AP Spanish Final Project/test grade Nombre__________________________ 2013-2014 Post AP Project. Haremos este proyecto en la sala de clase. Opción 1. Usando la app Bookcreator, escribe e ilustra en español un libro de entre 15 y 20 páginas para niños de 7-9 años. El tema del libro debe tener algo que ver con asuntos actuales que se relacionan con la vida contemporánea1. La historia tiene que ser sencilla y didáctica y explicar al niño/ la niña una situación que se resuelve. Cada libro tendrá entre 15 y 20 páginas. (Ejemplo: El tema de ‘energía alternativa’ – Unos estudiantes participan en una excursión escolar visitando un edificio con paneles solares. Luego ellos investigan maneras de juntar fondos para instalar tableros solares en su escuela.) You have to export the book into the iBook format and put a copy into dropbox on/ before May 23 – [Seniors on/ before May 21]. On the day due, you will present it in Spanish to the class. requisitos Title/subtitle Plot Characters 3 2 1 The title reflects well the The title does not refer to The title is misleading theme and ties in with your the core idea or is not topic clear The plot clearly reflects a The plot is good/connects The plot is weak and hardly well thought out idea that with the theme but the connects with the theme helps children understand the idea would be difficult for topic. a child The characters are attractive There are good characters, There are few clearly defined and carry out well the story but they don’t tell the characters story. Booklet and The iBook looks good with The booklet doesn’t look Incorrect format. No or few Pix clear pictures and helps great and pictures don’t meaningful pictures children understand the plot match the plot well Vocabulary The sentence structure There are basic grammar There are some good and grammar reflects great Spanish with errors and the vocabulary sentences, but the overall pertinent vocabulary is limited. grammar and vocabulary are poor. Overall 1 The book is a good The book is a fair but There is confusion with the statement and teaches rather weak statement of ideas presented and a child children well about the how a child can learn the might miss the point theme. theme altogether. el ciberacaso, la protección del medio ambiente, la energía alternativa, las pandillas, la inmigración, los retos de la salud, el racismo, los prejuicios, la conservación del agua, la pobreza, los morales, etc. AP Spanish Final Project/test grade Nombre__________________________ 2013-2014 Opción 2. Escribe y graba una película que muestre algo típico de la cultura de los jóvenes de los EEUU. Compartiremos la película con los estudiantes en Nicaragua y el Perú. Por eso es importante que sea algo que les interese. Incluye una apertura interesante en que alguien te filma a ti y tu describes los motivos del proyecto y después, graba la acción2. Tienes que entregar tus ideas antes de hacer la película. Usa la app iMovie, Explain Everything, u otra app que te sirva bien. Due on/ before May 23 – [Seniors on/ before May 21]. On the day due, you will present it in Spanish to the class. Rúbrica: requisitos Title/subtitle 3 2 1 The film title and first The title and first frames The title is misleading and frames clearly explain in do not refer to the core those viewing the film can’t Spanish what you are doing. idea or is not clear possibly get what you are doing Plot/outline Characters The plot clearly reflects a The plot is good/connects The plot is weak and hardly well thought out idea that with the theme but the connects with the theme helps children understand the idea would be difficult for topic. a child There are clear characters in There are good characters, There are few clearly defined the movie but they don’t all play a characters role. Actual The movie’s purpose is clear The purpose is not clear Incorrect format. No movie/power and the scenes convey a good and the scenes do not significant message point message convey the message they set out to tell Vocabulary The spoken language reflects There are significant There are some good and grammar grammatically correct Spanish numbers of errors in basic sentences, but the overall with pertinent vocabulary grammar and the grammar and vocabulary are vocabulary is limited. poor – “errores fatales.” The film gives is a good The film is a fair but There is confusion with the statement and teaches rather weak statement of ideas presented and a child children well about the how a child can learn the might miss the point theme. theme altogether. Overall 2 puede ser de * una excursión, * una reunión de un club, * algo del campus de SJC – incluyendo los deportes, entrevistas con los estudiantes de la cafetería, etc. AP Spanish Final Project/test grade Nombre__________________________ 2013-2014 Opción 3. Usando la app Bookcreator, prepara un guía para los estudiantes que participarán el la clase de AP Spanish Language and Culture en 2014-2015. Basa tus ideas en la experiencia del examen personal del 6 de mayo, lo que era necesario este año incluyendo las mejores estrategias para tomar el examen, etc.3. You