Science 30 Unit C-Electromagnetic Energy November 16) Review: DNA replication pg 92 #2-5 Proteins PPT Snork Activity 23) *Bio Chapter 2 Quiz Unit overview Chapter 1 introduction Voltage, Currents, Charge (1.2k& 1.1sts) Textbook/worksheet 17) Inheritance 18) Mutations/Genetic Diseases/Resistance 19) 2.5: Mind-Map Chapter 1 Review 20) NID 24) Quick review Field Theory/Magnet Labeling (C1.1k/1.2k /1.3k 1.4k/1.5k/1,2s/1.3s) worksheet/questions Exit slip 25) Motors: Electrical to mechanical energy “How do motors work” Activity (Build a DC Motor) (1.11k) Generators: Mechanical to Electrical; AC vs DC (1.8k) 26) Unit A Unit Test 27) (65min) Circuits PowerPoint to prep for circuit lab (1.8k/1.10k) 30) Circuits Lab Question book* Book computer lab (1.6k/1.12k/ 1.1s/1.2s/1,3s) 7) Chapter 2.1: Electromagnetic Spectrum -Project (2.1k/2.2k) -Computer Lab to research December 1) Power in Electrical Systems (1.7k/1.3s) 2) Transmitters (1.9k/1.10k/1.3s) 3) Chapter 1 Review 4) NID UofC Field Seminar 8) Chapter 1 Quiz* 9) Universal Wave Eqn (2.6k) 10) Properties of visible light (2.4k/2.5) EMR Emitted by the Sun: Nuclear Fusions (2.8k) EMR reaching earth (2.3k) 11) (65 min) -Doppler Shift (2.9k/2.10k) Star Evolution (2.11k) Project work (Due Monday) -Work on EM Spectrum Project Motor Redesign Challenge -Analysis of Redesign* Astronomy: Telescopes (2.7k/2.2sts) -NASA photo of the day -Spectroscopes 14) Chapter 2 review 15) Chapter 2 Quiz* 16) Unit Review 17) Unit C Exam 18) *Alternate Schedule Summative Assessment: DC redesign analysis Circuitry Online lab book Chapter 1 Quiz Newspaper Article on a wave type – explore wave length on earth and in space (2.4s) Chapter 2 Quiz Unit Exam *News Paper Assignment Have students examine EMR found on earth-research and explore the impacts that it has on earth Research the same EMR wave length and how it is used in space to understand the universe Write a newspaper article that compares and contrasts the wave lengths and they are found in different environments o Provide visuals o What technology is used to understand/use EMR o Supported by reliable sources o Addresses potential concerns (environmental, health, social etc) that pertain to the wave length on earth and in space o Address source (earth and space), frequency, wavelength, energy and effect on living tissue Science 30: Unit C- Electromagnetic Energy Day 1: Voltage, Current and Charge Outcomes: Review/unit introduction 1.2K intro 1.1.sts Following this lesson students will understand: -Describe how charge separation occurs through transfer of charges -How to define voltage, current and charge and give examples of where they are found -Be able to calculate V, C and q using provided formulas -Explain the difference between voltage and current Lesson Strategy Ice Breaker and class expectations/norms with a new teacher (15min) Unit Overview: Essential Questions and Chapter topics Engage: Lightning How is it formed? Powerpoint presentation/fill in the blank notes to explain the three big concepts (45min) Examples to follow each concept, worked through as a class and then have students guide me through the examples Time to work on assigned practice questions (15min) Exit slip (2 questions) to be completed before leaving class (5min) Resources and Materials -Power point -Student work books (blank and KEY copy) -Sticky notes for exit slip -White board, markers, projector -Lap top Assessment Talking through problems after students have tried it on their own (formative) Observing students working on practice questions and checking their understanding Exit slip to see where students may be struggling/to inform review the next day Day 2: Field Theory Outcomes: 1.1k, 1.2k, 1.3k, 1.4k, 1.5k 1.1sts, 1.2s Following this lesson students will understand: -That there are three different energy fields that can be found on earth and will be able to provide examples of each Lesson Strategy -Engage with a scenario (hiking) where students have to determine which energy fields are impacting the hiker (10 min) -Explore/Explain concepts with reference to lightning example from previous day and build on hiking scenario -Examples for formula calculations and line drawings worked together as a class (55min) Video to conclude, bringing context back to a Resources and Materials PowerPoint Video of Northern lights Student note books -Each field has its characteristics (source, direction and strength) -How to calculate gravitational or electric field strength at a given distance from a mass or point (using provided formulas) -How to draw line diagrams (and interpret them) for 3 fields -That a conductor running through a magnetic field will be able to induce an electric current real-life example (5min) -Assigned practice questions (15min) Assessment -*Difficult section on the diploma* -Practice problems check for completion (formative) -Review with students working through 2-3 questions on the board the next day (formative) -Observe and check in with students during work time -Prompt students to ask questions when they are unsure Day 3:-4: Motors and Generators