SETON HALL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & 1 HUMAN SERVICES Seton Hall University College of Education & Human Services Teacher Work Sample Michael Seeback CEAS Program Spring 2013 Forest Street School 651 Forest Street Township of Orange, New Jersey, 07050 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Table of Contents Part I: Contextual Factors……………………………………………………...Pages 3-32 Subpart A: Community, District and School Factors…………….…....Pages 3-10 Subpart B: Classroom Factors………………………….……………...Pages 11-14 Subpart C: Learning Environment…………………………………….Pages 14-18 Subpart D: Student Characteristics……………………………………Pages 18-23 Subpart E: Instructional Implications…………………………………Pages 23-32 Part II: Goals and Objectives………………………………………………….Pages 33-34 Part III: Design of Instruction……………………………………………...…Pages 35-68 Subpart I: Pre-Assessment Design, Narrative and Table……………..Pages 35-47 Subpart II: Unit and Assessment Planning Table…………………….Pages 48-51 Subpart III: Design of Instruction Narrative……………………….…Pages 51-53 Subpart IV: Assessment Materials……………………………………Pages 53-68 Part IV: Evaluation and Analysis of Student Learning……………………….Pages 68-84 Subpart I: Posttest and Narrative……………………………………...Pages 68-73 Subpart II: Narrative and Graphic Representation……………………Pages 73-84 Part V: Reflection and Self-Evaluation………………………………………Pages 84-91 2 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 TWS Part I: Contextual Factors Part A: Community, District, and School Factors For the TWS I am completing an evaluation for Contextual Factors based on Forest Street School, a hybrid elementary-middle school located in Orange, New Jersey. Throughout this narrative and enclosed below are background information on the school, district, and city itself. The school itself is rather unique, in both terms of housed grades and instruction. All facts and data are compiled from reliable sources and are cited below each of the parts of the unit. Forest Street School is located within the Township of Orange, Essex County, New Jersey, at 651 Forest Street, within a residential neighborhood. Forest is one of ten schools in the district and one of the seven blended elementary and early secondary schools in the district that serves grades PK through 7th. The school itself is physically divided so as to separate the elementary school students and the secondary students from themselves. This is done so by housing the elementary school students, grades PK-4th, in one part of the building and the early secondary students, grades 5th through 7th, in a separate part. In total the school has 386 students currently enrolled full-time, which equates to 6 hours and 30 minutes of instruction daily. Table 1.1 below provides the breakdown of students in each grade, PK through 7th, for Forest Street School for the 2010-2011 school year. As you can see the school is comprised of a fairly well distributed number of students per grade level, with an average of 38.6 students per grade. The school also divides the grade levels into a minimum of two classes, which are based on individual student performances in language arts, literacy and mathematics. Table 1.1: Total enrollment by grade Grade Students Enrolled PK 27.0 Kindergarten 55.0 1st Grade 35.0 nd 2 Grade 40.0 3rd Grade 41.0 th 4 Grade 45.0 th 5 Grade 41.0 6th Grade 40.0 th 7 Grade 46.0 Special Education 16.0 Total Enrolled 386.0 * The socioeconomic profile of the school district is based on the results of the 2010 US Census for the Township of Orange, New Jersey. The table below, Table 1.2, outlines the socioeconomic profile of the town by median incomes. In addition 15.4% of families living in the Township of Orange are below the poverty line, and some 18.8% of the gross population are below the poverty line. Table 1.3 below contains the demographics in terms of age for the township. The highest percentage of residents are between the age 3 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 of 25 and 44 years old, with the median age of 32 years old. The average household size is 2.73 people per residence and the average family size is 3.38 members per family. Table 1.2 Per Capita Income Median Income Per Total Income Household $35,759 Family $40,852 Males $33,442 Females $29,520 *US Census Bureau – 2010 QuickFacts Table 1.3 Age Demographics Age Bracket Percentage of population Under 18 27.7% 18-24 years old 10.0% 25-44 years old 32.2% 45-64 years old 19.3% 65 and older 10.8% *US Census Bureau – 2010 QuickFacts As a whole the Township of Orange as a very minor amount of diversity, based on the 2010 US Census. Outlined in Table 1.4 are the race and ethnicity statistics for the Township, based on the US Census 2010. Orange has one of the highest percentage of African American residents in the United States and the fourth highest percentage of African American residents in New Jersey. Table 1.4 – Race/Ethnicity Orange Race/Ethnicity Percentage per Population African American 71.83% Hispanic/Latino 21.67% Caucasian 12.80% Other 9.95% More then 2 3.32% Asian 1.51% Native American 0.57% Pacific Islander 0.02% *US Census Bureau – 2010 QuickFacts Total Number 21,645 6531 3857 2999 999 455 173 6 According to the New Jersey state report card for Forest Street School’s middle school grades, those in grades 5th, 6th and 7th, performance indicators students are found to vary great in comparison to State benchmarks, but do appear in line with the district benchmarks. Upon the initial review you will notice that the highest percentage of students appear to be found in the range of proficient for mathematics, while the highest percentage of students in Language Arts appears to be partially proficient. The imperial data collected from the New Jersey report card can be found in the tables below, Table 4 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 1.5 (A-F). The performance indicators are the result of students’ assessments on the Number Tested Partially Proficient Proficient School 41 63.4% 36.6% District 348 63.8% 35.9% State 101,836 38.8% 55.0% NJASK exams administered by the state. Table 1.5A – NJASK5 2010-2011 Grade 5 Language Arts and Literacy Table 1.5B – NJASK5 2010-2011 Grade 5 Mathematics Number Tested Partially Proficient Proficient School 41 31.7% 53.7% District 354 36.8% 45.3% State 102,146 19.2% 41.2% Table 1.5C – NJASK6 2010-2011 Grade 6 Language Arts and Literacy Number Tested Partially Proficient Proficient School 42 61.9% 38.1% District 357 57.3% 47.9% State 102,611 33% 59.7% Table 1.5D – NJASK6 2010-2011 Grade 6 Mathematics Number Tested Partially Proficient Proficient School 43 46.5% 51.2% District 364 39.0% 53.0% State 102,913 22.4% 49.9% Table 1.5E NJASK7 2010-2011 Grade 7 Language Arts and Literacy Number Tested Partially Proficient Proficient School 38 68.4% 31.6% District 327 64.5% 33.6% State 102,681 36.3% 51.3% Table 1.5F NJASK7 2010-2011 Grade 7 Mathematics Number Tested Partially Proficient School 38 78.9% District 327 59.3% State 102,752 34.0% Advanced 0.0% 0.3% 6.2% Advanced 14.6% 17.9% 39.6% Advanced 0.0% 0.8% 7.3% Advanced 2.3% 8.0% 23.6% Advanced 0.0% 1.8% 12.4% Proficient Advanced 18.7% 34.9% 41.6% 2.6% 5.8% 24.4% 5 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Forest Street School’s Report Card Narrative and the Orange School District website contains the initiatives set forth by both the district and the school in 2011 and onward. The initiatives include the following: Improve Student Learning, Communications and Community Relations, and Financial Management and Facilities. The details of these initiatives are compiled below: 1. Improve Student Learning: To improve academic achievement for all students by ensuring the delivery of high quality instruction in all areas through the implementation of the Common Core State and New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. Strategies to include: • To recruit and retain high quality staff. • To improve demonstrated mastery of fundamental skills in LAL, mathematics, science, social studies and other areas that will: ◦ Continue administering quarterly benchmark assessments to inform instruction and individualized student plans through data analysis by district/school data teams to achieve a minimal of 10% growth in student scores by the end of the year. ◦ Strive for 100% graduation by increasing the number of students who pass the HSPA by 15% in Math and 10% in Language Arts and ensuring that all other students graduating by AHSA meet proficiency. ◦ Restructure the Orange Preparatory Academy teacher schedules to incorporate common planning time by content area. ◦ Provide additional afterschool programs, specifically at the middle and high school levels, to include club activities and tutoring programs. ◦ Develop a plan to support the students in the sub-categories, such as special education and ELL. Monitor the development of inclusion practices district-wide that promote achievement goals in literacy and mathematics. • Expand the utilization of technology in the teaching-learning environment. • Increase information sharing opportunities for principals and teachers through peer visitations and wikis. • Align curriculum and programs with state standards and national common core standards through curriculum mapping and lesson planning. • Develop and monitor a formalized “focus-walks and instructional rounds” schedule to provide immediate feedback to teachers. • Monitor the needs of staff in the delivery of instruction for the district through professional development programs designed to assist with raising student achievement. • Increase the number of participants in district competitions and the number of competitions. 6 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 2. Communication / Community Relations: We will continue to improve communication within the district to members of the board of education, staff, parents, employees and the community, as well as outreaching to legislators to advocate for our needs. Strategies to include: • Commence the process to develop a Strategic Plan and utilize tools such as the school district report card and an annual year-end summary report of achievement to enhance community relations and communications. • Continue to include achievement highlights of each school regularly in district newsletters. • Strengthen and enhance the home-school connection, including full utilization of school/district websites and Genesis, allowing parents to better monitor student progress, assignments, and grades. • Utilize the District’s access to the local cable station to broadcast the Superintendent’s Roundtable, Student Homework Assistance, Student TV shows, as well as District activities and messages. • Maintain collaborative relations with legislative leaders and continue efforts to pressure the State Department of Education and SDA to build and expand new school facilities. 3. Financial Management and Facilities: We will continue to ensure that the budget provides for the achievement of all students in the district while maintaining fiscal responsibility and that we maintain safe, healthy and clean facilities that reflect high standards for learning and foster District pride. Strategies to include: • Ensure the budget adequately supports the district’s mission, vision and goals. • Review monthly budget reports and make appropriate adjustments, as needed. • Continue to seek grants and partnerships that are aligned to improving student learning. • Develop and sustain a strategy to continually maintain, improve, and enhance District Facilities. *Orange School District website: The mission and vision statements of the school are conveniently located on the school’s website and can be found and are clearly visible throughout the school, including receiving a daily mention in the school creed and statement recitement each morning. These statements are located below: Mission Statement: Through the full collaboration of school staff, parents, and the community, we will prepare our students for the 21st century. We will cultivate their confidence so that they will exceed their own expectations, and every child will be an achiever. Vision Statement: To ensure that Forest Street School produces lifelong learners and leaders, we must educate the mind, motivate the body, cultivate the spirit, and teach with the heart. 7 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Shared Beliefs: • All children can and will learn through collaboration, enthusiasm, and motivation • Learning never ends • Teachers should be flexible and able to accommodate all learning styles and intelligence • Each child has special abilities. It's our job as educators to figure out what those abilities are and make sure they are brought to light. *Forest Street School website: Parental involvement in Forest Street School and throughout the district is clear. The school and district have implemented several strategies and methods to get the parents involved in the school, beyond the limits of parent-teacher conferences and regular communication home. These initiatives and strategies are found within Forest Street School’s Report Card Narrative and are listed below along with descriptions and outlines of the programs. Parental Participation: Home to School Connection - Parent workshops and biweekly/quarterly newsletters keep parents up-to-date with current issues, effective strategies for homework, testing, and technology tools. Our goal is to ensure that all stakeholders have a positive impact on student achievement. We encourage parental participation through volunteer services and an open-door policy. In addition, our Shadow Day Program provides parents with an opportunity to observe sound instructional practices and allows parents to familiarize themselves with their child’s school day. Back to School Kick-Off- This event is the first event of the school year. Parents donate and prepare hamburgers, hotdogs, buns, chips and juice for the staff and students to welcome all back to the new school year. It is held from three o’clock until five o’clock. Forest Street School Multi-Cultural Events- There is two events that take place during the course of the year that celebrates the various cultures that exist within Forest Street School. The first event takes place during the Thanksgiving season. Parents are asked to donate cultural dishes for our Pre-kindergarten, Kindergarten, and first grade students to sample. The second event invites parents and students to create a cultural booth, which represents their country of origin with a display of their cultural flag, artifacts and foods. The purpose of these events is to expose, encourage and develop cultural differences. Shadow Day- On Shadow Day the parents are invited to report to school with their child and serve as their shadow for the day. This event provides the parents with an opportunity to see what their child’s day consists of and what strategies can be utilized at home to assist with the academic program. Career Day- Parents are invited to participate in a panel discussion where they are allotted time for a five minute presentation that speaks to the description of their occupation, the vital role they play and the necessary education required to fulfill their 8 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 duties. Students are provided with an opportunity to visit the presenter’s assigned table to further discuss their occupation and personal goals. Starry Story Night- Our parents and community members have worked collaboratively with the staff on this promoting literacy and reading event. During this evening the students and parents are invited to return to the building in their pajamas for a night of story telling and reading. Staff and parent volunteers are assigned a room, which is decorated to represent a scene from the book being read. The reader is in costume and the students are required to be active participants. *Forest Street School Report Card Narrative: The teacher-student ratio within Forest Street School is 13.8:1 for the 2010-2011 school year. This ratio of 13.8:1 is marginally greater then the state average of 11.1:1 for all schools in New Jersey. Forest Street School’s approach to instruction and inclusive instruction is clearly outlined and well known by teachers. Strides are made daily to ensure all instruction is diverse and inclusive and similarly assessment inclusion is also ensured daily as well via accommodations to assessments. The schools instructional statement can be found within the school’s Report Card Narrative and has been included below: “We offer a program of instruction that focuses on critical thinking, problem solving and developing students’ creativity that strives for excellence, while addressing the needs of a diverse student population. Instruction includes alternative methods of curriculum delivery, such as cooperative learning, flexible grouping, technology integration, activities that include the multiple intelligences, while expanding a repertoire of instructional strategies and classroom routines that make connections to real life situations to promote academic achievement. Students are encouraged and required to be active participants in their instructional program.” *Forest Street School Report Card Narrative: At Forest Street School and throughout the district of Orange Schools there is no shortage of special programs. The school offers both after school programs for those who wish to continue their education beyond 3:00pm as well as an exemplary program for those gifted students who require additional instruction. These programs, as well as descriptions and narratives, can be found on the school’s Report Card Narrative and have been compiled below. Exemplary Programs: Caught in the Act - This program recognizes the kind acts of students and staff members who go above and beyond the call of duty to assist others. 9 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Gifted and Talented Program - This is a district-based program that provides challenging project-based activities to address the needs of the exceptionally able students in the general education classroom setting. 25 Book Challenge - Students are encouraged to independently read at least 25 books during each school year. Incentives are provided to motivate students to meet the challenge. In addition, each classroom library has a minimum of 300 titles to ensure that students have access to a variety of reading materials. Student Government- This program provides an opportunity for elected students to serve as student leaders to represent the student body. There is an official campaign that takes place, which involves the entire student body as every class elects class representatives. The candidates present a speech and then elections are conducted. In addition to being the voices of the student body, the student government also conducts community service projects throughout the school year. After School Programs: Art and Music Clubs - Students engage in extra-curricular activities that are based on the New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards and teach across the curriculum. Teachers create lessons that integrate culture, literacy and other subject areas while exposing students to valuable, enriching experiences. Debating and Mock Trial Club – The purpose of this program is to introduce and expose the students to the legal/court domain, the fundamentals of debating and the process of a mock trial. Photograph and Yearbook Club- Our Middle School export photography through various aspects and technologies. Perception and creativity has remained our focus to increase their knowledge base, interest and skill set. The culminating activity/project will be the creation of our annual yearbook. After-School Academic Academy - In this academy students infer, analyze and evaluate text in an environment that focuses on guided comprehension and basic skills activities using a myriad of manipulatives to support struggling learners. Science Enrichment - In this academy students examine and investigate science concepts through literary and hands on activities. All activities teach across the curriculum; integrating science, math and language arts literacy. The purpose of the program is to provide students with a solid foundation in how to analyze, synthesize and evaluate expository text. Theater Studies- Students in the second and seventh grade are exposed to an in school residency that teaches various forms of theater studies. The residency provides activities that elicit higher order thinking while meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards in the areas of Visual and Performing Arts, Language Arts Literacy and Social Studies. 10 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Part B: Classroom Factors Physical Features: The classroom is set up and designed in such a way that promotes group engagement and interaction between the students. There are seven table with four chairs to a table, which allows for students to have both the needed room to feel comfortable and focus as well as the proximity to peers to promote interaction and collaboration. Along with the tables, the room is equipped with four desktop computers all limited to the “technology center” of the classroom, wherein students can access them at almost any time. The room is also outfitted with a small, but sufficient library, that is stocked with science related books that cover the spectrum of sciences learned in middle school – including earth science, life science, general science content, and even a select few content specific books. This is located in the far left corner of the room, next to the windows and includes a small, yet seemingly comfortable chair for students to sit in and read quietly to themselves, should the opportunity arise. Classroom design – physical structures A science center also has a place in the classroom, which is the near left corner of the room, and it is outfitted with many necessary lab and class tools and instruments – including a scale, lab kits, weather measurement tools, rulers, weights, and some of the safety equipment (e.g. gloves, goggles, gowns). The science center also houses several folder sections for students, specifically for their science portfolios and their class work 11 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 folders – which have found their way into the middle of the center for organizational needs and for the close proximity to the teacher. Science classroom – Forest Street School The room is also riddled with science related decor, which consists primarily of the students latest projects and posters – my cooperating teacher makes it a point to display all student work in the classroom and the exception work on the bulletin board, something I think works well as a motivator and as way to show appreciation for student work. The work displayed in the classroom is hung from strings that are placed in front of the windows and in some of the corners and hung on the back wall and window wall. The class, like all others in the district, is also complete with a “word wall” inside, which consists of the latest words, phrases, definitions and the like that we are learning and those we have learned so far. The “word wall” also has several visual displays as well, such as that of a microscope and the six simple machines. Outside you will find the bulletin board, complete with the top students works and some spectacularly drawn science-related images – this month a beaker with smoke emerging, a syringe, and a graduated cylinder. The bulletin boards are somewhat of an interesting item in the school, as the teachers compete against each other to see who can make the most creative and detailed one. In addition the inside also has some interesting charts, diagrams and other visual displays that outline some of the processes, steps, and functions we will be learning about – such as the life cycle of frogs, the formation of hurricanes, cell division, and even some instructional guides. Overall the general décor of the classroom and the bulletin board are both engaging and inviting to students and simultaneously it establishes the room as a science 12 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 classroom. Between the student work that fills the walls and the visual displays of scientific focuses, the classroom promotes