Projekt OBOGATENO UČENJE TUJIH JEZIKOV Datum: 25. 3. 2012 Primer PRIPRAVE NA POUK tujega jezika za mesec MAREC 2012 Priloga 3 Šola: Status šole: Naslov priloge: Kratek opis (vrsta in vsebina): Ciljni tuji jezik(i): Vegova Ljubljana Matična šola Website Ranking ANGLEŠČINA Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov v obdobju 2007-2013, razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjsko učenje; prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja. UČNA PRIPRAVA ZA TIMSKO POUČEVANJE Team Teaching Preparation Predmet/-a/-i Subject(s) Učitelja/-i Teachers Letnik, razred Class Učni sklop, tema Topic Zaporedna št. ure No of lessons Učilnica Classroom English Mojca Fink / Amresh Prakash Torul G 3.A/B Academic literacy, Website ranking and search engines 1 221 Žarišče ure oz. sklopa (npr. razvijanje kritičnega mišljenja): Lesson focus: Academic literacy – work with a technical text Vrsta timskega poučevanja Team teaching type Traditional, Alternative Učna oblika Teaching design Frontal, Working in pairs Učna metoda Teaching method Explanation/Conversation Učna sredstva in pripomočki - za učitelja: - za dijake - internet, computer and projector, handout - handout Potrebno predznanje dijakov: Prior required knowledge Students need to have a good understanding of search engines and the way they operate. It is essential that this topic is already covered in the Computer Science class prior to this lesson. CILJI PREDMETA Learning objectives: - Students learn about the different ways a website developer can improve their website’s ranking in search engines. - They read and understand a professional text about the topic and learn the related key vocabulary 2 POTEK UČNE URE Teachers' and students' activities Čas / Time 10 mins Local English teacher Foreign teacher Introduce the topic and ask the students to explain what they have done in the Computer Science class. 20 mins Ask students to read the text aloud. Ask students some technical questions to see how they explain these concepts. Ask them about the text they are about to read, and how much they are familiar with it. Correct students occasionally, Reading aloud. in case of major mistakes while reading. 15 mins Ask students if they know the Slovene words for these key terms and then provide them with the translations if they don’t know. Check the comprehension questions (T/F) Explain some of the key words in the text as students read on. Check the technical vocabulary question and explain the words that still pose a problem for students. Dijaki Students Participate in the discussion. Try to translate the key words. Correction Evalvacija/refleksija učiteljev / Evaluation of the lesson Lesson background: This lesson was set up upon recommendation of the Computer Science teacher of that class. The topic in the Computer Science class was website design, search engines and website rankings. The Computer Science teacher then found this authentic text about the topic and wanted the students to fully understand it. He therefore approached us, English teachers, to see whether we could help the students understand the text and the key words involved. We thought it was a great opportunity to work on an authentic text which is directly related to what the students were doing in a non-language subject. The students didn’t need any convincing about the importance of the text. They knew exactly what was going on and could clearly see the connection between the two subjects. They liked the idea of working on that text in the English, especially because many of them had problems understanding parts of it. After the explanation, most students were able to complete the handout. A couple of them still had difficulties with the high level of English in the text. We had to help them individually. 3 Ten Tips to the Top of the Search Engines By Jill Whalen Having a website that gets found in Google, Yahoo, and Bing, etc. isn't hard to do, but it can be difficult to know where to begin. Here are my latest and greatest tips to get you started: 1. Do not purchase a new domain unless you have to. The search engines pay a lot of attention to how long your website and domain have been around. While you can purchase a new domain and redirect your old one to the new one, your best bet is to use your existing domain/website if at all possible. If you're redesigning or starting from zero and you have to use a brand-new domain for some reason, you can expect a loss in search engine traffic. It could be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months or more. 2. Optimize your site for your target audience, not for the search engines. The search engines are looking for pages that best fit the keyword phrase someone types into their little search box. If those people are typing in search words that relate to what your site offers, then they are most likely members of your target audience. You need to optimize your site to meet their needs. If you don't know who your target audience is, then you need to find out one way or another. 3. Research your keyword phrases extensively. The phrases you think your target market might be searching for may very well be incorrect. To find the optimal phrases to optimize for, use research tools such as KeywordDiscovery,Wordtracker or Google's Keyword Tool. Compile lists of the most relevant phrases for your site, and choose a few different ones for every page. Never choose general keywords such as "travel" or "vacation," as they are rarely (if ever) indicative of what your site is really about. 