Outcomes: 1.8k, 1.10k, 1.2s, 1.3s, 1.2sts 1.4s Following this lesson students will understand: -Technologies require energy conversion to perform a function -There are different currents (AC & DC) that have advantages and disadvantages -How a DC motor works, through design and description of the processes -The importance of testing, redesign and evaluation in building a performance produce -How to display investigation data, procedure, claims and evidence Lesson Strategy: 2 Days Day 1: -Recap of field theory and relate electrical field to motors/generators through headphone example (15min) -General motor components introduced-PPT (10 min) -Motor Lab Set-Up (5 min) -DC motor construction activity (with activity questions about how motors work/draw and label motor) -Redesign challenge introduction -Students make a plan/list of materials to bring Day 2: -Review how motors work (concepts to be gained from motor building activity) -Notes on Generators; AC vs DC -Redesign motor challenge (group work) and show case of redesign with verbal explanation of WHY the chosen motor was Resources and Materials -Field theory review questions -Notes/PPT on general motor components -DC motor activity: motor supplies, procedure, activity questions -Redesign challenge instructions -Notes on Generators -Students bring extra materials -Redesign analysis questions -Rubric to grade analysis the best of 3 attempted -Analysis of redesign to be handed in individually for grading Assessment: Observing group work during activity and investigation (formative) Practice questions (formative) DC Motor Investigation Redesign Analysis (summative) Day 5-6: Circuits Outcomes: 1.6k/1.12k 1.1sts 1.2c 1.3s 1.4s Following this lesson students will understand: -What the difference is between series and parallel circuits -How to calculate voltage, resistance and current using Ohm’s Law -How to calculate total resistance and total voltage in series and parallel circuits -Why it is important that there are safety features on circuits (i.e. fuse) and relate to their use of circuits at home Lesson Strategy Day 1: PPT Notes: -What is a circuit - Circuits Diagrams & Examples -Pre-Lab Demo (Gizmo Warm-Up) -Pre-Lab questions (Workbook) Practice Questions (textbook) Resources and Materials -Day 1 PPT & Practice Questions -Pre-Lab Questions -Day 2 PPT -Student Circuit Lab book (& Link) Day 2: Circuits online Gizmo Lab (80 min) Practice Textbook Questions Assessment -Circuits Lab* -questions covering knowledge outcomes (summative) -Practice questions: Self-assessment (check answers in class/on-line) -Walking around during lab and observing/asking questions (formative) Day 7: Power & Billing Outcomes: 1.7k 1.3s Lesson Strategy PowerPoint with examples -Work through examples as a class for Resources and Materials PPT notes Following this lesson students will understand: -How to define power both qualitatively and quantitatively using equations provided in their data booklet -How to calculate power in electrical systems when voltage is provided and when it is not -The costs of electrical energy and how power companies determine what consumers owe based on energy usage -The environmental costs of energy consumption and list ideas on how these costs could be minimized students to see how to use the formulas Have students look into the costs of energy environmentally (self-directed) and brain storm possible ideas for minimizing the environmental costs Textbook Questions Assessment -Practice Questions taken up in class (formative) -Asking students to share their ideas related to environmental costs (formative) Day 8: Transmitting Electrical Energy Outcomes: 1.9k/1.10k 1.3s Following this lesson students will understand: -How electrical energy is transmitted from power sources to useable energy -Why voltage needs to be kept high in the electric source -How energy loss is minimized in the transmission process through transformers -That there are two types of transformers and be able to describe how they work Lesson Strategy Engagement question: Big questions that can be answered by the end of the lesson Connecting to real world: Transmitting energy to the home Examples worked through as a class using formulas Practice questions Assessment Homework check-Practice questions assigned Class discussion (formative) Resources and Materials Power Point Textbook Video Link (AC > DC) Day 9: Chapter 1 Review Outcomes: All general one outcomes Following this lesson students will understand: (understandings covered in first 8 days of unit) Lesson Strategy Determine what students have struggled with (survey?) and develop questions to review (45 min) *Field theory review* Practice questions to prepare for the quiz posted with answers so students can check their work (40 min) Assessment -Formatively assess students understanding throughout first half of the unit and note which areas they have struggled with -Discuss with students individually and as a class -Have students work through questions on the board to demonstrate their thinking Resources and Materials Review Questions