Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Request for Proposal for Selection of Implementation Agency for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Training, Operations and Maintenance of Hardware, Networking Components and System Software for Nation-wide Rollout of National e-Governance Plan for Agriculture (NeGP-A) –Version 2.3 Tender No: Z-11018/15/2014/IT Agriculture Mission Mode Project National e-Governance Plan (NeGP– A) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & COOPERATION MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DAC 1 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Table of Content LIST OF TABLES ...........................................................................................................................................6 GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................................7 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................................11 1 DOCUMENT REFERENCE SHEET ......................................................................................................17 2 INVITATION FOR BIDS ....................................................................................................................18 3 INTRODUCTION AND STRUCTURE OF THE RFP ..............................................................................20 4 GENERAL TERMS OF THE RFP .........................................................................................................24 4.1 NEGP-A OPEN FORUM ....................................................................................................................24 4.2 BIDDER ENQUIRIES & DAC RESPONSES ............................................................................................... 25 4.3 VENUE & DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BID .......................................................................................25 4.3.1 Bids must be submitted by the bidders at the following address: ....................................25 4.3.2 Amendment of Bidding Documents ..................................................................................26 4.4 LANGUAGE OF BID........................................................................................................................... 27 4.4.1 Technical Bid .....................................................................................................................29 4.5 UNDERTAKING ................................................................................................................................ 32 4.6 NON-CONFORMING BID ...................................................................................................................32 4.7 AMENDMENTS TO RFP.....................................................................................................................33 4.8 PRICES ..........................................................................................................................................33 4.9 CORRECTION OF ERRORS ..................................................................................................................33 4.10 DISQUALIFICATION......................................................................................................................34 4.11 BID CURRENCIES ........................................................................................................................ 34 4.12 BID SECURITY (EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT)......................................................................................35 4.12.1 Amount of Bid Security (EMD) .....................................................................................35 4.12.2 Currency of Bid Security ............................................................................................... 35 4.12.3 Requirement of Bid Security ......................................................................................... 35 4.12.4 Rejection of Bid ............................................................................................................35 4.12.5 Discharge of Security Bid of Unsuccessful Bidder......................................................... 35 4.12.6 Discharge of Security Bid of Successful Bidder ............................................................. 35 4.12.7 Forfeiture of Bid Security .............................................................................................. 35 4.13 PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF BIDS ........................................................................................................36 4.13.1 Validity Period ..............................................................................................................36 4.13.2 Extension of Period of Validity .....................................................................................36 4.14 FORMAT AND SIGNING OF BID ......................................................................................................37 4.14.1 Number of Copies of Bid............................................................................................... 37 4.14.2 Authentication of Bid ...................................................................................................37 4.14.3 Validation of interlineations in Bid ...............................................................................37 4.15 SEALING AND MARKING OF BIDS ...................................................................................................37 4.15.1 Enclosing the Bids ........................................................................................................37 4.15.2 Responsibility of Client .................................................................................................38 4.16 REJECTION OF BID ......................................................................................................................39 4.17 WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS ................................................................................................................39 4.18 OPENING OF PRE-QUALIFICATION AND TECHNICAL BIDS ....................................................................39 4.18.1 Opening of Bids ............................................................................................................39 4.18.2 Announcement of Bids .................................................................................................40 4.18.3 Bids Not Considered For Evaluation .............................................................................40 4.18.4 Opening of Bids by the Client .......................................................................................40 4.19 EVALUATION OF BIDS ..................................................................................................................40 4.19.1 Evaluation of Pre-Qualification bids.............................................................................41 4.19.2 Technical Bid Evaluation .............................................................................................. 46 DAC 2 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 4.19.3 Financial Bid Evaluation ............................................................................................... 56 4.19.4 Signing of Contract.......................................................................................................58 4.19.5 Unconditional Performance Bank Guarantee .............................................................. 59 4.19.6 Warranty & Annual Maintenance Contract .................................................................60 4.19.7 Penalty & Liquidation Damages ...................................................................................61 4.19.8 Failure to Agree with Terms & Conditions of RFP ........................................................ 62 4.19.9 Limitation of Bidder’s Liability......................................................................................62 4.19.10 Insurance .....................................................................................................................62 4.20 PAYMENT TERMS .......................................................................................................................62 4.20.1 Schedule for Payment ..................................................................................................64 5 AGRICULTURE MISSION MODE PROJECT (NEGP-A).......................................................................67 5.1 VISION & OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................................68 5.2 KEY STAKEHOLDERS OF NEGP - A.......................................................................................................69 5.3 SERVICES .......................................................................................................................................69 5.4 SERVICE DELIVERY ........................................................................................................................... 71 5.4.1 Central Agri Portal (CAP) ..................................................................................................72 5.4.2 State Agri Portal (SAP) ......................................................................................................72 5.4.3 Existing Applications which may be redeployed in the new platform .............................. 73 5.5 SOLUTION OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................74 5.5.1 Information Services .........................................................................................................76 5.5.2 Access Services ..................................................................................................................76 5.5.3 Interaction Services ...........................................................................................................76 5.5.4 Security Services................................................................................................................76 5.5.5 Portal Services...................................................................................................................76 5.5.6 Operational / Infrastructure services ................................................................................76 5.5.7 Management and Monitoring Services ............................................................................77 5.6 TECHNOLOGY ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................................................77 5.6.1 Solution Architecture ........................................................................................................77 5.6.2 Solution Deployment Architecture ....................................................................................80 5.6.3 Network Deployment Architecture ...................................................................................83 5.7 CAPACITY BUILDING AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS........................................................... 84 5.7.1 Change Requirements .......................................................................................................84 5.7.2 Classification of stakeholders for training ........................................................................90 6 SCOPE OF WORK FOR IMPLEMENTATION AGENCY .......................................................................92 VALIDITY OF RATES .....................................................................................................................105 6.1 PROJECT SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................................... 108 6.2 TESTING & ACCEPTANCE ................................................................................................................112 6.3 DEPLOYMENT SUPPORT ..................................................................................................................116 6.3.1 Training & Change Management ...................................................................................116 6.3.2 Systems Deployment Warranty ...................................................................................... 118 6.3.3 Managed IT Services .......................................................................................................118 6.3.4 Key Deliverables ..............................................................................................................122 6.3.5 Key resources to be deployed during Implementation & AMC period ............................ 123 6.4 SYSTEMS DEPLOYMENT ..................................................................................................................124 6.4.1 Handover Clause .............................................................................................................124 6.4.2 End of Life clause ............................................................................................................124 6.5 DATA MIGRATION ......................................................................................................................... 125 6.6 ESCALATION MATRIX .....................................................................................................................125 7 SERVICE LEVELS ............................................................................................................................ 126 APPENDIX I – DETAILED LIST OF STAKEHOLDERS ..................................................................................144 APPENDIX II –LIST OF SERVICES .............................................................................................................147 APPENDIX III – TENTATIVE BILL OF MATERIAL ...................................................................................... 152 DAC 3 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout APPENDIX IV – TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................... 157 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................157 FIBER CHANNEL SWITCH FOR SAN ...................................................................................................158 SERVER FARM ACCESS SWITCH ........................................................................................................159 ACCESS SWITCH FOR USERS – 24 PORTS............................................................................................ 163 SERVER LOAD BALANCER ................................................................................................................167 BLADE CHASSIS DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION ...................................................................................... 169 DATABASE SERVER/ MANAGEMENT SERVER ....................................................................................... 172 WEB SERVER, APPLICATION SERVER, DNS / LDAP, ANTI-VIRUS SERVER, DEVELOPMENT & PORTAL SERVER SPECIFICATION........................................................................................................................................ 175 I. STORAGE AREA NETWORK (SAN) ....................................................................................................178 J. DESKTOP SPECIFICATION.................................................................................................................181 K. MONO MULTIFUNCTION PRINTERS CUM SCANNER (BLOCK HQS LEVEL) SPECIFICATIONS ............................ 185 COLOR MULTIFUNCTION PRINTERS CUM SCANNER (DISTRICT HQS AND ABOVE) SPECIFICATIONS ........................... 186 L. SERVERS (PILOT MANDIS) ...............................................................................................................187 M. LAN SWITCH (AT OFFICES IN BLOCK AND DISTRICT HQ) ............................................................ 188 N. LAN SWITCH (AT OFFICES IN STATE HQ / UNIVERSITIES) ........................................................... 190 O. KVM SWITCH .............................................................................................................................. 192 P. TOUCH SCREEN KIOSK ....................................................................................................................192 Q. SYSTEM SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................194 R. ANTI-VIRUS SOLUTION ...................................................................................................................205 S. AUDIO / VIDEO STREAMING SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION. .......................................................................206 T. HAND HELD DEVICE (TABLET) SPECIFICATIONS....................................................................................208 U. PICO PROJECTOR........................................................................................................................... 211 3. EMS SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................213 W. LINE INTERACTIVE UPS 650 VA/1KVA SPECIFICATIONS...........................................................................221 A. DECLARATION REGARDING CLEAN TRACK RECORD ................................................................................227 B. CERTIFICATE FOR SATISFACTORY WORK FROM REPUTED CLIENTS.............................................................. 228 C. NEGP-A OPEN FORUM: FORMAT FOR QUERIES..................................................................................230 D. PRE-QUALIFICATION COMPLIANCE ...................................................................................................231 E. TECHNICAL BID FORM ....................................................................................................................231 F. FINANCIALBID FORM .....................................................................................................................233 7.1 PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE TEMPLATE ....................................................................................236 G. FORMAT FOR CLIENT REFERENCES ....................................................................................................238 H. FORMAT FOR PROVIDING CITATIONS .................................................................................................240 I. FORMAT FOR OVERVIEW OF ROLES OF THE IMPLEMENTATION AGENCY (OEMS) .......................................244 J. FORMAT FOR STAFFING PLAN ..........................................................................................................245 K. FORMAT FOR CVS OF THE KEY PROFESSIONAL STAFF ............................................................................246 L. FORMAT FOR WORK SCHEDULE (STATE WISE).....................................................................................247 M. BID SECURITY FORM ...................................................................................................................... 248 N. TECHNICAL COMPLIANCE FORM .......................................................................................................250 O. COST ASSUMPTION AND BID EVALUATION FOR GENUINE OEM BRANDED PRINTER CARTRIDGES .....................254 Q. FORMAT FOR REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATIONS ...................................................................................... 255 R. FORMAT FOR COMMERCIAL SPECIFICATIONS & QUOTATIONS ................................................................ 256 S. DECLARATION BY THE OEMS...........................................................................................................279 T. PRE-CONTRACT INTEGRITY PACT ......................................................................................................284 U. CONSORTIUM CRITERIA ..................................................................................................................293 V. DECLARATION REGARDING ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS & CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE TENDER DOCUMENT...294 APPENDIX VI – TECHNICAL EVALUATION OF HARDWARE/ SOFTWARE AND TOOLS TO BE DEPLOYED ................................................................................................................................................................ 295 APPENDIX VII –USER AND COMPUTER ACCOUNT GROUP POLICIES ....................................................302 DAC 4 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Service Classification ..................................................................................... 70 Figure 2: Service Delivery ............................................................................................. 71 Figure 3: Solution Overview ......................................................................................... 75 Figure 4: Solution Deployment Architecture .............................................................. 82 Figure 5: Network Deployment Architecture .............................................................. 83 DAC 5 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout List of Tables Table 1 Document Reference Sheet ............................................................................. 17 Table 2 Structure of the RFP ......................................................................................... 23 Table 3 Pre-Qualification Criteria ................................................................................. 41 Table 4 Technical Bid Evaluation Criteria...................................................................... 48 Table 5 Payment Milestones......................................................................................... 64 Table 6 Key Stakeholders of NeGP - A .......................................................................... 69 Table 7 Change Communication Plan ........................................................................... 89 Table 8 Stakeholder Classification for Training ............................................................ 91 Table 9 Number of Districts and Blocks ........................................................................ 99 Table 10 Hardware Norms .......................................................................................... 100 Table 11 Indicative Total Quantity of Servers, Routers, Switches etc. ....................... 103 Table 12 Project Schedule ........................................................................................... 108 Table 13 Stakeholders Roles & Responsibilities ......................................................... 109 Table 14 Training Requirements ................................................................................. 116 Table 15 Training Needs - Basic Computer Training .................................................. 116 Table 16 Summary of Operational Requirements ...................................................... 126 Table 17 Service Level Agreement .............................................................................. 133 Table 18: Detailed List of Stakeholders ...................................................................... 144 Table 19 List of Services .............................................................................................. 147 Table 20 ....................................................................................................................... 152 Table 21 Manpower Requirement .............................................................................. 155 DAC 6 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Glossary ACMS Agriculture Content Management System ADO Agriculture Development Officer AGMARKNET Agricultural Marketing Information System Network AMFU Agro-Meteorological Forecasting Unit B2C Business to Citizen BAO Block Agriculture Officer BOO Build-Own-Operate BOOT Build-Own-Operate-Transfer CFQCTI Central Fertilizer Quality Control & Training Institute CIBRC Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee CIL Central Insecticides Laboratory CIPMC Central Integrated Pest Management Centres CPMU Central Program Management Unit CSC Citizen Service Centre CTQ Critical To Quality DAC Department of Agriculture and Co-operation DAHD Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying DAO District Agriculture Officer DARE Department of Agricultural Research & Education DMI Directorate of Marketing & Inspection DPPQS Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage DPR Detailed Project Report DAC 7 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout EIS Enterprise Information Service ESA Economic and Statistics Advisor FCI Food Corporation of India FEO Fisheries Extension Officer FMC Futures Market Commission G2B Government to Business G2C Government to Citizen G2G Government to Government GAP Good Agriculture Practice HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTTPS Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure IA Implementing Agency i.e. the bidder ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICT Information and Communication Technology IMD Indian Meteorological Department IVRS Interactive Voice Response Service JD Joint Director KCC Kisan Call Centre KKMS Kisan Knowledge Management System KVK KrishiVigyan Kendra LWO Locust Warning Organization MANAGE National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management MIS Management Information System DAC 8 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout MIT Ministry of Information Technology MMP Mission Mode Project MSP Minimum Support Price NAFED National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd NCDC National Cooperative Development Corporation NCF National Commission of Farmers NCOF National Centre for Organic Farming NCUI National Cooperative Union of India NeGP National e-Governance Plan NeGP-A National e-Governance Plan - Agriculture NIC National Informatics Centre NISG National Institute for Smart Governance NSAI National Seed Association of India NSC National Seeds Corporation PAO Pay and Accounts Office PMU Project Management Unit PQS Plant Quarantine Station PSU Public Sector Undertakings RBM Result Based Management RMC Regulated Market Committees SAMB State Agricultural Marketing Boards SAU State Agriculture University SCC State Call Centre DAC 9 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout SDC State Data Centre SFCI State Farms Corporation of India SLA Service Level Agreement SPMU State Project Management Unit SSO Single-Sign-On SWAN State Wide Area Network UAL User Access License VLEW Village Level Extension Worker VLE Village LEVEL Entrepreneur DAC 10 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Definitions i. “Agreement" means the Agreement to be entered between the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India and the bidder who will get selected after the completion of the bid process through this RFP read with all the contents and specifications mentioned in this RFP. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and the clauses of RFP or undertakings / confirmations given, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. ii. “Additional Procurement” means purchases made (in accordance with the rates and other applicable terms to be finalised under the Agreement) for Information & Communication Technology related programmes and initiatives other than Phase 2 of the National eGovernance Plan Agriculture. iii. “Annual Maintenance Contract” (AMC) shall mean an arrangement between IA and DAC for providing support services to be rendered by the IA at the end of 5 years of Operation & Maintenance period, if DAC opts for it. Support services shall mean: a) Preventive and curative maintenance of all the hardware and software equipment supplied and installed by the IA. b) Updates and Security Patches on System Software for the period mentioned herein. iv. “Annual Technical Support” means updates, upgrades, bug fixes and telephonic / web support for the software being provided. v. “Applicable Laws” includes all applicable Statutes, Acts of the Legislature of a State or Parliament, Ordinances, Rules, By-Laws, Regulations, Notifications, Guidelines, Policies, Directions, Directives And Orders of any Governmental Authority, Tribunal, Board, Court or other Quasi-Judicial Authority or other Governmental Restriction or any similar form of Decision Applicable to the Relevant Party as may be in effect on the date of execution of this Agreement and during the subsistence thereof, applicable to the Project. vi. “Bespoke Software” means the software designed, developed, tested and deployed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) or DAC for the purposes of rendering the Services to the Stakeholders of the Project and includes the source code along with associated documentation which shall be solely owned by the Project Director, NeGP-A. DAC 11 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout vii. “Client” means Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, which is also the purchaser of all the goods and services to be procured through this RFP for Phase 2 of NeGP-A. viii. “Commissioning” means operation of the System or any Subsystem by the IA following Installation, which is to be done by the IA for the purpose of carrying out Operational Acceptance Test Procedures (ATPs). ix. “Confidential Information" means any and all information that is or has been received by either Party (the "Receiving Party") from the other Party (the "Disclosing Party") and that: (a) relates to the Disclosing Party; and (b) is designated by the Disclosing Party as being confidential or is disclosed in circumstances where the Receiving Party would reasonably understand that the disclosed information would be confidential. x. “Consortium” means firms jointly and severally bound to the Client (Purchaser) for the fulfillment of the provisions of the Contract and such firms shall designate one of such firms to act as a leader with authority to bind the consortium. The composition or constitution of the consortium shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Client. The consortium of bidders should not exceed three inclusive of the Prime Bidder itself. xi. “Custom Product” means Hardware and Software listed in the RFP or to be supplied under the Change control process including products that are modified, altered, or customized to meet DAC’s requirements and referred as “Custom Products”. xii. "Deliverables" means the products, infrastructure and services agreed to be delivered by the Implementation Agency in pursuance of the terms and conditions as defined more elaborately in the RFP in relation to the Implementation Phase and the Operations and Maintenance Phase and includes all documents related to the solution, user manuals, technical manuals, design, process and operating manuals, service mechanisms, policies and guidelines and source code, if any, and all its modifications. xiii. “Delivery” means the transfer of Goods and Services from the Supplier or the Implementation Agency to the client / Purchaser in accordance with the terms specified in the RFP. xiv. Dollar means United States Dollar DAC 12 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout xv. “Effective Date” means the date on which the Agreement is executed between the Client (DAC) and the selected bidder (Implementation Agency). xvi. States/UTs” These are 22 states and 7 UTs for rolling out National e-Governance Plan for Agriculture. xvii. ‘Go Live Date’ means the date on whichclusters / components of services (out of the ones as defined in the RFP) included in the Agreement are made online with all hardware, network and software components fully operational across all locations specified in the RFP and when all the trainings to stakeholder / officials get duly completed. However, ‘Go Live’ Date shall not exceed 8 weeks from the date of installation of hardware and related system software by the IA and acceptance of the same by the DAC if the delay takes place due to noncompletion of application software by the Software Development Agency or any other reason purely attributable to the Government. xviii. “Hardware” means computer, peripherals and related devices and equipment, related documentation, accessories, parts, and upgrades. xix. “Implementation Agency or IA” means the bidder or consortium of bidders selected after the competitive bid process management who shall be responsible for the scope of work and deliverables as defined in this RFP. xx. “Installation” means that the installation of hardware, network component, system software, system or a subsystem as specified in the scope of work of this RFP and is ready for Commissioning as defined in the RFP. xxi. “Intellectual Property Rights" or “IPR” means and includes all rights its improvements, upgrades, enhancements, modified versions that may be made from time to time, database generated, compilations made, source code and object code of the software, the said rights including designs, copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, moral and other rights therein including under Bespoke Software; xxii. “Mission Leader NeGP-A” shall be the person duly authorized and delegated to be the person in-charge of the present project by the competent authority in DAC and who shall be competent to act for and on behalf of DAC. xxiii. “NeGP –A” means Mission Mode Project on Agriculture, which is one of the 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) and aims to create a citizen‐ centric and business‐centric environment for good governance in agriculture domain. DAC 13 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout xxiv. “Nodal Officer – DAC” shall be the person duly authorized and delegated to be the person in-charge of the present project by the Joint Secretary, DAC in writing and who shall be competent to act for and on behalf of DAC. xxv. “Performance Guarantee” shall mean the guarantee provided by a Scheduled Commercial Bank in favor of the IA for an amount specified in the RFP. xxvi. “Pre-commissioning” means the testing, checking, and any other required activity that may be specified in the Technical Requirements that are to be carried out by the IA in preparation for Commissioning of the System as provided in RFP / conditions of the Agreement. xxvii. “Project” or “PROJECT” means the Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Training, Operations and Maintenance of Hardware, Networking Components and System Software, Databases and other Software at identified States as per agreed terms and conditions laid down in the RFP. The project is divided into two phases (1) Implementation phase leading up to Go-Live and (2) Operations & Maintenance phase of 5 years xxviii. “PROJECT Data" means all proprietary data of the PROJECT generated out of PROJECT operations and transactions, documents and related information including but not restricted to user data which the IA obtains, possesses or processes in the context of providing the Services to the users in accordance with the requirements of the RFP. xxix. “Prime Bidder” means the lead bidder in case of consortium that is nominated as the prime bidder by all the other members of the consortium and shall be liable for adherence to all provisions of this Agreement. All consortium members shall be jointly and severally liable. xxx. "Project Engagement Definition" means a written document in the form of a purchase order or a letter of engagement issued to the IA by the Nodal Officer, DAC, or any other written document approved from time to time by the Nodal Officer, DAC to evidence the Parties' intention to engage the IA to provide Services identified in the Project in accordance with this RFP and to describe the services to be performed. xxxi. “Project Implementation” means Project Implementation as per the testing standards and acceptance criteria prescribed in the RFP. DAC 14 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout xxxii. “Project Implementation Completion Date” /”Go-Live” means the date on which all the 12 Group of services as defined in the RFP are made online with all hardware, network and software components fully operational across all locations specified in the RFP and when all the trainings to stakeholder / officials get duly completed. xxxiii. "Proprietary Information" means processes, methodologies and technical and business information, including drawings, designs, formulae, flow charts, data and computer programs already owned by, or granted by third parties to a Party hereto prior to its being made available under the Agreement to be entered between the Client (DAC) and the selected bidder (IA) through this RFP process. xxxiv. “RFP” or “Request for Proposal” means the documents containing the Technical, Functional, Commercial and Legal Specifications for the implementation of the Project, and includes the clarifications, explanations and amendments issued from time to time. xxxv. "Replacement Implementation Agency" means any third party that the Client (DAC) may appoint to replace the IA upon expiry of the Term or termination of the Agreement to be entered into with the selected bidder (IA). xxxvi. “Rural” and “Urban” Locations – The definition of Rural and Urban locations for the purpose of this RFP shall be as per the Census of India definition part (a) only i.e. ‘All statutory places with a municipality, corporation, cantonment board or notified town area committee, etc.’ xxxvii. "Service Level" means the level of service and other performance criteria which will apply to the Services as set out in any applicable Project Engagement Definition; xxxviii. “Service Level Agreement (SLA)” means the Operation & Maintenance SLA, executed by and between partners, in terms of the Service Level Requirements set out in Section 7 of the RFP. xxxix. "Services" means the services to be delivered to the Stakeholders of the Project, using the tangible and intangible assets created, procured, installed, managed and operated by the IA including the tools of information and communications technology and includes but is not limited to the list of services specified in the RFP. xl. “Software” means machine-readable instructions and data (and copies thereof) including middleware and firmware and related updates and upgrades, licensed materials, user documentation, user manuals, and operating procedures. xli. “System Software” for the purpose of this RFP and subsequent agreement means – acomputer software designed to operate and control the complete hardware and to provide a platform for running applications. It is separated into two different categories, operatingsystems (includes complete Microsoft stack finalized for NeGP-A during Phase-1), DAC 15 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout databases and all related utilitysoftware which willhelp to analyze, configure, optimize and maintain the complete project resources, such as virus protection, replication software and management of resources at enterprise level. xlii. “Stakeholders” means the entities which will sponsor this project, or have an interest or a gain upon a successful completion of this project or may have a positive or negative influence in the project completion and are those listed in this RFP. xliii. “Statement of Work” means an executed document so titled, that describes the Services to be performed by IA under this Agreement. xliv. "Third Party Systems" means Systems (or any part thereof) in which the Intellectual Property Rights are owned by a third party and to which IA has been granted a license to use and which are used in the provision of Services. xlv. Warranty” A legal commitment to be given to DAC by the IA that all products and services are reliable and free from any defects and that the IA will, without charge, repair or replace defective parts/products with new and unused ones or refurbished ones which have been sealed & certified for quality by the OEM or, if needed, replace the full product, within a given time limit and under conditions as specified in the draft service levels contained in this RFP.The warranty period for all components will commence after “Go-live” and will be valid for five years except in case of Hand Held Devices (Tablets) and Pico Projectors, for which warranty duration will be three years. DAC 16 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 1 Document Reference Sheet Table 1 Document Reference Sheet SR Activity Timeline 1 Issue Request for Proposal (RFP) 04.10.2014 2 NeGP-A Open Forum: Pre bid Meeting 16.10.2014 3 DAC’s Response to Bidders’ Queries / Suggestions 22.10.2014 4 Last Date and Time for Submission of Bids 10.02.2015– 14:00 h 5 Date & Time of Pre-qualification Bid Opening – 10.02.2015– 15:00 h 6 Publication of Decision regarding Pre-Qualification 17.02.2015 7 Date of Technical Bid Opening 17.02.2015 – 14:30 h 8 Presentation by Bidders 23.02.2015 – 11:30 h 8 Decision on Technical Qualification & Score in Technical Bids 26.02.2015 – 16:00 h 9 Date of Opening of Financial Bid 26.02.2015 - 17:00 h Note:Dates of opening of Technical Bids and Financial Bids may get changed depending on pace of progress of bid evaluation process. All Bidders are advised to check for any further clarifications and corrigendum related to this RFP at the website ( In case a Central/ State Holiday is declared on any day, the event will be held on the next working day at the same time and same venue. Note: 1. On the last Day of bid submission, Tender Box will be kept at the designated place in KrishiBhavan. Bidders are requested to reach in advance as KrishiBhavan is in high security zone and Bidders along with Bids may be screened by the security personnel. 2. One sample each of Touch Screen including Kiosk, Tablet PC and Pico Projector being offered as a part of this bid shall be submitted to DAC in separate box along with DAC 17 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Desktop (with all software packages as needed as per the RFP), Printer, UPSs etc. for inspection/ benchmarking before technical bids are opened. 2 Invitation for Bids This request for proposal (RFP) document - Tender No: Z-11018/15/2014/ITis for ‘Selection of Implementation Agency for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Training, Operations and Maintenance of Hardware, Networking Components, System Software and all other related support software to be deployed during the phase 2 under this project in22 States and 07 UTs. Details of these are given as under:S.No. States & UTs Districts Blocks S.No States & UTs Districts Blocks 1 J&K 22 136 13 Chattisgarh 27 146 14 Tamil 38 420 Uttarakhand 13 95 Rajasthan (*) 33 249 Tripura 8 45 Meghalaya (*) 11 39 UP(*) 75 821 Mizoram 8 26 21 West Bengal (*) 19 347 22 Goa + Dadra Nagar + 5 24 2 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Andhra Pradesh (*) Telangana Punjab (*)Chandigarh Gujrat (*) Arunachal Pradesh Bihar (*) Haryana +Delhi Sikkim Manipur 13 170 Nadu(*) +Puducherry+ Andaman 09 101 22 142 33 245 16 94 38 534 22 125 04 24 09 15 16 17 18 60 18 20 Diu Daman+ Lakshadweep 11 Orissa(*) 30 314 - - - 12 Nagaland 11 74 - - - 466 4231 Total (*) States with Proposed Data centers (10) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (DAC), Government of India is rolling out Agriculture Mission Mode project under the NeGP in the entire country. The objective of this project is to provide relevant information and services to the farming community and private sector DAC 18 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout through the use of information and communication technologies and to supplement the existing delivery channels provided for by the Department. First phase of the Project has already been implemented at the Centre and seven States (Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka & Kerala) under NeGP-A. The Project is now being rolled out in remaining 22 states and 07 UTs. Interested bidders may download the RFP document from the website, or may obtain the same from Director (IT), DAC on payment of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) with effect from 07 Oct 2014.The payment will be accepted in the form of a crossed demand draft drawn on any Scheduled Commercial Bank, payable at par in New Delhi in favor of “PAO (Sectt-I)”, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation” Payable at New Delhi. In case, the RFP document is downloaded from, Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) in the form of demand draft as mentioned above, shall be required to be paid along with the final bid document. NeGP-A Open Forum (refer section 4.1): A pre-bid meeting – NeGP-A Open Forum – will be held on Thursday16th Oct 2014 at Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, KrishiBhavan @ 11:00 Hrs. The participants who wish to attend this NeGP-A Open Forum should get registered by paying Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) per participant. This payment can be made in advance in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor of “PAO (Sectt-I) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation” drawn on any scheduled bank and payable in New Delhi. The participants may also pay the registration amount through a Demand Draft on the spot on the day of NeGP-A Open Forum. Cash Payment will not be accepted. Last date for submission of Bid:Tuesday 10thFeb 2015, on or before 14:00 Hrs. For details kindly refer section 4.3.1. In case of any bid related queries, bidders may contact: Director (IT) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture, Room No 143, KrishiBhawan New Delhi - 110001 Phone No: 011-23382383, 9868810066, 9968424837 Email:, and DAC 19 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 3 Introduction and Structure of the RFP Agriculture is the mainstay of the Indian economy as it constitutes the backbone of rural livelihood security system. It contributes 16% of the overall GDP and accounts for employment of approximately 52% of the Indian population. It is at the core of planned economic development in India, as the trickledown effect of agriculture is significant in reducing poverty and regional inequality. Growth in agriculture has a maximum cascading impact on other sectors as well, leading to spread of growth, equity and benefits over the entire economy. Rapid growth in agriculture is essential not only for self-reliance but also to meet the food and nutritional security of the people. It is also essential to bring about equitable distribution of income & wealth in rural areas and to reduce poverty and to improve the quality of life. Agriculture includes agriculture based industries (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, farm machinery, power & irrigation), allied sector (fisheries, animal husbandry, dairy and sericulture) and the support industries like Agri-Insurance, Agri-Marketing, etc. Ministry of Agriculture consists of three Departments namely – Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC), Department of Agricultural Research & Education (DARE) and Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying (DAHD). The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC) is responsible for the formulation and implementation of National policies and programmes aimed at achieving rapid agricultural growth through optimum utilization of the country's land, water, soil and plant resources. The Department undertakes all possible measures to ensure timely and adequate supply of inputs and services such as fertilizers, seeds pesticides, and agricultural implements and also provides agricultural credit, crop insurance and ensures remunerative returns to the farmer for his agricultural produce. DAC also is responsible for extension activities pertaining to the entire Ministry of Agriculture. The Department is entrusted with the responsibility of collection and maintenance of a wide range of statistical and economic data relating to agriculture, required for development planning, organising agricultural census, assisting and advising the States in undertaking scarcity relief measures and in management of natural calamities e.g. flood, drought, cyclone, etc. Matters relating to formulation of overall cooperative policy in the country, national cooperative organisations, cooperative training and education come under the purview of the DAC 20 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Department. The Department also participates in activities of international organizations, for fostering bilateral cooperation in agricultural and allied sectors and for promotion of export in agricultural Commodities. The NeGP-A, is envisaged to provide relevant information and services to the farming community and private sector through the use of information and communication technologies, to supplement the existing delivery channels provided for by the department. NeGP-A was envisaged to be implemented in two phases in States and UTs across the country. Phase-1 in seven States & centre has been implemented in the year 2013-14. Phase-2 includes procurement of hardware/system software & implementation of Applications (after due customisation) being developed by NIC, for remaining States & UTs. 3.1.1 Present Request for Proposal is being issued to identify a suitable Implementation Agency for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Training, Operations& Maintenance of Hardware, Networking Components and System Software, to be procured under NeGP-A Phase 2, for a period of five years in these remaining States & UTs. 3.1.2. Selection Methodology. The methodology to be followedfor selection of Implementation Agencies (IAs) is as under:a) All bidders are required to bid for all 22 States and 07 UTs. b) Financial Bid has two parts i.e. Part A and Part B. All bidders will quote for both parts in separate envelopes. c) Part A. Will comprise Capex (Excluding Microsoft System Software)+ ATS of nonMicrosoft Components + One Time Installation Charges for Microsoft System software’s, Project Management & Rollout Chargesand maintenance support of 5 years + AMC for 4th & 5th years for Tablets and Pico Projectors and 6th to 8th year for all other components + OPEX + NPV of value of cartridges for 5 years d) Part B: Microsoft System Software Stack (Basic license cost with at least one product upgrade during five years period from theGo-Live date) + Annual Technical Support (ATS) charges of Microsoft System Software Components. Microsoft System Software Stack for Data Centres and Disaster Recovery Centres (excluding DC-DR replication software and EMS) was identified during Phase – I implementation of the Project in seven States wherein, in order to have continuity and smooth linkages among Phase 1 and Phase 2 States, overall bid comparison was done including system software as above for the nationwide Roll Out. The RFP had DAC 21 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout envisaged that the system software stack identified during phase 1 will be used during phase 2 also. As per the contract signed with the IA of Phase – I i.e. M/S HP India Sales Pvt. Ltd., Microsoft stack prices derived from the agreement with the HP shall be compared with new prices of the same stack as discovered during Phase – II implementation of the project. During Phase-II, the price discovery of the Microsoft components shall, therefore, be done separately from rest of the bid in the prescribed formats. Price will be given by the bidders during roll out, which will include the following three parts:(i) Basic license cost (with at least one product upgrade during five years period from the Go-Live date). (ii) Annual Technical Support (ATS) charges (as applicable) and (iii) Implementation charges for initial installation of the product and maintenance for five years (if any). e) Financial Bid Evaluations (i) Part A: R1 for these components will be arrived at by using QCBS method based on the Technical Scores and Financial Bid components for Part A of the bid as above. (ii) Part B:Rankings of bidders(L1, L2….)for Microsoft System software will be decided solely on the basis of price quoted. These components will be procuredas per procedure explained at Para 4.19.3(Financial Bid Evaluation). 3.1.3 Prices quoted by R1 Bidder for different items & services, reasonableness of such prices will then be established by comparing with the prevalent prices for similar volumes, specifications and service levels either in the market or bids of similar size or available with DAC already. Prices will then be negotiated to bring it down to a reasonably lower level. 3.1.4 EMD of bidders refusing to honour the prices and related terms & conditions as agreed to in writing will be forfeited. 3.1.5 Preference to Domestically Manufactured Electronic Products a) Bidders may quote domestically manufactured electronic items as per Preferential Market Access (PMA) policy decisions which inter alia notification dated 12.06.2013, 23.12.2013 & 22.05.2014 and notification dated 05.10.2012.Purchase preference for domestic manufacturer (with minimum cut off order percentage for each eligible item as per the Policy), methodology of its implementation, value addition to be achieved by domestic manufacturers and compliance and monitoring shall be as per the aforesaid Guidelines/ Notifications. In keeping with relevant provisions of the DAC 22 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Government Policy regarding PMA as referred to above, preference to DMEP shall be subject to fulfilment ofproduct quality (as defined by the technical specifications), production capability, after sales service support network as defined in this RFP and intricacies of procurement process through a System Integrator. Other eligibility criteria as per the RFP will also be considered. b) Any company claiming benefit of PMA will be required to establish value addition norms and conditions of DeitYduring a factory visit that may be undertaken by the Bid Evaluation Committee members and / or the officers of DeitY. c) This being an integrated project, eligibility of the bidder as a domestic manufacturer would be determined on the domestic value addition of the notified DMEPs as per above mentioned guidelines. Domestic manufacturers are required to indicate the domestic value addition in terms of BOM for the quoted product as per following format:Ser. Item Manufacturer No. Description /Supplier Country of Origin Value Domestic ValueValue Addition in Percentage d) Bidders quoting domestically manufactured products and fulfilling eligibility criteria will be given Preferential Market Access (PMA) as per DeitYGuidelines as above. 3.1.6 The following table provides the structure of the RFP which has been divided into various chapters and sections: Table 2 Structure of the RFP Section Number Contents Sections 4 General terms of the RFP Sections 5 Agriculture Mission Mode Project (NeGP-A) Section 6 Scope of Work for Implementation Agencies Sections 7 Service Levels Appendix I Detailed list of Stakeholders DAC 23 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Appendix II List of Services Appendix III Bill of Materials Appendix IV Technical Specifications Appendix V Forms & Formats Appendix VI Technical Evaluation of Hardware/ Software and Tools to be deployed Appendix VII User and Account Group Policies 4 General Terms of the RFP 4.1 NeGP-A Open Forum DAC hostedanNeGP-A Open Forumon16-10-2014. The purpose of the forum was to provide bidders with information regarding the RFP and the NeGP-A requirements for phase 2, and to provide each bidder with an opportunity to seek clarifications regarding any aspect of the RFP and the Project. Following were the stipulations related to NeGP-A Open Forum: The participants in this NeGP-A Open Forum should register by paying INR 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) per person by way of Demand Draft only drawn in favor of “PAO (Sectt-I) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation” drawn on any Scheduled Commercial Bank and payable in New Delhi. The payment could be made on the spot or in advance. The DAC may incorporate changes in the RFP based on acceptable suggestions received during the interactive NeGP-A Open Forum. The decision of DAC regarding acceptability of a suggestion (or otherwise) shall be final in this regard and shall not be called upon to question under any circumstances. The bidders are requested to submit their queries (in the format given at Form C of Appendix V) in writing or through email not later than 15-10-2014. It may not be possible at the NeGP-A Open Forum to answer questions which are received late. However, prospective bidders are free DAC 24 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout to raise their queries during the forum and responses will be conveyed to all the prospective bidders either immediately or by way of hosting amendments/ clarifications on the website i.e. at, in accordance with the respective clauses of the RFP. Only those prospective bidders, who register themselves on or before 10.30 AM on Wednesday 15-102014, shall be permitted to take part in the deliberations during NeGP-A Open Forum. 4.2 Bidder Enquiries & DAC Responses All enquiries / clarifications from the bidders, related to this RFP must be directed in writing exclusively to the contact persons notified by DAC. The preferred mode of delivering written questions to the aforementioned contact person would be through email. A signed copy may be sent through post subsequently. In no event will DAC be responsible for ensuring that bidders' inquiries have been received by the DAC. After distribution of the RFP, the contact person notified by DAC will begin accepting written questions from the bidders. DAC’s endeavor would be to provide full, complete, accurate, and timely response to all questions. However, DAC makes no representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of any response, nor does DAC undertake to answer all the queries that have been posed by the bidders. The responses to the queries will be distributed to all bidders. 4.3 Venue & Deadline for Submission of Bid 4.3.1 Bids must be submitted by the bidders at the following address: Director (IT) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture, Room No 143, KrishiBhawan New Delhi - 110001 Phone No: 011-23382383, 9868810066, 9968424837 Email:, and Last Date & Time of Submission of bids:Tuesday, 10th February, 2015 on or before 14:00 Hrs. DAC may, in exceptional circumstances and at its discretion, extend the deadline for submission of bids by issuing an addendum or by intimating all bidders who have been provided the bid DAC 25 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout documents, in writing or by facsimile, in which case all rights and obligations of the NeGP - A and the bidders subject to the original deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. Any bid received by the Client after the deadline for submission of bids mentioned above will be summarily rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder. Client shall not be responsible for any postal delay or non-receipt/ non-delivery of the documents. No further correspondence on the subject will be entertained. 