Programme Board Meeting
6 March 2014
• Project funds were channeled through the Ministry of
Finance and Planning only to the Ministry of National
Languages and Social Integration.
• Activities implemented through the four SELAJSI
Implementing Partners for activities identified and agreed upon at the end of August 2013 at the 1 st adhoc PBM.
• Activities focused primarily on completion of spill over activities from the former EQ2J Project and to lay the foundation for activities in 2014.
Implementation Partner
- Ministry of Justice
1.2.1. Thirty case briefs out of a prioritized 120 briefs were as translated as planned from Tamil language to English language in order to facilitate the process of expediting the hearing of these cases in the Court of Appeal.
1.2.1. 30 legal briefs out of a prioritized
120 legal briefs were as translated as planned from the Tamil language to
English language in order to facilitate the process of expediting the hearing of the cases in the Court of Appeal.
1.2.2. Provide technical support and equipment to the Government
Analyst’s Department, to expedite the finalization of technical reports
The Government Analyst's
Department was supported through the provision of technical support to expedite the process of issuance of
Government Analysts reports enabling a reduction in the backlog of reports.
Implementation Partner – Ministry of Child Development and Women’s Affairs
3.2.1 Conduct awareness programmes on underage marriage and sexual and gender based violence in identified
Divisional Secretariat Divisions in the
Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa
Districts, including for the WDOs, mediation boards and other service providers
3.2.1. 1168 Females and 493 Males were made aware through 11 awareness programmes which were held in the
Anuradhapura District and 513 Females and 222 Males through 6 awareness programmes in the Polonnaruwa District.
Refurbish the Women and
Children’s Desk in the Kilinochchi Police
Station, ensuring the availability of female officers, adequate representation, translation services and access to legal aid services and provide necessary equipment
3.3.1. The refurbishment work for the
Women and Children's Desk at the
Killinochchi Police Station has been completed and the desk is operational although it has not been officially opened.
The Desk was also supported with necessary equipment which included computers, printers, furniture and stationary.
Implementation Partner – Ministry of Rehabilitation and Prison Reforms
4.2.3. Provide technical support for the initation of the pilot
Prison Information Management system (Consultancy)
4.2.3. A consultant was recruited for the purpose of analysing the existing manual data management system in the Prisons
Department and to provide a proposal on the features for a new software system, data representation, infrastructure facilities and other requirements to address the information management needs of the Department of
Prisons. The basic technical assessment has been completed and a draft report has been submitted to the Department and it is being reviewed by the Information Communication and Technology Agency (ICTA).
4.2.4. Conduct an international learning exercise for 8 MRPR and
Prisons Department Officials
4.2.4. 1 Officer representing the Ministry of
Rehabilitation and Prison Reforms and 7
Officers from the Department of Prisons participated on a learning tour to Singapore to learn about the rehabilitation mechanism implemented for the drug addicts in the
Prisons Singapore.
Implementation Partner – Ministry of National Languages and Social Integration
5.2.1 Conduct data analysis of Legal
Documentation Needs Assessment and prepare final report.
5.2.1. The Consultant submitted to the Ministry of
National Languages and Social Integration 13 district reports following analysis of the data gathered through the Legal Documentation Needs Assessment.
5.2.2 Conduct legal documentation mobile clinics in the Northern
5.2.2. 2694 Birth Certificate (BC), 130 Death
Certificate (DC), 466 Marriage Certificate, 185
National Identity Cards (NICs) and 137 Elders Identity
Cards, 66 Police Reports for loss NICs in Kandavalai through Pre-mobiles and 734 NICs, 1250 BC, 98
Probable Age Certificates, 104 Police Reports for NICs were issued in Kandavelai, Poonahari and Karachi
Divisonal Secretariat Divisions in Killinochi District through 3 final mobile clinics.
5.2.3 Provide translation support for the Department of Registration of
5.2.3 8 Tamil language translators carried out the translation of names (and other relevant information) and the writing of the names on the Identity Cards in both the Tamil and Sinhala Languages. Approximately
6,000 National Identity Card (NICs) were translated and written by the translators.
Implementation Partner – Ministry of National Languages and Social Integration
6.1.1 Facilitate and support a more expanded public discourse across the media landscape, including through the use of social and community media
-Linked to the NPFSI a calendar was designed to raise awareness on 18 ethnic groups which are small in number were printed. 7200 of these were printed and distributed among 312 Secondary Schools in
Puttlam, Badulla and Vavuniya Districts. The aim of the calendar is to sensitize the students about the diverse nature of the minority communities in Sri Lanka.
-The design of the script for the drama series to raise awareness on elements of Social
Integration as highlighted in the NPFSI and its importance in Sri Lanka was completed.
Implementation Partner – Ministry of National Languages and Social Integration
Implementation of the
Women's Leadership Development scale up initiated
6.4.1 Monaragala and Kilinochi Districts identified as the locations for implementation of the
Women's Leadership Development for Social
Integration initiative. An implementing partner was identified for this initiative. Initial Discussions were held with the Government Agents of
Killinochi and Monaragala and relevant stakeholders in the Districts. Field Visits to the
Districts were also carried out to initiate the baseline survey. Five training modules namely, i.
Leadership for All, ii.Social Integration - Policy to
Action iii. Gender and Womens Right, iv.
Communication and Profiling for Leadership. v.
Advocacy,Language Rights and Bilingualism have been identified following consultations and discussions were held with 5 identified resource persons to develop these training modules.
2013 NIM Advance Expenditure Recorded 2013 AWP Budget
(September –December
USD 411, 408 US$ 184,027 USD 173,671 *
* Provisional Financial Information subject to finalization of the Combined Delivery
Report for 2013.