
Bob Willis
NTC Chair
Modified by
Howard Riggert
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
Tax-Year 2011 in Review
 Successes
 TWO conversions continue
 New computer Images gaining usage
 Improved Tech Communications
 Introduced multi-level Tech Bulletin distribution
 Introduced ShareNet on Portal
 Revised Equipment Inventory procedure
 Inventory Data Collection Tool – To Database
 Why every year? New Computers, Upgrades to
Win 7, Keys in Database used for future reimages
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
Tax-Year 2011 in Review
 TaxWise OnLine – National Totals
3% of sites
12% of sites
20% of sites
34% of sites
50% of sites is goal
After first week issues, TWO was
reliable during the 2011 tax season
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
Tax-Year 2011 in Review
 Equipment Issues –
 Depot Laptops
 Few problems this year with these computers
 Imaging gains as method to simplify
updating of AARP computers
 Both “XP” and “Windows 7” non-model specific
images were available – Newest versions
available 10/31/12
 More of our recent AARP computers upgraded
to Windows 7
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
Tax-Year 2011 in Review
 Data Retention
 IRS eliminated requirement to keep and
send them copies of Form 8879 and income
 AARP Tax-Aide prohibited keeping these
documents too.
 EIN checking website made available to
resolve rejects, success mixed.
 AARP Rejects Reduced by 56%
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
Tax-Year 2011 in Review
 TaxWise Software
 Issues –
 Fewer Desktop updates & issues this year.
 Validation errors with both TWD & TWO
better, but still an issue.
 Enhancement list –
 Compiled and Prioritized list to CCH in Mid-March
 Initial review with IRS & CCH in mid-April
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
Tax-Year 2011 in Review
 Communication–
 Very successful with multi-level Tech Bulletins
 Most to ERO level
 Introduced ShareNet on portal
 Some initial portal connection issues
 Still needs better Organization and Indexing
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
Tax-Year 2012-13 Planning
 New Objectives for 2012-13
 Release and promotion of Imaging
 Will begin upgrade of AARP computers using
the donated Win 7 license.
 TaxWise Software Testing before season
to include TWO capacity (Stress Test) – Still
need volunteers by 11/10 for this effort
 Promote TaxWise-OnLine (TWO)
 Including specific site internet and
Equipment needs
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
2011 TCS Survey
TWO Growth for 2012
 The Survey said that 40% of our
TaxWise Desktop sites have Internet
available at the site, but either don’t or
are not allowed to use it.
 You are encouraged to pursue using
this existing Internet at these sites
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
2011 TCS Survey
Printer Configurations
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
2011 TCS Survey
Printer Configurations – Non-Networked
 Almost 50% of sites do not network or use an
electronic switch for printing.
 Over 50% of sites using non-networked
printers have a printer connected to each
computer and another 20% physically move
the printer (or printer cable) between
computers. This not an efficient use.
 A waste of resources.
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
2011 TCS Survey
New Computer Images – Huge Success
 From the preliminary sample over 1000
computers were updated using the Image
instead of downloading and installing
Windows updates.
 800 with Windows XP
 Nearly 200 to Windows 7
 With the 10/31/12 release of the Images
and more field experience this should
expand substantially this next year.
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
2011 TCS Survey
 Networks
Networks can be wired, wireless or a combination of wired
and wireless. More details will be discussed with TCs
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
What’s New for 2012-13 Season
 Encryption
 AARP is eliminating the required
use of “TrueCrypt” for TaxWise
Desktop computers.
 TaxWise Software is fully Encrypted
 If moved to C: Must run Setup.exe
 New App for unencrypted P: Drive
 IRS Depot Laptops are still
encrypted per US Gov’t Rules.
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
What’s New for 2012-13 Season
 EFIN Administration
 Paper Form 8633 no longer accepted
 All revisions and new applications
will need to use e-Services.
 New and existing EFINs should be
assigned two Responsible Officials.
RO is not the same as ERO.