have to export the book into the iBook format and put a copy into dropbox on/ before May 23 – [Seniors on/ before May 21]. On the day due, you will present it in Spanish to the class. Rúbrica: requisitos Indice capítulos 3 The book covers well the various aspects of the exam – see footnote 3 Each chapter describes one or other aspect of the exam and now to prepare for it. 2 The book fails to touch on each aspect of the exam 1 A large portion of the details are missing The description of the exam is not clear The directions are vague There are clear examples There are some good and some weak examples There are few clearly helpful examples The book explains well how to master the skills needed The suggestions are not that practical There are few helpful strategies offered ejemplos estrategias 3 The guidelines should focus on 1) using the text as a solid guide, finding and using the publisher’s on line resources, developing good reading comprehension, 2) sharpening up the skills for reading passages and answering questions; 3) tips on using the information in graphics; 4) strategies for increasing skills for listening/audios en español; 5) acquiring facility for writing the short messages – following every instruction given; 6) writing thesis statements and then developing an essay based on information gleaned from three sources [a reading, a graphic/chart, and the given audio file]; 7) preparing to record presentations – practicing reading aloud; 8) developing the ability to incorpórate your own eperience into comparing your own culture with that of people in the Spanish speaking world; 9) strategies for doing the 2 minute presentations; 10) strategies for getting proficient in the conversaciones dirigidas. AP Spanish Final Project/test grade Vocabulary and grammar Overall Nombre__________________________ 2013-2014 The book addresses strategies for acquiring a strong vocabulary and grammar base Incomplete strategies Poorly addressed strategies Comprehensive study Doesn’t give a good handle on the test Poorly communicated Opción 4: Diseña un juego de mesa – pueden usar juegos que ya conocen y/o crear nuevos que sirvan mejor el objetivo de enriquecer el vocabulario y revisar los puntos más importantes de gramática. Cada juego tiene que incluir – una tabla, 4 fichas, las reglas para jugar[puntos, etc]: 1. 75 o mas tarjetas de vocabulario que se pueden usar para avanzar hacia el gol de cuadro en cuadro en la tabla. [tarjetas del verano se pueden usar] 2. 25 – 30 Tarjetas de gramática [you must make these up, number them, and have an available answer key on a separate printed paper] con que el/la estudiante puede ganar puntos especiales por explicar y/o dar ejemplos4. [you need to provide an example sentence where the player has to complete the sentence with the correct noun, adjective, or article, translate one or two words that you put into English, or provide the correct verb form. YOU MAY NOT SIMPLY ASK A QUESTION SUCH AS ‘conjugar estar en el pretérito,’ nor HAVE THE PERSON TRANSLATE A SENTENCE FROM ENGLISH TO SPANISH or Viceversa.] 4 Puntos de gramática pueden incluir: cláusulas de si [presente y pasado contradicción], participios pasados irregulares, formación de los tiempos de los verbos, uso de la ‘a’ personal, usos del infinitivo [dos verbos juntos, preposiciones, después de varias expresiones, etc], clausulas de nombre, adjetivo, adverbio con el subjuntivo, género de nombres irregulares[mano, ----dad, -----tud, -----ión, problema, dilema, idioma, sistema, poema, programa, etc], uso de imperfecto subjuntivo después de ‘como si’, usos de por y para, expresiones idiomáticas, verbos muy irregulares en el pretérito[ir/ser, poner, poder, saber, venir, ver, dar, decir, traer, conducir, producir, estar, tener, andar, querer, hacer], imperfecto vs pretérito, expresiones impersonales, verbos después de los cuales se usa el participio presente, verbos como gustar[importar, parecer, faltar, quedar, encantar, etc.], amigos falsos [asistir/atender, tiempo/vez, darse cuenta/realizar, aplicar/solicitar, decir/hablar, oír, etc.], maneras alternativas en que se puede escribir una frase sin usar ‘tú,’ ‘nosotros,’ ‘ustedes,’ ‘yo,’ y OTROS PUNTOS QUE TÚ NECESITAS REVISAR. AP Spanish Final Project/test grade Nombre__________________________ 2013-2014 3. Un gol que cada jugador(a) tiene que alcanzar y que representa aptitud excepcional requisitos Game board directions vocabulario grammar Overall 4 The board has a theme from the world of those who Speak Spanish The directions are clear and reveal a well thought out plan 3 The board is not easy to use or clearly marked 1 The board does not work with the bame The directions are confusing There are no directions There are clear examples of god vocabulary and the words represent advanced levels The cards contain a good base of grammar especially geared to advanced learning The words are from Spanish 2, 3, 4 There are few enriching vocabulary words Not a good representation of higher levels Incomplete Comprehensive study Doesn’t give a good handle on advanced concepts Poorly put together