4.3.2 Amendment of Bidding Documents At any time till 3 days before the deadline for submission of bids, the DAC may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the bidding document by amendment. All prospective Bidders who have received the Bidding Document shall be notified of the amendment by uploading on the website ( or will be notified in writing by e-mail and / or post, and all such amendments shall be binding on them. The bidders are requested to visit the said website on regular basis for checking necessary updates, if required.The Client reserves the right to extend the deadline for the submission of bids. Cost of Tender Document The Tender document is available for sale against payment of INR 10,000/-(Rupees Ten Thousand only) by way of demand draft drawn in favor of “PAO (Sectt-I) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation” payable at Delhi. The bidders can obtain the tender document at the address given below. The Tender Document is not transferable to any other bidder. Director (IT) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture, Room No 143, KrishiBhawan New Delhi - 110001 Phone No: 011-23382383, 9868810066, 9968424837 Email:, and Alternatively, the biddersmay download the tender document from the website . In such case, biddersshall be required to enclose the demand draft drawn in favor of “PAO (Sectt-I) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation” for INR Rs 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) along with pre-bid qualification documents. DAC 26 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Prior to downloading the RFP document, bidder would be required to register online at purchasing the RFP document on payment of requisite fee shall also be required to fill the Registration Form while purchasing the RFP. Bid Preparation Cost The bidder is responsible for all costs to be incurred in connection with participation in this process, including, but not limited to, costs incurred in conduct of informative and other due diligence activities, participation in meetings/discussions/presentations, preparation of bid, in providing any additional information required by DAC to facilitate the evaluation process, and in negotiating a definitive Service Agreement or all such activities related to the bid process. This RFP does not commit DAC to award a contract or to engage in negotiations. Further, no reimbursable cost may be incurred in anticipation of award. Right to Termination a. DAC may terminate the RFP process at any time without assigning any reason and shall not be called upon to question under any circumstances. b. DAC makes no commitments, expressed or implied that this process will result in a business transaction with anyone. c. The bidder's participation in this process may result in DAC selecting the bidder(s) to engage in further discussions and negotiations toward execution of a contract. d. The commencement of such negotiations does not, however, signify a commitment by DAC to execute a contract or to continue negotiations. e. DAC may terminate negotiations at any time without assigning any reason. 4.4 Language of Bid The bid, and all correspondence and documents related to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Client shall be written in the English language only. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the bidders may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in English language. There should be proper page numbering on every page of Technical and Financial Bids, so that proper referencing can be done. Documents Constituting the Bid. DAC 27 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout The bid prepared by the Bidder shall comprise the following Components. The bids not conforming to the requirements shall be summarily rejected. i. Pre - Qualification Bid a) Pre-Qualificationbid will comprise detailed checklist for pre-qualification along with the supporting documents as defined in Table 3 – Pre-Qualification Criteria and shall be submitted in the template Form D of Appendix V. b) EMD amount in the form of DD/ Unconditional Bank Guarantee as mentioned in Form N of Appendix V of this RFP. c) List of forms to be included along with Pre-Qualification Bid o Declaration containing Acceptance of terms and conditions in this RFP as per Form V of Appendix V o Pre Contract Integrity pact as per Form T of Appendix V A consortium of companies duly backed-up by an Agreement (to be submitted along with Pre-Qualification bid) is also eligible to participate, subject to the conditions and satisfaction of the Tender Evaluation Committee during the evaluation of the tender, clearly defined in Form U of Appendix V – Consortium Criteria.In the event of consortium being unacceptable to the Client, the Prime Bidder may be given an option of going on its own. ii. Technical Bid Technical Bid will comprise the followings: a) Technical Bid Proposal Letter in Form E of Appendix V b) Technical compliance Form O of Appendix V, duly filled in along with all attachments/ schedules duly completed and signed by the Bidder, together with all attachments identified. Please note that no price schedule should be indicated in the Technical bid. The Price Bid shall be quoted in the financialbidonly. c) Claim for technical score in the format given in Table 4 along with supporting documents. No marks will be given for unsubstantiated claims. d) True/original copy of Power of Attorney of authorized signatory. e) Other forms as detailed in Forms & Formats section. f) Technical Bid as described below in Section4.19.2 g) Hard copy and soft copy (preferably CD) of the technical presentation (20 min duration) DAC 28 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout iii. Financial Bid iv. Financial bid will comprise Price Schedule and covering Letter. The bidder shall submit the financial bid as per the format specified in Form F of the Appendix V of this RFP. This bid must be accompanied by a detailed break-up of pricing on the basis of the metrics provided in Form R of the Appendix V. Separate envelopes will be used for submitting financial bids for Part A and Part B. 4.4.1 Technical Bid i. The technical bid must not contain any pricing information. In case bidder is submitting any additional information, please mark it as supplemental to the required response. If the bidder wishes to propose additional services (or enhanced levels of services) beyond the scope of this RFP, the bid must include a description of such services as a separate attachment to the bid. ii. The bidder shall provide citations, as per format specified in Form I of Appendix V, for orchestrating past experience in successful execution of projects relevant to DAC requirements as described in this RFP. The citations must be supported with client certificates/ appreciation/reference letter issued by a competent authority on behalf of the client as per Form H of Appendix V. iii. TheTechnicalBid should address the following at the minimum: a) Understanding of the project, its objectives and Scope of Work b) Understanding of issues, risks & challenges and their mitigation c) Overall solution architecture should be in conformity with this RFP and any changes made during/after the NeGP Open Forum by DAC. Technical Architecture Security Architecture Network Architecture d) Overall Approach and Methodology i. Approach for site survey ii. Approach for interoperability, Scalability, Availability and Performance iii. Approach for Project Monitoring and Quality Assurance iv. Approach for adherence to SLA requirements v. Approach / Strategy for On-site Post-Implementation Support complying to SLAs DAC 29 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout vi. Approach for coordination with Key Stakeholders such as NIC, DAC and State Agri Departments in ensuring Go-Live of all Services as per Implementation Schedule. vii. Approach for Migration from Mini-Data Centre to State Data Centre, wherever required. viii. Approach for meeting the milestones / timelines of the Implementation Phase e) Un-priced Bill of material (BOM) of all the Components (e.g. software, hardware & network etc.). Such un-priced BOM shall be a replica of the financial bid except any kind of price information. Nevertheless, quantities should be mentioned. f) Operational environment g) Implementation methodology and detailed Project Plan. h) Project Management tools proposed to be used for project i) Project Team Structure, size and Capability j) Security Policy framework k) Any other requirements iv. The Technical Bid shall also contain bidder's plan to address the key challenges of the project. The bidder is expected to provide bill of materials for the proposed solution as part of technical bid without price quote. The Bill of materials/ deliverables as given in the technical solution should be in consonance with the financial bid. Any deviations in the final deliverables between technical and financial bids shall make the bid as being unresponsive and may lead to disqualification of the bid. DAC reserves the right to take appropriate action in this regard. v. DAC is also open to any suggestions that the prospective bidder may want to render with regards to the approach adopted for the assignment in the light of their expertise or experience from similar assignments. However, this should not lead to the submission date being missed or extended. Any suggestion by prospective bidders shall be submitted to DAC before the NeGP -A Open Forum. vi. The Implementation Plan shall provide a detailed description of the bidder's approach for the implementation of Scope of Work under NeGP-A as enumerated in this RFP. vii. People deployment plan and resources to be dedicated to the project: Bidder must provide the following information: a) Team Structure with names of team members proposed for the project during Implementation and O&M phase of NeGP-A DAC 30 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout b) A specific description of the prior experience and expertise of the resources in the organization that enable the organization to provide a scalable, robust, and industry standards based products and support services c) Resumes of manager(s) responsible for the management of this project, highlighting pertinent experience d) Resumes of personnel who would be directly assigned to provide installation, configuration, and related services as pertains to this contract and the specific function that each individual would perform e) All the resumes of the proposed team should be given in the format specified in Form L of Appendix V f) IAs shall provide dedicated teamsfor the respective identified States for the Operation and Maintenance phase. These resources shall not be shared resources across projects or from any 3rdparty agencies. viii. ProspectiveConsortium Members Statement Bidders shall identify all prospective consortium members, if any that the bidders will engage to provide any of the services required under this RFP. For each proposed consortium members, bidders shall provide the following: a) Brief description of nature of products/services to be provided by consortium members under this RFP b) Head and branch offices (if responsible for work under this contract) mailing addresses, phone, fax and email. c) Date, form and State of incorporation d) Details of individual responsible for administering any contract that might result from this RFP; e) Copy of the Agreement between Prime Bidder and Consortium Partner(s) f) g) Company Principals (Name, title and business address); and, Current or prior successful partnerships with proposed consortium members including client reference (Contact Name, Phone Number, dates when services were performed). ix. Deviations and Exclusions DAC 31 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout The bidder shall provide the deviations and exclusions, if any, from the specified scope of solution in the format provided in Form Q of Appendix V. The Bidder shall however, submit the Technical compliance form as per Form O of Appendix V x. Bidder’s Undertakings Bidder’s undertaking guaranteeing the implementation of complete scope as mentioned in this RFP within specified schedule and producing all the identified deliverables. xi. Complete Responsibility Bidder shall issue astatement undertaking complete responsibility for the defect free operation of the NeGP - A solution in Phase 2. xii. The bidder shall provide the hard copy and the soft copy (preferably CD) of the technical presentation which should not be more than 35 slides (not exceeding 25 min duration) followed by 15 minutes of questions and answers. During the presentation to DAC, the bidder shall not be allowed to deviate or make any modifications to the presentation already submitted along with the technical bid. The maximum number of representatives allowed for the presentation from each bidder shall be restricted to five only (including the bidder and OEMs). In order to ensure that the bidders making presentation later in the order do not get any undue advantage, it has been decided that representatives of other bidders are not present during presentation by other bidders. 4.5 Undertaking An undertaking from the Bidder, in the format provided in Form V of Appendix V, stating the compliance with all the conditions of the Contract and Technical Specifications of the Bidding Document as no major deviation will be acceptable to the Client. 4.6 Non-Conforming Bid Any bid may be construed as a non-conforming bid and ineligible for consideration if it does not comply with the requirements of this RFP. The failure to comply with the technical requirements, and acknowledgment of receipt of amendments, are common causes for holding bids nonconforming. In addition, the DAC will look with disfavor upon bids that appear to be “canned” presentations of promotional materials that do not follow the format requested in this RFP or do not appear to address the particular requirements of the NeGP - A solution for DAC, and any such bidders may also be disqualified. DAC 32 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 4.7 Amendments to RFP At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, DAC, for any reason, may modify the RFP by amendment notified in writing or by fax or email to all bidders who have received this RFP and such amendment shall be binding on them. DAC, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of bids. 4.8 Prices i. The bidder shall quote a fixed price for the entire project on a single responsibility basis. However, the successful prime bidder and consortium Partners shall be jointly and severally held responsible for the overall solution provided during the period of contract. ii. DAC reserves the right to procure the Components/Services listed in this RFP in whole or in part. iii. No adjustment of the contract price shall be made [barring Dollar variation and changes in taxes / duties] on account of any variations in costs of labour, travel and materials or any other cost component affecting the total cost in fulfilling the obligations under the contract. iv. The Contract price shall be the only payment, payable by DAC to the successful bidders for completion of the contractual obligations by the successful bidders under the Contract, subject to the terms of payment specified in the contract. v. The price will be inclusive of all taxes, duties and levies as applicable (both Central & State). However, any future change, upwards or downwards in taxes, duties and levies shall be to the account of DAC. vi. The prices, once offered, must remain fixed and must not be subject to escalation for any reason whatsoever within the period of project. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation or conditional bid may be rejected as non-responsive. 4.9 Correction of Errors i. Bidders are advised to exercise adequate care in quoting the prices. No excuse for corrections in the quoted price will be entertained after the quotations are received. All corrections, if any, should be initiated by the person signing the bid form before submission, failing which the figures for such items may not be considered. ii. Arithmetical errors in bids will be corrected as follows: DAC 33 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout In case of discrepancy between the amounts mentioned in figures and in words, the amount in words shall govern. The amount stated in the bid form, adjusted in accordance with the above procedure, shall be considered as binding, unless it causes the overall bid price to rise, in which case the bid price shall govern. If the bidder does not accept the correction of errors, its bid will be rejected and its bid security may be forfeited. iii. If a Bidder omits to quote unit price of any item in the Financial Bid and the same is not clearly shown as having been included in any other item (as expressed clearly in writing in the Unpriced BOM or in the Financial Bid itself), such missing item shall be priced at the highest of unit prices of such an item in all other bids for bid comparison purposes but no payment shall be made for such an item (if such a Bidder turns out to be R-1 Bidder). 4.10Disqualification i. The bid is liable to be disqualified in the following cases at any stage of bid evaluation process: a) Bid not submitted in accordance with this document b) The Bidder qualifies the bid with his own conditions (whether in Technical or in Financial Bid). c) Bid is received in incomplete form d) Bid is received after due date and time e) Bid is not accompanied by all requisite documents f) Information submitted in technical bid is found to be misrepresented, incorrect or false, accidentally, unwittingly or otherwise, at any time during the processing of the contract (no matter at what stage) or during the tenure of the contract including the extension period, if any g) Financial bid is enclosed with the same envelope as technical bid. ii. In case of some shortfall from prequalification criteria or technical specifications the same should specified clearly in the Form Q of Appendix V so that in case of a minor deviation can be considered on merits by the Committee as per para 4.19. 4.11Bid Currencies Prices shall be quoted in Indian National Rupees (INR). DAC 34 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 4.12Bid Security (Earnest Money Deposit) 4.12.1 Amount of Bid Security (EMD) Bidders shall submit, along with their Bids, Bid Security or EMD of Rs. 3,50,00,000/- (Rupees three crore, fifty lacsonly), in the form of a Demand Draft/ Unconditional Bank Guarantee from Scheduled Commercial Bank in favor of “PAO (Sectt-I)”, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation payable at New Delhi. 4.12.2 Currency of Bid Security The Bid Security shall be furnished in Indian National Rupees (INR). 4.12.3 Requirement of Bid Security The Bid Security is required to protect the Client against the risk of Bidder’s conduct, which would warrant the security’s forfeiture, pursuant to Section 4.16.7 4.12.4 Rejection of Bid Any bid not secured in accordance with above mentioned clause, shall be rejected by the Client as being non-responsive, without any further correspondence. 4.12.5 Discharge of Security Bid of Unsuccessful Bidder Unsuccessful bidders’ Bid Security will be discharged / returned as promptly as possible as but not later than 60 days after the expiration of the period of bid validity prescribed by the Client. 4.12.6 Discharge of Security Bid of Successful Bidder The successful Bidder’s Bid Security will be adjusted against the performance guarantee upon the Bidder signing the Contract. 4.12.7 Forfeiture of Bid Security The Bid Security can be forfeited if a Bidder i. Withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form or ii. During the bid process, if a Bidder indulges in any such deliberate act as would jeopardize or unnecessarily delay the process of bid evaluation and finalization. The decision of the DAC 35 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout client regarding forfeiture of the Bid Security shall be final & shall not be called upon question under any circumstances. iii. Violates any such important conditions of this RFP document or indulges in any such activity as would jeopardize the interest of the client. The decision of the client regarding forfeiture of the Bid Security shall be final & shall not be called upon question under any circumstances. iv. Does not accept the correction of errors pursuant to Section 4.9 or v. In case of the successful Bidders, if the Bidder fails a)to sign contract by raising issues contrary to the provisions of RFP and undertakings given during the evaluation of bids or b) to furnish Performance Guarantee in accordance as per Performa G in Appendix V 4.13Period of Validity of Bids 4.13.1 Validity Period Bids shall remain valid for150 days after the date of bid opening prescribed by the Client. The Client holds the right to reject a bid valid for a period shorter than 150 days as non-responsive, without any correspondence. However, the prices finalized after opening the tenders and negotiations (if any) shall not increase throughout the period of implementation and operation. The prices of components can nevertheless go down due to global trend with respect to the OEM to be determined from their list prices from time to time after applying the same discount factor as related to the prices finalized after bid opening and negotiations. However, such a reduction shall not normally be applied during the prescribed implementation period. 4.13.2 Extension of Period of Validity In exceptional circumstances, the Client may solicit the Bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the response thereto shall be made in writing. Extension of validity period by the bidder would be with mutual consent. The Bid Security provided shall also be suitably extended. DAC 36 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 4.14Format and Signing of Bid 4.14.1 Number of Copies of Bid The Bidder shall prepare one original and three hard copies of the following bids along with a soft copy in CD for each of the following: • Pre-Qualification Bid clearly marking “Pre-Qualification Bid for -Original Copy and Pre- Qualification Bid- Copy of Bid”. • Technical Bid separately, clearly marking "Technical Bid for – Original Copy" and "Technical Bid for –Copy of Bid". • Financial Bid, clearly marking “Financial Bid. Do not open with Technical Bid". It will contain two separate envelopes marked as “Financial bid for Part A” and “Financial bid for Part B” 4.14.2 Authentication of Bid The original and all copies of the Bid shall be type written and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the Contract. The letter of authorization shall be supported by a written power-of-attorney accompanying the Bid. The person or persons signing the bid shall initial all pages of the bid, except for the un-amended printed literature. 4.14.3 Validation of interlineations in Bid Any interlineationsor erasures shall be valid only if the person or persons signing the bid have authenticated the same with signature. 4.15Sealing and Marking of Bids 4.15.1 Enclosing the Bids All original and copies of Pre-Qualification Bid along with a soft copy in CD shall be placed in sealed envelope super-scribed with words “Pre-Qualification Bid and EMD for” "DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 10.02.2015”. The original and copies of Technical Bid shall be placed in sealed envelopes along with a soft copy in CD, super-scribed with words “Technical Bid for –“"DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 17.02.2015”. DAC 37 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout The original and copies of Financial Bid/s shall be placed in separate sealed envelopes along with the Soft copy in CD, super-scribed with words “Financial Bid for - ” "DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 26.02.2015”. The inner envelopes shall then be placed in an outer envelope. Mailing Address for Bids The inner and outer envelopes shall Be addressed to the Client at the following address: Director (IT) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture, Room No 143, KrishiBhawan New Delhi - 110001 Phone No: 011-23382383, 9868810066, 9968424837 Email:, and Be marked “Tender (Pre-Qualification, EMDand Tender Fees) for NeGP-A Project Phase 2 for ” and a Statement “ Do not open before 10.02.2015” Be marked “Tender (Technical Bid) for NeGP A Project Phase 2for - ” and a Statement “Do not open before 17.02.2015” Be marked “Tender (Financial Bid) for NeGP A Project Phase 2 for - and a Statement “Do not open before 26.02.2015” Also indicate the name and address of the Bidder to enable the bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared "late". Venue for Bid Submission and Bid Opening is: KrishiBhavan, New Delhi 4.15.2Responsibility of Client If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required by the Section 4.19, the Client will assume no responsibility for the bid’s misplacement or premature opening. DAC 38 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 4.16Rejection of Bid The Bid has to be submitted in the form of printed and signed document. The bids submitted by telex, fax or email shall not be entertained. Any condition put forth by the bidder nonconforming the bid requirements shall not be entertained at all and such bid shall be rejected. 4.17Withdrawal of Bids The Bidder may withdraw its bid after the Bid submission, provided that the Client receives written notice of the withdrawal, before the expiration of deadline prescribed for submission of bids. No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the bid form. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may result in the Bidder’s forfeiture of its bid security. 4.18Opening of Pre-Qualification and Technical Bids 4.18.1 Opening of Bids The Client will first open Pre-Qualification Bid in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend the Pre-Qualification Bid opening meeting on 10th Feb 2015 at 15:00 Hrs. The Bidders’ representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. In the event of the specified date of Bid opening being declared a holiday for the Client, the Bids shall be opened at the appointed time and location on the next working day. It is, therefore, advised to send a responsible, authorized and senior representative so that clarifications, if any, can be given on the spot. Technical Bids of only those Bidders shall be opened and evaluated who are found to be eligible as per the criteria laid down below. In doubtful cases (where further documents or clarifications are required to establish eligibility), the Client in its discretion, may decide to open Technical Bid. However, such Bids can be rejected subsequently, if it is found that the Bidder has claimed eligibility on false grounds. The bidders may also be allowed to see one another’s bid and also initial on the same, if they so desire. If necessary, relevant portion of soft copy of the bids can be projected on the screen. There will also be open discussion on technical issues relating to various bids. Opening of bids and discussion with the bidders shall be videographed. DAC 39 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 4.18.2 Announcement of Bids The bidders’ names or bid withdrawals and such other details which the Client may consider appropriate at its discretion, will be announced at the opening. 4.18.3 Bids Not Considered For Evaluation Bids that are rejected during the bid opening process due to incomplete documentation or late receipt shall not be considered for further evaluation. 4.18.4 Opening of Bids by the Client The Client will open the Pre-Qualification, Technical & Financial Bids in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend these meetings on the respective date and time. The maximum number of representatives, for opening of these bids, from each bidder shall be restricted to three only. 4.19Evaluation of Bids Evaluation of the bids will be done in three stages and at the end of every stage, short listed bidders will be informed of the result to have a fair and healthy competition. The following is the procedure for evaluation. The DAC may relax a very minor deviation both in prequalification bid or technical bid as far as point to point adherence is concerned, so long as the deviation is suitably compensated or exceeded by any other higher specification or essential parameter to such an extent that the overall system performance or installation/ operation related capability do not get compromised. While considering any such minor relaxation, it will be ensured that such a relaxation does not change substance of the bid or does not prejudice the bid process from the point of view of equity and fair play. The decision of DAC in this regard shall be final and shall not be called upon to question under any circumstances. If a deviation is deemed to major and cannot be condoned in case of a product, such a Bidder may be asked to substitute the offered product with a product fulfilling technical specs completely without changing the Financial Bid. However, if a new product or process requirement (common to all the bidders) is discovered during evaluation of Technical Bids to make the solution workable, all bidders may be allowed to give an addendum to the Financial Bid. DAC 40 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 4.19.1 Evaluation of Pre-Qualification bids A three-stage bid process will be adopted for evaluation of bids, with the pre-qualificationbeing completed before the technical evaluation and thereafter financial bids being opened and compared. The Prequalification bids will be evaluated as per the checklist given below: Table 3 Pre-Qualification Criteria Sl. No. Pre- Qualification Criteria Required details to be accompanying the Bid document 1. *The Prime Bidder may bid either singly Consortium Agreement. or in a consortium. The number of consortium partners including the Prime Bidder cannot exceed three. The consortium partners shall be Information Technology Companies. The Prime Bidder would be responsible for the successful completion of entire project including AMC (if awarded). Prime Bidder must execute at least 60% component of the total contract value. There should be clear delineation of roles and responsibilities between Prime Bidder and consortium members subject to the satisfaction of DAC. 2. The Prime Bidder and the consortium MOA and Articles ofAssociations partners should be registered under the (AoA) of each of the Consortium Indian Companies Act, 1956 and should Partners be in existence for not less than preceding 5 years in the relevant field. 3. The Prime Bidder and all the members of Relevant Registration Certificates consortium, in case of consortium, DAC 41 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout should have a valid Sales Tax Number/ VAT Number, PAN Number and PF code 4. The Prime bidder should have the OEM Authorization letter from each authorization either in its name or in the OEM in Form T of Appendix V name of the OEM, if associated as a member of consortium. Such authorization is needed for hardware, networking, system software, anti‐virus software, UPS and from the respective Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) for selling and supporting the components offered. 5. The Prime Bidder should have an average Audited Balance sheets from annual turnover of at leastRs. 700 company statutory Auditor/ CA Croresduring last three financial years (from similar activities) from India Operations i.e. for year 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. However, turnover value should be in excess of Rs. 600 crores in at least two out of these 3 years. 6. Each of the consortium partners Audited Balance sheets from excluding prime bidder should have an company statutory Auditor/ CA annual turnover of at least Rs. 200 crore in each of the preceding three financial years. 7. The Prime Bidder should have minimum Supporting financial documents/ Net Worth of Rs. 70 crores as per latest certificate from company statutory Balance Sheet. 8. Auditor/ CA The Prime Bidder and Consortium Letter declaring the number of Partner should together have at least 600 technical employees (including technical employees on its own roll category wise numbers) from the DAC 42 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout (Engineers / MCAs / MBAs) as on 31st head(s) of the HRDof the Bidder or Mar 2014. Such aggregation of numbers consortium partners. MoU will be considered only for such between the Prime Bidder & consortium members which have at least Consortium 30% stake in the bid. Partner clearly specifying role and responsibilities of prime bidder and partner (s). 9. (a) The Prime Bidder as well as Certificate of each type from the consortium members should have ISO certifying organizations 9001:2008 or any other equivalent or better quality certification; (b)The Prime Bidder or any of the consortium members must have ISO 27001 certificate or any other equivalent or better certification. However, if such security certification is attempted to be obtained through a Consortium partner, such an arrangement has to be to the satisfaction of the DAC whose decision in this regard shall be final. This condition shall also be deemed to be fulfilled if another group company of the prime bidder having ISO: 27001 certification is involved in the delivery of this project. (c) Either the Prime Bidder or any other consortium member must have at least CMMi level 4 certificate or any other equivalent or better quality certification 10. The Prime Bidder should have experience Completion/ Go-Live certificates in either or more of but not limited to from client along with purchase system integration, hardware supply orders. In case of non-disclosure DAC 43 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout installation, Rollout, Testing, agreement, confirmation Networking, Data center setup and regarding size and value of the maintenance, data migration, training project may be submitted from the and operations, and maintenance and client. should have completed during the last 8 Financial years till 31Mar 2014, - One project worth Rs. 100 crores or, - Two projects worth Rs. 50 crores or, - Three projects worth Rs. 30 crores However, number of projects implemented by all such consortium members can be considered which have a financial stake of at least 30% 11. The annual turnover (in terms of sales of OEM turnover certificates for last hardwarein India) of the OEM (with three years by the Authorized respect to respective hardware Signatory of the OEM. manufactured by it) whose Servers, PCs/Workstations, Hand Held Devices, Pico Projectors and UPS, are sought to be supplied, should be at least: (a) Rs. 350Crores for PCs, Laptops and Workstations in case of eligibility for PCs. (b) This cut off figure for OEMs of PCs, Laptops, Workstations, Tablets / Pico Projectorswill be Rs. 450Crores if eligibility is sought for PCs/ Tablets/Pico Projectors (any two of these 3) of the same manufacturer. This is an alternative eligibility criterion to points (c) and (d) below. DAC 44 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout (c) At least 4% market share in case of Tablet manufacturer, if only tablets are being sourced from such an OEM. (d) At least 10% market share in case of Projector manufacturer, if only Pico projectors are being sourced from such an OEM. (e) Rs. 300 Crores for Servers; and (f) Rs. 50Crores for UPS Note: Average of percentage figures of best 3 quarters out of last 8 quarters (counting backwards from the quarter ending September, 2014) will be considered. Similarly, In case of annual turnover figures, average of best 2 years out of last 3 years will be considered. 12. OEM Toll Free Help-desk facilities should Contact information and be already available for Desktops, availability hours details. Printers, Tablets, Pico Projectors during working hours (9 to 6 PM and from Mon to Saturday) and for Data Center Hardware on 24x7 bases. 13. The Bidder or any of the Consortium A self-declaration certificate from partners should not have been declared the authorized signatory. ineligible dueto corrupt and fraudulent practices with any of the departments of the Central, State Governments and PSUs. 14. The Bidder should have deposited the Receipt and copy of the demand cost of Tender draft DAC 45 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 15. The bidder should have submitted the Demand Draft EMD as mentioned in section 4.12.1 of this RFP 16. The bidder should have submitted the Declaration from Authorized declaration of acceptance of terms and Signatory as per Form W of conditions of this RFP as per Form W of Appendix V Appendix V *If, as a legal entity, the bidder has multiple Companies under its umbrella with the bidder having majority of share holdings and other administrative linkages with these companies, in that situation, the turnover, number of projects etc., while deciding eligibility of the company will be confined to such group of companies only, which are actually doing the activities similar to what are envisaged in this project. 4.19.2 Technical Bid Evaluation i. The technical solution proposed in the bid document of only eligible bidders will be evaluated as per the requirements specified in the RFP. Following evaluation criteria will be adopted. ii. Bid Presentations: All bidders will be required to make a presentation of their solutions on Feb23, 2015 at 1100h onwards. The purpose of such presentations would be to allow the bidders to present their proposed solutions strategy and methodology to the Bid Evaluation / Technical committee and the key points in their bids. Presentations will be done in open house based on soft copy already submitted in advance in such a way that the bidders doing presentation subsequently do not get undue advantage. iii. DAC may undertake oral and or written clarifications with the bidders. The primary function of clarifications in the evaluation process is to clarify ambiguities and uncertainties arising out of the evaluation of the bid documents iv. Depending on the evaluation methodology mentioned above, each Technical Bid will be assigned a technical score out of a maximum of 100 points. v. All the bidders who secure a Technical Score of 60or more will be declared as technically qualified. The financial bids of only technically qualified bidders will be opened for further processing. It is, however, clarified that subject to other provisions DAC 46 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout of this document, every bidder will have to fulfill the minimum technical specifications for every item, laid down in this document for being qualified technically. The Technical score obtained (Tb) shall be used in the QCBS method for final selection of bidder for Part A. In case of Part B, it will be decided based on the price quotes received. vi. In order to assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, the Client may at its discretion ask the Bidder for a clarification regarding its Bid. The clarification shall be given in writing immediately, but no change in the price shall be sought, offered or permitted. However, while giving a clarification, a Bidder may offer a higher specification or model without any impact on Financial Bid to be opened subsequently. The envelopes containing Technical Bids of only the Eligible Bidders will be opened and the contents (particularly Fact Sheets) will be announced in the presence of all Bidders or their representatives. A Bidder may also be allowed to inspect and sign the Fact Sheets, Catalogues and Bid Documents given by other Bidders. An open discussion regarding technical parameters quoted by various Bidders may also take place, if required. However, no photography of the bid documents will be allowed. vii. The Compliance / Deviation statement submitted by the Bidders shall be compared against the Product Catalogues and authenticated circulars regarding latest changes in the specifications. It will thus be ascertained whether the product offered by the Bidder matches with the minimum requirement of the client as given in the Technical Specifications in this Tender Document. In case of a doubt and if required, the Client may require the Bidder to produce an equipment for physical inspection, so that components could be seen to ascertain the veracity of the Bidder's claim about specifications. The Client can also run standard bench-marking tests (if required), at this stage only. The Financial Bids of only those eligible bidders will be opened who also fulfill minimum technical requirements of the purchaser and are found Substantially Responsive as per Section 4.19.3 below. However, the Client reserves the right of giving minor relaxation, if a particular Bidder is not able to exactly match the specifications given in the Tender Document, provided that such a minor deficiency does not substantially reduce the performance level and is suitably compensated by some extra feature in the product. Therefore, all Bidders must indicate in the Deviation Sheet in Form Q of Appendix V, extra features offered by them. Similarly, the Client can give any other such minor relaxation, which does not DAC 47 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout change substance of the bid or does not prejudice the bid process from the point of view of equity and fair play. The decision of the Client about giving minor relaxation shall be final and shall not be called upon question under any circumstances. viii. One sample each of Desktops, Monitors, Printers, Tablets, Pico Projectors, 650 VA UPSs and Kiosk being offered as a part of this bid shall be submitted to DAC in separate boxes for inspection/ benchmarking before technical bids are opened. The technical bids will be evaluated using the following criteria: Table 4 Technical Bid Evaluation Criteria S. No. Attribute 1 Organizational Capability 1.1 Prime Bidder's Average Annual Turnover from India Operations for the last three Financial Years 2011-12, 201213, 2013-14 in activities similar to the ones sought to be undertaken under this Project. One or more of the activities sought to be done by the IA should have been undertaken by the Bidder in the past. 6 System Integration Capability 11 1.2 Category Points Breakdown of Points Sub-head 1 Breakd own of Points - Subhead 2 Criteria Supporting documents Marks will be given on percentile basis Audited Balance Sheets and P&L Statements certified from Prime Bidder's Statutory Auditor /CA 45 DAC 48 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout S. No. Attribute 1.2.1 Prime Bidder’s or Secondary Bidder’s (latter if the stake in activities is at least 40%) experience (whichever is higher) in System Integration i.e. number of years in India 1.2.2 1.2.3 Category Points Breakdown of Points Sub-head 1 Breakd own of Points - Subhead 2 Criteria Supporting documents >10 years = 3 marks >5 years and =<7years = 1 mark Certificate from Authorized Signatory of the prime bidder along with Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association >Rs. 100 crore = 1.25 mark per project up to a maximum of 5 marks Completion/ GoLive certificates from client along with Purchase / Work Orders >7 years and =<10 years = 2marks 3 Projects executed by the Bidder in the last 8 financial years in India in terms of size and number of projects (Design, Development, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, Training and Maintenance Support) 5 >Rs. 50 crore and =<Rs. 100 crore = 1 mark per project up to a maximum of 4 marks >Rs. 25 crore and =<Rs. 50 crore = 0.75 mark per project up to a maximum of 3 marks Number and Size of similar projects under implementation( Design, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, 3 >Rs. 100 crore = 1 mark per project up to a maximum of 3 marks Purchase / Work Orders from the clients >Rs. 50 crore and =<Rs. 100 crore = 0.75 DAC 49 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout S. No. Attribute Category Points Breakdown of Points Sub-head 1 Breakd own of Points - Subhead 2 Training and Maintenance Support) Criteria Supporting documents perproject up to a maximum of 2.25 mark >Rs. 25 crore and =<Rs. 50 crore = 0.5 per project up to a maximum of 1.5marks >Rs. 25 crore and =<Rs. 15crore = 0.25 per project up to a maximum of 0.75 mark Projects Execution Experience 1.3 1.4 11 Number of projects executed by the Bidder in the last 8 financial years at more than 250 locations in India (Design, Development, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, Training and Maintenance Support) > 5 projects = 2 marks >3 projects and =< 5 projects = 1.5 marks Completion Certificates and Purchase/ Work Orders from the clients 2 1 to 2 Projects = 1 Mark Number of States across which the locations as per point 1.3 above, any of Prime bidder or consortium Percentile basis 2 DAC Completion Certificates and Purchase/ Work Orders from the clients 50 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout S. No. Attribute Category Points Breakdown of Points Sub-head 1 Breakd own of Points - Subhead 2 Criteria Supporting documents >5000 employees and above = 2 marks Completion Certificates and Purchase/ Work Orders from the clients members have completed similar projects in the last 8 financial years. 1.5 Basic Computer Training provided to Client employees in last 5 years in projects of total size of Rs25crores or more 2 >1500 and =<3000 employees = .5 marks 1.6 6 projects = 5 marks Experience in Hosting/ Installation/ Migrating Multiple Applications and Data at Data Centers (SDC or NIC DC or DR or Other DCs/IDC of reasonable size as per DAC’s satisfaction.) 1.7 >3000 and =<5000 employees = 1 marks 5 projects = 4 marks Completion Certificates and Purchase/ Work Orders from the clients 4 projects = 3 marks 5 3 projects = 2 marks 2 projects =1 marks 1 project = .5 marks Quality of Resources 07 DAC 51 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout S. No. Attribute Category Points Breakdown of Points Sub-head 1 Breakd own of Points - Subhead 2 1.7.1 Manpower on the rolls of Bidder 3 Criteria Supporting documents >600 B.E./ B.Tech/ MCA / MBA = 3 marks Self-declaration by HR Head >300 and =<600 B.E./ B.Tech/ MCA / MBA= 2 marks >100 and =<300 B.E./ B.Tech/ MCA / MBA= 1 mark 1.7.2 Quality, skill sets and Project Management Toolsof Proposed Team Project Manager with B.E. + MBA + PMP/Prince2 Certification with 10 years’ experience = 0.5 marks 4 Key Team Members with B.E./ MBA / MCA with 4 years’ experience = 3.0 marks with 0.25 mark for each team member Proposed Project Management tools to be used = 0.5 marks DAC SelfMarked Excel sheet to Name, Qualifications with Institute Name, Certifications, Experience and number of years with the company. If for any reason, the persons mentioned at the time of bidding are no longer working in the IA’s organization when implementation starts, persons with equivalent qualifications, experience and skill sets will be deployed (to the satisfaction of DAC). 52 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout S. No. Attribute 1.8 Presence of the Prime bidder or its Consortium partners at Identified States & UTs 1.9 2 Category Points Breakdown of Points Sub-head 1 Criteria Supporting documents Percentile basis with zero marks to bidders having presence in less than 5 States Self-declaration by Authorized signatory along and Purchase/ Work Orders of Ongoing projects in the identified States and UTs More than 10 years = Full marks Self-declaration by Authorized Signatory of each of the OEMs 3 Number of years of Prime Bidder’s Relationship with OEM - PCs 1 Number of years of Prime Bidder’s Relationship with OEM - Servers and Network Components 1+1 Number of years of Prime Bidder’s Relationship with OEM - UPS 1 Number of years of Prime Bidder’s Relationship with OEM –Printer 1 Number of years of Prime Bidder’s Relationship with OEM –Tablets & Pico Projectors 1.25 + 0.75 Understanding, Approach and Methodology Breakd own of Points - Subhead 2 =>7 years and =<10 years = 75% marks =>5 years and =<7 years = 50% marks =>2 years and =<5 years = 25% marks 11 DAC 53 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout S. No. Attribute Category Points Breakdown of Points Sub-head 1 Breakd own of Points - Subhead 2 Criteria Supporting documents Conformance with the requirements of the project in terms of timelines Plan and Strategy for completing the training and supply / installation within stipulated timelines; Quality of Training material / handouts to be provided ; including Technical Presentation 2.1 Proposed Implementation Training Plan and strategy 2 Detailed Project Implementation Plan using PERT / Gantt Chart Plan for Coordination with NIC and other Stakeholders at Central, State and District level 3 Proposed Plan for providing maintenance and support and ensuring adherence to SLAs; 2 DAC Implementation / Roll-out Strategy keeping in view the identifiedStates/ UTs Proposed team structure for operations, Part replacement strategies, OEM support, Escalation mechanism, Service Level Management, Support duration every day for desktop OS. 54 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout S. No. Attribute Category Points Breakdown of Points Sub-head 1 Proposed communication plan between SDCs, Center DC & DR sites. This should also include overall risk mitigation strategy Hardware and Software to be Deployed 3 4 Breakd own of Points - Subhead 2 Criteria Strategy for coordination with DAC/ NIC/ SDC Operators/States for (a) Data Migration, (b) Application Rollout, (c) Helpdesk Services, (d) Updates/ Upgrades/ Patches and (e) Incident Management etc. Supporting documents Prospective bidders to study the existing IP Schema at the proposed SDCs, Center DC and DR sites and then propose the communication plan. A written document of the proposed plan. 40 Configuration, Performance, Interoperability and Scalability of Hardware 40 DAC Please refer Appendix VI for the detailed break-up 55 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout S. No. Attribute 4 Help Desk, Incident and Problem Management Category Points Breakdown of Points Sub-head 1 Breakd own of Points - Subhead 2 Criteria Supporting documents Proposed team structure for Helpdesk, Approach & Methodology for SLM & Features of Service Desk, SLM tools, Market share of proposed solution Number, Frequency, Type and Format of reports generated etc. 4 Note: While carrying out numerical evaluation as above, the term Bidder includes such Consortium Members which are going to execute the project to the extent of 30% or more and have a role to play in the items being considered for giving marks. Values of such Consortium Members will be added. 4.19.3 Financial Bid Evaluation Financial bids of only technically qualified bidders will be opened on Feb26, 2015 at 1700h. Those technically qualified bidders which have also deposited the Bid Security shall be termed as Substantially Responsive (i.e. eligible and technically qualified and have also deposited Bid Security). The Client's determination of a Bid's responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the Bid itself and not on any extrinsic evidence. However, while determining the responsiveness of various Bidders, the Client may waive off any minor infirmity, which does not constitute a material deviation. The decision of the Client in this regard shall be final. The Financial Bids of the technically qualified bidders will be evaluated in two parts as under:- Financial Bid Evaluations (Part A) 1. Financial bid value of Part A will be calculated as: Fb = Capex (Excluding Microsoft System Software) + One Time Installation Charges for Microsoft System Softwareand maintenance support of 5 years by the SI (excluding ATS etc. DAC 56 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout which will be quoted as per Part B on page 22) + NPV (OPEX) + NPV ATS (non-Microsoft Components)+ Roll Out & Implementation Charges (if any) + NPV (AMC for 4th & 5th year for Tablets and Pico Projectors and for 6th to 8th year for all other Hardware) + NPV for Printer cartridges. Note: Capex for hardware and System Software will include installation. However, roll out and implementation chargesdue to vast outreach and complexity of the projectcan be quoted separately. 2. Financial Scores.The lowest financial quote (Fm) among technically qualified bids would be given the maximum financial score (i.e. 100). Financial scores of the other financial bids shall be scored as per the formula below: Fn = (Fm/Fb) x 100 Where Fn = Financial score of the bid under consideration Fm = Lowest Financial quote in INR Fb = Financial quote in INR of the bid under consideration 3. Selection of Implementing Agency. Thisshall be based on the QCBS method where the Technical score (Tb) is given a weight of 0.3 i.e. (30%) and financial score is given a weight of 0.7 i.e. (70 %). Final Score of the bid = (0.3 x Tb) + (0.7 x Fn) The bid with the highest final score calculated in this fashion shall be considered as the best value bid. In case of a tie, the bid that scored a higher Technical score (Tb) will be considered the best value bid and ranked as R1. Similarly other bids will be ranked as R2, R3…….. Rn. Financial Bid Evaluations (Part B) Rankings of bidders(L1, L2….)for Microsoft System Software will be decided solely based on price quotes received. Following methodology will then be followed for procuring Microsoft System Software:(a) The purchase price of Microsoft System Software Stack as per tentative BOQ will be determined on the basis of prevailing market prices as derived from the publicly published list prices of the OEM (MS) to which the same percentage discount will be applied as was given at the time of bidding for phase-I in Seven States. DAC will consider DAC 57 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout the lower of the two prices i.e. purchase price quoted for seven identified States and purchase price determined now as per the methodology indicated. (b) The prices quoted by L1 bidder for Microsoft System Software Stack will then be compared with the lowest cost arrived at (a) above. If the prices of the present bids are found to be lower than the ones as discovered as above, the system software will be procured from the L1 bidder. (c) In case system software prices quoted by bidders are found to be higher than those discovered during Phase-1 [and as per (a) above], order will be placed on M/S HP Sales India Pvt. Ltd. (Phase-I IA)to supplylicenses of the Microsoft System Softwares, as per prices already discovered. (d) M/S HP will then procure the requisite System software from Microsoft and hand these over to the identified Implementation Agency for Phase 2. The IA for the Phase 2 will install, configure and integrate the supplied Microsoft system software as per DAC requirement in the RFP. The IA will thereafter also be responsible for commissioning and maintenance of these for next five years, after ‘Go-Live’. Though DAC has asked for the Cost of AMC from 4th & 5th year for Tablets and Pico Projectors and for 6th to 8th year for all other Hardware, it is clarified that DAC may or may not give AMC to the successful bidders. DAC will take a decision in this regard towards the end of 3rd year in case of Tablets/Pico projectors and 5th year for all other components, after considering various factors including technological obsolescence and prevalent prices of support updates. Award of Contract Notification of Award Prior to the expiration of the validity period, DAC will notify the successful bidderin writing, that its bid has been accepted. The notification of award will constitute the formation of the contract. Upon the successful bidder's furnishing of performance security, DAC will promptly notify each unsuccessful bidder. 4.19.4 Signing of Contract i. At the same time as DAC notifies the successful bidder that its bid has been accepted, DAC will send the bidder the Contract Form, incorporating all agreements between the DAC 58 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout parties. On receipt of the Contract Form, the successful bidder shall sign and date the contract and return it to DAC. ii. Failure of the successful bidder to sign the contract proposed through the award letter, shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award, in which event DAC may make the award to the next best value bidder or call for new bids. iii. The contract shall be signed between DAC and the successful bidders within 2 weeks from the issue of Letter of Intent. 4.19.5 Unconditional Performance Bank Guarantee i. The successful bidder shall at his own expense deposit with DAC, within eight (08) working days of the date of signing of the contract, an unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee(s) (PBGs) as per the format specified in Form G of the Appendix V of the RFP from a scheduled National Bank acceptable to DAC, payable on demand, for the due performance and fulfillment of the contract by the bidder. Performance Bank Guarantee of 20% of TCV shall be given in 7 parts as follows: ii. First Bank Guarantee of 2 % valid for 15 months iii. Second Bank Guarantee of 2 % valid for 21 months iv. Third Bank Guarantee of 2 % valid for 27 months v. Fourth Bank Guarantee of 2 % valid for 33 months vi. Fifth Bank Guarantee of 2 % valid for 39 months vii. Sixth Bank Guarantee of 2 % valid for 45 months viii. Seventh Bank Guarantee of 7 % valid for 71months ix. PBG for Microsoft System Software Components. A Performance Bank Guarantee of 20% of cost of this component (with periodic reductions as above) for these components will be submitted by the agency on which order for these is placed as per the prescribed format. x. In case of breach of contract terms, a cure period of upto 30 days will be provided to the IA as part of the Contract. Cure period may vary from one breach to another as deemed appropriate by DAC. In case of failure, DAC shall invoke the PBG. Notwithstanding and without prejudice to any rights whatsoever of DAC under the contract in the matter, the proceeds of the PBG shall be payable to DAC as compensation for any loss resulting from the bidder's failure to perform/comply its obligations under the contract. DAC shall notify the bidder in writing of the exercise of DAC 59 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout its right to receive such compensation within 14 days, indicating the contractual obligation(s) for which the bidder is in default. 