2007 Deloitte Türkiye
Auditor Rotation in the World
US: Audit firm rotation is not mandatory, rotate only audit partner: 5 years (7
years for some cases)
EU: Audit firm rotation is not mandatory, rotate only . audit partner: 7 years
(Rotation is left to member country jurisdictions.)
Canada, Japan & Australia: Rotation discussed but mandatory in these
Italy: 6 years + 6 years = 12 years
Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç
©2007 Deloitte Türkiye
Auditor Rotation in Turkey
CMB Communique X/22
- 7 years
- Start: 2003
- End: 2009
- Rotate: 2010
BRSA Communique
- 8 years
- Start: 2002
- End: 2009
- Rotate: 2010
Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç
©2007 Deloitte Türkiye
Why Rotate?
Closeness to
Staleness &
Eagerness to
Please the Client
Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç
Interact intensively with client
Troublesome close relationship
Conflict of interest when contentious issue
Lack of professional scepticism
Auditors hired by former clients
Repetition of prior audits
Tendency to anticipate results
Reliance on prior audit workpapers
Less experienced audit staff
• Please the client so as to retain for future periods
• The most compelling argument on auditor rotation
©2007 Deloitte Türkiye
Rotation is not the Solution
Auditor should interact with management,
Relationship with client should not be limited by number of years,
Management should be willing to share information,
Solution partner when problems arise,
Audit of documentation goes with sharing of information.
Close relationship contribute sharing of information.
Prior experience increase audit efficiency.
Understanding of client operations and changes in activities over periods,
Less disruption of day to day business,
No proof of the benefits of mandatory audit firm rotation.
Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç
©2007 Deloitte Türkiye
Rotation is not the solution (cont’d)
Studies highlight rotation decreasing audit quality.
Rotation increases cost of audit firms as well as cost of audit services received.
Pressure to please client due to rotation,
Less attention to a client to rotate,
Rotation may result in opinion shopping.
Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç
©2007 Deloitte Türkiye
Alternatives to Rotation
Supervision of audit firms,
Rotating audit partner (problem for small firms),
Improving independence policies,
Assigning second partner for quality assurance review,
Internal quality control procedures,
Emphasizing the importance of audit team independence,
Risk and independence policies.
Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç
©2007 Deloitte Türkiye
Responsibilities of Companies
Improving duties and responsibilities of audit committee under corporated
governance principles,
Evaluation and assesment of audit firm services,
Coordination bete
Collaboration between management and audit committee,
Independence board members and audit committee members,
Effective accounting and reporting standards,
Improving the responsibilities of management on accounting and financial
Ethical principles.
Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç
©2007 Deloitte Türkiye
Results of Certain Studies
PCAOB Study: Average audit failure rate is three times higher in the first years.
US General Accounting Office (GAO)/ General Accountability Office Report:
- No evidence of auditor rotation guaranteeing better audits.
- 99% of Fortune 1000 companies do not have policy on auditor rotation.
- Average tenure for Fortune 1000 companies is 22 years, 10% with 50 years of audit
with the same auditor.
Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens (FEE) Study:
- Mandatory auditor rotation has serious disadvantages outweighting perceived benefits.
- Audit firm rotation should not replace audit partner rotation.
- Intensive interaction for understanding and auditing client’s operations cannot be
established with a short period of services.
- Audit failure subsequent to rotation is more likely to occur.
Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç
©2007 Deloitte Türkiye
Results of Certain Studies (cont’d)
Bocconi University Study:
- Rotation has an adverse effect on competition rather than improving it.
- Higher costs for auditor and auditee.
- Rotation decreases the quality of services in the first years.
- Rotation adversely affects shareholders and share values.
AICPA Study: As per the federal hearing statistics, rotation leads to audit
falilures in the first years above the average.
Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç
©2007 Deloitte Türkiye
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