science education from the outside to the entrance and all throughout. And all the while the décor and general visual atmosphere are inviting to students, as they can see their own work displayed in the classroom and on the fascinating bulletin board outside. The Word Wall – Displays learned science words for 5-6-7 grades The remaining portions of the classroom serve as storage space, as this is the primary science room for the building. Some items stored include our FOSS kits (approximately 15), bookshelves of past and current textbooks, and some of the tools we use for our current lessons and units. The room also has space for students to store their belongings – backpacks, coats, and so forth – as well as a small space for the teacher’s desk in the back of the room. The technology available for the students is limited to two categories, that which is housed physically in the classroom and equipment that is shared throughout the school. The classroom itself holds four desktop computers, an Epson SMART board type projector, and a laptop for the teacher, a printer for students to use limitedly and an iPad for the teacher primarily. The desktop computers are in place for students to either do limited amounts of work or for them to use as extension activities once they have completed a test, quiz, or the daily assignments. The SMART board is somewhat dated and does not serve the full functions of others I have seen in different schools, but still serves well for the basic and rudimentary needs of technological integration. The board is used daily to project the days notes or tasks, however it does not have all the capacities you would expect from SMART board technology. The laptop used by the teacher serves for either working with the SMART board to display notes and as the primary connection for the teacher as her work computer. The students are not permitted to use the computers though as a rule of the classroom. The printer is a dated, standard printer that simply serves to print documents and work for the students – though they are only permitted to print a limited number of items each week as to conserve the ink. The iPad is used in one of two capacities, either for the teacher to take attendance or for the students to use to complete science education apps, which is only done as an extension activity if the student has completed work ahead of time. The school does of several other pieces of equipment that is shared throughout the building, including 30 laptops in the computer and technology room, four laptop mobile 13 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 carts (approximately 65 for the entire school to share), and several printers for student and teacher usage. The computer and technology room is used for either the tech class or can be reserved by a teacher (if a block period is available) to take the class in to use them, which is somewhat limited. The laptop carts are reserved on a schedule basis and you must make appropriate preparations on Mondays to ensure you will have the equipment as they are often booked quickly. The laptops are fairly new Dell models with basic web browsing and document writing capabilities and all of them have a list of blocked sites (Facebook, twitter, and YouTube) that are not available for students. The printers in the tech room are often quite crowded throughout the day as teachers will print from their computers to these printers and often items and documents get mixed together as several will be printing at the same time. Space in our classroom is exceptionally well managed, as we have to house most of the science materials and student materials in an average sized classroom. The tables (which serve as desks for students) are spread across the room and evenly distributed so that students and teachers can easily walk through the room with little to no interference. Every item in the classroom, as a rule, must have a purpose and must be used regularly to ensure that only the necessities are there. The space is comfortable and maneuverable so that individual spaces are respected and understood, but close enough so that engagement and collaboration are plausible. The spacing is also optimal so that the teacher can make regular eye contact with each student and the students’ view of the board are unobstructed. Part C: Learning Environment The classroom is organized primarily by the seven tables throughout the classroom that serve as students’ workspaces. Here they will perform their daily tasks (note taking, challenges, or labs) and can work either individually or collaboratively. As the science classroom our room serves as both a standard classroom and as a laboratory as well – wherein students can perform their labs (dissections, acid tests, or cell observations). The students’ seats are assigned and are changed at the beginning of each unit, which allows the teacher to reinvigorate the environment and create a different feeling for each unit. The students are grouped at their tables strategically, so that students can focus on their work and avoid being distracted by their group members. This is done so by first getting to know the student and their own behaviors and their relationships to other students. The scheduling for the middle school is done so in 80-minute block periods that alternate between A and B block days. Each instructional day students have 80 minutes of math and 80 minutes of language arts. On alternative days students will have either 80 minutes of science or 80 minutes of social studies depending on their class schedule. The day begins with homeroom from 8:25 – 8:50 am, where students will prepare for the days classes and have their morning routine (pledge allegiance and school creed recitement). The schedule is broken down so that block 1 is from 8:53 – 10:13am, block 2 is 10:16 – 11:36 am and block 3 is 11:39 – 12:59pm. At 1pm students will break for lunch until 1:30pm. After lunch students will have two 40-minute special periods (either gym, language, art, tech, or music) depending on their scheduled day. At 2:53pm students will return to homeroom until 3pm at which time they are dismissed. 14 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Rules and behavior management are determined by the teachers of each class and I have found that no two teachers will have identical sets for their classes. Below is the rules and behavior management policies for our class, as outlined in the syllabus by the cooperating teacher. These rules and management policies are based on school policy and are collaboratively created by the staff each year. Classroom Rules and Conduct A. Rules of Conduct 1. Be responsible for your own learning. 2. Do not disturb the learning of others. 3. Be respectful to everyone. 4. All school rules and lab rules must be followed. 5. Be ready to learn. Failure to follow these rules of conduct will result in consequences stated below. B. Disruption There will be zero tolerance for inappropriate disruption in the classroom. Verbal and physical disruption delays the flow of the classroom lessons; and as a result, it destroys the learning of others. The severity of each individual disruption will be taken on a caseby-case basis and handled accordingly with consequences below. Consequences All rules that are broken will be subjected to classroom, as well as, school consequences. Each student will be given three warnings. They are as followed: 1. Verbal warning 2. Name on board 3. Check near name If student receives three warnings, the teacher will ask to see student at the end of class; in which they will decide on one or more consequences listed below. A. Lunch Detention- This will be given for minor, yet continuous, infractions in the classroom. Students will spend lunch inside with teacher. A parent or guardian may be notified. B. After-school Detention- This will be given for major and continuous infractions in the classroom. Students will spend 1-½ hours with teacher afterschool, where they can reflect on their actions. A parent will be notified so the terms of the detention can be cleared. C. In-School Suspension- This will be given for major and continuous infractions in the classroom as well. A parent will be notified by either the teacher or school administrator. Source: =400&DomainID=3490&AssignmentID=2140&AssignmentCategoryID=0&Month=0& Year=0 Student interaction is promoted and well monitored in the classroom because of the physical features of the classroom. The students work at tables with at most three 15 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 other students – which provides them with enough space to work individually, but allows them to be close enough in proximity to work with each other. In addition to the physical proximity and interaction, students are also regularly assigned group work or small-group work, such as for projects or even for homework assignments. The most intricate part though, is that students are able to make the distinction regularly, by which they can choose to work individually or with a group on any project or larger scale assignment. Most students – approximately 80% of those I have seen thus far – will choose to work in a small group, and generally only 2-3 students will opt to work alone. The most exceptional examples of fair treatment of students that I have been privy to witnessing include two district policies. First, all work that is to be graded requires a rubric with a detailed point system breakdown. The rubric may be the same one for similar assignments but regardless it must be provided to the students for each assignment and it must be used as the only means of grading by the teacher. This is done to ensure that teachers are equally grading students only on the work they submit, not based on mitigating factors such as behavior and to demonstrate that every student is assessed equally. The second example of fair treatment of students is that on the report card there are three different spots for the teacher of each subject to assess the student – grade, effort, and behavior. The grade is just your final average for that marking period, based on your class work, participation, tests, quizzes, projects and homework. Your effort is based on the student’s performance in the class and whether or not there is evidence that shows that the student is putting forth the effort. The scale on which they are assessed is based on three parameters: Outstanding – Satisfactory – Needs Improvement. The last point of assessment is the line for behavior. Each teacher in the middle school will assess the students’ behavior for their class. Students are essentially assessed on how well they behave in class, both individually and in groups. Each day students behavior is noted with the denotation of one of the following: Outstanding – Satisfactory – Needs Improvement. At the end of the marking period the teacher will review them and make the final determination as to what the students actual behavior was like. In my experiences thus far I have found that equitable participation and the idea of learning for all actually come together in the classroom. Participation, as stated from the school’s policy above, is based on 15% of the students’ grade, which serves as an excellent motivator for them to become involved in the classroom. However, in order to keep the student involved in the class and participating you will need to do more then motivate them with a grade percentage, rather you need to attach them to the lesson or the discussion and then allow them to continue onward. What often occurs in my class is that we will have challenges at the beginning of the class. These challenges can be writing pieces, problem solving practices or even physical challenges and the purpose of each is to provide students with a connection or attachment to the lesson. Therein they are now participating in class and will be learning through this participation. It is here where the student is actively participating (asking and answering questions) that the student is engaged in learning for all. What this means is that the student is completing the majority of the “talk moves” that they should be doing – so that now they are acting as the primary communication tools. One of the challenges that I feel I have faced most often in my experiences in the classroom are student’s struggles with self-motivation. Most of the students that I am 16 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 working with are very motivated to do well and succeed, and they truly do care about their grades and their work. However, there certainly are a few students, just as there would be in any other classroom, which are not at all intrinsically motivated from within. I believe this is a struggle for myself personally because I want them to care and be motivated to do well. A few things that are done to promote self-motivation include advocacy programs and general classroom discussions and private talks to help boost self-esteem and belief in ones self. In the advocacy programs students get the opportunity to speak freely, without consequences, and are able to open up about their hopes and desires. It is here during these sessions that we can promote self-motivation. Such as when a student says “I want to be a lawyer” and we can say “well the most important part of being a lawyer is being able to write exceptionally well – and right now you need to start practicing that skill so that when you do become a lawyer they will want to give you that job and big office”. Something as small and as open-ended as this serves a great purpose for the student, because now the student is motivated to improve on one part of their work and simultaneously they now know that we fully believe in their ability. Self-esteem is, according researchers Jonathan Brown and Margaret Marshall “something that everybody wants, yet no one is entirely sure what it is, what it does, or where it can be found” (Brown and Marshall pp. 2). Defining self-esteem, in the context of creating a universally accepted definition of the term, is something that these authors have concluded has not yet been accomplished. We can often find ourselves talking about the need for student self-esteem or having the confidence in ourselves, but really we do not have a face for this colorful, abstract phrase. I like to believe that self-esteem is the individual belief in ones own abilities and self, which I feel encompasses a broad, if not vague, view of such an important ideal. In my research of the meaning of self-esteem I have found one clear and evident truth, the idea of this term is quite vague, but everyone apparently has their own belief, so for now I will utilize my own implemented definition. Building self-esteem in the classroom begins by devising and creating lessons that have implicit, if not at time subtle, undertones that excite and motivate students ( I believe the easiest and most efficient way to build self-esteem is to pay someone a compliment, one that may not be elaborate or long, just something as simple as “excellent job” or “good work”. When grading student papers the policy is to never write directly on the paper, as to avoid tarnishing the students’ work, so instead teachers will attach post-it notes to the papers with comments and feedback. As a general rule my cooperating teacher creates these responses with a simplistic formula, begin each sentence with a compliment or a good notation and then provide a critical point of feedback. Using this model we can communicate to the student, even if they failed to meet the requirements, which we are proud of them and their work as to not discourage them or impede on their self-esteem. In providing these short blasts of praise we are telling the students in very clear words that we are happy with them because they tried. When I speak to the students I have found that many of them have great confidence in themselves in many tasks and they also communicate this in the way they approach assignments. However, I have found that this self-confidence, i.e. self-esteem, can get deflated easily by the slightest negative remark. This is due in part to what I have observed when providing corrective feedback or constructed criticism and the student response is “oh well I don’t get it – I give up” and subsequent actions, putting materials 17 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 away or just shutting down. This extreme reaction has lead me to conclude that while students may create this personification that that they have great confidence in themselves, in reality their self-esteem is quite low. As a result I find that many teachers, myself included, are careful of their critical remarks and often show affection (i.e. a smile or an approving nod) while they speak to students. This action, a combination of verbal communication and non-verbal body language, communicates to the student that we may not approve of their actions or products we do care. By and large this approach works well, students understand that you care and feel obligated to continue to work because they know you believe in them, wherein self-esteem has grown. Part D: Student Characteristics The age and gender of the students in each grade is listed in the table below Table 1.6 Age and Genders of Middle School Students – Forest Street School 2012-13 Grade Age Range Median Age Total Students Total Males Total Female th 5 Grade 10-13 years old 10.5 years old 37 students 20 Males 17 Females 6th Grade 11-13 years old 12 years old 38 students 20 Males 18 Females th 7 Grade 12-15 years old 13 years old 37 students 15 Males 22 Females The race and ethnicity of students in the school as a whole directly reflects those of the composition of the city itself. This school serves predominately African-American students, along with percentages of Hispanic/Latino students and Haitian/French Creole students. The city itself, according to the US Census bureau, has one of the highest per capita percentages of African-Americans in the state of New Jersey and the United States itself. This is clearly evident in the school make-up and as stated previously a commensurate reflection of the community at large. According to the NJ Report Card for Forest Street School, the race and ethnicity subdivision is as follows: 78% Black, 21% Hispanic, 0.3% Asian, and 0.3% White. ( According to the NJ Report Card for Forest Street School, the number of special needs students, those with IEP or 504 or ESL, equates to a total of 51 students in the school with a classified learning disability or 14% of the school itself and 24 students with limited English proficiency or 6.7% of the school at large. As much of this is privileged and confidential information, I can only state that I have direct instructional contact with approximately 10-16 students with classified learning disabilities and 5-8 students with limited English language proficiency. In order to provided the need accommodations and modifications, teachers create separate assessments for these students and they are provided with sufficient support (i.e. resource instruction, paraprofessional aides, and such). Achievement is measured, in general, by the NJ Report Card according to several factors including: Academic Achievement (several subdivisions), College and Career Readiness, and Student growth. Below is the introductory narrative for Forest Street School’s Achievement in the 2011-2012 school year, as well as the narratives pertaining to Academic Achievement, College and Career Readiness, and Student Growth: This school's academic performance significantly lags in comparison to schools across 18 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 the state. Additionally, its academic performance is about average when compared to its peers. This school's college and career readiness lags in comparison to schools across the state. Additionally, its college and career readiness lags in comparison to its peers. This school's student growth performance lags in comparison to schools across the state. Additionally, its student growth performance is about average when compared to its peers. Performance Areas Academic Achievement College and Career Readiness Student Growth Peer Rank (Percentile) Statewide Rank (Percentile) 47 34 19 23 44 39 Percentage of Targets Met 63% 0% 50% Very High Performance is defined as being equal to or above the 80.0th percentile. High Performance is defined as being between the 60.0th and 79.9th percentiles. Average Performance is defined as being between the 40.0th and 59.9th percentiles. Lagging Performance is defined as being between the 20.0th and 39.9th percentiles. Significantly Lagging Performance is defined as being equal to or below the 19.9th percentile. Peer Schools are schools that have similar grade levels and students with similar demographic characteristics, such as the percentage of students qualifying for Free/Reduced Lunch, Limited English Proficiency programs or Special Education programs. Academic Achievement This school outperforms 19% of schools statewide as noted by its statewide percentile ranking and 47% of schools educating students with similar demographic characteristics as noted in its peer school percentile ranking in the performance area of Academic Achievement. Additionally, this school is meeting 63% of its performance targets in the area of Academic Achievement. Academic Achievement measures the content knowledge students have in language arts literacy and math. For elementary and middle schools, this includes measures of the school's proficiency rate on both the Language Arts Literacy and Math sections of the New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (NJ ASK). A proficiency rate is calculated by summing the count of students who scored either proficient or advanced proficient on the assessment and dividing by the count of valid test scores. Academic Achievement measures the content knowledge students have in language arts literacy and math. In elementary and middle school, this includes the outcomes of the New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (NJASK). The first column - School wide Performance - in the table below includes measures of the total school wide proficiency rate in both language arts literacy and math across multiple administrations of the assessment . The second column - Peer School Percentile Rank indicates where the school’s proficiency rate compares to its group of peer schools. For 19 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 example, a school that has a peer school percentile rank of 65 has a proficiency rate that is higher than 65% of its peer schools. The third column - Statewide Percentile Rank indicates where the school’s proficiency rate compares to schools across the state. For example, a school that has a statewide percentile rank of 30 has a proficiency rate that is higher than 30% of all schools with HSPA scores statewide. The last column - Percent of Targets Met - presents the percentage of progress targets met as defined by the NJDOE’s NCLB waiver. The Summary row presents the averages of the peer school percentile ranks, the average of statewide percentile ranks and the percentage of statewide targets met. Academic Achievement Indicators NJASK Language Arts Proficiency and Above NJACK Mathematics Proficiency and Above Summary – Academic Achievement School wide Performance Peer Rank (Percentile) State Rank (Percentile) Percentage of Targets Met 45% 52 20 100% 52% 42 17 25% N/A 47 19 63% College and Career Readiness This school outperforms 23% of schools statewide as noted by its statewide percentile ranking and 34% of schools educating students with similar demographic characteristics as noted in its peer school percentile ranking in the performance area of College and Career Readiness. Additionally, this school is meeting 0% of its performance targets in the area of College and Career Readiness. College and Career readiness measures the degree to which students are demonstrating behaviors that are indicative of future attendance and/or success in college and careers. For all elementary and middle schools, this includes a measurement of how many students are chronically absent. For schools with middle school grades, it also includes a measurement of how many students take Algebra I in either seventh or eighth grade. Student Growth