4.19.6 Warranty & Annual Maintenance Contract i. Bidder shall provide complete maintenance support to DAC as Managed IT Service for all the NeGP - A solution Components as outlined in this RFP for a period of Five Years from the date of “Go-live”(For 03 years in case of Hand Held Devices and Pico Projectors). ii. However, if field hardware at more than 80% of the sites has been installed (and rest of the field hardware cannot be installed due to reasons attributable to the DAC or the State Governments) and the Go-Live date gets delayed for reasons not attributable to IA, warranty of field hardware can be deemed to be commenced from 3 months of the installation of field hardware at these 80% sites. iii. The above support shall include a Software (excluding Application Software being developed by NIC) and hardware warranty for 5years from the date of “Go-live”. iv. During the warranty period, the bidder shall replace defective parts/products with new and unused ones or refurbished ones which have been sealed & certified for quality by the OEM. Most recent version/models not inferior to the specifications of the defective part/product shall be supplied. The bidder shall not supply end of life stage product/part as an excuse.In case of withdrawal of any such product, equivalent or upgraded version will be provided as replacement. v. DAC shall promptly notify successful bidder in writing of any claims arising under this warranty. Upon receipt of such notice, the bidder shall, within the warranty period and with all reasonable speed, repair or replace the defective systems, without costs to DAC and within time specified and acceptable to DAC. vi. If the successful bidder, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within the period specified in the contract, DAC may proceed to take such reasonable remedial action as may be necessary, at the successful bidder's risk and expense and without prejudice to any other rights, which DAC may have against the bidder under the contract.Risk Purchase shall be capped by an amount not exceeding 20% of the affected gross bid value. vii. During the comprehensive warranty period, the successful bidder will provide all product(s) and documentation updates, patches/ fixes, and version upgrades within 15 DAC 60 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout days of their availability and should carry out installation and make operational the same at no additional cost to DAC. viii. During the currency of project, the bidder is supposed to adhere to the Service Levels defined in this document. In order to do so, if the bidder is required to upgrade hardware/ software, the same would be done by the bidder at no additional cost to DAC. 4.19.7 Penalty & Liquidation Damages i. Liquidated Damages: If the IA fails to deliver any or all the goods or fails to complete the installation within the period specified in the RFP for reasons only attributable to IA, the DAC shall without prejudice to other remedies will impose liquidated damages as follows:(a) For components which have been delivered within T + 8 or T + 10 but not installed within T + 14or T + 16 = 0.5% per week of the value of the components which have not been installed within T + 14 weeks. (b) Components not delivered within T + 8 or T + 10 but installed within T + 14 or T + 16 weeks (as the case may be)= No penalty. (c) Components not delivered in T + 8 or T + 10 and also not installed in T + 14 or T + 16 weeks respectively = liquidated damages of 1% per week beyond T + 14 or T + 16 weeks of the value of the components which have not been installed within T + 14 or T + 16 weeks. ii. The liquidated damages will be subject to a maximum of 15% of the total contract value (TCV). The amount towards Liquidated Damages would be recovered from the invoices raised by the IA. In case there is no invoice raised or the invoice amount is lesser, then the IA shall be asked to deposit such amount to DAC. In case the IA doesn’t deposit the same within 15 days, the BG shall be invoked to recover the amount towards Liquidated Damages. iii. In case SLA is not met as required by this RFP, respective penalty would be collected from the IA for the respective deliverable or period as per the scheme suggested in this RFP. In case of default on paying the penalty, the same amount shall be recovered from the Bank Guarantee. DAC 61 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 4.19.8 Failure to Agree with Terms & Conditions of RFP Failure of the successful bidder to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award, in which event DAC may forfeit the bid security (EMD) and award the contract to the next best value bidder or call for new bids. 4.19.9 Limitation of Bidder’s Liability Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFP, the liability of the Implementing Agency (IA)for any loss, claims, damages, cost of expenses (“Losses”), of any nature whatsoever, in any way relating to or arising out this RFP or the services provided herein shall be limited to the Contract Price, except where such Losses have arisen primarily from fraud or bad faith of the IA. In no event shall the IA, be liable for any consequential (including loss of profit and loss of data), special, indirect, incidental, punitive, or exemplary loss, damage, or expense relating to or arising out of this RFP or the services provided herein. 4.19.10 Insurance IA shall furnish to DAC true copies of the certificate(s) of insurance for Commercial General Liability (CGL). Should the above described policy be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, notice will be delivered in accordance to policy provision. Apart from CGL, IA shall also effect and maintain such insurances for such sums as may be mandated under the Indian Laws. Other than the specified insurance, IA will not take any insurance. IA shall take the risk and loss for any product till delivery of the product to the designated location. Once delivered to the designated location, IA shall not be responsible for risk of loss except in relation to any damage caused by the IA, its employees or sub-contractor. For sake of clarity parties, agree that IA shall be liable for any damage to goods in transit found in the sealed boxes. 4.20Payment Terms The Payment to the IA shall be regulated as per terms described below: i. The payment shall be released as per the below mentioned table ii. Payment would be released in 30 days if the invoices along with the all requisite documents are submitted to Client in respect of entire lot. iii. All payments agreed to be made by DAC to the Bidder in accordance with the Bid shall be inclusive of all statutory levies, duties, taxes and other charges whenever levied/applicable (both by Center & state). DAC 62 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout iv. Contracts would be signed for 5 years. Based on the performance of the IA, DAC may decide to extend the period of contract by three years. DAC is, however, not bound to extend the contract period by three years v. Bidders need to provide rationale for the financial quotes provided. DAC holds right to ask explanation of the rationale from the Bidders. vi. Quotations for all future additional orders will have prevalent tax rates. vii. In the event of DAC noticing at any time that any amount has been disbursed wrongly to the Bidders or any other amount is due from the Bidders to DAC, the DAC may without prejudice to its rights recover such amounts by other means after notifying the Bidders or deduct such amount from any payment falling due to the Bidders. The details of such recovery, if any, will be intimated to the Bidders. The Bidders shall receive the payment of undisputed amount under subsequent invoice for any amount that has been omitted in previous invoice by mistake on the part of the DAC or the Bidders. viii. All payments to the Bidders shall be subject to the deductions of tax at source under Income Tax Act and other taxes, and deductions as provided for under any law, rule or regulation. All costs, damages or expenses which DAC may have paid or incurred, for which under the provisions of the Contract, the Bidders are liable, the same shall be deducted by DAC from any dues to the Bidders. All payments to the Bidders shall be made after making necessary deductions as per terms of the Contract and recoveries towards facilities, if any, provided by the DAC to the Bidders on chargeable basis. ix. The rates quoted by the Bidders would be valid throughout the period of implementation and operation of this project. The prices of components can nevertheless go down due to global trend with respect to the OEM. For the purpose of reducing the rates, a reference will be made to changes in prices of the OEM /other equivalent competitors as available in the market or on the web so that discounted prices can be worked out by comparing the prices on the date of the agreement with those prevailing at the relevant point in time. Revised rates of all configurations and parts will be arrived at mutually by making proportional reduction from price lists. No increase in hardware/ software prices will be allowed during the contract period under any circumstances (including change in exchange rates, statutory levies and duties), though the supplier may reduce rates further for any other major order in terms of this Agreement. However, impact of change in taxes+ surcharge from the existing level shall be passed on to the Client. Similarly, in case of purchase of hardware or software items DAC 63 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout (including CALs) after the expiry of implementation period, impact of change in statutory levies / taxes and duties shall be to Client’s account after prices are determined based on various relevant factors which affect the price list prevalent in India. The purchase price shall be determined & fixed before placing any purchase order and further supply order shall be placed by the IA without any delay. x Prices of hardware or software items mentioned in RFP are F.O.R. destination i.e. any location to be specified by Client. The prices include all taxes, levies and duties, installation & commissioning and 5 years comprehensive onsite warranty (with updates, upgrades facility in case of software) from the Commissioning Date (“GoLive”).After finalization of prices with the shortlisted bidder but before signing the agreement, if any product got discontinued, the DAC can insist on a better or an equivalent product at the same price or such lower price as may be mutually agreed. Superiority or equivalence of product shall be inter alia determined within the same product family or, if for any unavoidable reason that is not possible a product with better benchmark ratings and component wise technical specifications may be offered. However, if after expiry of sometime after commissioning date, it is felt that a new product with higher level of technology (not listed in the RFP) is to be procured, the prices shall be mutually agreed after necessary price discovery by Client. It is reiterated that DAC shall not be bound to purchase any new product of higher technology or an alternative/equivalent product, if it is available to Client at a lower price from a third party. However, if after the delivery of the initial lot of the products, a product is discontinued by the Manufacturer, the Supplier will supply only the upgraded version or higher model of the product at the same price. 4.20.1 Schedule for Payment Table 5 Payment Milestones CAPEX 1. For PCs, Printers, Switches, Kiosks, Hand Held Devices, Pico Projectors and UPS etc. S. No. Milestone % of Total Fee Implementation Phase A DAC 64 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Commencement of the project against the Bank 1 Guarantee of 33% of total order valuefor a period of 12 30% months Delivery, Installation and Acceptance Testingof Hardware 2 at all locations End user Acceptance of Hardware at all locations and 3 completion of training* 60% 10% *It is to be noted that Payment for Desktop, Printer, Hand Held Devices, Pico Projectors Switches & Kiosks is linked to end user acceptance and not linked to Go live of the Applications being developed by NIC. i. Payment to IA (for Desktop, Printer, Hand Held Devices, Pico Projectors, Switches & Kiosks) will be made based on acceptance of sites in each State in a lot size of 100 except in case of smaller States/UTs where the lot size may be 50. ii. Acceptance of Tablet PC (Hand-held Device) and Pico Projector will entail satisfactory operation certificate from the user in the prescribed format. In order to expedite payments, IA can raise separate invoices for these two components. Warranty of three years will commence as per standard norms of the manufacturer viz. satisfactory operation of the device initially. iii. However, if field hardware at more than 80% of the sites has been installed (and rest of the field hardware cannot be installed due to reasons attributable to DAC or the State Governments) and the Go-Live date gets delayed for various reasons, warranty of field hardware can be deemed to be commenced from 3 months of the installation of field hardware at these 80% sites. iv. 30% advance towards training will be given only towards such components of training which need to be paid for by the IA even before actual training commences. Note: a) All payments to the IA shall be made upon submission of invoices along with relevant sign-off from respective officers’ in-charge of DAC. DAC 65 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout b) In case of delay of more than 08 weeks in achieving the milestone by the IA (i.e. installation of field hardware) due to site not being ready within 8 weeks of delivery of complete hardware or any other reason not attributable to the IA, 55% of the payment to the IA w.r.t S. No. 2 in the above table shall be released. This 55% payment will be released after verification report prepared jointly with the concerned site office regarding correctness of the BoM received and in that case BG will not be insisted upon. The other option for the IA is to give the BG and take full 60% payment. If delivery of full items is shown and balance 5% also is to be taken in situations of non‐readiness of site, a BG of 6% will need to be given. 10% amount will be released when training gets completed unless trainings can't be held due to reasons attributable to the DAC or the State Governments. However, after achieving milestone of installation, in case of delay of another 8 weeks in completion of trainings for the State due to reasons attributable to the DAC or the State Government concerned, this remaining payment of 10% also can be sought to be released on submission of Bank Guarantee of an equivalent amount valid for 20 weeks. c) Though no separate mile stones has been mentioned for PMO + Rollout services, IA may raise invoices against the portion of scope of work completed (and accepted by DAC). 2. For Training S. No. Milestone % of Total Fee (excluding what is already paid for as per point no. iv above) A Implementation Phase Advance on acceptance of 80% of end user hardware in a State/UT and readiness of all Training Centers, against 1 the Bank Guarantee of 11% of total training value 10% component for a period of 12 months (if requested by IA) DAC 66 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout On completion of respective batches - in the lot size of 2 50 or more batches *90% *100% incase no advance has been taken for this. 3. For Servers, System Software & Networking equipment etc. S. No. Milestone % of Total Fee A Implementation Phase Commencement of the project against the Bank 1 Guarantee of 33% of total order value for a period of 30% 12 months Delivery of Hardware at all locations, Testing and User 2 Acceptance of Hardware & Network equipment at all 50% locations 3 System Go-Live at all locations 20% OPEX The payment for the operational expenditure (OPEX) shall be released to the IA at the end of each quarter spread across 20 quarters in five years. Total value of the contract is the value as mentioned by the bidder in Form F of Appendix V (Total of CAPEX & OPEX) in this volume of the RFP. 5 Agriculture Mission Mode Project (NeGP-A) The Agriculture Mission Mode Project (NeGP-A) is one of the Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) of the National e-Governance Plan of the Government of India. It is being run under the direction of the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation. It aims to replicate the agricultural e-governance projects being carried in different states at a national level and provides the services through multiple delivery channels such as the centralized agricultural portal, Kisan Centers, touch screens, and mobiles. This project stresses on using IT in all stages of the agricultural crop cycle including the crop selection stage, the pre-cultivation stage, the crop management stage, the pre-harvest stage, the harvesting stage and the post-harvest stage. The DAC 67 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout project focuses on providing informational services to farmers on a variety of farm-related issues including seeds, soil-test-based information, fertilizers, pests, government schemes, and weather. 5.1 Vision & Objectives The vision of the NeGP - A project is to create a conduciveenvironment for raising the farm productivity and income to global levels through provision of relevant information and services to the stakeholders. In order to achieve the aforesaid vision, the department has also articulated key SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) objectives which need to be achieved through the Agriculture MMP. These can be identified as: i. Improve access of farmers to timely and relevant information & services throughout crop-cycle a. By providing Multiple delivery channels to access information b. By reducing time between generation and dissemination of information c. By providing information to the farmer through a uniform platform ii. Bringing farmer centricity & service orientation to the programs by providing location specific and up-to-date crop management related information in terms of: a. GAP – how many days, season specific, crop specific, location / zone specific b. POP – how many days, season specific, crop specific, location / zone specific c. Providing personalized advisory services iii. Increasing effectiveness of Government service delivery in a. Certification and licenses related to Manufacturing and Marketing through use of ICT b. Providing easier and approachable channels for grievance registration and tracking iv. More effective management of schemes of DAC thru process redesign aimed at a. Effective Monitoring of the Schemes (timeliness of implementation etc.) b. Reducing time required for data consolidation and reporting of schemes at all levels v. Enable private sector participation to benefit farmers by providing an integrated platform to promote value added services in a. Extension DAC 68 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout b. Marketing (both input and output) c. Post-harvest& Storage 5.2 Key Stakeholders of NeGP - A The following can be identified as the primary stakeholders in the Agriculture MMP: Table 6 Key Stakeholders of NeGP - A S. No. Category Stakeholder 1 Farmers a) Individual farmers b) Farmer groups c) Farmer cooperatives 2 Central a) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Government b) Attached Offices & Directorates c) Testing Labs d) Academic & Research Institutions 3 State a) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Government b) Attached Offices & Directorates c) Testing Labs d) Academic & Research Institutions 4 Private Sector a) Manufacturers / Wholesalers / Dealers of inputs b) Importers and exporters of agriculture produce c) Traders, Buyers and Commodity Exchanges d) Call Centres (Agriculture Related) e) Agri- Business Clinics & Centres The detailed list of stakeholders that are involved in the end to end delivery of services to the farmers with regards to the Agriculture Mission Mode Project (NeGP-A) is given in Appendix I. 5.3 Services During Phase I of the Agriculture MMP, 22 core services were identified and prioritized from a long list of potential services to be delivered to the private sector and the farming community. These prioritized services are envisaged to assist the farmer throughout the crop cycle in DAC 69 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout efficiently reducing cost of production using latest knowledge and techniques, and relatively increasing the price they get for their produce. These services would also equip the farmer to handle critical situations during the crop cycle, when incorrect decisions can destroy an entire crop. For the purpose of simplicity the identified services have been classified into 3 Components namely – Content based Components, Transaction based Components and Workflow based Components. Each of these Components is further categorized into 4 delivery areas namely – Government to Farmer (G2F), Government to Business (G2B), Government to Government (G2G) and Business to Farmer (B2C). Content based Components can be described as the ones for which data needs to be collected, stored and managed for appropriate dissemination. Transaction based Components can be described as the ones for which input data is captured, processed and an output is generated for the use of the end beneficiary. This component would apply where one to one interactions are conducted. Workflow based Components can be described as Components for which data is captured through an input form, the application is processed in accordance with the business / workflow rules and a decision is appropriately communicated to the end beneficiary. The following diagram depicts the above articulated classification of service Components. Figure 1: Service Classification NeGP (A) Service Components Transaction-based Content-based Workflow-based Capture of Input data Creation of Content Capture of Input Form Transaction Processing Storage of Content Workflow/ Business Rules Generation of Output Management of Content Decision-making Service Delivery Channels DAC 70 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout The 22 Services are further grouped into 12 Groups of services. This is provided as Appendix II. 5.4 Service Delivery The agriculture domain with its services, stakeholders, processes and geographic coverage is an extremely complex mesh of systems that need to be integrated through the means of the Agriculture MMP in the proposed project. The following figure depicts the service delivery mechanism for the proposed solution. Figure 2: Service Delivery Central Agri Portal E- Cert. Appln. AGMARKNET FISHNET DPPQS CIBRC FMS IMD KM Appln CSC CSC Expert Adv. Appln. Testing Lab Appln. State Agri Portal Grievance Mgt. Appln. State Level Applications E-Pest Sur. Appln. Fish Seed Grower Reg. Appln. License Appln. (L1) Seed Certification Appn. License Appln. (L2) E- Platform Appln Seed Grower Reg. Appln. Delivery Channels AGRICOOP Department Department KCC KCC SCC SCC Pvt. Pvt.Kiosk Kiosk Mass Media Mass Media E-Monitor Appln. Mobile/ Mobile/IVRS IVRS Linkages with Agri MMP Dashboard Agri AgriClinic Clinic State AGRISNET Applications It is envisaged that the proposed solution provides the end users with the ability to access services through an online platform at their door-step. For this purpose, the architecture can be viewed to consist of four Components: DAC Farmer Farmer SEEDNET Pvt. Sector Pvt. Sector Pesticide Regis. Appln. Common Applications 71 Department Department Integration with Existing Portals Internet / NICNET / SWAN Central Level Appln. Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 1. Central Agri Portal 2. State Agri Portal 3. Applications 4. Delivery Channels 5.4.1 Central Agri Portal (CAP) The Central Agri Portal would play a critical role in providing citizens to access Government information easily and to enjoy one-stop Government services. A well-developed CAP would complement and enhance customer-focused service delivery channels which may already exist at the Central Government level. The CAP would allow DAC to present information, applications and services in a single consolidated browser view. It would provide a secure and individualized view of multiple online resources and interactive services. It would offer a single access point to critical information and the primary applications necessary for an individual to avail the services. In this sense, the CAP would become an interface between the Government and the citizens. In addition, it would be used to eliminate the need to navigate multiple web sites and applications so that farmers can access the different information and services related to agriculture at single source. A well-deployed CAP would present a personalized view with a logical organization and grouping of information that leads to easy navigation and faster access to information / service. Various Centre specific services are proposed to be disseminated through the CAP. It would also integrate with the National Service Delivery Gateway to answer queries from a particular State about a different State (e.g. Uttar Pradesh farmer’s query relating to a GAP / POP from Maharashtra) will be routed to Central Agriculture Portal to be processed by NSDG, which in turn will facilitate the routing of the request to respective State Agriculture Portal and fetch the results. 5.4.2 State Agri Portal (SAP) The State Agriculture Portal would be the front end for all the services’ delivery in Agriculture MMP. A farmer would typically come to SAP to find information / avail any service through CSC / Internet. SAP is in local language, would have easy to use navigation, search and browse features. SAP would be connected to the State gateway through firewall and SWAN / Internet DAC 72 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout and would be accessible to department, SAUs, KVKs for information update and to various service delivery channels like CSCs / State Call Centre, Kisan Call Centers, Internet for public access. New Applications (Illustrative) i. ii. iii. Common Applications on CAP and SAP a) Knowledge Management Application b) Expert Advisory Application c) Testing Lab Application d) Grievance Management Application e) E-Monitor Application f) NeGP - A Dashboard Applications on CAP a) Pesticide Registration Application b) E-Certification Application Applications on SAP a) E-Pest Surveillance Application b) License Application (L1) for Manufacturing & Wholesale c) License Application (L2) for Retailing d) Seed Grower Registration Application e) Fish Seed Grower Registration Application f) Seed Certification Application g) E-Platform Application 5.4.3 Existing Applications which may be redeployed in the new platform a) Soil Health card b) SEEDNET c) AGMARKNET DAC 73 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout d) Fertilizer Management System (FMS) e) IMD f) State AgrisNet Websites Certain services like e-certification, pesticide registration are provided solely by the Centre level attached offices with no workflow at State. These applications and related data would reside in Central data center only and a front end only needs to be provided at the State portal for access to these services. While, certain services like licensing, soil health card, seed grower registration, seed certification etc. are provided by State Agriculture Department and attached offices, with no workflow at Centre. These applications and related data would reside in State Data Centre only, and MIS would be generated and shared with Centre for these services. Certain services like Grievance management, Knowledge Management System, Content Management System, Testing Lab, Pest Infest Status etc. are provided by both Centre and State level Agriculture Department and attached offices with no overlapping workflows. The application and related data for these common services are to be kept at respective Central / State data centers and MIS would be generated and shared with Centre for these services. 5.5 Solution Overview Agriculture MMP solution is being built based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA); wherein SOA may be defined as a group of services that communicate with each other through either simple data-passing or two or more services coordinating some activity. SOA builds applications out of web / software services. The 22 identified services for Agriculture MMP which are grouped together into 12 Group of services comprise intrinsically un-associated units of functionalities that have no calls to each other embedded in them. They typically implement functionality most humans would recognize as a service, such as filling out an online application for license, viewing an online POP or GAP, or submitting a grievance or query. Instead of services embedding calls to each other in their source code, SOA would use defined protocols which describe how one or more services can talk to each other. To meet existing or new business requirements, services are linked and sequenced, in a process known as orchestration. Web services make these functional building Blocks accessible over standard Internet protocols independent of platforms and programming languages. These services can DAC 74 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout be new applications or just wrapped around existing legacy systems to make them networkenabled. This flexibility and requirement of integrating a large number of existing and upcoming portals make this architecture the preferred choice. The purpose of using Extensible Markup Language (XML) is to aid various portals in sharing structured data, especially via the Internet, to encode documents, and to serialize data. XML is a general-purpose specification for creating custom markup languages. It is classified as an extensible language, because it allows the user to define the mark-up elements. The following figure depicts the various layers for Agriculture MMP Solution deployment using SOA. It captures the abstract view of Agriculture MMP SOA layers, important Components of each layer. Layered architecture means decomposition of services such that most interactions occur between adjacent layers. However, there is no strict rule that top layers should not directly communicate with bottom layers. The figure below represents the important logical pieces that would result in from overall SOA transformation. Figure 3: Solution Overview Farmer Farmer Pvt. Pvt.Sector Sector Client Layer Department Department Channel Layer Laptop Laptop/ /Desktop, Desktop,Human HumanInterface InterfaceDevices Devices(IVRS, (IVRS,Mass MassMedia, Media,Mobiles, Mobiles,Kiosks, Kiosks,Gateways) Gateways) Application ApplicationFramework FrameworkServices Services(Portal (Portal/ /Interaction Interaction/ /Access Access––Services) Services) Shared SharedBusiness Business/ /Process ProcessServices Services(Registration, (Registration,Grievance GrievanceMgmt, Mgmt,Information) Information) Service Bus Service Bus (Routing, (Routing, Transformation, Transformation, Transport) Transport) Service Bus Service Bus Gateway Gateway DPPQS, DPPQS, AGICOOP, AGICOOP, IMD, IMD, SEEDNET, SEEDNET, AGMARK. AGMARK. Interface Integration & B2B Layer Central CentralAgri AgriPortal Portal/ /State StateAgri AgriPortals Portals (Single View of Information, Mgmt & Monitoring Dashboard) (Single View of Information, Mgmt & Monitoring Dashboard) Service Registry & Service Registry & Repository Repository Business Business Rules Rules Orchestration & Orchestration & Choreography Choreography (BPEL Processor) (BPEL Processor) Shared Shared Servers / Servers / Shared Shared Storage Storage KMS KMS GMS GMS WMS WMS Service Service Management Management Central / Central / State DB’s State DB’s Active Active Directory Directory Security , WAN, Helpdesk Security , WAN, Helpdesk Management & Monitoring Management & Monitoring Composite Composite Applications Applications MIS MIS System System SOA SOAGovernance, Governance,Principals Principals&&Best BestPractices Practices Legend DAC Application Services Layer 1. Intermediate Services Layer 2. Process Services Layer Service Mediation Layer EIS Layer SOA Foundation Service Infrastructure Components 75 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 5.5.1 Information Services EII – exposing data directly using web services by using products like data bus, whose technology is based on XML, XSLT, XPATH, XQuery etc. 5.5.2 Access Services These include common services to validate, enrich, transform, route and operate. Common Services consists of data collection services - ability to capture electronic data and integrate into backend systems. 5.5.3 Interaction Services Agriculture Content Management (ACMS) services built on top of the existing tools or packages covers the areas such as information aggregation, categorization, classification, and retrieval based on farmers, citizens, Private sector & Government agencies. It handles the conversion, workflow, staging, versioning and deployment of content. Agriculture MMP Search includes indexes, searches and retrieves and content across portals. 5.5.4 Security Services These are essential for all SOA layers. Important things required are Authentication, Authorization & SSO (single-sign-on), Central security services for access control. 1. Authentication based on an LDAP based directory allows end users to enter CAP/SAP. The parameters for this authentication would be user id and password. 2. Authorization is a single repository of access control for all users at State level. This component would be responsible for defining access to various functionalities based on the access control defined in the system. 3. SSO is required for web-based applications. 5.5.5 Portal Services Information retrieval service on top of ECM services, personalization services, presentation framework, communication framework etc. 5.5.6 Operational / Infrastructure services 1. This encompasses generic services across all applications such as logging, auditing, notification, exception handling etc. This would also include device specific services. These DAC 76 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout are very specific to accessing some devices in general through application or service interfaces like printer, fax machine, scanner, plotter etc. 2. Session Management enables user session management at the server. 3. Audit and logging enables logging of the events / Transactions at the server. These events would then be used to generate security alerts and notifications. 4. Input validation enables validation of the raw data uploaded by the end user before saving into the database. 5. Caching Management would cache frequently used resources for faster response. For example, caching of frequently visited web pages for faster delivery at local machine is proposed. 5.5.7 Management and Monitoring Services This layer contains management and monitoring Components for Agriculture MMP application and its infrastructure. This layer cut across all layers of applications to manage/maintain the quality of service requirements of Agriculture MMP. 5.6 Technology Architecture 5.6.1 Solution Architecture Adopting this framework eradicates duplicate services at both Centre and States and ensures better manageability. Next section describes the technology architecture proposed for Agriculture MMP. All the services will be realized by the technology platform which has the following architectural building blocks: • Web Server • Portal Server • Application Server • Database Server • LDAP Server Each user should be mapped to the respective role. Based on this the user should be provided access to various available functionalities of Agriculture MMP solution. DAC 77 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Reporting Agriculture MMP solution’s reporting component will be used to generate reports for following requirements but not limited to • Generate web analysis report to business users • Provide audit trail, i.e. author, date created, modifier, date modified, for each program. • Generate report for general application statistics, e.g. availability and average response time etc. Should provide for Reports for Service Support and Service Delivery processes through a unified portal for both CAP & SAP. Should have ability to have a consolidated view of data collected from different types of operations (E.g. - SLA compliance for a selected service, it's dependent SLAs, OLA and UPCs, it's changes by priority, open incidents by priority and status, it's assets and individual asset compliance, patches installed etc.) and displayed in a universal portal. Provide users (based on role) to drill down to specific report/data on a need basis Provide detailed reports on a specific area as per the need of the user Provide ability to set thresholds on reports values and take automated actions (Eg - at any point of time not more than 10 critical incidents should not be in open status for billing service, if it does send an email report to billing service owner and SLA manager. If consolidated availability of billing service is < 98% for more than 30mts, send an email to SLA manager." Ability to create custom KPI metrics and scorecard/compliance reports that are updated automatically Infrastructure Services Layer Agriculture MMP solution would contain following list of Utility services to maintain and manage the portal application. • Application logging • Exception handling • Notifications LDAP Server DAC 78 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout LDAP Server of Agriculture MMP solution contains profile information of stake holders, Roles, application level ACLs (access control lists), service level access control list etc. Portal Usage Data Agriculture MMP solution will capture the user experience information like how many hops a citizen is performing to reach a certain business service, usage of services, time spending on each service, page hits/visits etc. Based on these inputs, business processes optimization is to be done to provide better experience to stakeholders. This data is to be stored in relational database management system. Management and Monitoring Layer Entities Application / Infrastructure Management EMS shall be used for management & monitoring of the Services /Applications, SLAs & Helpdesk services. The infrastructure component of NeGP-A at SDC/ NDCs DRs shall be monitored by EMS. Appnomic + SCOM (Microsoft) have been used as EMS in Pilot phase at Central DC Delhi, seven SDCs and for DRs of all locations at NDC, Pune. EMS is being used for: Application Performance management, • SLA monitoring • Monitoring Helpdesk services to the CAP & SAP users Bidders will be required to offer an EMS solution for carrying out tasks as stated above. They will be required to integrate their solution with the one already deployed as part of the Pilot phase deployment, so that DAC gets a unified dashboard and monitoring solution of the entire NeGP-A project. Complete information and assistance to the IA will be provided by M/S HP Sales India Pvt. Ltd, IA for pilot phase implementation, in this regard. In case IA is not able to integrate its solution with existing EMS using the solution provided by it in the bid, then the IA will incur all related expenditure for real / virtual hardware & software tools to make such unified dashboard work. Backup and Restore The data backup is performed as part of schedule task and is encrypted to ensure safeguard against data theft. Automated backup & restore Components of Agriculture MMP solution will DAC 79 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout take backup of required content like application code/executables, data, content etc. and restore whenever required (e.g. in the event of a disaster). System Administration Tool Agriculture MMP solution will have system administration tool for application maintenance, providing following functionality: Applying operating system updates, patches, and configuration changes etc. Incorporate changes in the services without triggering changes in core processes and the Centre / State / District Agriculture Department and Attached offices Enable applicant to keep a constant track of the application at various levels of service processing Enable administration to monitor all aspects of the service delivery and meet the reporting requirement at all levels of the department pertaining to the selected service Administrators can remove contents using this functionality of the application. Service Registry and Repository Should be UDDI v3 Compliant Should support SOA policy management Should support management of SOA infrastructure/ Assets Should support storing of WSDL files, XSD, Policy documents and XML files Should support workflow capability. 5.6.2 Solution Deployment Architecture Figure 4 below depicts the deployment architecture of the Agriculture MMP. The system would leverage on the various existing applications and provide a common service interface to the farmers, citizens and various other stakeholders. There would be service level interactions between end users, existing applications and external systems (via the gateway interface). The system usage would be based on the typical client-server request/response model. Citizens and CSCs would interact with the Central / State portal via standard service interface. The model will effectively encapsulate all legacy system and external system interfaces. DAC 80 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout The operators of CSCs / KCCs should get authenticated before the access to the application is made available. The CSCs / KCCs are to post the request for service and deliver services interfacing with the applications centrally hosted or connected through the State Data Centre. The deployment architecture is based on the philosophy that State matters/application/services would be hosted in SDC and Centre would leverage the services of the State on demand basis. The State portal would host all the State level services to the farmers and citizens through a common gateway. The model is built around multi-layer request response model. The State will have the flexibility of consuming the services of the Centre on demand basis. Disaster Recovery, RTO & RPO would be covered under BCP which is a part of NIC's scope. However, IA has to provide DR solution capable of host based replication for all the identified states and UTs. The replication between SDCs & NIC NDCs for DR would be in the scope of IA. The disaster recovery site of State Data Centre should ensure maximum availability of services to all end users. The IA would be required to plan DR drills and undertake rollover of DC to DR at least once in a quarter and roll back to DC in close coordination with NIC, DAC and State Departments. IA shall also provide the replication and BCP solution for maximum availability. The DC for the Centre is located at NIC Data Center Shastri Park, Delhi with its DR at NIC National Data Center, Pune. Locations for DRs of all Rollout State Data Centers are given as under: NIC DRs Delhi-NDC 1. West Bengal State SDCs 2. Orissa 3. Andhra Pradesh 4. Bihar 5. Meghalaya Hyderabad -NDC Pune- NDC BhubaneswarNDC 1. Gujarat(existing 1. Tamil ) Nadu 2. Rajasthan 2. Uttar 3. Punjab Prades h The deployment architecture must employ private cloud principles. Every SDC will have its own Additional Domain Controller for Active directory which will be made to join root domain ( at Central DC, Delhi and AD replication will be required to be established between the two. Establishing communications (through existing WAN DAC 81 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout connectivity like NKN/ISPs) between Central DC at NDC Shastri Park, New Delhi and the SDCs of rollout States/UTs will be that of IA. Similarly communications will also be established between all primary and their corresponding secondary (DR) sites by the IA by getting required ports opened and application of necessary policies on firewalls/routers at SDCs and NDCs. This would require detailed coordination with NIC and M/S HP Sales India Pvt. Ltd., the IA for the Pilot Phase. DAC and respective States will extend full support to the IA in these activities. Figure 4: Solution Deployment Architecture Central Data Cenre Mass Media Internet Firewall/Proxy IVRS WAN Database Server Central Portal Application Server Central disaster Recovery WAN DB server State Data Centre 1 IVRS DB Server State Data Centre 2 IVRS Internet Mass Media Mass Media State Portal State Portal Firewall/Proxy Firewall/Proxy Internet Mobile Mobile Application Server CSC Application Server CSC SWAN KCC Database Server KCC Database Server SWAN SCC SCC Private Kiosk Private Kiosk DAC 82 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 5.6.3 Network Deployment Architecture Figure 5 below shows the network deployment architecture for Agriculture MMP solution. The users from various offices &CSCs would connect to State data Centre through SWAN. Besides CSCs/KCCs, user can also access the State portal through internet. The CSCs can exist at DHQ level, SHQ level and Block level. This ensures a structured flow of information from State to Block/Taluka. Figure 5: Network Deployment Architecture DAC 83 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 5.7 Capacity Building and Change Management Requirements 5.7.1 Change Requirements The change requirements i.e. the areas which are likely to change as a result of the implementation of Agriculture MMP would range from Service Delivery, Technology, Communication Plan, to Institutional Setup. A discussion on each of these is as follows. Service Delivery The primary focus area for Agriculture MMP is end to end service delivery of prioritized 22 services and this would involve major changes in the way these services are being delivered presently. The change requirements in this area are identified as: 1. Service Orientation DAC 84 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 2. Content, Format and Frequency 3. Level of Localization, Customization and Personalization 4. Delivery Channels, and 5. Service Levels Service Orientation Presently, the departments both at Centre and State focus on various schemes and programs implemented by them. However in the Agriculture MMP, the focus is on delivery of services / information to end users electronically. This implies a large change in the way the departments are functioning. During the Phase I of the project, key needs of the stakeholders that needed to be addressed on an urgent basis were identified and core services were prioritized which also formed the basis of the project design during Phase II of the project. As a change requirement for the future, it would be critical for all the Government departments involved in agriculture sector to change their view from a scheme orientation to a service orientation. This means that the Government officials need to look at the ‘big picture’ or take a holistic view of service being delivered through a number of offices, functions and geographic locations for each of the identified services. This calls for an effective communication strategy which details out the changing roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders at the Central and State Government levels with regards to service delivery to the farmers and businesses. In addition, the Government is also a service provider to other functions within the Government, therefore reporting, monitoring and evaluation should be looked in purview of the service itself and not as a standalone activity which needs to be completed as part of office responsibilities. Content, Format and Frequency A majority of the eighteen services focus on providing information to farmers. This necessitates that the information / content is available as per their requirements, in a format they easily understand and at a frequency at which they expect it to be delivered / revised. Currently the content, format and frequency of services are driven primarily by State level processes which vary from State to State. From a change requirement perspective, it would be critical for the Government functionaries to agree upon and commit themselves to standardized quality of content, standardized formats and standardized frequency of dissemination /updation. DAC 85 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout This change requirement calls for development of formats which can be easily replicated across States (with mutual concurrence of each State). Furthermore, to standardize the content in these formats, it should be well communicated, monitored and controlled by relevant authorities at the Central and State level. Frequency of the service delivery is envisaged to be variable across the States, therefore as a change requirement; the States should be in a position to identify the frequency at which they would be able to meet the requirements of the end beneficiaries. As an overall control mechanism to this proposed change it would be required that nodal agencies both at the Central and State level outline and define responsibilities that would ensure standardization in content, format and frequency of service delivery, all with a view to provide the best service possible to the farmer or businesses. Service Levels The implementation of the proposed solution for the NeGP - A Project was envisaged to be taken up in an aggressive mode in the country with a pilot followed by national level roll-out through a Centrally Sponsored Scheme. Pilot phase has already been implemented in seven States (Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Jharkhand and Kerala) & in order to achieve this level of implementation, it is important to have strict service levels which are well administered, monitored and controlled. Currently due to a scheme orientation within the agriculture departments at the Central and State levels, service levels have neither been formulated with an impetus for effective service delivery nor from a compliance standpoint. With the onset of service orientation for service delivery, it would be required to develop service levels for different stakeholders, which are applicable and practical for them to be met during the implementation of the programme. These service levels would need to reflect the customer centricity as well as set the role and responsibilities for stakeholders in administering and monitoring them. As a broad classification, service levels need to be maintained for functional or domain related activities as well as technical service levels for ICT related areas. The proposed service levels need to be effectively communicated to the stakeholders in the proposed service delivery through a communication plan as well as, should be supported by a resistance management plan. DAC 86 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Technology In the proposed solution for Agriculture MMP the majority of change is seen to happen on the Information and Communication Technology front. This also indicates that the process, institutional and service delivery changes would be delivered effectively using the planned changes on the technology front. The following section identifies changes in the Information and Communication Technology domain to be on the following areas: 1. Integration 2. Standardization, and 3. Infrastructure Integration In the current scenario, the ICT initiatives for the agriculture sector in India are standalone in nature. This means that although the core intention to have an initiative is to provide a certain service to the farmer, the initiatives are not interlinked to provide an integrated service delivery. This is more so a reality when it comes to the State level initiatives. A big disadvantage to have distributed service delivery architecture is that the end beneficiary does not know the actual time it would take to deliver a service. In the proposed solution, an integrated approach has been adopted to provide solution to the farmers for service delivery. This is backed up by integrated applications that provide for end to end service delivery to the farmers and other stakeholders. This proposed change requirement calls for a radical change in the way the service is currently being delivered as well as capacity building for resources that would need to use the proposed solution. This capacity needs to be effectively built for identified stakeholders involved in the service delivery as in the proposed system multiple service delivery channels would be used to deliver the services. It also becomes critical that change must be managed at the backend before and during implementation of the proposed solution. Standardization A key assumption on which the roll-out of the Agriculture MMP rests is also the integration of existing initiatives of the Central and State Department of Agriculture; as well as any initiatives that have been planned for the future and would be along the same implementation plan as that of the MMP. This articulates a key change requirement of standardization of initiatives in DAC 87 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout terms of availability, scalability, security, interoperability, performance, maintainability and multi-lingual support. As stated in the previous section, the ICT initiatives in the agriculture sector are currently distributed and operate on a standalone basis. The proposed change requirement would lead to setting up and enforcement of standards across India for any ICT initiative intended to be rolled out by the Government departments at the Central and the State level. A key assumption in this proposed change requirement is the support from the selected IA or National Informatics Centre. NIC’s current efforts in the agriculture domain need to be integrated and future ICT initiatives must be based on standards so that they can be successfully incorporated in the proposed solution. To achieve this, the proposed project would need to build in for appropriate change management and communication methodology so that the existing initiatives are seamlessly integrated in the solution design and proposed initiatives are developed on the basis of standards that would provide flexibility for them to be integrated into the proposed solution as and when required. Infrastructure Another key change requirement with regards to the technology would be in terms of infrastructure. Currently a lot of the infrastructure has been provided on a need basis at the State and sub State level. This would need to be replaced by the service delivery driven influx and implementation of infrastructure at these levels. This would be required from a perspective of providing end to end service delivery to the farmers and businesses at the field level. Moreover, the Government departments would also require this infrastructure to process applications, maintain work flow and facilitate effective monitoring, evaluation and assessment of service delivery on a regular basis. Monitoring & Evaluation Mechanism At the States and UTs level, from a programme implementation standpoint it is critical to have in place a monitoring and evaluation mechanism that can provide the overall leadership and programme management skill set to the proposed MMP. Currently the monitoring and evaluation framework within the DAC provides for monitoring at the Central level through the office of the Joint Secretary (IT) and at the State level through the DAC 88 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Office of the Additional Director (IT). These mechanisms would need to be made much broader based on the requirements of the solution. Therefore as a change requirement it is essential to formulate Central Programme Management Unit (CPMU) at the Central level and State Project Management Unit (SPMU) at the State level to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation efforts for the project. Furthermore, awareness of these management units would need to be effectively communicated to the stakeholders at the Central and the State level. This calls for effective communication strategy and plans to be developed and communication to these stakeholders through awareness creation campaigns. Communication Plan Reaching a wider audience, including senior officials, means thinking broadly about what constitutes communication and how best to communicate. A first step is to define the means or "medium" one uses to reach out to employees. The medium should suit not only the audience but also the nature of the message. Media are not created equal, and research shows that success in reaching target audiences and implanting messages effectively varies widely. The following table illustrates a summary of the potential communication interventions at various levels: Table 7 Change Communication Plan Key Change Issues - - Message/Theme/Purpose Fear of redundancy - Changes in the new work - One – to – One Meetings among employees processes and systems Workshops Resistance of staff to - Reorientation of staff to new - Checklist of new work new service levels requirements Benefits to the employees - FAQs Reluctant to accept with introduction of new - Bulletin Boards external processes and systems - Government Orders Benefits to the citizens - Handbook processes and work methods - - service provider - Medium - Loss of control over - Workload balance and ease discretion of working on DAC - of New Procedures 89 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Key Change Issues procedures - Message/Theme/Purpose by - Medium Introduction to the proposed employees incentive scheme and its Reluctance to learn benefit new technology and - Communication processes proposed on the organizational structure - Addressing fears on outsourcing of activities - Ongoing communication support on technology and citizen service 5.7.2 Classification of stakeholders for training Stakeholders of the current project can be classified on the basis of level, role and agencies. This classification is done to group the stakeholders into bands for the purpose of identification of trainings. Officials have been classified into four bands as described below: Band A1: This band comprises of employees based at the Centre within the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation and attached offices. Band A2: This band comprises of top officials at the State level from all the participating States and resources from their field level attached offices. Additionally, representatives from the State Agricultural University setups would also form a part of this band. Band A3: The officers at the District level, who are primarily responsible for implementing the project at the District level and would be required at the front end for service delivery, would form a part of this band. Employees from this band will also act as trainers responsible for training of lower officials, transferred or new officials and conducting refresher courses. The training of VLEs at CSCs shall also be organised at District level to enable them for implementing NeGP-A initiatives. State will actively involve CSCs in implementing the G2C services effectively. Band A4: This band would consist of officials who will be involved in day-to-day activities at the ground level. This band comprises of various resources at the Block / Mandal and village levels. DAC 90 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout The resources in this band would be directly interfacing with the end beneficiaries on a day-today basis and would be required to facilitate the service delivery. These stakeholders would also require to be trained in all the aspects of service delivery as they would be representing the Agriculture MMP to the farmers and businesses at the village level. The below table articulates the classification of stakeholders at different levels, their entity relationship, officials in the band and the number of officials at the States and UTs. Table 8 Stakeholder Classification for Training Band Definition Entity Principal Secretary - Additional Secretary / Secretary Department of Agriculture Director Top level State officials who Department of approve at the State level / Commissioner 445 - Joint Director - Additional Director - Director (Fisheries) - Joint Direction (Fisheries) - the MIS reports and monitor / of Participants State would be using Fisheries A2 Number Designations Director 50 Additional (Fisheries) Pesticide / Fertilizer / Seed / Soil Testing - Assistant Director 174 Laboratory - CIPMC Plant Protection 27 Officer SAU - Officers AMFU - Scientist 42 / Principal Agriculture Officer DAC 52 91 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Band Definition Entity Number Designations - of Participants District Agriculture State Officer Department of - Sub Agriculture Agriculture Officer Divisional 945 Officials involved in day to day A3 monitoring and State - Department of Assistant Director (Fisheries) 472 Fisheries authorizing work at District MoWR level RMC - Assistant Engineer - Junior Engineer - Officials (1100 mandis) 2220 - x 2 people) - KVK Officers (439 KVKs in) x 1317 3 people Officials involved in day A4 - Block / Mandal to day State Agriculture Officers operational Department of - Village Level Extension work at Block / Agriculture Workers 12819 Mandal and Village levels Tentative Total number of trainees: 18,118 These numbers are tentative and payments will be made on the basesof total number of batches trainedby the IA. 6 Scope of Work for Implementation Agency NeGP-A aims at offering 12 Groups of Government to Citizen / Farmer (G2C or G2F), Government to Business (G2B) and Government to Government (G2G) agricultural services as DAC 92 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout defined in Section 5.3 of this RFP in an integrated manner through the Central Agriculture Portal (CAP) and State Agriculture Portals (SAPs). In pursuance to achieving the aim of NeGP-A, the Implementation Agencies to be selected through this RFP are required to implement its components -- Hardware, Network, Basic Training, System Software, and O&M - defined as a part of Scope of Work of this RFP in close coordination with other key stakeholders such as National Informatics Centre (NIC), State Agriculture Departments, State Agriculture Universities (SAUs) and any such agency either appointed by DAC or State Agriculture Departments towards fulfillment of aims and objectives of NeGP-A as outlined in this RFP in States & UTs. Broadly, NIC will be responsible for design, development, testing, integration, deployment and end-user training of all application software at the State level; State Agriculture Departments will be responsible for site readiness, data digitization and data entry, monitoring and supervision at State level; State Agriculture Universities (SAUs) will be responsible for content development and uploading. The detailed roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder are defined in Section 6.2 of this RFP. Implementation Agency, selected shall be responsible for implementation of scope of work as outlined below under NeGP-A Phase 2 in 4231 blocks in 466 of the 22 States & 07 UTs. It may be noted that each of these administrative headquarters may have multiple offices, where IA will be required to deliver and install end location items like PCs & printers etc. Exact number of such offices along with complete contact information will be made available to the IA on signing of the contract. The overall scope of work of selected IA shall include: S.No. Scope of Work Area Implementation Phase 1 Site Survey Description of Scope of Work & Deliverable IA must clearly understand DAC’s requirements at all levels – Centre, State, District and Block levels - and visit all the sites, coordinate with officials and gather the detailed requirements / gaps in site readiness to finalize the Site Survey Report. 