LATIHAN 1. What type of architecture used for Microcontroller? a. Von-Neumann b. Harvard c. RISC d. CISC Ans: B 2. Which device can use as an input for PIC Microcontroller? a. LED b. 7-segment c. DC Motor d. Push button. Ans: D 3. The PIC16F877A is a product of which family? a. 8-bit b. 16-bit c. 32-bit d. 64-bit Ans: A 4. The microcontroller contains the same main elements as any computer system except? a. Processor b. Oscillator c. Memory d. Input/Output. Ans: B 5. What type of ROM used inside a PIC16F877A? a. Mask-Programmed ROM (MROM) b. Programmable ROM (PROM) c. Erasable-Programmable ROM (EPROM) d. Electrical Erasable-PROM (EEPROM) Ans: D 6. Following is an internal peripheral of PIC16F877A except? a. Timer b. Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC). c. Control Area Network (CAN) d. Capture, Compare, PWM (CCP) Ans: C 7. The Special Function Register (SFR) and General Purpose Register (GPR) are stand in Data Memory. a. True b. False Page 1 of 3 8. The program memory is where your program resides. a. True b. False 9. General Purpose Register (GPR) is used to store temporary data. a. True b. False 10. Special Function Register is a collection of registers used by the microcontroller to control the internal operations of the device. a. True b. False 11. The SFR registers in PIC16F877A are X-bit. What the number of X? a. 8 b. 16 c. 32 d. 64 Ans: A 12. What is the largest hex value that can be moved into an 8-bit register? What is the decimal equivalent of that hex value? a. b. c. d. Hex value FF FE CE 11 Decimal value 255 254 206 17 Ans: A 13. True or False. Microcontrollers are normally less expensive than microprocessors. 14. A microcontroller normally has which of the following devices on-chip? a. RAM b. ROM c. I/O d. all of the above Ans: D 15. A general-purpose microprocessor normally needs which of the following devices to be attached to it? a. RAM b. ROM c. I/O d. all of the above Ans: D 16. True or False. A microcontroller has on-chip I/O ports. Page 2 of 3 17. True or False. Generally, a microcontroller has on-chip ROM. 18. True or False. A microcontroller has a fixed amount of RAM on the chip. 19. Which of the following sentence is TRUE about microcontroller? a. CPU stands alone while memory device (RAM and ROM), timer and I / O devices are separate. b. General-purpose used application. c. Memory capacity and I / O can be expansive. d. CPU, RAM, ROM, timer and I / O devices in a single chip (Embedded). Ans: D Page 3 of 3