This school outperforms 39% of schools statewide as noted by its statewide percentile ranking and 44% of schools educating students with similar demographic characteristics as noted in its peer school percentile ranking in the performance area of Student Growth. Additionally, this school is meeting 50% percentage of its performance targets in the area of Student Growth. Student Growth measures the performance of students from one year to the next on the New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (NJ ASK) in Language Arts Literacy and Math when compared to students with a similar history of performance on NJ-ASK. * Archived The student developmental levels for the school, according to observations appear 20 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 to be on point and of the norm expected at these grades and ages. The developmental levels, those pertaining to physiological, psychological, and socio-economic, do not appear to deviate, when compared to other observations/interactions with a similar pool of students (by means of age). The students’ psychological levels appear to be what would be expected of middle school students, specifically cognitive abilities and application of learned skills. The students are intelligent and mindful, yet still possess the hallmark traits of young adolescents. Similarly their physiological developmental levels appear to average for middle school students. They are growing and active young people, who regularly engage in 40 minutes of physical education each week and 30 minutes of active recess each day. Their development in this category is characteristic of what is to be expected of young and developing adolescents. Their socio-economic development, as it pertains to an urban area setting, appears to be appropriate. Students have an excellent understanding of their world and their surroundings, yet exhibit little to insufficient understanding of the world beyond the 2.2 square miles that is Orange. They fully believe that the rest of the world is a mirror image of their own surroundings and as such do not always exhibit the desired behavior, i.e. inappropriate remarks or behavior uncharacteristic of other students in similar age ranges. Ultimately and conclusively they are developmentally appropriate for their age, grade, and genders the majority of the time. The culture of the school, much like the demographics that comprise it, is quite mixed and dependent upon several factors. The school itself is very must culturally characteristic of any typical elementary or middle school, yet the culture of the students varies, as it does in most schools. The NJ report card listed the school as 78% black – which can be subdivided into African-American, Caribbean, and Haitian. Some of these students who are classified in this Black division are first generation Americans, whose parents or they themselves immigrated to America. They bring with them a culture all of their own, yet have seamlessly integrated into the culture of the school. In addition the primary make-up of the ESL students is Hispanic, wherein they, like the students classified as black, are first generation Americans, again bringing their own culture. But again they have seamlessly integrated into the culture of the school at large. Culture is a very powerful word and phrase, culture is what defines people, even much so then terms like creed, race, or ethnicity. Culture is the environment, both explicit and implicit, recognizable and subtle, of a group of people. While students may bring with them their own culture to school, the school at large possess its own unique identity that sets it apart from all other schools, even those in similar settings or the same district. Culture is not something that can be put into words or even quantified as culture is a discreet tone that exists amongst a group of people, connected in the same environment. The language distribution for the school – the primary language spoken in and used at home or outside of the school, according to the NJ Report Card, can be found in the table below: 2011-2012 English Percent 67.6% 21 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Spanish Haitian Creole Creoles – French French Amharic Other 19.4% 7.3% 2.0% 1.1% 0.9% 1.7% Student interest and talents are similar to what would be expected of average middle school students, including music, sports and entertainment in general. They are not at all unlike similar age students in comparison and enjoy peer friendship and participating in athletic activities. These interest can be used in a variety of ways to the teachers advantage, as many of them can be incorporated into lessons or used as examples or even foster connections. For instance an assignment I provided to the middle school science classes entailed identifying and researching futuristic technology in science fiction. Knowing what the students enjoy and where their talents and interests lie can make an astounding difference in making and fostering connections. Typically the male students engage in discussions of sports, action movies and wrestling, while very much so typically the females engage in discussions of celebrities, styles and clothing. While there is some overlap, for instance a number of the female students are very well versed in sports and often I see them out performing the males. Similarly the males will engage in discussions of popular sneakers or fashion with male peers and female peers. I have found that very little has actually changed since my years at this grade/age level and the typical discussions are still occurring every day. Learning styles is one area of student characteristics, similar to interests and talents that is difficult to quantify as the means of measurement cannot be reliable. Nevertheless I have compiled some notes about the manner and methods students implement in learning, whether known or not. Specifically I have found that the majority of the students are visual and physical learners, wherein they thrive in laboratory activities and experiments that call for physicality and do very well when they can see physical and visual representations. Other students, the minority for all intense purposes, are auditory learners, who thrive in lectures and less physical measures and means. These students succeed in listening and applying in contrast to actual physical workings. This contrast can at times present challenges for a teacher, but nonetheless need to be recognized and implemented. Which is why I find that science courses provided the needed balance for this contrast, wherein aspects can be physical and visual while also auditory and lecture based. This allows for students’ needs to be met seamlessly while still facilitating and providing a well balanced and diverse science class. Such an extraordinary capability should be noted by the teacher and fully used to the best of the students’ advantages. Skill levels, like some many other objective indicators and traits, are not quantifiable, yet again observational notes can supplement in such times of need. The students are very well inclined problem solvers, however they often struggle with orderly routine or methodology of problem solving. They are very capable of defining and pointing out problems and when they are provided with the steps can easily problem solve, but there exists evidence of a clear gap between identification and application of methodology. In addition students are possess an exceptional skill set in peer and self22 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 editing, wherein they can read their own work or another students work and point out flaws and short comings, yet again they fail to understand why or the reason behind the error. I have surmised from this that students in the middle school possess astounding analytical skills, but falter when pressed for methodology or reasoning. Here this knowledge would be crucial for a teacher and should be carefully noted and implemented in the lesson planning process. Part E: Instructional Implications The most successful teacher is the teacher who knows the students in his or her classroom, often referred to by Seton Hall College of Education and Human Services as the Socially Conscious teacher. This teacher understands his or her students’ needs, understands and knows who the students are as individuals, and creates and devises lessons and assessments that reach and connect with these students. Researching and noting all of these contextual factors, at the onset at least, may seem like a daunting and meaningless task, however when you read through the narrative you can see the outline of a school and begin to understand what the school is as an entity. The value in the contextual factors far surpasses any grade that I or my colleagues would receive for composing the work, but instead serves as means of detailing and creating an instructional guide for our students. At the onset this work sample seems to lack the value of other work we may have, but in reality we are creating a work of art, a master cheat sheet if you will, that provides us with the insight needed to connect with our students and be the promised socially conscious teachers. When someone applies the contextual factors of a school and the community at large the implications for instruction can be limitless and you as the teacher have this magnificent gift, which allows you to create meaningful and appropriate lessons, activities and assessments. With this tool you are able to identify the student body at large and begin to understand their developmental needs and their academic needs. With this you can then understand how to meet these identified needs and what you will need to do. Make no mistake the information enclosed in the text above provides a teacher with an elaborate and constructed road map, by which he or she can use to become a great, socially conscious teacher. This text provides insight into students’ lives both inside and outside the classroom, including the characteristics and traits of the community, the demographics of the area, and the ultimately the abilities and interests of the students. In the previous paragraph specific notation of student interests was made, which may lead you to think of academic interests. However, on the contrary I am referring directly to their interests as a whole, such as sports, movies, fashion, as so forth. By knowing this information you can make your lessons, assessments and activities relevant to the students by making a connection to their interests or even implementing them into the instruction. This small connection can provide the student with the motivation to work to their potential or to perhaps even greater lengths. Ultimately knowing your student gives you a window of insight into how you can best reach them instructionally. As stated previously I knew from my work during the TWS project that a number of my students had a great affinity to science-fiction films and books. So with this information I constructed a general science project, wherein the students had to research and identify specific pieces of advanced technology in the media forums and determine if any advancements where actually being made in the real-world. They had to record their 23 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 findings and discuss their methodology, all the while creating a scientific, inquiry based research project. Below is the project I assigned for the students specifically: Figure 1.1 Forest Street School Science Vacation Project Date Received: February 14/15 Date Due: February 25/26 Sci-fi in Real-Life? Does the technology we see in Science Fiction books and movies actually exist? For this project you will be determining how real or authentic the advanced technology in Sci-fi books and movies actually is. After you have selected the book or movie you will write a 2 page paper (including images/diagrams of the object) about whether or not this technology exist (research it) and if not how far away are we from actually having it. Directions: 1. Find a book or movie that displays advanced technology. 2. Identify specifically what this technology is. 3. Research if this technology actually exists a. If it does where/how is it used? b. If not how close are we to actually having something similar. 4. Write a 2 page paper (typed or very neatly written) including: a. Identify the book or movie b. Identify the technology or equipment you are writing about – include the name and a description of it and what it does in the book/movie, including diagrams and images of object. c. Explain if it actually exists – if so where/how is it used? d. If it does not exist explain if there are any advancements being made toward it. e. Would this technology benefit mankind or how does it benefit (if it already exists) Possible books or movies: Jurassic Park Iron Man (1 or 2) Inception Dark Knight (Batman) I am Robot Star Wars Back to the Future Star Trek Any book or movie that has futuristic technology is acceptable Beyond recognizing and utilizing student interest to foster connections, provide relevance and create a sense of motivation, knowing your students, especially those with special needs can have lasting effects. As stated in Part D my school has 51 students with classified learning disabilities and 24 students who are classified as ESL, and I have direct instructional contact with approximately 20 of these students. So knowing my students based on what was provided in the contextual factors I can now prepare and 24 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 begin to research different methods of assessments that meet the accommodation and modification needs of the students. With this knowledge a teacher can be better prepared to teach and can create the needed instructional assessments and lessons for the students. This affords the teacher an excellent opportunity to research new and emerging thoughts, practices and approaches with respect to the student’s specific learning needs or the ESL student’s language comprehension. This also ensures that the teacher does not go into the classroom “blind” or is not caught off guard, but rather is detailed and prepared to continue onward with the lessons. I have had the pleasure of learning how to create and modify tests and projects to meet the accommodation needs of students below are two samples – one of the test given to students with learning disabilities and the other to the students without. These where created in conjunction with my cooperating teacher: Figure 1.2 5th Grade Simple Machine Unit Test Name _______________________________ Date _________________ 5th Grade Simple Machine Test 1) List the six types of Simple Machine and provide an example of each. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2) Why do we use simple machines? How do they impact our lives? Ultimately what do we get from using them? Describe one way in which simple machines impact your life. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3) Draw and label the four parts of a lever system. 25 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 4) Describe the relationship between the position of the load in relation to the fulcrum. What happens to the effort if the load is closer to the fulcrum? What happens to the effort if the load is farther away from the fulcrum? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5) Compare and contrast the lever system and the pulley system. How are they similar? How do they differ? What do we get as a result of using either? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 26 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) Define each of the following using a scientific definition, Single Fixed Pulley, Single Movable Pulley and Two-Pulley System. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 7) Draw and label the three types of pulley systems we studied. 27 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 8) What are the specific advantages that we receive from using pulley systems? List and define the two advantages and the pulley system from which we receive them. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 9) How is the two-pulley system an improvement over the single pulley systems? Use vocabulary and concepts from the unit to support your work. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 28 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 10) Explain how you use one simple machine in your every day life. Provide a scenario about how you use it and what advantage(s) you get from it. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Figure 1.3 5th Grade Simple Machine Unit Test - Modified Name _______________________________ Date _________________ 5th Grade Simple Machine Test 1) List the six types of Simple Machine and provide an example of each. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 29 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 ______________________________________________________________________________ 2) Why do we use simple machines? How do they impact our lives? Ultimately what do we get from using them? Describe one way in which simple machines impact your life. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3) Draw and label the four parts of a lever system. 4) Compare and contrast the lever system and the pulley system. How are they similar? How do they differ? What do we get as a result of using either? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 30 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5) Define each of the following using a scientific definition, Single Fixed Pulley, Single Movable Pulley and Two-Pulley System. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) Draw and label the three types of pulley systems we studied. 31 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 A teacher who knows his or her students, meaning they know their background, their abilities, their developmental levels, their interests, and so forth is a teacher who will go somewhere in this profession. But a teacher who knows all of this about his or her students and applies it to the classroom is a professional who will go the farthest in their career. The mantra of knowing your students may seem a little overrated, but let us think about this. If you are the teacher and you know that student A is struggling in math and also is a passionate baker, you could come up with a lesson wherein you used measurements and time to correlate to baking a treat. Here in this one simple sentence you have combined a student weakness with an outward interest and created an exceptional motivational factor. Similarly if you know your ESL student is struggling with reading comprehension but has superb verbal and speaking skills, you could decide to give the student the next assessment orally, so that you can see if this helps him or her. Being a teacher means you do a little bit of everything, we all know this, understand this and most importantly appreciate this, but in every sense of the word, we where called to this profession to educate our youth. And for most of us here the connection to educating young people and interacting with them is why we became teachers. So would it not make sense that we get to know these young people better then just the student who sits in the middle of the class and does good sometimes. Should we not know them on all levels and use this knowledge to create and define the instructional guides we use to connect with them. In the business world we have a saying that I believe connects well here, knowledge and information is the competitive advantage. Knowing everything about your industry is your advantage and as such why not apply this concept here, so we can say that knowing students is the best advantage to becoming a great teacher. 32 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 TWS Part II: Goals and Objectives Goals and Objectives Grade: 6th Grade Subject: Science Unit Topic: Paleontology and Geology Goal Statement: To recognize the connection that exists between paleontology and geology. To understand that the Earth has changed significantly through time To demonstrate scientific aptitude in lab exercise To recognize that the Earth’s outermost crust is comprised of numerous components. To investigate how the impact of the mass extinction of the dinosaurs impacted the Earth’s crust. New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards: Content Area Science 5.4 Earth Systems Science: All students will understand that Earth Standard operates as a set of complex, dynamic and interconnected systems, and is a part of the all-encompassing system of the universe. B. History of Earth: From the time that Earth formed from a nebula 4.6 Strand billion years ago, it has been evolving as a result of geologic, biological, physical, and chemical processes. By the end of grade Content Statement CPI# CPI 6 Successive layers of 5.4.6.B.1 Interpret a sedimentary rock representation of a and the fossils rock layer sequence contained in them to establish oldest tell the factual story and youngest layers, of the age, history, geologic events, and changing life forms, changing life forms. and geology of Earth. 6 Earth’s current 5.4.6.B.2 Examine Earth’s structure has been surface features and influenced by both identify those sporadic and created on a scale of gradual events. human life or on a Changes caused by geologic time scale earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can be observed on a human time scale, but many geological processes, such as 33 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 8 8 mountain building and the shifting of continents, are observed on a geologic time scale. Today’s planet is very different than early Earth. Evidence for onecelled forms of life (bacteria) extends back more than 3.5 billion years. Fossils provide evidence of how life and environmental conditions have changed. The principle of Uniformitarianism makes possible the interpretation of Earth’s history. The same Earth processes that occurred in the past occur today 5.4.8.B.1 5.4.8.B.2 Correlate the evolution of organisms and the environmental conditions on Earth as they changed throughout geologic time. Evaluate the appropriateness of increasing the human population in a region based on the region’s history of catastrophic events, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and floods. Objectives: Students will: (audience) Draw a geologic time scale of the different eras and periods of earth (behavior) on a time line (condition). Write a 2-page paper on the Virtual Museum Tour of the Smithsonian Natural History Museum (behavior) using the RACES Model (condition). Devise a Venn diagram to formulate a connection between paleontology and geology (behavior) with the notes and observations they collected in the unit (condition). Complete a summative project of the unit (behavior) based on findings from the geological time scale and the virtual museum tour (condition). Write a hypothesis of what they believe the Earth may have looked like 500 million years ago (behavior) using the scientific method (condition). Write a 1 page paper (behavior) on why and how the Earth has changed over the course of time (condition). 34 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 TWS Part III: Design of Instruction Subpart I: Pre-Assessment Design, Narrative and Table The pre-assessment I designed for this unit is a Text Graffiti assessment method for my classes to complete prior to beginning this unit. While discussing the unit with my cooperating teacher we found that some points and aspects of the unit may have already been taught in earlier grades – so using the Text Graffiti assessment appears to be the optimal choice. We recently completed a professional development about using Text Graffiti as a pre-assessment, particularly when the unit or lesson pertains to content in which students may have prior knowledge. Text graffiti is a simple and precise way to measure what your students know by presenting them with questions at each station and ask the students to answer the question presented using only their prior knowledge. Here you can create your questions and tape them to the desk/tables in the classroom and give students 3 minutes to answer each prompt. The students will rotate around the room in groups and answer the questions at each station with the assessment ending once all students have provided answers to the questions. A blank copy of the pre-assessment can be found in the figure below. Figure 3.1 – Pre-assessment Text Graffiti Total Points: 17 points available Time: 3 minutes per station – 6 stations – 18 minutes total Graffiti # 1: What do you see? Directions: Look at the picture below and answer the completion questions at the end. Number and write your answers on any space of the paper. A word bank is provided for you. Put your name next to your answer to receive credit. (1 point per – 4 points total) Word Bank Sediment Fossil Paleozoic Mass extinction 1. This is an image of a dinosaur __________. 