2 Procurement, Supply, Key Deliverable:Site Readiness Report IA shall procure specified hardware, network components, system Installation software, other software, including desktops, workstations, Hand held and Configuration Devices, Pico Projectors, UPSs, Printers & Scanners, Servers, Storage Equipment, Routers, Switches, Touch Screen Kiosks etc. as tentatively DAC 93 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout detailed in the BoM in the RFP and as finalized in the agreement (to be signed) between DAC and the selected bidder. IA shall also install and configure the hardware, network equipment and associated software at all locations specified by DAC in the identified States/UTs and at DAC in Delhi / NCR. IA shall also coordinate with State or its designated agency and NIC for integration of hardware being installed at DAC offices with SWAN (where ever these offices already have SWAN connectivity). IA shall be responsible to ensure that all users in these field offices which have internet connectivity (through SWAN or otherwise) are able to access all their departmental &GoI websites/applications hosted in different SDCs and their respective DR sites. Wherever required due to multiple number of PC, Cable laying of the LAN is part of the site preparation to be done by the States and IA has to operationalize LAN after installing the switch. In case IA is not able to do so then reasons for the same will be mentioned in the ATP and signed by the site in-charge/official concerned. IA shall also be responsible for providing user manuals / technical documentation / Architecture / Diagrams / Routing Tables etc. for all the IT components for which it is responsible for implementation as a part of the scope of work of this RFP Key Deliverables – Hardware & Software, Supplied, Installed and Configured; Technical Documentation 3 Testing Acceptance and IA must build up an overall plan for testing and acceptance of all such equipment – Servers, Switches, Hand held Devices, Pico Projectors Desktops etc. - at all locations, in which specific methods and steps should be clearly indicated and got approved by DAC or Nodal Officer of respective State. The acceptance test plan will be defined by the IA, agreed and approved by DAC and shall include all the necessary steps to ensure complete functionality, operation and performance of the system. DAC 94 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout IA shall also be responsible for installing IT infrastructure at Mini/Adhoc-Data Centers in States where State Data centers have not become operational. 1. All levels of testing will be conducted at the installation sites. 2. Testing must demonstrate that the new systems satisfy the operational and technical performance criteria. 3. It is IA’s responsibility during the tests to evaluate and recommend any further changes to the infrastructure & application at no extra cost to DAC. Any recommendations for change will be discussed with DAC and the Stakeholder concerned – NIC or State Agri Dept. 4. IA must outline the methodology that will be used for testing. 5. IA must define various levels or types of testing that will be performed. 6. IA must provide necessary checklist/documentation that will be required for testing. 7. IA must describe how the testing methodologies will conform to the requirements. 8. IA must indicate how it will demonstrate to DAC or State Agri Dept. or its officials that all functions in the new system installed have been tested. 9. On completion of installation, configuration, testing, IA shall also be responsible for getting ATP report countersigned, of all locations at District and other lower level locations within a District from the District Agriculture officer. Similarly, for Divisional/Zonal, University, State and other similar levels above the District from the State Nodal officer. Key Deliverable – Acceptance Sign-Off Report 4 Basic Training Computer All states/UTs have been provided funds for establishing Computer Training Labs at the scale of one computer Training Lab for five districts. 20 Desktops per lab will be supplied and installed by IA in these training labs. IA shall provide 2 days (04 days in case of Linux as OS for Desktops) basic computer training to all identified Stakeholders at State, District DAC 95 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout and Block level. The training shall cover training on Operating System and Office Productivity Suite such as Open Office / MS-Office. IA shall finalize the content / modules for training in close coordination with DAC and get it approved before undertaking the training IA shall be responsible for preparing the detailed plan for training for each State and District in close concert with respective State Agri Dept. and DAC at least two weeks in advance before conducting the training. IA shall also be responsible for obtaining training feedback and getting sign-off on completion of training for each training undertaken. Key Deliverable – Training Completion Report 5. Coordination with Data center and DR sites HW will be deployed in respective SDCs and NIC, SDCs & NDCs three NDCs of NIC (for DRs). Implementation agency will be for Deployment, responsible for establishing communications between SDCs & NDCs by installation and using existing NIC connectivity (predominantly through NKN) by configuration of all getting requisite ports opened and implementation of appropriate SDCs/DRs HW policies on intervening firewalls and routers etc. so that seamless communication takes place between various components deployed at these centers. IA will be required to study existing IP schema at these sites and then plan communication strategy in consultation with NIC and local SDC operators or State Composite teams. DAC and local States will provide complete assistance in this, adhering to the procedures being followed by different SDCs and NDCs for such requests. IA will have to submit all such requests well in time and preferably in one go. Key Deliverable – Communication plan 6 Coordination with Coordination and facilitation with NIC for providing technical support NIC for Deployment, on hardware and Development, Customization, Configuration, Customization Configuration Configuration / Deployment, and Migration of Application (and Data) Software and and Go-Live of all services. of IA shall also be responsible for close coordination with Software Application Software Development Agency (NIC) for Deployment, Customization / and Go-Live Configuration and Configuration of Application Software and for achieving the “Go-Live” stage which will include online delivery of all DAC 96 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 12 Groups of services through a fully functional / operational solution meeting the SLAs defined as a part of this RFP. IA will facilitate / extend all support to NIC and State AgriDepartment or its appointed agency in migration of data and legacy applications / servers to newly developed applications / CAP / SAPs. Key Deliverables – Go-Live of all 12 Group of Services with fully functional Integrated IT solution including Central Agri Portal (CAP) and State Agri Portals (SAP) Operations and Maintenance Phase (O&M) 7 Operations & IA shall provide operational support and maintenance services for a Maintenance for 5 period of 60 months from the ‘Go-Live’ date for overall system years stabilization, IT infrastructure (all components) maintenance, system administration, security administration, network administration and end-user problem resolution (including support for Servers, Storage Unitand related equipment, any other hardware (including servers),Desktops, UPS, Printers, Scanners. The operational support shall ensure that the solution is functioning as intended and attending to all the problems associated in operation of the deployed system in close coordination with all key stakeholders including DAC, NIC, State DC Operator and State Agriculture Department. IA shall be responsible for solution uptime and for ensuring compliance to SLAs as defined in this RFP IA shall also be responsible for submitting periodic – weekly / monthly / quarterly reports – both system generated as well as adhoc ones on the status of compliance to the SLAs and share it with all key stakeholders of NeGP-A including DAC, NIC and State Agri Dept. IA shall be responsible for delivery of smooth services to end-users and shall undertake preventive maintenance for ensuring availability/ uptime of the solution so as to comply with the SLA requirements. Key Deliverables – Compliance to SLAs and Period Status Reports DAC 97 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 6 Security Policy and IA shall formulate and from time-to-time guide DAC, NIC and State Agri Network Department in regularly updating the Security Policy and Network Management Policy Management Policy for DAC and each of the States/UTs Key Deliverable – Security Policy and Network Management Policy document 7 Service Packs / IA shall be responsible for providing and installing updates / upgrades Patches / Updates / / patches within 15 days of release of such updates / upgrades / Upgrades patches on all systems. Key Deliverables – Timely updates / upgrades / patches 8 Warranty Support IA shall provide comprehensive onsite warranty for all products and services supplied by it. IA shall warrant that the systems and overall solution (excluding Application Software and Data/ Content) supplied shall have no defects arising from design or workmanship or any act or omission of the service provider. The warranty shall remain valid for a period of 60 months. In case of any defects or failure of any item, IA shall be responsible for its immediate replacement without any extra cost to DAC. 9 Migration from Once the State Data Centre becomes operational, IA shall be Mini/Adhoc Data responsible for seamless migration of the entire production Centre to State Data environment from each of the Mini/adhoc Data Centre to SDC without Centre any disruption of services to end-users. IA shall share the migration plan well in advance with all stakeholders and seek necessary approval, wherever required. 10 General Requirements IA shall Deploy support personnel / engineers to ensure the service level defined in the Service Level Agreement (SLA) IA shall maintain stock of required spares of hardware items at appropriate locations States/UTs for quick response time IA shall Supply, install, commission, test, operate and maintain the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure required as per tentative BOM given in Appendix III and the detailed technical specifications given in Appendix IV. DAC 98 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout IA shall prepare all required documentation with respect to licensing, diagrams, schematics, architectures, configuration, etc. at a central place which is to be accessible to designated State Agri official, DAC and NIC as and when required. Such documentation shall be maintained in both hard and soft copy along with version control etc. during entire project term and to be shared as and when required to DAC, State Agri units, NIC, etc. For the purposes of disaster recovery (DR), IA shall facilitate and undertake DR drill in accordance with NIC, DAC and States/UTs. Table 9 Number of Districts and Blocks S. No State Districts Blocks 1. J&K 22 136 2. Andhra Pradesh 13 170 3. Telangana 09 101 4. Punjab & Chandigarh 22 142 5. Gujrat 33 245 6. Arunachal Pradesh 16 94 7. Bihar 38 534 8. Haryana + Delhi 22 125 9. Sikkim 04 24 10. Manipur 09 60 11. Odisha 30 314 12. Nagaland 11 74 13. Chattisgarh 27 146 14. Tamilnadu +Puducherry 38 420 DAC 99 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 15. Uttarakhand 13 95 16. Rajasthan 33 249 17. Tripura 8 45 18. Meghalaya 11 39 19. UP 75 821 20. Mizoram 8 26 21. West Bengal 19 347 5 24 466 4231 22. Goa + Dadra Nagar + Diu Daman+ Lakshadweep Total Note. At every State/District/Block or other administrative headquarters, there will be multiple office locations where hardware items will have to be supplied and installed by the IA. Exact numbers, addresses and contact information of officials concerned for these offices will be provided to the contracted agency on signing of the agreement. However, prospective bidders may workout these on the ratio of offices which was there in the pilot phase (Total of 3610 sites against 07 State HQs, 16 SAUs, 187 District and 1865 Block HQs). To provide a broad overview of the IT infrastructure requirement at various levels across all states and UTs, a summary of all the items is provided in the tables below. For details please refer Bill of Material in Appendix III of this RFP. Table 10Hardware Norms Sl. 1. Item Access switch for users (24 Center State District Block - 1 1 - ports) 2. 8 Port Switch - 3. UPS 30 KVA - - - - 4. Desktop 210 20 per state and 5 3 1 20 per SAUs, DAC 100 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 20 per Training center (one Training Centre for 5 districts)& 06 desktop for one pilot Mandi per State 5. UPS (650 VA) 210 20 per state,20 5 3 2 1 1 1 per 2 per SAUs and 06 in pilot Mandi per State 6. Printer+ scanner (MFP) 210 5 per state &5 per university, 01 in pilot Mandi per State 7. Touch screen kiosk - - blocks 8. Hand Held Devices and Pico 5 to 6 Hand Projectors Held Devices for every Block and at least 2 Pico Projectors per Block 9. *Web server - 2 - - 10. *Application server - 2 - - 11. *Database server - 2 - - 12. Management server - 1 - - 13. Audio/Video Streaming Server 1 14. Portal Server 1 DAC 101 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 15. Blade Chassis - 1 - - 16. DNS / LDAP - 1 - - 17. SAN storage - 0 - - 18. Server Farm Access Switch - 1 - - 19. Fiber channel switch for SAN - 1 - - 20. Server load balancer - 1 - - 21. KVM switch 8 port - 1 - - *Includes for DR Based on the norms indicated above and number of districts and Blocks in each State, the total quantities of end user level hardware works out as follows: Quantities for the purpose of Bid Evaluation have been given in Appendix-III. Table 11 Indicative Total Quantity of field hardware S.No. Items QTY 1. Desktops 20562 2. UPS (650 VA) including for Kiosks with full backup 14808 3. UPS (650 VA) with half backup 4. Line Interactive (1KVA) UPS 5. Online 5 KVA UPS 6. Mono Printer and Scanner (MFP), at Block HQs 4231 + 727 Color Printer and Scanner (MFP), half the quantity at District HQs and above with the other half being Mono) 727 Touch Screen Kiosks (With Desktops) 2811 Switch 8 Port for District & Block HQ 4700 10. Switch 24 Ports for State HQ, Training Labs and Universities 166 7. 8. 9. 2796 29 295 DAC 102 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 11. Hand Held Devices (Tablets) 37300 12. Pico Projectors 11400 Table 12 Indicative Total Quantity of Servers Switches and System Software etc. SL No. Item Qty. 1. Servers for Mandis 29 2. OS for Mandi Servers in States (MS Server Std) 29 3. 1 KVA UPS for Mandis 29 4. Web /Application/AV/Portal/DNS&LDAP Servers 72 5. Database Servers 20 6. Management Servers 10 7. Blade Chassis 13 8. SAN Storage 6 9. Fiber Channel Switch for SAN (SAN Switch) 6 10. Server Farm Access Switch 10 11. Access Switch for Users (24 Ports) 10 12. Server Load Balancer 2 13. KVM Switch 8 port 10 14. Rack / passive Components 13 15. Microsoft Biztalk server 2013 Standard Edition Quantity as per the HW configuration of Application Integration Servers 16. Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std ( per 2 Proc) 102 17. Windows Server External Connector 10 18. Share Point Portal Server 2013 20 19. SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition (per 2 Core) Quantity as per the HW configuration of DB Servers 20. EMS (As per solution offered) 21. MS SharePoint 2013 Portal Standard CALs 6400 22. Windows Server CALs 6400 DAC 103 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Note: The Hardware equipment along with requisite software components mentioned in Bill of Material shall be delivered at the respective locations by the IA. The States may already have certain hardware components at various locations or some States may also have other intermediate level of offices (such as Sub divisional Office or Zonal Office or Sub Block Office), so accordingly there can be changes in the actual number of hardware components for various sites in the States. The number of the items mentioned in this RFP is indicative and rates finalizedwith finally selected Bidders shall only prevail. However, the extent of variation in the number of locations and quantities will be limited to ±25 %, though bid comparison will be done based on quantities indicated above or as indicated in revised BOM. Within this overall limit of ±25 %, variation in case of some items may be higher. DAC, in the interest of the project or because of any other need arising subsequently, at its own discretion, may order in-lieu or any new item(s), subject to a condition that the value of such item(s) shall be arrived at through permissible price discovery modes. Moreover the value of such items shall not exceed 5% of the contract value and will not give any undue benefit to the shortlisted bidder. For implementation of this project, SWAN network shall be used/ leveraged wherever it is available to provide connectivity to State Agriculture Departments at the State, District and Block levels. The procurement of all hardware, network equipment and system software shall be done by a Central Committee comprising the Government of India officers, Technical Experts & State Government representatives. However the delivery needs to be done at various offices in the identified States/UTs by IA. Also configuration (wherever applicable) of all such equipment shall be done at various locations provided in the bid. The quantity of system software intended to be procured is tentative and will be used for comparative purposes only. Exact numbers would however will be firmed up before signing of the contract. The number of User Access Licenses for LDAP has been calculated as 8500 for the entire project. Out of this, 2100 User Access licenses have already been procured for seven states in Phase 1. Balance 6400 may be procured as part of this RFP.This number is indicative and prices have been sought for making comparison on techno-commercial considerations. DAC will procure only the numbers as required for active application / database users out of the total users at Block / District DAC 104 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout / State and Centre as per a predetermined norm (e.g. one user at Block level, two users at District level etc.). Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFP, DAC may issue purchase orders for one or more items in a staggered manner as per its requirement/ site readiness. However, as far as possible, first major lot of the order of an item shall be placed not later than 5 months of the signing of the agreement. Additional Procurements Essence of the Agreement (to be signed with each IA) will cover fixing prices for Additional Procurement of hardware and software components for other requirements of Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) irrespective of volume of each order and total value of such orders in any other IT Project of MoA being implemented by it in the States & UTs, provided that DAC finds such rates reasonable at the time of getting such subsequent supply order(s) placed. However, the total value of Additional Procurement shall not exceed the CAPEX of the initial order value and quantity with respect to each such item shall not exceed 50% of initial respective quantities of every item. However, in case of Additional Procurement, delivery period and time limits & related conditions for attending & rectifying the defects during 5 years’ warranty period and penalties related thereto will be in keeping with the draft Agreement provisions. Thus, Additional Procurement shall entail supply, installation and support related obligations. Other obligations related to the Project such as SLA as contained in Schedule VIII & Help Desk etc. of the draft agreement, will not be applicable. Invoices in all such cases will be in the name of DAC and payments will be made to IA by or through DAC. Unless otherwise agreed, delivery timelines shall not be longer than what have been envisaged in this RFP. In the event of a bidder being unable to supply such hardware/software for Additional Procurement at the same price agreed under this RFP, an equivalent product equal to or exceeding original specifications will be supplied subject to the condition that such alternative OEM is from among equivalent OEMs as approved by the DAC. This Essence Clause shall be applicable notwithstanding anything else contained to the contrary in any other clause. VALIDITY OF RATES The prices finalized will be valid throughout the period of implementation. The prices of components can nevertheless go down due to global trend with respect to the OEM. However, such a reduction shall not be applied during the prescribed implementation period of 24 weeks or any delay therein (if further order to the DAC 105 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout manufacturer has been placed in time). For the purpose of reducing the rates prospectively, a reference will be made to changes in list prices of equivalent or, in the absence of an equivalent model, most economical next higher model (as available on the website of the OEM or otherwise to be provided by the OEM /other equivalent competitors as available in the market or on the web so that discounted prices can be worked out by comparing the prices on the date of this Agreement with those prevailing at the relevant point of time). Revised rates of all configurations and parts will be arrived at mutually by making proportional reduction from price lists. For this purpose, all (authenticated) current and then relevant price lists shall be provided by the IA to DAC. No increase in equipment prices will be allowed during the contract period except under the following circumstances: i. In respect of additional procurements to be made after the initial Supply Order or staggered procurements (e.g. in case of Pico Projectors and Hand Held Devices), increase in dollar-rupee conversion rate by more than 7.5%compared to the corresponding figure at the time of submission of bids, in case of imported items or items having imported components, as the case may be. However, prices offered as part of the Bid or negotiated thereafter and entered in the Agreement shall not be changed with respect to initial supply order. A reduction beyond 7.5% will be similarly considered for reducing the rates based on Dollar price list. While considering impact of Dollar variation beyond the threshold of 7.5%, change will be determined on the basis of Dollar variation beyond +/- 7.5%. Since in such situations List Prices and Dollar Variation shall both have an impact on arriving at modified price, the shortlisted Bidder will also give List Prices at the time of signing the Agreement as follows so as to arrive modified prices after considering impact of both factors: (a) In case of imported items, List Prices both in Dollars and Rupees (b) In case of items made or assembled in India, List Prices in Rupees except in case of those items which have an identical model internationally. In exception category under this point, List Prices in Dollars also will be considered. ii. Increase in Government taxes, duties and levies. DAC 106 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Supplier may, however, reduce rates further for any other major order in terms of this Agreement after prices are determined as provided for in this. The quantities of System software and CALs as specified below shall be used for evaluation purpose:Ser. Item ITEMS QTY No 1. Quantity As Application Server – Integration Microsoft Biz talk Standard Server Version 2013 ( per 2 core) per HW configuration of Integration Servers 2. Web Server External MS Connector 3. Share point Windows Server External Connector Portal MS Server 2013 SharePoint 10 Server 2013 4. 20 SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Quantity as RDBMS for Database Edition ( per 2 core) per Servers configuration HW of DB Servers 5. Identity AD access control CALs 6. Operating System – Standard (for Mandi Servers) Windows Server 6400 2012 Std.( per 2 Proc) 25 Microsoft Server 2012 7. Operating System 8. Windows CALs 2013 Share Point Std. (2 proc.) x 2 No. (Portal Sharepoint Server CALs) CALs DAC 2013 100 Std 6400 107 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 6.1 Project Schedule The proposed schedule for the project is as follows: Table 13 Project Schedule SR Activity Timeline Signing of agreement To IMPLEMENTATION 1 Site survey of DCs/DR Sites and end locations To + 04 weeks To + 08 weeks for Tablets & Pico 12 * Delivery of All the Equipment at all the offices Projectors To+ 10 weeks for all other equipment To + 14 weeks 3 Installation (including required software), Testing for Tablets & Pico Projectors &Acceptance of Data Center Components To + 16 for all other equipment 4 Installation (including required software) of End User Components & Acceptance by End Users To + 16 weeks 5 Training To + 20weeks 6 Pilot Run, User Acceptance Testing & Stabilization To + 24 weeks Go-Live + 7 Operations and Maintenance 5 years Note - Tois the date of initial Purchase Order subject to a stipulation that in case of end-user equipment i.e. Desktop, UPS, Kiosks, Hand Held Devices, Pico projectors and Printers) at different field locations, To will be reckoned from a date when location addresses have been given for such locations. However, for subsequent order under this RFP, starting date shall be the corresponding Purchase order date. * Additional three weeks will be allowed for about 10 States with order value of about 35% of the order. These States will be specifically mentioned in the Agreement. DAC 108 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout * Additional fiveweeks period will be allowed for J&K and North Eastern States for Delivery and Installation/ATP Key Stakeholders of the RFP and their roles & responsibilities Table 14 Stakeholders Roles & Responsibilities Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Coordinate and support delivery and installation of the hardware, network equipment and system software Provide sign-off to the IA on deliverables and milestones achieved Undertake an exercise of Testing and User Acceptance of the Agriculture MMP systems Exercise its option to renew the project implementation with the existing IA or decide to undertake these activities on its own at the end of the specified project implementation period Make payments to the selected IA within 30 days of receipt of invoice(s) and all necessary supporting documents Provide technical assistance to the States for effective implementation of the project State & UT Government Closely work with DAC to provide over all guidance in implementation and monitoring of Project across the State Data Digitization, Data Migration and Content management Ensuring service level adherence, implementation and sustainability of the State wide rollout Site preparation of Data Centers and State, District and Block level offices. Policy level support to develop a sustainable framework for regulation, promotion and ramp up of e-platform for G2G and G2F Systems Detail out implementation strategies, in case of time lag between SDC/SWAN and project implementation Providing horizontal connectivity from the deployment location to the SWAN network, if required. In cases, SWAN network is not available, broadband connectivity shall be provided DAC 109 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Coordinate and facilitate interactions between various stakeholders at the State/ District level for SRS finalization and application customization. Facilitate administrative readiness and e-readiness of the States/ Districts/ Blocks Build capacity of the staff and executive resources of the State/ District/ Block administration Conduct promotional campaigns through media like TV, radio, newspaper, conferences, seminars, public meetings, banners and posters etc. for creating awareness about transformation through e- Governance for the benefit of the farmers NIC Finalization of SRS after incorporating States suggestions, Solution design, Development, Coordination, testing and acceptance, Training, solution deployment, Implementation and support the State/UT level. Development of Technical and Operational manuals for the software applications. Adherence to service levels for Application performance as defined by DAC. Coordinate with the IA for deployment/ rollout of Application software, data migration, regular version upgrades, and security audit. Application deployment after customization Training of master trainers on application usage for further training of end users and VLEs. Support functions including help desk. Implementation Agency Shall conduct all activities with due care and diligence, in accordance with the Contract and with the skill and care expected of a competent provider of information technologies, information systems, support, maintenance, training, and other related services, or in accordance with best industry practices Shall conduct site survey at his own cost of all deployment locations including mini/adhoc Data Center and or State Data Center as required, especially with respect to the existing IP schema, availability of rack space, networking & Rack/PDUs compatibility. Prior approval from DAC must be obtained before any such visits. Such assessment report shall be submitted to DAC and State Agri Departments. Shall ensure that all personnel including technical resources being deployed on the project are skilled and are competent to execute the work. The technical resources, DAC 110 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout deployed for this project, not meeting the desired qualification or experience would be considered as Non-deployment of manpower and hence no quarterly payment would be released. Besides this it would attract other penal clauses as mentioned in this document. Supply & installation of Hardware & Networking Components and system software, Testing & Acceptance, Training, Implementation and Support during the Implementation and Post implementation phases of the project Migration of all components from mini / NIC Data center at States (wherever applicable) to respective SDCs when they are ready shall be done by the IA in coordination with the State Data Centre without any additional cost to DAC or state. (Please refer to details on state SDCs in point 10 above.) Testing of the hardware, network equipment and system software Impart Basic Computer training to all stakeholders. Handing over the complete know-how, documentation records, software logs and all such relevant items at the end of the contractual period. Shall provide & maintain all required documentation, reports, etc. to DAC, State Agri Department and NIC as and when required along with version control during entire project term. Design of IT Security Policy including Network Administration Policy and getting it approved from the DAC. Develop a detailed security policy for the solution implementation & maintenance. Implementing measures to ensure the overall security of the solution and confidentiality of the data. Produce and maintain system logs on the system for audit purposes during entire project term. Submit weekly/ monthly / quarterly progress reports to DAC, State Agri Departments, NIC, etc. Provide manpower support for HELP DESK functions at States. - Help Desk will be for IT services within the scope of the Implementing Agency. Physically helpdesk would be co-located with the NIC helpdesk - IA is not expected to provide a Toll Free Number or an IVRS. These will be made available by DAC at all locations on which end-users should be able to call and log their complaints. In addition, end-users should be able to log the complaint through email and a web based interface. DAC 111 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout - Languages - States - English and Vernacular language of the State. For e.g. Gujrat - English and Gujrati. 6.2 Testing & Acceptance The IA shall be responsible for ensuring the testing of the hardware, network equipment and system software. The IA shall obtain the sign-off from DAC and its designated officials for this purpose. The IA shall perform the testing of the solution based on the approved test plan, document the results and shall fix the issues found during the testing. A typical Acceptance plan is provided in Figure 6at the end of this sub section. DAC will undertake an exercise of Testing and User Acceptance of the Agriculture MMP systems (including integrated IT solution covering hardware, network, system software etc.) as soon as the IA declares the system to be ready for the exercise. Acceptance Criteria i. General The primary goal of Testing & Acceptance would be to ensure that the project meets requirements, standards, specifications and performance prescribed by the RFP by ensuring that the following are associated with clear, quantifiable metrics for accountability: a. Availability b. Performance c. Security d. Manageability e. Standards & Protocols ii. The project is to be designed to meet all functional, non-functional and management requirements as mentioned in the RFP. i. Performance Performance is that aspect of service, which is measured in terms of throughput and latency. Higher throughput and lower latency values represent good performance of a DAC 112 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout service. Throughput represents the number of service requests served. Latency is the round-trip time between sending a request and receiving the response. ii. This test process will include the following activities: a. Determination of performance metrics b. Designing performance tests c. Development of workload d. Performance testing e. Determining final performance figures. f. iii. Communication of final results to all stakeholders Final output of this process would be a sizing guide for the solution tested. The sizing guide will document the details of the performance tests, test data, bottlenecks identified, alternate solutions provided, and the final performance data. i. Availability High Availability is a key requirement. The project must provide employees with timely, continuous access to information - all day, every day. The project must also be able to rebound or recover from any planned or unplanned system downtime, ensuring a minimal impact on the operations. ii. Availability is the quality aspect of whether the service is present or ready for immediate use. Availability represents the probability that a service is available. Larger values represent that the service is always ready to use while smaller values indicate unpredictability of whether the service will be available at a particular time. iii. Also associated with availability is mean time-to-repair (MTTR). MTTR represents the time it takes to repair a service that has failed. Ideally smaller values of MTTR are desirable. iv. The availability test would include the following activities a. Designing test for high availability testing b. Execution of high-availability tests c. Assessment of transaction/data losses in relation to Disaster d. Recovery system e. Communication of final results to all stakeholders DAC 113 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout i. Security Security is the aspect of the service of providing confidentiality and non -repudiation by authenticating the parties involved, encrypting messages, and providing access control. The applications can have different approaches and levels of providing security, depending on the service requester. ii. Security Process will include a. Audit of Network, Server and Application security mechanisms(Network Audit is not in the scope of work of IA. IA has to make all the logs available and facilitate any 3rd party Audit) b. Assessmentof authentication mechanism provided in theapplication/Components/modules c. Assessment of data encryption mechanism d. Assessment of data access privileges, retention periods and archival mechanisms Final outcome of this process would be a comprehensive audit report including all the Network, Server and Application security features incorporated in the NeGP - A Project. Manageability Manageability needs to be a crucial aspect of an Enterprise Solution. IA has to ensure that the solution deployed has adequate monitoring and tracking features for measuring the utilization and availability of resources. This includes: i. Remote monitoring of Status and Statistics of all high -level Components ii. Management capability to start/stop/restart services and systems iii. Auto discovery of all Components manageable iv. Auto discovery of all other system Components v. Ability to track changes in configuration of the system Components to help track service vi. System disruptions DAC 114 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Figure 6: Acceptance Testing Plan Start H/w Installation Yes Power-on test done No Trouble shooting done No Replace H/w Yes Equipment configuration test NIC No Post Link Commissioning H/w Test H/w adequately configured Reconfigured Yes S/w Problem Yes Link Commissioning Identification of Bottleneck & Resolution No Availability of Connectivity Coordination with Service Provider No Problem Identificatio n Stop Yes Yes Bandwidth Problem Integration with the H/w No Report Formation No Check N/w Conformity Problem Identification Problem Identification No Yes Yes Acceptance test on N/w DAC 115 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 6.3 Deployment Support 6.3.1 Training & Change Management The IA is required to train the identified technical and end-user staff to enable them to effectively operate the system. The training provided by the IA shall cover Basic Computer Training for the officials of the State departments. This will cover PC, UPS, MFP, Tablet PC and Pico Projector. Deliverables: i. Development & Implementation of Training Plan ii. Acceptance & sign-off on the training from the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Training Requirements Based on the bands created, the training plan is proposed to capture the need and requirement of skill and capacity enhancement of the identified stakeholders. Also, at the same time based on the functional change in the working of Government officials, a need assessment was taken up to identify the training need requirement at the various levels. The table below describes the key functional roles for the identified bands along with trainings identified. Table 15 Training Requirements Band Trainings Number of Days Location A2 Basic Computer Training 2 State A3& A4 Basic Computer Training 2 District / Block Table 16 Training Needs - Basic Computer Training Band A2 Level State Estimated no. of Trainees/ Number of trainees Batch Training Days* 790 20 2/4 DAC Location State 116 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Band A3 & A4 Level Estimated no. of Trainees/ Number of trainees Batch Training Days* District / Block 20 18094 2/4 Location District / Block The Basic computer training shall include basics about computer, configuring and installing devices, Internet usage, email, Operating Systems and Office Productivity Suite In case Linux is provided as OS platform for desktop, 4 days of end-user training shall be provided to users. In States where use of Linux has been adopted as a State Policy – For e.g. Kerala – Only 2 days of end-user training to be provided. In case of all Desktop and Tablets OS, dedicated telephonic support (9 AM to 6 PM, Mondays to Saturdays), web-based & email support are required to be provided by the IA either through: (i) Desktop OEM; OR (ii) Through Operating System OEM / a reputed Technical Support Provider (TSP) (the term TSP will be applicable in case of Open Source software). Basic Computer Training Basic Computer Training is envisaged to acquaint the officials with basic functioning of computers, Tablets and Pico projectors and its application. Concerted effort will be directed toward providing exposure of computers and these devices especially to ground level functionaries. The Basic computer training shall include Basics about the devices, Configuring and installing devices, Internet usage, email, Taking good quality photographs and Operating Systems and Office Productivity Suite. In case the bidder is proposing Linux operating system in Desktops, the training period shall not be less than four (4) days. For all these training programs the IA has to provide necessary course material, user manuals, troubleshooting manuals and system admin manuals to the trainees for their keep. DAC will have option to increase or decrease strength/duration of training or workshop. Number of participants per batch may also vary. The IA also has to ensure feedback is obtained from the participants at the end of training. The participant feedback shall be used to impose any DAC 117 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout penalties as described in the SLA section in this RFP. The IA shall design suitable training feedback forms and get a sign off on the same from DAC. It shall be the responsibility of the respective Government at the State/UT level to provide the necessary infrastructure such as the training labs, furniture, audio visual facility, snacks etc. to facilitate training programmes. 6.3.2 Systems Deployment Warranty The IA shall warrant that the systems and overall solution supplied to DAC shall have no defect arising from the design or workmanship or any act or omission. This warranty should also cover for any additional requirement that might come to the notice of DAC before the time of Go live. The period of warranty, up-gradation and updates for five years will start from ‘go- live’.In case of servers, storage and networking components, warranty support of 5 years shall be applicable with effect from the date which is 12 weeks after the date of installation and acceptance, whereas the warranty for Hand Held devices and Pico Projectors for three years will commence as per standard norms of the manufacturer viz. satisfactory operation of the device initially. 6.3.3 Managed IT Services The IA shall provide managed IT services for 5 years from the “Go-Live” date. This would include maintenance for hardware & system software updates / patches system administration, security administration, database administration, network administration and end-user problem resolution. The operational support will have to be provided, through a suitable Helpdesk system, to ensure that the solution is functioning as intended and that all problems associated with operation are resolved satisfactorily. The IA shall be responsible for the overall management of the NeGP - A IT Infrastructure including the software Components such as DB & NMS, AV etc. and related Hardware / Server Storage Infrastructure. The responsibilities include the following but at the same time not limited to the same. The IA shall be responsible for the maintenance & management and IT Infrastructure including security management, network management, server management, storage management etc. Following includes but not limited to the various activities to be performed by the IA during the maintenance of the solution. After the completion of the 5 year contract DAC along with the DAC 118 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout States may wish to avail the AMC services of the IA for another 3 years. The bidders should provide their financial quote for the 6th, 7th& 8th year of AMC in the FinancialBid form. Infrastructure Management This includes the design of an appropriate System Administration policy with precise definition of duties and adequate segregation of responsibilities and obtaining the approval for the same from DAC. System Administration includes the following activities: i. Overall management and administration of infrastructure solution including servers, networking & security Components, storage solution etc. ii. Performance tuning of the system as may be needed to comply with SLA requirements on a continuous basis. iii. Security management including monitoring security and intrusions into the solution. iv. Monitor and track server and network performance and take corrective actions to optimize the performance on a daily basis. v. System administration tasks such as managing the access control system, creating and managing users etc. vi. Data storage management activities including backup, restore and archival etc. vii. Attend to user request for assistance related to usage and management of the NeGP A solution. viii. Regular back-up copies of data are created and maintained safely ix. The IA shall maintain the adequate stocks of spares to meet the requirements. x. Whenever a component has to be replaced because of technical, functional, manufacturing or any other problem, it shall be replaced with a component of the same make and configuration. In case the component of same make and configuration is not available, the replacement shall conform to open standards and shall be of a higher configuration specifically approved by DAC. xi. Other important activities shall include but not limited to: a. Maintenance of system configuration b. Implementation of system security features c. Overall security of the network d. Tracking the servers performance and take remedial and preventive actions in case of problems e. Proper upkeep of storage media for taking backups DAC 119 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Network Management Services (for Network components being provided by IA) Design of Network Administration Policy and getting it approved from the DAC for effective and efficient management of Network resources. Network Administration would broadly include the following activities: i. Network devices configuration, management and tuning for optimum performance if required ii. Tracking the network status, Availability and taking the remedial and preventive actions in case of problems iii. Network fault isolation and resolution iv. Monitoring of network performance and escalation of performance deterioration to concerned authorities and take remedial actions to resolve such issues v. Implementation/modification of network routing policies, IP addressing policy as required in consultation with the respective SDCs/DR sites. vi. Documentation related to network configuration, routing policies, IP addressing scheme etc. i. Information Security The IA is responsible for implementing measures to ensure the overall security of the solution and confidentiality of the data. The IA shall monitor production systems for events or activities, which might compromise (fraudulently or accidentally) the confidentiality, integrity or availability of the Services. This monitoring shall be through the security controls including: a. Real-time intrusion detection tools b. Audit review tools c. Manual processes ii. IA shall develop a detailed security policy for the solution implementation & maintenance. The security policy developed by the IA shall be updated to keep the security recommendations current and the same shall be implemented for the solution. iii. The IA with the co-operation of appropriate, appointed representatives of DAC, SDC operators and the participating departments will manage the response process to security incidents. The incident response process will seek to limit damage and may include the investigation of the incident and notification of the appropriate authorities. DAC 120 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout A summary of all security incidents shall be made available to Nodal Officer, DAC on a weekly basis. Significant security incidents will be reported on a more immediate basis iv. The IA shall produce and maintain system audit logs on the system for a period agreed by the IA and the Nodal Officer, DAC, at which point they will be archived and stored at off-site or as desired by Nodal Officer, DAC. The IA will regularly review the audit logs for relevant security exceptions. Help Desk Support The IA shall provide support by all means to DAC/ its agency (NIC) operating the Help desk in providing effective support to users in their interactions with the solution. The setup would be run by NIC however the IA shall have to provide their experts of various IT infrastructures who shall work in liaison with the NIC helpdesk officials. The Helpdesk shall provide the information and service status tracking facilities to users. i. All interactions with user will be assigned a ticket number and the number will be made available to the user along with the identification of the agent without the client having to make a request in this regard, at the beginning of the interaction. ii. All interactions will be noted on system. The transactions shall also be monitored – both on line and off line - on a statistically appropriate sampling basis to assess service level as well as delivery effectiveness and for providing training/ feedback to agents. iii. All complaints/ grievances of user will be recorded and followed up for resolution if necessary in coordination with departments. The user will be kept informed of the progress of resolution and the final resolution. iv. Senior members of the help desk team shall contact the user on need basis. v. Solicit user satisfaction level from the user in call. vi. Conduct the user satisfaction surveys. vii. The help desk shall be available during working hrs on all working days of DAC and respective States. viii. The service shall be accessible in English and concerned State vernacular language. At State Agriculture Portals, repository content management system is to be created in local language along with English for disseminating information to farmers. Project Management The Agriculture MMP project is a multi-departmental initiative, its implementation is complex and can go out of control unless all the stakeholders, especially the IA designs and implements DAC 121 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout a comprehensive and effective project management methodology. The following requirements are therefore prescribed in this regard: i. Work Program The IA should design a detailed Project Plan, which should include the following Components: a. Project Organization and Management Plan b. Delivery and Installation Plan c. Communication Plan between SDCs and Central DC at Delhi and between SDCs & respective DRs. d. Testing Plan and Methodology e. Training Plan, Methodology and Training Details f. ii. Any other relevant items related to Program Development Program Implementation a. The IA shall: Assume responsibility of managing and monitoring the project as per the Indicative Time Schedule specified in this RFP, under the agency assigned by DAC as CPMU for the project Monitor the progress of data migrations as given out in the RFP in order to enable smooth transition to the new system b. The IA shall submit following reports to the CPMU: Monthly progress reports, summarizing: i. Results accomplished during the period ii. Cumulative deviations till date from schedule of progress on milestones as specified in RFP iii. Corrective actions to be taken to return to planned schedule of progress iv. Proposed revisions to planned schedule v. Other issues, outstanding problems and action proposed to be taken Interventions which the IA expects to be made by the CPMU and the actions to be taken before the next reporting period 6.3.4 Key Deliverables Implementation 1. Submission and finalization of Project Plan 2. Finalization of Escalation procedure/ process DAC 122 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 3. Submission of program level risk register & risk mitigation plan 4. Submission of Schedule of visits to site locations. 5. Finalization of formats/ templates for site survey and finalization of acceptance criteria 6. Roll-out checklist and plan 7. Finalization of templates, formats for various activities 8. Submission of optimal security & Network Management Policy and modifying them suitable as per the requirements of project at regular time interval. 9. Finalization of Issue resolution mechanism and deployment of Issue tracker tools Operational 10. Delivery and Certifications of deployment completion at each site given to bidder by concerned DAC official / third party 11. Installation and Commissioning of system at DC and DR sites and DAC office locations and signoff from DAC 12. Finalization of Testing Plan, Procedure and Testing Criteria 13. Testing report with fail / pass results and plan to fix the defects and sign off on acceptance from DAC 14. Training Content Development, Training plan 15. Completion of training and submission of training feedback reports from trainees 16. Documentation of application testing results 17. Acceptance & sign-off on the testing from the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation 18. Acceptance & sign-off on GO LIVE of the entire solution from the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation 19. Project performance reports. 6.3.5 Key resources to be deployed during Implementation & AMC period The IA shall Assume the responsibility of managing & monitoring the project as per the timelines specified in the RFP. Depute one person as Program Manager who would be single point of contact for this project during the contract period. He/ She should have relevant certifications & appropriate authority to take decisions for smooth & early completion of work. He/ She shall be on the direct payrolls of the selected IA and have direct experience in the relevant field in the organization DAC 123 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Depute one System Admin and a Project Manager-cum- Database Administrator at Pusa Software Development Center. They will act as coordinators for all DR sites at Delhi and also centrally manage DBA activities of all SDCs. He or she will work as part of the Helpdesk team already deployed as part of Pilot phase implementation by M/S HP Sales India Pvt. Ltd. at PusaKrishiVistarSadan, 3rd Floor. He should have relevant certification for the same and should possess a bachelor’s degree (B.E / MCA etc.) with minimum three years of experience in similar project work. Both System Admin and DBA shall be on the direct payrolls of the selected IA and should have direct experience in the relevant field in the organization. One System Admin (on direct payroll of the IA) and a Technical Support will be deployed for each SDC. They will be jointly responsible for managing all HW and System SW deployed in the SDC. IA Shall also be liable for all contractual obligations arising out of misconduct, acts or omissions of all the persons deployed by it. Note: The above manpower stated is minimum; IA may have to augment the manpowerkeeping SLAs in mind. 6.4 Systems Deployment 6.4.1 Handover Clause i. At the end of the specified project implementation period, DAC may exercise its option to renew the project implementation with the existing IA or decide to undertake these activities on its own. ii. If Handover is required to DAC / any other IA at the end of the existing project implementation period or otherwise, the existing IA would be responsible for handing over the complete know-how, documentation records, software logs and all such relevant items that may be necessary for the transition process. 