 Local IRS SPEC offices can also
assist in making EFIN changes
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
What’s New for 2012-13 Season
 IRS E-Filing Publications
 Pub 1345 – Handbook for e-File
Providers, updated this year.
 Only available as electronic edition
 Pub 3189 – Volunteer e-File
Administration Guide, will
become electronic only after this
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
What’s New for 2012-13 Season
 TaxWise Changes
 No More Legacy processing – all
Modernized eFile (MeF)
 TWO Safety-Net (Off-line) Option
will be introduced
 Uses Desktop that transfers efiles to
TWO when back on-line
 Use when internet down or CCH
unavailable. At site or elsewhere.
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
What’s New for 2012-13 Season
 TaxWise Changes
 “Linked” State Returns can not be
sent until Federal Return is
 No more State Reject 901 and 902.
 TWO Training Templates can be
“Published” to Production version
 Production Templates can not be
used in TWO Training
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
What’s New for 2012-13 Season
 TaxWise Template
 AARP has a Template for TWO to reduce the
effort in adding defaults – Subscriber No.
684025 – NY3 sites will have this Template.
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
What’s New for 2012-13 Season
 1040 Line 21 Other
 New Worksheet for reporting
Miscellaneous Income
 Includes 16 additional income
 New diagnostics will be added
 Income from another form
auto-populates the worksheet
with amount and type
 1099-Misc income
 link to worksheet then to
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
What’s New for 2012-13 Season
 TaxWise Changes
 Form 8949 (Capital Gains and
Losses) now a six page form instead of
two pages so that copies don’t have to
be added to the forms tree – short
term and long term.
 A – 1099 includes basis to IRS
 B – 1099 does not include basis to IRS – Broker
statement may include basis, but not 1099
 C – No 1099 form
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
What’s New for 2012-13
 Continue transition to Windows 7 on
AARP Tax-Aide computers.
 New computers have Windows 7
 Begin to upgrade AARP Foundation &
Donated computers to Windows 7 that
were in the May 2010 Inventory
 Requires a minimum of 1GB of RAM
 Begin distribution of additional Memory for
AARP purchased computers
 Use Enterprise grant licenses from Microsoft.
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
What’s New for 2012-13
 Printers
 Our Consumables contract with GraceWorkz
includes a Printer Repair Service at no
cost to Tax-Aide.
 Barbara Kaiser and Kaye Curry are contacts.
 Cartridge complaints were sent to National.
 Tax-Aide encouraged our volunteers to use
the repair service last season.
 Still, the 2012 Inventory reported 139 NW
(Not Working) printers, 89 were eligible for
free repair by GraceWorkz
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
What’s New for 2012-13
 Printers (Continued)
 We need to efficiently use the printers we
currently have, and believe some states
have more printers than they need.
 This year we will not automatically replace
all of the printers reported as NW.
 Each state will be asked to determine their
need for replacement printers.
 Next year printers eligible for
GraceWorkz repair but not sent to them
will not be replaced.
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
TaxWise OnLine
 Promote conversion to TWO
 Use TWO Training and Practice Lab
websites to Practice Online
 Prior year TWO Training website has
State software for practicing
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
Advantages of TaxWise Online
 Reduced Tax Preparation Burden
 No installation on individual computers
program maintained on CCH server
 No updates required for TWO – updated by
CCH. TWO Safety Backup on Desktop may
require updating.
 No need to backup, restore or transmit
returns – data already at CCH
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
Advantages of TaxWise Online
 Improved Security
 No data stored locally on individual computers secured facility stores all data
 Intrusion detection – CCH uses software to
reduce threat of hackers
 Access from any computer with proper
identification and Broadband Internet
 Immediate availability – nothing to install
 Ideal for Using Site Provided Equipment
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
Advantages of Networking
 Every Desktop site with two or more
computers should be networked
 Reduced Tax Preparation Burden
 Fewer copies of TW to setup and maintain
 Eliminates need to copy returns from
multiple computers for transmission
 Provides easy method to print from all
 Improved Security
 Fewer computers with taxpayer data
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012
Questions ???
NTC TCS Training - Dallas 2012