2. Scientist theorize that some 65 million years ago the Earth suffered a(n) ________________, that wiped 35 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 out the dinosaurs. 3. Dinosaurs lived during what is known as the _______________ era of history. 4. The outer covering that often encases animal and plant remains, such as the one in the image above, is formed by layers of ________________. Graffiti # 2: How old is it? Directions: Read the question below and answer it in the space provided. List the answers in the accompanying numbers below. Place your name next to your answer to receive credit. (1 point per technique – 2 points total) There are numerous different techniques that scientists use to determine just exactly how old an object is. List 2 of these techniques here. 1. 2. Graffiti # 3: Rocks, Fossils, and Soil… Oh my! Directions: Read the statement below and provide a definition for each of the fields in the context. Write the definition next to the word and place your name next to your answer to receive credit. (2 points per definition – 4 points total) Science, as you already know, is not a single area of content, but rather a rich field of differing disciplines. Two of these disciplines or areas include Paleontology and Geology, define each of these fields using what you have already learned. 1. Paleontology – 2. Geology – Graffiti # 4: And we think we don’t age well? Directions: Look at the image below and then read the statements below it and determine whether it is True or False. Write True or False on the paper and put your name next to your answer. (1 point per – 2 points total) 36 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 True False 1.) The Earth once looked liked this some 500 million years ago. True False 2.) This theory of a “Super-Continent” was proposed by Alfred Wegner. Graffiti # 5: How old is OLD? Directions: Read the question below and write your letter answer anywhere on the paper. Place your name next to your answer to receive credit. (1 point) This topic has recently come back to center stage with Bill Nye “The Science Guy” making the claim that science students need to be aware of how old the Earth actually is. So how old do you think it is? According to generally accepted theories the Earth is approximately how old? A. 10,000 years old C. 1,000,000 years old B. 100,000 years old D. > 1,000,000,000 years old Graffiti # 6: More then just dirt and soil? Directions: Look at the image below and number and label the four layers of the Earth’s crust – don’t worry about exact order, just the names. Write your answers in sequence and please be sure to number them from outer most to inner most. Make sure to put your name next to the accompanying answers provided. (1 point each – 4 points total) 37 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. The scoring rubric for this pre-assessment is simplistic in that each question or part of the text graffiti has a total number of points possible. In total there are 17 points available for the entire assessment, with each question having 1-4 points available. The total points assigned for each question varied due to the fact that each question itself asked for different details. Generally speaking there was 1 point available for every part of the question(s), so that each individual part of the assessment could be quantified and hence measured. I designed the pre-assessment in this way for several reasons, some of which are in respect to the information and insight I gained via the contextual factors and some based on my research beyond it. First, the research and information I was privy to pertaining to text graffiti has indicated that this format could serve as a great method of insight into students’ prior knowledge of the subject. From my research into the science curriculum of the district of Orange I found that students would have explored some of the essential ideas in this unit, in less detail, in the previous grades, specifically 3rd and 4th. So knowing that these students where potentially exposed to this information beforehand lead me to believe that I needed to implement a pre-assessment that would assess their prior knowledge. Using the text graffiti afforded me just that and I was able to assess their prior knowledge of the varying subject matter using this format. Second I spoke to several teachers in the school, including my cooperating teacher and the master science teacher, who indicated the detail and depth the students would have been exposed to may vary. Subsequently, I found that while the students may have learned about the subject matter, the degree apparently varied greatly and often the depth was not concurrent with what they could expect to see in the coming unit. This 38 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 information indicated to me that I needed to devise a pre-assessment that focused on the general main points of the various parts of the unit, the broad ideas so to speak, rather then focus on the specifics. So with this information I knew the most optimal choice would be to devise an assessment that measured prior knowledge, but on a large scale, something that, through my research of the text graffiti, I knew could be measured and assessed. Again, the optimal implementation of the text graffiti is to measure prior knowledge of broad ideas. Through my research and observations of the students I found that they where exceptionally intelligent and could do well on basic testing assessments. I also found that they would get frustrated with long assessments, especially if they encompassed entire 80 minute blocks. So with this I knew the pre-assessment had to be a quick fact-finding feat, otherwise run the risk of loosing their attention and possibly having skewed data. With this I knew that having an 18 minute pre-assessment that had differential assessment formats would keep them engaged and not afford them additional time to either second guess themselves or become distracted. During my research and observations of the students for the contextual factors I found that while the teachers differentiate assessment well the students have partaken in the same basic formats of assessment numerous times. With this I knew that this preassessment had to be something different, especially because the students knew this was going to count against them. So in order to keep them motivated and engaged I had to devise and implement something that they would not have seen yet. Hence I decided that text graffiti would suit them well, as I found through my research only one other teacher who had tried it thus far in the middle school, and the particular students I was assessing for the unit did not have it yet. This is when I decided to design and implement the text graffiti pre-assessment. Finally, in the design of the text graffiti there is a great deal of room for individuality and creativity, as there is not a standardized format of the assessment. So this allowed me to be as creative as I wanted or to be as straight forward as I wanted. As you can see in the assessment above (Figure 3.1) in three (3) questions I added photo captions (even asking the students about it in the first, fourth and sixth prompt. By doing so I accomplished two tasks, one of which I had not foreseen. The first goal was to assess their knowledge of visual displays and prompts without words, in which they did. The second, which I did not foresee, was that they where excited by the visual prompts and therefore where highly engaged in the assessment. In respect to the design of the pre-assessment in regards to goals and objectives of the lesson, I created the pre-assessment so that it incorporated the major points and critical aspects of the unit. The set-up of the pre-assessment and the subsequent design and planning allowed me to first select and produce the goals of the unit and then I was able to formulate questions and prompts reflective of these goals. Here I wanted to measure the students prior knowledge of the major unit goals and objectives and found that formulating these goals and major points into prompts in the text graffiti created a clear means of measuring student prior knowledge and subsequently would allow for me to measure growth. The text graffiti was an optimal pre-assessment because it allowed for the major goals and objectives of the unit to be presented to the students in a prompt format. Here the questions reflected the major ideas of the unit, so that they could be converted and 39 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 subsequently measured. This clear means of measurement allows the teacher to identify students’ prior knowledge of the major goals and objectives, but also allowed for identification of the secondary goals and objectives, which is visible in the prompts with multiple questions. Basically each prompt served as a direct correlation to one specific objective and each part of the objective (i.e. prompt) had to be met in order for students to be credited as mastering the objective. Upon review of the pre-assessment, Professor Casola pointed out a critical aspect in the design, particularly how it pertains to laboratory experiments. This reminded me of the lab exams I had in my undergraduate science courses, wherein you are permitted a fixed amount of time to view something (cells, dissection, etc.) and then you need to answer a question. The text graffiti format could serve as a great way to introduce students to this style of testing. A simple reflection of hindsight that I wanted to note here. I created six Text Graffiti assessment prompts and taped them to the table. The questions can be about analyzing a picture or answering a simple question – they will vary in this assessment. On each of the six tables provide students with a different colored pen/pencil – to distinguish the questions and answers at the end, which is mostly for clarity on the teachers part. In order for all students to complete the assessment within the allotted time frame (3 minutes at each station) you will need to have four copies of the prompt on each table. Break students up into six groups (while they will move in a group all students MUST answer individually) and have them begin at a different numbered table. Each student will answer the question and place their name next to the answer. They will have 3 minutes to complete each station and then rotate to the next one. The assessment culminates once each student has completed the six prompts. Specific instructions are provided for each prompt graffiti for students to read – the teacher will also read each aloud to students who should need it. Students may write their answer anywhere on the paper – for clarity I have scaled down the Text Graffiti prompts so that they are easily formatted into the document. Specific instructions are provided for each Text Graffiti and will include directions for placing your name. On each of the tables in the class you will find a prompt question for you to complete. You will have 3 minutes at each station to read and respond/answer each prompt. This information is based on what you have previously learned in earlier science classes and is an overview of what we will be covering in the next unit. Read each prompt’s directions carefully and be sure to include your name next to your answer to receive credit. While you will be moving together in groups this is individual work and each person must complete their own work – do not collaborate with your peers on this assignment. In total 19 students completed the pre-assessment, 11 males and 8 females, ages 11-13 years old. Within this 6th grade class there are not any students with classified IEPs, 504s or limited language proficiencies, so I did not create a modified pre- or postassessment. However, had there been any modifications or accommodations needed I would have identified them and followed the guidelines within the classifications. The pre-assessment was scored on a scale of 0 to 17 points, with each prompt having a specified amount of points. Students received points only when the answers provided where full and complete and partial credit for answers was not permitted. After 40 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 I had administered the pre-assessment and began compiling data I realized that there was one challenge in setting the pre-assessment up in such a way, that is that students could receive credit for answers provided in prompts that had multiple questions and multiple points. This challenge I did not identify prior to the design and so I made the decision that when measuring objectives if students did not get the entire prompt correct they did not get credited as meeting the objective. Although I thought this would create an issuing in measurement I found that upon reflection that if students could not answer the entire prompt (i.e. objective) correctly then they had not fully met the objective and would be marked as such in measurements. The results of the pre-assessment can be found in the table below, wherein each student is assigned a specific number and that number is the result of where they scored on the preassessment. Figure 3.1A Pre-assessment Scores Student Score 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 88 82 77 77 77 71 71 65 59 59 59 47 47 41 29 24 18 18 18 Scores on Pre-Assessment Figure 3.1B Distribution of Pre-Assessment Scores Pre-Assessment Scores - 6th Grade 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Students By Number From the scores listed in table 3.1A and the distribution of scores graph 3.1B you 41 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 can see that the students scored widely across the spectrum of scores. These scores where calculated based on how many points they obtained in total from the pre-assessment, which was then divided by 17 (the total number of points available). However, the scores and student obtainment of goals and objectives must also be analyzed and assessed, which is done so in the graph below. Students Figure 3.1C Unit Objectives Met in Pre-Assessment Unit Objectives met in Pre-assessment 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Objectives In the graph 3.1C you can see the objectives, listed as numbers 1 to 6 were measured in terms of student obtainment. Here for each student who was able to successfully answer a completed prompt a point as given to that defined objective and is defined as it being met for our purposes. In the graph of this data it is evident that students fluctuated to some degree with respect to objective met. The table below shows the objective (described as a prompt) and how many students met the objective (how many got each prompt correct). Figure 3.1D Objectives Measurement Objective 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total # of Students 9 2 15 5 11 5 Percent of Students 47.4% 10.5% 79% 26.3% 57.9% 26.3% From these measurements and accompanying data it is evident that students met objectives to varying degrees. In graph 3.1C we find that a large portion of students where able to meet and ascertain objective 3, differentiating between paleontology and 42 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 geology, but students failed to meet objective 2, methods of dating, by a large margin (only 10.5% where able to successfully complete the prompt). What this data is telling us is that by and large students had mixed mastery and hence understanding of the unit, such that critical parts of the unit failed to gathered 50% obtainment. As a whole-group the students’ average score was 54% and the average number of students to obtain each objective was 7.9. With all of these figures it is clear that students in the class as a whole did not meet the objectives of the unit in the pre-assessment. An interesting pattern I found was that the generalized questions and prompts, those I would deem to be less specific and less scientific where more likely to be met, while those that where specific and direct scientific questions were less likely to be met. Take, for instance, the prompt/objective with the highest amount of student obtainment, objective 3. In this prompt students had to identify geology and paleontology using prior knowledge. The result was that 15 students, or 79% of the class as a whole-group, could successfully obtain this objective. I knew, from my contextual factors research, that students had learned about these disciplines in the 4th grade, so their ability to recall and apply the information was expected. However, if we turn to the least achieved objective, the second objective, which deals with scientific dating methods, we find that only two students, or 10.5% of the whole-group, where able to successfully meet the objective. Again through my research for the contextual factors I found that dating methods while discussed as a general principle of science, where not detailed in depth in prior grades. This information lead me to believe this objective would be difficult to master and meet, which was proven true in our results. Overall what the data analysis is concluding is that students demonstrated a variety of skills in completing the pre-assessment, yet we can see that students where able to answer parts of different prompts/objectives but not the entire part. We see that students overall did as well as could be expected on the pre-assessment in terms of scores and distribution. However, in terms of objective attainment and mastery students produced mixed results. Remember that in order for a student to have been determined to have mastered an objective he or she needed to provide complete answers to the entire prompt. This means that while the student’s scores fluxutated in range, their objective attainment was fairly consistent, as is evident in graph 3.1C. When we analyze this graph we notice that students achieved objectives, in terms of gross totals, in the following order 3, 5, 1 6/4, and 2. So from this we can determine and create an instructional guide, noting what areas in specific need to be readdressed and what areas can be marginally addressed. When comparing the results one would also need to factor in and make note of the evident and apparent sub-groups that exist within the whole-group. For instance, had I had any modified pre-assessments I may have compared them to the non-modified ones or if the pre-assessment was given with different accommodations that would have been comparable. However, with this lack of sub-group I chose to identify the evident subgroups in the class by means of gender. In the table and graph below you will find the scores of male students versus female students, as well as their ability to achieve and obtain objectives. This information can be viewed in the data compilation (figures E-K) below. Figure 3.1E Raw Pre-Assessment Data Male v. Female 43 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 19 11 8 50.5% 59% 88%-18% 82%-18% 88% 82% 18% 18% Total Students Male Students Female Students Male Average Female Average Male Range Female Range Male Highest Female Highest Male Lowest Female Lowest Figure 3.1F Male v Female Scores Male Student Scores Female Student Scores 88 82 77 77 71 77 65 71 59 59 47 59 47 29 41 18 24 18 18 Figure 3.1G Male and Female Score Distribution Scoes on Pre-Assessment Male v. Female Scores 100 88 82 80 77 77 71 60 71 65 59 40 59 47 47 41 29 20 24 18 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Students 8 9 Figure 3.1H Male and Female Objective Measurements 44 18 10 11 18 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Objective Female Students 4 2 8 3 7 2 5 0 7 2 4 3 Percentage Male v. total males 36.4% 18.2% 72.7% 27.3% 63.6% 18.2% Percentage Female v. total females 62.5% 0% 87.5% 25% 50% 37.5% Percentage Male v. total students 21.1% 10.5% 42.1% 15.8% 36.8% 10.5% Figure 3.1I Male Student Objective Obtainment Student Obtainemnt Male Student Objective Obtainment 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 Objectives 5 6 Figure 3.1J Female Student Objective Obtainment Female Student Objective Obtainment Students Obtainment 1 2 3 4 5 6 Male Students 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 Objectives 5 6 Figure 3.1K Male versus Female Student Objective Attainment 45 Percentage Female v. total students 26.3% 0% 36.8% 10.5% 21.1% 15.8% Student Attainment Seton Hall University Spring 2013 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Male v. Female Student Objective Attainment 1 2 3 4 Objectives 5 6 When we review the data comparing the sub-groups of the class (male and female) we can see a very specific and direct trend. Female students not only scored, on average, higher then males in terms of total points attainable. But also female students successfully achieved objectives at higher rates then male students, on average. While this may be attributable to the difference in in total number of gender composition of the class, 11 males and 8 females, this could also be assessed as females on average out performed male students. Here we see that for the most part the female students scored higher on the pre-assessment, but they also in turn met the objectives of the unit at a higher rate then male students. We see in table 3.1F and the subsequent graph 3.1G that sub-groups distribution of scores is somewhat close, with ranges, according to table 3.1E, of 88-18 and 82-18 respectively. What this tells us is that while the scores themselves did not drastically range differently, the mean total for each sub-group did play a distinct role in the results produced. Yet a distribution of scores means nothing without consideration for the attainment of the objectives, from which our data as shown us that there is some divide, as we explore this below. Subsequently if we analyze and review the data in table 3.1H and the graphs 3.1IJ-K, we notice that female students attained the unit objectives at higher percentage then their male peers, yet the total number of students within each sub-group still plays a role. Notice that male students have higher total number of objective attained in graphs, 3.1I and 3.1K, yet in table 3.1H we see that female students, statistically, did much better in the area on average. What this means is that the total number of students assessed during the pre-assessment in relation to the total number of males and female assessed separately shows a variance. This variance is explained when we see that fewer females took the assessment. However, if we take this one step further and calculate the percentage of attainment for male and female students versus both the total number in their sub-group and the total number in the whole-group (Table 3.1H) we come to a conclusion. In this analysis we find that female students where statistically better at attaining objectives 1 and 6 while males where better at objectives 2 through 5. Here we can come to the conclusion that based on these results males and females, and the gender sub-groups themselves, displayed strengths in the pre-assessment in different areas, with respect to the whole group. The summative result of the pre-assessment is that students understand in varying 46 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 degrees and depths the unit goals and objectives, as is evident in the results. We found that while the class as a whole sub-group met objectives in varying degrees, as subgroups there was evidence of a slight divide. So after looking over all of this data and analyzing every piece of it, the question for us to answer is what are we seeing here and what does this tell us. This be all end all question is where do we go from here, or this is what I am interpreting it as. What I see in the results is that students have some prior knowledge of the unit materials and some have met the unit objectives in the preassessment. What this is telling us as teachers is how should we create, modify or implement our post-assessment. From what I have seen in the results of the preassessment my conclusion is that while some students have demonstrated the skills and knowledge of the unit to come, this number is very marginal. Keep in mind that out of 19 students in the class only approximately 8 students on average met the goals of the unit, with varying degrees. After reviewing this data I decided not to modify my learning objectives, but rather modify my instructional guide. And ultimately this is the purpose of preassessments, first to have a basis by which student growth can be measured and second to set the instructional guide for the unit. Upon reviewing and reflecting on this information the changes I made to the instructional guide and design of the unit where very slight, as the student results and attainment of objectives was on par with what I had expected based on my research and information for the contextual factors. The real purpose of the pre-assessment is to be a tool for the teacher, one that helps in the planning of lessons, the design of instruction, and formulation of goals for the unit. I would not have changed, altered or modified my unit goals had my students performed low or significantly below my expected area, rather had they out-performed my expectations this would have been cause for concern and would have led to the modification of goals. As is evident from all of the graphs and tables for the pre-assessment data, I did not have students who performed extremely well on the pre-assessment, yet had I had a student or students perform exceptionally well I would have made some adjustments for those students. And again the pre-assessment data should not set your goals, your goals should be set by you as a professional, but rather the pre-assessment data should serve as your planning guide. This is why I waited until I had ascertained any real data from the pre-assessment, before I designed the specifics of the lessons to come. For the most part I did keep to my instructional design outline, however I did change it as far as specific details go because I was finding, through informal assessments, classroom discussions and formal assessments, that students where in fact exhibiting strengths and weaknesses throughout the unit. What I learned from this section of the TWS was that data drives instruction in such a way that to ignore the data would be negligent. Here we see that my students did as well as could be expected as they had not had this course work or subject matter since the fourth grade, and certainly not in this amount of detail. So I was able to ascertain a great deal of information about my students and how well I could expect them to do with the unit materials and how well they could work with the unit. You actually would not realize how data rich a pre-assessment could be until you actually begin to mine through and graph and analyze the data, wherein the results paint a wonderful picture to be finalized through a unique and insightful conclusion. 