6.4.2 End of Life clause The IA is expected to ensure that the hardware, software and network Components are supplied to DAC in line with the requirements as mentioned in the RFP. It is pertinent to note that if the Components quoted by the selected IA for system software, hardware and network are no longer produced by the OEMs, the IA will supply these Components that are at least equal or higher in performance to the Components quoted at the time of the biding. It is also DAC 124 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout pertinent to note that the new Components should be supplied from the same OEM and at no extra cost. DAC will pay no additional cost to the IA for the new / extra (system software, hardware, and network Components) required for the successful implementation of the project during the currency of the project. 6.5 Data Migration For migration of legacy data from existing to new application, the IA would provide all the support to the State Department and NIC. NIC will seek support from IA in data migration at various states and UTs, and may ask the IA to install / customize hardware if required. Migration would be the scope of NIC but the successful bidder needs to provide handholding support in facilitating Data Migration. Data Migration will be done on the basis of Data migration design and may involve executing & testing of actual scripts/code that would transfer data from source database to new database. The Scripts would be provided by NIC. The IA may need to do source and target data analysis. Mapping rules would be defined between the source data and target data. Each and every mapping would be assigned complexity and a detailed design based on the mapping requirements and complexity levels is defined. After this IA may need to implement actual coding with the help of migration tool, the tool would be provided by DAC / NIC. The IA needs to support in validation of mappings which were defined in the prior phase. The IA may have to support in installation of data migration tool which will extract or reads data which is provided in predefined formats, loads the data in the source database taking care of all the mappings and the rules defined. 6.6 Escalation Matrix The IA shall be required to raise the matter in writing to DAC in case of any Delays and revisions of programme. The same shall be done as per the following escalation matrix: Delay Activity Project Programme and Track Task Level Level Deliverable Level Level Causes Due to Department Go ahead, or other Operational Reasons One Week Two Weeks DAC 125 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Three Weeks Four Weeks The above proposed escalation matrix is indicative and has to be consistent with the administrative reporting structure of the Implementation team at various locations & DAC. 7 Service Levels This section outlines the operational requirements of NeGP-A project at State Government and UTs. It should be noted that the IA selected on a turnkey basis for implementing the solution, providing complete support during the warranty period and later providing the managed IT Services. The following table lists the summary of Operational Requirements: Table 17 Summary of Operational Requirements SN 1 2 Summary of Operational Requirement of Project IA shall implement and manage the Solution in accordance with the service levels defined for the project. IA shall coordinate and provide complete support to DAC in conducting the acceptance testing and certification. IA shall provide operational support and maintenance services for a period of 5 Years from the “Go-live” date for overall system stabilization, software and IT infrastructure 3 solution maintenance, system administration, security administration, database administration, network administration and end-user problem resolution. The operational support will have to ensure that the solution is functioning as intended and attending to all problems associated in operation of the application system. IA is required to train State and UT Government staffs, technical and end-user, 5 nominated to enable them to effectively operate the system. IA shall also be responsible for re-training the staff whenever changes are made in the software. DAC 126 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout IA shall prepare and provide to DAC & State Governments, documents including User 6 Manuals, Operational Manual, Maintenance Manuals, etc. as per acceptable standards. “Go Live” is the date as defined in this RFP Service level monitoring i. The Service Level parameters defined in Section 7 of the RFP shall be monitored on a periodic basis, as per the individual parameter requirements. The Service levels are defined separately for (i)implementation (Commissioning and Installation) Phase (ii) Operational phase. The implementation phase shall be applicable up to GO LIVE of the project. Operational phase shall commence from GO LIVE date and (iii) Service Level Objective (SLO) Phase. In addition to the services to be provided as per the SLA from the Go Live date, IA shall also provide services at every commissioned location after 12 weeks from the effective date till the date of commissioning of NeGP-A Phase-II. IA shall work towards achieving the parameters indicated in the SLA during the implementation period and such an endeavor by IA will be hereinafter referred to as Service Level Objective (SLO). Accomplishment of SLO shall be measured as follows: Adherence to MTTR as per time limits given in SLA shall be the crucial parameter for this purpose as measured every month. SLO implies that more than 80% of defects or failures in machines will be resolved within threshold time limits of MTTR in the first month. This cut-off percentage will be increased to 90% from the second month onwards till Go-live Date. Performance shall be measured month-wise from the date on which installations commence under NeGP-A. Subject to a maximum period of 3 months, warranty period of all products will be extended by such number of months as the ones in which any shortfall from SLO takes place. ii. The SLAs defined provide for minimum level of services required as per contractual obligations based on performance indicators and measurements thereof. The IA shall ensure provisioning of all required services while monitoring the performance of the DAC 127 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout same to effectively comply with the performance levels. IA shall deploy necessary SLA monitoring tools. iii. The services provided by IA shall be reviewed by DAC and DAC shall: a. Check performance of IA against this SLA over the review period and consider any key issues of past period’s performance statistics including major incidents, trends etc. b. Discuss escalated problems, new issues and matters still outstanding for resolution c. Review of statistics related to rectification of outstanding faults and agreed changes. d. Provide suggestions for changes to improve the service levels. iv. In case desired, DAC may initiate an interim review to check the performance and the obligations of the IA. v. DAC shall have the right to conduct random Quality of Service (QoS) Audits with respect to SLA or any other parameters at any time without prior notice. vi. In case of severe performance degradation of the system/services during the contract period, the Bidder will be expected to take immediate corrective action. In case issues are not rectified to the complete satisfaction of DAC within a reasonable period of time then DAC will have the right to take appropriate penalizing actions, including action as per Section 4.24.5 or even terminate the contract. vii. The IA shall submit reports on all the SLA defined in this section to DAC in accordance with agreed upon formats and reporting periods. DAC may ask IA to provide clarifications on these reports as well as the measurement tools and processes utilized by IA for reporting. DAC shall verify the accuracy of these reports by conducting audits on its own or by using the services of an external auditor. DAC should have full access to check the status /report at any time. The IA shall extend full cooperation for conducting such audits. viii. DAC reserves the right to re-visit SLAs at a later date based on learnings from past experience and stabilization of operations DAC 128 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout The IA shall comply with the SLA as defined below: Service metric parameters Base line Penalty on delay beyond Basis of measurement Baseline Installation and Commissioning In case of delay beyond the baseline, a penalty of 1 % of the value of the incomplete work To + 08 weeks for Tablets & Pico Delivery of all Equipment at all Projectors&To + 10 weeks for all other 1. locations equipment; from date of signing the contract of the relevant milestone per each week of delay shall be deducted Project Schedule and from the payment to the IA. Receipt in the format However, if the delay is specified in the RFP made good during installation time limit of 16 (18 in case of J&K and North East States) weeks from the date of Note: The total penalty charged on the IA shall not exceed 15 % of the total value of the contract. DAC 129 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Agreement, no penalty / liquidated damages (a) For components which have been delivered within T + 8 or T + 10 but not installed within T + 14 or T + 16 = 0.5% per week of the value of the components Installation (including required 2. which have not been software), Testing & Acceptance 14 (16 in case of J&K and North East installed within T + 14 of DC, DR Components& End States) weeks from date of signing the weeks. Project Schedule User components & Acceptance contract (b) by End Users office locations. delivered within T + 8 or T + Components not 10 but installed within T + 14 or T + 16 weeks (as the case may be) = No penalty. (c) Components not delivered in T + 8 or T + 10 and also not installed in T + I. Operational Phase (after Go-Live) SLA monitoring DAC 130 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 14 or T + 16 weeks respectively = liquidated damages of 1% per week beyond T + 14 or T + 16 weeks of the value of the components which have not been installed within T + 14 or T + 16 weeks. i. The Service Level parameters defined in this SLA shall be monitored State/UT-wise on a periodic basis, as per various parameters in the SLA consolidated on a six monthly basis for calculation of penalties, if any. ii. The SLAs defined provide for minimum level of services required as per contractual obligations based on performance indicators and measurements thereof. The IA shall ensure provisioning of all required services while monitoring the performance of the same to effectively comply with the performance levels. IA shall deploy necessary SLA monitoring tools. iii. The services provided by IA shall be reviewed by DAC and DAC shall: a. Check performance of IA against this SLA over the review period and consider any key issues of past period’s performance statistics including major incidents, trends etc. b. Discuss escalated problems, new issues and matters still outstanding for resolution c. Review of statistics related to rectification of outstanding faults and agreed changes. d. Provide suggestions for changes to improve the service levels. DAC 131 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout iv. In case desired, DAC may initiate an interim review to check the performance and the obligations of the IA. v. DAC shall have the right to conduct random Quality of Service (QoS) Audits with respect to SLA or any other parameters at any time without prior notice. vi. In case of severe performance degradation of the system/services during the contract period, the IA will be expected to take immediate corrective action. In case issues are not rectified to the complete satisfaction of DAC within a reasonable period of time then DAC will have the right to take appropriate penalizing actions as per this SLA, including action as per the following section in this agreement or even terminate the contract. vii. The IA shall submit reports on all the SLA parameters defined in this section to DAC in accordance with agreed upon formats and reporting periods. Copies of such reports shall also be submitted to the designated officer in the State Unit NIC, which is the software development agency. DAC may ask IA to provide clarifications on these reports as well as the measurement tools and processes utilized by IA for reporting. DAC shall verify the accuracy of these reports by conducting audits on its own or by using the services of an external auditor. DAC should have full access to check the status /report at any time. The IA shall extend full cooperation for conducting such audits. DAC has entered into a separate SLA with NIC and DAC, NIC and IA shall work together to resolve any SLA related issues, if any, between NIC and IA. viii. DAC reserves the right to re-visit SLAs at a later date based on learnings from past experience and stabilization of operations. However such changes shall be by mutual consent between the DAC and IA. II. Penalties i. In case SLA is not met as required by this Agreement, respective penalty would be collected from the IA for the respective deliverable or period as per the scheme indicated in this RFP. The penalties may be adjusted in the subsequent payments to the IA. DAC 132 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout ii. The matrix specifies three levels of performance, namely, Baseline, High performance Low Performance, and Breach. Table 18 Service Level Agreement SN. Service metric parameters Baseline Metric Credit Higher Performance Lower Performance Breach Metric Metric Metric Debit 98.75 to 99.0% -2 98.50 to 98.75% -5 98.25 to 98.50 -8 98.0 to 98.25 -12 97.5 to 98.0 -15 Credit Credit Basis of Measurement Operational phase 1 Availability of Servers, and Networking Components at State Data Centers & DR sites (both software and hardware) >= 99% 15 100% 17 DAC Measured using EMS on 24 x 7 x 365 Basis 133 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout SN. Service metric parameters Baseline Metric 2 MTTA (Meant Time to Attend) MTTR (Mean Time to Resolve) Server related issues at State Data Centers and DRs (both software and hardware) for Servers going down <=8 hours Credit 8 Higher Performance Lower Performance Breach Metric Metric Metric Debit 8 to 8.25 hours -1 8.25 to 8.5hours -2 8.5 to9 hours -4 9 to9.5 hours -6 9.5 to 10 hours -8 <=2 hours Credit Credit Basis of Measurement 9 Measured using EMS on 24 x 7 x 365 Basis. Average MTTA and MTTR will be assumed in equal proportion (i.e. 50:50). If actual movement of engineer is not needed due to nature of problem or engineer’s presence in the Data Centre only, only MTTR will apply. Note 1: Additional time of not more than 4 hours will be DAC 134 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout SN. Service metric parameters Baseline Metric Credit Higher Performance Lower Performance Breach Metric Metric Metric Credit Credit Basis of Measurement Debit considered for arranging the spares, logistics, travel, other & exigencies etc. 3 4 Availability of EMS (at SDCs& DRs only) Availability of Audit Log for DC-DR Replication >=98.5% >=98% 5 2 100% >=99% 7 4 >=98% >=97% DAC 3 1 97.5 to 98 % -1 97 to 97.5 % -2 96.5 to 97 % -3 96 to 96.5 % -4 95.5 to 96 % -5 96.5 to 97% -1 96 to 96.5% -2 95.5 to 96% -4 95 to 95.5% -6 94.5 to 95% -8 Measured using EMS on 24 x 7 x 365 Basis Logs generated by DB and hardware. 135 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout SN. Service metric parameters Baseline Metric Credit Higher Performance Lower Performance Breach Metric Metric Metric Credit Credit 3 to 3.5 hrs. 5 Resumption of operations from SDC to DR Site < 2 hrs. 10 < 1/2 hrs. 14 2 to 3 hrs. 8 Basis of Measurement Debit -1.5 3.5 to 4 hrs. -4 4 to 5 hrs. -6 5 to 6 hrs. -8 6 to 7 hrs. -10 D : (-3) D : 14 6 Desktop (incl. Mandi servers) (D), printer(P), kiosk (K), Tablet (T), Pico Projector (PP) and UPS (U) availability at all the locations D : 12U :8 >=98 % K: 4 P: 3 T: 5 PP: 4 U : (-2) U : 10 97.5 to 98% K:6 K : (- 1) T: 7 P: (-0.5) T: (-2) P :5 PP: (-2) 99 % D : (-5) PP: 5 97to 97.5% U : (-4) DAC Service is considered to be disrupted when users are unable to avail services required to be provided. If NIC Link is down, IA shall not be penalized. Logs provided from web based interface for logging complaints and user complaints registered by the Helpdesk measurable from the point of time when a user 136 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout SN. Service metric parameters Baseline Metric Credit Higher Performance Lower Performance Breach Metric Metric Metric Credit Credit Basis of Measurement Debit K : (- 2) P : (-1) registers a complaint T: (-3) PP: (-3) 96.5 to 97% D : (-8) U : (-6) K : (-3) P : (- 2) T: (-6) PP: (-6) 96 to 96.5% D : (-11) U : (-8) K : (- 4) P :(-4) T: (-8) DAC 137 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout SN. Service metric parameters Baseline Metric Credit Higher Performance Lower Performance Breach Metric Metric Metric Credit Credit Basis of Measurement Debit PP: (-8) 95.5 to 96% D : (-14) U : (-10) K : (- 6) P : (-5) T: (-10) PP:(-10) 7 Resumption of Desktop (D), UPS (U), Kiosk (K), Tablet (T), Pico Projector (PP) Printer (P) from any failure/ disruption ( included All locations 36 hrs D : 8U : 5 K:2 P:2 T: 3 PP: 2 All Locations < 24 hrs D : 10 D:6 U:7 U:3 K:3 P:3 All locations36 K : 2 to 44 hrs P:1 DAC D : (-2) 44 to 48 hours U : (-2) K:(- .75) P (-0.5) T: (-1) Logs provided from web based interface for logging complaints and user complaints registered by the 138 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout SN. Service metric parameters Baseline Metric faulty battery replacement of UPS) Credit Higher Performance Lower Performance Breach Metric Metric Metric Credit Credit Basis of Measurement Debit T: 4 T: 3 PP: (-1) PP: 3 PP: 2 D : (-3) (Credit/Debit points @ 1:1 between Urban and Rural) U : (-3) K: (-2) 48 to 60 P : (-1 ) T: (-2) PP: (-2) D : (-5) U : (-4) 60 to 72 hours K : (- 3) P : (-1.5) T: (-4) PP: (-4) 72 to 90 hours DAC D : (-7) U : (-5) Helpdesk measurable from the point of time when a user registers a complaint. Note 2: If a complaint is logged after 2 p.m. in rural locations and 4 p.m., time limit for rectifying the defect shall be extended to 1 p.m. on the second day after the date of logging Note 3: Start point for measuring time for replacing the batteries will be 139 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout SN. Service metric parameters Baseline Metric Credit Higher Performance Lower Performance Breach Metric Metric Metric Credit Credit Basis of Measurement Debit K : (- 4) P : (-2 ) T: (-5) PP: (-5) 8 Availability of System Administrator/ 99% 2 100% 3 98.5 to 99% DAC from the time when the engineer visits the site and determines that the batteries are defective. However, the engineer must visit the site within the indicated timelines. Thus, in case of replacement of batteries double the time limits will be applicable. -0.5 140 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout SN. Service metric parameters Baseline Metric Credit Higher Performance Lower Performance Breach Metric Metric Metric Debit 98 to 98.5% -1 Credit DBA/Tech Support at designated location on the basis of 9 x 6 hrs. per week and tech support for after office hours Credit Basis of Measurement -2 97.5 to 98% -3 Periodic Attendance/ MIS Reports. 97 to 97.5% -4 96.5 to 97% Total for operational phase 100 DAC 141 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Important Note: Note 1.Rural and Urban locations - The definition of Rural and Urban locations for the purpose of this Agreement shall be as per the Census of India definition part (a) only i.e. ‘All statutory places with a municipality, corporation, cantonment board or notified town area committee, etc. Note 2: Scheduled downtime at the instance of DAC or NIC shall be excluded for the purpose of calculating credit and debit. Credit Calculation, Penalty and Other Conditions Related To SlA i. In case SLAs are not met as required by this RFP, respective penalty would be imposed by deducting the penalty amount as applicable from the payment due to IA for the quarter. Various figures shall be aggregated for different States separately over every quarter and penalty shall be levied accordingly. ii. The IA would provide tool based monitoring and online system of reporting. The tools should have the capability so that DAC or its representative can log in anytime, without the knowledge of the IA, to see the status. Super User rights in this regard shall be available only with DAC and not with IA iii. All points assigned to IA’s account in a particular quarter will be computed as per the matrix and will then be accumulated to arrive at final score for a particular quarter. If the IA is able to achieve all the baseline performance levels in a quarter he will have a credit score of 100 for that particular quarter and hence he will be eligible for full quarterly payment. Any deficit below 100 will attract a penalty equal to the deficit points/ 100 * 275 lacs. For example: If the credit score total is 95, the penalty would be 5 % of 275lacs i.e. ` 13.75lacs. However, penalty in any quarter shall not exceed quarterly cash outflow to the IA subject to the overall capping of 5% of the Total Contract Value. iv. A material breach will occur in the following conditions DAC 142 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout a. Breach in SLA in more than 4 out of 14 parameters as mentioned in the above SLA matrix b. If the performance goes to severely negative level (i.e. below the median value for various parameters) for 2 or more parameters. c. A cumulative debit points of more than XX not considering the credit points. v. In case of Material Breach, DAC would have the right to impose penalty besides invoking Performance Bank Guarantee & terminating the contract. DAC 143 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Appendix I – Detailed List of Stakeholders Table 19: Detailed List of Stakeholders Classification Stakeholders Central Level Divisions of Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (DAC) Directorate of Extension Directorate of Marketing & Inspection (DMI) Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage (DPPQS) National Seeds Corporation (NSC) Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee (CIBRC) Regional Plant Protection & Quarantine Station (RPPQS) Central Insecticides Laboratory (CIL) Central Fertilizer Quality Control & Training Institute (CFQCTI) National Centre for Organic Farming (NCOF) State Farm Corporation of India (SFCI) National Seed Association of India (NSAI) National Institute of Agriculture Extension & Management (MANAGE) Fisheries Division, Department of Dairy and Animal Husbandry Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) Food Corporation of India (FCI) Jute Corporation of India DAC 144 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Classification Stakeholders Cotton Corporation of India Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) National Informatics Centre (NIC) Kisan Call Centre State Level Divisions of State Department of Agriculture Central Integrated Pest Management Centres (CIPMC) Locust Warning Organization (LWO) State Seeds Corporation State Seeds Certification Agency State Indian Meteorological Department Agro-Meteorological Forecasting Unit (AMFU) State Warehouse Corporation State Agriculture University (SAU) KrishiVigyanKendra (KVK) Extension Education Institutes Regulated Marketing Committees (RMC) State Agricultural Marketing Boards (SAMB) Directorate of Fisheries State Call Centres Soil Testing Laboratories DAC 145 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Classification Stakeholders Pesticide Testing Laboratories Fertilizer Testing Laboratories Seed Testing Laboratories Others Multi Commodity Exchange of India National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited Private Sector Manufacturers, Wholesalers & Dealers Importers and exporters of agriculture produce Traders and Buyers Agri Business Clinics & Centres DAC 146 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Appendix II –List of Services Table 20 List of Services S.No. Service Service Description This service aims at providing information on good agricultural practices, prevalent prices and availability in an area closest to the farmer, information on dealer network, quality control and assurance mechanism for Pesticides (including insecticides), Fertilisers and Information on Seeds. The service will also automate registration and licensing for Pesticides, 1 Fertilisers manufacturing and marketing of pesticides and fertilisers and process and of license to retail seeds, log sale transaction records for different seed Seeds varieties down to the District level, process registration of seed growers and certification of seeds, publicly display quality testing of the samples drawn for pesticides, fertilizers and seeds. It will also provide expert advice and grievance management related to pesticides, fertilisers and seeds through multiple service delivery channels to the farmers. This service aims at providing information on soil health conditions, Package of Practices suitable to the soil type, balanced use of fertilizers, automation of soil testing labs for quick dissemination of Providing 2 information soil health on results, soil surveys, organic farming, details of soil testing labs, expert advice and grievance management through multiple service delivery channels to the farmers. Farmers would be able to get information on recommended doses based on the recommendations of University or IISS formulae. Results of the front line demonstrations conducted on DAC 147 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout S.No. Service Service Description different crops for proving efficacy of soil health management would be listed for different agro climatic zones. Farmers will also be advised about right kind of seeds of the same crop or an alternative crop depending on expected yield and maturity period after considering soil condition and other agro-climatic parameters. This service aims at providing information on agronomic practices for different crops as per the recommendations of the Scientific Information crops, on farm and population, crop stand and monitoring of pests and diseases. Service would be provided through automation of dissemination of Good 3 calendar of activities from pre-sowing to harvesting stage of crop cycle. Best practices for each crop stage for management of plant machinery, training Institutions. Such practices would inform about the week by week information of pest roving survey, expert advice on different aspects Agricultural Practices (GAPs) of crop management and grievance management through multiple service delivery channels to the farmers. It will also provide information services addressing farm machinery availability, quality and guidance to farmers. It also aims to provide digital tool-kits to trainers and progressive farmers using ICT, and SMS based alerts on training calendar. In addition, the service aims at collecting, storing, indexing and disseminating information on Good Agricultural Practices generated by farmers, research institutions. This service aims at providing disaggregated District/Block level Information 4 on information in each agro-ecological sub-region on forecasted forecasted weather, agro-met advisory, SMS alerts for weather forecast and crop weather impact and grievance management through multiple service delivery channels to the farmers. DAC 148 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout S.No. Service Service Description Information prices, on This service aims at providing information on prices, including arrivals, minimum support prices (MSPs), SMS based information on MSPs, procurement points, 5 crop quality associated with MSP and historic prices. It will also and provide information on arrivals of different standardized commodities providing at the market yards, SMS alerts for prices, arrivals and commodity interaction indices, SMS alerts and expert advice on issues related to future prices platform and arrivals trends and mechanism for grievance management. It will also provide an e-platform for marketing of agricultural produce, SMS based alerts for buyers and sellers and details of transporters. Electronic 6 This service aims at providing information on certification procedure, certification for fees, competent authorities; automation of certification process on a exports & work flow basis, SMS based status alerts and mechanism for grievance imports management. This service aims at providing information on Marketing infrastructure at the Regulated Market Yards, Post-Harvest facilities available at the Information 7 on yards. marketing This service also aims at providing information on storage infrastructure infrastructure like availability, capacity and fees for storages / warehouses of both the private and public sector. This service will also address the information needs of the farmers on credit linkages. 8 Monitoring This service aims at providing information on schemes and programs implementation implemented at the State with respect to physical progress and fund / Evaluation of utilization, automation of issue and submission of utilization schemes certificate and mechanism for grievance management. It will also &programs provide information on list / categories of beneficiaries and will help DAC 149 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout S.No. Service Service Description remove duplication by codifying and linking them with Land Records database. This service will also provide the facility to common public and Government officials to search for relevant information using customizable queries. Monitoring mechanism for each scheme would be defined and the reports of the monitoring teams would be posted at the end of the scheduled work. Evaluation reports would be listed for different schemes for the past five evaluations. There would be calendar of activities listed for approaching and on-going evaluation work. This service aims at providing information on good practices for fish farming, efficient use of feed material etc., dealer network, quality 9 Information on control, fishermen safety, fish diseases, schemes for fishermen and fishery inputs fish production statistics, automation of fish seed grower registration, vessel registration, expert advice and mechanism for grievance management. This service aims at providing information on water release schedule, best practices on irrigation, web based interface for selection of beneficiaries under amended NREGA clause, information on ground Information 10 irrigation infrastructure on water, availability and viability of tube wells etc. in an area, water level in reservoirs and likely area of different crop mixes that can be irrigated from it, irrigation equipment, expert advice and mechanism for grievance management. The service would list the command area created planned and actually serviced at the end of each crop season under different projects including the Government Tube wells, Lift irrigation and Canal DAC 150 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout S.No. Service Service Description irrigation (including information on distribution network in a command area). Drought Relief This service will provide information on past / present trends and and management by linking with inputs from the States and expert bodies Management such as Space Application Centre, National Remote Sensing Centre, and Indian Meteorological Department etc. Drought Management Information System will also be upgraded to make it Tehsil centric and, if possible, convert the information to GIS. The service will provide a template for online submission of memorandum on drought relief under NCCF based on the manual of 11 drought management published by the Department. A template for the report of the Central Team would also be prepared for online submission of the report. Decision making tools would be backing the report for making recommendations. It will also provide relevant information through up-gradation of Drought Management Information System and linkages with efforts of Department of Space. 12 Livestock This service will provide information on livestock management related Management activities at the State level; It also aims to provide information and expert advisory on live-stock during normal circumstances and also during drought; it will also provide information on availability of fodder in the nearest region of the farmer. DAC 151 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Appendix III – Tentative Bill of Material Table 21Tentative Bill of Material (The numbers may undergo a change before final document as per bidders’ is frozen and bidders prepare their final bid sheet) Component QTY Specifications Servers for Mandis 29 As per specification in Appendix IV-L OS for Mandi Servers in States 29 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std 1 KVA UPS for Mandis 29 As per specification in Appendix IV-W Web Server 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-H Application Server 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-H Database Server 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-G Management Server 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-G Audio Video Streaming Server 10 As per specification in Appendix IVH Portal Server 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-H DNS / LDAP 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-H Blade Chassis 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-F SAN Storage 6 As per specification in Appendix IV-I Server Farm Access Switch 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-C Access Switch for Users (24 Ports) 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-D Fiber Channel Switch for SAN (SAN Switch) 6 Server Load Balancer 2 As per specification in Appendix IV-E KVM Switch 8 port 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-O 10 As per Telecommunication Infrastructure Standards Servers As per specification in Appendix IV-B Rack / passive Component System software at SDCs As per specification in Appendix IV-Q DAC 152 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Application Server integration Microsoft BizTalk Server Version 2013 Standard Edition ( per 2 core ) 20 * *Quantity to be calculated as per the HW configuration of Integration Servers 70 MS Windows Server 2012 Std. (2xProc) 10 Microsoft Windows Server External Connector Operating System Web server External Connector Share Point Portal Server 10 RDBMS Database Server MS SharePoint Server 2013 SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition 10* *Quantity to be calculated as per the HW configuration of DB Servers EMS ( As per solution offered) As per specification in Appendix IV-V DC- DR Replication ( As per solution offered) As per DC-DR Solution by bidders DRCs of States Data Base Server 10 Application Server/ Portal/ Web Server As per specification in Appendix IV-G As per specification in Appendix IV-H 22 Rack / passive Component Blade Chassis 3 As per Telecommunication Infrastructure Standards 3 As per specification in Appendix IV-F 32 MS Windows Server 2012 Std. (2xProc) System software at State DRCs Operating System RDBMS for Data Base SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition (per 2 core) 10* DAC *Quantity to be calculated as per the HW configuration of DB Servers 153 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Application Server Integration Microsoft BizTalk Server Version 2013 Standard (per 2 core) Share Point portal Server 20* *Quantity to be calculated as per the HW configuration of Integration Servers 10 MS SharePoint Server 2013 EMS ( As per solution offered) DC- DR Replication ( As per solution offered) As per DC-DR Solution by bidders Field or End Location Hardware Desktop 20562 UPS (650 VA) including for Kiosks with 60 minutes backup As per specification in Appendix IV-W 14808 UPS (650 VA) with 30 minutes backup As per specification in Appendix IV-W 2796 Line Interactive (1KVA) UPS Online 5 KVA UPS Mono Printer and Scanner (MFP), at Block HQs As per specification in Appendix IV-J 29 As per specification in Appendix IV-W 295 As per specification in Appendix IV-W 4231 + 727 As per specification in Appendix IV-K Color Printer and Scanner (MFP), half the quantity at District HQs and above with the other half being Mono) As per specification in Appendix IV-K 727 Touch Screen Kiosks (with Desktop) 2811 As per specification in Appendix IV-P Switch 8 Port for District & Block HQ 4700 As per specification in Appendix IV-M Switch 24 Ports for State HQ, Training Labs and Universities As per specification in Appendix IV-N 166 Hand Held Devices (Tablets)* 37300 As per specification in Appendix IV-T Pico Projectors* 11400 As per specification in Appendix IV-U DAC 154 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout *These Hand held Devices and Pico projectors will be procured over a period of next two to three years. These will also have a warranty for three years. Year wise procurement numbers is as under though it may undergo some change by the time of signing the Agreement. Pico Projectors in equal quantities in each year (i.e. 50% each in first two years) Hand Held Devices broadly in the ratio of 50:30:20 during next 3 years Subsequent supplies will be at equivalent or better specs prevalent at the relevant point of time in terms nearly same monetary value. The Purchaser may nevertheless also decide to procure the entire quantity in one go during initial purchase only. Note: Quantities of switches and Servers / MS Stack may undergo a change of more than + / - 25% based on actual requirement analysis at various end locations and projections of State level applications to be developed. However, comparison will be done based on the numbers given above. Manpower Support for DC Operations and Helpdesk Operations Table 22 Manpower Requirement Sl Details SDC Team Location* Organization Numbers and Role Working hours 9 AM to 6 PM SDC operations 1 DRs of five SDCs KrishiVistarSadanPusa, IA are at NDC Delhi. Delhi. One System Admin and a DBA cum Project manager will be provided by IA. 1 +1 each 2 DR Sites of DR sites at Pune & IA balance SDCs:Hyderabad - One System Admin 9 AM to 6 PM & one Tech support each to be provided for Pune & Hyderabad DR. Hyderabad- 03 Pune – 02 SDCs. DAC 155 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 3 4 System Admin SDCs at respective IA for State Data states. Suitable space Centers and complete physical infrastructure like furniture, desktops & phone line etc. will be made available by DAC 01System 9 AM to 6 PM administrator (should be proficient in English and local vernacular language of that state)per state Tech Support for SDCs at State Data states Centers 01 Tech support After normal (should be office hours proficient in English and local vernacular language of that state) per state respective IA Help Desk Operations 5 States& UTs SDCs or suitable place IAs to be identified by respective States. Complete physical infrastructure like furniture, desktops & phone line etc. will be made available by DAC 1 to 4 Help Desk 9 AM to 6 PM Operators depending on size of the State (should be proficient in English and local vernacular language of that state) per State. Comparison of bids will be done based on 35 operators on the whole. NOTE: The DC Operations support as well as Help Desk Support services may be provided from a remote location or located at the respective SDCs as per the procedures at the respective SDCs. The help Desk support shall work in tandem with the NIC help desk support and hence the IA shall coordinate with NIC in this matter. DAC 156 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout For all system software and RDBMS and deployment environment (excluding desktop OS and Office productivity suite covered separately elsewhere), in addition to the Helpdesk Support to be provided by the IA, a telephonic support from 9.00 AM to 8.00 PM and web-based/email support shall also be provided by the OEM of the relevant software or by a reputed Technical Support Provider (TSP), as the case may be). If at all it becomes necessary, expert(s) of the Software OEM / TSP will be deputed to the software development/customisation site to be specified by the DAC for assisting the software development team. The IA may also propose any other model for web-based / telephonic support for software required for development/customisation and deployment environment, subject to the prior satisfaction of DAC regarding reliability and continuity of such support. Appendix IV – Technical Specifications A. General Instructions i. All the hardware quoted under this RFP should be with comprehensive onsite warranty for a period of five years from the date of installation and acceptance and inclusive of all taxes, levies, service charges etc. In case of servers, storage and networking components, warranty support of 5 years shall be applicable with effect from the date which is 12 weeks after the date of installation and acceptance. Similarly, all Software including desktop operating system quoted under this project would include five year updates, patches etc. For all System Software, except OS for Desktops, it has been contracted in the Pilot Phase to provide one upgrade (next version) during the five years project period. The selected IA will be required to install these upgrades on all servers in SDCs & their respective DR sites, as and when these upgrades are made available. Price shall be inclusive of all taxes, levies, service charges etc. The upgrades and updates to be provided by the OEM of the respective software component shall ensure security, support, indemnification and quality of the update/upgrade. All the licenses provided for software development in the Pilot phase would be used for all the stages of SDLC. ii. All the products / equipment quoted for this project must have a published support and product launch road map for the next 5 years except for Office productivity suite. Such support and product launch roadmaps shall be supplied by the successful bidder to the DAC before signing the agreement DAC 157 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout iii. All hardware supplied under this RFP should be supplied with all standard fittings, accessories, cables, connector, etc. iv. All Hardware, software and solution should be supplied under this RFP shall support IPv4 and IPv6 so that migration from IPv4 to IPv6 can be done without additional cost. The migration from IPv4 to IPv6 would be done by the bidder at the instance of Client at any point of time during the currency of the project and at no additional cost v. The Bill of Quantity of SAN storage/switches, Load balancer, Blade Chases, KVM Switch & Firewall may vary depending on the respective SDC preparedness. vi. Racks and Passive components like PDUs, UTP cable and patch cords etc. have also not been specified for SDCs BOQ. Bidders are required to specify a lump sum amount per SDC. Payments for these will however be made on actuals, based on invoices/bills raised. vii. Drivers for all equipment and peripherals including printers and scanners shall be made available during the contract period. During Warranty period Firmware (including Bios) has to be upgraded free of cost. Note: One or more of the following technical specifications are subject to change before, during or after the Pre-Bid Meeting B. Fiber Channel Switch for SAN SAN Switch should have non-Blocking architecture Switch architecture must be configured with fully populated 16 FC Ports (and activated from day one) with upgradeable to 24 Fiber Channel ports (each with minimum port speed 8Gbps) The patch cords to be used to connect to the servers from the SAN Switch should be the responsibility of the SI and patch cords must of the same make. Should support multiple OS environment SAN switches should be configured in redundancy so that there would be no degradation in performance due to failure of SAN switch at any point of time The switch must support authentication when managing from GUI, console or telnet to prevent unauthorized access and must support Secure Shell (SSH) to provide additional security for Telnet sessions to the switch. Should have GUI/ web based Fabric Manager for administration and configuration DAC 158 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Should have inbuilt diagnostics features like Power onSelf-Test, FC trace route, FC Ping etc. The switch must be able to support port aggregation up to 4 physical Fiber Channel ports to provide aggregated links. Switch should protect existing device investments with auto-sensing 4, 8Gbps capabilities. All the ports should auto-negotiate to 8 Gb/ 4Gb FC speeds. SAN Switch should support Virtual Fabrics or equivalent feature SAN Switch should enable partitioning of a physical SAN into logical fabrics SAN Switch should enable isolation of logical fabrics by application SAN Switch should provide advanced zoning capabilities SAN Switch should allow performance monitoring capabilities SAN Switch should have support for web based management SAN Switch should support CLI Relevant S/w with Licenses for integration of Servers with Storage All necessary power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, etc. should be provided from day one to install SAN switch in the Data Centre The patch cords to connect all the physical ports of SAN Switch must be supplied from day one C. Server Farm Access Switch Should be NON BLOCKING Architecture Rack Mountable: Mountable in standard 19U rack. Particulars Specifications Interface /Slots 24 x 1 Gig Ethernet Base T Ethernet Ports 2 x dual speed 10 GE Base X ports 10 GE interface support 10GE direct attach passive copper minimum of 1-5 meters or above or full 10GBaseT inside datacenter Performance Packet forwarding rate should be 65 Mpps (64 bytes packet) DAC 159 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 88 Gbps switching fabric capacity 10K MAC Address support General Features Layer3 - with following support (RIPv1, v2, OSPFv2/v3, VRRP/HSRP, DHCP) Support Port Mirroring Support Port Trunking Link Aggregation IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) or equivalent Minimum 255 VLAN Support Port based network access control (802.1x) Support port security Traffic shaping and policing MAC Address security/MAC Address Notification support which allows for notification of new users added or removed. Management RS-232/RJ-45 Console port Easier Software upgrades through network, using FTP, TFTP, etc. Accessibility using Telnet, SSH, Console access. Easier Software upgrades through network, using FTP, TFTP, etc. SNMPv1, snmpv2/v3 DAC 160 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Configuration management through CLI, GUI based software utility and using web interfaces. GUI tools shall be provided. Event and system history logging functions shall be available. Support for Syslog Server required Switch should CPU utilization monitoring and Port description SSH v2,SNMP v1/v2c/v3,IGMP, RMON I, VLANs, GUI, Web based interface, Compatibility with network mgmt with auto discovery & management. Manageability on per port basis. Per-port broadcast, multicast, unicast storm control to prevent faulty end stations from degrading overall systems performance. Standards Static Routing IPv4 & IPv6 OSPF v2, OSPFv3 RIP v1,v2, ng /OSPF v3/equivalent HSRP /VRRP Spanning tree protocol IPv4 & IPv6 with full functionality Authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA), RADIUS, TACACS+, BPDU guard and root, MAC Address based port level filtering 802.1Qbg VEPA / 802.1Qbr / Hypervisor embedded vswitch/ VNLINK Or equivalent for Server Networking support in bare metal/para-virtualization IEEE 802.1AE Link Layer Encryption/ GRE tunnel/Port Based ACL DAC 161 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout IEEE 802.3x full duplex on 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX or 1000BASE-TXports IEEE 802.1d Spanning-Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1p class-of-service (CoS) prioritization IEEE 802.1Q VLAN IEEE 802.1s IEEE 802.1w IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T specification IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX specification Quality of Service The switches should support the aggregate QoS model by enabling classification, policing/metering & marking functions on a per-port basis at ingress and queuing/scheduling function at egress The switches should support QoS classification of incoming packets for QoS flows based on Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 fields. The switches should support identification of traffic based on Layer 3 ToS field – DSCP values. 8 QoS profiles Support for rate limiting with granularity of traffic flows. TFTP & SNTP/ NTP support, Compliant to Standards such as IEEE 802.1x, 802.1w, 802.1s, 802.3x, 802.1D, 802.1p, 802.1Q, 802.3ad, 802.3u, 802.3ab, 802.3z Power Supply Internal redundant power supply 230 Volt 50Hz input DAC 162 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Mounting 19” Rack mountable L3 features PIM Sparse Mode / Dense Mode/ Bi-directional PIM, IGMP v1, v2 / v3 ICMP support IPv6 support in hardware with delivered configuration along with IPv4 so that migration from IPv4 to IPv6 can be done at no additional cost Physical 19” Rack mountable All necessary power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, patch cords etc. should be provided to install Access switch in the Data Centre D. Access Switch for Users – 24 Ports Physical Specification Should be rack mountable with 24-port 10/100/1000Mbps and 2 dual speed 10 GE Base X ports Particulars Specifications Interface /Slots 24 x 1 Gig Ethernet Base T Ethernet Ports Should have 2 SFP Based Ports from Day 1 Performance Packet forwarding rate should be 35 Mpps (64 bytes packet) 50 Gbps switching fabric capacity 10K MAC Address support DAC 163 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout General Features Layer3 - with following support (RIPv1, v2, OSPFv2/v3, VRRP/HSRP, DHCP) Support Port Mirroring Support Port Trunking Link Aggregation IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) or equivalent Minimum 255 VLAN Support Port based network access control (802.1x) Support port security Traffic shaping and policing MAC Address security/MAC Address Notification support which allows for notification of new users added or removed. Management RS-232/RJ-45 Console port Easier Software upgrades through network, using FTP, TFTP, etc. Accessibility using Telnet, SSH, Console access. Easier Software upgrades through network, using FTP, TFTP, etc. SNMPv1, snmpv2/v3 Configuration management through CLI, GUI based software utility and using web interfaces. GUI tools shall be provided. Event and system history logging functions shall be available. DAC 164 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Support for Syslog Server required Switch should CPU utilization monitoring and Port description SSH v2,SNMP v1/v2c/v3,IGMP, RMON I, VLANs, GUI, Web based interface, Compatibility with network mgmt with auto discovery & management. Manageability on per port basis. Per-port broadcast, multicast, unicast storm control to prevent faulty end stations from degrading overall systems performance. Standards Static Routing IPv4 & IPv6 OSPF v2, OSPFv3 RIP v1, v2, ng/OSPF v3/Equivalent HSRP /VRRP Spanning tree protocol IPv4 & IPv6 with full functionality Authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA), RADIUS, TACACS+, BPDU guard and root, MAC Address based port level filtering 802.1Qbg VEPA / 802.1Qbr / Hypervisor embedded vswitch/ VNLINK Or equivalent for Server Networking support in bare metal/para-virtualization IEEE 802.1AE Link Layer Encryption/ GRE tunnel/Port Based ACL IEEE 802.3x full duplex on 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX or 1000BASE-TXports IEEE 802.1d Spanning-Tree Protocol DAC 165 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout IEEE 802.1p class-of-service (CoS) prioritization IEEE 802.1Q VLAN IEEE 802.1s IEEE 802.1w IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T specification IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX specification Quality of Service The switches should support the aggregate QoS model by enabling classification, policing/metering & marking functions on a per-port basis at ingress and queuing/scheduling function at egress The switches should support QoS classification of incoming packets for QoS flows based on Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 fields. The switches should support identification of traffic based on Layer 3 ToS field – DSCP values. 