4. Design and categorize your site architecture and navigation based on your keyword research. Let's say your site sells toys. There are numerous ways you could categorize and lay out your site so that people will find the toys they're looking for. Are people looking for toys to fit their child's stage of development? If yes, then they might enter keyword phrases such as "preschool toys." Or are they more likely to be seeking specific brands of toys? Make sure you have links to specific-brand pages as well as specific age ranges, specific types of toys, etc. 5. Program your site to be "crawler-friendly." Search engines use web crawlers which are programs that open all the pages of websites systematically. Suppose you have only a series of drop-down menus to choose a category or a brand of a product from a website. The search engine crawlers will never find those resulting pages and this can affect the site’s ranking. You'll need to make sure that you always have some form of HTML links in the main navigation on every page which link to the top-level pages of your site. 6. Label your internal text links and clickable image alt attributes as clearly and descriptively as possible. Your site visitors and the search engines look at the clickable portion of your links to help them understand what they're going to find once they click through. Don't make them guess what's at the other end with links that say "click here" or other non-descriptive words. Be as descriptive as possible with every text and graphical link on your site. 4 7. Repeat keywords throughout your web page. Repetition of keywords and keyword phrases on your web pages makes marketing and advertising easier. The important thing is to use your keyword phrases only when and where it makes sense to do so for the real people reading your pages. Simply sticking keyword phrases at the top of the page for no apparent reason isn't going to help, and it just looks silly. An “About” page is a good example of a page which can contain all the main keywords. 8. Incorporate your keyword phrases into each page's unique Title tag. Title tags are critical because they're given a lot of importance by every search engine. Your most important keyword phrase should also be used in your Title tag. Remember that the information that you place in this tag is what will show up as the clickable link to your site at the search engines. Make sure that it accurately reflects the content of the page it's on. 9. Make sure your site is "link-worthy." Other sites linking to yours is a critical component of a successful search engine optimization campaign, as all of the major search engines place a good deal of emphasis on your site's overall link popularity. You can go out and request hundreds or thousands of links, but if your site is not good enough, why would anyone want to link to it? On the other hand, if your site is full of wonderful, useful information, other sites will naturally link to it without you even asking. 10. Don't be married to any one keyword phrase or worried too much about rankings. If you've done the above 9 things correctly, you will start to see an increase in targeted search engine visitors to your site fairly quickly. Forget about where you rank for any specific keyword phrase and instead measure your results in increased traffic and sales. It certainly won't hurt to add new content to your site if it will really make your site more useful, but don't simply add a load of content just for the sake of adding something. Adapted from: 1. Decide whether these statements are true or false. 1. Using a new domain will increase your site traffic. 2. Websites and domains that have been around for a while are taken more seriously by search engines. 3. When optimizing your site, the target audience is more important than the search engine. 4. “Travel” or “vacation” are good examples of keyword phrases. 5. Your site architecture and navigation should based on your keyword research. 6. Search engine crawlers can easily find resulting pages form drop-down menus. 7. You should not be too descriptive with text and graphical links on your web pages. 8. Keywords should only be used if and when they make sense. 9. What is in between the title tags appear as clickable links on search engines’ results pages. 10. Instead of requested thousands of links, you should focus on improving the quality of your website. 5 2. Match the words to the correct descriptions. domain traffic target audience crawler attributes search engine optimize keyword phrase ranking title tag a computer program that browses the World Wide Web in a systematic manner a computer program that searches the Internet for information, especially by looking for documents containing a particular word or group of words the position of a website on a search engine’s result page a combination of specific words entered by a user to search a web site a term that refers to a set of websites on the Internet which end with the same group of letters, for example ‘.com’, ‘.org’ to use something in the best possible way an HTML tag which displays text on the title bar of web pages structures used in HTML that provide additional information on HTML tags the movement of messages and signals through a network the group of people who are going to use a website 6 Solutions: True / False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Using a new domain will increase your site traffic. (F) Websites and domains that have been around for a while are taken more seriously by search engines. (T) When optimizing your site, the target audience is more important than the search engine. (T) “Travel” or “vacation” are good examples of keyword phrases. (F) Your site architecture and navigation should based on your keyword research. (T) Search engine crawlers can easily find resulting pages form drop-down menus. (F) You should not be too descriptive with text and graphical links on your web pages. (F) Keywords should only be used if and when they make sense. (T) What is in between the title tags appear as clickable links on search engines’ results pages. (T) Instead of requested thousands of links, you should focus on improving the quality of your website. (T) Vocabulary domain traffic target audience crawler attributes search engine optimize keyword phrase ranking title tag crawler a computer program that browses the World Wide Web in a systematic manner search engine a computer program that searches the Internet for information, especially by looking for documents containing a particular word or group of words ranking the position of a website on a search engine’s result page keyword phrase a combination of specific words entered by a user to search a web site domain a term that refers to a set of websites on the Internet which end with the same group of letters, for example ‘.com’, ‘.org’ optimize to use something in the best possible way title tag an HTML tag which displays text on the title bar of web pages attributes structures used in HTML that provide additional information on HTML tags traffic the movement of messages and signals through a network target audience the group of people who are going to use a website 7