47 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Subpart II: Unit and Assessment Planning Table Unit Goal To develop an understanding of the principles of paleontology and geology, through scientific investigation Learning Objective Students will draw a geologic time scale of the different eras and periods of earth (behavior) on a time line using receipt tape (condition). Students will complete a 2-page paper on the Virtual Museum Tour of the Smithsonian Natural History Museum (behavior) using the 48 PreAssessment Six prompt text graffiti, utilizing several different methods of basic test assessment, including multiple choice, completion, true and false and short answers open-ended. PostAssessment A six question open-ended response assessment, that implemented identical questions, although with a degree of variance from the preassessment Assessment Modifications & Accommodations *** For the TWS unit class I am working with there are not any students currently enrolled with documented or classified IEPs, 504s, or English Language Limited Proficiency. As a result I will not include this section for authenticity purposes. Lesson Topic & Assessment Learning Activity Method Topic: The formative Earth’s 4.6 Billion assessment will year change. be the completion of Description: the time scale Students will be and the listing of plotting major their own major events of Earth’s events. geological history on their very own The summative geological time assessment will scale, wherein be the geological each event will be time scale. plotted using a conversion formula. For every 1 million years students will convert the number into 1 millimeter. Topic: The formative Taking a virtual assessment will tour of the be the data and Smithsonian information Natural History compiled as a Museum. result of Assessment Format The summative assessment format will be a table with major events in Earth’s history with a set number of years; students will convert this number into mm, cm, and meters. Assessment Modifications & Accommodations *** For the TWS unit class I am working with there are not any students currently enrolled with documented or classified IEPs, 504s, or English Language Limited Proficiency. As a result I will not include this section for authenticity purposes. The formative assessment format will be a time scale produced on receipt tape. The formative assessment format will be a 15-question guide sheet, designed to *** For the TWS unit class I am working with there are not any students currently enrolled with documented or classified IEPs, 504s, or English Language Limited Seton Hall University Spring 2013 RACES Model (condition). Students will devise a Venn diagram to formulate a connection between paleontology and geology (behavior) with the notes and observations they collected in the unit (condition). Description: Students will be visiting several exhibits in the natural history museum, including those specifically and directly connected to our unit topic. Throughout this tour students will take answer questions and follow a guide sheet, to compile data and information necessary for creating a RACES model paper. Topic: Comparing and contrasting scientific disciplines, specifically geology and paleontology. Description: Students will need to compile at least five similar connections, five unique points to geology and five unique points to paleontology and place this information in a Venn Diagram. completing the virtual tour. The summative assessment will be the 2-page RACES model paper about the tour. The formative assessment method will be the compilation of data and research needed to construct the diagram successfully and demonstrate mastery of the learning objective. The summative assessment method will be successful construction and completion of the Venn diagram, with five pieces of evidence, at a minimum, to lead students through the museum and allow them to collect data. Proficiency. As a result I will not include this section for authenticity purposes. The summative assessment format will be a 2-page paper written in accordance with the RACES model. The formative assessment format will be the physical research and notary of the students during the unit, during the lessons and independently, outside the classroom. *** For the TWS unit class I am working with there are not any students currently enrolled with documented or classified IEPs, 504s, or English Language Limited Proficiency. As a result I will not include this section for authenticity purposes. The summative assessment format will be a Venn diagram, comparing geology and paleontology. 49 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 demonstrate this. The formative assessment method will be the ability of the students to recall Description: how to use and Students will be implement the learning about how scientific the landscape of method Earth’s landforms appropriately. and landmasses was once The summative completely assessment different. Students method will be will hypothesize the completed what this hypothesis in the difference might scientific have been and method, what it might have demonstrating a looked like. detailed and Ultimately learned students should be understanding of able to begin to Earth’s changes. formulate emerging ideas on how and why Earth changed. Students will complete a Topic: The formative summative project of the Earth and Time assessment unit (behavior) based method for this on findings from the Description: objective will be geological time scale Over the course of the compiled and the virtual museum this unit students information and tour (condition). have been the application indirectly of what was compiling a lot of learned through the data for this previous project. They will assessments and first take what they classroom have learned from lectures. the museum tour and the geological The summative time scale assessment will construction and be the they will apply culminating Students will hypothesize what they believe the Earth may have looked like 500 million years ago (behavior) using the scientific method (condition). 50 Topic: Pangaea and physical layout of Earth. The formative assessment format will be based on students’ cognitive abilities to recall and implement the scientific method, learned previously or prior knowledge. *** For the TWS unit class I am working with there are not any students currently enrolled with documented or classified IEPs, 504s, or English Language Limited Proficiency. As a result I will not include this section for authenticity purposes. The summative assessment method will be a written hypothesis, which is done so in a scientifically acceptable manner. The formative assessment format will consist of cognitive recall, application of learned topics and skills, and growth over the unit. The summative assessment format will consist of a writing piece, 2-3 pages long of what was *** For the TWS unit class I am working with there are not any students currently enrolled with documented or classified IEPs, 504s, or English Language Limited Proficiency. As a result I will not include this section for authenticity purposes. Seton Hall University Spring 2013 other information they have learned from this unit and the associated lessons. Wherein their final product will be the creation of a project that has a paper component and a model component. project that will consist of a writing piece and a constructed model of the geological time scale. learned throughout the unit and a model created through student choice representing the geological time scale of Earth’s history. Subpart III: Design of Instruction Narrative When asked to reflect on ones work it is often done so to get the individual to think about what they would have done differently, to show them how they have grown, or to get them to explain their ideas. While other reasons certainly exist I have noted thus far in our studies that when we have been asked to reflect it is usually for one of those general reasons. That being said the instructional implications in the contextual factors of my TWS certainly are reflective and explained through the instructional design of the unit in respect to the needs of the students and the strengths of the students. Had I not used the contextual factors after the first section of the narrative I would not have put as much effort into it as I had. As I stated early on in my instructional implications knowing thy students is what sets good teachers apart from all the rest. A teacher who is both reflective and sociallyconscious knows his or her students and understands how to reach them. Also, with this tool you are able to identify the student body at large and begin to understand their developmental needs and their academic needs. With this you can then understand how to meet these identified needs and what you will need to do. Make no mistake the information enclosed in the text above provides a teacher with an elaborate and constructed road map, by which he or she can use to become a great, socially conscious teacher. This text provides insight into students’ lives both inside and outside the classroom, including the characteristics and traits of the community, the demographics of the area, and the ultimately the abilities and interests of the students. When specific notation of student interests was made, which may lead you to think of academic interests. However, on the contrary I am referring directly to their interests as a whole, such as sports, movies, fashion, as so forth. By knowing this information you can make your lessons, assessments and activities relevant to the students by making a connection to their interests or even implementing them into the instruction. This small connection can provide the student with the motivation to work to their potential or to perhaps even greater lengths. Ultimately knowing your student gives you a window of insight into how you can best reach them instructionally. I surmised from my research during the contextual factors, specifically the instructional implications that students thrived when technology could be included in a lesson, which for meant that I needed to incorporate technology into at least some parts of the lesson. I found a way to do so and had my students take a virtual museum tour of the Smithsonian Natural History museum, which served as one of the best lessons. 51 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 The unit design was also reflective of the needs and strengths of specific students, with respect to the instructional implications and contextual factors. In my construction of the contextual factors I noted under student characteristics that students developmental levels where all at the expected levels you might see in any middle school across the country. This is certainly a strength of the students, and in terms of general aptitude, ability and achievement the 6th grade class I am writing about in the TWS is probably the school’s highest class. They are incredibly intelligent and as such ask a lot of questions, but not just any random question, they ask very focused and to the point questions. In terms of student needs and everything that we have discussed thus far in this brief narrative, I believe that the only student needs that had to be met where prevention of instructional continuity, which I like to think of as teaching the same way each day. To me as a teacher nothing can present the greatest potential weakness to a class or student then having the same type of instruction each day. I knew and stated several times in my contextual factors, student characteristics and design of the pre-assessment narrative that the middle school students where used to similar testing and assessment methods, but what I also should have noted that the classes where similar in instructional design. Creating routine, according to Wong, is a good thing, but I do not think creating routine in instructional guide and design and implementation is good. I believe that students perceive this to be the signs of a weak teacher, which is not true, and they become turned off by such. This to me is an indirect need, wherein this only potentially limits students if it is continuously practiced. So when I set out on this journey I made the decision to incorporate various instructional methods and designs. As you will recall I cited in my instructional implications the characteristic pertaining to student special needs. While I do have a number of students with IEPs, 504, and Limited Language Proficiency, it just so happens that in this class I did not. So as such I could not include, for authenticity purposes, information pertaining to meeting the needs of students with special needs here. Technology and copy paper in my school are like real money, you can barter for and with it, you can extract promises and favors with it, and it ultimately sets the tone for what you will plan to do for the week. But aside from that I stated in my contextual factors that technology was somewhat limited in the school and it had to be shared across grade levels and booked in advance, especially on Mondays and Fridays. However, as I am working with the science teacher and there is a significant push for STEM and incorporating technology into the science classroom, so attaining the computers or getting the lab for the day is not overtly difficult, plus my cooperating teacher is one of the most senior teachers in the school. I feel that the need for technology in the classroom is directly correlated to student learning and supporting student learning. As I stated earlier my students thrive when they are using technology in the classroom, so for me as a teacher knowing this I want them to have access to it as much as possible. I found that incorporating technology, whether it be in using a PowerPoint lecture as oppose to having me write the notes on the board is a tremendous advantage. With a PowerPoint lecture you as the teacher are not bound to be at the board all the time and rather you can move seamlessly through the classroom and interact with the class at large, not just those in the front. Another example of technology used to support student learning, one that I specifically incorporated was having my students visit the natural history museum and interact with the exhibits through the free 52 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 virtual tour. Here my students where excited and motivated, and wanted to continue with this and even wanted to organize a trip to Washington DC to see the actual museum. So I definitely feel and have examples of ways I incorporated technology and resources into the classroom. However, had I been able to get the technology a few more times during the unit I may have had the students work through a few more websites and complete a webquest I had wanted to work on. Subpart IV: Assessment Materials Figure 3.4A Pre-Assessment Total Points: 17 points available Time: 3 minutes per station – 6 stations – 18 minutes total Graffiti # 1: What do you see? Directions: Look at the picture below and answer the completion questions at the end. Number and write your answers on any space of the paper. A word bank is provided for you. Put your name next to your answer to receive credit. (1 point per – 4 points total) Word Bank Sediment Fossil Paleozoic Mass extinction 1. This is an image of a dinosaur __________. 2. Scientist theorize that some 65 million years ago the Earth suffered a(n) ________________, that wiped out the dinosaurs. 3. Dinosaurs lived during what is known as the _______________ era of history. 4. The outer covering that often encases animal and plant remains, such as the one in the image above, is formed by layers of ________________. Graffiti # 2: How old is it? Directions: Read the question below and answer it in the space provided. List the answers in the accompanying numbers below. Place your name next to your answer to receive credit. (1 point per technique – 2 points total) 53 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 There are numerous different techniques that scientists use to determine just exactly how old an object is. List 2 of these techniques here. 1. 2. Graffiti # 3: Rocks, Fossils, and Soil… Oh my! Directions: Read the statement below and provide a definition for each of the fields in the context. Write the definition next to the word and place your name next to your answer to receive credit. (2 points per definition – 4 points total) Science, as you already know, is not a single area of content, but rather a rich field of differing disciplines. Two of these disciplines or areas include Paleontology and Geology, define each of these fields using what you have already learned. 1. Paleontology – 2. Geology – Graffiti # 4: And we think we don’t age well? Directions: Look at the image below and then read the statements below it and determine whether it is True or False. Write True or False on the paper and put your name next to your answer. (1 point per – 2 points total) True False 1.) The Earth once looked liked this some 500 million years ago. 54 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 True False 2.) This theory of a “Super-Continent” was proposed by Alfred Wegner. Graffiti # 5: How old is OLD? Directions: Read the question below and write your letter answer anywhere on the paper. Place your name next to your answer to receive credit. (1 point) This topic has recently come back to center stage with Bill Nye “The Science Guy” making the claim that science students need to be aware of how old the Earth actually is. So how old do you think it is? According to generally accepted theories the Earth is approximately how old? A. 10,000 years old C. 1,000,000 years old B. 100,000 years old D. > 1,000,000,000 years old Graffiti # 6: More then just dirt and soil? Directions: Look at the image below and number and label the four layers of the Earth’s crust – don’t worry about exact order, just the names. Write your answers in sequence and please be sure to number them from outer most to inner most. Make sure to put your name next to the accompanying answers provided. (1 point each – 4 points total) 1. 2. 55 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 3. 4. Figure 3.4B Post-Assessment Name______________________ Date___________________ Class_______ Directions: Read each short answer question below and respond. Your response should be in complete sentences and at least 1 paragraph (five sentences) long. Use specific vocabulary we have used in the unit and any additional materials we used to support your answers. Points: 66 points Time: 80 minutes 1) Describe the four-step process by which animals or plants become fossilized. (10 points) 2) What is the difference between absolute dating and relative dating. Provide 2 applications of each. (4 points per definition and 1 point per application – 10 points) 56 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 3) How are Paleontology and Geology similar to one another? How might they be different? Do they have any commonalities? Construct a Venn Diagram in the space below to demonstrate the connection, if any, between the two fields. (2.5 points per differences – 5 points and 5 points for connections – 10 points total) 4) Alfred Wegener theorized that all Continents were once connected together – forming the “Super-Continent”. Explain 1 observation that lead to this belief. (10 points) 57 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 5) Based on what you have learned thus far in the unit, how old is the Earth? Explain any proof or evidence that tells us that this is true. (4 points for age and 6 for explanation – 10 points total) 58 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 6) List the four parts of the Earth’s crust and provide a description of what distinguishes it from the others. (2 points per part and 2 points per description – 16 points total) 1. 2. 3. 