8 QoS profiles Support for rate limiting with granularity of traffic flows. TFTP & SNTP/ NTP support, Compliant to Standards such as IEEE 802.1x, 802.1w, 802.1s, 802.3x, 802.1D, 802.1p, 802.1Q, 802.3ad, 802.3u, 802.3ab, 802.3z Power Supply Internal redundant power supply 230 Volt 50Hz input Mounting 19” Rack mountable DAC 166 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout L3 features PIM Sparse Mode / Dense Mode/ Bi-directional PIM, IGMP v1, v2, / v3 ICMP support IPv6 support in hardware with delivered configuration along with IPv4 so that migration from IPv4 to IPv6 can be done at no additional cost Physical 19” Rack mountable All necessary power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, patch cords etc. should be provided to install Access switch in the Data Centre E. Server Load Balancer Architecture Load Balancer should be an ASIC based or multiple CPU based appliance for high performance Should support Dynamic routing protocols like OSPF, RIP1, RIP2 Load Balancing Features Minimum 8 x 10 Gig ports Ethernet Ports (bidder to supply appropriate type of ports matching with core switch or other devices being procured in this tender to avoid incompatibility among various devices) Should support 1 Million concurrent connections and scalable to 15 Million concurrent connections per second Should have support for HTTP caching The appliance should have 12 Gbps scalable to 24 Gbps throughput The appliance should have 6 Gbps SSL throughput scalable to 10 Gbps in same appliance The appliance should support 1000 Virtual services and 4000 servers Should support 20000 TPS with a minimum of 1024 bit SSL Should have 6Gbps of hardware compression support defaultscalable to 10 Gbps in same appliance Should have 16 GB RAM DAC 167 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Should support IPv6 and IPv4 Server Load Balancing Mechanism o o o Cyclic, Hash, Least numbers of users Weighted Cyclic, Least Amount of Traffic Response Time Redundancy Features o o o o Hardware level Redundancy Provision for SLB to work in Active-Active mode VRRP /or equivalent protocol support Segmentation / Virtualization support along with Resource Allocation and dedicated access control on per segment basis Routing Features: o Should support RIP, OSPF Server Load Balancing Features o o o o o o o o Server and Client process coexist UDP Stateless Service Failover Backup/Overflow Direct Server Return Client NAT Port Multiplexing-Virtual Ports to Real Ports Mapping DNS Load Balancing Load Balancing Applications o Application/ Web Server, MMS, RTSP, Streaming Media o DNS, FTP- ACTIVE & PASSIVE, REXEC, RSH, LDAP, RADIUS Content Intelligent SLB URL-Based SLB SLB should support below Management options o o o o HTTP/HTTPS Web Based Management TELNET/SSH command line interface Direct Command Line via console SNMP v1,2, 3 DAC 168 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout F. Blade Chassis Description Specification Chassis Single blade chassis should accommodate 7 or higher hot pluggable half height/width blades and must support two and four processor based blade of latest generation Should have the capability for installing all industry standard flavors of Windows and Linux/ Unix Operating Environments Should support virtualization environment. Software to allocate resources shall be bundled with the offer. Virtualization S/W should be capable of creating virtual H/W & S/W environment for providing independent instances of multi operating system environment along with required applications. Each virtual environment can be created, deleted without affecting applications running under other virtual environment DVD ROM can be internal or external, which can be shared by all the blades allowing remote installation of S/W and OS Two hot-plug, redundant 10 Gbps Managed Ethernet Switch with minimum 4 nos. of 10 Gbps uplink ports switch (to the external Ethernet at 10 Gbps auto negotiable). Two hot-plug redundant 8 Gbps Managed Fiber Channel Switch/Converged Network Adapter (CNA) with minimum 4 nos. of 8 Gbps uplink ports Support for Quad CPU and Dual CPU blades in the same enclosure Same enclosure should support X86 based blades Should support latest generation PCIe/Mezzanine card Pre failure alerts and error identification on Hard Disks, processor, memory, power Supplies, fans/blowers, switch modules, Architecture should be redundant without compromising the performance Blade Chassis should not be populated more than 50% from day one Support for Quad CPU and Dual CPU blades in the same enclosure (except in case of Delhi where only one Chassis has been sought to be purchased. If necessary, an extra Chassis shall be bought). DAC 169 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Should provide a highly reliable and high performance mid-plane/back-plane design in the blade enclosure. Should provide detailed technical information. Support simultaneous remote access for different servers in the enclosure. Should support simultaneous housing of Ethernet, FC interconnect fabrics offering Hot Pluggable & Redundancy as a feature Management Module Systems management and deployment tools to aid in Blade Server configuration and OS deployment System Management Port to allow simultaneous management access of multiple Blade Servers in the Chassis. GUI, console-based deployment server to set up multiple OS and application configurations Remote management should provide SSL encryption capabilities through internet Blade enclosure should local display for local management, troubleshooting and for health check Ability to monitor server performance over time Must have the ability to perform a hardware level (32 bit & 64 bit) measurement. Must also monitor CPU, I/O, Memory, Storage & Network Must have the ability to automatically trigger events and alerts based on performance issues or thresholds set Built-in KVM switch (Chassis should have provision of accommodating Optional redundant KVM switch) or virtual KVM feature over IP Dedicated management network port should have separate path for management Support heterogeneous environment: X86 CPU blades must be in same chassis with scope to run Win2008, Win2012 Server, Red Hat Linux, Suse Linux (having full-fledged support) Power Modules The enclosure should be populated fully with power supplies of the highest capacity available with the IA. Power supplies should support N+N or N+1 redundancy configuration Hot Swappable and redundant Cooling Unit, each blade enclosure should have a cooling subsystem consisting of redundant hot pluggable fans or blowers enabled with technologies for improved power consumption and acoustics. Hot Pluggable & Redundant Management Modules Should offer choice of a single phase or 3 phase power subsystem for flexibility in connecting to datacenter power enabled with technologies for lower power consumption Guaranteeing complete availability even on failure of any 2 power units across the enclosure. DAC 170 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Cooling Each blade enclosure should have a cooling subsystem consisting of redundant hot pluggable fans or blowers enabled with technologies for improved power consumption and acoustics Management Software Should be able to perform comprehensive system data collection and enable users to quickly produce detailed inventory reports for managed devices. Software should save the Reports for further analysis. Should provision for a single console to monitor multiple enclosures Should support simultaneous remote access for different servers in the enclosure Management Software Licenses for a fully populated Blade Enclosure should be given The software should provide Role-based (admin, user, operator, etc.) security which allows effective delegation of management responsibilities by giving systems administrator’s granular control. The management software should provide proactive notification of actual or impending component failure alerts. Should support automatic event handling that allows notification of failures via e-mail. Should be able to perform comprehensive system data collection and enable users to quickly produce detailed inventory reports for managed devices. Software should save the Reports in some format for further analysis. Should help to proactively identify out-of-date BIOS, drivers, and Server Management agents and enable the remote update of system software/firmware Components. Also it should be able to log the data over time for performance analysis or allow it to replay the same in a short time frame The server performance monitoring software should be able to detect, analyzes, and explain hardware bottlenecks. Also it should be able to log the data over time for performance analysis or allow it to replay the same in a short time frame. The Deployment software should provide for User friendly GUI/ console-based deployment to set up and install multiple OS and application configurations in individual blade server. The blade system should have the capability of managing all the blades in the Enclosures simultaneously capable of monitoring both physical and virtualized environments with single sign on capability for all devices in the enclosure Should be possible to manage the servers and get access to critical information about the health of the server from any remote location with just the help of a standard Web browser (Internet Explorer) DAC 171 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Should support 128 Bit SSL encryption Network Adapter supporting stateless TCP/IP offload, TCP Offload Engine (TOE), Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) and iSCSI protocols One 10/100 NIC dedicated for remote management. G. Database Server/ Management Server All devices, peripherals should be compatible with all operating systems (Linux and Windows). Servers and desktops should be compatible to both Windows and Linux. o The Server processor should have SPEC CPU2006 benchmarked with SPEC Rating score of 1200 (50% of SPECint_rate_base2006 plus 50% of SPECfp_rate_base2006 score) when tested on following configuration: Memory: 512 GB (32 x 16 GB 2Rx4 PC3-14900R-13, ECC) Disk Subsystem: 1 x 200 GB (or higher) SAS SSD, RAID 0 (or two disks with Raid 1) Software:Operating System: SUSE / Red Hat Linux Enterprise Server,default Compiler: C/C++: Version of Intel C++ Studio XE for Linux Auto Parallel: No, System State: Run level 3 (multi-user) Base Pointers: 32-bit Peak Pointers: 32/64-bit Other Software: Micro quill SmartHeap V10.0 Note: Two out of all DB servers shall be supplied with a processor having SPEC rating of 1350 (tested with 1 TB RAM), but with everything else remaining the same as above mentioned test configurations. It is clarified that these two servers (out of a toral of 20 DB Servers) also will be supplied with 256 GB RAM. o Processor should belong to a generation released in the year 2014for the relevant Server (viz. 4 sockets) available with vendor. o Support for either of 64bit Linux/UNIX/Windows Operating System with cluster support o The server should support flavors of Enterprise Windows or Enterprise Linux or Oracle Solaris Operating System or Enterprise Unix o The server should be supplied along with software utilities for System Configuration, OS Installation and System Information. Driver Software for all the adapters as per the Configuration and Operating System is required. DAC 172 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout o The server should support all 32-bit and 64-bit OS and applications. The server should be supplied along with software utilities for System Configuration, OS Installation and System Information. Driver Software for all the adapters as per the Configuration and Operating System is required. o RDBMS must provide following administration tools: o Notification services o Enterprise reporting services o Business intelligence (BI and DW are not part of current scope of RFP. However, tool(s) for reporting (MIS) and basic analytics (dash board) is/ are required) o Analysis services o Clustering o Failover support & must be in high availability o Management tools at no additional cost to the government The RDBMS must provide full use licenses & should allow hosting of other application on the same system. The system software must provide perpetual & full use licenses. The proposed software should be based on open standards. The Volume Manager and File system on the server should support heterogeneous Storage models from different OEMs. For Database cluster, the clustering software should support Operating systems quoted by the IA. In case clustering is not native feature of the database third party clustering software compatible with OS and database provided by IA Server Specifications: Form Factor Rack Should be configured with 2 Nos of minimum 8 Core Processors scalable to 4 processors Should be configured with minimum system memory of 256 GB RAM using 8GB or higher modules of latest generation available in the model with ECC and should support mirroring option Server should be scalable to 650 GB memory or higher System should support Windows Server Enterprise and Datacenter, Enterprise Linux/ Unix, VMware ESX Operating systems 2 x dual port 8 Gbps Fiber Channel HBA DAC 173 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout DVD-ROM Drive standard and External USB (DVD –Rom Drive standard-Within the Enclosure for Blades) RAID controller with RAID 0,1 and 5 with 512 MB or higher Battery Backed Write Cache (BBWC)/Flash Backed Write Cache (FBWC) with 48 hrs battery backup HDD: 2 Nos. of 300 GB 10Krpm Internal 2.5'' SAS HDDs, Hot-plug with Internal SAS Card with RAID levels 0,1 HDD: 2 x 300 GB 2.5” internal SAS Hot plug HDDs (10K or higher RPM) with Internal SAS Card with RAID levels 0,1 and 5 or 2 x 200 GB Hot Plug SSD SLC HDDs with RAID levels 0,1 and 5 implementation. If the latter option of 2x200 solid state drives (SSD - SLC) is used, the bidder shall supply at least 200 GB of additional usable storage on SAN for deficiency in each such Server having lesser HDD System should have o Rack: 2x1000BASE-T, 4XUSB, 1X Management LAN, 1xVGA port o 4 * 10 Gbps ports per server, embedded or on cards. All ports must be auto sensing for 10G/1G operations. Card level redundancy should be there o 2 * 8 Gbps HBA ports across separate cards. The available bandwidth on the server shall be 1 X 10Gbps for Ethernet and 1 X 8Gbps for FC with redundancy on separate cards. However, bidder also can provide the same solution on converged fabric. PCI/ PCIe / Mezz cards to be offered, PCI 2.0 compliant 1 DVD Drive N+1 Power Supply Redundant and Hot-pluggable Power Supply and Fan Module. (Within the enclosure for Blades) System should supports RAS features as ECC/Parity, Memory Mirroring, and Detailed LOG collection. The OS along with virtualization software to allocate resources shall be bundled with the offer. Virtualization S/W should be capable of creating virtual H/W & S/W environment for providing independent instances of supported/supplied operating system environment along with required applications. Each virtual environment can be created, deleted without affecting applications running under other virtual environment. Support for multi OS/Application software/Data Base like SQL/ Oracle/ DB2/ MySQl/ No SQl architectures etc. DAC 174 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout H. Web Server, Application Server, DNS / LDAP, Anti-Virus Server, Development & Portal Server specification Web based applications are easily accessible from any sort of the network, Intranet, internet or extranet. Therefore, Web server plays a vital role in Data Centre. The web servers would be used for web hosting for NEGP-A project. Hence servers with high availability, Load balancing facility must be provided. The Volume Manager and File system should support heterogeneous Storage models from different OEMs. Application Servers would be required as middle tier for various web based applications. Application server would take care of the necessary workflow and web server would be required for the interfacing with the end user. Both the web and app server would be seamlessly integrated to provide high availability and performance. With the use of server load balancers, user requests would be distributed among various Grouped/common servers. Using LDAP Services, the DAC administrator shall be able to define centralized authentication & authorization mechanisms for all NeGP-A Project users. It would also be able to associate policies such as security, management etc. on all Workstations/ Desktops and Servers from a central console. Many setups have multiple directory services that they must manage, such as one for sending e-mail, one for managing user accounts etc. The complexity of administering and using multiple accounts has a negative effect on the productivity of everyone involved. NeGP-A MMP Project will be having LDAP v3 compliant directory services that are the focal point of interoperability, security & manageability in a network. It would also enable central authentication thus enabling single sign-on (SSO) mechanism irrespective of Operating System at client end i.e. MS Windows, Linux etc. Centralised architecture at Data Centre should support Group for future up gradation. The solution required will be active-active configuration. Whenever solution will be used, bidder will not charge any cost during implementation. Therefore this user directory would enable easy manageability that is creation, modification and deletion of user records. It would further help to integrate with various other services like messaging, proxy, etc. The directory services should also be able to cater the requirements of the States/UT for Client workstations. It should support at least 4000 users in each Group. Hence servers with high availability, Grouping and load balancing facility must be provided. Solution must provide following features: DAC 175 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout User and Computer account policies such as blocking access / installation of programs and vulnerable ports, restriction to printers and devices, restriction on change in network policies, regulation on access to sites, file type access etc. are necessarily required. The Directory solution should be able to provide various types of services. Please refer Appendix VII of RFP for the required list of User and Computer account policies. Cross platform (i.e. Linux / Windows etc.) support for Infrastructure Services (particularly Group Policies) by all OEMs and for this purpose bidder can give third party solution to support Group Policies across all platforms with technical support, update and upgrade facility for five years. While comparison will be done on the basis of overall price for 5 years’ updates and upgrades (including provision of new products of the same line), a break-up for updates and upgrades should also be quoted on a yearly basis. The rates quoted by the bidder will be used for comparing the bids after considering NPV. A decision on buying product upgrades shall be taken after seeing the road-map of current product and incremental pricing for getting a product upgrade assurance. Year Basic Cost of Additional Cost of Cost of the Product Product (including Updates 1 year update) from (if 2nd any) Upgrade during 5 year years onwards till 5th year Year 1 -- Year 2 -- Year 3 -- Year 4 -- Year 5 -- -- The bidders are free to provide functionality requirements of different software either individually as per requirements of this RFP or as bundle of products. DAC 176 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout The management server would help in administration of heterogeneous systems at Data Centre. The management server would help in efficient and reliable administration of all the computing and networking devices and enable: 1. Asset Management 2. Monitor the availability of Services 3. Application Management 4. Helpdesk Management 5. Antivirus management Server Specifications: Form Factor Blade Blade can be half height/ full height The Server processor should have SPEC CPU2006 benchmarked with SPEC Rating score of 480 or 440 (50% of SPECint_rate_base2006 plus 50% of SPECfp_rate_base2006 score) when tested on following configuration respectively: (i) Memory: 256 GB (16 x 16 GB 2Rx4 PC4-2133P-R, running at 1866 MHz) Disk Subsystem: 1 x 200 GB (or higher) SAS SSD, RAID 0 (or two disks with Raid 1) (ii) Memory: 128 GB (16 x 8 GB 2Rx4 PC3-12800R-11, ECC) Disk Subsystem: 1 x 500 GB SATAIII, 7200 RPM RAID 0 (or two disks with Raid 1) Software:Operating System: SUSE / Red Hat Linux Enterprise Server,default Compiler: C/C++: Version of Intel C++ Studio XE for Linux Auto Parallel: No, System State: Run level 3 (multi-user) Base Pointers: 32-bit Peak Pointers: 32/64-bit Other Software: MicroquillSmartHeap V10.0 Server should be dual processor server Processor should have at least 6 cores. 128 GB DDR3 RAM @1600Mhz with ECC (expandable up to 512 GB) and minimum 2 Nos free slots for future expandable capability Onboard controller to deliver a maximum data transfer of 6.0 Gb/s dedicated per device. DAC 177 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout The available bandwidth on the blade server shall be 1 X 10Gbps for Ethernet and 1 X 8Gbps for FC with redundancy on separate cards. However, bidder also can provide the same solution on converged fabric. Additionally, every Blade Server Chassis shall have sufficient number of ports modules both for Ethernet and FC connectivity for current use as well as future use when chassis is fully populated. Should support heterogeneous environment Support heterogeneous environment: Support heterogeneous environment: X86 CPU blades must be in same chassis with scope to run Win2008, Win2012 Server, Red Hat Linux, Suse Linux Integrated 2 Ports SAS 3.0 Gbps RAID controller & hot plug HDD with RAID levels 0,1 HDD: 2x 300 GB SAS Hot Plug HDDs (10K rpm or higher) or 2 x 200 GB SSD (SLC) Hot Plug HDDs with RAID 0/1 implementation. If the latter option of 2x200 GB solid state drives(SSD - SLC) is used, the bidder shall supply at least 200 GB of additional usable storage on SAN at each location for deficiency in each such Server having lesser HDD Security: Power-on password / admin password / unattended boot / selectable boot /boot without keyboard Should support latest generation PCIe/Mezzanine card. Note: For price comparison purpose 700 DIMMs of 16GB ECC RAM & 200 SCASI HDD of 300 GB as given in Addon prices will also be considered. However, initial purchase will be made as per the configurations given in the above section. I. Storage Area Network (SAN) The Storage array should have at least Dual active-active storage Controllers with battery backed cache supporting to at least 36 hours or cache de-staging mechanism of complete cache protection. The array proposed should be on 6/8 Gbps backend architecture and 8 Gbps Front end connectivity. The storage array shall be configured with at least 24GB data read-write cache mirrored/ protected across multiple storage controllers. The Storage subsystem should have at least 4 nos of 8 Gbps or Higher front-end ports per controller with an aggregate port bandwidth of 64 Gbps and at least an aggregate port bandwidth of 64 Gbps back-end drive ports. Any vendor who does not have 8 Gbps Ports should provide sufficient nos. of ports to match the required aggregate front-end and back-end port bandwidth DAC 178 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Must be able to support intermix disk capacity of 300GB or higher FC/SAS, SATA/ FATA and SSD disks. All the necessary management software to be supplied to configure and manage the storage subsystem, RAID configurations, logical drives. Space optimized snapshot. The management features should be of dynamic capabilities so as to avoid downtime of the storage system. Dynamic Features should include – Dynamic Array/Volume and LUNs expansion etc. All features should be available while the system/applications are online. Redundant power supplies, batteries and cooling fans. Multi-path & Load balancing software for all SAN connected servers shall be provided. The storage subsystem should have 10 TB usable space and should be scalable to 60 TB (usable space) in same ratio of FC/SAS, disks as specified above. Scalability with 50% of SAS-NL SAS Drives. 6 TB shall be configured using 300 GB or higher FC/ SAS HDD 15 K RPM Drives in RAID 5/6, additional disk per enclosure as a global hot spare. 4 TB shall be configured using 1TB or higher SATA/FATA Drives in RAID 5/6. Storage should support RAID level 0,1/10, 5/ 6. All RAID shall be hardware based Should support multi OS like Windows, LINUX, AIX, HP-UX, SUN Solaris, VMWARE etc. To meet interoperability requirements, the Storage arrays shall support data replication in both synchronous and asynchronous modes across storage array The Storage shall support Point-in-time copy and full volume copy for the storage array. The Licenses configured should be one time for the entire storage device and no incremental license should be charged at the time of capacity upgrade. SAN Storage management software Should support storage virtualization, i.e. Easy logical drive expansion Should support hot-swappable physical drive raid array expansion with the addition of extra hard disks Should support expansion with drives of lower performance Should be able to allocate logical spaces to multiple operating Systems in the same storage facility Should be able to support Grouped and individual servers at the same time Should be able to take "snapshots" of the stored data. It should be unlimited client license(servers and media licenses) DAC 179 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Vendor should also offer storage performance monitoring and management software SAN Storage must provide thin provisioning, virtualization and de-duplication features (de-duplication to be provided by using adequate disk to disk backup/de-duplication software. The feature should be deployed while taking back up and should not have any performance impact on storage array). Storage should support controller based or host based zero page data reclaim (in case of host based it would be the responsibility of SI to ensure zero page data reclaim feature)." The storage should be configured with thin provisioning license for the configured capacity by the storage array from day one All the necessary management software to be supplied to configure and manage the storage subsystem, RAID configurations, logical drives. Space optimized snapshot. The management features should be of dynamic capabilities so as to avoid downtime of the storage system. Dynamic Features should include – Dynamic Array/Volume and LUNs expansion etc. All features should be available while the system/applications are online. Storage should support unlimited LUNs Redundant power supplies, batteries and cooling fans. Multi-path & Load balancing software for all SAN connected servers shall be provided. License for multiple OS, i.e., Windows, Linux, AIX /HP-UX/ SUN Solaris should be included in the offer. DAC 180 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout J. Desktop Specification The desktop should have latest processor released in the year 2014 or later SPEC CPU2006 benchmarked with SPEC Rating in the range of at least 92 with 8GB RAM, 500 GB or higher SATA&Windows 8.1 Pro (60% of SPECint_rate_base2006 plus 40% of SPECfp_rate_base2006 score) with following detailed software configuration:- OR PC Mark 8 Work Conventional, Work Accelerated (2.0) and PC Mark Creative Conventional benchmark performance for validated score in the range of at least 3170 plus with following weighted scores:(i) 60% for PC mark work conventional (ii) 20% for PC mark work accelerated (iii) 10% for PC mark creative conventional (iv) 10% for PC mark creative accelerated DAC 181 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Configuration of the machine for benchmarking purposes will be with 8 GB Memory (2x4GB modules, DDR3 @ 1600MHz), 500GB / 1 TB SATA HDD (7200 rpm, SATA 6 Gb/s interface, 16 MB Buffer size), 64-bit Windows 8.1 Pro OS. Specifications Motherboard branded for OEM or the Computer Manufacturer 3PCI/Xpress slots with at least 1*PCIX1, 1*PCIX16 (if 2 PCI slots are provided and a third PCI device is required to be installed in some rare cases subsequently, suitable add-on / substitute motherboard shall be provided free of cost for such rare cases) *Intel H8x or B8x or Q8x Series Express Chipset or better/ AMD A7x or better with 2x2 Dual Channel operation Total Memory should be 4 GB (2*2GB), DDR3 1600 MHz/DDR3 1866 MHz. Expandable up to 16GB operating in dual channel. * 500 GB SATA HDD (7200 rpm with SATA III) SATA based DVD+/-RW (with writing speeds up to 8X DVD+R and +RW) Integrated on M/B High Definition audio Intel extreme graphics on mother board/ Integrated onboard graphics Integrated Serial ATA (6Gbps) controller with 3 ports for SFF (one of which can be with 3 Gbps for ODD). In case of machines with bays for only two drives, interfaces will be one (3Gbps) plus one (6Gbps) Integrated on M/B 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet controller with full duplex & WOL support Ports -1xSerial, Rear: 6xUSB, Front:2 USB (with minimum 02 x USB 3.0), 1xVGA & 1xRJ45 20” LED backlit TFT-LCD display color monitor with maximum 0.285 mm dot pitch, TCO-05,1600 x 900, 1000:1 contrast ratio (static), 1 million:1 (dynamic contrast ratio), brightness 250 cd/m2, 8 ms response time in various shade changes,160/170 degree view angle, VGA and DVI connectivity, EMI/FCC (or ETDC Report for meeting FCC norms) compliance, Soft controls on front panel, Energy star compliance, Same brand as that of PC. 104 Keys OEM English Keyboard (it must have soft keys ) , same brand as that of PC Optical Mouse of same brand as that of PC. Wireless keyboard and mouse if all-in-one quoted DAC 182 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Antivirus Software pre-loaded to take care of all and latest viruses SFF with minimum 2 x 3.5”, 1 x 5.25" bays (one each fitted with Optical Drive and HDD). Option of all-in-one or Micro PC can be given but comparison will be done for SFF 2.0 CHANNEL Stereo Speakers matching with the color of monitor should also be provided with each desktop. o Power Output RMS: should be minimum 1.5 Watts x 2 o Frequency Response: 90 ~ 18000 Hz Manageability Features: Asset Management: Gives summary of computer: BIOS, Disk Drives, Installed Applications, Memory, Motherboard, Slots, Multimedia, OS Information, USB Ports, Processor, System Resources, asset tag. Security: Removable media boot control,serial, parallel and USB interface control, power on and setup password. Provision for external lock and Kensington slot (Desirable). Remote Management : Remote shutdown, Reboot Certifications: Designed for Windows 8.1 Professional or latest. Linux Ready Energy Star 5.0 for the quoted model UL, FCC (EMI EMC) certified ACPI 1.0 compliant ISO 9001: 2000 certification for design, manufacturing and services. ISO 14001: 1996 certification for environmental standard IPV6 compatible Preloaded Softwares: Preloaded Genuine Windows 8.1 Professional/Linux, with requisite drivers to support devices being procured under the project and other commonly available peripherals. Telephonic support for operating system related issues should be provided either by the OEM of the PC being supplied or by the operating system itself. DAC 183 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout All updates and patches of the operating system should be provided free of cost during the warranty period.In case of Linux training duration for basic computer operation shall be 4 days. Latest Office Productivity Suite (which includes word processor, spreadsheet, presenter with support for Unicode Indic fonts) with periodic product updates E-mail client, web browser etc. Free PDF writer Latest Antivirus Software with updates for a period of five years * Price comparison in terms of RAM and Hard Disk Drive shall be done as follows: (a) RAM Though the machines will be procured with 4GB RAM for most locations, price comparison shall be done for 4GB + 4GB RAM, if all bidders offer machines with 4 DIMM slots with sets of 2 slots acting in dual channel. Thus, price of extra 4 GB RAM will need to be quoted separately (in the price format) in keeping with configuration requirement of the mother board with dual channel operation. However, in case of machines having only 2 DIMM slots (but running in dual channel), price of 4GB of extra RAM will also be added for comparison purposes in case of 8565 desktops. These 8565 machines are to be supplied at District and higher levels. In such cases of machines with 2 DIMMs, this additional 4GB RAM can be demanded and will be supplied without any extra charges at any time. The basic idea is that in case of upgradation of all the machines to 8 GB, 4GB + 4 GB configuration should be available in case of 2 DIMM machines. (b) HDD A Small Farm Factor machine may have 1 to 2 bays for hard disc. A bidder offering machine with only 1 bay for hard disc (i.e. with no expandability in future) will need to give 1 TB HDD necessarily. On the other hand, the bidders offering SFF machine with 2 bays for hard disc drive can offer with 500 GB HDD. Note1: However, all bidders will also need to quote (in prescribed format) for price of 500 GB hard disc separately. This price will be added to the quoted price as mentioned above for comparison of overall price of the PC for the bid. Note2: While computing overall bid value of the desktops, Price of following add-ons will also be included as per the numbers given below:- DAC 184 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout (1) In lieu prices of 4 kinds of monitors (viz. 23” & 24” both touch & non touch), for 1000 pieces of each kind. (2) 4000 DIMMs of 4 GB RAM (3) 4000 pieces of 1 TB SATA HDDs However, initial purchase order will be more or less in keeping with the configurations given in this section. K. Mono Multifunction Printers cum Scanner (Block HQs Level) Specifications Function Color Scanning and B & W Copying /Printing Print Speed Min 20ppm (ISO) Print Resolution (Up to / enhanced / opptimized)1200 x 1200 Processor Min 266 Mhz Memory Min 64MB Connectivity USB 2.0/Fast Ethernet Network 10/100Mbps Paper support Legal, A4 Copy Speed (A4, Black) Up to 20 cpm (ISO) Reduce / Enlarge Range 25-400% Scanner Type Flatbed (A4 or higher), Automatic Document Feeder Auto Duplex Printing Required Scan Speed (A4/Ltr, Black) Up to 10 ppm (ISO) Scanning Resolution 1200 X 1200 dpi (Black) / 24 bit (Colour) Scan Area, Maximum 8.5 x 14 inches Standard Ports Ethernet 10/100BaseTX (RJ-45) & USB 2.0 First Printout time 13 Seconds Wireless Printing Required preferably with a software for Android based tablets Duty Cycle 10000 pages per month DAC 185 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout *StarterCartridge Minimum 2000 pages OS Support& OCR (MS –WindowsVista/ 7 / 8 / 8.1), OEM Scanning Softwareincluding OCR Accessories Power Cable, USB Cable, Telephone Cable for FAX Color Multifunction Printers cum Scanner (District HQs and above) Specifications Function Color Scanning /Copying /Printing Print Speed Min 20ppm, Color & Black (ISO) Print Resolution (Up to / enhanced / 186ptimized)1200 x 1200 Processor Min 400Mhz Memory Min 128 MB Connectivity USB 2.0/Fast Ethernet Network 10/100 Mbps Paper support Legal, A4 Copy Speed (A4, Black) Up to 20 cpm (ISO) Reduce / Enlarge Range 25-400% Scanner Type Flatbed (A4 or higher), Automatic Document Feeder Auto Duplex Printing Required Scan Speed (A4/Ltr, Black) Up to 10 ppm Scanning Resolution 1200 X 1200 dpi Scan Area, Maximum 8.5 x 14 inches Standard Ports Ethernet 10/100BaseTX (RJ-45) & USB 2.0 First Printout time 14 Seconds Wireless Printing Required Duty Cycle 18000pages per month DAC 186 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout *Starter Cartridge Minimum 2000 pages OS Support& OCR (MS –WindowsVista/ 7 / 8 / 8.1), OEM Scanning Software including OCR Accessories With Power Cable, USB Cable, Telephone Cable for FAX&Starter Cartridge *Different manufacturers give varying capacities of starter cartridge. In order to set off impact of this factor, minimum printing capacity of 2000 pages is expected as per ISO standards in black / colour as the case may be. Printing capacity in excess of or below this cut off figure will be adjusted by adding/subtracting cost of printing differential number of pages for Bid Evaluation purpose as per the cost per page for the quoted printer. However, payment will be made as per the quotation or negotiated price. IA shall quote only those models of printers whose toners / cartridges are readily available in the market. L. Servers (Pilot Mandis) Server with: Motherboard either OEM of the Computer Manufacturer or that of Intel with Intel validated/ certified chassis (in case of the OEM M/B also, same standards of chassis should be followed) Intel Xeon E3-1220 v3or Opteron 6234 or better Processor 8 MB Cache Minimum 5 DMI Chipset: Intel C222/C226or AMD SR56x0 or equivalent/ or better 8 GB DDR3 @1333 MHz RAM with ECC unbuffered expandable up to 16 GB 4 PCI Express Slots Ethernet controller (10/100/1000 Mbps) with full duplex, PXE support and wake on LAN. Graphics controller with 8 MB Display memory Integrated on Mother Board 6 SATA Ports 2x500 GB SATA HDDs (7200 rpm or higher) with RAID 0,1 support DAC 187 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout SATA based DVD+/-RW (with writing speeds up to 8X DVD+R and +RW) Port: 1x Serial, 5 x USB, 1xVGA , 2xRJ45/PS/2 ports, Bays : 2x5.25” External , 4 x 3.5” Internal Bays 18.5” LED backlit display color monitor with maximum 0.3 mm dot pitch, TCO-05, 1366x768, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 250 cd/m2, 5ms response time,160/160 degree view angle, VGA connectivity, EMI/FCC (or ETDC Report for meeting FCC norms) compliance, same brand as that of PC. 104 Keys OEM Keyboard (it must have soft keys) , same brand as that of PC Optical Mouse of same brand as that of Server Form Factor: Base Tower Model Bundled System software should be equipped with the System Configuration and management Tools, OS Installation and Configuration utility, System Information Utility Software. Driver Software for all the adapters as per the configuration and OS required and all the related Manuals as per above. Server Management Software (OEM or Intel) : (a) Remote management of the server over LAN (b) Remote power soft-shutdown if the OS is up & running (particularly windows) (c) Integrated Management Log (d) Server health logging I Failure detection for voltage variation, thermal OS watchdog, fan failed, drive failed etc. (f) CPU heat sink fan check. Certifications: FCC (EMI EMC/ ETDC/UL) certified ISO 9001:2000 Compliant, ISO 14001Compliant, PCI 2.2 Compliant, ACPI 3.0 /ROHS Compliant, IPV6 compatible, UL Compliant. OS Certifications: Windows Server 2008/2010/2012 and Red Hat Linux Enterprise 5.0 Server Chassis with adequate power supply and fans. M. LAN Switch (At offices in Block and District HQ) S. No. Particulars 1. Interface /Slots 8 ports of 10/100/1000 Mbps 2. Performance Packet forwarding rate is 10 Mpps or higher DAC 188 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 16 Gbps switching fabric capacity or higher 1 Mb or more Packet Buffer Memory MAC Address Capacity Support 8000 3. General Features Supports Port Mirroring Link Aggregation 4. VLAN features IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation Minimum 255 VLAN 5. Traffic shaping and policing MAC Address security/MAC Address Notification support which allows for notification of new users added or removed. 6. Management RS-232/ RJ45 Console port Easier Software upgrades through network, using FTP, TFTP, etc. Accessibility using Telnet, SSH, Console access. SNMPv1 Configuration management through CLI, GUI based software utility and using web interfaces. GUI tools will be provided. Supports Event and system history logging functions. Support for Syslog Server required Provides CPU utilization monitoring and Port description 7. Standards IEEE 802.1x support IEEE 802.3x full duplex on 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX ports IEEE 802.1d Spanning-Tree Protocol DAC 189 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout IEEE 802.1p class-of-service (CoS) prioritization IEEE 802.1Q VLAN IEEE 802.3ad IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T specification IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX specification 8. Power Supply Internal power supply 230 Volt 50Hz input 9. Mounting 19” Rack mountable 10. All necessary power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, etc. will be provided N. LAN Switch (At offices in State HQ / Universities) S. No. Particulars 1. Interface /Slots 24 ports of 10/100/1000 Mbps 2. Performance Packet forwarding rate is 30 Mpps or higher 48 Gbps switching fabric capacity or higher 2 Mb or more Packet Buffer Memory MAC Address Capacity Support 8000 3. General Features Supports Port Mirroring Link Aggregation 4. VLAN features DAC 190 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation Minimum 255 VLAN 5. Security Support Port based network access control (802.1x) Support port security 6. Traffic shaping and policing MAC Address security/MAC Address Notification support which allows for notification of new users added or removed. 7. Management RS-232/ RJ45 Console port Easier Software upgrades through network, using FTP, TFTP, etc. Accessibility using Telnet, SSH, Console access. SNMPv1 Configuration management through CLI, GUI based software utility and using web interfaces. GUI tools will be provided. Supports Event and system history logging functions. Support for Syslog Server required Provides CPU utilization monitoring and Port description 8. Standards IEEE 802.1x support IEEE 802.3x full duplex on 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX ports IEEE 802.1d Spanning-Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1p class-of-service (CoS) prioritization IEEE 802.1Q VLAN IEEE 802.3ad IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T specification DAC 191 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX specification Power Supply 9. Internal power supply 230 Volt 50Hz input 10. Mounting 19” Rack mountable 11. All necessary power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, etc. will be provided O. KVM Switch IP based Keyboard, Video Display Unit and Mouse Unit (KVM) and/or other Control Devices/PCs may be used for the IT Infrastructure Management for which the necessary consoles/devices shall be placed in the location earmarked as Administration Area where the Admin staff will be seated. The KVM unit should provide the following functionalities: It should be rack-mountable It should have a minimum of 8 ports It should support local user port for rack access. The KVM switch should be SNMP enabled. It should be operable from remote locations. Should have a 15 inch TFT monitor with built-in touchpad and a movable front panel. It should support multiple operating system It should have serial device switching capabilities It should have dual power with failover and built-in surge protection It should support multi-user access and collaboration P. Touch Screen kiosk Touch Screen Kiosk along with PC having configuration defined for Desktop in Section Q of Appendix IV. The specifications of Touch Screen are given below: DAC 192 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout User Interface Minimum 19” Color Display Monitor with Capacitive / SAW Touch Screen for 19” LED/ LCD/ TFT display (internal fitting) with life of more than 225 million touches in any one location LED/ LCD/ TFT should be factory (OEM integrated) with Touch Screen sealed to bezel Protective features (internally fitted) to prevent damage like anti-microbial coating, glass overcoat and capacity to withstand scratches, liquids, dust, grease, moisture, liquids etc. Sensorwith transparent conductive coating or SAW TOUCH technology Accuracy within 1% of true position Up to 91.5% +/- 1.5% light transmission Activation with bare finger Minimum resolution of the touch screen4096x4096 (touch points) capable of higher resolution with external controllers Monitor resolution 1280 x 1024 at 60Hz or better Touch contact response 10 MS or less Viewing Angle (Typical) Horizontal: 160° total Vertical: 170° total Contrast Ratio of the Monitor 1000 : 1 (Static or Native) Conversion Speed Up to 200 Touch points per second Operating temperature -5 to 45 degreecentigrade Environment Touch screen operation should be unaffected by almost any contaminant, such as dirt, grease, moisture, water etc. NEMA sealable Approvals / Certifications UL/cUL, TÜV T-Mark. CE/FCC/VCCI/C-Tick (Class B) Certification OEM certificate for products for standard Including all drivers for Windows XP, Linux and other Operating Systems Cabinet Fiber/ Metal Touch Screen Kiosk suitable for provided LED backlit LCD display. IP 64 rating for front face of monitor at least Surface scratch- Hardness MoHS 7 or higher to induce a functional failure Scratch resistance – hard coating to prevent scratches DAC 193 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Q. System Software specifications Microsoft development stack and system software have been procured as part of pilot phase. It is proposed to continue with the same system stack for reasons of continuity and compatibility at all levels for present phase 2 of NeGP-A. Consolidated list of development stack along with quantities/licenses ordered and utilized is as under:- S.No Part Number Item Name Name ExpressionStudioUlt 1 4.0 Express Studio Ultimate NKF-00333 SNGL MVL ProjectPro 4.0 SNGL MVL 2013 QTY 40 SNGL Project Pro 2013 SNGL 2 H30-04037 MVL w1PrjctSvrCAL MVL 40 3 H22-02546 PrjctSvr 2013 SNGL MVL Project Server 2013 Single 1 PrjctSvrCAL 2013 SNGL Project Server Cal 2013 4 5 6 H21-03313 MVL UserCAL 76N- SharePointEntCAL 03673 SNGL MVL UserCAL 76M- SharePointStdCAL 01516 SNGL MVL UserCAL SNGL MVL 40 2013 SharePoint Ent CAL 2013 SNGL MVL 40 2013 Share Point Std CAL 2013 SNGL MVL 2100 SharePointSvr 2013 SNGL Share Point Std Server 7 76P-01524 MVL 8 D87-05994 VisioPro 2013 SNGL MVL WinSvrCAL 9 R18-04302 2012 MVL UsrCAL R39-01130 SNGL MVL WinSvrStd 11 P73-05876 17 Visio Pro 2013 SNGL MVL 40 Windows 2012 Standard Server WinSvrExtConn 10 SNGL 2013 SNGL MVL 2012 Windows Server Ext Conn 2012 SNGL MVL 2012 MVL 2Proc DAC 2100 40 SNGL Windows Server Std 2012 SNGL MVL 211 194 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout SysCtrStd SNGL LicsApk Microsoft System Center 12 T9L-00231 MVL 2Proc VSUltwMSDN 13 9JD-00050 Standard Edition ALNG Visual LicSApk MVL Studio 87 Ultimate with MSDN 40 BztlkSvrEnt ALNG LicSApk Bizz talk Server Ent ALNG 14 F52-00379 MVL 1Proc LicSAPk MVL 1Proc 6 BztlkSvrStd ALNG LicSAPk Bizz talk Server Std ALNG 15 D75-00274 MVL 1Proc SQLCAL 16 359-00765 17 810-04764 ALNG LicSApk MVL 1Proc LicSAPk 28 SQL CAL ALNG SA MVL MVL DvcCAL DvcCAL SQLSvrEnt ALNG LicSAPk SQL Server Ent ALNG MVL License Pak MVL 40 34 SQL SvrEnt ALNG LicSApk Windows Server Std ALNG 18 810-03312 MVL 1Proc SA MVL 15 All bidders will work out their requirements of system software (Microsoft Platform) in accordance to their proposed technical solution and quote accordingly. RFP System Software BOQ numbers given at Table 11 will be used for calculating cost of the bid for comparison purpose with prices already finalised as part of Phase-1 and as per methodology outlined at 4.19.3 Financial Bid Evaluation. The requirement of requisite numbers/licenses should therefore be very clearly mentioned by all bidders. Proposed licensing policy for system software should be clearly indicated by IA in its bid. Bid should include whether particular software is for open license for software to be accessed by any number of users, if not, then no. of licenses required for the project. Processor based license may be listed for RDBMS Server as well as other software as applicable. Licenses for internal and external users, if required, may be ensured for accessing the application and web server; This scope of work will also include managing support for these system software for 5 years (proposed warranty including updates, upgrade & patches) by the selected vendor. All system software licenses which will be provided by the IA as part of this project shall be perpetual in nature. DAC 195 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout For all system software excluding those installed on Desktops, Software upgrades shall be available for the duration of first five years. For the 6th to 8th years only software updates including updates for security patches will be made available. For Desktops, only software updates with security patches are required for 8 years. Technical solution based on identified MS System Software: Should Support Portal server, Web server and Application server / Web Server Shall Support CAP & SAP development tools. Should have provision for SSL setup Shall provide development tools for web application /web parts that support XML and web services. Shall be with a full IDE like Visual Studio/WSDL/WSIF/Eclipse or IDEA that support development for the portal server as well as for web application and web services development. Be able to work with Apache http web server. Shall support fail-over and load balancing to facilitate future scalability. Should provide scalability& high availability. Shall support all industry standard web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, and Chrome). Shall support DB2 / MS SQL / Oracle DBMS / PostgreSQL / MySQL. Also, all system software shall be compatible with database platform quoted by the IA Shall support access by clients residing on different platform e.g. Windows, Linux, UNIX Shall support industry standards communication protocol and data formats such as HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, XML and HTML for query and retrieval purposes. Shall support the web services standards (e.g. SOAP, WSDL, WSRP) Shall support LDAP compliant directory General Requirement Shall allow creation of virtual portals or places that have its own choice of themes, skins, URL, pages, web application, and page layout Shall allow creation and import of new templates or themes and must provide tools for template or theme creation. DAC 196 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Shall allow easy manipulation of web application /web parts by administrator or authorized users that includes minimizing, maximizing, moving, resizing, closing and refreshing of web application /web parts. Solution shall be configured to integrate with the existing customer applications. Shall allow administrator and authorized users to create and deploy web application /web parts and share portlets/web parts with other users. Shall provide an integrated property broker component by GUI tooling to facilitate inter- web application / web parts communication Shall provide Form-based web application /web parts builders to build portlets/web parts that connect to various data and application sources without coding. Shall have a web-based user interface IA shall design and create the portal system layout and appearance in consultation with the inputs from the customer project team. Personalization Shall be capable of presenting personalized content based on individual user’s profile or role Shall allow portal administrator to create and assign users to groups; group memberships will in turn define the content and layout of the portal. Shall allow users to customize their portal page layout such as, manipulation of web application / web parts layout, add and remove web application/web parts, change portal themes and skins. Shall allow users to configure themes, skins and page layout based on the role of the users. Shall allow users to customize their portal page by selecting the list of available web application / web parts from the web application / web parts catalogue. The available web application / web parts shall be readily integrated with the DAC existing applications. Shall have a catalogue of pre-built or pre-packaged web application / web parts to back end applications, that is downloadable by administrator and then administrator can install the web application / web parts, and assign access control to the web application /web parts. Shall support multi-languages using Unicode. The portal systems shall allow users to select their language preference and subsequently serve information in the chosen language Shall support “tagging” feature for Portal pages Enterprise Application Integration DAC 197 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Shall provide integrated people collaboration features with contextual collaboration (e.g. presence awareness where visual cues can be associated with a person’s name indicating whether or not they are online. By clicking on the visual cue, a menu of related actions pop-up to send an e-mail, start a chat session, etc.). Shall integrate the People Collaboration with Communities of Practice to provide total collaboration services. Communities of Practice Shall provide built-in Communities of Practice to provide team room collaboration services for the user. The built-in Communities of Practice service must be incorporated into the portal page, and web application / web parts must be provided for this purpose. Shall provide tools to facilitate authorized users in forming communities of practice and purpose around project practices, staff functions, etc. Shall authorize user who creates a new Communities of Practice, by default becomes the moderator in that community. User shall only require web browser to access all the functionalities in the forum. Shall have functionality for bulletin board / threaded discussion Shall have functionality for document library Shall have functionality for event calendar Shall have functionality to create private room for sub-group community Internal and External Web Sites Shall be able to connect and retrieve web pages from internal and external websites. Shall be able to connect to external subscription-based web sites using RSS web application /web parts. Expertise Profile Shall be able to create expertise profiles for all users Shall require new user of the portal to enter their particulars into the profile database. DAC 198 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Shall identify and recommend subject experts within the organization based on affinity to relevant expert areas. Provide functionality for user to make queries to expert or online discussion The system will be able to search any LDAP compliant directory server Shall provide a user interface for users to enter or amend their particulars and preference setting into the profile database. Search Shall provide internet style search capabilities, such as Free text search, plus (+ ) and minus ( - ) symbols search, double quotes ( “ ) for phrases search, Specification of trailing wild card character search, etc. Shall provide result page view including summaries and other relevant metadata. For example, this can be the author, description, and keywords etc. Shall allow for categorization of incoming documents using either a predefined static taxonomy, or a simple rules based taxonomy which can be defined by the user. Shall apply filter rules for the crawler to determine what pages are to be fetched and indexed and allow for optionally approve documents before they are added to the collection and the index. Content Management and Publishing Shall provide rich text body field for users to author web pages that contain text, tables, images and URL links without having to code any HTML. Shall provide features for importing of contents from HTML documents Shall allow authorized content owners to edit web content within the Portal, to sort and filter content, to easily locate a web content to be modified Shall allow content owner to see only those web content that they have access to Shall provide workflows features that allow users to automate content review and approval process. The workflow engine must be able to notify users via email alerts. Shall support scheduled publishing and expiry of contents Allow users to publish certain contents without workflow processes (e.g. events, news update). Shall provide features for content management and provide tools to facilitate the creation, publication and management of content. DAC 199 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Shall integrate with the personalization engine to facilitate content publishing to specific users or user groups. Shall provide facility to profile documents or contents, based on meta-data information such as title, author, date, version, document format, category, keywords, etc. Shall allow a content to be easily published into multiple places or pages on the portal. Shall support versioning of content and provide options to view/revert to the previous versions of the content Shall provide facility for the archival of contents. Shall provide facility for published content to be displayed on web browser (HTML) or PDA (WML) natively Shall provide support for inline-content editing. Shall have Content Management module to provide end-to-end Web content management , a collaborative environment making it easy for users of all levels to work together and complete review and approval workflow processes, Content creation through “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) rich text editor or by importing from another application (such as word processing) , Built-in content lifecycle workflow Workflow Shall use workflows to control the access to, verification and eventual approval of Web content. Shall changes an item’s Status from Draft to Published. Shall allow an item published once it has entered a workflow stage containing a publish action, and when the selected published date and time has been reached. Shall changes an item’s Status from Published to Expired which becomes the content is no longer available on the site. Shall allow an item to expire once it has entered a workflow stage containing an expire action, and when the selected expired date and time has been reached. Shall have the capability to send e-mails when executed. Administrator can create new e-mail actions and specify who the recipients will be. Shall select to e-mail approvers, authors and owners. Create a list of other users or groups to e-mail with a link to the Item to be reviewed included in the e-mail. Performs a scheduled move to the next stage on a specified date. DAC 200 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Access Control Shall restrict access to selected users and groups to the views within an authoring web application/web parts, the items managed by the authoring web application/web parts, and to elements and pages displayed within a Web site. Shall assign roles to both a whole library, and the item types within a library using either an additive or subtractive methodology. Shall apply the Manager or Administrator role to the entire library. Shall apply editor, contributor or user roles to specific item types and deselect the inheritance check-box. Authentication and Single Sign On Shall provide a facility to authenticate the users. Shall support time out features that will automatically log users out after a specified amount of time. This can be configured by portal administrator. Shall support integration with standard LDAP directories. Shall provide built-in single sign-on capabilities that enable users to sign-on once to the portal and seamlessly connect the users to the enterprise application. Shall integrate with standard Directory platforms for usage of names and address book user ids and passwords for authentication purposes Shall be able to inherit groups available in LDAP Directory names and address book for role based security and personalization purposes. Security Shall provide role based security features. Shall support object level security (e.g. portlets, pages and etc.) Shall support document level security Shall respect and inherit the access control rights imposed by the underlying application, database or repository when integrate with enterprise application. Shall provide facility for portal administrator to configure the login attempts and portal time-out. Shall provide out of the box user account management module to create user id, termination, removal, change password, change user id, etc. DAC 201 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Shall support encryption such as SSL. Audit, analysis and reporting tools Shall provide audit, analysis and reporting tools to track the portal system usage. Shall be able to track, analyze and generate reports regarding Portal pages hit, Portlets / webparts usage, Virtual portals usage, User’s usage, Login & logout, Error conditions, Security violations, User account management, etc. The audit tools must allow the customer to generate and view report by schedule or ad-hoc. The audit tools must allow the customer to display report using user ID or IP addresses Database Server General Features: o RDBMS should have the ability to support 64-bit support for Operating systems o Database should support the common standards of ANSI Level SQL99 (SQL3) compliance and SQL99 conform isolation levels. o RDBMS should allow the data to be partition uniformly across partitions at the table and/ or index level. o RDBMS should support partition of data o RDBMS should provide a technology to order the data in a table by values of multiple dimensions / columns and at the same time ensuring that the data’s on-disk format is contiguous at the data page level (only like dimensional data is placed on a data page). o RDBMS should provide an options where all the three above mentioned (database level, table level and on-disk) type of partitioning / Grouping can be combined together to arrive at hybrid partitioning / Grouping Architecture and scalability o RDBMS should support multiple processes inside a single instance using many CPUs for a single query fed by asynchronous parallel tasks e.g. Pipeline parallelism o Optimizer of the RDBMS should have an ability to decide upon which degree of parallelism to be used for a SQL Statement to be used Query Processing, Execution and Performance DAC 202 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout o Optimizer of RDBMS should have an ability to get adjusted to suite a workload o RDBMS should have ability to physically Group the table on more than one key or dimension at the same time o RDBMS should provide a wizard which can suggest columns that can become dimensions for Grouping data of that table o RDBMS should support pre-fetching of data from a table o RDBMS should allow the DBA to control size of memory allocations for buffer pool o RDBMS should provide isolation levels which a process can used in order to guard against interference from other processors. Manageability o RDBMS should have an ability to self-tune its memory parameters dynamically when the executing workload changes o RDBMS should have support to automatically extend storage as needed to a defined limit (or physical limit) thereby reducing unplanned outage at the database and table space levels o RDBMS should have ability to allocate storage from pre-defined disk pools, as needed o RDBMS should offer self-tuning backup utility o RDBMS should have capability to define automatic database backup for online backup as well as offline backup o RDBMS should support ‘priority aging’ while managing priorities of workloads dynamically Monitoring o RDBMS should have an ability to perform real-time trigger-based monitoring as well as exceptionbased monitoring o Monitoring system of RDBMS should be able to capture data at different levels such as database manager/ instance, database, Statements in application including dynamic SQL, buffer pool, table space, table, locks, connection, deadlock, transaction o RDBMS monitoring system should be able to generate alerts when a certain set threshold is crossed o Monitoring system of RDBMS should be able to generate notifications about alerts o RDBMS should allow setting of threshold values for generating alerts or warnings DAC 203 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout o Monitoring system of RDBMS should have ability to make recommendations, suggestions about what action could be taken if a certain threshold is crossed Security and audit o RDBMS should support role based security model o RDBMS should ensure that access to database object should always happened using a trusted authentication mechanism. o RDBMS security model should allow the DBA to define exactly who has write access and who has read access to individual rows and individual columns o RDBMS should provide a facility to reveal usage pattern to identify system misuse o RDBMS should allow creation of multiple, customized audit policies XML Support features: o RDBMS should users to store XML document in database in its native format o RDBMS should support creation of an index on the column of the table which stores XML in its native format. Integration server specifications: o The integration server must supports a rich set of messaging scenarios: o The proposed tool should have provision for secure data transport o The proposed tool must provide reliable messaging support. o Integration solution must support for routing of failed messages. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) o The integration server should provide deep support for a Service Oriented Architecture, and facilitate software development on the SOA model using XML Web Services. o Integration server must support XML and SOAP (web services) to provide for services oriented architecture (SOA). o Integration server must support publishing a business process as a Web service DAC 204 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout o Integration server must support publishing message schema as a Web service Enterprise Service Bus (ESB): o The integration platform must also be able to provide a comprehensive ESB offering. o It should provide an infrastructure that enables the flexible and secure reuse of infrastructure and business services and the ability to orchestrate existing services into new end-to-end business processes. o Integration server should provide for Application level Single Sign-On service. Security o Integration solution should support security protocols like PKI, X.509,SSL o Integration solution should also support Kerberos to authenticate intranet users. o Integration solution should support Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). o Integration Server must support installation on Windows/ Unix servers. R. Anti-Virus Solution Anti-virus for servers & desktop may be provided from the following list of Antivirus OEMs – Norton / McAfee / Kaspersky / Trend-Micro/Symantec. Anti-virus should provide Internet Security including three key features – Anti-virus, Anti-Spam , Firewall Bidders will recommend most efficient AV solution so that it obtains auto definition updates from its parent OEM servers and distributes them to all servers and end point desktops which reach this through SWAN. Also all end user desktops should be able to obtain updates directly from AV OEM severs through internet for next five years. Should restrict e-mail bound Virus attacks in real time without compromising performance of the system. Should be capable of providing multiple layers of defense. Should be capable of detecting and cleaning virus infected attachments as well Should support scanning for ZIP, RAR compressed files, and TAR archive files Should support online upgrade, where by most product upgrades and patches can be performed without bringing messaging server off-line Should use multiple anti-virus scan engines during the scanning process DAC 205 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Should support in-memory scanning so as to minimize Disk IO. Should support Multi-threaded scanning Should support scanning of a single mailbox or a one off scan. Should support scanning by file type for attachments Should support scanning of nested compressed files Should be capable of specifying the logic with which scan engines are applied; such as the most recently updated scan engine should scan all emails etc. Should support heuristic scanning to allow rule-based detection of unknown viruses Updates to the scan engines should be automated and should not require manual intervention All binaries from the IA that are downloaded and distributed must be signed and the signature verified during runtime for enhanced security Updates should not cause queuing or rejection of email Updates should be capable of being rolled back in case required Should support content filtering based on sender or domain filtering Should provide content filtering for message body and subject line, Blocking messages that contain keywords for inappropriate content File filtering should be supported by the proposed solution; file filtering should be based on true file type. Common solution for anti-spyware and anti-virus infections; and anti-virus and anti-spyware solution should have a common web based management console. Should support various types of reporting formats such as CSV, HTML and text files S. Audio / Video Streaming Software Specification. Streaming services: Should have the capability to stream media to all devices from a highperformance HTTP / HTTPS server. Bandwidth detection: should have capability to select the right bitrate to start streams quickly and support adaptive bitrate performance. Stream reconnection: Should ensure that the viewer experience is not affected when connections are disrupted by continuing to play back from the buffer while the player reestablishes the connection. DAC 206 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Security: Should control access to domains and IP addresses to protect live or on-demand audio / video streams. Should enable secure video & audio message transport to and from Player compatible devices. The protocol should support encryption as well as tunneling over HTTP. Administrator should securely access performance metrics, change configurations, and set alarms through customized interfaces supporting web services or within custom interfaces and secure administration API. Bitrate switching: Should have full adaptive bitrate streaming with fast, high-quality switching over to avoid any stuttering or delays caused by CPU performance or bandwidth limitations. Seeking:Should allow viewers to navigate video quickly with responsive seeking direct from the Flash Player buffer, which also reduces server load and increases performance and capacity. Administration tools: Should monitor the performance of entire server Group from a single interface, allowing administrator to manage the server and perform operations easily on servers, streams, sessions, and clients. 64-bit performance: Should maximize server resources with full 64-bit support enabling more memory cache, better network performance, less disruption, and faster stream starts. Authentication & Server Audit logs: should control access to the content Streaming Software can process tokens against separate web services to grant or deny access. Should provide the tools to track and generate reports on content delivery, server performance, and access using W3C-compliant ASCII logs. QoS: Should have the capability to Increase QoS by differentiated services. Administrators can prioritize network traffic, reducing disruption caused by other network activity. Dynamic Streaming: Should maintain a steady playback experience without interruption due to network loss or limited CPU resources. Mobile and device support: Should have support for full adaptive bitrate live and on-demand video to smartphones, tablets running operating systems such as Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Windows, Symbian etc. Should support windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / 2003 / 2008 / Linux / Mac OS X based Operating System. The system should support different viewing formats viz: using at least Windows Media Player/ Real Player/ Quick Time Player DAC 207 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Functions of pause, play, and stop should be possible from the PC/ Laptop client. Should have built in web server providing complete configuration, control and monitoring of the system. Should have Ipv6 support o Server Side o Video Format : MPEG4 / Audio Format : MP3 o Server side code has to detect the type of platform, browser and embed the compatible media player. Client Software : o Windows (Internet Explorer Browser) – Windows Media Player ActiveX Control o Windows (Firefox) o Linux (Firefox) – m player / VLC Plugin T. Hand Held Device (Tablet) Specifications. These devices will be used by extension officials in the field for collecting agriculture related information and data down to the field level and submitting it for collation and analyses. These will also be used for educating farmers on various schemes, disseminating insects or disease related information to the experts and also exchanging details about field activities with higher authorities. There for it is essential that these devices should have following essential features:- Long Battery life to work in field. - Light weight. - Inbuilt communication support. DAC 208 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout - Should be able to give output in various text, audio and video formats. - Should be light in weight and easy to carry. - Good GPS and Display - SMS and Voice Calling support for demo of Pull SMS, USSD and IVRS Hand Held Device (Tablet) Sl. No. Feature Specifications Android 4.4.2 (or higher) out of the box and auto upgradable to higher versions 1 Operating of Android. Dual boot machines may be offered with Windows, iOS or any other System operating system, but compulsorily with Android 4.4.2 (or higher) operating system. 2 Processor 3 RAM 4 Graphics 5 Display Quad Core ARM 1.2 Ghz. or higher OR x86 Dual Core 1.6 GHz or better so as to meet the benchmark score criteria listed below* Minimum 1 GB DDR3 or higher with at least 40% RAM available to the user on first boot. Should support 2D and 3D Graphics At least 8 inch (diagonal) TFT LCD based Capacitive with Multi Touch Screen with minimum resolution of 1280x800 pixels, toughened glass with screen guard 6 Connectivity Built in 3G, GSM, GPRS, EDGE & HSPA, HSDPA, Voice Call, SMS [if voice call / SMS is not available, a separate feature phone with at least 2.8” colour display and sufficient messaging and contact storage (200 & 500 respectively) will be provided free of cost] DAC 209 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 7 8 Camera HD 10 Bluetooth v 3.0 or higher WiFi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Micro USB 2.0 or higher A-GPS or better Minimum 5 MP Rear Camera with Geo-tagging Front Facing camera: 1 MP or higher Minimum 720p/30fps On board Memory – Minimum 16 GB or higher. External micro SD slot expandable up to at least 32 GB Micro USB 2.0 or higher (preferably MHL compliant) 3.5mm Audio Jack Li-Po battery 6000mAH(if battery capacity is lesser than 6000 mAH, a battery Video Recording 9 Memory Ports 11 Battery bank of not less than 2000 mAH will be provided free of cost so as to make the total battery backup 6000 mAH or more) 12 Video Should support Codec: MPEG4, H.264. H.263, VC 1, DivX, WMV7, WMV8 etc. Formats Format: 3GP, ASF, AVI, MP4, WMV, FLV, MKV, Web 11 Audio MP3, AAC, AC-3, AMR, FLAC, MID, WMA, WAV, OGG; Good quality speakers 12 Sensor Light, 3D, Acceleration etc. 13 Weight Less than 400 gm Google™ Mobile Services including and not limited to Google Play, Gmail™, YouTube™, Google Maps™, Syncing with Google 14 Calendar™, Google Search, Google+ Pre-Loaded Applications Office Automation Software (Document, Spreadsheet, Presentation and PDF) with editing functionality (editing not in case of PDF) Audio and Video Player supporting formats mentioned. Voice and Video Chat Clients DAC 210 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 15 Warranty 16 03 years’ warranty on Tablet and one year on Battery / Battery Bank Ear phone Bluetooth headset for voice calling (not needed if a separate phone is provided) Accessories 17. Printing 18 Battery Charger and USB Cable Folio/Flip cover or a carrying kit in field User Manual and documentation Wireless printing without need of installing drivers (i) Quadrant score of 7000 or higher OR Overall Geekbench 3.0 Score of 325 or higher on single core & 1100 or performance higher on multi-core; and (ii) An TuTu score of 17000 or higher * Any other product with a different combination of processor, RAM etc. can also be accepted so long as it meets the performance requirements as above. However, in that case, component-wise marks will also be then accordingly adjusted above requisite threshold. U. Pico Projector Features Truly portable – lightweight, and rechargeable Should be able to work with multiple inputs like USB, VGA, HDMI and video, allows for easy connection to most analog or digital devices. Should be able to Project large widescreen images Should have long battery life to work in the field conditions. Required Technical Specifications. Ser. No. Features Specifications Brightness Minimum 100 ANSI lumens (standard mode), DAC 211 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Image size (diagonal) Minimum 20’’ – 80’’ Resolution 1024x600 Aspect ratio 16:9 / 4:3 Colour Support 24 Bit Contrast Ratio 1:1000 or higher Over 20,000 hours in normal mode and 30,000 hours in LED lamp Life of economy mode Minimum 2 Watt RMS each channel with good quality speakers. If Projector does not have 2 + 2 Watt RMS speakers with good quality Audio Output Power / Channel (as assessed by the Committee), external compact speakers will be provided to give requisite sound output. HDMI/MHL in, USB2.0 or SD card, 3.5mm stereo jack for supporting I/O connector File compatibility audio output .docx, .xlsx, .pptx reading capability desirable but not necessary Photo: JPEG/BMP/PNG Audio: MP3/WMA/WAV/M4A Video: AVI/RMVB/MPG/MPEG-4//DIVX/MKV, Video Modes: 480p, 720p, 1080i, 576p It should be capable of playing pictures and videos through SD card and USB without any external device. However, if USB / SD Card playback is not available, a suitable smartphone or any other Input device Support playback device will be provided free of cost to enable playing of videos& pictures through HDMI./ MHL Port / Wireless. Basically, the Pico Projector should work as an independent unit and be able to play videos and pictures even without Tablet PC. Internet Display by connecting to the Tablet PC through HDMI/MHL Port or over wireless DAC 212 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout using Miracast / Ezeecast technology is necessary (while internet is coming via 3G). Remote control Operating temperature Optional 5°C to 35°C (inside the room and ambient temperature outside from 0°C to 45 °C) Minimum 2 hr with a minimum of 4000 mAh. If in-built battery not Battery (Internal) Total Mass there, battery bank for 2 hours of operation should be provided. < 400 grams Tripod, Power adaptor, HDMI/MHL- USB connector, Lithium-ion Standard accessories battery, AV cable, Carrying Case Warranty 3years for Projector and one year on Battery / Battery Bank 3. EMS Specifications Functional and technical requirements: The Enterprise & Network Management System should be used to manage all enterprise resources with a solution that encompasses the heterogeneous networks, systems, applications, desktops and databases present in the system. It should have the capability to consolidate all the information to console with a support for providing a Web interface. The discovery services in the EMS should discover systems, network devices and the topology and provide a complete inventory of all visible IT resources. The inventory scanning process should be able to discover any custom IT resources, such as CSC interface application etc. It should have a Centralized helpdesk system based on ITIL with call logging, notification, resolution and knowledge base facility. Appnomic + SCOM (Microsoft) have been used as EMS in Pilot phase at Central DC Delhi, seven SDCs and for DRs of all locations at NDC, Pune. EMS is being used for:• Application Performance management, • SLA monitoring & DAC 213 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout • Monitoring Helpdesk services to the CAP & SAP users Bidders will be required to offer EMS solution for carrying out tasks as stated above. They will be required to integrate their solution with the one already deployed as part of the Pilot phase deployment so that DAC gets a unified dashboard and monitoring solution of the entire NeGP-A project. Complete information and assistance to the IA will be provided in this regard by M/S HP Sales India Pvt. LTd, IA for Phase-1 phase implementation. The bidders will clearly specify the number & cost of licenses required for all DCs – DRs, integration & configuration charges (if any) with the existing EMS solution and maintaining & running it for next five years after Go-Live. Extra Servers, if required for EMS should be supplied by the IA as part of their solution and included in price of EMS while showing the numbers, configuration and unit prices of such extra Servers separately. Following are the functional requirements of the proposed EMS solution: Basic Requirements: The Service Management solution namely Service desk (incident and problem management), Change, Asset, Self Service and SLA management should be built on the same platform and leverage the same common, shared configuration database with a unified architecture. The same platforms should be used across all modules, requiring no complex integrations to leverage the integrated platform. The service automation solution should be able to do application provisioning. Offered solution should provide for future scalability of the whole system without major architectural changes. Solution should be open, distributed, and scalable and open to third party integration. Centralized IT helpdesk for technical and functional support must be maintained to respond to queries and solve issues of the users.The Helpdesk must be accessible through various communication channels viz. Telephone, independent web based facility and email. The helpdesk should be able to respond to the queries/problems in the time limits as specified in Service Level Agreement. Online Helpdesk system must be deployed at State and would be used for management and support activity. Service desk is envisaged as a tool that will facilitate the end-to-end service support for NeGP– A users. The DAC 214 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout proposed system should include required hardware and software and should have at least 2 analyst licenses per State to meet the requirement of NeGP– A Project. Tasks expected: Automatic / Manual submission of trouble tickets: Operator should be able to generate the ticket Ticket mapping and allocation: According to the severity, the ticket should be given the priority level. It should also map the ticket to the appropriate personnel for the resolution It should be able to log and escalate user interactions and requests It should have an updateable knowledge base for technical analysis and further help end-users to search solutions for previously solved issues It should support tracking of SLA (service level agreements) for call requests within the call centre through service types Helpdesk must be compatible with ITIL standards Reports expected from the Helpdesk Status of registered calls with interface using which analyst can inform the status to users over phone. Historical report indicating number of calls, time to resolve, status etc. for a specified period of time IT Service Management The Solution should display the complete ITIL process flow for Incident, problem, Change and release Management The solution should have Service Management Process Model in built based on ITIL v3 best practices. At each stage in the cycle of the incident, the system should prompt users on the status and the missing information that is required to complete the flow In case any process step is missed, the system prompts users to complete that step before they move to the next step DAC 215 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Solution should support reporting on the process flow to allow management to understand how organization is performing in terms of process adherence Solution should support multi-tenancy with complete data isolation as well as with ability for analysts based on access rights to view data for one, two or more organizational units. It should be possible for L1 to view the ‘Asset Details of a selected Asset’ from within the ticket Should provide relationship viewer within the ticket. The relationship viewer should display the dependencies and impact relationships to other assets and users. Solution should automatically provide solutions from the knowledge base. Operator should be able to view detailed configuration of a selected asset (Eg– amount of CPU, RAM, Disk Space, IP address, software installed, software used etc). The solution should be bundled with a tool that will allow administrators to customize the GUI using a point-and-click interface to add and change forms, objects, and fields in forms Business processes would be both simple & complex and would involve workflows with approval, rejection at different levels. Rejected applications can be reconsidered for approval and vice versa. Workflow engine must support simple and complex workflows and should be able to perform notification via email, SMS and should have provision to interface with other communication modes. The solution should provision the administrator to create new or modify existing workflow by using actions like set fields, push fields, SQL query etc. Provide the ability to develop workflow for data level operations like record create, update, modify and delete operation. Same workflow could be executed for both Window and Web client. Provide option for approval engine so that any customized applications developed could incorporate the hierarchy, role based, level based, ad-hoc approval structure. Include notification and escalation capability if approval is not performed. The solution should provide the functionality of executing searches to the entire database. It should be possible to provide query criteria using AND, OR conditions. This allows the users to create and view workflows/reports based on their needs rather than using only the set of workflows/reports provided out of the box. Incident/Problem Management DAC 216 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout o Flexibility of logging incidents via various means – web interface, client interface, phone, auto integration with EMS tools o Service Desk solution should allow detailed multiple levels/tiers of categorization on the type of incident being logged. o Service Desk solution should provide classification to differentiate the criticality of the security incident via the priority levels, severity levels and impact levels. o It should allow SLA to be associated with a ticket based on priority, severity, incident type, requestor, asset, location or group individually as well as collectively. o Solution should support fast service restoration leveraging previous incident data o It should be possible for L1 to view the ‘Asset Details of a selected asset’ from within the ticket. o The health view should be consistent across platform (Windows & flavors of UNIX / Linux) o Should support automatic assignment of ticket to the right skilled resource based on business priority Ex – Database crash issue need not be assigned to an L3 DBA unless the business service is completely down. o Asset causing the business failure and business service that has failed should be automatically related to the ticket. o It should be possible to architect a decentralized service operations (across OS, database and application versions). o Should be able to implement a Follow the sun support o Should be able to consolidated view/reports across locations while maintaining localized views/reports. o For integrations with other EMS/NMS tools, various options for integration should be provided – APIs, web services, SDKs. DAC 217 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout o It should have an updateable knowledge base for technical analysis and further help endusers to search solutions for previously solved issues. Should support full text search capabilities. Change Management o Should support Change Impact and change collision detection based on affected Cis from CMDB o Solution should provide for Change Calendar with periodical views o Should support self-service change request and fulfillment with standard change requests via service catalog o Should support Incident & problem driven change-release-deployment activities. End to End Release Management workflows should be supported with in-built rollback capabilities o Should support unified change and release tools (planning, risk assessment, scheduling, and execution tools) for complete enterprise across applications, etc Asset Management o Should manage complete lifecycle starting with the initiation of the procurement through to retiring and (if applicable) harvesting unused software. o Should be integrated with Service Desk for maintenance and support of assets o Should be integrated with Change Management for deployment, changes. o Use the same data model and normalization, federation capabilities of CMDB to manage asset data ensuring data standardization across enterprise. o Should support IT Business Management data and metrics to manage asset lifecycle o Should support Integration with supplier, SI, contract, etc data Service Level Management / Monitoring DAC 218 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout o The SLA Monitoring function of the EMS is by far the most important requirement of the Integrated Project. This is on account of the fact that commitment of the projects to the citizens is dependent on an effective and continuous monitoring of the timelines within which citizens are served at the Portal or CSCs. Equally important from the point of the IA is that the payments by GoI on account of the performance are linked to a measurement of the monthly averages of SLA parameters. In this context, the SLA Monitoring component of EMS will have to possess the following capabilities: EMS should integrate with the application software component of portal software that measures performance of system against the following SLA parameters: o Response times of Portal; o Transaction handling capacity of application server in terms of number of concurrent connects; o EMS should compile the SLA metrics laid down in the RFP; o Have a consolidated, automated graphical report for SLA compliance with ability to drill down to reason for non-compliance” o Manage service levels for delivery and support of business services o Fast, repeatable process for defining and capturing service level measurements o Near Real-time visualization of service level target along with agreement compliance data needs to be provided o Deliver service level information and alerts directly to IT Operations and Service Support consoles o Should support compliance and cost trending to assist in identifying areas for process and operational improvements Service Request Management o Should support single service catalog for request able services, spanning both IT and non-IT domains o Should provide for Service Requests Workflows and Fulfillment definitions for commonly used IT/non-IT services. DAC 219 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout o Catalog based on User profile (User would be internal employees at Center and State , IT staff , NIC Development team etc) o Various types of Customer profiles are supported, for ex: Gold, Platinum, Silver o Integrates with any underlying service management for request fulfillment o Ability to load dynamic information based on the field chosen o Ability to position both Custom-made and Standard Requests o Should send notifications to Customers based on the status o Should have the ability to extend and create new service request o Should have predefined catalogues that cover specific use cases o Should be completely web based and should be accessible from an portal o The services should be integrated to SLAs and should be auto measured for adherence. Reporting o Should provide for Reports for Service Support and Service Delivery processes through a unified portal for both CAP & SAP. o Should have ability to have a consolidated view of data collected from different types of operations (Eg– SLA compliance for a selected service, it’s dependent SLAs, OLA and UPCs, it’s changes by priority, open incidents by priority and status, it’s assets and individual asset compliance, patches installed and compliance to patches etc) and displayed in a universal portal o Provide users (based on role) to drill down to specific report/data on a need basis o Provide detailed reports on a specific area as per the need of the user o Provide ability to set thresholds on reports values and take automated actions (Eg– at any point of time not more than 10 critical incidents should not be in open status for billing service, if it does send an email report to billing service owner and SLA manager. If DAC 220 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout consolidated availability of billing service is < 98% for more than 30mts, send an email to SLA manager.” o Ability to create custom KPI metrics and scorecard/compliance reports that are updated automatically o Single dashboard provides the as-is scenario by consolidating the data across the CAP & SAP o Should automatically compute and apply the math as per the business service o Should support and Correlate KPIs from multiple disciplines o Should support top down dashboards with drill down capabilities into detailed information. o Should support multiple views with flexible structure along with role based access W. Line Interactive UPS 650 VA/1KVA Specifications Sl. No. Specifications Required Capacity 650 VA Technology DSP based, PWM using MOSFET / IGBT (indicate the make, capacity and other technical details of the MOSFET/IGBT/DSP) CE or equivalent certificate with quoted Model No specified on it.RoHS certificate for the product. Quality Standards: ISO 9001: 2000 /2008/ ISO 14001 A MAINS MODE AC INPUT 1 Voltage 140 to 270 Volts 2 Frequency 50 Hz ± 3 Hz AC OUTPUT 1 Voltage window 230 ± 8% (with AVR) 2 Frequency As on Mains DAC 221 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout B. INVERTER MODE (Output) 1 Voltage Regulation 230 ± 3 % (on battery) 2 Frequency 50 ± 0.5 Hz 3 Load Power Factor 0.8 (Lag) or better 4 Output Load Capacity 500 Watts (or more) 5 Overload capacity At 120% load, Minimum. 2 min. 6 Waveform Sinewave / Modified Sinewave 7 Total Harmonic Distortion < 8% 8 Overall Efficiency ≥ 85% (on full rated capacity of UPS at 0.8 load PF) Battery Bank 1 DC Bus Voltage 2 BATTERY ≤ 48V Sealed Maintenance Free (VRLA) 3 Battery VAH Capacity (minimum) 950 VAH for 650 VA and Minimum 1800 VAH for 1 KVA Line Interactive UPS. 4 Battery End Cell Voltage 10.5 V 5 Battery Bank Recharge time ≤ 8 hrs. (to 90% capacity after discharge into a full load) 6 Suggested Make of battery Reputed Brands like CSB, Panasonic, Quanta and Exide complying with JIS C 8702-1:2009 or IEC 60896-21 7 Battery Cabinet Battery cabinet matching to the UPS cabinet (preferably single cabinet for battery and UPS) PROTECTIONS 1 Short Circuit Electronic current limit on inverter mode/ MCB protection on Mains mode 2 Surge / Spikes Through Line Filters 3 DC under voltage Yes 4 Overload Yes DAC 222 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout DISPLAY LCD / LED Display 1 UPS Status 2 Load Status 3 Battery Status/ Low Battery 4 Battery bar graph to Display parameters ALARMS 1 Mains failure 2 Fault conditions 3 Low battery OTHER FEATURE Generator Compatibility should be provided. Warranty, AC Output SOCKETS & Input Cable Minimum 4 Nos. (230V/ 5A ISI mark) sockets Input Cable of at least 1 meter Warranty Warranty: Five years On-site warranty on UPS and five years warranty on SMF battery (Warranty on battery as per Note 1 below after configuration of 5 KVA UPS) Note: Battery backup in case of UPSs to be supplied to locations other than Blocks / Sub-Divisions will be half compared to the figure given above. Thus, the VAH needed in such cases will be 475 VAH or higher depending on design of UPS and combination of batteries supplied. In case of State HQ, Training Centres and Universities, online UPS will be provided with following specs. Overall price comparison will be done after considering prices and numbers given in the RFP. Thus, following four types of UPSs shall be considered for price comparison purposes. 1. Line Interactive : 14808 (Line Interactive with full back up as above) 2. Districts: 2796 (Line Interactive with half backup compared to above) 3. State / Training Centres / Labs: 295 (Online UPS) 4. Line Interactive 1 KVA : 29 S. PARAMETERS SPECIFICATIONS DAC 223 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout No. 1 Capacity BatteryBackup General InverterTechnology TotalHarmonicDistorti on (THD) Voltage 2 3 Noiselevel OperatingTemperatur e CrestFactor Humidity OutputWaveForm ColdStartfacility Cooling Input 5kVA 120Minutesat fullloadforallthecapacities PulseWidthModulation(PWM)usingIGBTs,double conversion <3%for100%linearload <5%for100%non-linearload Lessthan55db LowNoisecoolingFanmustbeused 0º-40ºC Notlessthan3:1 on fullnon-linearload Upto95%non-condensing PureSinewave Required Aircooled 05KVA(SinglePhaseAC) VoltageRange FrequencyRange InputPowerFactor 4 5 6 7 8 9 Distortion Compatibility Output Voltage Regulation Frequency Efficiency OverallEfficiency InverterEfficiency OverloadCapacity LoadPowerFactor TransientResponseTim e Protection 160VACto270VAC 50±3Hz 0.9orbetterat full outputloadleadingtoUnitywith automaticpowerfactorcorrection(APFC) Lessthan5% D/Gset 230VAC+1 %,singlephase Lessthan+1%inthefollowingconditions 1. Noloadto fullload/Fullloadtonoload 2. 0.6lagtoUnityPFload 3. DuringEntireBackuptime. 4. CompleteInputVoltageRange (a)50Hz+ 0.5% 80%orbetteron ratedfullloadof0.8PF &230V, 50HzAC output 90%orbetteronratedfullloadof0.8PF&230V, 50HzAC output 110%for2min.&125%overloadfor30sec. 0.8lagging For100%loadchange,outputmustremainwithin ±1%andrecoverywithin20ms. Requiredfor: ShortCircuits OverLoading OverTemperature DAC 224 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Inputlow/highvoltagecontrol DClow/highvoltagetrip 10 11 BatteryBankDetails BatteryType BatteryMake Batteryrechargetime (aftercompletedischarg eto 100%charge)&charge rating BatteryCutoffvoltage duringbackup BatteryCapacity CapacityofUPS UPSHousing 12 L.C.D.meter 13 Indications 14 AudibleAlarm 15 Switches 16 OutputConnection SealedMaintenanceFree(VRLA) Reputed Brands like CSB, Panasonic, Quanta and Exide complying with JIS C 87021:2009 or IEC 60896-21 Batteryrechargetimeshouldnotexceed8hoursand chargershouldbecapabletochargebatteryonC10 rating. Notlessthan10.5V MinimumRequiredVAHBankforgivenBack-upTime 120 minutes, 13728 VAH PowdercoatedUPScabinetshouldofminimum1mm thickofgoodqualitysteelsheetandshouldbefree fromsharpedge,scratches,nicks,& bursetc.Cabinet shouldconformtoall protectionrequirements. Tomeasureandmonitorinputvoltage,outputvoltage,outputcurrent,DCcurrent,DCv oltage,input/ outputfrequency Mainson LoadonBattery Inverter Batterylevel Loadlevel/Current Inverteroverload OverTemperature Mainfailure Batterylow InverterOverload MainON/OFFMCB BatteryON/OFFMCB Inverterpushbuttonwithreset. O/PTerminalsofstandardqualityshouldbeprovided inall capacityofUPSabove5kVA.03Nos.of5/15A/230VfemaleISI/IECMarksocket shouldalso beprovidedinadditiontotheO/PTerminalsinall below5kVAUPSSystems. 17 InputIsolation TransformerInbuilt GalvanicIsolationthroughTransformer(outputside) 18 Static&ManualBypass Required Note: DAC 225 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 1. The set of batteries proposed to be supplied for Line Interactive and online UPSs will have to be replaced at least once on an average during the 5 years project period. The DAC shall pay for any additional batteries required beyond the first set of batteries replaced during the project period of 5 years. Thus, on the whole, IA will be required to replace as many sets of batteries free of cost as is the total number of UPSs. The Department can ask for these batteries free of cost to the extent these are not supplied as a replacement during AMC period. 2. UPS prices will be quoted in 2 parts viz. UPS machine and batteries. For Bid Evaluation purpose aggregate value of both these components will be taken. In order to minimize speculation regarding prevalent Lead prices at the time of supply of 2nd set of batteries, it will be assumed that 70% of battery comprises Lead. Thereafter, variation of up to 4% as per London Metal Exchange Metal Index will need to be absorbed by the IA and any increase or decrease beyond this range of 4% will be to the account of DAC in keeping with the formulation given above.The price variation will be appliedon half yearly basisby amending the following commonly used formula suitably to account for above mentioned stipulations suitably:- {F x Ah x N x (Lead (a) –Lead (b)) } Price of next half year = ------------------------------------- + Pp 100 F Factor of increase /Decrease in rupees /Ah per 2V Cell. For SMF batteries, F = 0.22 Ah Capacity of Ah N No of cells =6 (for 12V batteries) Lead (a) Lead Price in US$ at LME average for the half year in which the rate quoted Lead (b) Lead Price US$ at LME average for the half year Pp Price in existing half year DAC 226 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Appendix V – Forms & Formats A. Declaration regarding clean track record To, Director (IT) Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture New Delhi Sir, I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the RFP Document regarding Selection of System integrator for NeGP-Agriculture in States/Uts for Phase 2 of the project. I hereby declare that my company is not currently debarred/black-listed by a Government / Semi Government Organization. I further certify that I am competent authority in my company &have been authorized to make this declaration. Yours very truly, Name: _______________________ Designation: _______________________ DAC 227 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Company: _____________________ Address: ______________________ B. Certificate for satisfactory work from reputed clients (To be submitted in the letter head of client) This is to certify that M/s ……………………….………… has undertaken satisfactory work related to IT Project ……………………….…… valued at Rs.……………………… located at ……………………..on our behalf. It is further certified that M/s ………………………. Has completed the IT Project within the stipulated time frame of ………………... and the Project is running satisfactorily as per the conditions stipulated in the SLA. (Note: Last line may be deleted in case of ongoing works). Date: Signature Place: Name: Designation: Stamp: DAC 228 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout DAC 229 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout C. NeGP-A Open Forum: Format for Queries S. No Company Page No. Clause No. Observations Suggestions Name 1 2 3 4 5 N Note: Queries from the prospective bidders will be accepted by DAC in this format only. Queries sent to DAC in some other format will not be accepted by DAC. DAC 230 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout D. Pre-Qualification Compliance S. No. Pre-Qualification Criteria Supporting document Reference E. Technical Bid Form [Date] To, Director (IT) Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture New Delhi Dear Sir, Ref: ‘Selection of Implementation Agency for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Training, Operations & Maintenance of Hardware & Networking Components and System Software Databases & other software procured under this project in States/Uts. DAC 231 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 1. Having examined the tender document, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to provide the IT services as required and outlined in the RFP for NeGP– A Phase 2 solution for Department of Agriculture and Co-operation (DAC). To meet such requirements and provide such services as required are set out in the tender document. 2. We attach hereto the tender technical response as required by the tender document, which constitutes our bid. 3. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to adhere to the implementation plan (Project schedule) put forward in the RFP or such adjusted plan as may subsequently be mutually agreed between us and DAC or its appointed representatives. 4. If our bid is accepted, we will obtain the Unconditional Performance Bank Guarantees in the format given in the tender document issued by a Scheduled Commercial Bank in India, acceptable to DAC. 5. We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the tender document and also agree to abide by this tender response for a period of SIX (plus ONE) MONTHS from the date fixed for tender opening and it shall remain binding upon us with full force and virtue, until within this period a formal contract is prepared and executed, this tender response, together with your written acceptance thereof in your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us and DAC. 6. We confirm that the information contained in this bid or any part thereof, including its exhibits, schedules, and other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to the DAC is true, accurate, and complete. This bid includes all information necessary to ensure that the Statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead DAC as to any material fact.” 7. We agree that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender response you may receive. We also agree that you reserve the right in absolute sense to reject all or any of the products/ service specified in the tender response without assigning any reason whatsoever. 8. It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our corporation/company/ firm/organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may be required in this connection. DAC 232 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Dated this Day of 2015 (Signature) (In the capacity of) Duly authorized to sign the Tender Response for and on behalf of: (Name and Address of Company) Seal/Stamp of bidder Witness Signature: Witness Name: Witness Address: F. FinancialBid Form [Date] To, Director (IT) Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture New Delhi Dear Sir, DAC 233 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Ref: ‘Selection of Implementation Agency for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Training, Operations & Maintenance of Hardware & Networking Components and System Software Databases & other software procured under this project’ for States/Uts. 1. Having examined the Tender Document, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to provide the IT services as required and outlined in the RFP for NeGP– A Phase 2 solution for Department of Agriculture & Co-operation (DAC) for all remaining States &Uts. To meet such requirements and to provide services as set out in the tender document following is our quotation summarizing our financialbid. Total Cost of the Solution INR (Amount in Words) Part A Part B 2. We attach hereto the financialbid as required by the Tender document, which constitutes our bid. 3. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to adhere to the implementation plan (Project schedule) put forward in Section 6.3 of the RFP or such adjusted plan as may subsequently be mutually agreed between us and DAC or its appointed representatives. 4. If our bid is accepted, we will obtain Unconditional Performance Bank Guarantee in the format given in the tender document issued by a PSU bank in India, acceptable to DAC for a sum equivalent to 20% of the total price as quoted in our financialbid of the tender document for the due performance of the contract. 5. We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions in the tender document and also agree to abide by this tender response for a period of SIX (plus ONE) MONTHS from the date fixed for tender opening and it shall remain binding upon us, until within this period a formal contract is prepared and executed, this tender response, together with your written acceptance thereof in your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us. 6. We confirm that the information contained in this bid or any part thereof, including its exhibits, schedules, and other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to the DAC is true, accurate, and DAC 234 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout complete. This bid includes all information necessary to ensure that the Statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead the DAC as to any material fact. 7. We agree that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender response you may receive. We also agree that you reserve the right in absolute sense to reject all or any if the products/ service specified in the tender response without assigning any reason whatsoever. 8. It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our corporation/company/ firm/organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may be required in this connection. Dated this Day of 2015 (Signature) (In the capacity of) Duly authorized to sign the Tender Response for and on behalf of: (Name and Address of Company) Seal/Stamp of bidder Witness Signature: Witness Name: DAC 235 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 7.1 Performance Bank Guarantee Template [Date] To, Director (IT) Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture New Delhi Dear Sir, Reg: Unconditional Performance Bank Guarantee for Agriculture MMP at Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, New Delhi 1. Whereas M/s. ______________________ (hereinafter called “CONTRACTOR”) has supplied ______________ (as per Bill of Material Specified in this Document) as per agreement/supply order No.___________ dated ___________ signed between the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation – DAC (hereinafter called “Client”) and them and as per the agreement/supply order the M/s. ___________________ is supposed to furnish Performance Security for providing the IT Services in Development, Implementation and Maintenance of NeGP at DAC. DAC 236 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 2. NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL THE MAN THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, __(Bank Name)__________________ having its Head Office at ________________________(hereinafter called “the Bank”) are bound up to the Client in the sum of Rs.________/- (Rs.______ ______________) only) for which payment will and truly to be made to the said Client, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assignees by these presents. 3. The Bank further undertakes to pay to the purchaser up to the above amount on receipt of its first written demand, without the Client having to substantiate its demand. The Client’s decision in this regard shall be final and shall not be called upon to question under any circumstances. The Bank Guarantee will remain in force up to ______. However, its validity can be got extended before _________ solely at the instance of the Purchaser. This clause shall remain valid not withstanding anything else contained to the contrary in this document. 4. Our responsibility under this guarantee is restricted to Rs.________/- (Rupees ________________________) only and it will remain enforce up to _____________ unless a demand in writing is received by the bank on or before __________, all your rights under the said guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released and discharged from all the liabilities there under. 5. This guarantee will remain in force up to <date of validity> and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the specified date/dates. However, notwithstanding anything else contained to the contrary in this Guarantee, if the implementing agency does not submit the fresh performance bank guarantee (as per required schedule and amount) till 15 days before expiry of this performance bank guarantee, the Purchaser may either forfeit the EMD or ask the Bank to extend validity of the Bank Guarantee. In the latter situation, the Bank shall comply with such a request of extension. 6. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this ______ day of _____, 2015. In witness whereof the Bank, through its authorized officer, has set its hand and stamp on this _______ day of ______, 2015 for Bank ____________ DAC 237 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Witness Signature Name M/s.____________ (complete address) Note: This guarantee will attract stamp duty as a security bond. A duly certified copy of the requisite authority conferred on the official/s to execute the Guarantee on behalf of the bank should be annexed to this guarantee for verification and retention thereof as documentary evidence. G. Format for Client References Format for Client References S. No i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Detail Project 1 Project 2 Project n Name of Customer Organization Country Government / Non-Government Client Contact Particulars Name Designation Email DAC 238 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout viii. ix. x. Phone Fax Mailing address DAC 239 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout H. Format for Providing Citations Format for citing relevant past projects – Details S. No Item Details/ Guidelines Attachment Ref. No. (if any) General Information 1 Customer Name/Government Department 2 Name of the Contact Person and Contact details for the project Brief description of scope of project Size of the project 3 Contract Value of the project (in Provide particulars on crores) contract value assigned to each major phase and milestone. Also give details on transaction based payment if any 4 Total cost of the services provided (by the Bidder) 5 Total Cost of services (provided by the Ias, if any) DAC 240 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 6 Please provide copies of Work Order or Certificate Completion for of completed projects from Authorized officials in the Government Departments/ Client Project Details 7 Name of the project 8 Start Date/End Date 9 Current Status (work in progress, completed) 10 Contract Tenure 11 No. of locations 12 Man-month effort involved 13 Type of Project. Portal ERP/other applications / Provide scope of the project, highlight Key Result Areas expected and achieved DAC 241 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 14 Solution architecture employed & Describe the architecture in core Components detail covering overall framework as well as various building Blocks. Integration of various kinds of hardware, software and network systems / solution Components covered by project scope 15 Scope of Service Delivery system Provide details on different kinds of services delivered using the system and extent of coverage in terms of target population 16 Scope of managed services. Data List the various services with digitization and migration, a brief description of each document conversion, data entry, highlighting the nature, front office functions handled, complexity, uniqueness and non – technical support functions the like 17 Start date of steady State If there have been sub operations & contract tenure milestones as part of the contract (Such as Pilot, Rollout etc.) highlight the same DAC 242 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 18 Development, rollout & steady Provide details in a tabular State phases. Effort in person form months in each phase, number of average / peak people in each phase 19 Number of concurrent users This should correlate to actual users of the solution. Not portal visitors. Give a brief description of the kind of services and transactions 20 Tools design, deployed. Modeling, Give names of the tools development, testing, employed project management, EMS highlights and provide regarding the efficacy of the tools Note: Please provide the supporting documentation related with work orders and completion certificates. DAC 243 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout I. Format for Overview of Roles of the Implementation Agency (OEMs) S. No. Name of Implementation Agency Task Assigned Note: Teaming agreements with OEMs to be made available DAC 244 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout J. Format for Staffing Plan Professional Staff S. No. Name of Task Assigned Proposed Position Resource Amount of time to be devoted(in months) Support Staff S. No. Name of Task Assigned Resource Proposed Position Amount of time to be devoted (in months) DAC 245 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout K. Format for CVs of the Key Professional Staff 1 Proposed Position 2 Name of the firm 3 Name of staff 4 Date of Birth 5 Nationality 6 Key Qualifications 7 Languages 8 Employment record 9 Roles & Responsibilities Handled 10 Similar Experience of working on similar / E-Governance project. Project 1 Details Project 2 Details 11 Amount of time dedicated on Project (in months) 12 Training & Certifications DAC 246 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout L. Format for Work Schedule (State wise) S. No. Activity Months 1 DAC 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n 247 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout M. Bid Security Form FORMAT OF BID BOND (EMD) Whereas ……………………. (Hereinafter called “the Bidder”) has submitted its bid dated…………… for the supply of …………. Vide Tender No. ……………………….. dated …………… KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that WE ……………………. OF ………………. Having our registered office at ………….. (hereinafter called “the Bank”) are bound unto Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC) (hereinafter called “the Purchaser”) in the sum of Rs. ………………… for which payment will and truly to be made of the said Purchaser, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these present. THE CONDITIONS of the obligation are: i. The Bidder withdraws their Bid during the period of Bid validity specified by them on the Bid letter form ii. During the bid process, if a Bidder indulges in any such deliberate act as would jeopardize or unnecessarily delay the process of bid evaluation and finalization. The decision of the Purchaser regarding forfeiture of the Bid Security shall be final & shall not be called upon for question under any circumstances iii. Violates any of such important conditions of this RFP document or indulges in any such activity as would jeopardize the interest of the DAC. iv. Bidder does not respond to requests for clarification of their Bid v. Bidder fails to co-operate in the Bid evaluation process, and vi. In case of a successful Bidder, the said Bidder fails: to sign the Contract Agreement in time; or to furnish Performance Guarantee, in accordance with the instruction to bidders DAC 248 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout The decision of the Purchaser regarding forfeiture of the Bid Security shall be final & shall not be called upon question under any circumstances. We undertake to pay to the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand, the purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owning to the occurrence of any of the above conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. This guarantee will remain in force up to and including THIRTY (30) days after the Period of bid validity and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the specified date/dates. However, if the Bidder agrees to extend validity of its Bid but does not commensurately extend validity of the EMD till 15 days before original expiry of the same, the Purchaser may either forfeit the EMD or ask the Bank to extend validity of the Bank Guarantee. In the latter situation, the Bank shall comply with such a request of extension. Signature of the Bank Authority Name Signed in Capacity of Name & Signature of witness Full address of Branch Address of witness Tel No. of Branch Fax No. of Branch DAC 249 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout N. Technical Compliance Form Component Specifications as per RFP Specifications/Details/Make/ Model of components offered by the Bidder Qty. Servers for Mandis OS for Mandi Servers in States 29 As per specification in Appendix IV-L 29 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std. 