I Just Thought You'd Like to Know, A book about geology

Did You Know?
A Book About Geology
Adapted from “Amazing Facts About Rocks” by Chelsea Downie, Katie DiRe,Becky Ruddy,
Kelly Schultz, and Holly Im-Hamper and Pebbles, Sand and Silt by Penny Creek First
Grade Teachers by K. Gooding
Did you know rocks are the nonliving solid material of
the Earth?
A geologists is a scientist that studies
rocks. They use many different tools.
Geologists use hammers to separate rocks
and look at the different layers.
A magnifying glass or a
microscope is used by a geologist
to closely observe properties of
rocks and minerals.
I just thought you would like to know.
Did you know rocks are the nonliving solid material of
the Earth?
Some rocks are formed from lava coming out of an erupting
When the lava cools and hardens, it separates and forms
basalt, tuff, or scoria.
I just thought you would like to know.
Did you know rocks are the nonliving solid material of
the Earth?
Basalt is formed when lava that has
erupted from a volcano cools and hardens.
A basalt rock is gray and smooth.
Tuff is formed from the ash created
when a volcano erupts. Tuff is white,
soft, and dusty.
Scoria is formed from the bubbly top of
lava. Scoria is red and rough. It usually
has holes in it.
I just thought you would like to know.
Did you know rocks are the nonliving solid material of
the Earth?
Another way rocks are formed is by erosion. Erosion is when
the wind, the rain, and the sun break away the earth’s surface
and make rocks over time.
I just thought you would like to know.
Did you know rocks are the nonliving solid material of
the Earth?
Erosion turns a boulder into a cobble.
Erosion turns a cobble into a pebble.
Erosion turns a pebble into gravel.
I just thought you would like to know.
Did you know rocks are the nonliving solid material of
the Earth?
Erosion turns gravel into sand.
Erosion turns sand into silt.
Erosion turns a silt into clay.
I just thought you would like to know.
Did you know rocks are the nonliving solid material of
the Earth?
A boulder is bigger than 2 hands.
A cobble fits in your hand.
A pebble is about the size of popcorn.
I just thought you would like to know.
Did you know rocks are the nonliving solid material of
the Earth?
Gravel is about the size of an M&M.
A grain of sand is the size of a granule
of sugar.
Silt is smaller than sand but bigger than clay.
Clay is the size of cocoa powder.
I just thought you would like to know.