4. Figure 3.4C Virtual Museum Tour Name ______________________________ Date ______________ Natural History Museum Tour Directions: Today you will be taking a tour of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, located in Washington DC. Follow the tour guide sheet provided below with the list of exhibits you will need to visit. At each site you will have to answer 2-3 questions about specific connections to class work. You may proceed to visit exhibits in any order you would like. Tour Guide List: Below are the list of exhibits you will need to visit to complete your tour sheet. To find your way around the museum you can simply look at the top right corner and click on one of the three boxes (ground – first – second) which will then provide you with a map on which you may click on to move to a different exhibit. The location of the exhibit will also be provided along with the section, as listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fossils: Dinosaurs 1-6 (1st Floor – Red Section) Geology, Gems and Minerals: Earth and Rocks 1-2 (2nd Floor – Purple Section) Fossils: Plants 1-2 (1st Floor – Green Section) Fossil Lab (1st Floor – Blue Green Section) Fossils: Mammal 1-2 (1st Floor – Orange Section) Ice Age 1-2 (1st Floor – Blue Section) Human Origins – Select any two specific parts you would like (1st Floor) 59 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Getting Started: Begin by going to and find the desktop virtual tour button. Once you click the button you will be brought to the tour page (Rotunda Exhibit) is the opening exhibit. From there you may click the map to move along the tour (Top Right Corner). Interacting during the Tour: Throughout the tour you will have eight icons in front of you the entire time. Each icon will help you navigate through the museum (turning, zoom, up/down view, etc.). During the tour you can also hold down the left scroll key and scroll right, left, up and down to see a 3600 view of the exhibit or area. You will need to use the map – found by clicking the floor level in the top right corner – to easily make your way through the museum. You will also notice the arrows on the ground throughout the museum, these will lead you to the next part of the museums programed tour, so they will not be used during the prescribed tour here. Finally, the museum has camera icons in certain exhibits and areas (they are hard to spot sometimes) click them to get a better view of certain parts of the exhibit, this will be needed at some points to get a better idea of what is happening. Questions: Read the questions below for each part of the exhibit. Answer the questions in the space provided. After you have completed the questions you may explore other parts of the museum as well – highly recommended! A. Fossils: Dinosaurs 1-6 1. Based on your knowledge of Earth’s time scale and geology, what Era in Earth’s history are these animals most likely from? 2. At the center of the screen in Fossils: Dinosaurs 2 what do you see a large representation of? Do you agree with the way the scientists who designed the exhibit set this up? Why or why not? 3. Name three of the Dinosaurs you saw in this exhibit (their names where clearly posted). Provide 1 fact about each based on the exhibit descriptions. B. Geology, Gems and Minerals: Earth and Rocks 1-2 60 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 4. In the Earth Exhibit shift the screen around the room and find the red, yellow and grey display that states “Where Plates Pass By”. On this display is a question about why earthquakes shake California, summarize the answer they provide. 5. Based on what you learned from the Rocks 1 and 2 exhibits – why do you think that it is important for geologists to study rocks and rock formations. Provide 3 facts as to why and proof to support the statement. C. Fossils: Plants 1-2 6. The plant fossils do not appear to be as detailed as the dinosaur ones or the other animal ones. Why do you think that might be? Provide a hypothesis as to why you think the plat fossils lack the same detail and effects the animal fossils have. 7. Weigh in: Which is more important to have a fossil record of animals or a fossil record of plants? Why? 61 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 D. Fossil Lab 8. What do you think is happening inside the Fossil Lab? What is the purpose of having it displayed? Would you want to conduct an experiment or scientific test inside the lab? What would it be about? E. Fossils: Mammal 1-2 9. Look closely at the fossils you see in this exhibit. Do you see any fossils that could potentially resemble animals we see today? If so, which animal was it (you will be able to find a name) and what animal does it resemble? What scientific process might this prove? 10. According to your knowledge of Earth’s Geological Time Scale in what Era did mammals emerge (first appear)? How might this be significant to or connected to the end of the Age of the Reptile? 11. Compare and contrast – with 4-6 examples – the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras, in terms of the emergence, rise and dominance of reptiles and mammals. Then provide a connection to how birds fall into the evolutionary time scale. 62 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 F. The Ice Age 12. As you are looking around the exhibit there are several prompts and questions and statements on the walls or pillars. Look at 3 of these prompts and describe what is being discussed. 13. There is something very similar about the animals found in the Ice Age events in Earth’s history. What is so similar about each of these animals (just look at the fossils, the animals are ….)? Why do you think this may be? G. Human Origins (Your Selection) 14. What exhibit did you visit specifically? Why did you choose this one? 15. What are 5 things you learned about early humans from this exhibit? Obviously, you learned a lot more then 5, but you only need to select 5 that you believe are most significant. 63 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 16. Why do scientists want to study early humans any way? What is the goal of studying early life and the origins of mankind? Figure 3.4D Geological Time Scale Lab Name ___________________________________ Date ________________________________ Modeling Geological Time Questions: How can we investigate change through geological time? How can we design, construct and interpret a model of geological time including the major events in Earth history? Prediction: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Materials: 1. Adding machine paper roll, 5 meters long 2. Meter stick with centimeter and millimeter gradations. 3. Science Journals Procedure: 1. Review concept of “scale”. 2. In groups complete problems showing the major events in Earth history from years before present into scale distances. You are converting millions of years into millimeters. Remember : 1 millimeter = 1 million years 3. Measure out 5 meters of adding machine paper, using a meter stick. 4. After the listing all the events and their scale distances have been formulated, construct the geologic time scale on a 5 meters of adding machine paper, beginning with present day Earth. Questions to think about as you work in your groups: 1. Why would geologists, paleontologists and other scientists create such an elaborate and detailed scale? Any benefits to doing something such as this that may help further our understanding of the Earth? Create your own hypothesis of why we this scale is used and what benefits it provides for scientists. 2. How does this scale work? What are we actually attempting to measure by using the scale? 3. Compare the scale we are using here to the scale that you would find in a doctor’s office or at your house. What are the similarities and differences you see? 4. Look at the events you will be mapping on the scale. What do you notice about them? Is there anything significant about them? Or could you think of a few more events that should be included, but are not? 5. Creating a scale such as this is clearly an example of what kind of scientific dating method? Define the method and how it is an example. 6. Can you think of any other models we may use in our every day lives to help us see things we may not have 64 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 otherwise known about or understood? Look around the room and see what you come up with. Conclusion: After you have finished creating your scale go back and look at the questions again and see if you need to make any changes to your answers. Particularly look at your hypothesis, do your expected results align with what you are seeing and learning in the lab. Practice Problems: Convert the following measurements to practice setting up your scale: 1 millimeter = 1 million years 1. 1 millimeter = ___________ million years 2. 5 millimeters = ___________ million years 3. 10 millimeters = 1 centimeter = ___________ million years 4. 1000 millimeters = 10 centimeters = ___________ million years 5. 1000 millimeters = 1 meter = ___________ million years 6. 416 millimeters = ___________ years 7. 3 meters = ___________ years 8. 100 million years = ___________ millimeters 9. 1000 million years = ___________ millimeters 10. 1 billion years = ___________ meters 11. 428 million years = ___________ millimeters Convert the ages of events below into metric units for your scale. For every 1 million years passed mark off 1 millimeter on the scale. Event The Present Ice Age begins Earliest Human Dinosaur mass extinction Earliest Birds Volcanic activity on the East Coast of the US Dinosaurs emerge as dominant land animals Mammal-like reptiles Earliest Reptiles Appalachians being formed Earliest Amphibians Scorpion-like terrestrial animals First animals with shells Million Years before Present 0 1 2 65 Distance in millimeters (mm) Distance in centimeters (cm) Distance in meters (m) 160 190 200 210 285 290 370 415 580 65 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Multicellular organisms evolve Oldest known bacteria Earth formed 700 3500 4500 Figure 3.4E Lab Report Guide Name ___________________________ Date ________________ 6th Grade Earth and Time Lab Title: Modeling Geological Time Question: What was the essential question we where trying to answer through our laboratory exercise? Hypothesis: What was your prediction for this laboratory? Materials: What materials did we use for this laboratory? In what amounts did we use them? Use specific scientific names for scientific materials. Be sure to include specific details. Procedure: How did we accomplish this laboratory exercise? What was the specific sequence of events and approaches we used to complete this laboratory? How did we set certain sequences and procedures up? Be sure to include the details of activity from beginning to end and write transitions from one step to the next. Tell the story of the lab experiment, what did you start with, where did you go next, how did you finish? Results: What did our experiments yield? What data did we collect from the lab? Where there any charts we completed, calculations we computed or graphs we created? Be sure to include these calculations, charts, and graphs in the report. How did these results give us our answer to the question? What about conversions and that chart? Your results will give you the information needed to make conclusions about your lab experiment and provide you with the ability to make inferences, so it is important to be as detailed as possible! Conclusion: What happened in your lab exercise? Was your hypothesis correct, if so why was it correct? If it was not, provide reasons as to why it was skewed. What was the purpose of creating this time scale? What where we attempting to create or to model? What can we learn from this exercise, how so? How does this scale work – in terms of how might it be used or how could you use it? How does this scale compare to the scale you know that we use to weigh things? What is so significant about the events on the time scale? Why include these events and not other major events in the Earth’s history? Why did we use the specific materials and calculations we used? How is this scale an example of Relative Dating? Why not absolute dating? What happened in the lab exercise that brought you to these conclusions and ultimately can you tell us why it happened and what we learned from it? Figure 3.4F Rubric Compilation for Unit Formative Assessments Time Scale 1 Time Scale is disorganized, torn, or otherwise not presentable. Scale has numerous and obvious mistakes and misrepresentations. Sequence of events is not in line with actual occurrences. Miscalculations or misunderstanding of representation evident. 66 2 Time Scale is marginally presentable, but still is not neat. Scale has several obvious mistakes and misrepresentations. Sequence of events is somewhat out of order of actual occurrences. Few miscalculations or misunderstanding of representation present. 3 Time Scale is adequate in neatness and is somewhat presentable. Scale has very few mistakes and misrepresentations. Sequence of events is mostly in order of actual occurrences. Presents with very minor miscalculations and figures. 4 Time Scale is organized, neat and very presentable. Scale presents free of mistakes or misrepresentations. Sequence of events is in line with actual events and occurrences. Calculations and figures are accurate and correct. Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Conversion Chart Lab Report Group Work On Task The majority of conversions are incorrect or present with glaring gaps of understanding. Several conversions are incorrect or present with obvious gaps of understanding. Report presents with missing or omission of several components. Grammatical errors are present throughout and in conjunction with the use of incomplete sentences. Overall the report demonstrates lack of scientific understanding. Student did not demonstrate ability to work cohesively within a group. Student did not contribute to the group as outlined. Report contains few on the outlined components. Written work presents with numerous grammatical errors and does not use complete sentences continuously. Overall the report demonstrates developing scientific understanding. Student showed marginal aptitude in ability to work within a group. Student contributed minimally to the group work as outlined. During the lab I was not on task. I did not complete my work as expected and I did not remain on task the majority of the time during the lab. During the lab I was somewhat on task. I did complete my work as expected with some persuasion and did remain on task to an extent. The majority of conversions are correct and very few are incorrect or present with only marginal gaps of understanding. Report contains nearly all components. Written work presents with very few grammatical errors and uses primarily complete sentences. Overall the report demonstrates emerging scientific understanding. All conversions are correct and present without evidence in gaps of understanding. Student showed developing ability to function within a group setting. Student contributed the majority of the work expected. Student demonstrated ability to work cohesively within a group setting. Student contributed as expected to the group work outlined. During the lab I was consistently on task. I did complete my work in a timely and orderly fashion. I remained on task all of the time. During the lab I was mainly on task. I did complete my work as expected with little persuasion and remained on task the vast majority. Grade: ________ Report contains all needed components. All written work is grammatically correct and uses complete sentences. Overall the report is complete and demonstrates scientific understanding. Comments: Figure 3.4G Review Sheet for Summative/Post-Assessment 6 Grade Chapter 9 – Earth and Time – Review Sheet th Vocabulary Geology Lateral Continuity Mesozoic Era Eras Dendrochronology Inclusions Paleontology Radioactive Dating Paleozoic Era Original Horizontality Element Faunal Succession Relative Dating Cross-Cutting Cenozoic Era Absolute Dating Geologist Pangaea Superposition Precambrian Era Fossil Half-life Paleontologist Geologic Time Scale Concepts Compare and contrast Relative Dating and Absolute Dating – Similarities and Differences – Uses and specific methods. List and explain each of the methods of Relative Dating Explain what and how tree rings can tell us about time and climate Explain radioactive decay and its effects on unstable elements Calculate the age of rocks using the half-life of uranium (4.5 Billion Years) as your basis. Describe the fossilization process and how fossils can become a part of a rock. 67 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Describe the history of rocks in the Grand Canyon using vocabulary from the unit. Design a time line of Earth’s geological history, including the four Eras (how long each lasted, specific dates) and specific events and/or organisms within these Eras. TWS Part IV: Evaluation and Analysis of Student Learning Subpart I: Posttest and Narrative The post-assessment (figure 4.1A) was created and designed in such a way, so that the goals and objectives of the unit could be clearly and concisely measured. As with the pre-assessment I found that in some ways the traditional “basic test” assessment would be challenging, in terms of measuring goal and objective attainment. While I do feel that traditional assessments are excellent methods of measuring student achievement and tracking student growth throughout the unit, I felt that for the purposes of this sampling the post-assessment should be an open-ended assessment. As you follow through the post-assessment you will find that it is very much so reflective and identical, in a manner of speaking, to the pre-assessment. This was done so intentionally as to provide a means of tracking and monitoring student growth precisely. By creating a similar, rather then identical assessment, I felt that I was able to assess not only the influence of prior knowledge, but also the emergence of newly gained and formed knowledge, which would be evidence of learning. Another advantage, I found, was that by utilizing an open-ended format I could in fact modify some of the questions, and in some cases have these questions call for higher order thinking. According to Bloom’s taxonomy, these questions would be found in areas such as analysis, synthesis, comprehension and application, which furthered my belief for the need. While the assessments may seem distinct, or even disconnected, they are in fact direct and connected subject materials and matters from the unit, and as such are reflective of one another. The questions in the post-assessment call for measures of both prior knowledge and application of new or learned knowledge, which in this blended state allows for a clear connection to be made. The pre-assessment, which as explained earlier, was designed in such a way to reflect what I had learned from my contextual factors research, wherein I discovered that students would have learned similar materials in a prior grade, hence would have prior knowledge. However, this level and depth of subject matter would have been distinctly different then that which was going to be learned in the current unit. So as such I decided that there needed to be a clear divide between the two assessments, so that emerging knowledge could be measured while also accounting for prior knowledge. The post-assessment nonetheless allows for a clear measurement of the goals and objectives of the unit, similar to that of the pre-assessment. Here the assessment questions, or prompts in the pre-assessment, are aligned with the unit goals and objectives clearly and concisely, so that they are easily quantified and measured. So that once students completed the assessments the overall scores would not be a factor in determining learning, or at least not to a great extent. The idea is that since each question reflects, directly, a single objective in the unit plan the objectives could and would be measured by a means of determining students’ abilities to answer each question, hence 68 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 meet the objective, effectively. Ultimately the student’s score does not factor in to the assessment of objective attainment as much as their individual answers to questions. This allows for a clear method of measuring student objective attainment while providing quantifiable and hence measureable data. Students where given credit for objective attainment once they had provided a completed answer to each question, and for the purposes of this data if a student was to score partial credit, which occurred frequently, they where not credited with objective attainment. This allows for the student to be rewarded for providing and demonstrating some aptitude, but so that data would not be skewed. In total 19 students completed the post-assessment, 11 males and 8 females, ages 11-13 years old. Within this 6th grade class there are not any students with classified IEPs, 504s or limited language proficiencies, so I did not create a modified pre- or postassessment. However, had there been any modifications or accommodations needed I would have identified them and followed the guidelines within the classifications. Such accommodations and modifications might have included extended time, differentiated instructions, orally disseminated assessment, or modified questioning. The post-assessment was administered in the science classroom, the usual setting for assessment administration. The directions of the test where read aloud for the class, but the assessment questions where not, as students where instructed to read through the assessment prior to the start time, after which questions could be asked aloud. The assessment was administered over an 80 minute time period, equivalent to one instructional block. The teacher provided students with basic directions: eyes on your own papers, books away, write in complete sentences, etc. The teacher also provided a brief motivation for the class, reassuring them of their capabilities and reminding them of all the formative assessments in between. Students where assigned seats during the assessment period, wherein there were two students per group table and a physical divide was placed between them. The physical divide, I feel, serves as a deterrent for students, who in desperation, may feel the pressure or need to collaborate in a misguided manner. This is not a way of accusing students of possibly cheating, simply an affirmation by the teacher that cheating or collaborating will not be tolerated. While this administering of the assessment went very well, I did find that students enjoyed the open-ended questions more so then say multiple choice questions or completions. I noticed that they would write very long detailed answers and after the conclusion of the assessment I mentioned this to a few students, who readily replied that these types of assessments where a lot better for the students because they can put down as much as they want and even if they do not know the answer entirely, partial credit is available. The assessment does not have rubric accompanying it as it is an open-ended questioning assessment. Rather the assessment was scored out of a total of 66 points, wherein students could receive between 10 and 16 points total per question. Also as this was an open-ended assessment students could receive partial credit for work completed that demonstrated emerging levels of understanding, analysis, recall or such, i.e. describing 2 of the 4 steps in the fossilization process, or listing 1 of the 4 layers of Earth’s composition. This is done so that students can be credited for demonstrating emerging levels of learning and to avoid demotivation of the students on future 69 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 assessments. In hindsight a checklist could have been incorporated into the process, such as having a list of the objectives and their reflective questions, or something to that extent. However, I did not consider one for the assessment, but I can see the value and potential for one in future assessments, hence the reason why I believe learning never ends. Figure 4.1A Post-Assessment 6th Grade Earth and Time Unit Name______________________ Date___________________ Class_______ Directions: Read each short answer question below and respond. Your response should be in complete sentences and at least 1 paragraph (five sentences) long. Use specific vocabulary we have used in the unit and any additional materials we used to support your answers. Points: 66 points Time: 80 minutes 1) Describe the four-step process by which animals or plants become fossilized. (10 points) 2) What is the difference between absolute dating and relative dating. Provide 2 applications of each. (4 points per definition and 1 point per application – 10 points) 70 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 3) How are Paleontology and Geology similar to one another? How might they be different? Do they have any commonalities? Construct a Venn Diagram in the space below to demonstrate the connection, if any, between the two fields. (2.5 points per differences – 5 points and 5 points for connections – 10 points total) 4) Alfred Wegener theorized that all Continents were once connected together – forming the “Super-Continent”. Explain 1 observation that lead to this belief. (10 points) 71 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 5) Based on what you have learned thus far in the unit, how old is the Earth? Explain any proof or evidence that tells us that this is true. (4 points for age and 6 for explanation – 10 points total) 72 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 6) List the four parts of the Earth’s crust and provide a description of what distinguishes it from the others. (2 points per part and 2 points per description – 16 points total) 1. 