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-H 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-H 08 As per specification in Appendix IV-G Servers Web Server Application Server Database Server Database server with SPEC rating of 1350 02 Management Server Audio Video Streaming Server As per specification in Appendix IV-G 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-G 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-H 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-H 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-H 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-F 6 As per specification in Appendix IV-I Portal Server DNS / LDAP Server Blade Chases SAN Storage DAC 250 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Server Farm Access Switch Access Switch for Users (24 Ports) Fiber Channel Switch for SAN (SAN Switch) 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-C 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-D 6 As per specification in Appendix IV-B 2 As per specification in Appendix IV-E 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-O 10 As per Telecommunication Infrastructure Standards Server Load Balancer KVM Switch 8 port Rack / passive Component System software at SDCs As per specification in Appendix IV-Q Microsoft Biztalk server 2013 Standard Edition Microsoft BizTalk Server Version 2013 (per 2 core) *License quantity to be calculated as per HW configuration of Application –Integration server offered 20* Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std ( per 2 Proc) MS Windows Server 2012 Std. (2xProc) 70 Windows Server External Connector 10 Share Point Portal Server 10 Microsoft Web Server External Connector MS SharePoint Server 2013 SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition (per 2 Core) 10* SQL Server 2013 Enterprise (per 2 core) *License quantity to be calculated as per HW configuration of DB server offered DAC 251 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout EMS (As per solution offered) As per specification in Appendix IV-V DC- DR Replication (As per solution offered) As per DC-DR Solution by bidders DRCs of States Data Base Server Application Server/ Portal/ Web Server Rack / passive Component 10 As per specification in Appendix IV-B 22 As per specification in Appendix IV-H 3 As per specification in Appendix IV-H 3 As per specification in Appendix IV-F Blade Chases System software at State DRCs As per specification in Appendix IV-Q Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std ( per 2 Proc) MS Windows Server Standard 32 Application Server Integration 20* Microsoft Biztalk Server 2013 Std ( per 2 core) *License quantity to be calculated as per HW configuration of Application –Integration server 10* Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition ( per 2 core) *License quantity to be calculated as per HW configuration of DB server SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition (per 2 Core) EMS (As per solution offered) As per specification in Appendix IV-V DC- DR Replication (As per solution offered) DAC 252 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Field or End Location Hardware Desktop As per specification in Appendix IV-V 20562 4 GB RAM As per specification in Appendix IV-V 500 GB Hard Disk As per specification in Appendix IV-V UPS (650 VA) including for Kioskswith full backup As per specification in Appendix IV-W 14808 UPS (650 VA) with half backup 2796 As per specification in Appendix IV-W Line Interactive (1KVA) UPS 29 As per specification in Appendix IV-W 295 As per specification in Appendix IV-W Online 5 KVA UPS Mono Printer and Scanner (MFP), at Block HQs As per specification in Appendix IV-K 4231 + 727 Color Printer and Scanner (MFP), half the quantity at District HQs and above with the other half being Mono) 727 Touch Screen Kiosks (with Desktop) 2811 As per specification in Appendix IV-P 4700 As per specification in Appendix IV-M Switch 8 Port for District &Block HQ Switch 24 Ports for State HQ, Training Labs and Universities As per specification in Appendix IV-K As per specification in Appendix IV-N 166 DAC 253 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Hand Held Devices (Tablets) 37300 As per specification in Appendix IV-T 11400 As per specification in Appendix IV-U Pico Projectors O. Cost assumption and bid evaluation for genuine OEM branded printer cartridges (Note: Only genuine large sized OEM branded printer cartridges for mono & color MFPs should be quoted) 1. Make and Model of the Printer proposed _______________________ 2.Part Number of the Cartridges proposed ____________________ 3. Price of one Black Cartridge I for Block level MFPor set (Black, Yellow, Cyan & MagentaCartridges – quote each one of these separately) for color MFP Printer _____________________ 4. Yield or no. of pages per cartridge/set of cartridges for color printing (Y) as per ISO norms and {(ISO/IEC 19752 for black & white printerand (ISO/IEC 24711 and 19798)for colour printer} 5. Lump sum No. of pages per Quarter for mono MFP (P) = 1500 pages both for mono and color MFP. 6. Quarterly Cost of the Cartridge (s) for Mono & Color MFPs (V) = (C* P)/ Y The rates quoted by the bidder will be used for comparing the bids after considering NPV. NPV for Printer cartridges charges will be calculated based on the following formula (computer both types separately & then 20 aggregated) : ∑ NPV of cartridges for 1 printer = i=1 Vi (B)i-1 th Where Vi is Cartridge value for i quarter, B = [1+.09/4] assuming 9 % interest rate per annum NPV taken for evaluation = number of printers x NPV of cartridges for 1 printer (to be calculated separately for mono and color MFPs as per numbers specified in Table No. 11. DAC 254 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout P. Format for Statement of Deviations The deviations should be confined to minor technical shortcomings which are proposed to be overcome by extra technical features. Reference of Clause S. No. No., Volume No. Brief Deficiency Extra Reason Feature & Page No. Q. Format for Request for Clarifications Bidders requiring specific points of clarification may communicate with DAC during the specified period using the following format. Department of Agriculture & Co-operation (DAC), Govt. of India Bidder’s Request For Clarification Name of Organization Name & position Address of organization including phone, fax, submitting request: of person email points of contact: submitting XXXX XXXX request: Tel: XXXX XXXX Fax: XXXX E-mail: XXXX S. No . Bidding Document Content of RFP Reference requiring Points of Clarification required (Volume/Number/pag clarification e) 1 DAC 255 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 2 R. Format for Commercial Specifications & Quotations Summary of Cost Components S.No. Total Price (Rs.) Item Total Price in words (Rs.) Part A 1. Capex (Excluding Microsoft System Software) 2. Implementation Charges for initial installation of Microsoft System Software& maintenance for 5 years,Project Management&Roll out charges. 3. NPV of ATS of Non Microsoft components 4. NPV of AMC for 4th& 5th years for Tablets and Pico Projectors and 6th to 8th year for all other components DAC 256 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 5. NPV of OPEX 6. NPV of Cartridges value for 5 years Total (sum of 1 to 6) in INR Part B 1. Microsoft System Software 2. NPV of ATS for the 2nd year to 5th year for Microsoft System Software Total (sum of 1 & 2) in INR Total (Sum of Part A and Part B) in INR In order to bring out the tax components clearly, all prices shall be quoted by mentioning the tax structure as applicable for the following taxes, duties and levies in each category of items (viz. hardware, system software, Software, AMC, ATS etc.). Write ‘NA’ whichever is not applicable: S. No. Category of Item Type of Duty Prevalent Structure) 1. Computer Hardware Import Duty ; Countervailing Rate Percentage out of Unit Price Duty / Central Excise Duty Central Sales Tax Value Added Tax Service Tax Other Taxes (viz. Work DAC 257 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Contract Tax etc.) 2. System Import Duty Software/Databases Countervailing Duty / Central Excise Duty Central Sales Tax Value Added Tax Service Tax Other Taxes (viz. Work Contract Tax etc.) 3. AMC Import Duty Countervailing Duty / Central Excise Duty Central Sales Tax Value Added Tax Service Tax Other Taxes (viz. Work Contract Tax etc.) DAC 258 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 4. ATS Import Duty Countervailing Duty / Central Excise Duty Central Sales Tax Value Added Tax Service Tax Other Taxes (viz. Work Contract Tax etc.) Part A 4. CAPEX (Excluding Microsoft System Software) Make /Model *Total QTY(A) Component Unit Price of Supply/Installation /Implementation (including comprehensive onsite warranty for 05 years, taxes, duties & other levis, packing, transportation and insurance etc.) (B) Total cost(AxB) in Rs. QTY Servers for Mandis 29 State Data Centers(SDCs) Servers DAC 259 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Web Server 10 Application Server 10 Database Server 08 Database server with SPEC rating of 1350 02 Management Server 10 Audio Video Streaming Server 10 Portal Server 10 DNS / LDAP 10 Blade Chassis 10 SAN Storage 6 Server Farm Access Switch 10 Access Switch for Users (24 Ports) 10 Fiber Channel Switch for SAN (SAN Switch) 6 Server Load Balancer 2 KVM Switch 8 port 10 Rack / passive Component 10 System software at SDCs EMS (as per solution offered) DC- DR Replication (as per solution offered) Antivirus Solution HW for DRCs of States DAC 260 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Data Base Server 10 Application Server/ Portal/ Web Server 22 Rack / passive Component 3 Blade Chases 3 System software at State DRCs EMS (as per solution offered) DC- DR Replication (as per solution offered) Antivirus Solution cost (if any) *Desktops 20562 Price of 4GB RAM Price of 500 GB Hard Disk $UPS (650 VA) including for Kiosks with full backup 14808 $UPS (650 VA) with half backup 2796 $5 KVA Online UPS 295 $1 KVA Line interactive UPS 29 Mono Printer and Scanner (MFP), at Block HQs 4231+ 727 Color Printer and Scanner (MFP), half the quantity at District HQs and above with the other half being Mono) 727 DAC 261 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Touch Screen Kiosks (with Desktop) 2811 Switch 8 Port for District & Block HQ 4700 Switch 24 Ports for State HQ, Training Labs and Universities 166 Hand held Devices (Tablets) 37300 Pico projectors 11400 Total cost of H/w Components (T1) *For financial evaluations, please refer footnotes of Desktop specifications for RAM & Hard disk. $All UPS prices will be quoted in 2 parts viz. UPS machine and batteries. For Bid Evaluation purpose aggregate value of both these components will be taken. Basic Training Cost DAC 262 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Training Cost per Batch of 20 Training Cost Component per person (including taxes, duties and other levies, transportation, Total Cost in Rs. training manual and insurance etc.) in Rs. (A) (B) (18000/20) x (B) Basic Computer Training cost at States/ Districts/Blocks Total Capex(T1 + T2) : = Rs. 5. Project Management andRoll outcharges (as per Tentative BoM in Table No.11)/Implementation Charges for following Microsoft System Software, complete hardware and Maintenance for 05 Years. 6. Annual Maintenance Charges Notwithstanding anything else contained to the contrary in the RFP Document, it is clarified that the term 5years’ comprehensive warranty relates to the hardware (including operating systems for the desktops). In case of system software, databases and operating systems for all other components, 5 years updates and patches (including requisite telephonic & email support) are deemed to be included in the basic cost. ATS includes cost of one upgrade during five years as required by the DAC and such other parts of the support / updates & patches as may need to be provided by the Software OEM as per its internal policies. DAC 263 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Component Total QTY(A) AMC charges (including taxes, duties and other levies, transportation and insurance etc.) in Rs.) for total quantity of the Components Total QTY (A) Component Installation + 5 Years maintenance Charge Total (A x B) (B) System software at SDCs Microsoft BizTalk server 2013 Standard Edition 20 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std ( per 2 Proc) 70 Windows Server External Connector 10 Share Point Portal Server 10 SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition ( per 2 core) 10 MS SharePoint Portal Standard CALs 6400 Windows Server CALs 6400 System software at State DRCs Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std. (per 2 Proc.) 32 SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition ( per 2 core) 10 Microsoft BizTalk server 2013 Standard Edition 20 Share Point Portal Server 10 DAC 264 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout OS for Mandi Servers in States 29 Project management + Roll out cost (if Any) QTY Servers for Mandis Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 29 HW at SDCs Web Server 10 Application Server 10 Database Server 08 Database server with SPEC rating of 1350 02 Management Server 10 Audio Video Streaming Server 10 Portal Server 10 DNS / LDAP 10 Blade Chases 13 SAN Storage 6 Server Farm Access Switch 10 Access Switch for Users (24 Ports) 11 Fiber Channel Switch for SAN (SAN Switch) 6 Server Load Balancer 2 KVM Switch 8 port 10 HW at DRCs of States Data Base Server 10 DAC 265 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Application Server/ Portal/ Web Server Rack / passive Component Blade Chases 22 3 3 End locations HW Desktop 20562 UPS (650 VA) including for Kiosks with full backup 14808 UPS (650 VA) with half backup 2796 5 KVA Online UPS 295 1 KVA Line interactive UPS 29 Mono Printer and Scanner (MFP), at Block HQs 4231 + 727 Color Printer and Scanner (MFP), half the quantity at District HQs and above with the other half being Mono) 727 Touch Screen Kiosks (with Desktop) 2811 Switch 8 Port for District & Block HQ 4700 Switch 24 Ports for State HQ, Training Labs and Universities 166 Hand Held Devices (Tablets)* 37300 Pico Projectors* 11400 Total Cost in(Rs.) *AMC charges for 4th and 5th year DAC 266 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Sl. No. Item Total Cost (in Rs) 1 AMC for 4th year for Hand held Devices & Pico Projectors as above 2 AMC for 5th year for Hand held Devices & Pico Projectors as above 3 AMC for 6th year for all other Components defined above 4 AMC for 7th year for all other Components defined above 5 AMC for 8th year for all other Components defined above The rates quoted by the bidder will be used for comparing the bids after considering NPV. NPV for AMC charges will be calculated based on the following formula: 8 Ai ∑ (B) i-1 i=6 NPV (AMC for components other than Tablets & Pico projectors) = Where Ai is AMC value for ith year B = [1+-.09] assuming 9 % interest rate per annum Similarly NPV of AMC for 4th and 5th Year for Handheld devices and Pico Projectors will also be calculated. Comprehensive onsite AMC charges for 6th, 7th& 8th year for all items mentioned in above table. The Bidder should quote for 3 years AMC after making his own assessment regarding probability of product breakdown and other related parameters. NPV (AMC) in INR 7. ATS for non-Microsoft System Software (As per the solution and quantities offered) ATS charges need not be quoted separately. IA may choose to bundle it as part of the CAPEX of the software or quote for one or more of the 2nd to 5th years in the following table so as to meet the update, upgrade and support requirements in this RFP. DAC 267 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Component Total QTY(A) ATS Charges (including taxes, duties and other levies, transportation and insurance etc.)(inRs.) for Total Quantity of the Component Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 System software at SDCs EMS DC- DR Replication Antivirus Solution System software at State DRCs EMS Summary DC- DR Replication of Year- Antivirus solution wise nonMicrosoft System Software ATS Charges - The rates quoted by the bidder will be used for comparing the bids after considering Net Present Value (NPV). NPV for ATS charges will be calculated based on the following formula: NPV (ATS) = DAC 268 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Where Si is ATS value for ith year Sl. No. Item Total Cost (in Rs) 1 ATS for 2nd year for all Components defined above 2 ATS for 3rd year for all Components defined above 3 ATS for 4th year for all Components defined above 4 ATS for 5th year for all Components defined above B = [1+-.09] assuming 9 % interest (or discounting factor) rate per annum 5 Si ∑ (B)i-1 i=2 NPV (ATS) of non-Microsoft System Software in INR Part- B 8. Microsoft System Software Component *Total QTY(A) Unit Price of Supply(including taxes, duties and other levies) (B) Total cost(AXB) in Rs. $System software at SDCs OS for Mandi Servers in States 29 Microsoft Biztalk server 2013 Standard Edition 20* DAC 269 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout *Quantity to be calculated as per the HW configuration of Integration Servers Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std (per 2 Proc) 70 Windows Server External Connector 10 Share Point Portal Server 10 SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition ( per 2 core) *Quantity to be calculated as per the HW configuration of DB Servers 10* MS SharePoint Portal Standard CALs 6400 Windows Server CALs 6400 System software at State DRCs Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std ( per 2 Proc) 32 SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition (per 2 core) *Quantity to be calculated as per the HW configuration of DB Servers 10* Microsoft Biztalk server 2013 Standard Edition ( per 2 core) *Quantity to be calculated as per the HW configuration of Integration Servers 20* Share Point portal Server 10 DAC 270 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout $ bidders to quote basic license cost (with at least one product upgrade during five years period from the Go-Live date). 9. Annual Technical Support (ATS) for Microsoft System Software (if any): ATS charges need not be quoted separately. IA may choose to bundle it as part of the CAPEX of the software or quote for one or more of the 2nd to 5th years in the following table so as to meet the update, upgrade and support requirements in this RFP. Sl. No. Item Total Cost (in Rs) 1 ATS for 2nd year for all Components defined above 2 ATS for 3rd year for all Components defined above 3 ATS for 4th year for all Components defined above 4 ATS for 5th year for all Components defined above The rates quoted by the bidder will be used for comparing the bids after considering Net Present Value (NPV). NPV for ATS charges will be calculated based on the following formula: 5 NPV (ATS) = Si ∑ (B)i-1 i=2 Where Si is ATS value for ith year B = [1+-.09] assuming 9 % interest (or discounting factor) rate per annum DAC 271 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout NPV (ATS) in INR OPEX Component ATS Charges (including taxes, duties and other levies, transportation and insurance etc.)(inRs.) for Total Quantity of the Component Total QTY(A) Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 System software at SDCs Microsoft BizTalk server 2013 Standard Edition ( per 2 core) *Quantity to be calculated as per the HW configuration of Integration Servers 20* Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std ( per 2 Proc) 70 Windows Server External Connector 10 Share Point Portal Server 10 SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition ( per 2 core) *Quantity to be calculated as per the HW configuration of DB Servers 10* DAC 272 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout MS Share Point Portal Stand. CALs 6400 Identity AD Access control Server (CALs) 6400 System software at State DRCs Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std ( per 2 Proc) 32 SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition ( per 2 core) *Quantity to be calculated as per the HW configuration of DB Servers 10* Microsoft Biztalk server 2013 Standard Edition ( per 2 core) *Quantity to be calculated as per the HW configuration of Integration Servers 20* Share Point portal Server 10 OS for Mandi Servers in States 29 Manpower Place No. Service Manpower Total Window Cost (per DAC Cost (for month) five including years all taxes, i.e. out of 12*5=60 273 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout pocket months) expenses in and other (Total B charges, * 60) Rs. etc.(Specify costs separately for DBA, Sys Admin & Tech Support) A 1 System For DR of States 1 + 1 Admin& B C 9x6 DBA at Delhi 2 SDCs (10) – 01 For SDCs of 1 + 1 Sys Admin & States one 9x6 each Tech Support each 3 DR Sites at 01 Hyderabad System &Pune Admin 9x6 and 01 Tech DAC 274 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Support each Help Desk Operations at SDCs Help Desk resources 2 Help desk 35 9x6 operators (should be proficient in English &local vernacular language of Total (INR) The OPEX part is to be paid to the successful bidder (IA) over a period of 5 years. Hence, NPV (Net Present Value) shall be used for calculation of the OPEX part of the financial bid for comparison. Net Present Value of a Contract is equal to the sum of the Present Values (PVs) of all the cash flows associated with it. The formula for calculating the Net Present Value is provided below: 20 NPV (OPEX) = ∑ i=1 (Quarterly) OPEX)i (B) i-1 Where B = (1 + 0.09/4), considering rate of interest at 9 % per annum. NPV (OPEX) in INR NPV for Printer Cartridges DAC 275 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout No of Printers Scanners(A) NPV of Cartridges for Total (AXB) in 1 printer for 5 years Rs. and (B) (including taxes, duties and other levies, transportation and insurance etc.) Mono Printer and Scanner (MFP) Color Printer and Scanner (MFP) Total (Rs.) NPV (printer Cartridges ) in INR *To be calculated for both the printers separately and then added up. Add on Items Add-on Items Component Make/ Model Total Quantity (A) SAN Switch SFP Module 1 License cost of activation of one SFP module of SAN Switch 1 8 Core Processor for Servers Unit Cost of Supply and installation (Including comprehensive onsite warranty for 5 years , taxes, duties and other levies, packing, transportation and insurance etc.) (B) 1 DAC 276 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 16 GB RAM for Servers 1 4GB RAM for Desktop 1 8 GB RAM in lieu of 4GB for Desktop 1 500GB HDD for desktop 1 1 TB HDD for Desktop 1 1 TB external HDD for Desktop 1 1 TB HDD in lieu of 500 GB HDD for Desktop 1 2 TB HDD for Desktop 1 2 TB HDD in lieu of 500 GB HDD for Desktop 1 Blu-ray Disc drive for Desktops 1 Price of desktop Monitor quoted in the bid 1 21.5 “ monitor in lieu ofquoted monitor for desktops 1 23 “ monitor in lieu of quotedmonitor for desktops 1 DAC 277 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 24 “ monitor in lieu of quoted monitor for desktops 1 Price of touch screen Monitor quoted in the bid 1 23 “ touch screen monitor in lieu of quoted touch screen monitor 1 24 “ touch screen monitor in lieu of quoted touch screen monitor 1 Switch -24 port( As per the specification in RFP) 1 Unit rate of set of Batteries quoted for 650 VA UPS. (Please give the Specification also) 1 Unit rate of set of Batteries quoted for 650 VA UPS. (With half backup ) 1 Unit rate of set of Batteries quoted for 1KVA UPS. (Please give the Specification also) 1 Unit rate of set of Batteries quoted for 5KVA UPS. (Please give the Specification also) 1 DAC 278 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 300 GB FC HDD for SAN including connectors 1 300 GB SATA HDD for SAN including connectors 1 300 GB SAS in lieu of 300 GB FC HDD for SAN 1 300 GB SAS HDD for SAN including connectors 1 Disk Enclosure for SAN along with necessary cables / connectors 1 S. Declaration by the OEMs (Authorization to be taken from Hardware OEM’s) To, Date Director (IT) Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture New Delhi Subject: Authorization to a distributor for NeGP-A Phase 2 RFP DAC 279 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Dear Sir, Please refer to your RFP for ‘Selection of Implementation Agency for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Training, Operations & Maintenance of Hardware & Networking Components and System Software Databases & other software procured under this project for Phase 2 for States and UTs, under NeGP-A project. M/S ________________________________________ (Bidder), who is our reliable distributor/ registered business partner for the last ____________years, is hereby authorized to quote on our behalf for this prestigious tender. M/S _____________________________________ (Bidder) is likely to continue as our business partner during years to come for the purpose of this RFP atleast. We undertake the following regarding the supply of computer hardware/ peripherals/ software. 1. The equipment quoted by M/S _______________in this RFP from our company meets the specifications required by the Client. M/S _________________________________________ (Bidder) shall not be allowed to do any unauthorized hardware integration on our machines. 2. It will be ensured that in the event of being awarded the contract, the equipment (including all requisite hardware / software components) will be delivered by M/s___________________. We will provide all necessary backend support [including updates, upgrades of firmware, OS (latter as applicable in this RFP), required patches, replacement & spares and expert support] to the bidder (if selected) for the project period (including Implementation phase, 5 years of support and paid AMC for a period of 3 years, if applicable) as per the RFP and Contract to be signed with the Bidder, in the event of his being successful. 3. It is reiterated that if the Bidder does not operate or maintain the equipment (hardware / software) for any reason whatsoever and DAC decides to appoint another Implementing agency (IA), we shall make necessary alternative arrangements through such IA for honoring warranties as per the terms of this RFP by continuing to provide backend support as per point no 2 above without charging any extra charges. An original copy of equipment (hardware / software) warranty (repair / replacement) shall be submitted to the DAC at the time of installation. On the whole, it shall be ensured that the clauses regarding supply, installation, commissioning, service and maintenance of equipment (hardware / software) do not get affected during implementation and maintenance of the project due to non-availability of equipment (hardware / software), spares and lack of technical inputs from our side during the project period (Implementation phase, of 5 years warranty (03 years DAC 280 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout for Tablets &Pico projectors) period and paid AMC period of 3 years, if applicable). We shall work closely with the bidder to ensure adherence to conditions regarding delivery, installation & maintenance of equipment (hardware / software) to be procured from us as per the contract. 4. If due to any reason whatsoever, the tie up between our Company & M/S _____________(Bidder) breaks down subsequently or supply/ installation/ commissioning / maintenance does not take place for a reason not attributable to DAC, we shall still ensure that the project gets implemented qua supply & maintenance irrespective of any such breakdown in our relationship with the Bidder. If in the unlikely eventuality of this project specific understanding as per last line of this point still not being fructified, we and the Bidder shall jointly make necessary alternative arrangements for honoring our warranties and policies as per the terms of the original contract without any additional cost to DAC. 5. Notwithstanding anything else contained to contrary in this RFP, the equipment supplied during the project term shall be neither end-of-life nor end-of-support as on the date of submission of the bid by the Bidder. However, in case the equipment is declared end-of-life or end-of-sale due to up-gradation of technology, the supplied equipment in this Project shall not be declared end-of-support during the 5 years’ warranty period and paid AMC period (if applicable). In case a rare situation arises that support is also not possible due to unavoidable circumstances with respect to a particular part or whole of equipment, the OEM will have to substitute that part or equipment (latter if part replacement is also not feasible) with an equivalent or higher model of same make, free of cost for smooth operation of the NeGP-A project. Yours Sincerely Name of the OEM: Address: Contact Details: Authorization to be given by Software OEMs) DAC 281 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Ref. No. __________ To, Date Director (IT) Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC) Ministry of Agriculture New Delhi Subject: Authorization to a distributor for NeGP-A Phase 2 RFP Dear Sir, Please refer to your RFP for ‘Selection of Implementation Agency for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Training, Operations & Maintenance of Hardware & Networking Components and System Software Databases & other software procured under the Phase 2 for States & UTs for, under NeGP-A project. The M/S ________________________________________ (Bidder), who is our reliable distributor/ registered business partner for the last ____________years, is hereby authorized to quote on our behalf for this prestigious tender. The Bidder is likely to continue as our business partner during years to come for the purpose of this RFP atleast. We undertake the following regarding the supply and support of the software. 1. The software quoted by the Bidder in this RFP from our company meets the specifications required by DAC. 2. It will be ensured that in the event of being awarded the contract, the software will be delivered by the Bidder. We will provide all necessary backend support [including updates, upgrades, required patches and expert support] as required under this RFP and offered by us to the bidder (if selected) for the project period (including Implementation Phase, 5 years of support (03 years for Tablets &Pico projectors) and paid AMC for a period of 3 years, if applicable) as per the RFP and Contract to be signed with the Bidder, in the event of his being successful. 3. If the Bidder does not fulfill its obligation under this RFP for any reason whatsoever and DAC decides to appoint another Implementing Agency (IA), we shall make necessary alternative arrangements through such IA for continuing to provide backend support as required in the RFP without charging any additional charges. An original copy of Annual Technical Support (or its equivalent), commitment regarding other updates / DAC 282 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout patches / upgrades in the period outside ATS (e.g first year) and license / support shall be submitted to the client at the time of installation. On the whole, it shall be ensured that the clauses regarding supply, installation, commissioning, service and maintenance of software do not get affected during implementation and maintenance of the project due to non-availability of technical inputs and support from our side during the project period (Implementation phase, 5 years support period and paid AMC period of 3 years, if applicable). 4. If due to any reason whatsoever, the tie up between our Company & the Bidder breaks down subsequently or supply/ installation/ commissioning / maintenance does not take place for reasons not attributable to DAC, we shall still ensure that the project gets implemented qua supply & maintenance irrespective of any such breakdown in our relationship with the Bidder as support due from us will then be directly provided to the DAC. 5. Notwithstanding anything else contained to contrary to in this RFP, the software supplied during the project term shall be neither end-of-life nor end-of-support as on the date of submission of the bid by the Bidder. However, in case the software is declared end-of-life or end-of-sale due to up-gradation of technology, the supplied software in this Project shall not be declared end-of-support during the 5 years’ support period and paid AMC period (if applicable). In case a rare situation arises that support is also not possible due to unavoidable circumstances we shall substitute software with an equivalent or higher version, free of cost for smooth operation of the NeGP-A project. Yours Sincerely (Authorized signatory of OEM/TSP) Name of the OEM/TSP: Address:Contact Details: Note: 1. All Hardware and Software authorizations have to be countersigned by the authorized signatory of the Bidder. DAC 283 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 2. In case of Open Source software , authorization will have to be provided by the Technical Service Provider T. Pre-Contract Integrity Pact General This pre-bid pre-contract Agreement (hereinafter called the Integrity Pact) is made on _______ day of the month of _______________ 2015, between, on one hand, the President of India acting through Director( IT), Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Government of India (hereinafter called the “BUYER”, which expression shall mean and include, unless the context otherwise requires, his successors in office and assigns) of the First Part and M/s. ____________ represented by Shri _____________, Chief Executive Officer (hereinafter called the “BIDDER/Seller” which expression shall mean and include, unless the context otherwise requires, his successors and permitted assigns) of the Second Part. WHEREAS the BUYER proposes to procure Hardware , Networking Components and System software for NeGP-A and the BIDDER/Seller is willing to offer/has offered the stores and WHEREAS the BIDDER is a private company/public company/Government undertaking/partnership/registered export agency, constituted in accordance with the relevant law in the matter and the BUYER is a Ministry/Department of the Government of India/PSU performing its functions on behalf of the President of India. NOW, THEREFORE, To avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is fair, transparent and free from any influence/prejudiced dealings prior to, during and subsequent to the currency of the contract to be entered into with a view to:- DAC 284 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout o Enabling the BUYER to obtain the desired said stores/equipment at a competitive price in conformity with the defined specifications by avoiding the high cost and the distortionary impact of corruption on public procurement, and o Enabling BIDDERs to abstain from bribing or indulging in any corrupt practice in order to secure the contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also abstain from bribing and other corrupt practices and the BUYER will commit to prevent corruption, in any form, by its officials by following transparent procedures. The parties hereto hereby agree to enter into this Integrity Pact and agree as follows: Commitments of the Buyer 1.1 The BUYER undertakes that no official of the BUYER, connected directly or indirectly with the contract, will demand, take a promise for or accept, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, consideration, gift, reward, favor or any material or immaterial benefit or any other advantage from the BIDDER, either for themselves or for any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for an advantage in the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting or implementation process related to the contract. 1.2 The BUYER will, during the pre-contract stage, treat all BIDDERs alike, and will provide to all BIDDERs the same information and will not provide any such information to any particular BIDDER which could afford an advantage to that particular BIDDER in comparison to other BIDDERs. 1.3 All the officials of the BUYER will report to the appropriate Government office any attempted or completed breaches of the above commitments as well as any substantial suspicion of such a breach. 2. In case of any such preceding misconduct on the part of such official(s) is reported by the BIDDER to the BUYER with full and verifiable facts and the same is prima facie found to be correct by the BUYER, necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other actionas deemed fit, including criminal proceedings may be initiated by the BUYER and such a person shall be debarred from further dealings related to the contract process. In such a case while an enquiry is being conducted by the BUYER the proceedings under the contract would not be stalled. DAC 285 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Commitments of Bidders 3. The BIDDER commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices, unfair means and illegal activities during any stage of its bid or during any pre-contract or post-contract stage in order to secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in particular commits itself to the following:3.1 The BIDDER will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favor, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the BUYER, connected directly or indirectly with the bidding process, or to any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for any advantage in the bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract. 3.2 The BIDDER further undertakes that it has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the BUYER or otherwise in procuring the contract or forbearing to do or having done any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the contract or any other contract with the Government for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the contract or any other contract with the Government. 3.3 BIDDERs shall disclose the name and address of agents and representatives and Indian BIDDERs shall disclose their foreign principals or associates. 3.4 BIDDERs shall disclose the payments to be made by them to agents/brokers or any other intermediary, in connection with this bid/contract. 3.5 The BIDDER further confirms and declares to the BUYER that the BIDDER is the original manufacturer/integrator/authorised government sponsored export entity of the defence stores and has not engaged any individual or firm or company whether Indian or foreign to intercede, facilitate or in any way to recommend to the BUYER or any of its functionaries, whether officially or unofficially to the aware of the contract to the BIDDER, nor has any amount been paid, promised or intended to be paid to any such individual, firm or company in respect of any such intercession, facilitation or recommendation. DAC 286 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 3.6 The BIDDER, either while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations or before signing the contract, shall disclose any payments the has made, is committed to or intends to make to officials of the BUYER or their family members, agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the contract and the details of services agreed upon for such payments. 3.7 The BIDDER will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the transparency, fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract. 3.8 The BIDDER will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair means and illegal activities. 3.9 The BIDDER shall not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or pass on to others, any information provided by the BUYER as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including information contained in any electronic data carrier. The BIDER also undertakes to exercise due and adequate care lest any such information is divulged. 3.10 The BIDDER commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or indirectly through any other manner without supporting it with full and verifiable facts. 3.11 The BIDDER shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to commit any of the actions mentioned above. 3.12 If the BIDDER or any employee of the BIDDER or any person acting on behalf of the BIDDER, either directly or indirectly for this bid, is arelative ofany of the officers of the BUYER engaged in bid preparation/evaluation, or alternatively, if any relative of an officer of the BUYER (engaged in bid preparation/evaluation) has financial interest/stake in the BIDDER’s firm, the same shall be disclosed by the BIDDER at the time of filing of tender. The term ‘relative’ for this purpose would be as defined in Section 6 of the Companies Act, 1956. 3.13 The BIDDER shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any monetary dealings or transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of the BUYER. DAC 287 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 4. Previous Transgression 4.1 The BIDDER declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact, with any other company in any country in respect of any corrupt practices envisaged hereunder or with any Public Sector Enterprise in India or any Government Department in India thatcould justify BIDDER’s exclusion from the tender process. 4.2 If the BIDDER agrees that it makes incorrect statement on this subject, BIDDER can be disqualified from the tender process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated for suchreason. 5. Earnest Money (Security Deposit) 5.1 While submitting Financial bid, the BIDDER shall deposit Bank guarantee for an amount (specified in RFP) as Earnest Money/Security Deposit, with the BUYER through any of the following instruments:(i) (ii) Bank Draft or a Pay Order in favour of ________________ A confirmed guarantee by aScheduled Commercial Bank, promising payment of the guaranteed sum to the BUYER on demand within three working days without any demur whatsoever and without seeking any reasons whatsoever. The demand for payment by the BUYER shall be treated as conclusive proof for payment. 5.2 In the case of successful BIDDER a clause would also be incorporated in the Article pertaining to Performance Bond in the Purchase Contract that the provisions of Sanctions for Violation shall be applicable for forfeiture of Performance Bond in case of a decision by the BUYER to forfeit the same without assigning any reason for imposing sanction for violation of this Pact. 5.3 No interest shall be payable by the BUYER to the BIDDER on Earnest Money/Security Deposit for the period of its currency. 6. Sanctions for Violations DAC 288 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 6.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the BIDDER or any one employed by it or acting on its behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the BIDDER) shall entitle the BUYER to take all or any one of the following actions, wherever required:(i) To immediately call off the pre-contract negotiations without assigning any reason or giving any compensation to the BIDDER. However, the proceedings with the other BIDDER(s) would continue. (ii) The Earnest Money Deposit (in pre-contract stage) and/or Security Deposit/Performance Bond (after the contract is signed) shall stand forfeited either fully or partially, as decided by the BUYER and the BUYER shall not be required to assign any reason therefore. (iii) To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any compensation to the BIDDER. (iv) To recover all sums already paid by the BUYER, and in case of an Indian BIDDER with interest thereon at 2% higher than the prevailing Prime Lending Rate of State Bank of India, while in case of a BIDDER from a country other than India with interest thereon at 2% higher than the LIBOR. If any outstanding payment is due to the BIDDER from the BUYER in connection with any other contract for any other stores, such outstanding payment could also be utilized to recover the aforesaid sum and interest. (v) To encash the advance bank guarantee and performance bond/warranty bond, if furnished by the BIDDER, in order to recover the payments, already made by the BUYER, along with interest. (vi) To cancel all or any other Contracts with the BIDDER. The BIDDER shall be liable to pay compensation for any loss or damage to the BUYER resulting from such cancellation/rescission and the BUYER shall be entitled to deduct the amount so payable from themoney(s) due to the BIDDER. (vii) To debar the BIDDER from participating in future bidding processes of the Government of India for a minimum period of five years, which may be further extended at the discretion of the BUYER. (viii) To recover all sums paid in violation of this Pact by BIDDER(s) to any middleman or agent or broker with a view to securing the contract. DAC 289 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout (ix) In cases where irrevocable Letters of Credit have been received in respect of any contract signed by the BUYER with the BIDDER, the same shall not be opened. (x) Forfeiture of Performance Bond in case of a decision by the BUYER to forfeit the same without assigning any reason for imposing sanction for violation of this Pact. 6.2 The BUYER will be entitled to take all or any of the actions mentioned at Para 6.1(i) to (x) of this Pact also on the Commissionby the BIDDER or any one employed by it or acting on its behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the BIDDER), of an offence as defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or any other statute enacted for prevention of corruption. 6.3 The decision of the BUYER to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this Pact has been committed by the BIDDER shall be final and conclusive on the BIDDER. However, the BIDDER can approach the Independent Monitor(s) appointed for the purposes of this Pact. 7. Fall Clause 7.1 The BIDDER undertakes that he has not supplied/is not supplying identical product/systems or subsystems and having same scope of work, quantity, specifications, schedule for delivery, payment terms and all other applicable terms and conditions at a price lower than that offered in the present bid in respect of any other Ministry/ Department of the Government of India or PSU and if it is found at any stage that similar product/system or sub-system and having same scope of work, quantity, specifications, schedule for delivery, payment terms and all other applicable terms and conditions was supplied by the BIDDER to any other Ministry/Department of the Government of India or a PSU at a lower price, then that very price, with due allowance for elapsed time, will be applicable to the present case and the difference in the cost would be refunded by the BIDDER to the BUYER, if the contract has already been concluded. 8. Independent Monitors 8.1 The BUYER may appoint Independent Monitors (hereinafter referred to as Monitors) for this Pact in consultation with the Central Vigilance Commission. DAC 290 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 8.2 The task of the Monitors shall be to review independently and objectively,whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under this Pact. 8.3 The Monitors shall not be subject to instructions by the representations of the parties and perform their functions neutrally and independently. 8.4 Both the parties accept that the Monitors have the right to access all the documents relating to the project/procurement, including minutes of meetings. 8.5 As soon as the Monitor notices, or has reason to believe, a violation of this Pact, he will so inform the Authority designated by the BUYER. 8.6 The BIDDER(s) accept(s) that the Monitor has the right to access without restriction to all Project documentation of the BUYER including that provided by the BIDDER. The BIDDER will also grant the Monitor, upon his request and demonstration of a valid interest, unrestrictedand unconditional access to his project documentation.The same is applicable to Subcontractors. The Monitor shall beunder contractual obligation to treat the information and documents of the BIDDER/Subcontractor(s) with confidentiality. 8.7 The BUYER will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings among the parties related to the Project provided such meetings could have an impact on the contractual relations between the parties. The parties will offer to the Monitor the option to participate in such meetings. 9. Facilitation of Investigation In case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of this Pact or payment of commission, the BUYER or its agencies shall be entitled to examine all the documents including the Books of Accounts of the BIDDER and the BIDDER shall provide necessary information and documents in English and shall extend all possible help for the purpose of such examination. 10. Law and Place of Jurisdiction This Pact is subject to Indian Law. The place of performance and jurisdiction is the seat of the BUYER. DAC 291 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout 11. Other Legal Actions The actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any other legal action that may follow in accordance with the provisions of the extant law in force relating to any civil or criminal proceedings. 12. Validity 12.1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing and extend up to 5 years or the complete execution of the contract to the satisfaction of both the BUYER and the BIDDER/Seller, including warranty period, whichever is later. In case BIDDER is unsuccessful, this Integrity Pact shall expire aftersix months from the date of the signing of the contract. 12.2 Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this Pact shall remain valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original intentions. 13. The Parties hereby sign this Integrity Pact at __________ on ______________ . BUYER BIDDER Name of the Officer CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Designation Deptt./MINISTRY/PSU Witness Witness 1. ___________________ 1. ____________________ 2. ___________________ 2. ____________________ DAC 292 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout U. Consortium Criteria In case of consortium the prime bidder must be specified by the bidder The Prime Bidder of this consortium and shall be liable for adherence to all provisions of this Agreement The consortium will draw upon human, technical and other resources of members during implementation and maintenance of the NeGP-A Phase-II Project. The Technical Bid shall include details of internal arrangements between Consortium partners for installation, operation and after sales service, so that a consortium is not artificially created only to improve the score in Technical Bid. The Consortium Partners can choose to do billing separately under the banner of Consortium by making a reference to the Consortium in the covering letter. However, on the whole, the Prime Bidder shall be responsible for adherence to the Agreement, provision of Performance Bank Guarantee and completion of all tasks as per the Scope of Work. Under no circumstances, internal disputes between Consortium members will neither be offered nor accepted as any excuse for delay or non-completion of work. The Prime Bidder can’t be a partner in more than one consortium There shall be a valid Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)/ agreement (duly registered) among all the members signed by the Chief Executives/ Authorized Signatories of the companies dated prior to the submission of the bid. The MoU/ agreement shall clearly specify the stake of each member and outline the roles and responsibilities of each member. The MoU/agreement shall be exclusively for this project and shall be responsible in case of failure by any member If the bidder (all members of consortium) is a national bidder, it should be registered under the Companies Act 1956. Partnership and Proprietor firm are not allowed. Each member of the consortiumshall have company registration certificate, registration under labor laws & contract act, valid sales tax registration certificate, valid Service tax registration certificate and Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by income Tax department. (Copy of each registration should be provided) DAC 293 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Attested copy of the company’s annual report has to be attached along with the bid. Bidder should submit an undertaking that Bidder (or any member of the consortium) is as a company/consortium and product quoted are not Black Listed by any Govt. dept. /agency in India. V. Declaration regarding Acceptance of Terms & Conditions contained in the Tender Document To, The Director (IT), Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, KrishiBhavan, New Delhi Sir, I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the Tender Document [Tender No. __________________] toSupply, Install, Commission, provide basic computer training to the officials and Operate & Maintain Hardware & Networking Components, System Software, Databases & other software procured under this project for a period of five years after commissioning of the NeGP-A MMP. I declare that all the provisions of this Tender Document contained in the RFP are acceptable to my Company. I further certify that I am an authorised signatory of my company and am, therefore, competent to make this declaration. Yours Truly, Name: _______________________ Designation: _______________________ DAC 294 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Company: _____________________ Address: ______________________ Appendix VI – Technical Evaluation of Hardware/ Software and Tools to be deployed (Marks under this Section will be given over and above minimum specifications required and, wherever possible numerically, on percentile basis. please see further details below) Item Total Metric 1 Metric 2 Metric 3 Points (40) Switches for SDCs 1 Back Plane (0.5) (excluding field offices) Wire-speed Architecture / Scalability ( 0.5) Switches for field offices 1 (Block / District) Market share Packet Forwarding Rate Manageability (0.25) & Switching Fabric Features (0.3) Capacity / Scalability ( 0.2 + 0.1 + 0.15) DAC 295 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Server Load Balancer 1.25 Throughput Ports (0.25) Scalability (0.5) (0.5) Servers 2.75 System Scalability of RAM Hard Disk Speed Performance in (0.25) Spec Int and Spec FP as given Power (RPM) Consumption (0.5),Hard Disk Capacity(0.25) (0.25) in the RFP (1.25) Connectivity parameters (0.25) Storage 1.5 Clear Memory Throughput (0.5) Controller cache (0.5) EMS 1.5 (0.5) Capability to Additional monitor health and of features customization desktops, over and above what tablets and UPS has already been done even through in Phase-1 (0.5) Internet (when these devices are on) (1.0) DC – DR Replication 2 Failover Support of Extent Mechanism (0.5) virtualization (0.25) Feature automation to Capability to withstand replicate variety higher of in monitoring (0.5) latency of situations on OSs/Databases network (0.25) the (0.5) DAC 296 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Anti-virus 1.25 Market Share Certification (0.5) of Help & Support performance (0.25) (0.25) Extra features (0.25) Printer & Scanner 4.0 Market Share in Print speed Memory laser jet / inkjet (0.5)Scanning (0.25)Wireless and similar resolution support features technology (0.25)Duplex Scanning (0.25) based & printers(0.5)& through flatbed (0.25), OEM Support Reseller Network of for printer cartridges(0.5) Legal Scanning (0.25), Nonmoving head for printing (1.25) Hand Held Devices 5.25 (Tablets) Processor and mAH of battery above Dual boot (0.5), System 6000 (0.5) Performance (0.75 Display Resolution in + 0.75)Processor and SD Pixels and Visibility in Sun (0.5) system performance Gorilla Glass (0.6), Integrated Device MHL with Port voice also (0.15) Quality, Quadrant/ Sync appearance and facilities in email client ruggedness of TuTu Geekbench 3.0 DAC (0.2), Free RAM on first boot the system as a HDMI / whole based on (0.15) An expandability Remote will be tested for (0.25) and Card Search and 297 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Pico Projector 4 Scores under IMAP with NIC Device (percentile Email(0.25), basis) Quality(0.25) Audio (0.4) Internet display Resolution (0.5) Battery capability mAH(0.5), wireless on Lumens (0.5) while Hand-held Contrast to Speakers Performance (0.5) & Quality (0.25) and Device on HDMI/MHL (0.25) connected wireless Cover Capability and Playing capability from Hand-held In-built, micro SD / Device USB (0.5) connected Ratio to play documents, presentations & spreadsheets (0.3) to Internet through Remote Control 3G (0.25) (0.2) Toll Free Call Centre (0.25) Desktop 6.5 Market Share CPU (1) percentile basis for minimum OEM percentage supportToll free threshold number(0.5)/ benchmarks) + RAM HDD for OS Telephonic (0.25)above minimum (0.25), Monitor support without requirement toll free number(0.25), Number of USB Ports (0.125), DAC Rated (0.25 – on HDD Size above above requirement (0.5),Solid State Size(1)& power consumption (0.5) Specifications (such as contrast, brightness, 298 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Number of USB viewing angle, Ports in front or adjustability, in the monitor pixels etc.)(0.25) (0.125), Number of Bays(0.25), Number of PCI Slots(0.25) Support on Saturdays and Sundays (0.25), Wireless Keyboard & Mouse (0.5), Remote diagnostic tools(0.25), Type of support - hands on telephonic guidance on features besides trouble shooting (0.25) UPS(650 VA/1KVA) 2.25 Number of UPSs Battery VAH (0.25) Single (<=1 KVA, but >1 Cabinet (0.25) hour back up) Any other extra useful Casing technical feature over shipped during DAC 299 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout last 3 years (with and above minimum Market share of 200Nos or more specs(0.25) SMF battery in in each order). India(0.75) Documents to be submitted by OEM duly signed by the authorized signatory along with POs (0.5) No. of OEM support centers in States/UTs(0.25) Online UPS (5KVA) 1.25 Market share Battery VAH (0.5) Market share of proposed (0.25) battery in India(0.5) Touch screen Kiosk 2.0 Market Share of Aesthetics,Sturdiness& Sensitivity Touch Screen Design Kiosk (0.3) Enclosure Diagnostics of the & Individual Components the touch Screen in (0.4). terms of Proposed design to be response time of Remote Kiosk of of attached along with touch screen description of material (0.25) proposed. Actual sample is also to be provided. Contrast &Resolution DAC of 300 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout over Internet Monitor (0.125 (0.2) + 0.125) Vandal Viewing Resistance (0.3) (0.1) Monitor Angle size (0.2) Office automation suite 2.5 OEM Familiarity (2) Features (0.25) Support(0.25) Notes: 1. Marks shall be awarded on percentile basis wherever possible by making comparison of absolute numbers (e.g. market share, number of UPSs sold, number of OEM support offices etc.) or values above threshold figures (for eligibility and minimum technical compliance), wherever applicable. Thus, in case of the latter option, for instance, if the biggest monitor size offered is 22 inches and another bidder gives a 21 inch monitor, these two bidders will get 1 and 0.5 marks respectively. Similarly, if against the requirement of 950 VAH one OEM provides 1200 VAH for the Line-interactive UPS and the other one gives 1050 VAH, one with 1200 VAH will be given 0.25 marks and the other one will get 0.25 x 100/250. However, negligible increments will be overlooked. Some parameters (like interoperability & support, aesthetics, type of support etc.) will naturally be subjective or governed by objective criteria to be evolved before opening Financial Bids. 2. For market share, data given in IDC report(s) (or any other such reliable or commonly acceptable publications) from Jan 1, 2013 till Mar 31, 2014shall be considered 3. For OEM turnover from PCs/ workstations, servers, storage, network components and system software, IDC report(s) from Jan 1, 2012 till Mar 31, 2014 shall be considered 4. For OEM turnover from UPS, audited Balance Sheets/ Profit & Loss Statement of last financial year shall be considered DAC 301 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout Appendix VII –User and Computer Account Group Policies Sr. No. User and Computer Account Policies* 1 Restrict Addition/deletion of Software 2 Restrict Password Change and fix min. periodicity of password change 3 Restrict Desktop wallpaper and visible colour schema changes 4 Restrict User for Installing new hardware 5 Implement Disk Quota 6 Restrict Internet Access 7 Restrict Web services enabling 8 Restrict access to System processes 9 Restrict Websites as per international databases 10 Restrict System Shutdown/log-off/log-on to certain users 11 Auto patch updates 12 Restrict Network configuration changes (TCP/IP all settings, DHCP) 13 Restrict addition and deletion of Printers 14 Restrict Access to Removable Storage like - CD, DVD, Floppy Drive, Pen-drive, USB Ports 15 Restrict Access to take backup and restore 16 Restrict Access to change Proxy setting in Web browser 17 Restrict Auto updates of Software 18 Restrict program access as per Centre/ State security policy DAC 302 Selection of Implementation Agency for NeGP-A Nation-wide Rollout * The features listed here can be met through one or more products / policies quoted by IA. Following key decisions were taken at the end of the Technical Evaluation (besides other points listed in Annexure-VI) to take care of grey areas which had emerged during technical evaluation. 1. In case of those item(s) where the technical specifications and functional requirements as spelt out in the RFP are clear and unambiguous but un-priced BOM format as given in the RFP does not include such item(s), loading of prices will be done for such missing items using the following alternatives (preferably in that order): i. Prices within that bidder’s Commercial Bid ii. Lowest price of similar component in other 3 bids (if such a component is available) iii. Prices agreed upon during the Bid Evaluation process iv. Using the same level of discounts as for similar products quoted by the same OEM v. Price discovery from the market Price discovery for other similar purposes of loading and off-loading will also be done similarly. DAC 303