Moravské kroje

Ride of the kings, Burning witches and Walpurgis Night,First
May The time of love,Feast, Halloween,Barborky
Even in the last century can ride Kings
substantiate almost all of Moravia. Today
has been preserved in its original form in
only one village - Slovácký Vlcnov - and
here annually performed in almost
unchanged form. On ribboned horses go
around boys - conscripts - an ancient
village, causing verses in honor of the
king and his request to giftedness. The
king is 10-12years old boy that goes in the
old woman's costume guarded by two
aides with drawn sabers.
Vlcnovska tradition beautified glory of
kings ride local costumes, lavish
decoration of the royal procession and
folk poetry, ringing in the form vyvolávek
riders. At the same time it opředla
legends that explain the custom in
connection with the war of the Czech
King George of a Hungarian king
Since the Middle Ages, it was believed that
there are days where evil forces have greater
power than ever. This is true for example for
night time of 30 On April 1st May. Belief in the
evil forces, as old as humanity itself, over time
turned into a superstition that the devil can
power on earth to apply only through people witches and wizards. In defense against
witches are burned at high places fire.
Over time, the annual fire was "burning
witches". Youths set fire to brooms and
throwing them up, apparently in order to see
how witches fly on broomsticks in the air. At
midnight before St. Philip and James, ie 1st
May the forces of evil have power to harm
people could be found numerous treasures.
However, to seeking action before the wicked
forces defended, had to carry a flower of fern.
Until now preserved in the Czech tradition of
burning fires.
 On May 1 should be kissed
a girl under a cherry
blossom that was still
beautiful. The Prague
lovers are directed first on
May Petrin to put flowers
at the memorial to Karel
Hynek Macha (1810-1836),
Czech romantic poet who
wrote a poem May. The
poem tells of the tragic love
between two young people
and is part of Czech
classical literature.
 In the fall, when all the crops
were harvested, it is time to have
fun. Earlier lasted from Sunday
to Thursday and invited to her
cake - "invitation". On the table
was meat, poultry, cakes,
pastries. They ate, drank, feasted
and danced and sang with.
Today, the majority of
municipalities in which the
feast, arriving pilgrimage. In
addition richly laid table with
festive baked cakes. They are
round in shape often 20-25 cm
large, brightly decorated, poppy
seed, jam, cheese, raisins and
 Since 998 is reminiscent of
the first deceased holidays
and second November. In
some localities the hell
special bread called
"Halloween", beggars,
pilgrims and all poor
 Today, the memory of the
dead graves adorned with
flowers, wreaths and lit
St. Barbara's Day, which falls on the
fourth December used to be associated
with a number of folk traditions. The
most famous of these is the so-called
Barbors cutting twigs or barborky.
According to popular tradition, the 4th
December, with the first ray of sunshine
cut a twig from a cherry tree at least ten
years old and carried into the house
where she lived unmarried girl. If twig
blossom on Christmas Day, it meant that
the girl in the coming year will find the
groom. If bloomed earlier each day
marked shortening of the period of one
month wedding.
Today barborky cut especially Christmas
decorations to beautify the home.
Folklore (from the English folk lore 's knowledge) refers to expressions of
popular culture, which are
maintained at a certain ancestral
territory. Folklore can be either
verbal (eg, storytelling, and legends)
and music (singing certain songs
related to specific times eg), dramatic
(folk theater), or dance.
Folk rituals or habits cover a wide
variety of events. They often deal
with what is happening throughout
the year (harvest festivals, feasts,
Christmas, Easter) or during the
human life (birth, marriage, burial).
Basic types of costumes in Moravia basically
agree with the basic ethnographic regions.
Currently, it is known mostly stagnated at a
certain stage of development, only a few are
still alive. In Moravia, it's basically the
Moravian Slovakia (eg Podluzi Kyjovsko or
Horňácko which are still old women who have
in their wardrobe only the clothes they
normally wear. Others costumes, such as
Jihlava, suddenly disappeared from external
reasons. In this case, the reason for the
expulsion of the German population from
Jihlava. Old women in Czech and mixed
villages costume put off very soon after that
had been associated with the hated German
ethnicity. Mostly, however, is the
disappearance of wearing folk costumes
associated with the massive industrialization
of the country during the 19th century .
Folk music (folk music) is purely spontaneous
expression of folk musicality. It is a song and dance,
but also about the customs and traditions in which
music plays a significant role. Develops and
maintains oral tradition and its makers remain mostly
anonymous. The basis of European folk music is a
song. Many of the songs were so popular that it is
passed on for generations and became the most
natural and purest expression of the general
musicality, but at the same time also an invaluable
document of musical roots of the ethnic group. He
sings in one of the natural human needs and desires,
often about love, work and nature. Folklore and are
still produced in various parts of the world and in
many places is still the only musical expression at all.
Very vary by continent, country and traditions in
melody, rhythm and harmony and diversity used
musical instruments). While in some parts of the
world still lives and creates in some countries,
especially in Europe during the 20th century almost
disappeared. It is the result of the commercialization
of art that crunches through media globalization
average artificial music making anything similar
possibilities and methods of dissemination does not.
It's kind of inevitable that communities less
dependent on what we call civilization are more able
to develop the potential of their own musical roots