2. 3. 4. Subpart II: Narrative and Graphic Representation By and large student learning was clearly evident from the results of the postassessment as well as from the comparison of data compiled from both. Assessments. For instance, the average test score improved drastically from a 54% average on the preassessment to a 71% average on the post-assessment for the whole-group, figure 4.2C. Later on we will find similar improvements in student scores and objective attainment in both the whole-group and sub-group established. Below is the compilation of data from the post-assessment alone; keep in mind that the numbers assigned to students in the preassessment will be maintained here as well for clarity and confidentiality reasons. Figure 4.2A Score Distribution Post-Assessment Student Score 001 92 002 86 003 79 004 73 005 77 006 73 007 64 008 70 009 64 010 64 011 58 012 71 013 76 73 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 014 015 016 017 018 019 58 79 65 64 73 64 Figure 4.2B Distribution of Post-Assessment Scores Post-Assessment Score Distribution - 6th Grade Post-Assessment Scores 100 1 80 2 3 4 5 6 60 7 8 9 10 12 11 15 13 14 16 17 18 19 40 20 0 0 5 10 Students By Number 15 20 As is evident by the scores in figure 4.2A and 4.2B, when taken in comparison with those found in 3.1A and 3.1B, pre-assessment data, growth in terms of score improvement is evident. The averages and the students score distribution became exceedingly more concise, such that the scores range was noticeably more in line then in the pre-assessment. However, while the scores may reflect higher achievement on the post-assessment, I believe that some variables need to be analyzed before we can continue to compare the scores in more detail. First of all, while the assessments where distinctly different, to a degree they where quite similar, which was more so related to the questioning order in terms of content. Meaning, that while the questions themselves where distinct and distinguished between the two assessments, the content was identical in all facets, meaning that some discrepancy in higher scores could be attributable to similarity. Second, the students were informed prior to the pre-assessment that their scores would not count for or against them, so some of the low scores in the pre-assessment could have been attributed to lack of motivation by way of lack of consequence. For students finding out that a test grade has essentially zero implication in a resonating manner in terms of their grade would certainly dwindle their motivation. While it is important to note that students where also informed that their unit planning and design would be devised based on these results, in order to provide a motivational factor, however I would speculate that those implications did not convey the same sense of responsibility as a grade would. Additionally, the pre-assessment was designed to draw prior knowledge, which was resonating from the 4th grade, during which these students last experienced this. So 74 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 while this was clearly a means of measuring student growth and a method to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses with the subject matter, the focus and objective were intertwined with past experiences, so the students’ expectations of themselves are not as great as if this was new material. This is very much so true, and even though I as the teacher had high expectations, the students themselves did not hold themselves to these. Below is the score distribution comparison data from the pre-and post-assessments. Figure 4.2C Pre- versus Post-Assessment Scores Student Pre-Assessment Post-Assessment Score Score 001 88 92 002 82 86 003 77 79 004 77 73 005 77 77 006 71 73 007 71 64 008 65 70 009 59 64 010 59 64 011 59 58 012 47 71 013 47 76 014 41 58 015 29 79 016 24 65 017 18 64 018 18 73 019 18 64 Average 54% 71% Points Improvement +4 +4 +2 -4 0 +2 -5 +5 +5 +5 -1 +24 +29 +17 +50 +41 +46 +55 +46 75 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Figure 4.2D Pre- versus Post-Assessment Distribution Pre-Assessment v. Post-Assessment Scores Comparative Scores 100 1 1 80 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 60 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 16 17 14 18 19 14 15 20 Series3 15 13 12 13 40 Series1 16 17 18 19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Students Nevertheless the data is still communicating to us, as we find that, upon comparison, other areas of student growth were evident, particularly in terms of objective attainment. On average we find that the average scores and the distribution of scores align much more so in the post-assessment then they did in the pre-assessment, which is the emergence of learning and evidence to the fact. However, for our purposes the measurement of objective attainment was much more so critical then the measurement and comparison of scores. As the scores demonstrate and communicate student learning in a very subjective manner, wherein the scoring differences where attributable to several factors explained above. So we must measure and compare the attainment of unit objectives in order to quantify and hence measure student learning. The objective attainment measurement, is explained as follows from the opening narrative from section four, subpart one of this TWS: The post-assessment nonetheless allows for a clear measurement of the goals and objectives of the unit, similar to that of the pre-assessment. Here the assessment questions, or prompts in the pre-assessment, are aligned with the unit goals and objectives clearly and concisely, so that they are easily quantified and measured. So that once students completed the assessments the overall scores would not be a factor in determining learning, or at least not to a great extent. The idea is that since each question reflects, directly, a single objective in the unit plan the objectives could and would be measured by a means of determining students’ abilities to answer each question, hence meet the objective, effectively. Ultimately the students’ score does not factor in to the assessment of objective attainment as much as their individual answers to questions. This allows for a clear method of measuring student objective attainment while providing quantifiable and hence measureable data. Students where given credit for objective attainment once they had provided a completed answer to each question, and for the purposes of this data if a student was to score partial credit, which occurred frequently, they where not credited with objective attainment. This allows for the student to be rewarded for providing and demonstrating some aptitude, but so that data would not be skewed (Seeback TWS pp.69). Below are the results from the objective measurements for the post-assessment, as compiled through the methodology listed in the above text. 76 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Figure 4.2E Objective Measurements – Post-Assessment Objective Total Student Attainment 1 16 2 6 3 15 4 8 5 13 6 10 Percentage 84.2% 31.6% 79% 42.1% 68.4% 52.6% Figure 4.2F Objective Attainment – Post-Assessment 20 Post-Assessment Objective Attainment Student Attainment 16 15 15 10 13 10 8 6 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Objectives As you can see from figures 4.2E and 4.2F student objective attainment was quantified and measured using the methodology previously described. The objectives that were attained in the post-assessment show direct evidence of student growth and of student learning throughout the unit, see figure 4.2G and H for the direct increases. These measures however, cannot stand alone and as such we must compare our pre and postassessment data of the objective attainment, which can be found below. Figure 4.2G Objective Measurement, Pre- and Post-Assessment Comparison Objective Pre-Assessment Student Post-Assessment Change Total Student Total 1 9 16 +7 2 2 6 +4 3 15 15 0 4 5 8 +3 5 11 13 +2 6 5 10 +5 Average 7.8 Students 11.3 Students 77 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Student Attainment Figure 4.2H Objective Measurements, Pre- and Post-Assessment Comparison 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Pre- v Post-Assessment Objective Attainment 16 15 9 6 2 1 15 2 8 5 3 4 13 11 10 5 5 6 Objectives From figures 4.2G and 4.2H we find that in addition to student scores improving, figures 4.2A, B, and C, the students attainment of objectives has similarly improved. We see an increase in 5 of the 6 objectives, with the exception of equal number of students attaining objective 3 in both assessments. So from these results of the whole-group, figures 4.2 A-H, we can safely conclude that a measureable amount of learning has occurred throughout the course of the unit. Of these results we see that not only have the students raw scores improved, jumping nearly 20 points on the average, but also we find that on average the students attainment of objectives has increased almost 4 students per objective. With this I am forced to ask how does this formatively prove that learning is occurring in the classroom, is it simply the increase in measurements we see in the data comparison, or might it be something else. Subjectively I could easily state that learning was evident in the classroom as the unit progressed, however this would be the result of personal and professional observations, and as any good science teacher knows subjective information cannot be quantified, hence cannot be measured, and ultimately is not considered data for these purposes. So with this in mind I believe that measuring students’ scores from pre-assessment to post-assessment, as well as measuring their ability to attain objectives, qualifies as data for evidence of learning. From these results we can then say that learning not only occurred, but in fact was measureable and very recognizable from our findings. Had it been the case that, for this whole-group of 6th grade students, the scores and averages on the assessments increased I would have surmised that learning occurred and was recognizable, however I believe this would be insufficient for our purposes. Rather I believe that with the inclusion of the measurements of objective attainment from both assessments we can say with a level of certainty learning has occurred. Prior to this work sample I would have been the first student teacher to argue that learning happens all the time and measuring learning is too subjective. However, as it stands at this point in time I believe that learning is in fact a measureable piece of data and one that should be computed and quantified regularly. Data is driving our schools and the education system of today, so it only makes sense that we take this time now to practice the quantification and measuring processes that we will need in the future. 78 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 As the class that was subject to this unit measurement and evaluation for the work sample does not have any children with special needs I identified the sub-group for assessment evaluation in section 3 of this work as gender. In the pre-assessment measurements of these sub-groups, figures 3.1E-K, we found that there was a deviation in the genders in terms of attainment of objectives and scores on the pre-assessment. We also noted a pattern and a reason for this variance, in that there are fewer females then males in the class, which provides for some statistical misinterpretations. However, we do need to address the data collected as a result of the post-assessment, in terms of gender. Below is the data compiled from the post-assessment, without comparisons just yet, for the gender sub-groups. Figure 4.2I Raw Post-Assessment Data Male v. Female 19 Total Students 11 Male Students 8 Female Students 70.6% Male Average 71.8% Female Average 94%-58% Male Range 88%-64% Female Range 94% Male Highest 88% Female Highest 58% Male Lowest 64% Female Lowest Figure 4.2J Post-Assessment Male versus Female Scores Male Student Scores Female Student Scores 92 86 79 73 73 77 70 64 64 64 71 58 76 79 58 73 65 64 64 79 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Figure 4.2K Post-Assessment Male versus Female Score Distribution Post-Assessment Male v. Female Scores Post-Assessment Scores 100 1 1 80 2 2 3 3 4 4 60 7 7 6 5 8 6 9 8 10 11 40 Series1 20 Series2 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 Students 7 8 9 10 11 Figure 4.2L Post-Assessment Male versus Female Objective Measurements Male Female Percentage Percentage Percentage Student Student Male v. total Female v. total Male v. total Attainment Attainment males females students 9 4 8 5 5 7 7 2 7 3 8 3 47.4% 21.1% 72.3% 45.5% 45.5% 63.4% 36.8% 10.5% 87.5% 37.5% 100% 37.5% 81% 36.4% 42.1% 26.3% 26.3% 36.8% Figure 4.2M Post-Assessment Male versus Female Objective Attainment Post-Assessment Male versus Female Objective Attainment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 Student Objective Attainment Objective 2 7 7 7 5 5 4 Series1 3 3 2 1 80 8 2 3 4 Objectives 5 6 Series3 Percentage Female v. total students 87.5% 25% 36.8% 15.8% 42.1% 15.8% Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Figure 4.2N Post-Assessment Male Objective Attainment Post-Assessment Male Objective Attainment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 Student Attainment 7 5 5 4 5 4 1 2 3 Objectives 6 Figure 4.2O Post-Assessment Female Objective Attainment Post-Assessment Female Objective Attainment 9 Student Attainment 8 7 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 0 1 2 3 Objectives 4 5 6 Upon review of the gender sub-group of the 6th grade class we notice that female students scored slightly higher, on average, then their male peers in terms of raw scores on the post-assessment. This could be due in part to the fewer number of female students in the class or in part to the closer range they maintained on the score distribution. Regardless, as we know the true measurement of learning, for our purposes herein, is the attainment of objectives. The objective attainment for the post-assessment produced a similar trend compared to that found within the pre-assessment, which was female students successfully achieved objectives at higher rates then male students, on average. While this may be attributable to the difference in in total number of gender composition of the class, 11 males and 8 females, this could also be assessed as females on average out performed male students. 81 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 In the post-assessment data, in figures 4.2K-O, we find that female students and their male peers where within an acceptable range of each other in terms of percentage of objectives attained, in both the whole-group and sub-group comparison. That is compared as a whole-group males have a higher percentage of objective attainment in comparison to their female peers, however in order to insure the data is sound and this is not the result of the unequal number of male to female students in the class, we compare the subgroups to one another. Here the percentage of attainment is calculated so that the female students are compared, in percentage of attainment, to the other female students, rather then their male peers. When we calculate in this respect we find that females and males are in an acceptable range, as stated previously, and we find that males succeeded in attaining objectives 2,3,4 and 6 at greater rates then females, while female students attained objective 1 and 5 at greater rates then their male peers. This is similar to the trend that was noted in section 3.1 of the work sample, wherein females attained objective 1 and 6 at greater rates, while their male peers where much more successful at attaining objectives 2,3,4, and 5. The comparative results of the gender sub-group in terms of pre- and post-assessment can be found in the compiled data below. Figure 4.2P Male versus Female Pre-and Post-Assessment Assessment Score Distribution Pre-and Post-Assessment Gender Sub-Group Analysis 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Pre-Assessment Male Pre-Assessment Female Post-Assessment Male Post-Assessment Female 1 2 3 4 5 6 Students 82 7 8 9 10 11 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 Figure 4.2Q Male versus Female Pre-and Post-Assessment Objective Attainment Pre-and Post-Assessment Objective Attainment within Sub-Groups 10 9 Student Attainmenmt 8 7 6 Male Pre 5 Female Pre 4 Male Post 3 Female Post 2 1 0 4597 2042 8787 3253 7458 2373 1 2 3 4 5 6 Objectives As we can see detailed in figures 4.2 P and Q, the attainment of objectives, i.e. the true measure of learning for our purposes herein, was accomplished with a much greater success rate as well as volume in the post-assessment. Here we see that the male postassessment attainment increased in every instance, comparing blue and green bars, as well as the fact that female students increased in every instance of objective attainment possible. And it is with this objective attainment that I would surmise and ultimately conclude that learning had occurred. Throughout the unit, as is evident by section 3-subpart 4 of this work sample, I designed and administered several assessments for the class. As a result I have reviewed a lot of assessments throughout my time with the class, and ultimately what I did notice was that the students where progressing throughout the unit. They where not progressing in terms of better grades and higher scores, but rather their grasp and knowledge of the unit materials broadened with each lesson and assessment. While the data from my formative assessments will provide concrete numbers and figures, something else of note that I used as an informal assessment throughout the unit was participation. Not in the sense that I recorded and graded their participation, but rather in the sense that the students daily would produce new ideas and by the end of the unit they where capable of having detailed student facilitated discussions. Other formative assessments, all of which are included, where used to identify how students where progressing through the unit in terms of how well they where applying the knowledge and what areas they where struggling in. Ultimately what I found was an emerging and developing understanding of the unit over the course of the lessons, culminating in the post-assessment. One of their prior assessments, the museum tour RACES model paper, did produce the highest scores and the greatest demonstration of learning in comparison to all of the other formative assessments as well as both the preand post-assessment. The students appeared to have made a real connection with the material and contents of that assessment, and because of the nature of the assessment, i.e. 83 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 technology and the fact that it was a tour, may have aided in supplementing those grades. Overall there was definitely an increase in assessment scores and objective attainment (informally assessed) throughout the unit, however the culminating summative score, the post-assessment may not have reflected that to the extent desired. Rather this was not the desired outcome, but that notwithstanding I do believe I have evidence and grounds to make the claim that learning did occur. As you mine through the massive quantities of data in this work sample, you will undoubtedly notice that I have well over 25 graphs and charts, which contain a lot of information about the unit and the summative results. So as we review the data we find a few key points to focus on: first students’ raw scores from pre-assessment to postassessment increased 20 points, figures 4.2A-C, while only 3 students scored lower on the post-assessment then pre-assessment (on average 3.2 points less). Second, in terms of objective attainment we find that on average from pre-assessment to post-assessment that almost 4 more students met each objective on average, figures 4.2G and H. Finally, we see in the sub-groups, figures 4.2 I-O, that each gender group has not only increased from scores on the assessments, but the attainment of objectives is significantly higher as well. With all of this in mind, all the data, facts and figures, I would conclude that in fact learning had occurred in this unit. The results are certainly clear and by every measure I would vehemently state student learning occurred, without question. So the question now becomes why do I think learning occurred, which to me is not a fair question to ask. This is because no matter how we word it, it will always sound like we are describing ourselves as great teachers. Why does learning occur may be one of the hardest questions to answer, as the correct answer is either the teacher was successful, the student was successful or the teacher and the students where successful. In my opinion learning happens when students are motivated, eager and well managed, so that they can meet the challenges and objectives of the unit, lesson, or class. So in some respects yes, being a good teacher helps, but I also believe a large part of learning has to do with rapitore and engagement with the students, from a teacher’s perspective. In this idea the students learn as a result of the mutual and shared respect for one another, wherein the teacher and the student know their roles in the learning contract. I am a strong believer in the learning contract, wherein the teacher and student both agree that if they meet their end of the contract learning will occur all the time. I believe that these students learned for a number of reasons, including rapitore with myself, content, and varied instruction/assessment. With all of these components I feel that learning is eminent even with the newest teacher. However, I will say that trying to figure out why learning happened was a challenging part of this narrative, as I never really thought fully about the implications of such. TWS Part V: Reflection and Self Evaluation At the very onset of this journey we where presented with this TWS document and a variety of instructions and timelines and so forth. When you look through this document initially you are naturally intimidated by the depth and degree in which you have to complete this assignment. However, in my humble opinion the hardest part about the TWS was writing everything out and completing all the written sections. The research, the design, planning, and all those other items on the teaching agenda where 84 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 going to be done regardless of what happened, but it was actually constructing them into a narrative that was the hardest part. In fact as I am writing this now I know that some of my peers have long since completed the work, but I on the other hand had all of the work completed long ago, but putting it into this form was a challenge. When you first view the outline and begin to think about the hours you will need to put into this you are certainly discouraged, having thought that this semester would be about teaching in practice and less in theory. However, when you begin to compile the research and implement the plan and review the data and final reflect on the outcomes one thing becomes quite apparent which is that this is where theory meets practice. And at this juncture of theory and practice we find that in order to be the best teacher in practice you need to apply the theory and utilize what you have learned from it. The TWS has most certainly impacted my skills as a teacher, as I now know and understand the value of data in terms of student scores as well as the value of knowing your teaching community. While much of the mission of Seton Hall’s teacher preparation program is to prepare reflective and conscious teachers, this idea seemed to be applicable only in the philosophical sense, not so much the practical sense. However, the value behind this philosophy in terms of practicum is clear and evident when you begin to teach. The importance of the contextual factors in respect to the impact they have in both the practical and philosophical sense of teaching is evident early on. There is a lot that has been said throughout the TWS thus far in relation to the power of knowing thy students and the instructional implications that arise as a result. But at the onset this is difficult to understand why you would need all of this community information, student information and so forth. Allow me to digress, I feel that when you first set foot in the classroom as a student teacher you have this ideal in your mind of what kind of teacher your going to be and what you are going to do. However, after your first few weeks of teaching you realize that these thoughts are not true so you begin to construct entirely new ones based on practice alone, almost entirely ignoring theory. Finally as you move through again you realize through reflection that this cannot be the optimal format, so you create this blended ideal a place where practical and philosophical intertwine, and in this you realize the value of the contextual factors. What the contextual factors have been for me and the impact they have had on me in terms of teaching is that they have allowed me to understand the value of applying practical experience with theoretical knowledge, wherein the result is a complex teaching style, completely unique to you. A second implication that the contextual factors have had on me professionally is delivering the message of importance of knowing who will be in your classroom. At the onset I saw very little value in the contextual factors, but as I began to teach more and more and realized how important it was to know who was in my classroom and what role that plays in instructional design I was astounded at how wrong I really was. In almost every aspect of my life I am very instinctual and have always relied very heavily on my own assessment of situations and have gone with my inner feelings, without doing a lot of preparation and research. I think this is clear when I first started to teach and I struggled with writing lesson plans because I felt they where scripts to be read and followed verbatim, which I felt limited me. When I got comfortable enough and knew my students better through research for the contextual factors this allowed me to construct lesson plans and use them as a way to plot the weeks work, and wrote simple outlines for the lessons, but mainly relied on my own natural abilities as a teacher. So if asked I 85 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 would definitely say that the value in the contextual factors, not only in having them and researching them, but in applying them in practice is invaluable to a teacher, especially a new teacher. And this will be something I certainly do next year when I begin to teach myself. The importance and impact of using pre-and post-assessment initially seemed to be a very confusing subject for me. While I am not that far removed from the classroom myself as a student I do not recall any pre-assessments being administered, let alone assessments given on new materials before we began. So as a result I failed to see the implications and value of using them. However, once I was in the classroom and could see the value in using them, especially in respect to collecting data and using that to design instruction in conjunction with contextual factors. This experience of using preassessments will definitely serve well for teachers in training, as most of the interviewers we met with during principals night asked about this. The climate and trends of schools is certainly changing, and teaching is not so much an art form as it is a science, wherein data and measurements guide the teacher throughout the planning and implementation process. As for post-assessments as a student I was fully aware of the trend or cycle wherein you were taught the lessons and then asked to take a test about it. However, without the pre-assessments given prior I do not know how teachers could measure student learning, as there was not a benchmark for measurement. As a new teacher I am seeing the value of pre-assessments and the meaning of post-assessments and the need to measure each and connect them together as a way to demonstrate and understand student learning. As a new teacher I plan on taking this one step further and using these measurements to reflect on instructional design for future classes, wherein I can review the data and see what worked and what did not and identify areas of strengths and weakness in the lessons and planning. As a science person or science teacher or science student, I have a deep affinity for data and results. In the classroom I preach, in a manner of speaking, about the use and application of the scientific method in all parts of life, especially outside the classroom. So when I have the opportunity to analyze data that specifically pertains to student learning I will jump at the chance to see how far my students have progressed. The method of measuring this progression is quite simple and not as tedious and intricate as one would perceive at the onset of this assignment. It can simply be analyzing and comparing students scores and attainment of objectives from the initial pre-assessment to the final post-assessment, as well as the assessments in between and the informal assessments we use daily in the classroom. When I was participating in the principal interviews one administrator asked how often would I assess students, to which I responded as often as I felt necessary to gauge and measure student growth and in terms of time every week or so. Now had this question been posed to me 14 weeks ago I would have said something entirely different and to which would have probably cost me a job. But now with this knowledge from the practicum, the assessment courses, and my experience in general I know that student assessment must be done with a degree of regularity and that assessment does not always have to be a formal written work, but can be how well students answered questions or how well they completed the do now at the opening of the class. I have found through all of this that student assessment comes in many shapes and forms and is not limited to a paper and pencil test or a creative project and so forth. Rather assessment can be something as simple as noting that a certain 86 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 number of students where unable to answer this question in class or a select student had trouble making a real connection to the lesson. All of this information is speaking to you as the teacher and is telling you how well your students are learning. The implications far extend just the class you have now, but will have repercussions on future students, as you should be reflective of your work and how you plan and implement lessons, in respect to what you could do differently and what your strengths and weaknesses where in this unit or lesson. So that if your students do not do as well as you hoped your immediate thought should be what could I have done differently, not to go right along and just blame the student or blame the time of year or the subject matter, but rather look at your work first and foremost. If I where afforded the opportunity to teach this unit again I would have allocated more time to instruction then I did. In this unit we needed to move rather quickly do to the time constraints of the TWS and the fact that my student teaching involved five other classes. While we spent more time on the unit then I had originally planned for I would have allocated about three or four more class periods for this. I believe this would have allowed for us to address some of the objectives more in depth while also allowing us to spend more time on some of the highlight lessons. This in turn I believe would have produced increased student learning more so then we had seen. Aside from allocating more time to the unit I would have incorporated one or two more formative assessments, maybe a quiz or a small reflection paper, so that I could identify to a greater extent student strengths and weaknesses. This would have ultimately lead to increased student learning, I believe, because the results of these formative assessments could have been incorporated with the other formative assessments given during the unit. Specifically if I could have administered assessments based on some on the objectives directly I believe this would have lead to increased student learning. In addition to concrete formative assessments I would have also taken more detailed notes pertaining to student performance of learned skills and application of new knowledge and used these as informal assessments, with a higher degree of rigor. Specifically I would have recorded which students did well and where successful in answering and completing the opening lesson do now’s as well as detailing in greater depth student participation. With these measures I believe I could have determined with a higher degree of accuracy students strengths and weaknesses in respect to unit materials. While it is often the case where we believe that more data is always beneficial, it is even more so paramount that this data be correct and meaningful. So with this in mind I would have not only taken more detailed observations and notes for informal assessments, but I would have also created a rubric for this data, so that I could easily quantify it and hence measure it. It is only natural that with hindsight we would have adjusted our procedures and methods and ultimately changed or modified our approaches, but with this it is also important to keep in mind that knowing this now can also serve a greater purpose in the future for both myself and my cooperating teacher. With this knowledge I know that if I had to ever teach this unit again I would do some things differently, but I would also keep a lot of the approaches and methods the same. For my cooperating teacher she could ultimately decide to use this as well as either a new method or approach to teaching the subject, or in determining what and how worked. Ultimately the lesson here is that no matter what you do as a teacher you should always reflect on it, even if everything went 87 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 smoothly and student learning was great and evident, there is always something you can reflect upon and decide whether or not to change. We as educator need to keep in mind that learning never stops, and as teachers we can learn from a variety of resources, but the most important one is to learn from our own reflections. While I do believe whole-heartedly that reflection is an attribute that is very necessary to be an effective teacher in the 21st century, I am finding that being reflective, like most anything in this profession, comes with a great deal of practice. As it stands today I am a much more reflective teacher then I was 14 weeks ago, however I know now that even after this experience I am still not able to be the most reflective individual. That is not to say that I will never be highly reflective, rather this is my ploy that reflection takes time to develop, just like assessment writing and classroom management. So with all this in mind I would say that my performance could have plausibly impacted learning in my students. I believe my performance could have impacted their learning in several ways, including some obvious notions. First, I believe that my background allowed for a very smooth transition into teaching, as I have been coaching professionally for over 6 years now, and have even considered making coaching my career. So with this smooth transition I feel that I came into this experience with more then the average student teacher would, especially in areas of motivation, student understanding, and communication. With this experience and knowledge I seamlessly transitioned from observer to teacher and with very little lag. This definitely played a role in impacting student learning, wherein I came in with all the tools to effectively work with students, so I could focus more so on learning other aspects of the profession. The summative result here is that I was able to utilize my prior skill set in the classroom and ultimately was able to impact learning from the very beginning. As a coach motivating young people is something that you have to be great at, as it can make the difference between winning and loosing. So with 6 years of motivational experience I was able to adapt these skills to the classroom with ease. While my methods may have been different the knowledge and foundation was present, so much so that I found it easier to motivate students then my own athletes. I would also like to believe that the variety of lessons and formative assessments throughout the unit also contributed to student growth and impacted student learning. As someone who was educated in middle school by teachers using similar, if not identical, methodologies I feel that variety of instruction is important to the development of student growth. Using the same lecture and lab style day in and day out certainly has its own merits, but in varying instructional approaches I am able to provide my students with much more diverse and detailed lessons, while still teaching the content. I would attribute this skill from my courses at Seton Hall this year, wherein we learned about the importance of varying instruction and assessment, so that students will be further motivated and engaged. In addition I have also found through my own reflections as well as the evaluations and observations of my supervisor and cooperating teacher that I have a high level of student engagement. I believe that the best teachers are those who can and do put themselves in the students’ seats, and who can reach them on their level. With this ability and aptitude to engage students on their level I feel that I definitely impacted student growth and learning. While engagement may seem like a natural attribute one would assume all teachers need to have I have found teachers who lacked this skill. And in 88 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 general these are the teachers who could not reach students and ultimately failed to produce growth. Throughout our education we can all recall a favorite teacher or a few select teachers we will always remember, and my thought was that those where the teachers who really made a difference. And with this knowledge I felt that being an engaged and on level teacher would serve my students best, rather then a good content teacher who lacked the skill set to reach students. Finally, I believe that my passion for the subject matter and content helped promote and produce student learning. While it is no secret that I have a deep affinity for the sciences I wanted to make sure that this was communicated to my students. This passion helped produced the desired outcomes of this work sample, because students, in my opinion, understood and recognized my passion for not only education, but for science education. And it is through this I feel that I made an impact in student learning. I have reiterated this time in again that as teachers we ourselves are students, who have committed to a lifetime of learning and education. As teachers learning never stops and as such we need to be embracive of this steadfast truth. With this in mind I have set several goals pertaining to learning for myself as a result of this experience, goals that I feel will not only make me an optimal, effective and formidable teacher, but also are goals that will contribute the consistent improvement of myself and my skills. The first goal I have set for myself is to be a reflective teacher consistently and continuously, one who looks at his work daily and assess the strengths, weaknesses and general merit of the lesson, unit and all other parts of the instruction. We have talked about teachers and their need to be reflective of their own work, and from this we know that good teachers never blame anyone else when students fail to meet the goals and objectives. Rather a good teacher is one who looks at themselves first and foremost and places the blame fully on themselves when students do not demonstrate learning. With this idea of being a good, reflective teacher comes not only the down fall when students fail to meet goals and objectives, but also comes with the trumpets and tribulations when students succeed and learning is evident. With this first goal I hope to discover my own strengths and weaknesses in the classroom and in my design of instruction of my own accord. Meaning that I will reflect on these attributes with out the aid of a supervisor or cooperating teacher prompting me. This is a two-fold goal as being reflective is a fine attribute for a teacher to have, and one that needs to be more evident in the profession. But along with this reflection comes implementing the changes you feel you need to make. So with this my goal is to not only be a strong reflective teacher, but a teacher who takes these reflections and implements the changes necessary to better teach. We often find that a lot of things in life go hand in hand, so knowing and identifying the problem is one component but making a real change is what is the ultimate and summative goal of reflection. My second professional learning goal pertains to remaining true to my philosophy of education, in which I believe a teacher never stops learning. While it is important to use your own personal and professional reflections as learning tools, other such tools exist and should be considered. For instance, throughout my experiences I have found that teachers can learn from students, other teachers, and administrators in addition to themselves. I have partaken in several professional developments all of which pertain to increasing knowledge of methodology as well as subject matter. This is especially critical in the field of science, wherein what may be the general concensious today will be 89 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 incorrect or insufficient knowledge tomorrow. In the field of science so much is changing as technology is evolving and we have learned so much that our understandings have changed greatly in just the last century. Being aware that science is a dynamic and evolving field of study is key to the science teacher of the 21st century, who in addition to remaining current with new thoughts and studies must also be apprised of the latest and emerging technologies. So with this my goal is not only to be the best teacher I can be, but the best science teacher I can be by learning and studying the latest thoughts, theories, research and so forth. In making a commitment to being a good teacher I would also make the commitment to be a good science teacher, one who is knowledgeable of the content and understands the changing landscape that is the scientific community. I hope that by demonstrating my commitment to being a lifelong learner that my students themselves will be motivated by this profound thought and become dedicated to continuing their education past my classroom and into college. I know that at this point in my life I do not have all the answers nor do I understand every single part or aspect of science, but I hope in the next 10, 15, 20 years I can say I have progressed and that I still have this affinity to continuing my education then as I do now. Learning never stops, we all know this, but putting it into practice is the key. Time and again I have said in this work sample that being a reflective teacher is a great attribute, but the true challenge is in implementing the needed changes to your practice. For instance, during my evaluations by both my cooperating teacher and faculty supervisor I have learned that one area of minor weakness in my performance is time management. Now, as a new teacher when you think of time management almost any situation can come to mind, such as too much time on task, too little attention to the class length and so forth. So what I began to do was chart my time after each lesson, noting specifically how long it took for lesson dissemination, instructions, directions, transitions and so forth and would seek responses from my cooperating teacher. And as a result of these undertakings I found that my time management in the classroom improved drastically, which lead to an additional gain that I had not foreseen, specifically in respect to classroom management. Being reflective and implementing the needed changes is certainly an area that I know I will continue to improve upon and consistently monitor for the span of my career in the profession. This improvement of reflection will begin with constructing and continually utilizing the skills learned in this TWS, specifically as it pertains to reflecting on student growth and student learning. I plan on spending my first years in the profession creating a method that allows for analysis and monitoring of student learning in measureable means, wherein I can reflect upon not only the subjective observations of the class, but also the measured reaches of student learning. In doing so I feel that I will be the reflective teacher I want to be and will be able to have the needed evidence of student growth and diminish. I would also like to formulate a method of reflecting on these measurements wherein the summative goal is to have a means of seamlessly integrating the findings of the data and the reflections into the classroom. With this method I believe I will be able to create a clear approach to being a continuously reflective teacher. In addition I would also like to implement a system in my own classroom of student reflection, wherein the students can provide me with their own feedback as to their feelings of the instruction 90 Seton Hall University Spring 2013 and assessments. With this I believe that I can become the reflective teacher I want to be in the future. As part of my professional growth plan, specifically as a science content teacher, I would like to improve and build upon my formal education. A part of this will begin next fall as I continue my studies in the masters program at Seton Hall, but I would also like to find a program to build on my science education. I plan to spend the next few years broadening my science education in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics and physical science so that I can be the most well-rounded science educator I can. This will begin with professional developments, workshops and ideally culminate in attaining additional degrees in the science fields. A large part of the reason why I wanted to be a teacher is because I always had a deep seeded affinity for learning and the classroom environment. As a strong believer in the idea that learning never ends I would like to continue my education to the greatest extents I can, which may mean formal and informal training in different areas. While science as a field may be vast I hope that over the next 5 years I can develop a deeper understanding of the subject and therefore become a well educated educator. I believe this will open many doors in terms of professional growth as well as create a classroom environment of diverse and profound scientific education. Learning never ends and “be the change you want to see in the world” (Gandhi) are two very important motivational ideals I hope to define my career by. As I do strongly believe that change begins with each of us and we ourselves have the power to change the world everyday. But as teachers we have a calling to change the world in even more profound ways then politicians, doctors or other leaders. We are educating the future and we are all capable of making a difference in this world. When we where asked to construct our philosophy of education, we were told to find the real reason we became teachers and to avoid the typical responses. However, my response from the beginning has always pertained to changing the world and as a teacher I believe the power to make changes and cultivate a great generation is in our hands. We have the tools and the means to impact and make a difference in our world and it is the time to implement these means. 91